The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 30, 1906, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
K. A. 11ATKS, lVnusiiKK.
nt..r.'.l t tin- Hist.m.'uii PUttunoutli. N
liriixkit. u'i as uiatti r.
With the campaign oratory at its
lui;M. these are fine, days for air
ships an.l lut'pir balloons.
Tin; .hinoefctsot Nebraska favot
a tw- eei-.t passenger ral'.-. while
the u-publicans'. nre'siler.t on the
ijiu stion. Thk shoys vlm favojs
the r.tih.u.N. f ; . , .
"Hi sin;" lowN''t !''
his own euunty.'-O'iiitalo) am! it is
hinted by some who 'ctv present
from Ca'.s om:)ty that had it not
been for the popularity of Senator
Sheldon lie would not have pulled
Srei'ti: i; the democrats nominate
Mr. Hi van for president and ex
(lovernor Douglass of Massachu
setts, for vice-president in 1"03.
What a ticket it would be world
beaters, sure enough. Winners
too. The far cast and the far west
joined for reform.
Tin: kk is no end to the extortion
of the coal trust and the price has
1 f,.,rli 1 --r fl I Cl I tlM ri'tit ft
"llu ,l ," 7 .
ton each month since Spring and
vt the administration has m
no serious effort to punish the trust
magnates, who in combination with
the Tailroads arc plundering, the
people. . - v - . ,,
Oni- of our republican exchanges
notes the scarcity of dunes. e
have noticed the scarcity of all tie-
nominations of money, for some
time. Hut now'that our gold stand;
aid administration; is huyitig large
amounts debased silver for coinage
purposes we may expect plenty of
dimes in the near future." It will
mean 10 to 1 sixteen dimes 10 one
republican howl against
I low swiftly times do change!
Tin; republican state convention
ignored the committee on resolu-
tions, headed by h. 1). Richards of
Dodge county and R. 15. Windham
of Cass, w hich had previously been
ippointed to prepare the platform,
lint their labored production was
fomnlettlv riddled bevond recogni-
tion w hen the convention committee
got hold of it. Apparently both of
these stalwarts are
private citizenship.
consigned to
Clov. L.v Foujittb has acconv
nlished results in Wisconsin,
throihhispcrsistentdeterminatiou government suddenly making" a Pre
that railroad rates shall be regulated at 11,0 mamhtc of th,c,r
with fairness to both railroads and
shinnrn... The state railroad -coin-
mission 1ms reduced grain rate
one cent a bushel. The reduction
i nt sn rrVat: but it shows that
1 ro.lfid hf.n unnMs-
"t.i..- ' ' ' ' "' -'
... ... II. 11. 1
Wiiii i ... T iniirtln I'jcl . . Mil una.
day. the writer had the pleasure--of
meeting Charlefr-WV Pool, former
ed i torx5f ltitftaTarTcalln,
sell, y uich position I19, , was- com
pelled to relinquish .oit -itccouut '.o
ill health, and (.w.'a ftmir In the
west to recuperates At the, ryecut
count vO conventtoUo of the, deruo-
crats of Joluison;
' . it t
was juimiuateu tor rcprcsentauve,
ami the Journal ltopcs r.c will be
elected. He is an able juan, lion
est iu sentiment and dealings, and
would hold down the position of
member of the legislature, not only
with credit to himself but also with
credit to his supporters
JiopitiR, Charley.
1 Iere's
Senator Druois's prediction
that Albert 11. Cummins will lethe
next republican candidate for the
presidency is based upon tlio sup
position that Cummins will win '
the towa election this year," But
his success is more thau doubtful.
Success would make him so formid
able1 as a republican presidential
camlidntfj j - dial Fjnatof , tjljoiA'l
suggestion ii 'ohly kh'otlict1- itilc-
for the standpatters to trrife him
Mr: flrvTRAOE of Indiana de-l
e'.aics that the con ec'tloi: of itctnof
al business practices is a real issue
of the campaign, lias Mr. Roose
velt refused to be the, whole issue?
I hi kk are urtat many men
who formerly believed that prosper
ity was only found in u high pro
tective tarilT, who are beemlng to
feel that rain and sunshine make
the crops grow us well a tax. ,
'Vr, Mr. Speaker will be the
next I'ifhideiit," haid Mr,- Kom(
velt to Mr. Cannon. .The presi-
.lout is a pretty fair historian,
it pppears he i taking
eUaiKTU with Lis leputtion
3 n nutshell
If goods art
rhi'.iin r abvo.ul than tiiev are in
thjs country, the taiill is manifestly
an injustice to the American con
siimor. If they are dearer abroad
than they are at home, what is the
need of protection afforded by the
Pi.iokk you send in yatir dollar
to the congressional campaign fund
committee be sure that your man
stands right on the tariff. If he is
a stand-patter let some one else's
money elect him. You will need
the dollar to pay the higher price
on poods you buy of tariff-protected
UNct.U Sam has decided to use
biographic pictures of life on the
ocean wave to Induce young A men
cans to enlist in the iiavy, Recruits
, . . '
w ith courage to enter - the service
after beholding wliat Happened to
...... . .
Admiral Rojestve'usky's fleet when
the Japanese ,were busiest would he
valuable additions to our fighting
. t .... .. 1
Jt will make but little difference
who the republicans, nominate tor
governor today. While Senator
Sheldon would le very strong in
the eastern iart of the state, Shall
enberger will prove equally as pop
ular in the western part. It woul
be Nip and Tuck between these
two gentlemen, with the chances
in favor of Nip this year.
liin i.KMiK ei is W lun.i
I . .. r T
what Governor LaFollette is to
Wisconsin a thorn in the side of
the standpat republicans, lheelec
tion of Cummins as governor wil
kend him to the United States sen
ator where he w ill help revise the
tar i;V a thins the standpatters
themselves admit should lie done
after the trusts have leen satisfies
with a surtieit of prosperity
, In his speech at the Wymore re
union Friday, Hon. A. C. Shallen
berger truthfully remarked: V'
have had long enough the spectacle
of those in high places in our state
of oleruntttelaw "cy nave win
full' violated fo lot these raony
'er9- anJ at the san,c ti:ne hsvinR
their employes traveling about the
c "egleetti'-K its business, beg
K the political fortunes of
Itheir chiefs
It o.Miio fi. 1.mnfrit nf T11in-
I ii.i.ii.J V.- ..." . -
Iniij in r-ciin-pntuiii at IVnria vpsror-
t . ' ' , - ,
dav, tabled the resolution clernand
log -tUt . resignation o National
Cointmttenian Rodger C4 Sullivau.J
oftliicago. Jit the same time
resolution endorsing 1 William Jen
nings Kryan forthcprcsidcncy.wm
"adapted amid great , e'ntluisiasm.
1 Ulcor complication of matters in
llllIIUl. UIH Vllv ll.lil JUI
tabled this resolution, also, llryan
will not stand Sullivan on that com
Witu Mr. Cannon as Speaker,'
savs rresuient Koosevcit, me
house has accomj lished a literally
pheuoininal amount of good work."
In other words the speaker Raveled
through the house nil the ndininis
tration measures to the exclusion of
others; which, as the leaders" are
now finding out, the people and the
- masses of the republican party deem
in of greater value.. His claim that
the house should cotttintie under the
speaker's gag in brdef that the
Roosevelt policy may be worked
out! to the cud, is flie lcst reason
Vihy the house to be elected iu No
Wmbcr should be dne that will not
do Its work under his dictation.'-
Hod. A. C. Shallentierger.
That rip-roaring newspaper the
Kearney Democrat, which for years
has been w eak in its support of dem
ocraie candidates, and moress
fusion lcgan, has the following to
say regarding the democratic candi
date for governor; Tor the first time
since the democratic party in Ne
braska went into partnership with
the populist party on a division of
office, platform u real democratic
state convention was held at Lin
coin last week and a democratic
state ticket was named with one of
the best, brightest and ablest U.1jlH
in the t-tatc .us candidate for govern-j
or, lion .-A. C. -SliaHeubeigcr, 1 oH
Ainu, Harlan countyV 'Mr Shalj,;tr os; Mrntetlr; ,ttptt.ts-?j .
nan irom the Hull !;
I.- . . . l
i ;cl, and he i
was one of the best congressmen
the state has ever lud. . I Iu iti now
layor of that city. Mr. Shalleii-
erger is a banker, and he is also a
farmer, personally operating one of
the linest farm ranches in Harlan
conntv. lie is also one of the ablest
peakers in the state, always fair,
i i 4 11.
ami always torcioie m ueoaie.
There is not a reform measure ad
vocated and demanded by the peo-
!e of this state at this time but
what has been championed by Mr. j
Shallenbcrger for many years, both
in and out of congress, lie is not
a 'sham reformer, neither is he a
mushroom reformer. If the people
of this state nre in earnest in their
demands for a "square deal"
wtween the state government and
themselves, they will lose no time
or opportunity in announcing their
determination to elect A. C Shall
enbcrger governor of Nebraska.
The "web of corporation" is so
firmly and securely woven about
the political machinery of the
republican party of this state that
with even such a candidate as Mr.
Sheldon no specific reforms could
be brought about, and the only cer
tain way of changing the order of
things here is to disconnect the ma
chine entirely and place the head
of the state government in the hands
of a man who is entirely independ
ent of it and able enough within
himself to manage the state's affairs
in the interest of the people."
Whii.k the reitiblicans are look
ing around for suitable timber for
senator and representatives on their
ticket, it is just as well for the dem
ocrats to the same. The democrats
possess equally, if not better men for
these places than do the republicans
and men who can be elected to re
present Cass county ns it should be
represented. Let us be up and do
ing in this matter.
A. C. Shm.LUXHKRGER, the de
mocratic candidate for governor, is
one of the grandest uien in the state.
He was. elected to congress from
the Fifth district in this state, made
a record that shines like ajpolished
shield, and is one of the most bril
iant men in. the state, as courageous
as a lion aud a statesman, every
inch of htm. 1 -
.. . .. - - j . -... --i . .
An old republican qf Cass county
remarked in our hearing the -. other
day: "If the republican party in
Nebraska claims to be the anti-rail
road party v tthV then did they not
place a plank in theijc platform lav-
oritig two-vent pasM-nger tate?
The' rtibficati "attorney to whom
He directQ,l tliesc remarks, .cotiu
not give any reason, 'onlythat they
IlfSTJCR" 'UlioWN , will'.provr
a drawback to tlic cutlicrepublkar
state ticket. . His hypocrisy won't
wash with the common voters like
it does with the capital ringsters,
The tKOple never ilnl like a man
who attempts to carry water on hot!
Rosi:wati:r, from the tone of
the Dee since the convention last
wcck.Hs not feeling any too wel
over his defeat for United States
senator, and he isn't at all back
ward In letting his enemies know
that he has "it in'1 for them.
1 1
1 '
In letter to the editor of the
JourrJal, Hon. A. C, SuaUenbcrgcr
democratic! crldidato forgoLnor
says Ik cxpcctsovfsit rfattsinoull
iu a iry short time,,, )l will re
ceive'i most cordial greeting when
. 1 1 . ii'i.i
he arrives acre
,sSHSE4'Bt- 71 rrryr ly. -1- 1 - lH Mi , . , ,
3 w . c; u .V i i i 1 J, '
iwn i iwn irr win . i i n1 rr-n-J' "mT rr-T""""" " viJ
A Worthy Champion.
In the first speech of his campaign
tor governor Mr. Shallenbcrger
oldly tears the hypocritical mask
roin the face of "the republican
railroad corporation press," the
same press that Mr. Rosewater has
so happily branded "fake reform
ers. Mr. Shallenbcrger's speech is all
the answer that is required to the
preposterous charges that unscrup
ulous and. mendacious republican
newspapers have made against him.
Mr. Shallenbcrger stands for the
direct primary he stands for an anti
pass law "with teeth in it." as he
limself expresses it; he stands for a
more equitable taxation of railroad
property; he stands tor lower
freight rates aud an elective rail
road commision ,erupovered with
plenary authority''; he stands for a
two-cent passenger far-; above all,
ie. stands for driving the corpora
tions out of politics , in. Nebraska,
In a word, he stands flat-footed on
the democratic platform, a platform
tlut even its opponents have not
the temerity to criticize, and to
which they are about to pay the
sincercst homage that vice can pay
to virtue to-wit: imitation. And,
as.iswell known by . the democrats
who served on the. resolutions com
mittee; to Mr.' Shallenbargcr's'pcr
sonal insistence is .largely xlue. to
the fact that the platform . has, as
many teeth in it" as it has -
Himself a practical ' farmer and
stockbreeder " Mr.:' Shalldcnhar'ger
knows from experience the weight
of the heavy hand which .the rail
roads,. uuuej iue protection, ot me
4 .1
republican party,' arc lying on the
producers. He has' a practical
knowledge of the issues. . More
than that, he knows exactly where
he stands, and he has the courage,
the honesty and the independence
to'proclaim his position specifically
and with exactness before the
people of the state. Far from being
a ''conservative" democrat, as his
opponents have asserted, he is a
radical of radicals, as is shown
particulary by his outspoken ad
vocacy of the government owner
ship of railroads. Far from being
a trjtnmer, seeking favor from loth
sidu. he is an aggressive and un
compromising partisan who makes
nilpppeai soieiy 10 me rauicaianu
ntdijopoly scuUrueut of the state.
ifd democrat can read Mr. Shall
cnictger's opening address at Nor
folk without fceliflg tliat hjsu party
" t- "7?zrr
The boiler j.ictcrt ci a locornn'.lvc exposed to wear, wenthr r aiiii heat is made of sheet
iron, because for such purposes sheet iron is mors durable than sheet steel. The Majestic
Range is made o sheet ironuol steel for exactly the same reason.
It is a long step from locomotives to the range in pur kitchen, but the rci'.erlal of which
your range is made is of vital importance in your household economy less repairs.
Sheet iron cosU twice as much as sheet steel, but steel will rust, and cracks in your cook
ing apparatus means loss of heat, waste of fuel, and in a few yews the range is ready for
the junk heap. , ,-'.
In the body of all Majestic Ranges we now use Majestic Old Style Charcoal Iron.
The top and framework are made of Majestic Malleable Iron the iron that never breaks,
cracks or warps, and is so thin that you can do all your cooking without removing the lids.
The locomotive is compelled to stand up under severe tests ood looks will not draw a
train of cars. A range built to endure and Stand every test is the most economical range
that you can buy, and that rangf ie r y . " ...
The Majedic tf : :
deserves to be congratulated on its
champion. No true friend of re
from, no earnest enemy or railroad
rule, can read it, be he republican,
populist or democrat, without a
thrill of satisfaction that the banner
of reform is in such resolute and
worthy hands. World Herald.
A Tariff Dilemma.
Iowa republicans will need to
discriminate. In that state the re
publican factions are discussing the
question whether the party has
'cut loose from the president' ' by
nominating Cummins who is not a
stand patter. It does seem rather
unfortunate for the Cummins fac
tion to appear in that light, but
they will have to lay the blame on
President Roosvelt for deserting
them, and now being on the wrong
Side of the tariff issue. But a much
more imporant matter for the voters
of Iowa to discover is how the re
publican candidates, for congress
stand on the tariff issue. . Are they
pledged to "stand pat" and refuse
to revise the tariff! that is, carry
out the agreement made betweea
President Roosevelt, and Catinon to
a stand pat campaign? Or do any,
or all, of those candidates for cori-
grcss' stand with Gov.' Cummins!
who has been . for tariff revision?
It,, would seem that the republican
voters vi Iowa, who believe that
the tariff shelters trusts; will have
to use great discrimination1 when
they yote, and need "to" .question
their 'candidates for . congress as ,to
jvst , where they stand on the ta.iff
issue. To vote a, streight republi
cat! ticket forcongressmau would be
an endorsement of the "standpat"
agreement and be-looked upon as a
commander to put off tariff re
vision for an indefinite 'period.
The Republican Platform.
The Lincoln Star (rep.) objects
to the republican platform and says
that if it had been presented by
mistake to the populist convention
it would no doubt have been adopt
ed. About the only thing in the
platform which The Star approves
is the tariff plank, and this is a
plank which straddles the issue and
and says nothing. As one rcpubli
can says of it, ''The tariil plank is
neither a standpat nor. a revision
planlct" This straddle would :in
dicate'that the republican leaders
dre not quite sure of public scntl
nicht on the tariff question, and like
the 1 fellow who' prayed . r good
Lord and good devil, they have -friends
- in . both places, and .
were afraid to take a stand for 1
fear they would guess wrong. On
the issues 011 which they were cer
tain . as to public sentiment they
swiped the democratic platform and
have taken a stand. The plan of
publishing the platform in advance
; of the convention was a sort of feel-
er to see if they dared adopt such
a platform, and shows that the party
leaders do not care what the plat
form is just so they can win on it.
They have no principles and are
willing to promise anything to win.
On the other hand the democratic '
party stands for priuciple and has
stood for it in defeat as well as vic
tory. As long as : the republican
party is praying both to the Lord
and the devil, how do we know
which one they will turn . us . over
to if they are elected. There is only -
their past record I and this" proves
that thev are certain to turn nsnvpr
to the devil and the corporations.
. .. . -.s j..,-. j '. . ;:,
. : I . .. '.' . '- ' , . .. i '' i :
Pollard, who was elected to:fill 1 1
'. u v... it n .1. il. n . 1 . 1 ..
the unexpired term of K. J.1 Bur;- ,
kett, who 'resigned,' drew his salary '..
from the' date of the resignation,
which was four months Lefore the .-
date of,. h,is: election. .-lie. justifies
1.:.. t- 1 ..... .
111s acHon oy eaying mac; tne law ft
auuws 11, ana uy ine iurmer - state- -1
-11a -L J 1 . t r - . . . 1 i- !
inciu u n;is ueen me cusxoin.
Mr. Pollard was a little unfortunate.'
He found others had been euiltv of
.1 sliniK" ftpfll flflH bfV A'A 4li.cina
thing, but hi did it nt the wrong "-'''
time." He -forgot that the public
conscience is ccitinc rather 's.-imi-'
ttve lately and is beginning to de- s -maud
that actions of this kind be
viewed from a standpoint of every
day honesty rather than by what
"others have been doing." A lit
tle reflection would have shown
Mr. Pollard that he was really no
more entitled to that salary than
Mr. P.urkett was.
A NiCGRO convention at Harper's
Ferry, Va., recently inflicted upon
the public some bothersome reso
lutions about complete social
equality for the colored race. We
should like to move that the mi
nority of the colored people who
hold such absurd ideas, aud a few
whites who encourage them, be
placed on a desert island and giv
en 'the privilege of, sol yf tig the
problem For themselves.! ' , ,7t .