The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 12, 1906, Image 8

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    The County Exchanges
Items ol General Interest Selected from the Columns ot Contemporaries
(t'nuu Ui Ki'SlfUT.)
Hon. K. M. l'ollard arrived home
from Washington last Monday evening
Mr. Wlllard Clapp, secretary to Con
gressman l'ollard, arrived In town yes
tf rday and will remain here for some
Dr. J. A. l'ollard attended the Dart
mouth Alumni banquet atOmahalast
Saturday evening, returning home
Sunday morning.
The school hoard has heen fortunate
enough to secure the. same teachers for
the next year. The success of the
school Is assured as long as they re
main at Its head.
Miss Stella Hani. lug will start next
Monday for a three weeks outing In
Colorado and Wyoming. Miss Stella
says she may decide to take a home
stead and stay out there If she tinds
something to suit, hut wo hardly think
she will.
The iiucstlon of Incorporating the
village of Nehawka has heen mention
ed lately and wc can see no reason w hy
It should not he done. The additional
expense In the way of taxation would
he very light and the advantages to
the town would he many. We would
he glad to hear the expression of some
of the citizens and taxpayers on the
subject, and the columns of the Keg
later are open to all for a free discus
sion. What do you think of the mat
ter? A hundred years ago the best physl
clan would give you a medicine for
your heart without stopping to con
sider what effect it might have on the
liver. Even to this good day cough
and cold medicines Invariably bind
the bowels. This Is' wrong, lice's
Laxative Cough Syrup with Honey
and Tar acts on the bowels-drives out
the cold clears the head, and relieves
all coughs. Guaranteed to give sat is
faction or money refunded. Sold by
C.erlng & Co.'s drug store.
From the Ledger.
Miss lierdic l'lttman departed Tues
day evening for Lincoln for a visit
with her sister, Miss Josle l'lttman.
Miss Clee Applcgate went up to
Omaha last Friday, and while there
she made herself a present of a fine
new bicycle of the latest pattern.
Mrs. James Moore departed last Sat
urday for a visit with her relatives
and friends at llancroft, expecting to
be gone several days.
llev. W. Kelley of Lamonl, Iowa,
made a short visit with Mrs. M illy
Curtlss and family last Sunday while
on his way to Salt Lake City.
W. 11. Mark departed yesterday for
Lyons, Neb., to visit his brothcr-ln-law,
William Craig, and family. He
received the news that Mr. Craig had
the misfortune to lose the sight of one
or his eves.
W. K. Cross was out to the peniten
tiary at Lincoln on Wednesday, visit
ing Syl Hathaway. We are pleased to
learn that Mr. Hathaway Is now hold
Ing the responsible position of turn
key and is getting along well.
Postmaster DuKols U notified ly the
J'astolllco Department that on the
Kith of this month there will bo a
change as to the numbers of the two
rural routes running out of I'nlon.No.
r being changed to 1, and No. ti
changed to 2.
show so much
Horn, oi) Friday. July ;, to Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Kyon, a girl.
Mrs Cannnter and son Kruce, of
Kansas City, Mo., arrived here Thurs
fhivpvonlnir of last week for a visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Guy and Kthel Adams left Tuesday
for Malvern, Iowa, where tiiey sprtit
the Fourth w ith friends. Guy rcturn
Pd tndav. hut F.thel will Stop for a
couple of weeks' visit with her cousins.
In I'lattsmouth.
During the storm last Sunday even
ing lightning stiuck Dr. Jester's resi
dence and a tree standing near by.
Carl was slightly stunned but the rest
of the members of the household es-
caped Injury.
About 1") pounds of rice was shower
cd on a bridal couple that took the 1 1
1 1 - I 1 HT...1. 1 .. I .. . -
o clock irain nere weuncsouy i-veunix.
Thev were married in Ashland that
frntn Washington Tuesday inor::ini
aihl skentuusV siiak!i:g with
many friends.
1M. Kackemeyer wa severely po-!'"
ed by Ivy, or something of the k:i:l,
Friday, while mow in,: weeds f r Ms
brother, Chris, on the farm, and is in
der the doctor's care.
J. F. Hoover shipped a car of !. gs
and cattle to Omaha Monday evening.
In the lot was a "bologna cow" (ur-
cnaseo irom wswaiu janu mat, iiFpt-u
the scales at 'I 'M pounds. Mr. Hoover
Is of the opinion this Is the largest
animal ever shipped from this r int.
A Md Let
of trouble tocoDteod with spring from
a torpid ttverind blockaded bowels
unless you awaken them to their prop
er action jwith. Dr. King's New Life
Pills, tbenileasantest and most effec
tive care-tor constipation. They pre
vent appendicitis and tone up the sys
tem. 'Sx, at F. G. Frlcke A Co.'i drug
Residents of Plattsmouth Cannot Doubt
What Has Been Twice Proved.
In gratitude for complete relief
from aches and pains of bad backs
from distressing kidney Ills thousands
have publicly recommended Doan's
Kidney Pills. Kesldents of Plaits-
morning and came over here to spend mouth, who so testified years ago, now
the day witli the brides sister, Mrs. say their cures are permanent. This
Frank Horsh.
Mrs. 15. F. Judklns and Mrs. Files
returned home from Wisconsin Wed
nesday and Wm. Knapton arrived
from the same place Thursday. They
were called there several weeks ago by
the Illness of their father.
"Uncle" Johnny Michael returned
Thursday evening from Pennsylvania
where he had been visiting for several
weeks past. Mrs. and Miss Wagner
and two Misses Werner, cousins of Mr.
Michael, returned with him for a few
weeks' visit.
Try a little KOOOL FOP. DYS-
i'M'MA after you; meals. See the
itect It will prod je on your general
el Ing by dljrestHg your food and
helping your stomach to git itself Into
isape. Many stomachs are overwork
ed to the point where they refuse to
go farther. Kodol digests your food
mid gives your stomach the rest It
needs, while its reconstructing proper
t ics get the stomach back to working
order. Kodol relieves flatulence, sour
stomach, palpitation of the heart,
belching, etc. Sold by F. G. Frlcks
& Co. and Gerlng A Co.
Some men enjoy a
that they smile between
;he acts.
Summer time
You want to save your
money to buy your
Coal Yards.
Full Weight Guaranteed
Best Threshing Goal
' All Kinds ol Feed
J. V. Egenberger
Proprietor Plattsmouth
Coal Yards
Comer Third and Main Streets
Bell Tnone 25 Platu Plume 22
from the Courier.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. lien Parker,
July 4, a bouncing boy
Ceo. Kclchart claims to have a stalk
of corn In his held which measures
nine feet In height.
Willie Fitzgerald came up from
Plattsmouth to help the boys out
playing ball Saturday.
Our old time friend, Chris Mocken
haupt celebrated his frith birthday
anniversary July 4th,
October "J Is the date of C. J. Gae
bel's hog sale. P.reeders will do well
to keep this date In mind.
James Stander chaperoned a party
of young people who attended the
celebration at Ashland on the Fourth
They all report a pleasant time
That freak of nature, the man with
the long green beard, from Council
muffs, passed through town on his
gasoline wallopus, Thursday. Ho is
said to have stopped at Weeping
So great Is the building boom In Ne
braska and Iowa at present, that
Louisville's sand pits, from which Is
taken most of the building sand, be
cause or its superior qualities, are
practically unable to supply the de-
mands made upon them
testimony doubly proves the worth of
Doan's Kidney Pills to Pluttsmouth
kidney sufferers.
nermann Jieroid, living at corner
Flrstand Kock streets, Wlntersteen
Hill, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "1
first told the people of Plattsmouth In
the month of November 1!K)2. that
Doan's Kidney Pills procured at Ger
lng & Co.'s drug store had been used
In our family with results that proved
the remedy to be one of great value.
I had taken It only a short time when
entire relief came from pain in the
back, a trouble that had bothered me
for sometime and which I thought
was due to the lack of proper action
of the kidneys. This was three and
one-hair years ago and l have never
suffered so severely from backache
since. I have had some slight recur
rences of the trouble when I would
take cold or during damp weather and
my back would ache, procuring a I
supply of Doan's Kidney Pills I would
take a few of them and as before they
never failed to promptly and thorough
ly banish the annoyance. Doan's
Kidney Pills not only strengthened
my back and kidneys, but toned up
my whole system. My daughter has
used Doan's Kidney Pills and found
excellent results."
For sale by all dealers. Price f0c.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
A Tragic Finish.
a wmenman s neglect permitted a
leak in the ureat North Sea dvke.
which a child's linger could have stop
ped, to become a ruinous break, de
vastating an entire province of Hol
land. In like manner Kenneth Mc-
- . v , . .
iver, ui v anceooro, .Me., permuted a
little cold to go unnoticed Until atrag-
Ic finish was only averted bv Dr.
King's New Discovery. He writes:
Three doctors gave me up to die of
lung Inflammation, caused by a neg
lected cold; but Dr. king's New Dis
covery saved by lite." Guaranteed
best cough and cold cure, at F. G.
rrleke (Jo. s drug store. &ic and
fl.oo Trial bottle free.
This is Only One of
a Million of Homes
in Which Pe-ru-na
Has Been a Bless
ing, Read This
ing Testimony.
d& LJik. I :snLJ.s. 7 "We
" J V 48t wS He,s
?; . 4 u f A I ,nThe
VVInV AW("P I .! -- I f'nest
mrt. h.j": Campbell mJt - tf
for! XW&1?rt'
Mr. Henry S. Cumpboll, TO7 S. Wllliamg St.,
Denvur, Col., Statu Deputy of Modern Wood
men, Montana, and Delegate ot Builders
Trades Council, writes: "IVruna'Iias been a
blessing in our home. Sfy wife was in poor health
several years and nothing but Peruna helped her. She
gradually recovered her health and became the mother of
a boy which blensed our home. We call Gerald our Peruna boy. He is in
the finest of health and hU mother has never enjoyed such excellent health-
'I have personally found Peruna ot great value to mc while traveling,
(letting Irregular meals and often poorly prepared food ruined my stomach,
but Peruna toned up my digestive organs and brought fine health to me.
"We are never without Peruna In our home and know by experience
that It keeps us all In the best of health. "
A recent letter received from Mr. and
Mrs. Campbell in, as follows:
'We still use Peruna and In addition
to our son, Gerald, who Is a fat and
saucy lad of 28 months, we haveanother
son, still larger for his age. He is now
ten months old and is always healthy.
"His mother says Peruna has sorely
made both of our children as healthy aa
Ofice tsed In The
family. Becomes
a Permanent Fixture.
they are, helped, of course by Colorado's
healthy air,
"A bottle of Peruna is at all times &
welcome visitor to our home."
A multitude of families have discov
ered that Peruna is their standby.
In all the catarrhal ailments which
are likely to beset the various members
of the family, Peruna is the remedy that
brings quick relief.
No matter whether it be a ea'.arrhal
condition of the head or lungs, or a de
rangement of the stomach and bowels,
Peruna is the remedy.
Change Department Hads.
A surprise was sprung In Burlington
local circles this week by the resigna
tion of E. V. Fltt, master mechanic.
While no ofllcial statement has been
made, It Is understood that the place
Is to come In line of promotion for
George Reynolds, a former Alliance
man and for several years roundhouse
During the heavy rain Sunday night foreman at Edgcmont. George'smany
water got a start under the founda
tion of Will Erhart's large barn and
as a consequence about twenty-nve
feet of the stone foundation caved In,
Mr. Erhart was In town Monday morn
Ing In quest of a stone mason to re
pair the damage.
A little love, a little wealth,
A little home for you and mc;
It's all 1 ask except g'xl health,
hieh comes with Hocky Mountain
1 ea. Gerlng & Co., druug'jts
Krom the Leader-Echo.
The fall wheat Is practically all har
vested, and Is of splendid quality.
J. E. Worley, wife and son spent the
4th with Grandpa and Grandma Wor
Geo. Winkler's oldest boy was thrown
from a horse Wednesday and his right
arm was broken.
Capt. J. C. White Is still quite 111
and not able to get around. He Is suf
fering from kidney trouble.
Dr. Trenholm'i residence is being
greatly Improved In looks by a coat of
paint. Clay Conner has the contract.
Wlllard C. Clapp, private secretary
to Congressman l'ollard, came home
friends here would be glad to see him
come back, and believe he can "make
good." Several other changes are said
to be In contemplation here, among
them the placing of 11. Hemncl of
I lavclock here as foreman of the ma
chine shop. During the short time
here. Mr. Fltt and hisestlmablo fami
ly have made many friends, who will
wish them well wherever they may go.
Their plans for the future are not an
nounced as yet. Alliance Times.
Modatt Clalina Often Carry (lit Most
when Maxim, Uie famous gun in
vent'r placed his gun Iwloreacommit
tee of JuV?s. be stated Us carryliu
power much below what he though
ure the gun would accompli
The result, of the trial was the reforr
creat surprise Instead of disappoln
merit. It Is the same with the manu
facturersof Chamberlaln'sCoUc, Chol
era and Dl rrhora remedy. They do
not publicly boast of all this great
remedy will acton. ptih, but prefer tr
let the users nuke the statements
What they do riu-m. Is that it wil
positively cure durrhnea. dysenter
raina in trie atoii.ncn ana bowel! r-'
has never tKen known to fail. Y
sale by F. G. Fncke 1 Co. and A
The First Congressional District Republican
Contention August 9th.
The First district republican con
gressional committee met lastevenlng
at the Lindell hotel in Lincoln and se
lected Auburn as the place for holding
the next congressional convention, and
August !, at 8 p. m. as the date. The
representation for the convention was
fixed at 173, based on one delegate for
each fifty votes, or fraction thereof.
cast for Congressman l'ollard. This
leaves the representation as follows:
Cass y
Johnson .. 14
Lancaster oil
Nemaha Hi
l'awnee M
Otoe 20
Richardson 2"
Total i::l
Those present at the committe meet
ing were: Chairman J. M. Teegardcn,
Secretary Clapp, Vice Chairman
Strode. Committeemen; CD. Clapp
of Cass, Frank McCartney of Otoe, K.
F. Reynolds of Johnson, Gus Hyer of
Lancaster, H. R. Howe of Nemaha, C.
A. Chappcl of Pawnee, G. J. Crooks of
Richardson, representing Committee
man Cooper.
Congressman l'ollard was present at
the meeting and heard reports from
the members. Judge E. P. Holmes of
this county, who Is a candidate for
congress and will ask for this county's
strength, was about the hotel during
the evening, but did not attend the
committee meeting.
It Is understood that Congressman
l'ollard stated that he was not inclin
ed to ask for a primary, believing that
If a primary were called he would be
the only candidate before the people,
although It Is nearly certain that he
will have opposition of Lancaster coun
ty in the convention, and that some
other strength may be taken away
from him He was willing to run this
risk, rather than put the voters to the
Inconvenience of a primary with but
one candidate to vote for.
With the exception of Lancaster
county every county represented sent
reports encouraging to l'ollard, and It
was said there would be no doubt of
his nomination by the convention.
"Generally debilitated for years,
Had sick headaches, lacked ambition,
was worn-out and all run-down. Bur
dock r.lood Litters made me a well
woman. "-Mrs. Chas. Freltoy,Moosup,
Old Chronic Sores.
As a dressing for old chronic sores
there is nothing so good as Chamber
lain's Salve. While it is not advisable
to heal old sores entirely, they should
be kept In a good condition, for which
this salve Is especially valuable. For
sore nipples Chamberlain's Salve has
no superior. For sale by F. G. Frlcke
& Co. and A. T. Fried, druggists.
it in.
! ' I .
' 'HI' ( II
i -ie H-id Tar
. - ; iii- ii I up
.u , i. .. . if-ceaMtry
. ,!'! i tie sys-
. in. ii i;i't-s. Sold
i- 1 1
F ci ,v
l lirilllk!&CO.
It is always well to have a box of
salve in the house Sunburn, cuts,
bruises, piles and noils, yield to De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Should
keep a tn?x on hand all times to pro
vide for emergencies. For years the
xtanduid, but followed by many
imitators. Re sure you get the genu
ine DeWitt'h Witch Hazel Salve. Sold
by F. G. Fricke & Co. and Gerlng Si
In any style
Short Orders)
Regular Meals j
Our Spa-elMltlts.
If you are hungry we can supply
you with the pick of the market
5th d oor East ot Css Co. Bank
, It has caused more laughs and dried
more tears, wiped away diseases and
driven away more fears than any other
medicine In the world. Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea
cr Tablets. Gerlng A Co., druggists.
is one of woman's worst afflictions. It always leaves
you weaker, and is sure to shorten your life and make
your beauty fade. To stop pain take Wine of Cardui and
it will help to relieve your misery, regulate your func
tions, make you well, beautiful and strong. It is a re
liable remedy for dragging down pains, backache, head
ache, nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, dizziness,
fainting spells, and similar troubles. A safe and efficient
medicine for all women's pains and sickness.
Mrs. J. L. Broadhead of Clanton, Ala. writes; "I have
used Cardui for my disease, which was one peculiar to
women, and it has completely cured me."
tfrwriNnt fully all your ympl
and w will tnd vou Fr Advk
In lm rl"l tnvlor. U!t
Advlory Tn Chtlnor
Mr1kiM Co., Chtnwt. irnn.