The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 28, 1906, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
11 lll '.MIf l .K.kLY AT
U. A. KATKS. Pi t.i.imikii.
I.I.T. .I lit UlO IK-t.ltlt. t I'UtlMlK'Utll. N'
.r.iU;i. a.voinU-l ivt in:iUr.
rKr.S!lr.NTlM)Sl. l.I.T li:S:l rtillt
to run nAin if he can get a noinin
ation, ami the voters have a rilit
to rebuke him for breaking lus pro
mises not to.
V 1
Tmi: nastincssthat is N-ing ex
posed by the Wef investigation
will no doubt induce fanners to
kill more of their own hogs and
cattle for home consumption.
TilKKK is going to he more poli
tics to the square mile in Oklahoma
this summer than anywhere else in
the I'nitcd States, ami more than
half of it v.ood democratic politic
too. .
Vivniim Amui;vs s.iys
l'olk isa'ood man, hut nor so broad
as Hi van. llchclicvcsthat if Koo-
w!t and Hi van were the nominees
the latter would have an ciia
Wi t ii f 2 5 , " annually for car f are
l'i oident Kooeelt will not he under
the necessity of joining the strap
hanger's union.
T. U's stick wasn't hefty muu.Ji
to knock out from the meat-inspection
hill the imposition of placing
the cost of inspection upon the
Tin: farmers feel good, the mer
chants feel good, and the man who
has goods tosell and advertises them
in the paper that has a circulation,
will feel goodwhenthe season isover.
This discovery of oil in Lincoln
is no new thing. They used to run
a regular oil room ti the capital
every winter before the days of the
reformation. Since then they have
run two. Williams says
"tariff is not only the mother of
trusts but the mother of raft." It
has helped to transfer a large por
tion of the wealth of the country
to the hands a few.
Thk "sudden squall" that struck
the boat of the beef-packers had a
mighty wind in it, but it soon
became a zephyr. It was a common
Teddy squall.
NokKis Hkown has taken the
stump in his own defence. lie is
endeavoring to offset the embarrass
ment of having been boomed by a
line of syndicate papers.
Farmers Will Sutler.
As the price cf cattle and corn
decreases, inconsequence of pub
lishing to the world the depravity
of the packers, the farmers will have
good cause of complaint against the
administration. The people have
been taxed or years to pay tor a
cattle and beef inspection bureau
that has evidently shirked its work
and the republican politicians who
have had charge of it are either in
competent or have been induced by
the lieef trust to overlook their de
pravity. There should Ijc an amend
ment adopted to the meat inspection
law, that all those found guilty of
lax inspection, or those convicted of
packing diseased meat, or in filthy
condition, should be imprisoned
with a diet of embalmed beef and
their cells kept in the same condi
tion as they allowed the packing
houses to be in.
The public who are compelled to
use the packing-house products,
care but little or nothing about the the state w ith out his assistance,
intemperate controversy between
Congressman Wadsworth and his Tin-: Sears-Roebuck company
committee on agriculture and the ; paid the secretary of state in New
president. What the people want I York. $'(,( ion in fees for filing
that articles of incorporation for a
Howard Roskwatkr has started
home from his European trip, and
his appearance in Nebraska means
a hot time in the republican ranks.
"Rosey" will make some of them
walk the chalk line, and don't you
forget it.
Thk republican party leaders
will have to le very careful in their
maneuvering against Kdward Rose-
water in his senatorial aspitations.
Mr. Rosewater is a power in Ne
braska and the republican party
have never vet been able to carrv
'M I It V-Tv 1 I I I I I II rt I I f I
m mm m jm mm m m mmr mm m m mm mm mmm m
Down in Texas last week a
negro was sentenced to the peni
tentiary for a term of W) years for
committing 'criminal assault on a
white woman. Evidently the
negro's name was Methuselah.
Tnn death of Governor Pattison
robs the Ohio dmocrats of a hard
won victory, but it does notruhout
the significance of the Ohio vote
which elected hint in protest against
boss rule anil machine methods in
"WiiiTKWAsniNC. with a muck
brush," remarks the Washington
Star, "is not altogether satisfactory
i ii its resultsto any body concerned."
These slaps at the President from
such republican sources are on the
verge of lesse majestic.
1 )i n't think the beef trust barons
have no friends as the republican is "safe and sane" inspection
members of the committee on agri- they have been taxed to pay for, but
of the house of representatives head- thatcvidentlytheagriciilturedepart
ed by chairman Wadsworth arc evi- incut has not provided, although
deiitly trying to modify harsh legis- having a regiment of experts and
latiou. inspectors on' its pav rolls for that
mirnose for vears nast. Gen. Miles
1 1-..WS is a o.g suae aim uniy im- . CJtecutivL. departments
perial. It comes as no surprise to a .. Sm .... ..... that mir
. . .... . '
beef inspection was a farce, but the
million dollar company. The great
'Cat" house of Chicago proposes
to do business on a larger scale than
ever. 1 lie growtli ot tlieir business
is solely due to advertising.
westerner to hear that in a recent
storm in that state hailstones aver
aged the size of hen's eggs and pieces
of icicles eight inches long were
picked up after the storm.
Govi'NoR Mickey and Secretary
of State Galusha have becnexchang-
ing broadsides for sometime on the
railroads assessment. I,et the war
go on, as it is only when such fellows
fall out that the hard-toiling yeo
menry of Nebreska will secure jus
Tin; man in the White House
thinks that the only man who can
beat liryan for president is Secre
tary Taft. It is to be hoped by all
democrats that the republicans will
think so long enough to nominate
him for their standard-bearer in
Thk retail druggists have mem
orialized the president and allege
uit they have not been given a
square deal, but President Roose
velt declares he will not interfere
ut leave the drug trust matter in
ic hands of the department of jus
If Governor Cummins wins in
the August convention in Iowa, it
means that he will succeed Mr. Pol
liver in the United .States senate,
and there will be one forceful re
publican in the upper house of con
gress to deny in debate and on roll
call that it is necessary to rob one
half of the American .industries in
order to afford adequate and just
protection to the other.
Thk New York Sun declares that
President Roosevelt is the only man
that can make the Panama Canal
an actuality. As it is estimated it
will take ten years to complete the
job withthe"president making the
"dirt fly," but at the rate the work
is now progressing it will probably
take twenty years. It will be neces
sary to hire President Roosevelt to
complete the job after his term ex
pires, if the Sun presists that he is
the only man that can do it.
Thk house of represenatives, on
June 5th, adopted a resolution look
ing to the established by the govern
incut of an armor-plate plant. Th
extorteonate prices charged bv the
armor-plate trusts for its product
have made the ownership and oper
ation of such a plant by the govcr
ment a necessity. To allow private
corporations to hold a monopoly of
things indispensable to the gover
meut, and thereby to fleece the pub
lie as the armor plate trust, the
powder trust, the beef trusts, the
coal trust, the steel trust, and others
have done, is an unpardonable sin
and shame. If the tariff rates on
trust products were reduced or
abolished there would le competiou
which would break down the monop
oly that these trusts now enjoy.
Put the republican politicians refuse
to revise the tariff and seem quite
willing to vote appropriations for
trust products at monopoly prices.
packers and the agricultural depart
ment were whitewashed and Gen.
Miles was virtually punished for
doing his duty.
There can be no excuse, by those
in authority, for this scandal,
which has about ruined our export
meat business and will fall heavily
on the stock-growers and fanners,
by decreased demand for corn and
cattle and its accompanying fall in
prices. Unfortunately, democratic
farmers who have voted to turn
the rascals out must suffer with re
publican farmers who have voted
to keep the rascals in and to per
petuate the standpat policy that
has been the chief cause of this re
publican era of scandals.
Lax Execution of the Laws.
The .Secretary of Agriculture is
Tiiky sav thatNorrislirown, the obviously not entirely in sympathy
attornev ireneral who wants to be U. witu nis mock-ranniR political
S. senator is visiting all the rcpub- P for the passage of more strin
ecan county conventions this year Rent inspection of the meat indust-
tn the machine from "do- TV. I or 111 reply to a suggestion
inn ' the people. I Ie also wants to from Mayor Dunne, that a conunis
e handv in case the people are S10U ' pathologist be appointed to
)okimr for a man about his size. lok t0 the present methods of
leef inspection, Secretary Wilson
Thk Chicago Inter-Ocean can't says that the laws of this country are
lelp seeing that the present ses- more stringent than in any foreign
sion of congress has weakened the country. If the laws are so strin
republican party perilously near to gent, it is evident that the execti
the breaking point, and is convinc- tion has been lax and therein Mr.
ed that it will be necessary to do Wilson and the president are to
something in order to save the con- blame, for if Secretary Wilson is
gressioual elections that are coining not capable of enforcing the law
on apace. President Roosevelt could at once
remove him and appoint some one
Thkkk are several democratic who is a more competent executive
papers in ebraskn that are not officer. There are nearly 1,000
doing the party much good by highly paid experts whose duty it
jabbing" George W. Merge in the is to inspect cattle and meat, .inc.
short riks" every time an oppor- iueidally, of coarse, to report on the
ttmity is aiTorded. Mr. Herge may general cleanliness of the methods
have been a populist in the past, employed. Not one. of these ex-
but every principle he has advo- perts has reported that anything
cated is now good democratic doc- was wrong in their department, or
trine, and so far as manhood is if they did report anything un
concerned his record on that score favorable, it has leeti pigeotholed
w ill perhaps go for a great deal by the higher officials
more than some of those fellows
who are continually barking at his
Don't eat canned meat, advise
your neighbor to refrain from the
same. Meatus m tnecity trom pack
ing house products are reported
daily, and it seems the packers are
trying to unload this stuff on the
rural merchant, where the people
do not read the papers as closely as
those in towns and cities.
That was a dramatic eventin the
democratic state convention of Mis
souri when David R. Francis and
William Wallace announced Wil
liam J. Bryan as their choice for
president. Since then the demo
crats throughout the state have
been singing:
All 1 1 it 1 1 tlic iHiwriof I'lani'lV name.
I.i'l I'liliHium iHimi rule full:
llilnir forth Un-ix'fi lt's-t llryan's tmm:
It Is tin' U'st of nil.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, anil which has been
in use for over 30 years, has boruo the signature of
and has hecu made uiuler his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no ono to deceive you iu this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that tritle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children-Experience agralust Experiment.
Castoriu Is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Fevcrislincss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the. Food, regulates the
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacca-Tho Mother's Friend.
) Bears the Signature of
W7 . jasMamaaassa
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Skcrktary Shaw and the presi
dent and the Iowadelegation in Con
gress have failed to control the Re
publican situation in the Hawkeye
State, and the victory of Govenor
Cummins, with his ideas of tariff
reform, is regarded as of excessive
importance in national politics.
The machine in Iowa has even de
clared that the Govenor is advocat
ing Democratic doctrine and a
bolt in the state convention is a
Thosk Panamans who want
United States troops at the polls
must be republicans. .
Is thk President getting ready
for another surrender? He is pre
paring to tackel the great Oil Trust.
Thk sundry civil appropriation
contains an item of $25,000 for the
traveling expenses of the president,
his attendants and invited guest,
so the railroads will not have to
furnish free transportation in future,
as in the past.
A Chicago man spoke for the
first time in twenty-one years the
other day, and the words he uttered
were: "Is it hot enough for you?"
If he addressed one of the beef pack
ershisauswerprobablywas: "None
of your d business."
Govkrmknt ownership or rail
road, telegraph and telephone lines
is demanded in a resolution adopt
ed at the late democratic state con
vention held at Yankton, S. D.
Who ever heard of a republican
convention demanding any rights
for the people?
As the Fourth of July is drawing
near, it is in order to make a stat
ment of the damages done by the
use of explosives in the United
States on the great natal day last
year. There were 1531 persons in
jured, 43 killed, and property to the.
extent of 5350,000 destroyed by the
careless use of fireworks.
The sworn statement of the manu
facturers protects you from opiates in
Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar
the cough syrup that drives the cold
out of your system. Sold by Frlcke &
Co. and Gerinu & Co.
What's the Rood of keeping from him
Any ijood things you may see,
That will lift his load or labor
Like Rocky Mountain Tea.
Oering & Cc.
In the hearing before the house
committee on agriculture, June 7th,
respecting the Roosevelt charges
against the packing house, Dr. Mel-
vm, duel oi i ne nurcau oi annual
industry,' was asked incidentally to
st.Ue the number of govermeiit in
spectors in Chicago. He answered
77 veterinarian, 5l stock examiners
and 55 taggers, making 1S1 in all.
Iu the whole service, he said, there
are 783. What have these- 783 fed
eral officers been doiugtor the past
seven years: l lave tiiey ail, or any
of them, K-en iu the play of the
packers? Have they been conceal
ing the truth for the sake of graft?
If so, are they any worse than the
bulk of federal employees under
Roosevelt's "merit svstem"?
llisiior I'ottkk calls a mock rake
a hammer, and his admonition is,
hammer; hammer! "Hainering
well kept up. will surely bring re
suits. It will even compel thenresi
dent ot the 1 luted States to see that
the laws are faithfully executed. the press of the country ham
mer, and keep it up until all the
rottenness is hammered out of the
republican parte of trusts and graf
ters. All the exposures of rotten
ness andgrafling have been brought
to the notice of the public by non
officials whichshows that the repub
lican political machine will never
cleanse itself and that the execution
of the law is lax, although we are
supposed to be governed by a stren
uous administration. Therefore
the voters must hammer the dere
lict republican party into political
In reference to the rate bill passed
recently by congress an observing
congressman has said that the
railroads can run a freight train
through it and touch it nowhere.
Thi is the result of the president sur
rendering to the railroad magnates
at the last hour. It is no wonder that
the conservative people of the entire
country are becoming distrustful of
the president's sincerity on the many
public questions in which he makes
grand stand plays.
A si' trom Lincoln says
that Congressman Pollard has
sent word to his friends to call a
primary unless all opposition is
withdrawn. Judge K. P. Holmes
is a canidade for congress and he
probably will get the Lancaster del
egagation. It is sated that three
meetings have been heldduring th
last few days and the nomination
is to go to Judge Field of Lincoln or
Judge Hay ward of Nebraska City.
It is also said that Pollard's com
mittee cannot muster enough votes
to call a primary."
First House West B. 5c M. Depot
We Solicit the Farmers Trade
and Guarantee Satisfaction.
When in the City Give Us a Call
J3he Perkins Hotel
In view of the President's course
on the rate bill, and his compromise
last week on the meat bill, it ap
pears as if the policy of the White
House is to make great demands,
and then, if they cannot be secured,
take a compromise, knowing that
the compromise will guarantee to
the iMioplc some measure of neces
sary reform. The court-review
clause of the meat bill was stricken
out, but the taxpayers are compell
ed, according to the new arrange
ment, to pay $3,000,000 for inspec
tion. Hoth sides claim victory the
public thinks it's a dogfall.
The DURABLE Fence,
None so STRONG.
All large wires.
No Wraps
to hold
and cause
' "Pittsbihou nrCT" FiaciMdi (Special Style.)
Ahtilutily STOCK PROOF. . Wiem SAVE YOU KONEY onFinclnj.
f T 1 JTTT
1 ' 11 L
, 3i: rm m r
i26'n i i ji"u.r
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