r ; The County Itess ot General Interest Selected from NehoovkoL From tW liritUivr.) Wheat looks well, but a good big warm rain Is what Is greatly needed for all crops. Mr. Lackey, i( Winchester, Tenn., Ik visiting ls sn and daughter here and at Weeping Water. 1!. (. Tucker has Increased the height of his house by a story, making it much more convenient. L. ('. Todd bought another piece of Chase county land, on his recent trip. It's pretty good property. J. M. 1 'aimer returned home lust night from his trip to Michigan. Me stopped at Omaha on his way home. Engineers came down from Lincoln Tuesday to look out the spur track to tins new Hullock quarries on Isaac l oi lard's and Nick Opp's land, one mile east of town. Sunday afternoon a Utile daughter of Wm. Wilson, living three miles west of here untied a calf from a stake The calf bolted for the well, the rope caught around the girl's ankle, and she was draped somo one hundred and tifty yards over stones and down the hill. Fortunately no bones were brokon, but she. was badly bruised and the skin was scraped otT her In large patches. 1). 1). Adams returned from the Nc braska Pharmaceutical association meeting at Hastings. The association honored Itself by electing him Vice President, and but for Ills refusal to serve would have made hhn President for the coming year. On the way to llastltigshc stopped olTat. Lincoln and won a good part of his expenses by his success In the gun shoot. Unknown Friend. There are many people who have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea llemedy with splendid re suits, hut who are unknown because they have hesitated about giving tPKiimonlal of their experience for publication. These people, however are none the less friends of this rem cdy. They have. done, much toward making It a household word by their personal recommendations to friends and neighbors. It Is a good medicine to have in the home and is widely know n for its cures of diarrhoe and all forms of bowel trouble. Tor sale by F. 0. Frlcke & Co. and A. T. Fried Union From the Lediirr. Mr. ami Mrs. J. A. Walker of Mur ray made a visit with some of their friends In this village Monday. Mrs. W. H. Tanning departed last Friday for (irlnnell, Iowa, to make several days' visit among rclativesand friends. A Hie Dow and wife of Cheyenne, Wyo., arrived Tuesday evening for a visit among relatives and friends In this neighborhood. Mrs. William F.lkenhary, who spent the winter with Cnlon relatives and friends, departed Monday for her home at Denver. Mrs. Hohson of Weeping Water and Mrs. J. W. Plttman departed yester day for St. Joseph to attend the funer al of their brother, Samuel lioodwln, whose death occurred Wednesday morning. Wallace Cannon of Omaha was call ing on his Union friends Tuesday for the first time in twelve years. We are pleased to learn that lie has a good posit ion In Omaha, and Is prosperous and happy with his little family and pleasant home. Mr. and Mrs. John Pearsley arrived last Saturday night from Oregon, where they have been making their home the past year. They are well pleased with that country, but they have a special liking for Nebraska and their many friends hope lliey may conclude to make their permanent home here, but they have not yet deli nitely decided as to the future except that they propose to "take life easy" and get all the enjoyment there is In it. Following the Flafi. When our soldiers went to Cuba and the Philippines, health was the most Important consideration. Willis T. Morgan, retired Commissary Sergeant U. S. A., of Rural Koute 1, Concord, N. 11., says: "I was two years in Cuba and two years in the Philippines, and being subject to colds, 1 took lr. King's New Mscovery for Consump tion, which kept me In perfect health. And now, in New Hampshire, we tlnd it the best medicine in the world for coughs, colds, bronchial troubles and all lung diseases. Ouaranteed at K. O. Frlcke & Co., druggist. Trice .V3c and 11.00. Trial bottle free. Dr. Elster, Dentls, Waterman Block Exchanges the Columns ol Contemporaries Ea.gle from tlirlif hooii. Mrs. Kd. Butts and daughter drove to Avoca Sunday for a week'a visit. (!. C. Hartel has sold to W. B. liuten, the north half of the north west quarter of section .1, town !, range l, for :i,4(M. Mrs. J. D. Sumner stepped on a piece of glass Sunday evening which ut open a varicose vein Just above her ankle. lr. Dihel was called to stop the tiow of blood from the wound. Last Tuesday morning l'jed Dihel found a pocket book containing "0 in front or the pool hall. On Inquiring he learned that Wm. Fluke had lost the purse and returned it to him for wqlch he was rewareed. Harvey, the little six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. tt to Kcttlehut had his arm broken Just above the elbow last Saturday. The little fellow with his little brother were playing with a hand corn sheller when he got his right arm under the crank, causing a very bad break. After a brief Illness with membran ous croup, Klmcr, the little son of Mr and Mrs. Ira Morgan, living ;ii miles northwest of town, died Sunday, June 10. Aged I year, H months and 27 days. The funeral was held at the home Tuesday morning and the Interment at Ilavelock. If you knew the value of Cham berlaln's Salve you would never wish to be without It. Here are some o( the diseases for which It Is especially valuable: sore nipples, chapped hands, hums, frost bites, chilblains, chronic sore eyes, itching piles, tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Price Scents per box. For sale by V. (J. Frlcke & Co., and A . T. Fried. Hatvelock. (Mcfttt'iitfrr.) liorn to Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Matous, last Tuesday, June Pi, a girl. Henry Hem pel made a business trip to Weeping Water this week. Misses Edna and Kdlth Krochler are visiting friends at Plattsmouth. P. H. Malonc of the shops Is spend lug a little vacation with friends at Palmyra, Neb. Mrs. Henry Hcmpel Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Oalton of Ashland, this week. Mrs. C. L. Hcmpel, who has been visit lug Henry Hempel and family, re turned to her home m Omaha Tucs day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ackerman, of Pleasant Kale, Neb., spent lust Sun day In our city visiting his parents, X. J. Ackerman and wife. Mr. J. F. Polk, of Plattsmouth, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. K. T. Woods, and family of our city, and a brother in Lincoln this week and last. He seems well pleased with Havelock and shares our optomistic view of her bright future. A. A. llyers has been In the real estate business just one month today. Killing that time he has sold six Im proved, and seven unimproved pieces of property which had been listed with him. Mr. llyers Is a hustler and gives strict attention to all business placed In his hands. Mr. Fred Klckard has returned from his trip to Sheridan, Wyo., much pleased. So much so that he has ac cepted a position as foreman ot the paint shop at that place and is now preparing to move. He has sold his residence to J. N. Clemmons and ex pects to leave tomorrow for his new home. We regret to lose Mr. Rlckard and family, but trust the change may prove beneficial to his health. The Very Best Remedy For Bowel Troubles. Mr. M. F. Uorroughs, an old and well known resident of IJluflton, lnd says: "1 regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Plnrrhoea Kemedy as the very best remedy for bowel trouble. make this statement after having used the remedy In my family for sev eral years. I am never without It." This remedy Is almost sure to be needed before the summer Is over. Why not buy It now and be prepared for such an emergency? For sale by F. 0. Frlcke & Co. and A. 1. Fried. Louisville From the Courier. Col. Isaac Iel'uy is not much Im proved as the Courier goes to press. This dry weather Is enough to give the farmers the Irrigation fever. The strawberry' crop has been greatly shortened by the dry weather Mrs. Wm. Ash and children of Weep ing Water visited with the Courier family last Saturday. Frank Ieluy has accepted a post tin as watchman at the Lock Island j semaphore on the north side t tl.e , river. ieo. A. Maytield moved his family i and h'niM'hold effects to Omaha this! week, where he has a position with the Leise Printing company. James Stander attended thet'hriv tian Kndeavor convention at Ashland Wednesday and from there went to Adams, Neb., to attend the Mate Sunday School convention. The Courier Is glad to be able to an nounce that Us old-time friend, Theo dore Helm, who was quite seriously 111 the forepart of the week, Is much Improved and will soon be able to be down tow n again. The local Woodmen camp has taken on new life and are making their goat earn his keeping. A team of foresters are drilling twice a week and will soon be In trim to show candidates the way to light and safety w ho have become lost In the forest. NOBODY SPARED Kidney Troubles Attack Plattsmouth Men and Women, Old and Young Alike. Kidney ills sel.c young and old alike, (Quickly come and little warning give, Children suffer In their early years. Can't control the kidney secretions'. Girls are languid, nervous, sutler pain. Women worry, can't do dally work. lobust men have lame and aching backs, old folks, weak, rheumatic, lame, endure distressing urinary ills, The cure for man, for woman, or for child istocure the cause the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys, Cure all the varied forms of kidney suffering. Plattsmouth testimony guarantees every box. Herman Herold, living on Winter steen Hill, stiys: "Doan's Kidney Pills procured at Gerlng & Co.'s drug store have been used by more than one member of my family. All of them look upon the remedy as a very valu able one for backache. We are so highly pleased with the resultsohtain ed that without hesitation we endorse the claims made for the preparation." For sale by all dealers. Price "0c. Foster-Milburn Co., llulTalo. X. V. sole agents for the I'nited States. Kememhcr the name Poan's-and take no other. Elmwood Troiii th I.endiT-Kclio. James Hall has been very sick this week, but Is resting easier at this writing. L. A. Tyson struck his left eye with a piece of board Tuesday, making a very painful wound. The Weeping Water cornet band has been engaged to furnish the music at the celebration In Klmwood July 4 Pr. J. H. Hall, accompanied by his brother, S. S. Hall, of Pender, came out from Plattsmouth on Wednesday called here by the serious Illness .of their father, .lames Hall. . A. Wallinger Is having his farm residence remodeled by the addition of two large porches. Larger windows and doors are also being put in that will add wondei fully to the appear ance of the house. Two of cur young men were lined live dollars and costs by Judge McCalg Tuesday for running horses on the streets. One of the horses fell on the cement crossing near the First Na tional bank and the only wonder is the rider was not seriously hurt. J. A. Wright left Saturday evening for lied Lands, California, where he will make his future home. Mr Wright has not disposed of his hard ware stock at Wabash, but will leave It In charge of a competent man ager until he can tlnd a satisfactory sale for It. We arc sorry to lose Mr. Wright and his family from our midst but trust that they will enjoy their new home and that Mrs. Wright's health will continue to Improve by the change In climate. Special Sale of Muslin Underwear at Herold's. 1 Ayers Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then it's probably too late. You reelected dandruff. If you had only taken our ad vice, you would have cured Hair Vigor the dandrutT.saved your hair, and added much to it. If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it. "I h iiar.l Atoi'i llalr Viior r.r nrln yr.rt 1 linn l Tr.tt, tl.l .ml Unr . Ii..vy growth ,.f rlrh (trow,, lt.tr dup, t think. til lltflf l Awt'i M.ir Vu-nr " Mil.. M. A. klilll, ifl,lll. III. fiwtntti ., r Avrnro A II .tr..p,-.l. f , .,. I ,! ior Good Hair MANY PEOPLE HAVE Backache, n Warning Symptom of Kidney Trouble. Fe-ru-na Is Invaluable Cases. Prominent Persons Who Been Cured. Mr. J. IUylerv l.ri05 Ohio ttreet, Dei Moinri, It., writei: "I winh to Mate my appreciation of your eicellrnt remedy. "1 hive always enjoyed excellent health, except frequunt and painful attack of bladder trouble, which doctor fulled to relieve or cure. 'Upon recommendation I used Per una to my utter satisfaction, not having had an attack now for four or five yean. "J. Ulyler. II' 'IlllM ' Dangerous Kidney Diseases Cured. WHEN the kidneys become affected by catarrh, either from coldit, over work, or an extension of catarrh from somo other organ, they fail to perform their normal functions. It Utlio work of the kidneys to ex crete from the blood many of the poisons which accumulate in tho body. If the kidneys fail in their work, the poisons accumulate to such an extent as to cause convulsions, which often prove fatal. Peruna, by relieving the kidneys of their congested and catarrhal condi tions, leaves them free to act In a normal manner. It also strengthens the action of the heart, equalizing the circulation of the blood In all parts of the system. Negroes Escape Jail.. The police otllcers of this city were notified yesterday of the escape of two nck'roesfrom the Nebraska City Jail Sunday night. These negroes were charged with burglarizing Sam Gold berg's store several weeks ago, and were captured a few days after the oc currance at Pacitic .Junction with the gO'Jds stolen In their possession. In reference to the escape the Nebraska City News of Monday says: "Deputy Sheriff Donovan was sleep ing In the sheriff's oilice and last night at 11 o'clock he heard the negroes talk ing, but paid no attention to them, and a little later all was still. This morning when he went to call on them he found that his birds had down. "That they received aid from the outside can be easily proven. The saw was passed to Fleming from t lie outside, and It is not known where the small piece of iron came from. "Sheriff Donovan offers a reward of $."hUH) for their capture. A description of the men Is as fol lows: Kobert Fleming, height o feet and 10 Inches, weight U pounds, aged JO years; wore blue overalls, blue Jacket, white or black soft hat; Is a very dark negro; bow-legged and slight ly stooped shouldered, and talks freely. George Crockett, 5 feet, tl Inches tall, weight l')0 pounds, dressed In blue overalls and bluejacket, white or black soft hat; yellow complected; has a scar over right forehead nearly up to the hair; said scar has three marks across It." The fugatlves were captured last night by the deputy sheriff of Nema ha county, at the Fred Qelke farm, cne mile and a half northeast of Paul. You cannot Induce a lower animal to eat heartily when not feeling well. A sick dog starves himself, and gets well. The stomach, once over-worked, must have rest the same as your feet or eyes. You don't have to starve to rest your stomach. KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA takes up the work for your stomach, digests what you eat and gives It a rest. Puts it hack in cendltlon again. Y'ou can't feel good with a disordered stomach. Try Kodol Sold by Frlcke&Co. and Gerlng & Co. To Marry June 27. Neat invitations have been Issued by Mr. and Mrs. A. N. McCrory for the marriage of their daughter, Ycrna Edith, to Mr. Verner E. Perry. The happy event will occur at high noon on Wednesday, June 2". Miss Mc Crory was a graduate of the class of 'oi of the Elmwood high scho l. Elm wood Leader-Echo. CATARRH OF KIDNEYS in Such A friend told tecond day my 'A remedy that re lieves catarrhal de rangements of the kidneys should cer tainly be considered three weeks. eat enough for n household remedy. J continue to keep Peruna is such a remedy. High Commendation Por Pe-ru-na. Mr. ('. J). Kizcr, Mt. Sterling, Ky., writes: "I have suffered with kidney and bladder trouble for ten years past. "hast March I commenced using your Peruna and continued for three months. "I have not used it since, nor have I felt a pain. I believe that I am well and I there fore give my highest commendation to the curative qualities of Peruna." Neglected catarrh of the kidneys is apt to develop into Bright's Disease or diulietes. when a euro is almost ua im- I possibility. A Good Show. The Phillips & Hewitt Company gave two very good exhibitions here Saturday and Monday evenings, and their big tent was well tilled at both performances. The principal features were the moving pictures and band music, and gave splendid satisfation to the audience. The company will appear here again in the future, and no doubt they will receive merited liberal patronage. Union Ledger. Postmaster Robbed. (,. W. Eonts, postmaster at Kiver ton, la., nearly lost his life and was robbed of all comfort, according to his letter, which says: "For 20 years I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a severe case of jaundice that even my linger nails turned yellow; when my doctor prescribed Electric Bitters: which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years." Sure cure for biliousness, neurralgla, weak ness and all stomach, liver, kidney and bladder derangements. A wonderful tonic. At V. O. Frlcke & Co.'s drug store. 50 cents. 1 - - ' Mil w-ifWM4: mm Femae weakness "List Fall," writes Mrs. S. G. Bailey, of Tun nelton, W. Va., "I was going down by inches, from female disease, with great pain. After tak ing Cardui, Ohl My! Howl was benefited! I am not well yet, but am so much better that 1 will keep on taking Wine of Cardui till I am perfectly cured." Despite the envious attacks of jealous enemies and rivals, Cardui still holds supreme position today as in the past 70 years for the relief and cure of female diseases. It stops pain, tones up the organs, regulates the functions, and aids in the replacement of a misplaced organ. At Every Drug Store in $1.00 Bottles. WINE OF AND DON'T KNOW IT. Catarrh of Kidneys Caused Mitch Suffering. Mr. Leopold I'.randl, lileccker street, Urooklyn, X. Y w rites: I ! "I was sick three months with catarrh 1 of the kidneys and lungs. I was treated by my ! home physician and relieved to some extent, but 1 after 1 had worked again for two weeks, my old ! sunering nacKaciio and pains in the right lung returned. The dreadful cough which bothered me day and night lasted six months and no one could help me. "I tried three different patent medicines, without avail. I could scarcely eat anything and slept only a few hours each night. me to take Peruna. I did so and the e t appetite had Improved. I took a tea spoonful of Peruna every hour, day and night, for Jow I have taken five bottles, lean two people and am able to sleep well. "Whenever I meet a sick person, I advise him to take Peruna. I thank you a thousand times for your medi cine, as it was the only remedy that saved me. We it In our family." Leopold Hrandl. We bavo on file many testimonials like tho ones given here. We can give our readers only a slight glimpse of the vast array of unsolicited endorsements we are receiving every month. No other physician in the world has received such a volume of enthusiastic letters of thanks as Dr. Ilartman for Peruna. Address Pr. K. I!. Ilartman, President of t he Ilartman Sanitarium, Columl.ufc. Ohio, for free medical advice. All correspondence held strictly con fidential. Postmasters Elect Officers. The work of the third annual meet ing of the Nebraska postmasters, in session at Omaha, was completed yes terday by the election of otllcers, which resulted in the re-election of all the executives and the selection of Omaha as the place for the next an nual meeting. The new ollicers are: Captain Henry E. Palmer, Omaha, president: Ed. K. Si.er, Lincoln, first vice president; Karl Cramer, Colum bus, second vice president; Mrs. C. A. McDougall, Friend, third vice presi dent; Conrad Iluber, Kloomington, fourth vice presideit: V. J. Cook, Blair, secretary-treasurer. Special Sale of Trunks, Valises Suit Cases and Telescopes at Her old's. New Stock Lowest price. If your stomach troubles you do not conclude that there Is no cure, for a great many have been permanently cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Get a free sample at F. G. Frlcke & Co., and A. T. Frled's drug store and give them a trial. They also cure constipation and biliousness. FREE ADVICE Wrlit ut Ifllrr dforlHr (II your vmphim, anj ff mill fttnd you tm AJi. In rw lfJ nvior. AJJrf; I.iJih' AJvImkv Ivrurtmrni, 1 li LM't.nuj M.Jk in. .., Lhn nooga, Tnn. CARDUI t -