W II LLB A M H O L LY Clothing, Boots and Shoes and Men's Furnishing Goods HATS AND CAPS Gents Plain and Fancy Dress Shirts. Waterman Block All the Late Styles in Ready -to-Wear Clothing for Men and Boys. Plattsmouth. Neb. Men's f Boys' New and Up-to-Date Spring Clothing TLcoal Htocrtiecmcnts. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In Count T Court of Cu.' County. Nclirl.. In tlie mutter of tlie estate of 1-cvl t.ol.llniMlc ceacl. Itcrtln tiolillnir of : A. olive M., St. Umls. MKhouiI. ami Mrs. !'' IVrle. for merly Ilia tnihllnir. anil I'erle lr Iiiih- hanil, of 41 IS t'aol lemon Ave., ft. Inls. Ml wmrl. and nil oilier intmiiih IntereMctl In al,l Mate. will take notl.-e tliat Idirothea t.ol.lhiir, executrix, of said estate has tiled a ivimit In Mild estate: thill a l-tltlon and waiver haslieen Hied In said estate reouest Inir thai the reiKirt Hied hy iililex.-utrlx lie taken iir tinal and a divrce lie enleivd In accordance Willi the will of saldd ased. U-vl tioldlnir; that a heariuif w ill I' had In said matter al the Cou nt v Court roniu.at I'liittsiiioiiili.Neliraska on the :tnli day of .lime A. l. IKW. at llie hour if So'clock. i. 111., and all pintles Inlen-sted III Mild est ale are rciiiilrcit lo Hie their objection to said reiMirt and edition and waiver, on or lief., re- the :Mli day of .tune A. I. IIMI in 3 o'clock n. m. IUhvi Y 1. Tkavii. County .1 inure. PROBATE NOTICE. In the County Court. In and fur Cass County. Neliraska. In the nialterof Iheestateof Itiir liara Jones, deceased. All uerwtiM Interested In said estate are herehy untitled that a l-tl-tion has latn Hied 111 said court ulleirlnir that sulci direased died leavlnir no lusl will and pravlnir for adiiilnlstrallon uihiii her estate, and that a hearlnif will ! had on said iietltlon liefore said court on the HMli duy of June A. I. at Id o'clock a. in., and that if they fall to apiiear at said court on Mild ;'tli day of June A. I.,1IW al Id o'clock a. in., to conlest. the khIiI iN'tition. thecouit may trrant let tent of iiclmlnlst ration to 1'rcd it. Kircnuertfer or Home other Miltahle person and proceed to a Netl le nient thereof. IIahvkt 1. Thaviw. I heal. I County J utljn1. LEGAL NOTICE. In the matter of the esliileof Amos Tefft, de ceased. Notice Is irlven to all iietsoiw Inten'sted In said estate tluil a iH'tltion hur la-en Hied In this eourt alleirlnir that deceased deuarted this life Inlestale iKissessedof real estate and iersoniil pmiK'rty to he administered uihui and t lint n lieatini.' will he had Ulni suld im'IHIoii 111 Hie Con my Court room al I'hit tsim ml li. Nehrnskn. on the Sl day of July. A. K. Hni. at the hour of II o'clock a. 111. You ale re, ml red lo show cause luruiust Mild pet It Inn oil or lie fore Id o'clock a. in. on July S. It'll. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of Cass County. Nclinis!,!!. this l.'tli day of June. A. H. IK Hi. I Iahvi.v II. TltAVIS, IsKAI.I Cniinly Jlldve. Murdock (By U. A. Lels.) I'ltUDVl K MAKKETs. Corrected weekly by Martin Si Tool, who Day the highest prices fur produce and guarantee satisfaction: nutter -' Ktritu W- Men Itrolleis ....... iu- Cream No. I. Io : No. Uc Hoirs M-is) Cattle fl.iOand 4.UU (ill A IN MAKKKTS. Corn - ami ' Wheat t!- Oats JtH" RoCK Isl.ANO TlMK TaHI.K. Murdock Station. WKST IIOl'ND. No. 41, mail.. No. "o, local.. No. 5. mail... No. 37, mail. . " A" a. m. X:15a. m. .1:00 p. m. 5:47 p. m. EAST 110VND. No. !hj, freight... No. .US, mail No. 7(5, Local No. 6, mall .l':?o a. m. . lO:.rM a. m . 1:14 p. m , 3:00 p. m PROPOSAL TO ADOPT. Notice Is lierehy trivcll lo all nelsons llller ested. that on Ihestliilay of Julie. A. H. I '.nil, A ret as lieyuolds and wife. Hull ie Keynolils. tiled their p'tltloii In this Court oiojiosini.' to adopt I'.illlh ll.yitolils. a minor child under Hie life of fniM'ti'iMi .vcHrs.and lou'lve to said minor child nil the rlu'lits. priv ilexes and immunities of n child horn In lawful wedlock, and I lie Home of the l-'rieudless of l.lucolii. Nehrnskn. tiiivlnir control of .said Infiiiil child has liled a stalemi'iit duly sillied anil ack now leilu'ed that it desires to rcllu.iiili to said iK lltloner nil care, custody and con! tol of said minor child. You are further not i lied ihat by lit no of an order of this court duly entered, a heat inir will he had in the County Conn I ; x till III I'latts- moiuh. ( asscounty. on the ltli day of July, A. K. I'.icti. at which time judgment will been terod on the matter before the court. I lined June sin. UN hi. !ni. II. I'. Tmvi. County .ludj-'e. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Stat., of Nebraska. ; cmmy Court. .A ll4l t utility. - -In the matterof the estate of Levi (i. Toild Kt. deceased. Notice U lierehy nlven that the croditorof said di ceased will meet the Admlnlst rator of said estate, hefoie me. County . I udirc of Cass t'onnty, Nebiaska, at the County t ourt room III I'luttMiioul h. In said (ounty, on the 1 1 1 i.'av of I ul.v. I-'ni. and on the Kth duy of Janu l.ty. I'i'T. at In o'clock, a. ill., eai'h day. for the imnioseof iireseiititu; their claims forexaml i.a'.inii, adjustment and alkiwauce. Six moulds are allowed for I lie creditors of said deceased to picscnt their claims, from July s. r.n, and one year for the Administra tor' to scille said estate, from the IMhda.Vof June. Ill; ti. Witnesr my linni! aitdsi'til of said County Court, at riaitsmoiitii. Nehiaska . i Ids !ith day Jul:-. l' il. Hahvkv l. TitAVts. !i:ai.. County J udiie. IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY Ernest Hornemeler was In Omaua Erlday. W. T. Weddell wasan Omaha passen per Tuesday. Kensington met at Mrs. A. J. Tool's on Wednesday. Mrs. Marsh (nee Huskirk) was in town last week. S. A. Wood and family visited friends near South Bend over Sunday. Mrs. II. A. Gillespie was on the sick last week but is able to be out again. Matt Thimgan and family took In the Robinson show at Lincoln Satur day. Mrs. Egtfiesiton entertained a num her of young ladies Thursday in honor of Mrs. II. A. Wait. R. E. NeiUel, cashier of the Rank of Waterloo, visited relatives (?) in this burg over Sunday. F. R. (luthman, of riattsmouth visited at the home of II. R. Neltzel, several days last week. Mrs. II. A. Wait left for Fremont Tuesday morning, where she expects to make her future home. The Manley base ball team cameover Saturday and took a game from our second team. The score was 7 to 4. We received a line rain Sunday even ing, which we were very much in need of and now the farmer, as well as tht merchant, Is rejoicing. John Colbert and family and Grand pa and Grandma Colbert were up from Weeping Water and spent a day with Geo. L. Colbert and family last week. Fred Lau stepped on a rusty nail, Opening of thi Shoshone or Wind River Resemtioa In Wyoming. The president's proclamation open ing the Shoshone teservatlon lands for settlement has been published and prescribes the plan of drawing for these lands, w hich has proved so suc cessful with other agencies. Appli cants are to register at Worland.Ther- mopolis, Shoshone, or Lander In Wy oming, between July Kith and 31st. The subsequent drawing for these lands will be held at Lander com mencing August 4th, the drawing to be supervised by a committee of three persons of undoubted Integrity. Par ties can return home after registering, and the successful ones are notllied by card when and where to appear to make tilings for the land drawn. The Shoshone area comprises about 400,ooo acres of agricultural lands to be drawn for, and the government made a remarkably cheap settlement with the Indians so that the cost Is not going to exceed 11.50 an acre for the agricultural lands, except, of course, the additional cost on the pro rataplan for the Irrigation works to be built Sixty days after August loth, those seeking timber and mineral claims can cross the border and take up these claims under the timber and mineral act, and all persons arc especially ad monlshcd by the government not to attempt to jump mineral or timber claims or to enter the reservation for that purpose prior to the appointed time. It lias been a close race between the building of the Rurlington's Worlnnd extension up the lilg Horn river and the opening date for this registration. and the most remarkable energy has been put into the work by I lie railroad tu get this line finished to Worland by the Fourth of July. Two or three daily shifts of laborers are laying rail day and night, and right behind the steel gang come the ballast trains loaded from an Immense gravel bed on the right-of-way. It Is certain that the Rurlington's line will be finished to Worland probably two weeks before NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1 n County Court. OF Nr.Ult ASKA ' t AsS ClH XTV. I In the matter of the estate of John West, de ceased. Ni'tlce Is heti by tl en that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executrix of said est ate, hefoie me, county judt'e of Cass coun ty, Nebraska, at tl ounty court room In I'lattsiiiout li. In said county, on the u'ud day of July A. I.. I'"ii. and on the 7th day of J miliary A. I'., IWC. at luo'clock n. m ich day, for the pui lKise of present Inir their claims for evunii iiutloti, adjustment ami allowance. Six mouths are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their claims from the nd day of July, I Hurt, and one year for the executrix lo nettle said estate from the 1st day of May, limrt. Witness my hand and seal of said county court, at riattsmouth, Nebraska, this ttth day of June. lWnl. IIahvkt 1. Tiiavis. Ifkai.1 County . I ulm. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. rTV7 '1 , w' i.;. ' m I " Count y Court. In t he matter of the estate of Koba White deceased. Notice Is hereby irlven that the creditor of ki III (leccaM'd will meet the Atlmlnlstratratitx with will annexed tif mi III estate. Iicfore me. County Judce of Cass County, Nebraska, at the county court room In I'liittsmouth, in mild county, on the Tth day of July. A. I. It'll, and on the mil day of January. A. l. It7, al 10 o'clock a. m. each day, for the puniose of pre sent IniHhctr claims for examination, adjust ment anil allowance. Hx moiilhr are allowed for the creditors of sbIiI deceased to present their claims, from July Tth. IIH. and one year for the adminis tratrix with the will annexed to settle suld es tate from the Kill day of May. IKil. Witness my hand and the seal of snhl Count. v Court, at I'liittsmouth, Nebraska, thlsiltliday of June, 1HKI. llAitvrv H. Thavix. ai. Count. v Judi:e. l Si What's The Use of wearing ordinary common place t ixfords, when better ones cost no more. Just received a Mohawk Calf and Mirror Patent on swing narrow toe which Is especially adapted for Die young men. See them at . . $3.25 Canvas Footwear Children' Slipper Hot Weather Comfort SHERWOOD & SON DOINGS OF DISTRICT COURT Weeping Water I rotii the Herald. The Missouri Pai'llic luisaddedanew wheelbarrow to Us rolling stock at this plate. Miss Ailt'i'ii (Hive is visiting her cousin, Kllii'l Leyda in riattsmouth, expecting to stay two or three weeks. Frank Karnes plead guilty in justice court to assaulting Fred Walker Sat urday night and was lined ifioi). Miss Annetta Woods was over from Plattsmoiith for a couple of days visit with her parents the last of the week. Kev. John Andre of Chadmn, the Case of Wolf vs. Elson Decided In Favor of Plaintiff GETS JUDGMENT FOR SUM OF $4,984 Court Hears Arguments In Several Other Cases and Hands Down Decisions. Judge Jessi-n and Court Keporter Taggart arrived from Nebraska City this morning, convening district court at It o'clock to hear the arguments in several cases, among which was that of Itculah Klson Wolfe vs. Benjamin and Fannie Klson. The attorney, S. M. Chapman, for the plaint I IT, and At torney Matthew tiering for the de fendants, presented their arguments to the court, who handed down his de cision this morning, awarding llie plaintiff, Mrs. Wolfe, a judgment In the sum of l,2o, with 10 per cent In terest, amounting In all to 4,tsl, against the defendants. The action was brought by the plaintiff to recover the above sum of money, which was loaned to the de fendants, her parents, while they were conducting a clothing store in this city. In the lirst place the money had Keen left to her by her great uncle, on condition that s!n should marry he fore a certain age, hither parents had invested this money in the clothing store, and when the daughter, I'.eulah. was married In the time specified by the treat uncle, this money became her property. She was Than and Now. Sheldon, the distinguished Cass county gentleman who ha under taken to reform the republican party In Nebraska talks a Inildly as a popu list mid road brigadier did In Ivmi. He Is a calamity howler t.r the highest class. Mr. Sheldon can ring the changes In language that would he convincing wero It not for the fact that you know that lie Is stringing you. Mr. Sheldon wants the republi can nomination for governor, ami hopes to talk the nomination out of the people. Mr. Sheldon Is anxious to have the people name thelrowu pub lic servant, but Is eiiially anxious to lie that servant. My, how railroad ridden Nebraska is Just now! Mr. Sheldon lias been state senator from his district aim been a public charac ter for some time, but It has never occurred tolilm, until now that he wants to he governor, what a fearful octopus the railroads are and what a burden they Impose upon the people. Mr. Sheldon has had many opportuni ties to help "do" this frightful octo pus, but It can be thine only by him self In the governor's chair. Mr. Thompson In hMi'J, or Mr. P.erge in PiOl were mere demagogues to the Sheldon class, who were yelling them selves hoarse for Mr. Mickey at that time. When the railroatl parly nomi nates the candidate this year, whether it he Mr. Sheldon, Mr. Wall, Mr. Miles, or some equally sat isfactory candidate Mr. Sheldon's antl-rallroad talk will lie forgotten history, ami he will he who iplng-er-up for the grand old rail road party as usual. You watch Shel don. Hastings lie crat There Is no neei discomfort In cause digestion. !et a I worn ing; along in of i. disordered lioltle id' k ll l( li. given 11 chattel mortgage upon the.'o; I iYSPF.PSI A, ami see what, It .stock of goods by her parents. hut later ' will do for you. Kodnl not only digests released this In order that Hi" stock what you cat ami gives that tlicd of gootls might he sold, thus enabling 1 stomach a needed rest, hut Is a col lier to realize the amount called for hy r,,t. ivc ()f greatest, clliclency. the Instrument. After the sale was relieves indigestion, dispcpsia, . , I... ,nl mlnl.tiir ermm In July Mb, which ,s the first day of - -- reoisi.rai.uiii. . made she railed to receive her snare i 1 palpitation of the heait, i!al iilence, same, and therefore brought the ae. I ;m, S(. S,,)m;l(.,. Ko,,, will make Hon in district court to recover judg- yimrstomach ybung and dealt hy attain ment against le'r parents. Y(,u will worry just in I he propnri imi ... , ., .... i that your stomach worries you. Worry Ninety-Four Parties to Action I ., , . . ... lo llUliiet f lol; 1 ...... e.s.s w. o " J registration One of the problems of settling up Irrigated lands In the west Is to show buyers and settlers from the east the regularity and the wealth of irrigated crops from year to year. All seekers for Irrigated lands from the whole country east of the Missouri river ap pear to be from Missouri and "have to which penetrated the sole of his foot, be shown," and this was one of the and put him out of commission for a few days, but lie Is now on the mend. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, of Omaha. Wednesday, June i:i, a bouncing boy. Grandma Helming went to Omaha to see the new arrival. The First Newspaper Folder. The first newspaper folding machine that has ever been installed in Cass county can now be seen in the Journal ofllce. The machine arrived this morn ing and is now ready for use. It not only folds the paper, but cuts and pastes the same all at once. When you desire to view the most complete print shop that was ever established in the county, call at Journal head quarters and you can enjoy that satisfaction. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. HTATKOF N'KIIIUSKA, I III ( 'nil lit v Court I ASH I OINTY. I in. on. iij v.. mi. In the mutter of the estiite of John l.uehls- U'rlT. (Iiss'iiscil. I Notice Is lierehy irlven t lint the crcdltora of kuWI decenseil will meet the executrix of snhl state, Iicfore me. Comity .1 in lire of Cass Coun ty, Nehrnrka. tit tl until y court room In I'lntlsmonth, In snhl county, on the ilth ilny of .lulv. A. I. II"'. 10 1. 1 nn the Tthilnyof .Innniiry. A. i. It. At le o'clock it. in., eii.'h duy, for the puriNMe of iircscntinir their eliiiinn for examin ation, adjustment and allowance. Hlx monlhs an1 allowed for the creditor of wall) de 'eased to present their clulins from the Kill (lav of .Inly. A. I. I!s and one year for the executrix to settle Mild estate, from tlm M day of May. Iinil. ...... Witness my hand and seal of Mild (ounty rmrt.il I'liittsmouth, Nehrnsliii. thlHilth duy of June, linni. IIakvkv I'. Tuavih, Ihkai.I County .luilire. PHIL SAUTER PLATTSMOIITH, NEBRASKA IMmnnnWI I iiuiiv.r 'hUAUSl Dealer In Edison Phonographs the most wonderful musical Instrument of the times. Write for catalog and price. We carry a large and com plete stock of Edison and Vic tor records. Hear them free. chief reasons why the liurlington hauled out o.nuo laborers a thousand miles to the basin to hurry up this line through the Irrigated land of the Hig Horn valley, so that the army of persons going to register for Shoshone lands could see and appreciate the value of Irrigated lands enroute. The new Worland line goes right through a .one of irrigated lands extending all the way from Frannie along the Cig Horn river, traversing single tracts of 30,0(10 acres under cultivation. The railroads have also shown their interest In the enterprise of settling up the new West by undertaking to bring out the largest possible number of entries for this drawing with un usually low excursion rates, the main motive being to get the people out and scatter them over the new lands of the West. Reunion at Union August 24 and 2S. At the annual business meeting of the Old Settlers' association It was decided to hold the eighteenth annual reunion at Union Friday and Satur day, August 21 and Z', this being the eighteenth year In succession that the reunion has been held there. The ofllcers elected for this year are as follows: President, James T. Reynolds. Vice presidents, M. II. Shoemaker and D. W. Foster. Secretary, Charles L. Graves. Treasurer, Dan Lynn. Directors, Dan Lynn, G. X. Laltuc, M. L. Thomas, G. F. McNamee and W. L. Taylor. Ay ers Pills Keep them in the house. Take one when you feel bil- di- er Co., ill ious or dizzy. They act rectlvontheliver.fow.Ti Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE a beautiful brown or rich black? Use m n. w wkumu . r. uu m.. ntm.. . a. Wlfo Boatera on tha Carpat. On the Information and complaint of Mrs. Catherine Miller and Mrs. Ida Hlxon, the latter's husband, Chas. W II lxon, was required by the county judge to furnish t."00 bonds as security for keeping the peace, and for his ap' pearance on the first day of district court. The complaint of Mrs. Miller charges the defendant with unlawful ly breaking Into her house on last Sat urday, while Mrs. Hlxon's complaint states that she Is In danger of her life, and has been struck and kicked by the defendant. The latter complaint was continued for thirty days. t o resfdC' among us. The wedding of Miss Hernice Good ale and Arthur T. Wiles occurred Tuesday at the home of the bride's brother, Samuel Goodale, near Green wood. M. M. Straub, of near Avoca, was a caller at this otllcc Sat urday. He Is of the opinion that oats will he a very short crop, but says that fall wheat stood the drouth remarkably well and also corn. While helping his brother doctor a horse last Friday, F.igel Jensen receiv ed a painful Injury to his right ankle by the horse falling on it, which makes it necessary for him to go about on crutches. J. A. Donelan sold his gasoline en gine last Friday to a gentleman In the western part of the state. Of course you know the engine moved Jack's automobile, and so he threw in that part of the vehicle. Just what money consideration was paid we did not learn, but we have heard the story of the Xebraska man that sold a sand farm In the West, and In the deed wrote the description of two farm, and forced the purchaser to accept the gift of the extra land. Jack never slept better In his life than he has since the auto left town. What Wo Need. If a nation wants to hold a position In the world it becomes necessary for all nation-forming units to be strong, energetic and persistent.whlch means, that everyone of us must do his share In this respect and must educate his children In the same spirit. It Is our duty to give enough nourishment to the body, because It Is the foundation of strength and energy and there is nothing In the world better than the use of Trlncr's American Elixir of litter Wine. Using It as soon as the strength of some organ declines and Is not able to perform Its duties, we can positively rely on that Elixir. It Is a natural family-remedy whose benetl- clal action on the stomach and the In testines has not been surpassed by any preparation. It rejuvenates the blood and through It the whole body; It pours new strength Into the muscle fibres, It gives nourishment to the brain and to the nerves. Those are the natural results of a thoroughly di gested food. I nail cases of Indisposi tion, loss of appetite or In weakness Trlner's American Kllxlr of Hitter Wine Is the only reliable remedy. At drug stores. Jus. Trlncr, "'.r.i So. Ash land Ave., Chicago, Ills. A cast? was 111 Robertson's ollW'e today entitled Abra ham L. hecker vs Henry (J. Reynolds, et al. The action Is brought toiulet title to s; nw, lot :i In nwj of nwl and fractional lots lo, 11, 1J, 1.!, II and IT In ne of nwj all of section l1, town ship in and range II. In this Instru ment there are ninety-three defend ants named and the plaiutilT makes nlnety-lourtli party Interested in the action. This Instrument, as nil others Is recorded In three different lioolts, and the deputy clerk was employed the greater part of today entering the entire case, the lirst, name, and Initial of the second name of each defendant being reUircd in tiling the case. District Court Notes. Geo. Mapcs who has been located In Omaha several weeks, looking after some grading, came down to be pre sent as bailiff In district court. Walker v Hct trick, sale confirmed, deed ordered to purchaser. Hendricks vs Itrown, ct. el.; hearing had, and Issues found In favor of plain tiff, and a decree was ordered as pray ed for In the petition. best. Worry is to be avoided at. all times Kodnl will take t he worry out of your stomach. Sold by I'lirKc ft, Co. arid Geriiig & Co. Machine oil at Asemissen .V Louck's. Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Rlock. We will give you bargains on Amer ican Fence. Asemuseii .V Louck. Don't hi; fooled and made to be lieve that rheumatism can he cured with local appliances. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the only posi tive cure for rheumatism. '.' cents, l ea or Tablets. Gering Co. For Sale! A ltio acre farm close to Murray; fair Improvements, on or address For particulars call C S. S'I'liNK, Murray, Neb. PURCHASE PLATTSMOUTH PRODUCTS Saloon Men Must Be Sober. The judgment of the district court! in the case of James C. Ilrlnkworth i and others against Emanuel Shcmbcck of Reatrice Is revised and the cause Is remanded with directions to cancel the license to sell liquor which was granted him by the city council. The supreme court states that the burden of proof is upon an applicant for a liquor license to prove that he Is a man of respectable character and standing ; when by remonstrance such fact Is de-' nled. Shcmbcck presented his peti tion In regular form and was granted j his license. A remonstrance was en- j tercd stating that he was an habitual drunkard. Shcmbcck made no at- j tempt to disprove It In the trial and he Is now deprived of his license. Thanks Her Patrons. In retiring from business Mrs. Street wishes to thank her friends and pat rons for their patronage during her twelve years of business life In Riatts mouth and wishes her successors the same kind treatment. CASTOR I A" For Infanta and Children. I The Kind You Have Always Bought Dears tha Signature of A well-made, perfectly fit ting, water-proof gauntlet glove for workingmcn Made in Plattsmouth A Winner for S1.00 C- Ei Wescott's Sons I "Whr Quality CeunU."