The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 21, 1906, Image 6

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    Murray Department
Beoik Drafts
have many advantages
'it.kpauki in thk intkkksts
I It ii ml it f tilt l( .Icfl I t! f I'll ." I'M'" 'l"
HV ii imI iul ili-tim of inhnt Editor JiMiriuiJ.
VJ. Shu'iim was in l'lattsmoutli
lr. A. E. Walker was In Murray
J. W. llurton was In l'lattsinoulh
Saturday evening.
J. S. Lindsay was a l'lattsmoutli
visitor Wednesday.
Walt Vallery was In l'lattsmouth a
few days tills week.
II. (J.Todd shipped Ills cattle the
latter part ofl ho week.
A. R. Hoedeker went toOmaha with
Ills cattle Monday evening.
1). L. Amlck shipped a carof hogs to
South Omaha Monday evening
Fate Pa via of South Omaha was
visiting Murray friends Sunday.
Fate lavlstif South Omaha was a
Murray visitor Saturday evening.
M. (5. Churchill made a Hying busi
ness trip to Omaha this morning.
James Smith was a business visitor
at riattsmuuth Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, of Hock HlutTs,
were In Murray Wednesday afternoon.
(iood Todd and family of Union
attended the entertainment Tuesday
Miss Jennie Marks, of Union, Is vis
iting at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. 11.
F. lirendel.
Rev. Ritchie, will give a talk to the
little folks at the church every Wed
nesday afternoon.
Fred Patterson, of Uock ltlulTs, was
attending to some business matters In
Murray Wednesday.
Misses Florence and Lulu Yullcry
were vlsltliux their sister Mrs. T. J.
lirendel Wednesday.
tjuite a number of the young people
attended the plat form dance at ( ans
wer's Saturday night.
Mrs. 0. A. Rawls, of l'lattsmoutli,
visited at the homes or Messrs. Holmes
Smith last Saturday.
J. W. Holmes Is In Murray this
week while W. S. Smith Is looking
after the store In Mynard.
Miss Marie Merger visited a few
days this week with her cousins, the
Misses llerger in Nehawka.
1'hillipTritschand wife, from KIght
Mile drove, visited at the home of lr.
(illmorc and wife Tuesday.
Vallery & Halley, tho lightning rod
men, have just completed roddlng the
large house and barn of (ieo. Kraeger.
Harry Todd shipped his cattle to
South Omaha Friday evening. Mr.
Todd and James Loughrldtse went up
with them.
Miles Standlsh and sun, Ira, pur
chased a new hay loading outllt from
our genial hardware merchant, L. It.
I'nderwoo:!, this week.
Lee Nlekles, private secretary for
Mayor Fitch of Kenosha, came to town
Wednesday to tell us that it had
rained at his place Sunday night.
Miss Catherine Peering who has
been visiting her sister Mrs. L. 1!.
I'nderwood, returned to her home In
(hand Island, Neb,, last Saturday.
Fred (Jorder of Weeping Water was
hi Murray Wednesday afternoon, driv
ing over with his sister, who was re
turning to her home In l'lattsmoutli.
Tommy Nixon and l'earl Kniss were
in l'lattsmoutli Sunday evening, and
In returning homo through the storm
they drove off the bridge over the
creek one mile east of Mynard. The
buggy was turned over In the stream,
Binder Twine
M'Cormlck Standard
Farm Machinery,
Wagons, Buggies
L B. Underwood
Binders, Mowers,
Rakes, Threshers
Oeering Standard
Binder Twine
or -rm: n:i'u: of mi-kray
of it K-ilo- irfof mi id iii i-.''iii'u-i.i
the occupants recvlvlnga good drench
ing, and the buggy was somewhat
damaged, but further than this no
harm was done.
Jos. Shrader shipped a car of hogs
to South Omaha Wednesday evening,
going to the market with them.
M. (. Kline of near Nehawka, passed
through Murray Wednesday afternoon
enroute to South Omaha with a car
load of fat cat tie.
Alvln Ferris and wife, from near
Nehawka, were at the home of Mrs.
Ferris' parents, N. Slocum and wife, a
few days this week canning cherries.
The advertising man for the l'arker
Carnival Co., that will show In l'latts
moutli from July ! to 14th, was in
Murray Wednesday billing the town.
Misses (icnuva and Ilertha Sporer
departed for their home at Valparaiso,
Nub., Monday after spending a few
weeks visiting relatives near Murray.
Frank Knot, of Heaver City, was
visiting Murray friends and relatives
a few days this week. Mr. Koot Is a
brother of Mrs. W. II. McPaniel, and
a son of Cnclo Jlmmle.
In a letter to the Murray relatives
Mr. A. M. Holmes, of Wakarusa,
Kansas, reports Mrs. Holmes Improv
ing at this time. The many friends
around Murray and all Cass county
will be pleased to learn this.
M. ('. Churchill met with an acci
dent that might of proven unite seri
ous Monday while moving his house
hold good.. In handling a heavy fold
ing bed in some manner It closed on his
arm. llo was compelled to call for
help to release him.
Miss Lulu Karnes, of Greenwood,
and Miss May liowman, of llrokcn
ltow, who were here to assist In the
entertainment given by Miss Oldham
returned to their home Wednesday
morning. Miss Oldham accompanied
the m as far as Omaha.
(i. L. Kerger was In South Omaha
Wednesday afternoon and while there
purchased twenty head of stock cattle
which will be fattened at his place in
Eight Mile Grove. George says stock
ers are a reasonable price now and It Is
surely the time to buy.
Whllo In Murray Wednesday the
Journal man accepted tho kind invita
tion to take dinner with Mr. ar.d Mrs.
1. L. Amick at their home south of
town. Mrs. Amlck spared no pains to
prepare an excellent meal for ns, and
It was certainly up to the usual high
standard Many thanks kind friends,
M. (S. Churchill and family have
moved to their new home across the
street in the Allison building. Mc is
now busy remodeling the vacated
rooms preparatory to placing in a neat
line of cigars, candies, and tobaccos,
also an ice cream parlor. In the rear
portion of the room w ill be placed
billiard parlor with new equipments.
Mr. Churchill tells us that he Intends
to conduct a tii st-class place In every
particular, and that no rowdyism will
be tolerated. He will be in a position
to extend an invitation to all his
friends to call on Saturday of this
Ir. Cook of l'lattsinoulh was in
Murray again Wednesday, and In com
pany with nr. lirendel drove down to
the home of James Allison, where Mr,
Allison is still contincd, a very sick
man. Some few days ago tho attend
Ing physicians came to tho conclusion
that he was troubled with a tape worm
and a t reatmcnt was administered ao
cordingly, and up to Wednesday of
Binder Twine
Plymouth Standard
Sisal Binder Twins
Binder Twine
and vicinity esfeciallv fou
in 1n.i nrimfi; mi in'u will miu,t I" tl,is
this week they have succeeded In re
moving twenty-live feet of the worm,
but up to the present time have been
unable to tlnd the head, but have
hopes of entirely relieving Mr. Allison
n the next few days. .
Thirteen cars of cat tie left this place
a Nebraska City Monday evening
for Chicago, going over the Burlington
from Nebraska City. II. C. Long
shipped 5 cars, A. IJocdeker 3 cars,
Robt. Young 'A cars and Chas. Chrls
wclsser 2 cars. All tho above gentle
men went with them; also C. S. Stone
and Glen Rocdekcr. They were in
Chicago for the Wednesday morning
The Champion Out Championed.
A special from Murray early this
morning brings to the Journal me
distressing news that Its old friend,
A. Walker, has at last been com
pelled to succumb to that which all
champions sooner or later must de-
eat. Mr. Walker has worn the cham
pion belt so long as a high live player,
defeating allcomers, up to the pres
ent time. Last night a contest was
arranged for Mr. Walker and Dave
Amlck against Monl Robb and Jim
Holmes to play ten games, which re
sulted In a victory for Holmes and
Uobb. Of course a good partner has
lots to do In the way of success, and
this may have been the sole cause of
defeat In this Instance. While the
Journal regrets to chronicle this
"downfall" of our friend, It Is to be
hoped at the next contest ho will be
successful In securing a partner who
can play as well as he can, and that a
redemption will be made by victory
again being Inscribed on his noble
brow. So we would advise Jim and
Mont not to crow too lustily over this
The Entertainment.
The entertainment given by Miss
Paulino Oldham at the church on
Tuesday evening was one of the best,
If not the best ever seen in our little
city, and the attendance very large.
The receipts amounted to $14 2.. The
musical numbers were rendered by
Misses Vcrnic Graves and Minnie
Shoemaker, of Union, and Mrs. Gil-
more and Miss Margie Walker, of this
city; Miss Lulu Karnes, of Greenwood,
assisted greatly In the entertainment
with vocal solos, and although not on
on the printed program, Miss Karnes
was a welcome number; she has a fine
contralta voico and hersclectlons were
met by the entire audience with a
glad hand. Miss Gussle Robb played
all tho accompaniments on the piano.
Miss May Bowman, of Broken Bow and
Miss Oldham rendered a number of
selections hi reading, which were the
main features of the program, and
were well received by the large crowd
present. Miss Oldham is no doubt
one of the best readers In the state of
Nebraska, and she Is certainly a favor
ite in Murray and Broken Bow, where
she is best known; Miss Bowman, while
but a mere child, possesses a wonder
fill ability for committing to memory;
she favored the audience with a num
ber of very lengthy selections and all
were perfect. As a whole the enter
talnmcnt was a success In every par
ticular and our people hope It may lie
but a short time when they may have
an opportunity of attending another
of the same kind.
Farmers, Look!
If you arc in need of new hay fork
rope, please bear In mind that we carry
a high grade rope and have some on
hand. Call and stc us. Holmes &
Smith, Mynard.
New Hope.
SMt'liil Corri'iiulciit.
Will Troop and wife were PlattS'
mouth visitors Friday.
Mrs. D. C. Rhoclen and Miss Mar
garct Conner called on Dr. and Mrs.
Gllmoro Thursday evening.
Misses Lela Vallery and Margaret
Conner and Mr. llouack spent Sunday
with Miss l'earl Lewis.
Mrs. Geo. Rhode ti and Mrs. Glen
Blioden were Omaha visitors Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Khoden spent
Sunday with John Lloyd ami family.
Kelly Blii'den called at the home of
John Grccory Sunday evening. We
wonder why?
Misses Nettie and Bertha Sporer re
turned tothejr hmncs In Valparaiso
Miss Margaret Conner Is spending a
few days with Miss Pearl Lewis.
Chas. Chrlswlsser and daughter,
Z.upha, were visiting In I'lattsmouth
Miss Gertie Jenkins spent Sunday
with Mr. F.urlch and family.
Chas. Troop shipped six car loads of
cattle Thursday.
T. W. Vallery was an Omaha visitor
the jofkxal ijeaheiis.
ofux it trill (i.nnr mni r this hoiJiiuj.
her sister, Mis. Lowthers, Tuesday.
Mrs. Aultof I'lattsmouth Is spend
ing a few days at the home of A. Mast.
W. A. Lewis and daughter, Miss
l'earl, were l'lattsmoutli visitors Wed
nesday. When the baby talks, it Is time to
give Hull liter's Kocky Mountain Tea.
It's the greatest baby medicine known
to loving mothers. It makes them
eat, sleep and grow. 3.1 cents, Tea or
Tablets. Gerlng&Co.
Decision In Taylor vt Stull.
In the proceedings to impress the
lien for attorney's fees upon the judg
ment rendered In favor of Lulu Tay
lor, the case of Taylor vs Stull,' Judge
Day of Omaha, sitting at the request
of Judge Jessen, handed down his deci
sion last evening, denying tho lien.
Excercleee Postponed.
On account of the rain last Sunday
evening the Children's Day program
at Eight Mile Grove church was post
poned until next Sunday evening, June
1 All Intprnutftd will nlariun hnnr Hila
V .. ... ll,,VH,,.V,l ..... f't U V. M . b ' t
In mind.
The 9lncere8t tribute that can be
paid to superiority Is Imitation. The
many Imitations of DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve that are now before the
public prove It the best. Ask for De
Wltt's. Good for burns, scalds.chaffed
skin, eczema, tetter, cuts, bruises.bolls
and piles. Highly recommended and
reliable. Sold by Frlcke & Co. and
Gerlng & Co.
Magpie Grove
(Spei'liil CorresH)iilt'iirt.)
Otto Puis visited at the home of
W. II. Puis Monday.
Chas. Ilerren and Will Renner made
a trip to Nehawka Sunday.
Ad. Boedeker shipped cattle to
the Omaha market Monday.
Ray Davis has improved his rest
dencn with a tine new porch.
John I label ate Sunday dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beverage.
un. Hanson and family visited at
the home of Fred Hild Sunday.
Miss Helen Hild visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Puis last week.
C. R. Corbett of Elmwood visited at
the home of H. Beck Saturday and
R. A. Young and Cbas. Boedeker
shipped fat cattle to the Chicago
market Monday.
Robert Will was seen driving a
livery rig to Murray Monday morning,
and we wonder why?
Levi Rusterholtz and wife visited
with Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Hebncr, near
Weeping Water Sunday.
Guy and Carl Davis, of Lincoln, are
visiting their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Davis this week.
The platform dance was largely
attended Saturday night, and a good
time was had. Don't forget June III)
for the next dance.
tjulte a game of ball was witnessed
Sunday at P. A. II lid's pasture be
tween Manlcy and Cedar Creek. Man
ley winning by a score of 41 to 8.
Miss Mata Puis, our Maple Grove
sewing Miss sewed for her sister, Mrs.
P. A. Hild, last week, she will be em
ployed at Mrs. J. L. Young this week.
John Habel, the Maple Grove
weather prophet Is a good one; he tells
us that we will have plenty of rain and
a good crop this season. Good for you,
Wednesday, June 20, at 2 o'clock at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Albert
near Cedar Creek, occurred the mar
riage of their daughter, Lizzie, to
August Engelkemeler of this place.
Rev. Fred Sprlegel officiating.
Here we are Willi
These goods are carried at both our Murray
the same prices will be made at
they have many ai'.vantajjes over !'. (). iv.o::cy
1'ostofTice money orders are Rood only at the otVxe
named in the order, and must be cashed" at place,
l'ostoffice orders can he transferred hut once by en
dorsement. Bank drafts are cheaper than 1 0. or
express money orders. A bank draft is a hank money
order. A bank draft may be transferred as many
times as desired. Hank drafts are returned the bank
iasuiiiR them and may be examined by the purchaser.
The endorsements on back of a bank "draft serve as a
receipt. There is no red tape or delay in case a bank
draft is lost a duplicate is issued to the purchaser
of the original draft without addition expense. Buy
your bank money orders at the
Murray State Bank.
Chas. S. Stons, Cashier. Murray, Neb. .
War Among Lightning Rod Com
panies in the State of
The Journal printed last week an ar
ticle purporting to bo from the Lin
coln Journal.which accused theagents
of Cole Brothers' Lightning Rod com
pany of St. Louis of doing an Insur
ance business in Cass and other coun
ties and that the r modo of dolnir
business was a fake. In justice to the
parties representing the Colo brothers
in this county we print the following
ruling of the supreme court of Iowa,
In reference to the same matter. But
as to same ruling holding good in Ne
braska we are not prepared to say:
"The case of Cole Bros. vs. J. C. De
Haven, appelant, distinguishes Insur
ance from guarantee.
"The facts are these: DcIIaven
bought of plaintiffs a Lightning Rod,
giving his note In payment; that plain
tiffs guaranteed that the rod should
protect the house, and that they would
be liable for damage to the amount of
$.jOO for damage caused by direct com
munication of lightning to the house.
The plaintiffs sued on the note, and
the defendant set up that the Insur
ance would not hold, as plaintiffs had
not complied with the insurance stat
utes of Iowa. The Supreme Court
hold that 'if one Is employed to watch
a building he may agree in consldera
tlon of such employment that he will
pay therefor If It burns down through
his negligence. This would
not be a contract of Insurance but of
guarantee.' The present case Is ex
actly identical with that supposed.
Consequently the contract Is one of
guarantee and not of Insurance, and
there was consideration for the note,
as a contract of guarantee could be
enforced. Hence the court below Is
We are still using the above guaran
tee, on application to all parties pur
chasing goods of Agents for our Cele
brated Lightning Rods.
Cin.K linos.
For Sale.
An Al organ In good condition. For
particulars call on Mrs. Ilertha Peter
son, Third and Granite streets.
If you are needing anything In the
line of hardware call and let us tlgure
with you. We carry the goods at our
Mynard store and are ready to give
you prices. Holmes & .Smith.
Epidemic of Wife Beating.
Armed with all the necessary papers,
Sheriff luinton started over land for
Union this morning after Chas. Hath
away, who will be arrested upon a
charge brought by his wife, Elizabeth
Hathaway, of cruelty in various ways,
even to that of whipping her. Hath
away will be brought to this city, and
a preliminary hearing had before
County Judge Travis. There seems to
be an epidemic passing over Cass
county, and a number are being af
flicted with the disease of wife boating.
Fruit Jar talk that will interest you
Ball-Mason Jars
One-half Gallon Jars, per dozen 75c
Quart Jars, - " " 05c
Pint Jars, - - 55c
Jar Rubbers, 15c kind, dbl thicknes, doz... 10c
ExtruCaps, per dozen 25c
Strength to Weak Men
Rtncwt Nrv Pore mn4 Energy.
Tot world admire mea who r itniiiK In physical,
tlivnul ami rtervo Curve i mm of ambition, energy ami
xtroiiftl rii.ittlani the true type of jwrfwH manhood.
To alia l it tli In the Unit nxjulxlte li (rood, healUiJT
Nerves, which irW rapacity fur full development.
PCrrCR I NERVIOOR makfi llrn. Calm Nerve ft.
Cur. i Nerveue Debllltv. Failing Memery. Vital Weak
nees. Preetretlen. Sleepleeeneee "d u liter truubleedue
to ttwr work, worrv, munkiiiif , or vicious hatilte.
MfckHnrteh. healthy liluodand repairs wasted oerre.
X'luallv irood fur women. )iH)klit free.
rrlcell.mta ho. Klx for tfj.ou, poatpald, with A guar
antee to refund. If not rured or lienvltted.
For Sale by Gerinj? & Co.
Lands, Ranches and City Real Estate
in Nebraska and elsewhere bought
sold and exchanged.
Ki'iitiils. Insnriinon and Alistractlni; of
Tltli's. Minify to lonn nt 11 low mu- of
IntiTi'st on Ini proved fiiriiia. Husliit-s
rnrrespondi'iiU In all Important cities
and towns in tliu United Slates.
Telephone No. 20 and 98.
R. B. WINDHAM, President
W. W. WINDHAM , Secretary
All kinds of IVntal work. Plates made tbal
lit. 2il years experience. Prices reasonable.
Tklepiiokr No. 3ok47
MJ 1 1 J
in any style
Short Orders)
Our Sp0
elMltltt. Regular Meals j
If you are hungry we can supply
you with the pick of the market
Sth d cor East of ds Co. Bank
and CURE the LUNGS
Or. King's
50c C$1.00
Free Trial.
Hurest and Quickest Cure for all
Teeth $5
Cold Crowm ind Brldf Teeth li to op. Pore,
lain Crowm I no op. Fillinn joe dp. Telh
fciiracted Ptinlatt. Nw let iwue dy.
DAI LEY, Tho Dentist,,
EeUbllehwtlRSS.- PaitoaBlk. OflAHAi
Fire-works and tire-crackers at our
Mynard store. Holmes St Smith.
and Mynard Stores and
both stores.
i an
Mrs. Will Kloepplng visited wltb
I i i i i I