The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 21, 1906, Image 5

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    Kroehler & Kroehler
In selecting your spring needs, please bear in mind that
we carry a complete line of Builders' Material
in the Hardware Line. Also.
and the old
Buck's Stoves
and Ranges
Wc do all kinds of Roofing Repairing and Spouting. Call and see us.
Don't allow money to lie around,
is easier to spend it and easier
to lose it
" III!,,!!);.
Lj keeping it in a safe place such as
The BanH of Cass County
Capital Stock $.i0,000, Surplus $15,000
Clms. C. I'lirmcle. t'res., .lucob Trltsoh, V-P,
T. M, I'litttTson. Casli.
You can give a check for any part of
it at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
When you have a bank account you
will he anxious to add to it rather than
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more about it.
No appetite, loss of strength, nervous
ness, headache, constipation, bad breath,
zeneral debility, sour risings, and catarrh
of the stomach are all due to Indigestion.
Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discov
ery represents the natural Juices of dlge
lion as they exist In a healthy stomach
combined with the greatest known tonlo
and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure does not only cure Indigestion
and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy
cures all stomach troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach
Mr. S. S. BIL of Ravanswood. W, Vi.. uyi:-
" 1 wii troubled with tour itomach (or twenty yetri.
Kodol cured me end we ire now uilnf It In milk
Kodol Digests What You Eat
Bottles only. S 1 00 Size holding 2M timet the trie!
lie, which sells for SO cents.
Prepared by E. O. DeWITT ft OO., OHIOAQO.
Gerin & Co.
Receives No Alimony, but Husband Makes
I Cilicfi-tnrv Financial Cottla.
watidiut. iui j i myiiwiui wbiim
meet With Her.
Judge Troup In Omaha Thursday
granted a decree if divorce to Mrs.
Alice Hutterlield from Charles D. Hut
tertleld, a hank cashier at Hamburg,
la., and Interested in a number of
other Iowa banks. Mr. Huttertleld
did not appear, but was represented
by his attorney, Charles M. Harl.
There was no contest, the details of
settlement having been made In ad
vance of the trial.
The decree does not award any all
mony as the financial arrangements
between the two had already been
made. It was not given out what
that settlement was, but Mr. Jami
son, In Ids testimony, told of a note
for $1H,000 given by Mr. Huttertleld to
his wife. A part of this, it was under
stood, was for money she had when
she married Mr. Huttertleld. Mrs
Huttertleld was given back her maiden
name, Alice Hirkhimcr.
The troubles of the Huttertleld fam
lly got into court in Nebraska City
when Mr. Huttertleld tiled a suit ask
ing heavy damages against M. K. Cat
ron, a bank cashier of that place, for
the alleged alienation of his wife's af
fectlons. The suit recently was dis-
missed and disbarment proceedings
have been begun against John (7. Wat
son, one of the attorneys, on grounds
of unprofessional conduct In cornice
tion with the case.
Crabtree Declines Offer.
Superintendent Crabtree of the I'eru
Normal school has declined the otter
of the Noi:u;il hoard of the state i f
Wisconsin to accept the position of
superintt i; i t-1 1 1 of a normal school lo
cated at Mephens Point. Though the
salary pa: I in Wisconsin Is $1, nun more
a jear than in Nebraska, Mr. Crabtree
realized the opportunity to accomplish
results bete is much hettet than in the
Wisconsin town and he preferred to
stay In Nebraska. Wednesday a com
mittee from Wisconsin, composed of
Tells What Occurred In His Office When
Butterfield and Catron Were There.
As John C. Watson, who Is under
going disbarment proceedings In Ne
braska fit v. Is well known In Platts-
inotith and Cass count v. and as the
Journal lias published the prosecuting
side of the matter, we below give Mr.
Watson's defense of himself In relation
to the disbarment case as follows:
"On May 1J, Huttertleld was in Ne-
State Siipirlntendent Cary, formerly braska City and at his request a meet-
of Auburn; state Senator Morris and
Regent Mcl'arland, called upon Mr.
Crabtree and urged him to accept the
Wisconsin oiler, but the visitors failed
to Impress the Nebraskan. At this
time there are registered at the Nor
mal school 7.10 students and Mr. Crab
tree said about 2.10 or .Too more would
bo In attendance, but there Is no room
for them.
Osteooathic Physician
Chronic Diseases a Specialty
Coutes Itlix'k. rooms.) iind 2"Jtl. Offlee hours
0 to lu' ii. m., 1 to 5 u. in. and " to H y. m. rT ap
uolntmcnt, Teliijliuiis, otlloe 'Mi ; residence
at Perkins Hotel.
X5he Reliable Store
In future issues of this paper
Unheard of low prices on our entire
stock which was damaged by water
in our recent
These goods have been water soaked
and some are stained These will be
placed on
As soon as the Insurance Adjusters
are through with their work,
Our customers will reap the benefit
of this great disaster by getting
Never before heard of in the history
of the West,
,6Dodgn.d HaydenBros.0-
Webster says: "To reciprocate Is to
give and return mutually." The po
litical detlnatlon Is, "You scratch my
back and I'll scratch yours."
When Bill Jones buys his groceries
from John Smith because John Smith
buys his meat from JJill Jones, It is a
plain case of Wcbsterian reciprocity.
Now if Hill Jones buys his groceries
in an eastern city do you blame John
Smith if he refuses to buy meat from
Hill Jones? See the point?
The people of I'lattsmouth should
"reciprocate" in the matter of trade.
That is if a man earns ills living In
I'lattsmouth he should see that the
bulk of It Is spent here. (Jet the
habit! Reciprocate!
A Scriptural Cake Recipe.
In the July number of McCall's
magazine M. A. gives a recipe fcr
making a scriptural cake. In order to
iduce some peop'e to "search the scrl p
tures" we reproduce the recipe, as fol
41 cups of I Kings iv, 11.
1 cup of Judges v, 23 ( last clause. )
2 cups of Jeremiah vi, 20.
2 cups of I Samuel xxx, 12.
2 cups of Nahum ill, 12.
2 cups of Numbers xvil, s.
.'5 tablespoonfuls of I Samuel xlv, 2."
A pintch of Leviticus ii, IX
ti Jeremiah xvii, 11.
1 cup of Judges Iv, Hi (last clause.)
2 teaspoonfuls of Amos iv, 5.
Season to taste of 1 1 Chronicles lx,!.
M. A
Wants Twenty Plattsmouth Young Men to
Join Co. D at Weeping Water.
Here U a good chance for some of
our young men to get some experience
In camp life, and go with the state
guard to Fort Ililey, Kansas, and en
joy a soldier's life for one week, from
August .1 to 12. All expenses are paid
equipment furnished and if 1 per day
while In camp. All young men who
desire to join the guard should address
K. H. DeWolf, Captain Co. !., Weep
ing Water.
There Is strong talk about the state
house at Lincoln of organizing a com
pany in this city, and those at t ending
the encampment at Fort Ililey will
stand anexccllcntshow of being select
ed to lill the various oillces of the
home company. There should be at
least twenty young men here in Platts
month who would Jump at the oppor
tunity of enjoying such an outing as
this would furnish them at thecxpense
of the state. Let's sec who will he t be
first one who will enroll Ills name with
Capt. DeWolf.
Just received a car of the American
fencing. If in need of any please give
us a call before buying.
ASKUIssKX & Loi'tKS.
An Alarming Situation
frequently results from neglect of clog
ged bowels and torpid liver, until con
stipation becomes chronic. This con
dition is unknown to those who use
Dr. King's New Life Tills: the best
and greatest regulators of Stomach
and Howels. Guaranteed by F. 0.
Frlcke & Co., druggists. Trice 2;c.
Summer time
Appropriation Goea Through.
A special from Washington to the
Omaha I'.ee says: "Due largely to the
efforts put forth by Congressmen Pol-
lard and Kennedy the senate Unlay
passed the militia bill, carrying! ,000,
000. After the request of Adjutant
General Culver had been received to
aid wherever possible In passage of the
bill, the congressmen, through Scna
tor Millard, had a conference with
Senator Hopkins of Illinois, who had
the bill passed just as soon as he got a
chance in the senate.
"Speaker Cannon, It Is understood,
Is against the bill, while General Mor
rell is in favor of the measure. It was
thought that if the bill passed the
senate It would take a position on the
house calendar. As It carries an ap
proprlation, however, it will probably
be referred to the appropriations com
mlttee, in which event the outlook for
the bill at this session Is exceedingly
The Biggest Beet Yet.
The following, clipped from the Ort
Ing ( Wash.) ( )racle, refers to a former
Plattsmouth citizen, and no doubt
will be read w ith considerable interest
by Mr. Sampson's old neighbors and
"Mr. Sampson has placed on ex
hlhitlon at the Oracle otlico an enor
mous beet grown on bis premises. It
was grown from seed planted last year
The beet was allowed to remain In the
ground all winter and escaped the
frosts, taking on new growth this
spring. The leaves are green and
thrifty. This beet, in circumference,
actually measures ."1 feet and 3 Inches,
and weighs 13 pounds and .1 ounces,
Vegetables like this should be on ex
hibition at the Valley Fair, and with
out doubt Mr. Sampson will see to It
this year that his big beets will find
their way to the prize tables."
Ing between himself and Catron was
arranged at my ollice. I had been re
tained by Catron to defend him in the
damage suit. After showing Hutter
tleld and Catron into my private ofilcc,
I left them there and went out Into
another room. They got to quarreling
and when I stepped Uick for a moment
into the room where they were Catron
said Huttertleld had threatened to
have him arrested on a charge of adul
tery unless he would pay UO.noo to
settle the damage case. I advised the
men to get toget her and then left them
"In about half an hour Catron called
to me and told me lie and Hutterlield
bad settled. He showed me, the papers
and asked to have them acknowledged
I told him they did not need to, be but
he insisted, and so 1 called my notary,
Mr. Colin, who took lluttertield's ac
knowledgement. The papers wer
handed to Catron, after which I got
up and left the room. A few minutes
later, Huttertleld and Catron came out
we shook hands all around and they
left the ollice together, apparently In
a good humorand on friendly terms.
"Huttertleld came back in ten or
fifteen minutes and said he wanted
the papers. He claimed that they had
been obtained by fraud and duress.
That was the lirst, tlmcl heard any
thing about Ids charge that Catron
assaulted and choked him or drew a
gun on him. I told Hutterlield 1 could
not give him the papers because Cat
ron had them, and then he went away.
Of what happened while Catron and
Hutterlield were In my private ollice
together 1 am entirely ignorant except
for the short tlmo I was there. None
of the acts nor any suggestion of them
took place while I was In that room,
nor did I hear any disturbance from
the adjoining apartment
"Old Muddy" la Rising.
Although somewhat late In the sea
son the regular June rise of the "Old
Muddy" beaii to put In an appearance
Saturday mulit on the bottoms near
the ileput, ami durlnu Sunday the
nr. atest rise of any one period was
observed, when the gauge went up
eight or ten Inches during twelve
hours. 1 he shores have been extended
over the bottom lands near the deiml .
and should there lie a cont Inuat ion of
the rise tor auot her day at the present
rate, people living on the low lauds
across the river will experience great
annoyance, mid they will likely b
forced to move out. This recent rise
may also damage the riprap work,
completed at a great expense by the
Kurllngton. The river road to the
ferry was rendered Impassable by the
rise Saturday night, and the ferry
men contend with a great amount of
drift wood In crossing the river. In
numerous places the river Is within
a few inches of the banks, and threat
ens to Hood the gardens and Ileitis
along the bottom lands.
You want to save your
money to buy your
Coal Yards.
Full Weight Guaranteed
Best Threshing Goal
All Kinds of Feed
J. V. Egenberger
Troprletor I'lattsmouth
Coal Yards
Corner Third and Main StreeU
Hell Thone 23 riatts Nione 22
Again Honored.
Word was received here Monday
that Miss Teresa Ilemolc had been
elected Superior Receiver for the Su
pcrlor Lodge P. of II., in session at
Montreal, Canada. This is quite an
honor to Miss Hemple, nothwlthstand
Ing there is but a very small salary
attached to the ollice. Miss Hemple
Is known among the order for her most
excellent qualities which lias made her
exceeding popular, not only In a busl'
ness way, but also for her social
demeanor. The Journal Is always
happy to extend congratulations to
Miss Hemple, and Is proud to chronicle
her promotion. She Is a most descrv'
Ing lady.
Girls In Love Not Competent.
A Jury out In Madison, O., has de
cided that "girls In love are not com
pctent to teach school." The cause of
Machine Crushes Young Man.
A special from Kim wood, under date
of June 1.1, says: "A bad accident lie
fell Jesse Wall, near Kaglc, yesterday,
nearly causing bis death. Jesse and
His rattier had recently brought a
threshing machine home from Lin
coln and were making some needed re
pairs. With a jack they had raised
the machine off the ground, and Jesse
crawled under the machine to loosen
a burr when the machine suddenly
slipped olT the Jack, crushing Jesse be
ncath Its weight as it fell. Mr. Wall
telephoned to a near neighbor who ar
rived In a very few moments, and with
the help of Mr. Wall's family, sue
cccded in raising the machine, when
tho loy was pulled out unconscious
He was t bought to be dying, but in a
few minutes revived somewhat, was
carried to the bouse and a physician
sent for. His chest was crushed, two
or three ribs broken and his lungs in
jurcd, but after several hours be was
feeling a little better and the doctor
gave some encouragement. He Is still
far from being out of danger."
How to Break Up a Cold.
It may be a surprise to many to
learn that a severe cold can be com-
pletcly broken up In one or two days'
time. The lirst symptoms of a cold
arc a dry, loud cough, a profuse watery
discharge from the nose, and a thin,
white coating on the tongue. When
Chamberlain's cough remedy Is taken
every hour on the lirst appearance of
these symptoms, it counteracts the ef
fect of the cold and restores the sys
tem to a healthy condition within a
day or two. For sale by F. G. Frlcke
Si Co. and A.T. Fried.
Another Encouraging Letter
Yatks Ckntkii, Kan., )
June Hi, looo. f
Editou Journal:
Tlcaso llnd enclosed money order for
for your valuable paper, which we
could not do without, and which I be
lleve the best paper ever published In
good old Cass. Which contains news
we are always glad to hear. Would
you please change the address from
Coloma to Yates Center, and to A. P.
Conn instead of J. W. Conn? Thank
ing you In advance, I beg to remain
Yours Truly,
II. It. Conn
P. S. How Is Hryan for 1!hw in Ne
braska? Hryan Is stronger here than
he ever was. 1 have heard republl
cans say the only man that could run
with Hryan In This is the man In the
chair. ILK. C
Here the Week Beginning Monday, July 9,
Under the Auspices of the
Plattsmouth Eagles.
The Junction City (Kansas) llepub-
llcan, In speaking of the Parker
Amusement company which was In city last week, like every paper
in all the towns in which this com
pany lias appeared, has a good word
for It, and In Its Issue of last Friday
has the following to say, which Is
enough to convince the Journal that
the Kaglcs made no mistake when
they contracted with their advance
man, Mr. Harry Shields, for their ap
pearance in Plattsmouth for the week
beginning J uly U:
"TheC. W. Parker Amusement com
pany which occupies JetTcrson street
from tilhtoHth and who are here to
furnish the attractions for the Fire
Fighters' Spring Jubilee, arrived on
Sunday evening and brought a train
of fourteen cars. While this Is not
I he largest, of Colonel Parker's four
companies it is conceded on all sides
to bo the best, and after the sad ex
perience Junction City had with a
carnival company last year It Is cer
tainly very gratifying to us to say to
our readers and t lit; public In general
that the Fire Laddies made no mis
take when they engaged tho C. W.
Parker Amusement company. We
have often heard and read of the 'Par
ker Standard' but this week It has
been fully demonstrated and it stands
for nothing but clean, meritorious
shows, courteous treatment from
every attache, no drunkenness or
rowdyism among employes and abso
lutely and positively no gambling or
grafting, and any shows conducted on
these lines are bound to succeed. The
free attractions are all high class and
the best of their kind ever seen here.
La Petitl Faustina, the vivacious
young lady who loops the big steel
loop In a hollow wooden ball, has an
act second to none in the carnival
business. And the Immense crowds
who have witnessed this daring and
death defying performance are spell
To Receive Mr. Bryan.
The preliminary steps for the big
gest reception ever given to an Ameri
can citizen by Omaha and Nebraska
people are being prepared by Mayor
Dahlman, to be accorded William Jen
nings Hryan on his return home after
a trip around the world.
Mayor Dahlman will write a letter
to Mr. Hryan next week, Inviting hi in
to come to Omaha, and the letter will
tie sent out In time to reach him on
his arrival in London, July !!.
A special effort will be made on the
part of the mayor to have Mr. Hryan
come direct to Omaha after the big
reception In New York City, which
will be given him on the day of his ar
rival from Europe.
No date can be fixed at this time,
but it would have to be about the lat
ter part of August, as Chicago and
Cleveland have practically made ar
rangements with Mr. Hryan for a re
ccptlon the first week In September.
With Hryan's acceptance of Mayor
Dahlman's Invitation, definite arrange
ments for the big event, will be consummated.
Mr. Dahlman suggests that upon
the arrival of Mr. Hryan In ttie city he
be given a dinner at one of the clubs
followed by a public reception, and a
general welcoming.
It Is believed that fully .in into peo
ple from Omaha would welcome Mr.
Hryan and about the same number
would bo present from towns through
out the state.
-A hacking cough Is most annoying.
Thousands annually bear witness
to the efficiency of Karly Klsers. These
"- . I- II..,. ..Ill- I .... I " "
this rather unique decision was a suit P",asani- rc"au' "' v "s "d,L Ono Minute Cough Cura draws the In
brought by a school teachor awalnst borne a rcpuiauon second to none as a flarnmallon out of the throat, chest
thPirrlfMen,.,, laxative and cathartic, 'liieyaro as
riiiirwrl iwfnr.. ti, ., 1,0. staple as bread In millions of homes.
- v.... in. uiiii, , . , . ivm n.
the board alleging Incompetency and , """T '
the reason given was that the young "Tl.T ""-"""""'
woman was In loveand therefore could Sol(1 1" !lLcLe l!!5!in to
not keep her mind on her school duties. Snnriivl Stvlo of Mus-
Speclal Sale of Muslin In- Hn Underwefvre.t Her-
derwear at llerold's. old s
and lungs. Sold by Frlcke & Co. and
Coring & Co.
Most complete line of screen wire to
be found In town, also screen doors
and window screen frames. Asemlssen
k Louck.
American Held fencing and poultry
netting at Asemlssen k Louck 's.