The Plattsmouth Journal 'lIU.IMIKl W KEKl.Y AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. P.. A. T.ATKS, Priti.iMii u. uli-ml ut Ilic i,st.ffl :it I'hiHMmmtli. Ni" vvhiiIi'!:isn nuiltt r. A cii:cAi'.o preacher has been sent to prison for having two wives. If he was living with both at he will no doubt enjoy the peace :i:iil i;tiiet of his prison cell. Si:n.Tu Siii.i.pon will be the orator of the day at the oM settlers' picnic at Palmyra 0:1 Thursday, June 14. Mw. rn.K' an harmony in Ne braska sounds like Wanner off the pitch. That smite of Smoot in the first name at Chicago will go down in history. Tin? western republicans are booming Rouse pretty lively for governor, yet letween the lines a man up a tree can see a working faction for ourown Senator Sheldon. I a iii:nti.v from the numlier en gaged in the Decoration day ser vices yesterday, there seems to be more interest inanilcsted in com memorating the dead than ever. The crowd was larger yesterday than for several years in the past. Somi? people thought Joe Hartley was a very poor financier when he defaulted to the state in the sum of ?6(Hi,MiO. However, recent de velopments seem to indicate that it was simply bread cast upon the waters and that Hartley is now re ceiving interest from those to whom he loaned money that did not be long to him. He simply cast an anchor to windward. HeatriceSun. Somi? people boost the town and others step in and reap the fruits of their labors. This is the trouble in this country. Some merchants advertise and get business for the town, and then others sneak under the canvas and get part of the trade without an effort . If people would not patronize the deadheads, the parasites who live off the enterprise of others, there would be less of this class to support. Tin. la-teruptii)!U)f Mount Teddy was notable for the vast amount of noxious gases emitted. '1 illman accurately, as well as poet'cally, des cribed the effect of it, w lieu he said: "I counted two and seventy stench- 11 . It I .tT... 1 1 L',.l-.,fll cs , au wen 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 , a 1 n 1 u . i stinks." Tim:ki: won't be enough repub lican leaders free from tile traud taint in some of the western states to hold the caucuses if the grand juries don't let up u that land fraud business. Tiu:ki: is one good thing that the Ananias proceedings over tne railroad rate legislation has accom Joi? Cannon for the presidency! plished. Mr. Chandler is now at- Now, wouldn't that jar you? If tending strictly to the business of . .1 I . 4 r-s I we want a uicraior we can euu tne cspanisn nanus oiumissioii for Nicholas, of Russia, who is void of Uncle Joe's uncouth ways, and wrim-is a..u u,Km8lc better versed in the art of conceal- Piave received no encouragement have jurisdiction over to annul acts inirhis real motives when he at- from this republican congress, un- of the commission, the granting of tenuis to override the will of I less the free alcohol bill, which has interlocutory decrees without hear people. Railroad Rats Bill. The Hepburn railroad rate bill as amended and passed by the sen ate provides: That the Interstate Commerce Commission shall investigate charg- . ; . 1 . 11. ... . es 01 uiijnsi aim unreasonable rates of common carriers. If discriminations are found, the commission is empowered to fix a just and reasonable maximum rate. ( rders of the commission go into jY -, 1 1 ciieci wiiuin .vt uays ana continue in force for two years, unless set aside by the commission or a court. The penalty for disobedience of the orders of the commission is a fine of $5,000 daily. United States circuit courts shall 1 lyiTf'KW'! 1 been championed by the prohibi tionists, is considered by the repub- U.K Hi'KDMAN is a back number licans a sop to the grangers. and Mayor Dahlman shows excel lent judgment in refusing sugges tions from him in running affairs in Omaha. As long as can "rule the roost" he will play, but the moment he is set down upon the stuff is all off, and like the . . . . a ( school boy, begins Ins sulks, ine democrats of Nebraska have but little use for such fellows. Rkithucan foreboding of future peril to the g. 0. p. brought about bv the strained relations between the president and the leading mem hers of his party, make the kid" republican congressmen have a lean and hungry look. Their eyes are on the "pork bill." ings and making appeals direct to the supreme court. Oil pipe lines, express and sleep- nig car companies are declared common carriers. The commission has access to the accounts of the companies affected. What the bill will contain when the committee of conference of the senate and house of representatives gets through with it, only time will tell. It is already hinted that Vegetable Preparation for As similating ihcFoodandRcgula Lng the Stomachs and Bowels of From the gloom that endures the oil pipe lines and the express around the department of justice it companies amendments are to be HrsTKR Hkown and his co- hs saf0 to sav tnat Attorney Gener- stricken out through the Kocke- horts are making every move possi-L.1 Modv iias not vet recovered feller influence, and the fact that ble to stay the Rosewater boom, but from that "flabbergasted" feeling most of the influential republican they will be unable to do so. The wind, the sudden change of front senators and members of the house last man they have brought to the Lf prcsident Roosevelt on the rate have express company franks lends front for senator isoldex-C.overnor produced on him. color to this report. whom they think will "1 Promotes Digc3lion.Chcerfur ness andRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Isot Narcotic. Urnkf runw. A perfect Remedy forConstipii Uon , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW YDHK. JTT- P 111 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Ml knit' In Use For Over Thirty Years 0) EXACT COPy Of WRAPPER. k n firu n 1-1 J ti n THi ataraaa mptM, mtm rail an. Crounse, draw some support from Rosewater. Tin? Journal's mention of Mayor "Rosev" has the ring downed this Oering for state treasurer seems to time: there is 110 mistake in that. meet the approbation of many clem Tin? White House is nearly de serted since the berating over the rate bill, as most of the republican Too Late! Too Late! It was too late for the farmer to politicians fear they might be in Cass lock the door after the horse had eluded in the Ananias class. I ... . . . 1 il.. T a. mi.tkr in Uinaiui swai- rmmtv will tro un to tne state con- neen Moien, ay? uie rrvmuui - - - - 1 J n 1 I ocrats throughout the state. Xkwsiwitks whose columns overflow with ads cf business men have more influence in attracting attention to and building up a city or town than any other agency that can be employed. People go where the business is. Capital and labor will locate where there is an enterprising community. No power on earth is so strong to build tip a town as a newspaper well patronized, and its powers should be appreciated. Tin? masses of the democrats of Nebraska should attend their county conventions to select dele gates to the state convention. They should see that as many farmers as possible are selected as delegates and then all should go to Lincoln with the avowed determination of selecting a candidate for governor whose interests are strictly ideuti fed with the interests of thepeople. We have such men, and it is such a man as that who can and will lead the democrats of Nebraska on to victory. In looking around for a candi date for state treasurer on the democratic ticket, several eyes are cast in the direction of Cass county, and upon the person of our efficient mayor, Henry R. (lering. One thing most certain, during his in cumbencv he has demonstrated to thepeople of this city that as a finan cier he is a great success, and has saved the taxpayers hundreds of dollars. Mr. dering would do the same for the taxpayers of Ne braska in the office of state treas urer. Keep the ball rolling. For state treasurer, Henry R. (lering, of Cass county. A MIDI lowed a 53111) diamond and it lodged vention with "II. R. (lering for Herald in her appendix. It was discovered State Treasurer," incribed upon It was too late to discharge the .v the V-rav method, but there is their banners, and fullv one bun- dishonest cashier after the bank had . . . . nowavof getting at it without a dred strong. hcen looted. surgical operation and this she re- It is too late for (.overnor Mickey fuses to submit to, and the owner 1 m? rcpuhlican partisans 111 con- to turn relonner alter setting an . . ... I .--..11 4 -..I... ti... 1 11-1 1 1 cannot compel her to sui-mit wuu- gicss emuu w.i a u. example which ua oeeu luuuweu m,at sonicoIU. else will ovt the credit ... r I . : .1 i li 1,1, rri, 1... ii cr. out becoming responsible lor re- won 10 meai ;i uuuu,u aulluus uy ouier siaie ouieiais m a inannei for ,,,11,1 wistiom besides hini- ults. Young ladies should Ik.- they have such a large majority, so to enable the railroads to escape a sdfi Thc j e who the very careful about swallowing dia- .Mr. u oou 01 . 1.0ms must wuik nair snare or taxation. bills fear thcy win ncver ge(, the inonds. Tliirinfr flip 1ntf oi;int nf tlir i r ... . - canai nnisnert. pit nor nrt nr son Louilrcv. these .Missouri repun- state assessment hoard lovernor h(1..i Lass covnty will he entitled to licans arc making hay while the .Mickey made some magnificent .!.... in 1n ilitmn.l i i . . . . I 1 . 1 rii "luuu" u-.,,.,.. - - sunsmucs; uiey expeei a wi n grana-sianu piays in iavor 01 mgii- j,. An republican senators were crane siaie conveiuion, ,um time about next Aovemoer. er assessment ot railroad property. 1:1. u,.un.. rn ir t ip n avs wore ninne too ate. u .... i , p .. ... a a 1 - 1 wiiii 111 t'i ;i ir 111111 111111 u r nine . . i . . 4 : 1 iiiv 11) tvnn rr u 14 n l.m mv . . . i r- - mat delegation, a represemauuu - . Thcvwcre made at a time when "t h.. innl.,i . cnntP , .. ., Ui..,t ,. f tii,. p..,,,,. . . 1 nae iookedoer vN;nator ot the masses ot tne uemocrauc the governor is no longer in position ton's record in confess Thi:kk seems to be more trouble brewing between the senate and the President over the type of canal to be built at Panama. The senate fears earthquakes will put the lock type out of business, and Teddv fears Ful- ,;itii i r party of Nebraska should be pres- " to carry much weight. He is soon Raynerthe othcr T find cut at that convention and assist ,n g rafj. K o h to retire from public life. He is that he never offered anvthing of uouiinating a ticket for the masses will sink into insignificance in com- j ff f to vote for. It is for them to de- paison. How much the railroads DllriAJ first vcars in office hc a h0rt at an tame- tlie only republican member of congress from Oregon in either house, who has escaped indictment for land frauds, may account for his modesty. Ir Tin? goverment of the United .States may buy supplies in the cheapest market, as it has been do ing of late, without paying Diugley duties, why mayn't the rest of us enjoy the same privilege? Why should not the States be allowed to buy cement and other building ma terials abroad for their own use? Why should not the cities and towns have the same right? Why shoudn't every man be allowed to save his money by purchasing at the lowest price? The only fair answer to these questions is that the Carnegies, Schwabs, Havemyers, Duponts. and the like, won't let their republican friends in congress give us a square deal. Special Sale of Muslin Underwear at Herold's. . . . 1 .1 1 1.1: cide who they want to vote lor and nave conuiciueu wiquuuuuuu- .... anolocist for the . ... . ........ e 1. . 1. 11 1. not for a halt dozen or a doen lign uums m easu ami uun h.uli. railro;ul attoruevs. Now he is the self-styled leaders to say. transportation for speakers and lolul.mouthod ciiamii011 . 0f the 1 . mi 1. -1.. 1... 1 wuikw!. nui i-.uu.ii, .inn common neonle. Had he been as Pin? question for those demo- known 1.1 Us entirety, but au mves- , , . . , . h a-. !1..a- ...trt Ian I 4 1-I1 r ! I 4 1 .Tlf I ! Kl 1 111t'ftlt' If frtl 1 im CC I - . 1'l.lis iuiuuNUi-i,uuu,iuinU..(,..i i.S..n.. ... - v....... davswlu;n le was , position tO so well of President Roosevelt as to will make mighty interesting thcm M hj Js n)w bravc tQ endorse him, is whether they can reading and open the people's eyes taik 00(l things in behalf of the adord to cling to a man who is so to corporation corruption intemniTate in his denunciation of those friendly to him when it suits T" - "" (Hobe-Demoerat, his purpose. It is diagreeable to "'tensely partisan republican criticise the resident, but as he is journal, gives an ine crccui 10 uie . ..... ... , , ..Inviiu. imlitics like anv oridinarv republican party lor uie rauroau nol'itician and when cauchtbetweeli legislation. Hut Senator l or il,.. im,.r n,l neither millstones. r, who should be good ailthor- snnealslike a rat in a Iran ,vith it.v, declared that it was a demo lanwutavre and expressions, that, to cratic measure pronounced for in Mv the least, are incompatible with tl,e democratic national piauortns 1,is hi.d, office. aJ that 110 publican platform Had endorsed it. .Mr. uryan tooK Di-CORATION Day for 1906 IS , ,ch fairer view of the matter. passed, and each suceediug year it whcn he congratulated President death-bed regrets his career as a can lie readily noticed that the Roosevelt for staudimr on wound Pol,tlcal pa-dJStributor for the I " lii numlers of the veterans of the that his own nartv was onnosed to. railroads. civil war are rapidly diminishing. Kut it is too late. Yesterday could be noted the totter- 1K administration is striving The republican party in Nebraska ing forms of several of the old with all its might to force through is now on its political death-bed, veterans in the ranks, whose age and congress an extremely mitd Chinese and its cries of repentance are rend- health denoted that their davs on exclusion law. The foreign rela- ing the atmosphere in every nook I. . i.t l a .a .-nrtl, nvr,. Oinrt vet thev f.-lt in tions committee ot uie house ot and comer ot tne state. people, he might have accomplished something for his state. Governor Mickey is a fair picture of the republican party in Ne braska always making promises for good, but forgetting the pro mises when in position to fulfill them. Aaron lhirr on his death-bed regretted the murder of Hamilton but it was too late to restore the life he had taken. Governor Mickey on his political PERKINS HOTEL GUTHMAN BROS., PLATTSMOUTH, -:- -:- NEBRASKA RATES $1.00 PER DAY First House West B. 6c M. Depot We Solicit the Farmers Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call T5he Perkins Hotel Wi! NoTH that one or two papers out in the state have mentioned Mayor Dahlman's name for gover nor. Now, Jim Dahlman is an excellent gentleman and would make Nebraska a good governor, but he would show himself to le a pretty fool to give up the position of mayor of the metropolis to be governor. The next governor will most surely be a democrat, and Jim can be governor later, after demon strating to the jK'ople that he knows how to successfully govern affairs in the largest city in Nebraska. ,lntv honii.l while vet able to tiav representatives, However, lias de- tribute to those comrades gone le- tennined not to accept the really fore. The step of the old soldier is important change recommended by gradually growing weaker, his President Kooscvcit. wiueii was m voice is Kcominir more tremulous corporated m the l oster bill, I a a ill e , and hand more unsteady. The wlierei.y au classes oi tninese ex muster roll is K ing made up rapid Put the crv comes too late. Il" the democrats of Nebraska are not careful they are going to make i . i i I as nig mistake as ine democrats did in 1SS0, when thev failed to cept coolies, would be admitted to renominate Tilden and Hendricks DISTRIBUTING DEPOT FOR PITTSBURGH PERFECT" FENCES, ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. FOR FIELD, FARM AND HOG FENCING. THE ONLY ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCE. EVERY HOD GUARANTEED PERFECT. The DURABLE Fence, n None so STRONG. .33 1 rVT All lartre wires. 47. I j LLLL Highest EFFICIENCY. , a LOWEST COST. I a tail I I IKVIF ly and final discharge papers are the I nited Mates, i ne democratic at the Cincinnati convention. This INo Wraps Wing made out vearlv bv the I position is that as the Chinese do hs no josh. to hold thousands, oou the veterans of not intend to become citizens, but Moisture the sixties will stand Ilonelv as the merely come here to participate of e .... ........ and cause i ... i gicDiiui ma ivioiimi. i mile imstsalonir the hichwav. Who our plenty and return to Unna T... ,.,,...,, tAlirna, w.nt. Kust. nninncr flu rniilr mill f,li vrslerdav with the bulk of their Sicondt the Motion I lie l'lattsmouth Journal wants earnings, Henry Gerlng, of NatLsmouth, noml will answer the last roll call ere they are therefore not desirable as natcd by the democrats for state treas fitrnthnr iio-v",iinii Tv.v U hero, competitors to our own People. urcr- UcrW s Rl enouRh demo- 1 , 1 . h,l.,;M..i1i.iliniiin,lniiN nf n. I Clrtl JOT US, allu W0 SCCOU11 1110 UlOl Ion, and upon whose everlasting resting Their ciMlization and ours are, nc1(lPrat w hands will strew presciu, iou o uhimic iu i.m. iu uu place loving flowers? vantage. withdraw the name of treasurer Ilab cock. Nebraska City News. rtTisDllioil mmcr" Finciso. (pccliU Stylo.) Absolutely STOCK PROOF. Wi can SAVE YOU MONEY on Finclnj. CALL AND 6CC IT- Hardware Dealer JOHN BAUER,