The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 31, 1906, Image 7

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hats and caps j W 1 L L i A BV3 HOLLY!A11 s
r m i I in lonely -to -Wear
Uents Plain and , Clothing, Boots and Shoes Clothinu for Men
Fancy Dress Shirts. and Men's Furnishing Goods and Boys.
waterman Block Men's 1 Boys' New and Up-to-Date Spring Clothing piattsmouth. iscb.
Icflal Jttvcrtiecmcnts.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Junirs A.KUlroore. Kuclicl llnlli-ntH-rk.Mnry
E. Cox. Joseph (.illmorv. Jolm It. till mure.
N'ant'y Ann mimer-. Frank K. Massif. Myrtle
A. Trto'h and Harry T. Mussle. a minor, you
and each of you are hereby notltieil iliut upon
the lrd day of May. W ilson (.ilmore. as
executor or the mate of Klina (illtnure. Ue
Ct(i. "'l In the county court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska, his 'tit It'll for Bum sctiieineiil
of salil estate, praylnx that he with the nlNive
named lie decreed the sole hells at law of said
deceased, and that the residue of said estate
ufier iiuvnii'iit of leiiiests and costs of ad
ministration lie assigned to himself and Nancy
Ann liilmore.
If you fall to appear at the county court
room In Cass comity. Nebraska, on theUih
ilav of .Iniif. Ili. at two o'clock p. m.. ami
contest said petition, the court may. upon
the heiirliiir iiraiitthe same and net tie. and
allow his administration account and iosIl'ii
the residue of said estate as prayed, and close
bald estate, and discharge the executor.
Witness my hand ami the seal of said court
this 3rd day of May. A. IUlu.
llAHVf V I. TllAVIS.
srii.1 County JiniKc.
Notice to Creditors.
State or Neiiuaska. i s In t;olln,y Court.
Cass Cocsty. i
In the matter of the estate of l.evl Churchill.
deceased .
Notice Is hereby (tlven that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of
said estate, liefore me. county Juriiro of Cass
county. Nebraska, at the county court room
In Plattsmodlh. In said county, on themth
(lay of July. A. I. 111. and on the 21st day of
Novemlier. l!KHl. at 10 o'clock a. rn.. each day.
for the purpose of presenting their claim for
examination, adjustment ami allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditors or
Fald deceased to present teelr claims, and one
year for the adnilnlst rator to settle said estate,
irom the Slid day of May. KMi.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court at l'liittsmouth. Nebraska, this .'nd day
of May, llMi. Hahvey I). Thavis.
seai,1 County .luilire.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nkiihaska. J. n county Court.
CassCointv. t
In the matter of the estate of August lleliis.
Notice Is hereby irlven that the creditors of
said deceased will et the administratrix of
said estate, before me. county tuds-'e of Cass
county. Nebraska, at the county court room
In l'lattsmoulh. In said county, on the ---'ml
day of Novetnlwr, A. 1. WW. ut Kin ciock a.
in . for the purpose of prcsi-minir tnelr claims
or examination, adjustment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditors of
said 'deceased to present their claims, mid
even months to settle said estate from the
Snd (lay of .May. iwni.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court, at riattsiiioutb. Nebraska, this lst
(lav of May, linn. IIahvey l. '1 havis.
SEAI County .luditc
Probate Notice.
In the county court of Cass County. Nebraska;
In the matter of the estate of Cyrus Creamer,
deceased :
All persons Interested In said estate are
hereby notified that a petition lias been filed
In said court alletttnK that said deceased died
Intestate, and praylntr for administration
upon said estate; and that a hearlnir w 11 be
had on said petition on the 14th day of June.
A. I. Hunt, at II o'clock a. m.. and that If
they fall to appear In said court on said day
U contest said petition, the court may cram
letter of administration to Henry Creamer
or some other suitable person and proceed to
a set tlement of said estate.
Witness my hand and the seal of this court
this lrd day of May. IIKM.
Hauvey P. Tiiavis.
(sea 1.1 County . I ud Ke
Legal Notice.
In the Matter of the Estate
of r
Jacob S. Strickland, deceased. I
GeorireC. Strickland. Mary E. Williams. Pel
II. Muinrer and all persons interested tu the
estate of Jacob S. Strickland, deceased, will
take notice that on the lUth day of May. A.
1 . I'.HHI Joseph A.ti. Strickland as adminis
trator of the esute of Jacobs. Strickland, de
ceased tiled his tlnal account of his adminis
tration and petition, astiln for the adjust
ment and allowance f said account, the tlnal
settlement of said estate, and the assignment
of the residue of said estate, to such persons
us are by law entitled thereto.
You. and each of Vou. are fnrtl:er notified
that by ordor of this court duly entered, a
hearing will lie had on said petition and tlnal
account on the sth day of June. A. I.. I!W at
the hour of Kl o'clock a. m.. In the county
court room of the court house In 1 lattsmoiith.
Cuss county. Nebraska, and at said time and
place said account will be ad lusted and allow
ed, and the prayer of said petition irranted.
and the residue of said estate assigned to such
persons as are by law entitled thereto. If no
ohiectlon to the same be made before said
(iH,, Hakvk.v 1. 1 havis.
Isea'i.1 County Judtre.
Notice of Administration.
In County Courtof Cass County. Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of l.evl 0. Todd,
All persons Interested In said estate are
hereby notified that a petition has been fl ed
in said court alleirlnir that said deceased died
leaving no last will and praying for adminis
tration upon his estate, and that a hear nit
wlll lie had upon said petition on the Hth day
of June. A. I I'W at the county court room,
at lMattsmouth. Nebraska, at III o clock a. m..
and that If they fall to appear at said court
on said Mil day of June. A. I. '
o'clock a. ni to contest said petition, the
court may Kraut the same and crant admlnls
tratlon of said estate to II. ti. Todd, or some
other suitable person, and proceed to a settle
ment thereof. Hauvey It. Tiiavis.
"mai.1 County .Indue.
Application for Liquor License.
VOTICE Is hereby given that on the 31st day
of May. KHid, the undersigned V. W. huligc
filed his application with the lioard of trustees
of the village of A voca. ( ass .v.unty. N.'bras
ka for license to sell malt, vinous am spirit
Sou II. norsln the building MijnH" n
Wests of lot 5. hloek IX In said village or
upon on Vrlday. June l. Kiki. at II o clock a.
in. of Mill dayf V. W. UriHiK. Anplleant.
Pottmatter Robbed.
G. W. Eonts, postmaster at Elver
ton, la., nearly list his life a" was
robbed of all comfort, according to his
letter, which says: "For 20 years I had
chronic liver complaint, which led to
such a Revere case of Jaundice that
even my finger nails turned yellow:
when my doctor prescribed Klcctrlc
Hitters; which cured me and have
kept me well for eleven years." Sure
cure for biliousness, ncurralgla. weak
ness and all stomach, liver, kidney and
bladder derangements. A wonderful
tonic. At F. (S. Frlckc & Co.' drug
store. 50 cents.
"Gut Hell," the favorite cigar
Flowers Strewn Oven the of Our
Dear Departed Veterans.
Pay Tribute to the Dead and Honors the
Living-Little Marion Dodd Wins
the Large Audience.
l'oiir I iti in 1 1 et I thoiisiiiid men
The brave. I lie rood, I lie I rue,
In tangled wood, in inoiini iiln glen,
On I mi t ! plain. In orison 111,
1.1c dead for nie mid you.
Four hundred Ihoiisiinil of the biae
llnve in n It' our ransomed soil llielr k'lave,
(ihhI friend, for me mid you!
In many a fevered swamp,
Hy it i ii 1 1 y a black bnyou.
In ninny a cold and fiiueu cniii.
The weary sentinel ceased his I rump,
And died for me and you!
From western plain to ocean tide
A iv stretched the graves of those who died
For me and yon!
(ood friend, for me and you!
In treason's prison hold
Their marl yr spirits irivw
To si mule llkellie saints of old.
While amid ninmies untold,
They starved for me and you!
luiod friend, for me and you!
Ueautlful weather marked the cele
bration of Memorial lay yesterday by
the old soldiers and citizens of Datts
mouth. The observance of this na
tional holiday, which Is always an
event that the soldiers look forward
to, was participated in with more en
thusiasm perhaps than has marked
the celebration of the day In this city
for many years. Very early In the
morning the old veterans were astir,
preparing to do honor to the memory
of their departed comrades, and the
ladies were called upon to do many
tasks, preparing the wreaths and bou
quets to be strewn on the graves.
At forty-five minutes past nine
o'clock In the morninn the line of
march to the cemetery was formed
from the corner of Main and Sixth
streets, from which place the proces
sion, headed by the Bohemian band,
A. O. U. W. and P. of II. lodges, then
marched to Fifth street, where they
were joined by the M. W. A., W. O.
W. and W. R. C. lodges, and by about
twenty-five old soldiers. After coun
ter marching from Third street to
Seventh the members of the W. R. C.
and P. of II. were conveyed to the
cemetery, where the ranks were open
ed at the gate and the old soldiers and
W. R. C. passed through to decorate
the graves of the comrades who lie
buried in the cemetery. Upon com
pletion of the services at the graves,
the ranks were reformed and the
march back to the city taken up.
The congregations of the SU John's
and the Holy Rosary churches started
in procession at half past nine o'clock
from the Holy Rosary church, and
while loving bands were strewing Mow
ers in the adjoining cemetery, beauti
ful services were being held in the
Holy Sepulcher cemetery, where a
solemn requiem high mass was sang.
Father Bradley speaking in English
and Father Hanlck speaking in Bohe
mian otllclated in the dedication of
the newly erected cross. After these
Impressive exercises the people return
ed to the city at their leisure.
At 2 o'clock la the afternoon at the
Farmele theatre occurred the Memor
ial address, along with which a pro
gram was given appropriate to the oc
casion. Long before the hour for the
exercises to begin, the building had
been comfortably filled. Promptly at
2 o'clock the old soldiers and the W.
R. C. marched to the places reserved
for them toward the front of the
building. Commander S. M. Chapman
presided over the exercises, which
many expressed were the best and
most impressive of any ever held In
riattsmnuth. Two numbers that
were not announced In the program as
published Tuesday, proved to be a most
delightful surprise to the audience.
Master Marlon Podd of Kansas City
favored the gathering with threo se
lections, for which he had unique cos
tumes to appear In as he sang "Mam
ma's Soldier Roy," "Yankee Poodle
Roy" and "Llndy." The cute little
fellow's appearance for the third time
was hailed with great applause by the
audience, who were loth to see him
leave the stage.
The services opened with the sing
ing of that patriotic air "America."
After the Invocation by Rev. J. H.
Salsbury, the Choral t'nlon, under the
able direction of Mrs. L. K. Ilasse,
favored the audience with several line
numbers, while Miss Pora Swcarlngen
also sang a very appropriate song. Lin
coln's address at Gettysburg, by A. J.
15eeson:a recitation by Miss Gertrude
Stenner and a reading by Mrs. J. N.
Wise, were highly appreciated by the
soldiers, as well as the entire audience.
In a short address, in which tie paid
high compliment, Judge S. M. Chap
man introduced the speaker of the af
ternoon, Col. Thomas J. Majors, who
In turn spoke beautiful praise of th
loyal commander S. M. Chapman, of
the members of the Grand Army of
the Republic, of the Woman's Relief
Corps and of the citizens of Flatts
moulh as a whole, for their patriotic
devotion to the memory of the depart
ed heroes ami comrades who are now
sleeping In the silent city of the dead.
In addressing the soldiers of the
Grand Army in the course of his re
marks lie said, "In war and peace,
boys, you and your departed comrades
have faithfully kept your charge, and
have made your country the greatest
among the nations of the earth." He
exhorted the valiant surviving mem
bers of the Grand Army, not to bedls
heartened with, life because they were
getting aged and feeble, but as their
grand commander Tanner said, "to be
lieve that this old world was good
enough for them, and to live as long as
possible and get all the pleasures that
may be derived during their remaining
days and years."
In referlng to the service of woman
hood to the republic, he said, "the
presence of the W. R. C. with the G.
A. R. today, reminds us that we live
nut only in the age of brave men, but
also of brave women." lie spokcof the
fortitude with which the women saw
their husbands, sons and sweethearts
depart for the war, and how anxiety
was ever their lot during the strife,
while the absent ones at times enjoy
ed such pleasures as camp life afforded.
In speaking of tills community he
paid a loving tribute to the memory of
the town where he enlisted for the
war of the great rebellion, and how
this town was the iirst to send forth
the A company of the First Nebraska.
Speaking of this company he refered
to Ills loyal comrades Gen. R. R. Llv
Ingstcn, W. L. Wells and Billy Irish,
who now sleep beneath the green, near
this city, and how, if for no other rea
son than this he will always revere the
city of Dattsmouth.
At the close of this beautiful address
the audience was dismissed with the
benediction by Rev. J. II. Salsbury.
Weeping Water
From the Herald.
Wilson Gilmore is preparing to re
model his house on the farm, and will
add thereto an addition.
Sunday base ball has been cut out In
Lincoln, but the 'ehawka and Union
ball teams are more metropolitan, and
rarely miss a game on that day.
To Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Crozier a son
was born on Thursday, May "Jl, lliun.
The parents are happy, but no more
so than the grandpas and grandmas.
Our Item last week, wherein we
mentioned that Addle Rockwell had
won J.'iO In a word contest, and secured
anew piano, should have read Miss
Laura, a younger member of the
John Fitzpatrick has been laying
the foundation of a large new house
for Henry Woehlers south of town,
and after it is built Alf Marshall will
put on the finishing touches in the
way of paint.
Coroner Clements was in town'Mon
day on bis way to Louisville. He was
asked to replevin some goods from the
sheriff. As the coroner Is a notch
higher than the sheriff, he is in posi
tion to call him down when necessary.
Mr. and Mrs. Cassell, of Lincoln,
have been assisting the past week in
taking care of Master Norton Klepser.
Norton, since his relapse from scarlet
fever, has at times been In a critical
condition, and Is In very bad condition
at present, being weak from his long
Miss Myrtle Sanders, a teacher liv
ing on R. F. P. No. , with Mr. Pan
konln, lost a nnmber of articles of
jewelry which she prized very highly
last Wednesday night. Some one en
tered a window In her room by cutting
the screen and raising the latch which
hooked it. Miss Sanders is grieving
over her loss, and docs not like the
Idea of midnight prowlers visiting her
A Mountain of Gold.
Could not bring as much happiness
to Mrs. Lucia Wllke of Caroline, Wis.,
as did one 2.'c box of Bucklcn's Arnica
Salve, when It completely cured a run
ning sore on her leg, which had tortur
ed her twenty-three long years. Great
est antiseptic healer of Files, wounds
and sores. 2"c at F. G. I'rlcke & Co's
(Hy ti. A. Lets.)
l'l:ulH ( E MAItKKT
Corrected weekly by Martin V Too!,
Wild tl:lV tl.C liU'liewf nrlces f,,r
and guarantee satisfaction:
nutter 1.V
.. IS'
stiiL'trv snrliiL-s '... " '
Cream No. I, No!
. lb'
HoKS i
t'atlle and :Ul
Corn :in and luc
Wheal .
Outs .
Rock Ni.slThii:TAi'.i.i:.
M unlock Station.
WIT 111 II N I).
No. 41, mail vi.'i a. m.
No. , local s:".."ia. in.
No. "i. mail o;.ii p. hi.
No. :i7, mail :,:47 p. m.
k a st nor mi.
No. HO, freight l'J::ida. in.
No. :ts, mail K):.Via. m.
No. "ti, Loeal 1:14 n in.
No. , mail ,",:4d p. m.
F. Snavely is on the sick list.
Mrs. J, 1!. Funk spent Sunday In the
MlssOlga Neltzei Is visiting friends
abroad tills week.
Mrs. II. V. MePonald is visiting rela
tives at Newton, Iowa.
Will Gcides and wife are down from
Lincoln on a short visit.
C. S. Folk of l'lattsmoulh was In
town on Thursday of last week.
Mrs. II. I!. Neltzei Is entertaining a
cousin from Mavelock this week.
Clias. Brandt is down from Fender,
Neb., for a short visit with friends,
Chris Branhoeber's children are
quite sick with an attack of measles.
W. R. Gentry was up from Louisville
and spent Sunday with relatives in
tills burg.
Henry Oehlerking visited in the
western part of the state several days
of last week.
E. T. Tool Is erecting a line Iron
fence around his premises in the east
part of town.
Aaron Wood went over to Ashland
Monday to take part In tho services
on Memorial day.
Geo. Lels was olT duty a couple of
days the fore part of the week, owing
to a bilious attack.
The new German Lutheran church
two miles north of town was dedica
ted Sunday, May 27th.
Miss Gutterson entertained her
father Friday, who came down from
Lincoln for a short visit.
Jacob Goehry and wife and J. (J.
Goehry, jr., attended the Enslen
Pietz wedding at Lincoln last week.
The Kimwood baseball team failed
to show up Tuesday, so our boys will
go over to Weeping Water next Satur
day. Kmil Lair's mules broke their hitch
ing straps and ran away one day last
week, but they were captured before
they had run a mile.
George Glllispie while working at
the elevator last week, got one of his
feet caught In the dump and now
George is laid up for repairs.
One of Conrad Wlrth'a line young
horses was badly cut by a wire the
other day. Our local veterinary, M.
W.Moore, Is caring for the animal.
G. C. Melcrjurgcn shipped his house
hold goods to Omaha last week. Chris
has opened a real estate olllce In
Omaha and we hope he meets with
(Special Correspondent, )
Sheriff Qulnton was In town Thurs
Mrs. Wm. Knabe was up from Ber
lln Saturday.
Prof. J. E. Opp returned Tuesday
from Cordora.
Frank Greenwood had business at
Omaha Tuesday.
John Schmidt is now the oner of a
tine driving team.
Frei Winters and family arc now
residents of Berlin.
The Christian church is being treat
ed toacjat of paint.
Frank Garron of Omaha had busi
ness here this week.
James Flcshman and Loren Mickcl
were at Omaha Tuesday.
Several thousand bushels of corn was
marketed licre this week.
Horse shoe seems to be the principle
game in Avoca at present.
The Avoca base ball team will play
at Weeping Water Friday.
Cards are Out announcing the wed
ding of Miss Louise Marquardt, daugh
ter of R. C. Marquardt and wife, to E.
G. Spencer, of Red Oak, Iowa, on
Tuesday, June ,Mh.
John Fillers and John Nutman
spent Sunday at M unlock.
MNs Ella Johnson of l'ortal is visit
Ing at the Renl. Betts home.
Jos. Graham had a car load of hogs
on the Omaha market Tuesday.
Jake Frey of Douglas was lieie the
iirst of the week visiting friends.
L. .). Marquardt Is having the foun
dation laid tor his new residence.
Miss Minnie Marquardt is visiting
In r sister, Miss I'M a. at Pawnee City.
ra V. Copes had Ills right lliinuli
dislocated while playing hall Friday.
Miss Clara Marquardt wasoneof the
graduates at the Slate Normal tills
Otto Brooks and wife enjoyed a visit
from Iowa relatives several days tills
Louis Gnesch and wife now occupy
the Mrs. Durham property In West
C. M. Rowland and Joe Latimer
were Weeping Water visitors Monday
McsdamcsOra E. Copes and W. A.
Ilollenherger were at Weeping Water
Jos. Graham has Improved his resi
dence property by having cement, walks
laid thereon.
W. R. Graham, Jos, Latimer and
William Gillian left Tuesday on a lisli
log expedition.
Mr. I!. A. Rates was over Irom
I'lattsmoiith Monday In the Interests
of the Journal.
Mr. Clias. Stone, cashier of the hank
at Murray, was In our thriving Utile
village Monday.
Louis Carstcn. one of our suhstantlal
farmers, was at hnalia Tuesday wit li
a car had of cattle.
Ceo. and Frank Sheldon of N. li.r.v
ka were lie re Sunday, attending the
funeral of Amos TelTt.
Jno. Wilkinson, who lias been In the
northwest for some time, returned to
Avoca Sunday evening.
S. W. Ortoti, the pioneer druggist at
Weeping Water, was in Prosperous
City Thursday evening.
Mrs. Hattleuln and daughter ar
rived Saturday evening for a few day's
visit with Avoca relatives.
Rev. White and family of Elmwood,
spent Thursday and Friday in Avoca
visiting their many friends.
Amos TeiTt, "one of Cass county's
ploneeis.dled nt his home In Avoca.on
Friday, May 2"tli. Grandpa TelTt
came to Nebraska hi the early fifties
and homesteaded the land on which
Avoca Is now located. The funeral
services were held at the Congrega
tional church Sunday at 2 o'clock, af
The paper for busy people.
Prints in any litfht from candle to electric arc.
Obtainable in prades suitable for any negative.
Wc are prepared to pivc you informa
tion on manipulating both film and print
ing paper, and have for free distribution:
"Film Development up to Date"
Velox Manuals
Eastman Catalogues for 1906
and would deem it a favor if you will ask us for
them and inspect our stock.
Gering . Co.
Sole Apentsfor Eastman's Photographic (loods.
ter which the remains were laid to rest
In the Avoca cemetery, west, of town.
Jack liettswent to Douglas Satur
day to play hall with the Douglas lioys.
August Thlele lias returned from
New Mexico, where he has been visit
ing D. J. Meyers and family.
Miss Fiona Marquardt, who has
been teaching school lit, WUiicr, ha
ret limed to her h une in Avoca.
F. I'. Corrlek, of Coad, Grand Mas
ter of the 1. . O. F. lodge, attended
the Odd Fellows meet ing heic Thurs
K. C. 1 1 ut man, who tills one of the
best farms in otoe county, delivered
l.ooii tiusliels of corn to Jos. Graham
this week.
The A voca school closed last Friday.
.1. A. Dliiiinick and Miss Julia Nutz
niau have been retained hy the hoard
for the ensulngyear.
Clias. Roloff, one of our prosperous
young farmers south of town, has Im
proved the appearance of Ids residence
willi a coat of paint.
The ball game here last Friday be
tween Weeping Water and Avoca re
sullei' in a victory for the home team
by a score of 10 to U.
The Odd Fellows of this district
held a district meeting at Avoca lust
Thursday at, . 'I p. m., and an Interest
hig program was rendered at the Con
gregational church, Iev. 1'. M.Orr, of
Lincoln, delivered the principle ad
dress, lie choose for Ills subject,
"Three Linksof a Golden ( 'liain." The
address was highly appreelalcd by the
the ent ire audiencs. A banquet, was
held at the town hall at six o'clock for
the ( hid Fellows. The various de
grees were conferred In Hie evening at
the lodge room. Refreshments were
served at twelve n'elock . Aim it, l.'.o
( dd Fellows were present .
Fred F.bingcr and family expect to
remove to 1'lainvlew tomorrow morn
ing, where they will reside In the
future. During Mr. F.bingcr's long
residence In this city his family has
formed many close friends, who will
regret to sec this estimable family
leave I'lattsmoiith.
Chas. Hill of South Bend came In
on the Schuyler tills morning on what
was, perhaps, the most Important
business he has yet had to transact,
and when he returned home, safely
eusconsed In ids Inside pocket reposed
an oOlciat looking document, which
was just as oftlclal as It looked, being
a license to wed Miss Blanche Wallick
of South Bend. The ceremony will
occur Saturday at, th" same time of
the marriage of Mr. J. C. Kline and
Miss Eunice Hill, being a double wed
ding at the pleasant Mill home in that