1 1 Murray Department If Every Person Who I KKl'AKKD IN T11K 1NTEHKSTS OK TIIK l'KOl'LK OF ML'KP.AY AND VICINITY KSl'KCI ALLY FOR Til E JOl'KNAL KEAIEiS. (in; of Iht wuUrt i f the Jourinil lioic of u tmcinl tvmt or an iUm of inf rif Mi mod nil iU um inhnnt. Kditur Jurnnl. in (('.( n'i initu and mil will 'im f 'l'i" 'f f'i't'ir wit'Kr uuoiy. John Spantiler shelled hlscom Toes lay. J. V. Holmes was transacting busi ness in l'lattsmouth Tuesday. W. II. Shoemaker and wife or Ne hawka were Murray visitors Tuesday. L. H. Underwood was transacting business In Omaha Monday morning. County Attorney Uawls and wife were visiting with friends In Murray Sunday. A good many people from Murray attended the picnic at Maple Grove Sunday. Walt Yallery has been unfortunate in losing some tine cows from clover bloat this week. L. (J. Todd and Zack Shrader shipped a mixed load of steers to the South Omaha market Tuesday. Mrs. Mollle Shepherd and daughter, Jean, passed through here Thursday on their way to riattsmouth. Mrs. Shaffer, who has been on the sick list for the past week, Is able to be about, but mending Rlowly. Miss Margie Walker returned from l'eru last Friday, having completed the training course at the State Nor mal. Mr. Joseph Woods of the old town of Liberty cleaned out two wells and a cistern for Dr. (Itlmore Thursday and Friday. I. S. White shipped a car of line cat tlo to South Omaha Tuesday evening. Himself and son, Mark, went to the city with them. Thero Is one man In town who Is un der suspicion for the death of so many dogs lately. If It can be proven, honors are due him. The new fangled cultivator shovel displayed at James Loughrldge'.s blacksmith simp set ins to possess many points of merit. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis l'lyben, living southwest of town, are the proud pos sessors of a nine pound boy, the young man having arrived here Tuesday morning. W. II. McDatdel and little son de parted Monday morning for a few lays' business trip down near Sedalia, Mo., In which locality Mr. McDaniel owns a farm. A case of measles Is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hakes, houtli of town. This Is the tlrst case -of measles reported In this community Sot many months. Mrs. Phil Hrlsbtn drove over to Kim--wood Tuesday afternoon to attend the fliecoratlnn day exercises and assist In decorating the graves of some ot her tclat Ives and friends. Fato Davis surprised his friends by dropping In upon them Tuesday, hav ing Hist returned from Coney Island where ho has been spending a month's vacation. He will still remain In the employ of the Williams Commission llrni of South Omaha. John McNurlin, of l'lattsmouth. came down Monday and accompanied tho relatives of this vicinity to the cemetery near Ncliawka to assist In tho erection of a tine monument at the grave of his father, who died a few weeks ago. The monument was built by a Ked Oak firm. The picnic billed for last Sunday at the borne of Alfred Gansmer was very poorly attended owing to the extreme cold weather for this time of year. The Phillips band and orchestra did not venture out and of course the fea ture of the program was simewhat marred. We understand some of the boys In attendance enjoyed a game of baseball, while spectators wore their overcoats and fur wraps. The Ice cream vender closed up shop, and the man with the hot code took his place. There were something like fifty guests present and had a good time at that. We understand that this Is the last Sunday picnic, but many Saturday night programs will be carried out during the summer. Dr. J. W. Brandal In Omaha. For some months past Dr. J. W. llrendel lias been contemplating on a trip to Chicago where he would take a month's course In one of the large medical Institutes, but this trip was entirely abandoned last week when Dr. Allison, of Omaha, wrote him that his assistant was going to take a few weeks' vacation, and extended him an Invitation to take his place. The doc tor Jumped at this opportunity of be ing with one of the greatest surgeons In the west, and departed for Omaha on schedule time, and has been pres ent at every operation performed by Dr. Allison since. In a letter to the folks at home he states that he wit nessed eleven successful operations In one day, most of which were for ap pendicitis. This will certainly be an excellent schooling for the doctor. A Serious Aooldont. II. C. Long received a letter from his daughter out at Hendley, Neb., In which she conveys the news of a seri ous accident that occurred at their home a few days ago. One of the regg boys was driving the line team KEPOUT OF THE CONDlTloNj (ir THE Murray Sto.te Bank Of Murray, Nebraska, Charter No. 573 Imnriionilrri In Hie State of Nehru, nt tlie ('! of huslucu My IV, 1IM): RESOURCES! lOMim dlwounU t SOWS l Ovrrilriifi !! rwl kiii unim'UPnd.. Mil 15 IWnWIiiK Iioumi furniture ami tlture I'fi W Current expMitra kikI taxe uhI(1.... IiW 'M 1uh from nutlonnl. utitte nod pri vate twnks mid hunker i- 5.1 Tolnl caali on hand.... iTll t Total .1 47.W9 33 LIABILITIES) capital mock pali In I S.OiMOO Surplus fiinil 8,iM ! I'lMllvlrti-d profit ITS 53 Individual di-pmlta ul- -t loi'hi-i-k J 3U.10S 04 Time I'crtllli'atct of di- Klt 3,7 39 IHie to aluli mill private liiiiiku und bunker. ... Till OS lo.7i'2 41 Total 47.9W 33 Htatk (IK N mil AK A, I Count v of Ca.su ( 1. elms. H. Stone, nislilor of Hie aljove iiiiini'd bank, do aoleninly awear Unit tlie alaive slaleniciit Is a rorrrt and true ropy of the report made to the Slate llaiiklntr lloaril. Chah. C. Stosic. Cashier. Attest: IvatikH. Wkht. Director. .1. A. I'oi.i.Aiin. Sit.. Ulns'tor. HulMcrllied and sworn to before me this USlh day of May. IKM, ImkaM Chas. UdHAVKs. Notary l'ulillc. Com. expires April In. lino. Other Condition, Other Habit. We know It Is Impossible for us to lead the same life.' The world's work Is divided amonirst us and we have to adjust the mode of life to our social standing. Some are successful in bust ness, In their trade, art or ptfblic life, some enjoy happiness In the midst of their families, some have perfect health and strength. Which arc the OUR CASS COUNTY FRIENDS The Journal Mao Spends I Couple of Dais Verj Pleasantlj In Southern Cass. On Monday morning of this week the publisher of the Journal departed from Plattsmouth over the Missouri Pacific for Murray, where In company with C. S. Stone, cashier of the Mur ray bank, we started for a two days' drive through the southern part of Cass county, the first stopping place being the flourishing little village of Nehawka, where we enjoyed a few hours social chat with a number of our friends and readers, the first of whom was Pr. Pollard, one of our staunch democratic friends. This be ing about the noon hour we placed the team In care of Cunningham Bros.; proprietors of one of the finest livery and feed stables in the county, and made an airline for thecity restaurant where we found many good things In readiness for the Inner man. The restaurant Is run by Mr. Davis, and Is a credit to a town much larger than Nehawka. After dbiner we called upon the various business firms of the city, and as usual at this season of the year they were not overly busy filling orders, owing to the farmers finding plenty of work at home, but all hands were busy lining up their goods and wares for trade on other occasions. We enjoyed a short visit with Frank P. Sheldon, the merchant king of the town, also called at the Nehawka mill, but being on Monday the machinery was quiet, and the engineer, I. O. ( of 11. M. Shrader's attached to a disc, when the animals became frightened and got beyond the control of Mr. Gregg and look a lively spin across the field. Mr. Gregg was ijulte seriously Injured, and one of I he horses was killed. This will prove unite a loss to Mr. Shrader, who possibly took with him just, enough horse Mesh to look after his summer's work, und then the animal was an extra line farm horse, and even though lie has plenty w ill be quite a lov. Church Chimes. Certain men recently passed through town on the Lord's day breaking mules. The mules did not know enough to obey their master's com mands and were worthless without this knowledge. The same thing Is true of men who arc not wise enough to obey the commands of their master In heaven. "He ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no under standing; whoso mouth must be held in with bit and bridle." "One Is your master even Christ" whose com mands we shall all obey, if not because we love him, then because of His authority. We rejoice in the action of ourcitl zens who refused to open his shop and labor on the Lord's day. Hut If face to face with death we would not care to bank on the type of citizen that In slsted that the shop should be opened happiest of all? Should we be allowed to choose one of these conditions, we Tucker, engaged In making the weekly without doubt, would all select perfect "cleaning up," repairing the machin health. In most cases this Is in our ery, etc. The Nehawka mills Isone reach. If we only remember that the of the finest in this part of the state, first signs of a disease arc much easier and the Hour made by them is pro. to treat than the disease itself. Trl- nounced by the consumer as the best oujiht to keep a bank account had o:ie row there would he a decided change in the conditions of the community. livery person who keeps a bank account raises his standing among his fellows aiui ith the hanker. lie also helps to make conditions better in his town. Ninety per cent of the commercial business is done by means of paper. Monty represents prop erty. A check means there is money deposited in the bank to the credit of the one who writes the check. If you have credit at the bank your check is just as good as Uncle Sam's Money. The check system, wliere safety aud conven ience are assured, is much better than handling the money when there is risk of error or loss. It will pay you to open an account at the Murray State Bank. Chas. S. Stone, Cashier. Murray. Neb. . . home of J. G. Worden, one of the old settlers of Cass county, and while the old gentleman Is getting very feeble, he arose from his bed and we enjoyed a brief but very pleasant visit with him. We also called on J. A. Whiteman and found him very busy replanting corn, the entire field which was de stroyed by the worms or field mice; this is the unfortunate circumstances of many farmers In that locality. Again passing through Nehawka we accepted the kind Invitation of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. West to take dinner with them, in company with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stone. It Is unnecessary for us to state that we here had the pleasure of sitting before one of the most excellent repasts of our life. Shortly after dinner we returned to Murray, taking the evening train for Plattsmouth, feeling much better after two days outing among our many friends In the southern part of the county. Good Parature for cattle and horses. I have room for sixty bead. Plenty of grass and good water, on Walker sect ion, seven miles west of M urray. W. J. Ran a ui, Pasturo-3tM) acres; blue grass and white clover; running water; plenty of shade: charges reasonable; fl mllei southeast of Murray. Enquire of Ed ward Graves, Murray, Neb. Binder Twine Binder Twine M'Cornlck Standard Plymouth Standard Let Us Make You Prices On The Best L. B. Underwood MURRAY, NEBRASKA All Prices Guaranteed When Quality of the Twine is Considered. J Deerlng ' Standard Sisal Binder Twine mi the market. At the two elevators we found the busy men of the town Mr. Pollard and Mr. Straub were very liusy taking In com. the teams pulling In thick and fast, loaded with corn m-'s American Elixir of Hitter Wine will always overcome sucu symptoms, is poor appetite, indisposition, ma laise, indigestion, unclean complexion, nervousness. It will give a healthy nd refreshing sleep and ambition for from the various shel'.crs at work hi work. It will keen vou healthy and the farming districts, thusimprovc your earning power. At drugstores. Jos. Trlner, 7!9 South Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. In Honor of Miss Hotiseworth. A jolly crowd of young people en joyed a merry outing yesterday after noon In honor of Miss Ruth House worth, who departed this morning for her home at Long Ueach, Cal. The party wandered down the Fairy Glenn where at a late hour in the afternoon a wholesome as well as delectable feast was spread in the shade of the trees and all sat down to participate in one of the last goodtimes with Miss Ruth before she left from their midst, Those whom we perceived wandering home In the twilight were, Misses Gertrude Ilartman, Z.elma Tucy, Ellen Windham, Ruth Ilouseworth; Messrs. Tom Swearlngen, Fred Iawson, David White and Wade Miner. Bridegroom Puts Up Two Licenses. The fact that Jacob 15. Frey did not know a marriage license was tjood only In the county In which it was Issued cost him IJ yesterday. Mr. Frey secured a license to marry Lulu lletts, of Avoca, and got It in Omaha on his way to Plattsmouth, where the cere mony was to be performed. When the ceremony was about to take place he found It would be necessary to secure a permit from the Cass county officials. He returned the Douglas county license to the county Judge's ofilce, but he was told the $2 he paid for It could not be refunded. Mr. Frey lives at Douglas. Omaha Bee. At this time we decided to make a drive further west to the fine little village of Avoca, located on the south line and almost in the center east and west, arriving there but a few min utes before six o'clock, and deciding to remain over night we placed our team in the care of A. E. Cutter, the genial liveryman, and Immediately started on a tour of making new friends In this prosperous little village. As this was our first trip to Avoca nearly everyone were strangers to us. Among the old friends whom we met were B. C. Marquardt, proprietor of the largest Some Fine Horses. While in Avoca Monday we met Mr. W. A. Rose and during our conversa tion he invited us over to the barn where he kept his line horses, two line specimens of the Rosebud stock. Mr. Rose Is u lover of line lior.se llesh and in these two stallions lie possesses a pair or animals ol tlie oest strair.s, finely built and are good specimens lor the all-purpose man to breed to: they are not of the heavy and blocky stock, but possess the weight, height and length for a horse for all kinds of work. Wlille M r. Rose does not reside In Avoca, he is there three days of each week Friday, Saturday and Monday, and the other three Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday In Ne hawka, to meet all parties who might wish to see his horses, at which time lie will inform you as to breeding terms. (01 KlHYliVpa yL Children 's Slippers Don't pinch up your little tot's feet in poorly shaped shoes when there is at your command the Neatest and Daintiest Line of STRAP SLIPPERS and SAILOR TIES In Black, Tan and Patents, 50c to 80c on lasts that., have shape, leok r.v.V aud ;,mr. This Way For Children's Slippers SHERWOOD & SON WINDHAM INVESTMENT COMPANY PLATTSMOUTH, . NEBRASKA Stomach Troubles. Mrs. Sue Martin, an old and highly respected resident of Faisonia, Miss., was sick with stomach trouble for general mercantile house In the city, more than six months. Chamberlain's Dr. J. W. Brendel, Ora E. Copes, the stomach and Liver Tablets cured her. genial druggist, and F. W. Ruhe, all She says: "I can now eat anything I of whom have been readers of the want and am the proudest woman In the world to find such cine." For sale by r. Co, and A.T. Fried. good medi . Frickc &, Binder Twine Binder Twine Journal for some time. After eDjoy lag short chats with each of these gentlemen we started on a search for new friends and readers, and besides meeting many new friends and s'aak- Electrio Theatre. Ing many new hands we succeeded In The Phillips-Hewitt Amusement placing several new readers on the company opened the season at Louis- Journal's fast growing subscription vllle yesterday, and will remain there list, among whom were A. E. Cutter, today and tonight. Tomorrow and J. II. Schmidt, L. W. Goesch and W. Saturday they will show at Weeping A. Rose, all at the Avoca postofflce. Water and from there will go to Union One of the most home-like places in and thence back to Plattsmouth. This this beautiful little city is the office Is a home company, and their enter and surroundings of Dr. J. W. Brendel, tainment should be well patronized by with whom we have been acquainted home people. It Is better than any for several years, and with whom we traveling concern of Its character, and ipent a most enjoyable visit. Dr. deserves a good support. Brendel is enjoying an excellent prac tice, and Is one of the most contented young men in the county. After a pleasant night's lodging at the City hotel, run by Mr. and Mrs. Peckhamjwho some time ago closed! Lands, Ranches and City Real Estate in Nebraska and elsewhere bought sold and exchanged. (tenuis. Insurance and Abstracting of Titles. Money to loun lit a low rale of Interest on Improved farms. Huslni's correspondent In all Important cities and town iu the United states. Tdoshontt No. 20 and 91. R. B. WINDHAM, President W. W. WINDHAM, Secretary MA US II ALL. DENTIST. All kind of Dental work. Plates nia-J tbtt (It. 2ii year experleuCe. Prices reasono.t. Work guaranteed. OFFICE Fitzgerald Blix k. TelepiionhNo.Sok47 Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves at 10 per cent discount for cash during this week at Asmission Si Loucks. It you want a real estate loan at their doors and receive lodgers only, reasonable rates; or a reliable abstract and an excellent breakfast at the city of title, Insurance policy, security restaurant, we started on our Journey bond of and kind, or a contract, deed to the east, taking the south line road or mortgage drawn, see John M.Leyda, with the Intention of calling on our Gund building. Work promptly and excellent friends G. W.IIarshman.sr., neatly done and charges reasonable, and 0. W. jr., both residing .about , . rour miles east of Avoca. We were Ball Game and Dance. somewhat disappointed upon finding The Red Sox and the Soldiers' ball Mr Harshman, sr., absent from home, team will play anoiner game on mcio- eDjoyni? a pleasant visit with friends cal diamond isaiuroay aucrnoon at me and relatives in Kansas. 0. W. Jr., usual hour, in tne evening a nance was found OVCron the Wolfe farm en. will be given at Coatcs' hall. The ball mcd in 8awn? lumber for the erec game will be hotly coniesien, as uie tlonofa large stock barn now under result of the game piayeaa tew aays course0fC nnstructi on for Mr. Wolfe. since was noi sausiaciory io uie 'M Mr. Harshman Is ccrtalnlv enuhmed Crook boys. f0r this line of work, possessing one of -A good complexion Is Impossible tlie mostcomplctelogsawlngmachines ,im, ti. ctMmncli lint nf nrnVr. If l -r ccu, aim ne nas man WW I 1,1 I 1 UU OLI'IIIWVII w - pasty sallow people would pay more at tention to their stomachs and less to the skin on their faces, they would have better complexions. Kodol for Dyspepsia will digest what you cat and thousand feet ot lumber to saw In the near future, although he has only a few more days work at the Wolfe place. We stopped , at the palatial farm put your stomache back In right shape home of Mr. W. II. Betts, Jr., residing to do Its own work. Kodol relieves cast of Avoca, where we found Mr. palpitation of the heart, flatulence, Bctu pretty busy, but, plenty of time nur atnmaeh. heart burn. etc. ' Sold to give us a few momenta of social h V. 0. Frlcke A Co.. and Gcrlng St conversation ' ------- . , . , , . . irv, rearing ciiann wenoppe'i av uie READY FOR. B0TTLE 3 who l 77 0 o c is the man owns a BANK book. No matter about lire'sstrug gles so long as he pickets his camp with dollars saved No midnight at tack nor morning assault has terror for him. He just marches to vie tory under the banner "dollars saved" aud the enemy retreats. It's noble to die for one's count ry. Hut it is more comfortable to live If you own a bank book. Get ono today from .The. First 'Natal Bank PERRY'S Restaurant Fresh Oysters in any style Short Orders) Regular Heals) Oar Spt- If you are hungry we can supply you with the pick of the market 8th drll of Css Co. Bank Teeth S5 Cold Crowni ind Bridie Tenth Is. woo. Porrt laln Crowni li.so op. Fillinfi too op, Toetta Ksiriciod Ptiolait. Now hi tamo day. DAI LEY, The Dentist, EotablklMa iSSS. Poitoa Bit ,' OflAHA, KILLths couch m CUREtmb LUNCS m Dr. King's New Discovery FOR ( "c SUMPTION OUGHSand iOLDS Pries SOo & $1.00 Free Trial. Hureot and Uuickeat Curo for all THROAT and LUNO THOUB. LES, or MONEY BACK. -It pours the oil of life Into your system. . It warms you up and starts the life blood .circulating. That's what Holllster's ttocky Mountain does. 35 cents, Tea or TabVts. flerlng & Co. i