1 THE CITY. PLATTSMOUTII AND VICINITY. win) Is attending Proof- Personal Points trvin I'riiliiy'n llly. Tr. Marshall, lentlst, Oats' Mock. American field fencing and poultry netting at Asemlssen fc Louck's. J. W. (.Vnually departed on a busi ness trip to Malvern. Ia., this morn ing. Mrs. E. S. llarstow came In from Llnctiln this morning, for a visit with friends. Miv Maud Mas"" wont 10 Soutl1 Omaha this afternoon for a visit with friends. Miss I'alsey I luck of Murray Is visit Ink' her friend, Miss Kllzaitfth Mason, In this city. Miss Dora Will was a pawngcr for r in,., :,i this morning to visit with her sister Miss Mlnnl the university. C. A. Hawls, Lawyer, bate and general practice f ice of County Attorney. Must complete 11C of sm'en wll' t0 1 found In town, also screen doors and window screen frames. Ascnilssen & Louck. II. U. Nickel, brought his daughter Miss liertha, to the county seat last evening to take the train for Hurling ton Junction, Mo., where she will take treatment for rheumatism. Kay Smith and Leandcr llarneswent to P.ellevuc this morning to enter the 100 yard and the Tin yard dashes, and the half mile and the one mile run of the track meet which Is to be held there today. Chas. Kerr arrived home from Kan sas City this morning, to be present at the commencement exercises of the graduating class of which his sister, Miss Alice, Is a member, anil lor a visit with his mother and sisters. A deed cnveylng south :it feet of lots I and 2, block 27, of the city of riattsinoutli from J. W. Johnson and wife to riattsinoutli Telephone com pany f ir the consideration of t;i,."iiu, was tiled In the county recorder's ofllce today Neb, where she will vUll before returning to her home at Colon, Mich. Fred Kamge, Jrrand wife who have been visiting with relatives here, re turned to their home at Ilavelock yes terday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Coates are the proud parents of a new baby Imy which weighed nine pounds at tils ar rival yesterday afternoon. Miss Fern (Ireenslate accompanied by Iter friend, Miss Alice Snovi-r, uf lietrolt, Mich., spent Sunday with her sister, Mm. W. A. Swearlngen. Hruce Sires, the hustling real estate man, of l'lalnvlew, Neb., who came here with the remains of John Helm, returned home S.it urday night. A case entitled, Luiena A. Carey vs Carroll I . tiilnton, was tiled in dis trict clerk Ilohertson's olllce today. Action brought to recover possession of some personal property held by the defendant. Miss Ida Weldman has been on the sick list for several days, but her many friends will bo pleased to learn that It Is nothing serious. The Jour nal hopes to note her good-natured and smiling countenance mingling with her young friends attain soon. Harry Likewise has been transferred to the telegraph otllces of the Hurling ton at Lincoln, which place he left for this afternoon. Hoy Miles, who has been doing the night stunt at the depot takes the place vacated by Harry while telegrapher O'Hearn of Gretna will assume the night trick at the key. L. Demmie Hlatt returned home last night after a forty-two weeks en gagement with "Hans Hansen," to spend his vacation. Mr. Hlatt has visited nearly all the prlnelplccltlesof the west with this company, which closed the season at Hlalr, Neb., Sat urday night. The Journal Is pleased to see Demmie looking well. Chris Koehnkc departed Saturday night for Orevlllc, S. !., where he goes to accept a position with his old friend, Frank Hchert. The Journal Is loformel the position Is permanent, and that Mr. Koehnko expects to re CuinniiiiM' 'livcyi 1 l.i'i) t t!::it p!.v" thi afternoon, where !) will utuleiv . iin operation for ai pciidieitus. II. H. luke, who has been enjoying a visit here withl.o r.e folks, departed this morning for Sioux City where he expects to enter the machine shops. A. S. Will returned last night from several weeks' visit at his ranches near Akron, Colo. His daughters, Misses Iora and Minnie Will, accompanied lit in home from Lincoln. While working with a horse yester day afternoon Louie Kgenberger, Jr., was (ulte severely kicked by the animal, and will be unable to be around much for some time. Our old friend, J. C. Gllmore, came down from Omaha this morning to spend a couple of days with his old Cass county friends, and dropped Into the Journal fur a few moments. The sheriff received a card today from Sheriff Nick Hess, of Lancaster county, offering a reward of if.Vi for the capture of two fellows who stole a team of horses from Charles Kohrdan near Firth, Neb. Mrs. Frank Wheeler and little grand- daughter, Feme (Jrassman, departed this morning for Waco, Neb, where hey will spend Iecorat ion day, after which she will visit with relatives at l'hllllps, Neb., a few days. Mrs. Hayward of Lincoln, formerly Mrs. Wlllett Fottenger. or I'latts mouth, and a sister of Flam and the late Calvin Parmcle arrived yesterday for a visit with her brother, Elam,and old time friends and neiifhbors. Mrs. Ella Cooper returned yesterday from Long Heach, Cal., where she has been visiting with Capt. and Mrs. L. I). Hennett, formerly of this place. Mrs. Cooper reports all the I'latts mouth contingent as well and prosper ous. J. (. Ulchey and wife returned last night from Lincoln where the latter and son, Livingston, have been making their home the past winter. Living ston Is at Heat rice, at the annual en campment of the university cadets. after which he will return home. C30 I Done House Cleaning? I ( In n If not, you may need that new Carpet or Matting. We have a fine line of Straw Mattings we will be glad to show Short Lengths of BRUSSELS CARPETING for Rugs 9x12 can be made for $8.80 and up. v Short Lengths of Brussels, suitable for stairs, can be .had much cheaper than the Regular Stair Carpet Wllinntlcr, wiio lias cuare u. " movo his family toOrevlllo In a few H.&M. freight depot was summoned k ThU takcaaway from piatts toGlenwooa on me eiu.y '" mouth one of the oldest and most morning by the serious Illness 01 nis hlsh,y respected families In the city mo.her. u. M. ltruni is iuukhik - Will's duties and Fred Wynn Is taking Hruhl's place at the depot during Will's absence. from SiituriUy'i Dully. Miss EunaTcwle departed for her home at Wabash this morning. Miss Vcrna Whlsler departed yester day afternoon for her home at Lincoln. -Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves, al sizes and styles, for sale at Asemlssen II L. Clapp, Jr., of Ehnwood spent Sunday with the family of County Clerk Hosencrans, and will leave to night for the l'eru Normal to prepare himself for entering the state univer sity. Young Clapp Is son of H. L. Clapp, one of the prominent farmers of Cass county, and last week graduated from the Elniwood High school and has a bright and prosperous future be fore him. Anson Salsbury, of Hreckcnrlrlgc, Mo., father of Rev. J. H. Salsbury, First Presbyterian & Louck's. Miss Myrtle Sanders has closed a .,tnr of th Buccessf ul school year near Nehawka, churcl, of tlls c)lyi accompanied by and returned home tins morning. his son gave the Journal a call this Miss Henrietta Mart In returned this morning. jir. Salsbury has been afternoon irom reru, wuere suu u,n resident or tue grano. oia siaieoi jus been attending the state normal. sourl for many years, and it was a Hr. F. A. Hryant of Norfolk spent a great pleasure to meet htm, and we few hours In our city this morning extend to the gentleman an Invitation while enroute to Hed Oal with his brother. Misses Helen Herold and Helen P.ar stow came down from Lincoln last night and are visiting In the city, the jjucst of Miss Feme McHrlue August Mumm and wife who have been enjoying a visit with relatives here departed this afternoon for their Lome in Sheridan, Wyoming. Fred Nelson and children who have been visiting here, departed this morn Ing for Omalia where they will visit a short time before returning to their Lome at Denver. D.O. DWYER, Attorney-ot-Law Offce in building east of court house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. for a visit to call often during his visit to his son and family. He Is a true type of a Missouri gentleman. I'r.im MomUy's Dully. Henry Melsinger, of Mynard, Is re ported on the sick list. C. A. Hawls and wife spent Sunday from IVr.. vesterdav ... " with relatives at Murray. l'etcr Kell from near Cedar Creek was in town today on business. Hen G. Hoover, of Louisville, was a business visitor at the county seat to' day. Mrs. L. P. Greenslate went to Elm- wood this afternoon to visit with rcla tlves. Glen Hawls was a passenger for From TucMluy's Dully Machine oil at Asemlssen & Louck's. Herman Klcatch, of Weeping Water was a county seat visitor today. L. R. Carroll of Malvern was tran sacting business in the city today. Geo. . Lrwln, or Louisville, was transacting business at riattsmouth today. A. S. Will departed this afternoon on a business trip to Akron and Ien ver, Colorado. Ilarley Weldy who has been visiting in this city, returned to his home at Omaha this afternoon. J. W. Holmes came up from Murray last night and while here made pleasant call at this olllce. Miss Jessie Gllmore returned home where she has been attending the state normal. J. W. Mann of Hock HlulTs was a passenger for Lincoln this afternoon to visit with his sister, Mrs. Edith Hoenshcll. Mrs. Frank Hooth and children Stephencreek, Neb., are visiting the city the guestsof F. K. Guthmann and family. W.M. Fisher and little daugiitcri Murray this morning where he will who have been enjoying a visit with Tlsit relatives. M. W. Thomas, returned to thel Mrs. John Hurr returned to Have- home at Lincoln today. lock yesterday afternoon, after a short A marriage license was Issued today visit with rclatlvcshcre. to Eugene G. Spencer, age 21. of Red llnnncn to wiul 1111 UiUI'rl t fill. TV t(l Oak. la., and Miss Louise l Mar rfV IIVVII.1V VU ... , j . Vern Ackley, aged 31, of Omaha, and quardt, age 21, of A voca, Neb. Miss Hlanche W. Winfrey, aged 24, of After suffering considerable pal Red Cloud. yesterday.it was decided to rciuov Miss Engle who has recently closed John Husche to the St. Joseph hospital cwnctfni rpneiiliu In the llL-h at Omaha today, and accordingly m Honirtnd tndnv for Hincroft. I wife. Frank Huttery and Ir. E. I Gus llycrs, the postmaster at Ilave lock, was visiting here Decoration day T. ('. Harks of Greenwood was a business visitor at the county seat to. day. A hearing on claims against the estate of I'hocbe. E. Robbins.deecased, was had today. Miss Katie McIIugh departed for South Hend yesterday to attend the Hill-Walllck wedding. In county court today the annual report In the estate of Christian Met. gar, deceased, was made. Mrs. Martin Houk came down from Omaha yesterday and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Antone Llbershall. Joseph Gray and daughter, Miss Edith, came down from Ilavelock Tuesday evening to spend Decoration day. J as. Manners, Will Wehrbeln and Misses Marie Herger and Nellie Creamer of Murray were visiting bere yesterday. J. J. Hill was down from South Rend yesterday on some very Impor tant business and gave the Journal a pleasant call. Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil. Cures toothache, car- ache, sore throat. Heals.cuts, bruises, scalds. Stops any pain. F. W. Ruhge. one of the best demo crats In Cass county, was In the city Tuesday evening on business, return ing home on the night train. Itching, torturing skin eruptions, dlstigure, annoy, drive one wild. Doan's Ointment brings quick relief and lasting cures, Fifty cents at any drug store. Have you Backache? Get a bos of Kldney-Ettes-thc most wonderful remedy for all kidney troubles, and thev will make you right. 2.. Get- Ing & Co., druggists. Col. T. J. Majors, of Peru, who de livered the memorial address at the I'armele yesterday afternoon, in com pany with Judge S. M. Chapman called on tho Journal a few moments In the morning and we were pleased to meet htm. Emory Halbert, while coming to riattsmouth yesterday from the Nick Halmes farm, six miles west of town, had the misfortune to lose a bran new 20 bill. The tinder will be suitably rewarded by returning the same to the owner or leaving at the Journal office. The largest and most complete stock ot furniture In this city. We are not selling at 2.) per cent discount, but can assure all that we w ill dupli cate articles and prices of any furni ture establishment In Riattsmouth, at Michael II lid's. We arc not going out of business, but are here to stay. Judge Travis returned from his western trip Tuesday evening. The Judge was accompanied on this by Hon. William Deles Dernier of Elm wood. They spent most of the time In Chase county, of which Imperial Is the county scat. Judge Travis says It Is a pretty country and the land suit able for all farming purposes. Land Is also very cheap and ranges all the way from i to 2i an acre. A f.nc 0 o Carpets 50c a yd Fringed Rugs SI .25 Floor Oil Cloths one and two .yards wide Ingrain All Wool Rugs 9x101 feet Several Splendid Patterns of the 12-ft wide Linoleums QUEEN QUALITY SHOES The Queen Quality Shoe tits as a shoe should fit not to big in one place and not too small In another, not too wide In the toe and not to narrow In the heel but Just right. Not only comfortable when old, but comfortable when new. It Is no longer necessary to use your foot as a stretcher nor to buy one size for style and another for comfort. Queen Quality has done away with all that. You can get style and comfort together In the Queen Quality Shoe. Other makes of shoes at $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50. These shoes were bought before the heavy advance in leather. 0 stream of water passes through the entire county. D. M. Lloyd has been on the sick list for the past few weeks. Will Noxen, jr., of Cedar Creek was a visitor in the city yesterday. Sawyer wanted In small saw mill. Address J. S. Parsons, Malvern, Iowa. Albert Walllnger of Elmwood was visiting In this city Decoration day. Mrs. Claud Everett came up from Union yesterday and will visit over Sunday. Hyron Clark and Miss Helen were among the passengers for the metrop olis this afternoon. Mrs. C. L. Herger and Miss Frances Svoboda went to Lincoln yesterday for a few days' visit. Mrs. J. II. Hecker and Charlie Brink- man went to A voca mis morning u visit with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Trentlce and nophew, Hollis Green, of Ilavelock, were down yesterday to spend Decora tion day. l'etcr Zelhen, son-in-law of Mrs. An ton Kanka of this city, departed for his home In Kenosha, Wis., Tuesday evening. His wire will follow later. Mrs. Geo. Dodd and son, Master Marion, of Kansas City, arrived Tues day evening for a visit with friends In this city, the guest of Mrs. J. G. Rlchcy. After a heavy meal, take a couple of Doan's Regulets, and give your stom ach, liver and bowels the help they will need. Regulets bring easy, regular passage of the bowels. Danger is near at hand when the kidneys are sick. Kidney-Ettes will purify and strengthen the kidneys and restore them to their normal and healthy condition. 2.1 cents. Gerlng & Co., druggists. Many Ills come from Impure blood. Can't have pure blood with faulty digestion, lazy liver and slupglsh bowels. Burdock Blood Cltters streng thens stomach, bowels and liver, and purities the blood. Wanted Girls to run sewing machines making cotton llannel gloves and mittens. Apply in person or by mall to Nebraska Cotton Glove Co., 150it Jackson st., Omaha, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Eigenbroadt and daughter of Lincoln, came in Tuesday evening. Mr. Eigenbroadt returned yesterday, leaving the wife and daugh ter here to visit friends a few days. C. S. Stone and Leslie Hall, cashier and assistant cashier of the Murray State bank, were in the city a few hours Tuesday evening. Here are two as tine young men as ever trod the pike. F. W. Schlelfert and family of near Louisville, were In the city today. The roads being In a prttty fair con dition they drove down. While here Mr. Schlelfert registered at Journal headquarters. Have you weakness of any kind stomach, back or any organs of the body? Don't dope yourself with or dinary medicine. Hollester's Rocky Mountain Tea Is the supreme curative power. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ger lng & Co. Frank Boyd shipped their household goods to Omaha Tuesday, and he and his wife departed for that place this afternoon. This family has resided in riattsmouth for over fifteen years, and have many friends In this com munity who will regret to lose them from their midst. Our old friend and steadfast demo crat, Henry Hehrns, of near Avoca, accompanied by his son, J. S., were in the city today, and made the Journal a most agreeable call. They drove up, and consequently can return home at their leisure, and not have to wait till midnight for a train south. While here Mr. Hehrns renewed his faith in the Journal another year. Mrs. J. W. Rynottof Lincoln spent Decoration Day with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Harry Johnson. Her sister, Miss Jennie, accompanied her to Lin coln last night for a visit. W. II. Hell and daughter, Miss Mayme, of the Pleasant View Stock Farm, were In the city today, and while here Mr. Hell called and re newed for the Journal another year. Mr. Hell says they are needing rain in his section pretty badly. PHIL SAUTER PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA fed i 80ii rnonograpn realism Dealer In Edison Phonographs the most wonderful musical instrument of the times. Write for catalog and price. We carry a large and com- . plete stock of Edison and Vic tor records. Hear them free. Ayer's Pills Vegetable, liver pills. That is what they are. They cure constipation, biliousness, sick-headache. J C.AjrCo. Lowe, l. Want your moustache or beard RIIRKINRU AM'Q flYP ahMntlftithrnnrtinrHrhWtOTTc. v V H I II M 1 1 n III W Ulb rim era. vr utLMun o r. hall t m.. xiautA. a, s. ill deduce Your Dee By purchasing one of those high-grade Refrigerators Below Cost GASOLINE STOVES, of best makes at prices that are WAY BELOW COST Come in and see me when you need these goods and get prices on many other desirable articles in the line ot Hovisefurnishing Goods. FURNITURE pg M STOVES, &C DVUU'( v,k- j --- - ' J