: The County Exchanges Itexs c! General Interest Selected trcm the Columns of Contemporaries NehaAvkaL (("!" tin' lit-t!lMrr.) Mrs. y.iinton, of Avoca. is visitinjr her daughter. Mrs..). M. rainier, this week. II. M. F.uckley has received lils household goods anl lias moved In the Plttman liouse. Mrs. W. T. Johnson, or Pawnee City, returned liome Wednesday after a two weeks visit at Mrs. L. C. Pol lard's. Simon Hansen and family were vis ited l y a sister-in-law, who arrived from Plattsmouth Friday morning. George L. Sheldon returned Wednes day, coining from Wayside, Miss., where lie has lieen for several niontlis look i nir after business iiialters tliere. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen and the Misses Ida and Fa a Glendon drove out from Nebraska City Sunday and spent the day with their mother, Mrs. C.lendon. The Nehawka Kebckah lodge held a very pleasant meeting last Thursday evening and four new candidates were iniii:it.(l Into the mysteries of that order. Mrs. Whecldon and Miss Neal Humphrey, of Nehawka, and William RatlitTeand Frank l'.auer, of Fnion, were the parties who had to tame the goat. After the business wastranS' acted a tine luncheon was spread. used by the Missouri Pacific Hallway, for pumping water Into the large tank at the depot, lie had climbed up about thirty feet when thestep he was on broke. Fortunately no bones were broken. spring. He lias completed and holds contracts for the building of the fol lowing walks: Mrs. Paddleford, 'JOO foot: L. W. Roettger, S. 1. Fells, J. II. Hall, each 400 feet: Mrs. Hollenbeck, lion feet: S. S. Johnson, "M feet. Let the good work no on. Flossie Fellows suffered a severe at tack of appendicitis last week, and a consultation or i rs. .Monger aii'i i.o- hannan was held Saturday. They de cided that an operation was the only meansof saving her life. Accordingly she was taken to the Everett sanitar ium at Lincoln that evening, and was operated upon Sunday. Deaths from Appendicitis. Decrease In the same ratio that the use of Dr. Kind's new Life Pills in creases. They save you from danger and bring quick and painless release from constipation and the Ills growing out of It. Strength and vigor always follow their use. Guaranteed by F 0. Frickc & Co.. (Insists from tlitlli'ui'on. l!lrl was born to Mr. and Tuesday MoNt-a'y, died Monday morning at al little after nine o'clock, ah-ed two I years, one month and four days. j Our old friend and former cltien, S. j W. Daviscanie In from Scott's PKill ; Monday and spent the l.iy hakir.g hands with his friends. He was ac-: companled as far as Weeping Water by his daughter, Gladys, who will spend several weeks here and at Weep ing Water. At a meeting of the board of educa tion Monday night the follow mi.' teachers were fleeted: Miss Cameron and Miss lllanche Pell of Ashland, and Miss ltarnhart of P.rownville. Ibis fills the list and school board memoers congratulate themselves on securing a John Karnst Is putting In a great Hst of al)le teachers so rearti .1.-1 . . II. I.. l.M 1 .1,1.. r oeai oi cement nam in i.oimuou uiui Sciatica Cured After Twenty Year of! Torture. Fur more than twenty years Mr. J. Il.Ma-sey, of '.''22 Clinton St., Minne apolis, Minn., was tortured by sciatica. The pain and suffering which he en dured during this time Is beyond com prehension. Nothing gave him any permanent relief until he used Cham berlain's Pain Palm. hie application of that liniment relieved the pain and . 1 . 1 1 ... I I . 1 1 mane sieep ami resr, possioie, anu less than one bottle lias effected a perma nent cure. If troubled with sciatica or rheumatism why not try a L'Vcent kittle of Pain Palm and see for your self how quickly It relieves the pain. For sale by F. (J. Fricke & Co. and A. T. Fried. A PRETTY MATRON OWES HEALTH TO PE-RU-NA. iy. HaLvelock. (Time.) A. A. Hyers has resigned his posi tion at the shops, and will give his entire time to the office. Carl Nelson and wife visited a few- days the tlrst of the week with friends at Plattsmouth. Victor Sherwood, of Plattsmouth, has accepted a position in the Have- lock shops and will move to our town at an early date. K. M. Stangland. piece work in- At last renort soector at the shops, lias resigned his position. He and his family will move to Denver early next week. Frank P.oehme, who went as far as Chicago with his wife and daughters on their way to Germany, has returned and resumed his work at the shops. J. II. Stansberry, who recently came with his family from Ohio, has bought she was doing nicely, and thought to e out of danger Wat Wasting Away. "1 had been troubled with kidney disease for the last live years," writes Robert II. Watts, of Salem, Mo. "I ost llesh and never felt well and doc tored with the leading physicians and the John Caldwell residence and will tried all remedies suggested without reside permanently In Havelock. Mr. relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney stanberry Is one of the late additions Cure and less than two bottles com- to the skilled force at the shops. ... . . . ... .i picieiycureameanaiam nowsounu M v.owers. a boilermaker from and wen." miring mo summer ma- ,,,,, ,,... Wni riinVi hu f:imil to rmr ney Irregularities are often caused by an(1 ' rk ln Uie ocai shops. As excessive drinking or being overheat- we ,iave ponteci out before, the scar en. Atienu to ina Kidneys at once uy clty of houSf8 ,s a serlous drawback to using Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by securlllR mcn of families for the work F. G. Fricke & Co., and A. T. Fried. A baby Mrs. Ernest llandrock on evening, May Mh. J. II. Latrom attended the (irand lodge K. of P. at Lincoln, Tuesday, as representative of Kagle Lodge o. lot MissMaymc Donahue, of Brooklyn N. Y.,a niece of J. H. Latrom, ar rived here Sunday morning for a few months' visit. J. J. licit ter has been very sick for the past week with an acute attack of gastritis and rheumatism. Today (Thursday) the doctor reports him a little better. The village "dads" held their regu lar meeting Monday night. W. E. Horrls was re-appolnted village mar- khal for the ensuing year; John Ro botham street commissioner and tire chief; Drs. Dihel and Jester and J. C. Brown board of health. Last Sunday, when visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris, live miles northwest of town, a three-year-old daughter of Dan Mahanoy fell from a carriage and fractured the humerus of the right arm about an Inch above the elbow Joint. Dr. Jester was called and reduced the fracture. Mr. Mahaney lives near Waverly. A petition asking that (1. W. Peter son be appointed as postmaster at this place was circulated this week and has been sent to Washington. Wm. Gardner, the present Incumbent of the office, will send In his resignation, to take effect July 1st. Mr. Gardner expects to enter school next fall to study for the ministry. Union I'rum the Ledger. W. P.. Hargus lias sold to Mrs. Lou vena Comer a tine no-acre farm a short distance northeast of this village. Mrs. W. L. Taylor, upon whom an operation was performed by Dr. Wilson of Nebraska City and Dr. Jonas of Omaha, Is doing well and will soon be up and about. In our town. There ought to tie a united effort along this line until the demand Is met and the disadvantage removed. D. A. Lucas, foreman of the boiler makers, will leave next Sunday even ng for Milwaukee, where he will at tend the annual meeting of their na tional association of which his brother is president. Under the supervision of Mr. Lucas the Havelock boiler makers hold one of the best records In the United States for rapid work, which is something for himself, his Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John Nlday are the proud parents of a nice daughter, born men and the shop to be proud of. May 1, and Papa John claims this was Lucas has well earned this little vaca the tlnest May basket ever delivered at tlonand we wish him a pleasant trip, anybody's door. He will be gone about one week A case of scarlet fever was reported at the home of Mrs. Lcnora Harris last Sunday morning, her little daugh ter Maude being the patient. Con stable Saxon quarantined the home, and the little girl Is reported getting along nicely. As D. P. Sloan was riding along the WESTERN FARM MORTGAGES "When I was a drugglst.at Livonia, Mo.." writes T. J. Dwyer, now of C.raysville, Mo., "three of my custo mers were permanently cured of con sumption by Dr. King's 'ew Discov ery, and are well and strong today. One was trying to sell his property and move to Arizona, but after using New Discovery a short time he found It un necessary todo so. I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as the most wonderful medicine In existence." Surest cough and cold cure and throat and lung healer. Guaranteed by F. G. Fricke it Co., druggists. ."oc and II. Trial ottlc free. Elmwood From the Lender-Eetio. A twelve pound girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Lean, Tuesday, May s. Rosa, the fifteen-year-old daughter of P. W. Nickel. Is very sick with typhoid fever. Arthur P.ox was taken to the Ever ett sanitarium at Lincoln Monday ev ening, accompanied by Dr. Munger. (Julte a heavy frost visited this vi cinity Saturday night, nipping pota toes, cucumbers, beans, and the like, lt is thought the fruit was not dam aged to any extent. Everett Lynn was terribly bruised Tuesday by falling off the wind mill Prosperity Modifies the Exactions of the Money Lenders. Western farmers have grown rather particular about the Indebtedness, road a few days ago he observed a gay one of the common requirements of little animal ln the road, and with the tne modern mortgage is that the mort- aidof his dog and a club he captured gages shall accept any portion of the It. Ue brought It to town to have it princlal at (t he time of any Interest natneo. and It was called almost every- payment. This means that the bar thing, but the final verdict was hedge- vesting of a good wheat crop or the hog. fortunate sale of a bunch of cattle may Rev. A. L. Folden has decided to wipe out the debt, and the loan agent make bis home In Nebraska Citv and must iind another borrower. How moved there yesterday. Rev. Folden ever, one insurance company has $40 has resided here so long that lie w ill ono.ooo in western farm mortgage loans. feel like calling this his home, and and the Interest thereon Issufflclcnt to many friends In this town and vicinity pay all Its death lesses. Another com will welcome him whenever he is able rjany has !i!,000,000 In these loans, to make them a visit. scattered over the M ississi ppl valley Til n nn I knnn A . .1 T ll f. 1 .1 V 1.' d S U tti S C l IlllnOiS, Wltll i lausiiioc uitii uiann aiiuoniuatt . - I . . a. tit yt.t ,U1rt. 1IU......I. ...i.V. 1A lot bv.1. W. Pit.tman for th orm-t Ion aoout .'.,uuu,ow; .Minm-soui, iui - - - ---- i ...... . of a bulldlnir on the Delanev lot east (HH1lMK'! NEBRASKA CITY'S SENSATION "Scandal In High Life," by Bankers Ca tron of Nebraska City and Butter field cf Hamburg, Iowa. When there Is a woman In the case, it can be depended upon to result in something most sensational In the end. Following are some of the de velopments which have made their appearance in the celebrated Gutter- tield-Catron suit which has been the talk of our neighboring city on the south for the past few weeks, and which is liable to culminate In some thing very serious before it is fully settled. Speaking of this "celebrated case" the Tribune of last Saturday says: "Sensational developments occurred today in the i:jo,ooo damage suit insti tuted In the district court several weeks ago by Charles D. Euttertield, of Hamburg, la , against M. E. Catron of this city. Uuttertielcl sued for dam ages for the alienation of his wife's affections. Euttertield was In the city today and this morning claims to have held a conference with M. E. Catron In the law offices of John C. Watson, one of Catron s attorneys. The re suits of this conference were quite sensational. "A few minutes before noon this morning the following order of dis missal was riled in the court clerk's orllee: 'Clerk of District Court: Please dismiss action that 1 have brought against M. E. Catron for thirty thous' and dollars as I made an error In bringing said suit and I herewith dis miss same without prejudice. (Signed) C. D. Euttertield.' The signature was acknowledged as Mr. Butrergeld's vol untary act and deed before Max Cohn, notary public. "Meanwhile Euttertield had repudl ated his signature to the paper of dis missal and retained Fitzer & Hayward as attorneys. Mr. Butterh'eld's ver sion of the affair is that he signed the purported dismissal rather than have great bodily injury done him by the defendant, that he had no intention of dismissing the suit and will prose cute the same vigorously. Euttertield 0CX00K . y sv 9 4 VWi- 9 9 ; -srC1 ( JUjV' 6 2 r-"-S?'- i - 2 2 ' Va i - s 9 1 M Vl s I 2 A v 9 11' I MRS. ANNA N. KAISER, 6 J Had Suffered Severely From Pelvic Catarrh Cannot rraise J'eruna X Too Highly-Read Her Letter. 6 &000K0XK Mi 'RS. ANNA N. KAISER, Two ..Rivers, Wis., ivas sufferer Xrom pelvic catarrh to eueh an extent that 6he could scarcely do her own work, ln describing her symptoms, she wrote: "I have such terrible backaches and pains below my shoulder blades, way down my back and across my hips, and at times pains in the pelrio organs, so that I am not able to lie down or sleep. I also have pains through my left side and am afraid I may be getting heart trouble." After taking Peruna and following Ir. Hartman's instructions for several weeks, Mrs. Kaiser reported as follows: 'I feel much stronger and do not get nervous as 1 U6ed to. The pain is en tirely gone, except when I work a little too hard. The medicine has done me wonderful good. I am taking Peruna and Manaliu. My bowela are also in good condition." Reports Her Cure. After continuing the treatment a short time longer, Mrs. Kaiser reports her cure, as follows: "1 must drop you a line to let you know that I am well now and cured with your medicine. 1 must thank you for the advice you gave me. 'The medicine Is something wonder ful. 1 cannot praise it enough for the good it has done for me and I hope many others will be freed from their suffering. "I have advised others who are snff cr ing as I did to consult you and many are taking my advice. If ever I need medicine again, 1 know that Peruna will help me." Dr. Hartman's Advice. To every woman suffering from the symptoms above indicated, Dr. Hart man extends an earnest invitation to write to Liu; for medical advice. For a painful burn there is noth ing like DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. There are a host of imitations of De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve on the mar ketsee that you get the genuine. Ask for DeWitt's. Good, too, for sun burn, cuts, bruises, and especially re commended for piles. The name E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, Is on every box. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., and Gering&Co. V Abstracts of Title V Funeral of an Infant. The funeral of the little son, Theo- nleri ewnrp put a npP warrant sura Inst More. Of Mr. and Mrs. George Win- M. E. Catron in the county court of Young's restaurant on north side of Main street. The building will be J2x:tO, and will be built of the stone blocks manufactured by W. II. Pan Missouri, $11,000,000; Iowa, 10,100,000; Ohio, f 9,000,000, and lesser amounts In a dozen other states. It places approximately 4,000 farm mort gage loans every year, and has ln Its nlng, who has. the contract. Soon as history loanea w-a,,iv ... tu - i. .mi inn t..Ti. - with nractlcallv no loss. A report In l .( 1111 lilt l.rll II. Will IH' 11 111 llllllll l-llV r the Annals of the American Academy of Science gives the amount of mort gages held by the life insurance com panies at I4!0,G32,.P)0S or 27-7 per cent of the companies' assets. I his, now ever, includes loans of city property as well as those on farms. The percen- quarters for the postoftlce. Not If Rich at Rockefeller. If you had all the wealth of Rocke feller, the Standard Oil magnate, you could not buy a better medicine for bowel complaints than Chamberlain's tak,c S second only to that Invested In Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. bondS( nicating the partiality for The most eminent physician cannot this form of Investment by the most prescribe a better preparation for solic r()nservatlve of Investors. and diarrhoea, both for children and Tlie insurance company loan is safe adults. The uniform success of this ,,nr,in,i in vPrv nnsslbln wav. The iwtkinv.vais . j ' InterroL-atorics of the application all others. It never falls, and when .., tnr tar.-e naires and Includes reduced w ith water and sweetened, Is cvcrythliig from the size of the bor- pleasant to laKe. Every family should rowcr-8 famy t0 the Juse he proposes oe supplied wiui u. nki oy ! . w. fll ,,,. f tll(, mnnrv. Thevevenln Fricke Co. and A. G. Fried. ,,ir intn Ma hatiiuand his standing In the community, for the weii-inrorra Y ed Investor realizes inai me ocsi, j).u i, IUVlloVlIlU of his security Is the personality of the From the Courier. borrower. Mr and Mrs M. X. Drake and son. Thus t happened mat trie msuranie Charles, are visiting relatives In Ash- companies have few foreclosures and "Euttertield, through his attorneys has tiled in the district court a long aflidavit purporting to give the narra tive of his experiences in the inter view with Catron In the law ollices of John C. Watson, lie alleges that he was intimidated by Catron into sign ng a paper after Watson had left the room In which the conversation com menced; that Catron threatened to kill him and that he (Putterrleld) did not acknowledge the signing of the alleged dismissal of the suit before Max Cohn, notary public. Eased on the foregoing atlldavit Euttertield, through his attorneys, filed a motion to strike from the tiles of the case the papers purporting to be a dismissal of the original damage suit. In the peace warrant case In the county court Catron's attorneys secured a contlnu ance for thirty days. A bond of J'toO was ordered by the court and was signed by Geo. W. Hawke and Cal Chapman. "As a climax to the difficulties be' tween Catron and Euttertield, Cttron through attorney L. F. Jackson, this afternoon tiled In the county court a complaint against Euttertield, charg Ing Euttertield with criminal black mail. The warrant was placed In the hands of the sheriff for service." land this week. It Is reported that W. II. Peterson was married at Lincoln Wednesday, May 2nd. Postmaster Dorsey has moved the postoillce from the bank building Into bis hardware store on lower Main street. After an Illness of about two weeks with pneumonia, little Florence Ellen, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James scott, who died at the age of eleven months and seven days from spinal complications, was held this mornlnki from the' home, Rev. D. A. Youtzy officiating. The remains were conveyed to the Horn ing cemetery for interment. War Against Consumption. All nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption, the "white plague" that claims so many victims each year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds perfectly and you are in no danger of consump tion. Do not risk you health by tak Ing some unknown preparation when Foley's Honey and Tar is safe and cer tain in results. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and insist upon having it. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Dr. Elster, Dentist, Waterman Block THOMAS WALLING OFFICE Anheuser-Bush Block Best for Women and Children. On account of its mild action and pleasant taste Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is especially recommended for women and children. It does not nauseate or gripe like pills and ordi nary cathartics. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion and stimulates the liver rnd bowels withour irritating them. Remember the name Orino The Journal in Error. The Plattsmouth Journal was in error in stating that Een Fulton went Into Spence's saloon and started a rough house. The trouble between Spence and Fulton occurred near the Courier otlice. Fulton had Spence arrested charged with assault. The case came up before Judge Archer at Flattsmouth, Tuesday, the defendant pleading guilty was lined $10 and cost. Louisville Courier. Have you.pains in the back, inflam mation of any kind, rheumatism, faint ing spells, Indigestion or constipation, Ilolhster's Rocky Mountain Tea makes you well, keeps you well. X cents. Gcrlng & Co. practically no losses on this class of Investments. Of recent years the value of land has Increased so rapidly that every loan made, as these Invest mcnts are, on a basis of 40 per cent on real value became "gllt-edgcu ' and was the best possible security. Re view of Reviews. It's always the man who doesn't want credit who can get It f ir the asking. It Is Dangerous to Neglect a Cold. How often do we hear it remarked: It's only a cold." and a few dayslater learn that the man Is on his back with pneumonia. This is of such common occurrence that a cold, howcversllght, should not be disregarded. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy counteracts any tendency of a cold to result In pneu monia, and has gained Its great popu larity and extensive sale by Its prompt cures of this most common ailment. It always cures and l pleasant to take. For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co., and A. T. Fried. Have you weakness of any kind stomach, back or any organs of the body? Don't dope yourself with or dinary medicine. EoUester'9 Rocky Mountain Tea is the supreme curative rower. :r cents. Tea or Tablets. Gef- lng& Co. FOLEYSHONEMAR far iMIdrmi tafc, ur Ma epiutaa MONTHLY MISERY is one of woman's worst afflictions. It always leaves you weaker, and is sure to shorten your life and make your beauty fade. To stop pain take Wine of Cardui and it will help to relieve your misery, regulate your func tions, make you well, beautiful and strong. It is a re liable remedy for dragging down pains, backache, head ache, nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, dizziness, fainting spells, and similar troubles. A safe and efficient medicine for all women's pains and sickness. Mrs. J. L. Broadhead of Clanton, Ala. writes; "I have used Cardui for my disease, which was one peculiar to women, and it has completely cured me." AT ALL DRUG STORES, IN $1.00 BOTTLES WINE OF WRITE US A LETTER di-vrlNng fullv ill your virrl"M nd r will nj you 1'rct AJl.f In plain nr.ilrj fmrlor'. I nJir' AJ!vrv IVrt.. TSr Chtt.ims.i Mi'Jklnr Cn Cht!.ini?.i, li'fin. mi urn n