The Plattsmouth Journal T:n; iv. o 1 r.w. town wI'..m: th jroi:;.i.y i::v.t IT. ri i.l:-:'.h wkkkly at k l a tts v. o j r i . : ; z 2 k a i: a II. . l'ATl. l'i !: !-:u.t.. t:t'.cv.s are ! a::.! lur- :::.)!::: their tO.rt to accor.:- 1 r.-wll'. ! r. rc-vi c CtiV.l- Ri TRh.i:sT.T:vK J'::n Shak: W'ii.i.i ms1u o mr.y show:: hitv.M.-"f a r.utvr of the tariff que--s tiov. that it was v.o ::rr rie to fee n-v... t he rc:''ti:..;ca: e .1. t:i last. I: . r. . I.. 11:.. .f.x- t ..: v.. . L:nc'.:i. K i.f Ir.! KOVer- j ir I:. 1 Tr.i: honi'i Plight T::i. ".'.cc::-:: .::.r,;..:c -t .'.e'. tt'V.v..ttee U i ::e of the rta::t I'.v.tic-o! the co:::ir. r-t.-.te c.::u-::f.o:i to jfr:or::i. Th:s matter ,s'.i"'.:M 1 ke; t rror.iiv.ciit'.y l:.:e the t'.eniocrat" of the state. trust 1 business is a ; ovular industry, but lit ?.nv one ever hear of the feat !irm acocomp.ish rd" Omahv republicans arc badly nixed on the .senatorial question, and there will 1 another hot time in the old town lfore snow rlies aain. Thk Toutanelle club of Omaha is up in arms against lldward Rose water for I'nited States senator. This is an indication of Mr. Rose water's success. Tin: champion absent-minded man hails from Kansas. His wife has to watch him continually to keep him from putting the lamp to Ud and blowing himself out. It is not quite fifty years since the republican party held its first national convention. The wonder is that it could Income so hardened in sin in so brief an existence. A I'KI'.achkk down in Tennessee bought a pa;e advertisement and increased the memUTship of his Hinrcli one third in a week by advertising. ' ' It pays to advertise.' Kvmr.NTi.Y some of those who surest Mictey for senator are "joshing." After his term of gov- tv.e house a.!,hti in economic J; '.e. Mr. V:lhav has a lare practical knowledge, which makes him a j-eculiarly ugly customer for the standpatters to wake up. Moreover, he has the to a thorough It! Tie-up it Pihsi. 1 The -'3 1 iv.en drawing pay from the (lOVcrr.mer.t on the Isthmus of l'anama are almost as many as the law allowed in the army of the I'r.ited States a few years ago. In h:s latest report to the Secretary of War Chairman Shouts tells why much of the money they received is wasted. The work of digging the canal is delayed by the neglect of Congress to decide whether the eruor expires he will be consigned to private life where he properly belongs. Let each county see that they are represented on this committee by an energetic working member, and one that is alive to the interests of hi party. Jn.H SnxivAN does not desire the democratic nomination ror governor. When approached upon the subject the other day he re marked' "If I thought there was anv chance of the democrats nomi nating me for governor I would nove into a state where the officials would refuse to honor extradition and Income forever after a fugitive from justice." Thk delegates who attend the democratic state convention should Ik; selected with the understanding that a candidate for United States senator will 1 nominated. For the democrats to fail in doing what thev have advocated for years will not add very much to the success of the party at the ballot box. The masses of the party who select the delegates should so instruct their representees to the ensuing state convention. Tin: keynote of democratic action in la'f was sounded by the demo crats of Kansas in their state con veiitiou, declaring that the Diugley tariff is the greatest of all grafts and the source of despotisn which the people suffer at the hands of the trusts. It is a direct challenge of the republican claim that unnec- f;ne consistency which leads him to caiul sha!1 1e nuJe with locks or denounce tariff plunder even when it i ,t sca jevei seems to be flowing toward his own pocket. Hence the discomfiture of those who sought to trap him by asking him if he, himself a cotton planter, was not in favor of a pro tective tariff on his own product. 'Why should I want to rob carpen ters and bricklayers and black smith," asked Mr. Williams, t' ! the dirt fly. The sanitary work and policing of the canal zone administration have banished fevers from that part of the Isthmus. The mosquitoes have been almost exterminated. Comfortable and healthful quarters are prepared and preparing for the armv of laborers who are to "make making them pay an artificial price for cotton?' ' This is a much stron ger position than that taken by Senator Tillman when he admitted that the tariff was but so much steal ing, but declared that, so long as it was going 011, he was bound to get South Carolina's share of the booty. Mr. Williams, too, fairly left the republicans terror-stricken when he asked what they would do with the tariif-revision message which the president was sure to send in before a twelve month had passed. Omaha has a half doen republi candidatcs for I'nited States sena tor, but Rosewatcr has the longest pole and will surely "knock the persimmon." He seems to be "it" this time. Thkkk are many small enter prises that riattsmouth could just as well have had in the past two years had it not been for street corner knockers. Why are such mortals allowed to breathe, anyhow? They are a misery to themselves and dis grace to the community. Viu:n you buy an article from the home dealer you always see what it is before you take it. When you buy of a catalogue house you tako it sieht unseen, ami no matnr how inferior the article you have to keep it. "HrsTKK" Kkown is getting so busy trust busting that we fear lie will not be able to complete the job in any given case, before the elec tion of a I'nited States senator be comes necessary. Then his political enemies might make the cruel charge that Xorris was only play ing to the grand stand. even thing that enters into general use are a good thing for the people who pay the taxes. And the nom ination of ex-Senator Harris em phasizes the position of Kansas democrats in this matter even more strongly than does their platform. T0C01.. M. C. Wktmork of St. Louis, W. J . liryan writes: ' ' I am always glad to hear from you, even if your flattering reports do make me blush. I am satisfied that the things I have been fighting for are growing, but who will be most available in 1-0S is a question that cannot be answered now. I shall not do anvthinir to secure another nomination, and do not want it un less circumstances seem to demand it timealcne can determine that. appreciate your deep interest 111 the matter, and shall want to see , 011 as soon as I get home. You will have to pay ine that promised visit. We are seeing lots, and I am glad you are pleased with the let ters. I think you will enjoy the one on Knglish rule in India." Thk republican senatorial con test in Nebraska promises to le a hot one. The state house ring candidate, "Huster" Hrown, prom ises now to le low man in the race. His boom came too soon to lc lasting. Rosewater knew what hour to make a lucky strike. Tin: Fountauelle club of Omaha which was instrumental in securing the nomination of lknson for may or against the wishes of the rank and file republicans, says it pro poses to keep on doing business at the old stand. This is certainly g-ood news to the democrats of the metropolis. SiXKKTAKY Shaw is unuecessar ily pessimistic in counting anions the political evils of the day the "trend toward the obliteration o nartv lines." Nothing can nil out party lines in this country The trend which Mr. Shaw fails to see aright is that of republicans moving, with something like a land slide rush, to net on the democratic side of the line. Thk democratic party holds, and will proclaim in the congressional campaigns of this year, that the whole system by which special in terests are given the right to rob and oppress all other interests is false in principle and vicious in practice. 1 lie republican party, it is now evident, will not budge one inch from its traditional position that the manufacturing interests of this country should have the right to levy tribute upon all other in terests and industries, regardless of their merit or of their value in the general economy of the country. The republican leaders prefer that the democratic party should win in this Year's election on a tariff re form platform rather than that the growing tarin reiorm seniimem among republican voters should find expression through a republican congress. They prefer that tariff revision should be undertaken by democrats rather than by republicans. The democratic par ty accepts the responsibility and is llikelv to make tariffrevision a paramount issue in 1906. Democrats do not hold that Ameri can industries should be exposed to foreign attack or discrimination. It is the entire, history of the gov eminent antedating to the advent of the republican party there was hardly a tariff act in which some protection, direct or indirect, was not extended to nascent American industries. And yet, the dirt is not flying in any considerable quantities, and cannot fly until the kind of canal to lie built is decided upon. Though the steel works in the I'nited States are booking orders months ahead, much of the machinery to be used ;.n the canal and harbor work is not yet contracted for and cannot be nntil it is known whether the canal is to be at sea level or above it. Why is the decision postponed The opening of the new route is ex pected to revolutionize the world's commerce in the Pacific, with most of the benefits of the change falling to the United States. The pre liminary steps for the canal build ing, the setting of the Panama gov' eminent, the purchase of the cana' zone and of the rights and property of the French canal company were among the most brilliant achieve mentsof President Roosevelt's first administration. Hut the harvest of all this planting is barred by inde cision as to what we want. In this instance, as in many other of Mr. Roosevelt's enterprises, the promise of the proclamation is not fulfilled by the performance. The country waits and grows wearv 01 waiting while the Senate hesitates. The country wants that canal and will hold the republican party re sponsible if the dirt is not flying good and fast by midsummer. Thk Lincoln Journal and Ross Hammond of the Fremont Tribune seem already worried over the candidacy of Kdward Rosewatcr for United States senator. Of course this is no surprise to Mr. Rose water's friends, as it was on the "bargain and sale" proposition that "Huster" Hrown was agreed upon by Ross Hammond and the Journal faction, but it is not likely that the convention will fall in with the scheme, Hammond, Schneider and the Journal faction have adopted to defeat the will of the republican delegates in conven tion assembled. Hammond, Schneider and company once ran the republican party to suit their notion, but that day has gone glim niering and only numbered among the days that were. Thki.k churches were struck by lightning i Cleveland, Ohio, a few days ago and badly wrecked. Was that also a visitation of providential displeasure? Si'KAK a good word for Platts mouth. If you can't do that keep a closed mouth to all coiners and goers. Thkkk arc just 1.5S7 clerks in the different departments of the government more than f5 years old, and of this number 171 are tip wards of 75 years. The Civil Ser vice Commission has completed its census of the different departments, and within a few days a report will be made to President Roosevelt re garding the years and efficiency of these clerks. The oldest clerk in the service is 91 years. There is one who is 9i; three are 86; four 85; five 84; six 83; twelves.'; four teen 81: eighteen SO; fifteen 79; twenty-five 78; twenty-three 77; and fortv-four 16. Ot the entire number 189 hold their position on account of their war records. Skckktaky Shaw's neighbors in his congressional district in Iowa have not onlv refused to endorse es presidential aspirations, but in their convention last week by a vote of two to one they, refused to ap prove his record as secretary of the treasury. Well, we should think that any convention of self-iespect-ing people of any party would re fuse to endorse his wihl-cat and counterfeit money schemes and aiding Wall Street in robbing the balance of the country. 3xira A The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in uso for over 30 years, lias homo the signature of rt - and has been made under hi pcr- j? sZftf-f-?1- sonal supervision since Its infancy. Wiaryy, J-CUcAJil Allow no one to deceive yon in thi. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-good" are but Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of Infant and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla 1 a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It i Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age i it guarantee. It destroy Worms and allay Feverlshncss. .It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipatlou and Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Food, regulate the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children' Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Beats the Signature of 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI OITU eOHMNf, TT HuaiMV Itlllf, HCW 0. Or. PERKINS HOTEL KjUTHMAN BROS., PROPS.: PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Thk radical republican senators, repudiating the white house surreii; der, have administered a stinging rebuke to President Roosevelt by forcing the railroad senators to ac cept additions greatly strengthen ing the original Allison amendment to the railroad-rate bill. The re publicans, according to the latest reports from Washington, will pre sent a united front for the amend ment in its new form. Senators Dolliver, Cullom, Long and other western republicans lined up solid ly against the naked review, agree ing that even the present populari ty of Roosevelt in the west would not shelter them politically if they surrendered to the railroad senators Senator Dollivar looked to Iowa and saw (Governor Cummins ready to rise in denunciation of a rate fiasco. In Illinois, Senator Cullom saw Yates making the surrender of an is sue in the senatorial fight. In Kansas, Senator Long saw former Senator Harris running for gover nor and heading a democratic re vival, based on a railroad issue, that already threatens to overwhelm the republican ticket this fall. These conditions would move most any wise senator from the west to move in the direction ofthe people. How about the senators from' Nebraska N'ow doth the busy standpat bee sing sweet in Huster's !otinet, and stingeth Rosewater in the the rear, when lie sits down upon it. Tin-: country does not need nor does not care for a republican rate bill nor a democratic rate bill. The question of rate regulation is not a partisan one and the attempt to make it so is illadvised and foolish l-'rom past experience it looks as i it will take all the brains there is in loth parties to frame a law that will stand the test and meet the re quirements of the hour. Any law that can command enough votes to make it a pattv measure will with out much doubt be found to have little value. Not a tlilntf harmful In One Mln ute Couku Cure, but It relieves a cough qulcklj.cuts the phlegm. Healing and soothing. Sold by F. (I. Frlcke k Co. and e r I n g & Co. RATES $1.00 PER DAY First House West B. 6c M. Depot We Solicit the Fanners Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call J5he Perkins Hotel YpfMW mm Bottled in Bond. .r-. pi-tiiiip PLATTSMOUTH, - . is tbc Cheapest in tbc EnM Poor Wins y is not only dis agreeable to taste, but undoubted ly injurious to the stomach. A lit tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and helps instead of harming. Such Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as much good as a doctor's prescription. If you dou't know how good it ia come in and try it. PRICES: Guekeiihein:er,Rye, per gallon... $4 00 Yellowstone, ' " ... 4 00 Honey Dew, " " ... 3 00 Biu Horn, " " ... 2 00 Thierolf. - - - - NEBRASKA. DISTRIBUTING DEROT FOR PITTSBURGH PERFECT" FENCES, ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. FOR FIELD, FARM AND HOG FENCING. THE ONLY ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCE. EVEHY HOD GUARANTEED PERFECT. The DURABLE Fence, None so STRONG. 53i - All large wires. ,47,. I Hiehcst EFFICIENCY. , LOWEST COST. No Wraps to hold Moisture and cause LJULiUt I 'I I I I B . 'I , 32- . . IL L -.... .j LL. niin: bfcfcfcifcdKti: i i i i i i i i i "Pittsburuii I'lUKcr Kkncino. (Special Stylo.) Akiolutily STOCK PROOF. . Wican SAVE YOU MONEY on Finely. CALL AND SCC IT. JOHN BAUER, HardXeaier