The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 17, 1906, Image 2

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Personal Points
"Gut Hcil," the favorite cltfar
K. W. Nolt inland wife were visit
Inn ' 'hnaha today.
D. K. Karrcame In from Greenwood
on business tbls morning
U.O. lluteliens, assessor (orAvoca
precinct, made hi assessment returns
pnii,.it chrlswlsser was a
for the metropolis this
Sheldon, "f Lincoln, was
sume business maun
GfOl ve
look 1 11 niter
lie re t xlay .
Thomas Murty. -f Wcrpl"K Water,
was tr.iiu.acl Inn business at. the county
seat today.
New supply of garden seed in hulk
also nil kinds of Held seeds, at A semis
sen & Louck's.
Kdwln Jcary, the Khnwood hanker,
was transacting huslness at l lau
mouth today.
Miv Helen Keairvcame in from Lin
ri., nieht to visit with friends in
this city, the isiwst of Miss Frances
E. T. Comer, U. Huffman, l'.ert
Heed and J. K. Johnson, of Elmwood,
u,..r business visitors at tlio county
heat today.
a s. Will departed for Akron, Col.,
this mornlnir, to superintend the
spring round-up for dipping and de
liorning-the stock on his ranencs.
Mm. J. 11. Wells left for Kansas
fitu tbis mornlnir for an indefinite
visit with her daughter, Mrs. Charles
Minor. She was accompanied hy her
Fmhi M'HuUy'n I "ally .
Machine oil at Asemlssen .V Louck V
John Tithe of Manley was a husl
ness visitor at riattsmoutti today.
Henry Kropp from near Nchawka
was a caller at the court nouse umuy.
Full line of Oulck Meal and Round
Oak Steel Itanges, at competing prices.
Asemlsi-en & Louck.
1. Shrader was down from Omaha
yesterday and spent the day with
riattsmouth friends.
D.O. DWYER, Attorncy-ot-Law
Offce In building east of court
house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
County (.'lerk Roseiicrans returned
from Salludasburg, I 'a., this morning,
w here lie went on account of the death
f his father.
Charles Carlson and brother, Will,
returned from Lincoln, where the
former lias completed some draughting
work for the Iiurllngton. He will be
attached to the local olllces of the 15.
M. here.
Win. Kroehler came down from
Havelock Saturday evening, and spent
tho most of the Sunday visiting rela
tives. Will is one of those genial fel
lows whom his I'lattsmouth friends all
delight in welcoming to the old town.
A freight car was derailed yesterday
from the side track near the freight
depot, and the local switching force
had some trouble In replacing me
truant car In Its proper place, but this
was finally accomplished after several
hours of backing and pushing with the
switch engine.
From Turwliiy's Itiilly
, Jenkins, assessor for Center pre-
A mama
evening hy the county judge, to ora
T. MclMiald, age :M, and Miss Nettle
Vancltave, age in, both residents of
Greenwood, tills county.
Ike Tecgarden was In from Weep
Inir Water to make his assessment re
turns this morning, lie was accom
panied by his father, who resides at
Avllla. lr.d.. an 1 whu was berefora
visit with Ills two sons.
J udge Jessen and court reporter Tag
gart came up from Nebraska City this
afternoon, and convened district court.
The case of Coatman vs Drum Is up
for hearing this afternoon. John
Donelan of Weeping Water is one of
the witnesses to be examined this af
To be sure the department stores
tell you that If their goods are not
satisfactory you can return them
Sure! Hut you have to pay the ex
press or freight both ways and you
decide to keep them. If your home
merchants goods arenit satisfactory
you take them tack ami it costs you
The W. U. C. was invited to meet
with the G. A. II. at s:.;o p. m. on May
12th. After the business of the meet
lng was transacted the (J. A. II. pre
sented the W. II. C. with a most beau
tlful silk (lag, as a reward for being
the best entertainers In the prize con
tests their orders have been holding.
Mrs. liertha Peterson has been ap
pointed Guard at the department con
ventlon to be held at Lincoln, May 1
18 and lit. Mrs. I'eterson is president
of the W. It. C of this city, and under
her supervision the corps Is doing ex
cellent work
If not, you may need that new Carpet or Matting. We
have a fine line of Straw Mattings we will be glad to show
Short Lengths of BRUSSELS CARPETING for Rugs
9x12 can be made for $8.80 and up. v
Short Lengths of Brussels, suitable for stairs, can be
had much cheaper than the Regular Stair Carpet
little granuuaugnier, " i . . .n ........ fml,v
.... ... ... i. nnrl nnHr 111 that -mvl' vv '
;, r, r;: ,k A. A. Wetcnkamp and wife were
VIVJ ..I,. I.I.,., n fr lll.ll to,tWMlth tAflflU
Fmiii s.unr.iity'H I'uiiy. Geo. lukuc, assessor 01 L,iui-n.r
, ., i i, in., precinct, Is In Hie city today on busi
John McNurlin and wife are visiting i'" -
Frank Warren and wife were visit
ing in the metropolis today.
Iave Wallcngren was a business vis
itor at, the state capital today.
Itobert Mau.y made a business trip
to the metropolis on the fast mall.
J. G. Klchey departed this after
noon on a business trip to McCook,
Carpets 50c a yd
Fringed Rugs $1.25
Floor Oil Cloths
one and two yards wide
Ingrain All Wool
Rugs 9x101 feet
Several Splendid Patterns
of the 12-ft wide Linoleums
The Queen Quality Shoe tits as a shoe should tit not to big in one place and not too
small In another, not too wide in the toe and not to narrow in the heel but just right.
Not only comfortable when old, but comfortable when new.
It is no longer necessary to use your foot as a stretcher nor to buy one size for style
and another for comfort. Queen Quality has done away with all that. You can get style
and comfort together In the Queen Quality Shoe.
Other makes of shoes at $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50. These shoes were
bought before the heavy advance in leather.
In Murray today.
Miss Gertrude Fassbender, came In
from Wahoo this morning.
A. H . Karhart made his usual week
ly trip to C.lenwood, la., today.
II. It. Nickels, from the vicinity of
Murray, was a county Rcat visitor to
lion. Martin Fredrlch of Klght Mile
Grove was visiting in the county seat
-Oulck Meal Gasoline Stoves, al
sizes and styles, for sale at Asemlssen
&. Louck's.
Mrs. Mary Metgar and son, C. E.,
were business visitors at the county
scat today.
Mrs. A. F. Seybcrt was here from
Cedar Creek today and gave the Jour
nal a pleasant call.
W. II. Kntcrllncof Weeping Water
was transacting business at the county
seat today.
William Gllmour of Nchawka was
in town today to make his assessment
returns for Mt. l'leasant precinct.
W. AV. Jessup of Pacific Junction
was a riattsmouth visitor today, and
his allegiance to the Journal
while here.
Miss Gertrude Fassbender departed
for Omaha this morning, where she
will visit before returning to her
home at Wahoo.
Will l'uls, the mayor of Maple
Grove, passed through town this morn
ing enroutc for Omaha ana council
HlulTson business.
The many friends of Judge Travis
win hn niP9nil tn know that lie Is re-
Miss Myrtle Sanders came in from covering from his attack of sickness,
Nchawka this morning to spend Sun
day with home folks.
Mrs. Joseph Shcra and Sam Smith
and wife of Hock Muffs were transact
Ing business at the county seat yester
Mic v.iiaheth Mason returned to
her home In this city last evening,
but Is compelled to transact all legal
business at his home.
Mrs. M. Lelpskl of Denver, who has
boen enjoying a visit with her sister,
Mrs. Frank Dunbar, departed this
morning for Fremont, where she will
visit before returning home.
Hoy McEl wain returned home yes
UVI llvlll w v - - I v " w
aftor closing a must successful term of terdav morning from San Francisco,
school, near Union. California, and Is exceedingly glad to
P A Rnwls Lawver. Pro- pet back amonp home (oiks, after his
- fte trying experience of the past monm.
uuw u..u I. - r. 1ltlEan hM rurdiased the bar
nee or wunty Auorrjey. . . j , Ku, ln lIie Rey
George Row land, cashier of the Hank kwi, and will take possession of the
of Avoca, was in the city last evening june i. Mr. Pitman Is a good
on business and called on the Journal, workman and will keep up the estab-
He is a very pleasant gentleman and nsiicd reputation of the shop for good
... . . . i 1 II . I I . I ..
will be a patron or tne uia uenauie m
the future.
.las. M. liohrbaunh. of Fairbury,
was a business visitor at I'lattsmouth
W. N. Minford. of Klmwoou, was in
town today to make his assessment re
J. C. Spangler and A. C. Carey, of
Louisville, were county scat visitors
J. F. Ilornbeck, of Murdock, was
transacting business at the county
scat today.
Roy McElwain was looKlng after
some business matters at the metrop
olis today.
It. 15. Jameson of Weeping Water
was a business visitor at the county
seat today.
II. C. McMaken and W. J. White
went to Lincoln to attend the G. A.
R. encampment.
II. E. Coleman, of Greenwood, was
at the county seat today to make his
assessment returns for Salt Creek pre
Miss Dora Herold entertained a few
friends informally last nlk'ht, in honor
of her nelce, Miss Feme llager of Lin
There's ncthing so good for a sore
throat as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil.
Cures it in a few hours. Relieves pain
in any part..
Don't fall to subscribe for the Even
Ing Journal for three months, and get
the San Francisco book of 400 pages
II. 11. Neltzeleame in from Murdock
on business this morning.
American tield fencing and poultry
netting at Asemlssen & Louck's.
Latest patterns in rugs and lino
leums at prices to suit the times at
Michael Ilild's.
A hearing In the petition for an ad
ministrator ln the estate of Geo. W.
Wolfe, deceased, was had this morn
ing, and Isaac N. Wolfe was appointed
administrator by the court.
Stephen Jochlm and daughter, Miss
Minnie, were ln the city today, and
while here the young lady called and
renewed for the Journal another year.
Mr. Jochlm Is one of the energetic and
and well-to-do farmers of Cass county,
A deed conveying lot 3 of block us of and Is surrounded by a most excellent
the city of Plattsmouth, from Lloyd family
D. P.ennctt aud wife to John Leyda
for a consideration of V was tiled
with the county recorder today
If you want a real estate loan at
reasonable rates; or a reliable abstract
of title, insurance policy, security
iwinii of noil kln.1. or a contract, deed
or mortgage draw n, see John M. Leyda,
Gund building. Work promptly and
neatly done and charges reasonable.
The following deeds were riled today
with the county recorder: Geo. Stan
dcr to Sam L. Thomas, conveying the
sei, sw J, 11 and ne i. nw J, U-12-13,
consideration tl.'JOo.oo. W. R. Cross
and wife to Arda Albin, conveying lot
7, block 1, Union, consideration MOO.
We note from the P.clle Fouchc (S.
P.) Northwest-Post, that the senior
editor of that paper, Rush O. Fellows,
has been appointed auditor of the city
by Mayor Chamberlain. Mr. Fellows
Is In every way (ualitied for the posi
tion, and wlille perhaps not a very lu
crative position, it Is l"lte a recogni
tion of Mr. Fellows' worth to have the
honor conferred upon him. The Jour
nal extends congratulations.
Alfred Gansemer, of Maple Grove
was in town today, making arrange
ments (or his big platform dance next
Saturday. Ho has employed l'roi.
Phillips' orchestra of eight pieces, and
you bet they will dance to the best of
mn .. Alfred loOK inc ancrmou
train for Omaha. '
The Mav pole dance and baiiiiuct,
given by Professor Phillips last night,
was a success ln every particular, a
flashlight picture of the merry dancers
partaking of refreshments, and one of
May polo In operation, were taken by
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Soper. These are
the first May pole dances that the
young folks have had the opportunity
to attend, and they enjoyed these lm
mensely. Philip Stoehr, of Cedar Creek was
In the city today, and while here called
and renewed his allegiance to the
Journal. Mr. SUchr's daughter.
Miss Maggie, has been 111 for the past
three or four years, and everything
possible has tccn done to relieve her.
She Is now under the care of Mrs.
Kaufman, a female healer of Ills, and
Attorney C. E. TetTt came In from
Weeping Water last night on business
In connection with district court, de
parting this afternoon for Omaha.
Mrs. Pearl II inkle, who has been en-
Jcylng a visit with Mrs. Patterson and
daughter, Miss Mae, returned to her
home at Havelock this afternoon.
Fred Klogsberry and wife, of Colum
bus, Ohio, were visiting with the
Wescott's at Sunnyside today, depart
ing on the afternoon train for Omaha.
A few friends were informally en
tertained last night at the Perkins
house, In honor of Miss Janette Sisson,
of Alnsworth. who Is here visiting the
Itch: Itch: Itch:- Scratch: Scratch:j
Scratch: The more you scratch the
worse the Itch. Try Doan's ointment, i
It cures piles, ecema, any skin Itch
ing. All druggists sell it.
A fishing party composed of Rev. J.
II. Salsbury and wife, D. C. Morgan
and wife and a few other friends,
drove out to Cedar Creek this morn
ing for a day of recreation.
Danger is near at hand when the
kidneys are sick. Kidnev-Ettcs will
purify and strengthen the kidneys and
restore them to their normal and
healthy condition. 2.". cents. Gerlng
, Co., druggists.
M. J. Kelly representing Ader
helnicr, Stein Co. of Chicago is vis
iting the firm of C. E. Wescott's Sons
today. During his last visit to this
city, he was accosted by Ralph Collins,
who won the suit of clothes olTered as
a prl.e by Wescott's Sons.
To feel strong, have good appetite
and digestion, sleep soundly and enjoy
life, use Burdock Blood Hitters, the
great system tonic and builder.
Most complete line of screen wire to
be found In town, also screen doors
and window screen frames. Asemlssen
& Louck.
Have you Backache? Get a box of
Kidney-Ettes-the most wonderful
remedy for all kidney troubles, and
they will make you right. 2 c. Ger
Ing &Co., druggists.
A lazy liver leads to chronic dys
pepsia and constipation weakens the
whole system. Doan's Regulets (25c
per box) correct the liver, tone the
stomach, cure constipation.
Thomas Keckler of Manley was in
the city today, and found time to pay
his respects to the Journal. Mr. Keck
ler went from here to Omaha on his
return home. While here Mr. Keckler
renewed his allegiance to the Old Re
Mrs. W. 1). Wheeler was taking din
ner with the family of Charles Cook
today, and the county treasurer had
w alked nearly home before he remem
bered of this fact, and thciefore he
was compelled to retrace his steps
back to the hotel for dinner.
Miss Mary Black came in from Oma
ha this morning, where she has been
A base ball team, who style them
selves the Amateurs, expect to play a
game with the Glenwood high school,
on their grounds tomorrow. The Kn
owing is the team that will play:
Graves, Fitzgerald, Kuhney, Yelinek,
Sic Kinney, Jlann, Thrasher, hbinger
and Schafer.
W. F. Case, of Weening Water, was
a business visitor at Plattsmouth today.
Mrs. Nelson Murray and children
departed this afternoon for their new
home at Merino, Colo. Nelson shipped
their household goods the first of this
week. We regret to see such an ener
getic family leaving Plattsmouth, but
know that they will form many friend
ships there as they have here.
Wall Paper
A good complexion Is Impossible
with the stomach out of order. If
pasty sallow people would pay more at
tention to their stomachs and less to
the skin on their (aces, they would
have better complexions. Kodol (or
Dyspepsia will digest what you eat and
put your stomache back In right shape
to do Its own work. Kodol relieves
palpitation of the heart, flatulence,
sour stomach, heart burn, etc. Sold
by F. G. Fricke & Co., and Gerlng &
Is here and so is our stock of Wall
Paper, and we are ready te furnish
anything in the wall paper line from
5c to $4.00 per roll
We always have had the best line
and will continue to give the same
satisfaction as heretofore. Call in
for estimates on your rooms.
Call and See Samples
Ger ing l Co.
T . i
i ri m ii )
Do You Weed Furniture
I ' TTTTTELX why not buy it while you have the opportun-
vv 'ty t0 fcrct what "you want at Creat,y Reduced r ti
' Prices! Come in now and see what I have left in
) House Furnishings, Stoves, etc. I will please you 5
52 both in the price and quality of goods. I must give
possession of the room and the goods MUST BE SOLD! ,
Prices will not be in tho way if you want the goods. CO
f Come and See the Old Furniture Man! S
CJ Will Sell or Exchange Entire Stock at a Bargain ZZ.