H-vrs and caps W I L L I A M HOLLY's Gents' Plain and j 'ciothing7" I Clf)thin fo1' Men Fancy Dress Shirts, j and Men's Furnishing Goods j aml oys. waterman Block j Men's 1 Boys' New and Up-to-Date Spring Clothing j piattsmouth. Neb. TLcoal advertisements. Legal Notice. IN TIlF.COL'NTYCoriiT OV CA?S CUI N TY. NEHKASKA. A VERY IMPORTANT CHANGE In the Mutter of tlie KsUte of Jacob S. trli'klnnt. deceased. I 11 (ieorsfeC. Strlekluiid. Mury F. Miint'i r unil nil imtwiiis interested in mi est Me of .luooh S. StrU-klund. Vi!lill!l!S Iel rested In tin' ll(M-t'ilSt'(, Will take notice tlnit on tlie Will day of May. A. II.. l'Alfi. .Iom'JiIs A. t rli-klHiitt as udtnlnls trator of tin' esltc of Jacobs. St rick hi ml. oe ceased, tiled his lliml Hi-count of Ills adminis tration mid petition. asklin; for the ad.iiist nient Hiid iiilowiinct' of said iicc.nim. tlie tinal M il lenient of said estate, mid tlie iissU'iiti.ent of tlie residue of said estate to such prisons as are liy law entitlrd thereto. Von. and each of you. are further untitled that hy order of thU court duly enti led. a hearing will he had on said petition und tinal account on the sth day of .lime. A. !.. Yak. at the hour of Id o'clock n. in.. In the enmity court riKiin of the court house in I'laitstuniitli. Cass county. Nehraskii. and at said time und place said account will lie adjusted and allow ed, and the prayer of said petition cranted. and the residue of said est ate assigned to s jcli persons as are hy law entitled thereto, if no objection to tlie same he made before said date. Hahvk.y li. Thavis. nkai.1 County Jiulk-e. Avoca Motice of Probate of Will. TN Til F. COT NT Y COU It V ll" C ASS Cl'I'N-J- tv Nebraska. In the mutter of the estate of Mathilda Chrlstensen. (h'ceased. Notice Is hereby (jlven to all persons Interested in said estate that a petition has lieen tiled in the county court of Cass county. Nebraska, pray ing for thi probate of an instrument aliened to lie the last will and testament of Mathilda Chrlstensen. deceased, and for the appoint ment of executors thereof, and that a hearing will be had upon such petition In the county courtroom, at I'lattsniouth. Cassctlunty. Ne braska, mi the ilst day of May, l'.'Otl. at :0 o'clock n. tn. You are required to show cause. If any y.e.1 have, atralnst said petition on or before the hour of 10 o'clock a. ni.. on the 2lsl day of May. UKHi. Witness my hand and the sea! of the county court, of Cass county. Nebraska, this :Jlsl day of April. A. It.. IWti. IIahvkv H. Thavis. (seal) County Jiulire. Notice to Creditors. State of Nkiihaska. i , County Gum. Cask Cot my i In the matter of the estate of .lames .1. Mc Nurlin. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet John McNurlln. the administrator of said estate, before me. county judge of Cass comity. Ne braska, at the county court room in l'hilts mouth. in said county, on the !llst day of May. IWJti. and on the 1st day of December. HKtl. at 10 o'clock u. m. each day. for the purose of presenting their claims for examination adjustment and allowance. Six months ara allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present theirclalms, and one vear for the administrator to settle said es tate from the "7th (lav of Auril. llKlli. Witness mv and the s al of said count court, at I'lattstnouth. Nebraska, this day of April. lwi. . liAitvr.Y I. Travis". (seai.1 County J .ulgi Dr. Kriedler Purchases An Interest In the Mineral Springs at Burlington Junction, Mo. An important deal was made Tues day wlien Ir. S. F. Kriedler of lied Oak, Iowa, became one of the heavy stockliolders in the Mineral Springs Sanitarium Cumpany of I!;ir!inKton Junction. The doctor assumed medi cal supervision of the sanitarium and charge of the baths May 1st. He is a successful practitioner and lias had several years' experience in medicine and surgery. Some time ago he vis ited the place for a rest and was so convinced of the virtues of the water in the wonderful cures that were he- inc made that he commenced to ar range his business and professional affairs to make the purchase cnn sumatcd thereby. Mrs. Dr. Kriedler will become ma tron of the Sanitarium and is said to be a lady well litted for the position, with more than ordinary tiualiiications for the work and responsibilities of the place. Dr. E. E. Corken will devote the greater part of his time to advertising and the management of the"Xek-Roc" water interests. This latter feature is becoming a big business of itself and is growing rapidly. With Dr. Corken on the road to establish agencies and look after the details of the business it will become a irreat industry. The carbonatinkf bottling plant in which 'Nek-Roc" is put up will be enlarged and many other changes made as soon as the work can be done. Among the improvements to be added will be a tirst class X-ray outfit, one of the best manufactured. This will help in the Sanitarium work. There is a bright day in store tor the Mineral Springs and the people of Uurligton Junction are proud of the fact that thev have one of the best I equipped and best managed Sanitar I iums to be found. Attachrrjent Notice. I'red Matland will take notice that on tlie Mill (lay of April. UKiu M. Archer, a justice of the peace of I'lattsniouth city Cass county. Ne braska, issued an order of attachment for the sum ufti.H.". lnanactloii pending before him. wherein Clans Speck Is plaintiff and I'red Matland. Is defendant, that property of the defendant, consisting of money In the garnish ees' hands has been attached under said or- "s'aid cause was continued t) May :llst. 1!0ii. at ll o'clock a. in. Cr.At s Si'ix K. r.:i.nt!!V. Attachment Notice. K. II. (irahntn will take notice that on the lfith day of April. MK M. Archer, a justice of the peace ol I'lattsinou' h city. Cass county. Nebraska. Issued an order of attachment for the sum of T.'i. In an action pending before him wherein Clans speck is plaintlll and H. (.raham Is defendant, that property of the defendant consisting of money in the hands the (iarnlshee has heen attached under said "said cause was continued to M;iy "-X. I'i'V,, at li o'clock a. m. t i.ais St'Ki k. I'laintitl. Doan's Kegulets cure constipation, tone the stomach, stimulate the liver, promote digestion and appetite and easy passages of the bowels. Ask your druggist for them . -" cents a box. Application for Liquor License. Mutters of application of 1'. W. Knbge for liiplor license: VOTICE IS 1 1 K I ! K 1 1 Y (ilVI'.N THAT ON the 1st day of May. r.Ht'.. I". U. llulige Hied his application with the Ik mrd of trustees of the village of Avoca. Cass county. Nebras ka, for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liuitors at his place of business. W. , lot 5. block l.'S. in Avocm. Cass county. Ne braska, from the I.Mh day of .Mav. ice... to the 1st day of May. wr. All objections to grunt ing of this license shuil he luiiile ill writing and Hied with said board as provided by law. I-. W. Itrtioi:. Applicant. Legal Notice. Notice is hereby given that at the lm.:r of 10 o'clock . m. on the 14th day of ay. A. U. liKrti. In theoWce of the comity judge in the courthouse ill the City of riattsmoutli. In Casscountv. Nebraska, a hearing will be had on the application of llarhar-i t.uehlstor.l to have admitted to probate an Instrument pur porting to be the last will and testament of .lolin tiiielilstortT. deceased I hat at sa d time and place evidence will lie heard on said application and if not contested ahl Invrii ment will be probated and allowed as the list will and testament of said deceased and let ters testamentary thereon Issued to l.arliaru tinehlstortr. Hahvey U.Ikavi. Hated Airl! li'th. lWii. County Juhk". sea l.l WINDHAM INVESTMENT COMPANY PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Lands, Ranches and City P.eal Estate In Nebraska and elsewhere bought sold and exchanged. Ilenta'.s, Insurance and Abstracting ' J ' Titles Money to loan at a lmv rate of Interest on Improved farms, lt.isiness correspondents In all Important elt.es anil towns In the l ulled Mates. Tttcphontt No. 20 and 98. R. B. WINDHAM, President W. W. WINDHAM, Secretary Money on hand to loon on city property. No delay. V H.D.TRAVIS. Steve Orton says that 4:' years ago last Friday he started "for the M1- ilernets." He had lots of company but thev didn't all come back, and those that did come back are not very numerous now. The (J. A. K. boys are like the hairs of Steve's head, mostly gone, the remainder few are scattered Can Just Keep Up With Dockets. At the end of one year, with six su preme court commissioners to assist the judges in disposing of matters be fore that court, it is apparent that with the present manner of handling the business this number will be re quired indetinitely in order to keep the work from falling behind. There are practically the same number of cases on the docket today that there were a year ago last April when the commis sion was increased from three to six members. When a commission of nine members was created three years ago, the court was several hundred cases in arrears. I!y the terms of the law creating the commission six members went out of oillce at the end of a year, and when that time arrived the court had prac tically caught up witli its work every thing being up-to-date. For the following year there were but three commissioners, and during that time cases piled up until there were over H00 on the docket. Then In April, 100.', the commission was again increased, this time to Include six members, and since that time the court has Just about held its' own, there being approximately the same number of cases disposed of as are tiled. At the beginning of the last sitting of the court there were on the docket ll cases, which is practically the same number as there were a year ago. Lincoln News. (Special Correspondent ) House cleaning time Is here. The barefooted Uiy lias made his ap pearance. 1. 0.O. F. district meeting at Avoca, MayJ4th,at:'::-.0 p. in. MissSelma Mar.uaidt was a Lincoln visitor Saturday. J. V. Waldrv. the village black smith, had business at Omaha Mmi-' day. J T. V. Malcolm and Willie Cillianj trained to Lortmi Sunday. j Lucian Sheldon returned Monday from New York on a visit to his par ents. Mrs. Win. Knabe was up from i'.er- illl 1 UCMKIV. i J. V. lirendel was at Lincoln the tirst of the week. Mrs. M.Miller and Mrs. J. F. Young of Cook spent the tirst of the week vis iting Ora F. Copes and wife. V. A. Hollenberger and family vis ited Auburn relatives Sunday. The Avoca junior ball team play at Syracuse Saturday. Jack Uetts was at Heaver Crossing several days this week. Louis (loesch and wife and Mrs. F. Durham were at Lincoln the tirst of the week. The Cass county amateur base ball league will open May lsth. It com prises the following towns: Avoca, Weeping Water, Nehawka, Alvo and I'lilon. Mrs. A. Jones was down from Weep ing Water Saturday. Jno. Smitli wasat Omaha with stock this week. Hew M. H. Hird, wife and son l'aul, were at Omaha several days last week. Superintendent (iambic was over from I'lattsniouth Thursday of last week. A large amount of corn was market ed here this week. A district mectine of the Odd Fel lows including Avoca, Klmwood, Ne braska and Weeping Water, will con vene at Avoca on May 24th, at 2:."0 p. m. An Interesting program will be rendered, to which everyone is cor dially invited to attend. Come out and learn something about Odd Fel lowship. Murdock llyi:. A. I.els.) l'lioim K MAHKK'IS Corrected weekly by Martin ,V Too', who pay the highest prices for produce and guarantee satisfaction: lliltter Kcirs . Ileus sprint's . . (ream.... Com... I heal i Oats.... No. i, i;, .1! VIS .M A I! h K'l'si. ' .' , r.'i .... He ;.i. "i, isc anil .Tv DOC DOC Wall T5he Paper Season Fostmaster Robbed. G. W. Fonts, postmaster at River ton, la., nearly lost his life and was robbed of all comfort, according to his letter, which says: "For 20 years I had chronic liver complaint, which led to such a severe case of jaundice that even my ringer nails turned yellow when my doctor prescribed Flectric Hitters; which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years." Sure cure for biliousness, neurralgia. weak ness and all stomach, liver, kidney and bladder derangements. A wonderful tonic. At F. G. Frlcke & Co.'s drug store, iio cents. PHIL. SAUTER PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. A PN UKAl.Kli IN Victor and Edison Talking Machines Large and Fp-to-Dato STOCK OF RICCOKDS to select from. Will Mankind Perish? 'The race of mankind." says Wal ter Scott, "would perish did they cease to aid each other. From the time that the mother binds the child's head till the moment that some kind assistant wipes the damp from the brow of the dying, we cannot exist w ithout mutual aid. None who have the power of granting aid can refuse it without guilt." To this we would add, that quick help Is double help. We can notice this in our dally life. Let someone feel somewhat Indisposed and give him immediately Triner's American Elixir of Hitter Wine. A single dose may help h'm more at this moment than many doctors after wards. Loss of appetite, of the nat ural complexion, of strength and vi tality are the conditions in which Triner's American F.llxir of Hitter Wine Is positively indicated. At drug stores. Jos. Trincr, 7!i;i So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ills. If you want a real estate loan at reasonable rates; or a reliable abstract of title, Insurance policy, security bond of and kind, or a contract, deed or mortgage drawn, see John M. Leyda, (Jund building. Work promptly and neatly done and charges reasonable. "O A good complexion is impossible with the stomach out of order. If pasty sallow people would pay more at tention to their stomachs and less to the skin on their faces, they would have better complexions. Kodol for Dyspepsia will digest what you cat and put your stomache back In right shape to do Its own work. Kodol relieves palpitation of the heart, flatulence, sour stomach, heart burn, etc. Sold by F, (i. Frlcke - Co., and Gerlng & Co. 1Im'k Ni. mi Tim i: T n.t:. Murdock Station. WOT r.ulM). No. 4t, mail s:li a. m. No. ", local s:.Vi a. in. No. ,"). mail 2:l'i p. in. No. :T, mail o:4T p. in. i: st nor s i No. HO. freight 12::ii a. ni. I No. :is, mail hi;.Vi a. m. No. Tti, Local 1:14 p. in. No. ti, mail :!:4ti p. in. II. l. Neiiel was a business visitor at I'lattsniouth Wednesday. Miss Martha Gochry visited at Omaha Sunday and Monday. N. A. Tool was a business visitor at Omaha on Thursday of last week. Haseballat Murdock Saturday. Klm wood vs. Murdock. Henry Kohlrush ami family left, for l'ipestone, Minnesota, Monday. Mr. and Mis. 11. A. Tool and Mrs. K. T. Tool departed for Ackley, Iowa, Tuesday, there to attend the wedding of Henry's sister. Misses Lyda and Etta S'.rlek left Thursday for a short visit with rela tives at Modelle, Iowa. iuite a mitnberof Miss Carrie (lake meter's friends pleasantly surprised her one evening last. week. Mrs. Gcirce A. Lels entertained the Kensington Wednesday. Light refresh ments were served. The Hock Island special did not stop at Murdock Sunday morning but tifty- cight tickets were sold and the crowd went on the lo:.V and saw Omaha do Lincoln to the tune of 2 to 0. Simon Sclilenter lost a valuable young horse on Wednesday of la week, it had kicked the partition down and then rolled onto a large splinter, runn'ng It into its Intestines which killed it. Hoy C. Moore and "Stub" Mooncy caught seven young coyotes last Thurs day. While out riding witli a friend Frl day evening Miss Clara Nelt.el was thrown from the buggy while turning a sharp curve and was severely bruised about the head and body. Fred Schewe and Miss Mayme Schewe were at Ashland Friday. Miss AnnaM. Towle spent Sunday with friends at South Fend. II. V. McDonald and Miss Leta Mc Donald went to Council HlulTs Friday. Sim Crawford came down from Lin coln Tuesday for a short visit with relatives. II. II. Neitel and family visited at I'lattsmouth over Sunday. Henry Leis has again been heard from. When we last heard from him about a year ago he was at Hull, England, and from there he went to Liverpool, then to the Hock of Gibralter, then to the Malta City Islands, then to Constantinople, Tur key, then to Alexandria. Egypt, then to Hong Kong. China, then back to Liverpool, England. lie was six months, and seventeen days out. From there he went to New York City and enlisted in the U. S. navy aboard the Hattlcshlp Charleston a lirst-class cruiser of 2.'i knots speed. He savs L'ncle Sam treats his boys well, that he has a good place and Is having a good time. I IkTe unl m is iitir stork l'apiT, and v.r aiv rvmlv tr anvtlimi; in tho wall Uht of Wall furnish linr from 5c to $4.00 per roll Wo always haw hal thr host line ami will continue to tfiw the same satisfaction as hrretolore. Call in for estimates on your rooms. Call and Sec Samples Gering . Co Druggists. Weeping Water l'roui the lleral'l. Mrs. N. Ilalmes visited her parents at rialtsirotitli lor a week, returning home Saturday. Comrade C. A. Webster was taken very 111 last week with his old trouble of tip; heart. At present lie Is much better. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dennis went to OmahuThtirsday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Dean Short, formerly Miss Alice Hurst of this place, whose death occurred Tuesday evening. J. W. Kennedy of New York City came in Saturday for three or four days visit with his brother, . I. L.. and family. The latter went toOmaha to meet him and they came down Sun day. Miss Kate Russell has resigned her position In the schools here, which took place the 4th. The board of edu cation appointed Miss Genevieve Me- trrew to till out the unexpired term Miss Kussell is an excellent and understands how to hold the at tention of the children. Notice lo the Cener.il Public, livery ow ner of a lot In ak 1 1 III and West Oak Hill cemeteries are nolllied to have their lots cleaned up on or be fore May L"., so that the sexton and his men can have other work complete In good shape for Decoration Day -May iio. Parties are warned against taking Mowers or bulbs from other lots. II. .1. Si n i.r NT.. Chairman Cemetery Commit te. A 1 1 A m Ki iit., Sexton. A Mountain of Gold. Could not bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke of Caroline, Wis., as did one -oc box of KucUeii s Arnica Salve, when It completely cured a run ning sore on her leg, which had tortur ed her twenty-three lonif years. Great est antisept ic healer of I 'lies, wounds and sores. at F. G. Frlcke c,' Co's drug store. ( ),.r old friend, Conrad Sehlatcr, wa down town this morning for tint tirst. time since he was brought home 111 teacher from Louisville, and he of course found time to make a pleasant call on the. Journal force. THE YIELD OF CROP INTERESTS EVERY FARMER. Ths Kirk Wetdcr Will Incrcnse the Yield a 1 1 1- PI tl n I vmk i iL XVJ I 'i Kirk Weeiler N iiii li 1 1 .M'lnnont f..r .my I Mil": i-nli Ivnlor. I'l ire .; I'll uitli nnler nr mi ie I v er y. II n.ne i Iti i;.e in;Oi' toil's oxer tery year lie i.i'l-e It I" t!. llv pi I fee t me, OH oT i IW'.-K MOl.ne e 1 1 1 1 I VII I i o II Hull e;i .. the ,,, in die llvlil I'ollilll Ion, .OKI Without 1 T : J i 1 1 V lo the eol'll loul.;. KIIIM the weeilt. iiml !lute:ises (lie yielil (if i urn 'i to in Ihihiii'Im to Hie ncii . Iliin til eils ol Iliovt r neei-hsf ill eoni riii.'i'l I I ' . i M I! 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 It UN till! most MlOIIIIti" I ol II ( lilt IVillor. Ill llieSL1 IHllI'M of ptiii (I olli l.o nie.iiiH In IneleiiMe ylelj Klionlil reniiiln untried. Send for eireu lars iiml t Ht I tin hi lo Ih KIKIv XM.I IICIt ( O. Ilo .No. a. liKS MOl.MkS, IA. HAB ' V $1$!! vnGTABLK SICILIAN ics flair Kenewer A cnlcnrliH tnnic for the hair, makes the hair crow Ion" anil hesv, Always restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color of youth. Stors falline hair. also. Sold for fifty years. "'"ttrW'J'.-V.? ID o You Weed I W riirniture 'ELL, whv not buy it while you have the opportun ity to get what you want at Greatly Reduced Prices! Come in now and see what I have left in House Furnishings, Stoves, etc. I will please you both in the price and quality of goods. I must give Tvossession of the room and the goods MUST 1 5 IC SOLD! ', . ... ..... j. it.. i . I'nces will not be in tne way u you want me guuu. Gome and See the Old Furniture Man! Will Sell or Exchange Entire Stock at u Bargain FURNITURE PE STOVES, &C 1 K'CRiRjKTW 5