The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 10, 1906, Image 3

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    Kroehler & Kroehler
In selecting your
"lrin needs, please hear in mind that
we carry a complete line ot IJuiuiers .Material
in the Hardware Line. Also,
0 v
and the old
Buck's Stoves
and Ranges
We do all kinds of Roofing, Repairing and Spouting. Call and see us.
Don't allow money to lie around,
is easier to spend it and easier
to lose it
L5 keeping it in a safe place such at
The Bank, of Cass County
Capital Stock $:,0,000, Surplus $15,000
Clms. C. Purine'.!'. I'rts., .lii oli Trltvli, V-l.
T. M. l'liturson. C:is)i.
You can give a clicek for any part of
it at any time and so liave a receipt
for payment without askinir fur one.
When you have a hank account you
will he anxious to add to it rather tuaD
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more about it.
No appetiw. los cr trs. fc"tv irwu
r.ejs. heaiacne. m ca-i .
general liability, sour t- .
of tin stomach ir all Ju to 11 w '
KoJol curs3 indigestion. 71: 11 ne cim
;ry reprtsents tna natural ;i;:o-s ot r.?'..
tion as thsy exist i:i a h:a,i:iv siot. n
combined with the grsatfit ki.on i
and recoMstruJtive properties Ko-io. !
pipsia Cure does not or.iy cuts iii f- '
ar.d dyspipiia, but this tsmou-i rn
cures all stomach troubles by cleaii:-.'
purifying, sweetening and strrf .) t
the mucous msmbrans limn? ti - v '"
Mr. S. S. Pa'.l; of RiVnwv-., w. V -
" I was trsubled with sour t-n-h .
Kidil curei ins mU mo i. w iijIk H " ,r"t
lor oiby."
Kodo! Digests What You Eat.
Bott'.es'only. St. 00 Sv? '( 2'i tiw '
s'.ze. which s i r c ? :nt.
Prpard by E. C. 0WITT & CO.. OMIO
Gcrinyf oz Co.
Osteooathic Physician
Chronic Diseases a Specialty
Conies H1im-. riKiinsi;.'! iiml ( iftlcc liour
lo 1:J ii. tn.. I to j p. in. iiml 7 to V ). in. by hp
poliitmi'iit. Ti'li-pliuni's, otlli-r :U.; resldenc
at lVrklns llnU'l.
Send for
New Spring
Dress Goods. I
T5e Reliable Store
Ever Known
in the West.
1 Our Great MAY SALE of
Women's Ready-to-Wear
Tho finest stock nnil best values ever
shown In Omaha Is the result of many
woeks of preparation for this event.
Hundreds of new Suits will he shown
Thursday for tin lirst time thPir
beauty of design, hlKh quality of work
manship ami material anil mirprlsin
low price constituting them the great
est bargains ever shown.
lillS.OO TAII.OH Sl ITS AT $11.00 Beau
tilully designed garments, in the pop
ular shades of Kfay. old rosn, navy
and Allen blues, resedas, handsome
fancy mixtures, etc., made to sell
nt $2'. 00 nnd J QA
SJ7.G0, choice i"lW
kxH iMTi-.i.v nKsi;r.i. am, ni-
IMIItn:i l(IH:i. In the choicest
of the seasons popular fabrics and
colorlnRs. garments that would soil
regularly at StO.OU V4 QA
to $43.00, choice faiJV
KOIIDV TAII.OIl Sl ITS In fancy mix
tures and plain colors, ahout 100
Moire Suits in the lot, worthy QA
up to 118.00, choice HOV
I NDKIIMKIKT The most mnKiittl
cent barKalns we have ever shown
$10.00 and VIM ft QK
valuos at Jtinw
Vj? 3.98
WOMEN'S roATt A mantifncturer'a
surplus stock of Spring Coats, In all
the newest styles, checks, plaids and
plain coverts, worth J7.&0, $10.00 nnd
$15.00. divided Into 3 lots, for O QQ
this sale choice, $7.50, $.'.00, undOlUO
It should pay you to make a special trip to Omaha for
GUARANTEED. Watch Omaha Dailies for Other Very
Special Bargains this week. We will fill mail orders from
any of these Special Sales as long as the goods last. You
run no risk in ordering as wc guarantee satisfaction or your
money back.
A Good Schm for Businats-
Mayor tierir.K' siy that witti ttu
avUtance nf ti e live Imsim-v men of
l'lattimotitl. tie to at rat.ije a
series of etitertaintiients for the euu-
ini season tl:;it w i'.l retfw life In the
i.lil town ami t'titik' iHv'.e dereevety
Saturday Ihk1i not now cme in an
average nf onee in three nu nths. The
manner in wl.ieh our etitei'riitik' and
iMierjretie mayor propi'ses tn do Uiis is
to have a free entertainment every
Saturday that will he worth the imiii-
intfuf many miles to witness,,
entertainments will he first class ami
rhiht up to date in every particular,
and will he given, upnn the streets.
Such schemes are adopted in many of
the best towns In Illinois and Iowa,
and last season they proved so bene
ficial to the business Interests that
they will not do without them and
the people from far and near expect
them. If our merchants will aid
Mayor tiering we can try these enter
tainments this season and If they do
not pan out successfully we can easily
abandon them. Tho people will come
to town to these free shows, that's
one thing certain.
The Same Everywhere.
There are many tiulbblers In the
world, and none meet more than the
newspaper man. A man recently
called the News up and stated that an
isem w hich had been published was
nut entirely the truth, and when told
we had suppressed part of the facts
and knew that the whole story would
have been more sensational and that
for certain reasons we did not give the
whole story, he iiulhhled and said we
should have consulted him about what
should have been published. News
papers do not ask people what they
should or should not publish because
of the tiulbblers and therefore publish
what they get, always st riving to pul
lish nothing but the truth, audit It
proves to lie w rong, it Is because of
some iiuihbler or some persons who
lied totlicm. Nebraska City News.
Stomach Troubles.
Mrs. Sue Martin, an old and highly
respected resident of I'alsonia, Miss,,
was sick with stomach trouble for
more than six months. Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets cured her.
She says: "I can now eat anything 1
want and am the proudest woman In
the world to tind such a good medi
cine." Tor sale by '. !. I-'ricke &
Co , and A. T. Fried.
Back Front California.
A. .1. Heeson and wife and M. Way
bright and wife arrived here Friday
from Los Angeles, Calif., where they
resided during the past winter. Mr.
Beeson will very likely resume the
practice of law and make his residence
here, which his friends will be pleased
to learn. Mr. Wcybrlght will visit
here a few days before departing on a
business trip to Virginia, after which
he perhaps will also locate here again.
Recelted Mine) Sent and is on the Lookout1
for Other Plattsmoula Bos.
An: it. '. '
It pours the oil of life Into your
system. It warms you up and starts
the life blood circulating. That's
what Ilollister's Rocky Mountain docs,
35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Gering & Co.
Dr. Elster, Dentist,
Waterman Block
and CURE the LUNGS
w' Dr. King's
Nov Discovery
S 1 i: K Si mi
1KV.: I i iim. llr.M::
1 an: :i: receipt ot your letter of the at. i when 1 noticed what it con
tained, tea:-, came to my eyes in spite
f me. I want you and the citiensof
riattsn;,.uth to accept my heartfelt
thanks f. t their generosity at this try
ing time, and I am sure the other boys
will fee! the same way about the matter.
Uoy Katon has returned home, and
so will send him his share tomorrow,
and will make every etTort to find (Jen.
Vassand the two McF.lroy brothers as
soon as possible. 1 put an ad In the
Kxaminer this morning for them and
will have a hundred posters printed to
morrow and will tack them all over
Frlscoand Oaklandanddoall I can to
find them and turn over their share of
this generous gift.
I started to work again last Wednes
day at .10 o'clock, and at :t:l" another
shock came that caved part of the of
fice in. so I put on my hat and coat
and walked out and home, not return
ing. This was too much for me.
I will try and tell you how the quake
looked to me. 1 had a Toledo, Ohio,
and Toronto, Canada, boy rooming
with me in a suite at nit) O'Ferrtil
street when the shock came. lhe
house just hinged back and forth and
we managed to get to the door in our
night clothes; from there the streets
seemed to wave like the ocean and the
buildings were dancing around ter
ribly. After Itnuieted down wedressed
and walked over to the wholesale dis
trict, which was all ablaze. While
watching the tire we Just crossed a
manhole when it blew up. The panic
was something awful, and never did
find out how many were hurt. Our
home was blown up at midnight Wed
nesday night and buried our trunks
and took our bedclothes and cases and
lied and for three days and nights we
lived on cheese and crackers and slept
In the streets, and couldn't tell you
how many miles we walked. And thus
escaped on a government tug boat and
arrived to the ferry and then to Oak
land landing at a friend's house at h
o'clock at night, toot-sore and weary:
but, thank (iod, we were alive. Kveiy
night since, when my head hits the
pillow. I can hear that horrible grind
ing iiol-,e the house made that awful
night. 1 lived at five different ad-
dres.-es since coming here and they are
all to the ground.
After we recovered somewhat and
could return, we looked for our trunks
and succeded in locating them but
cooldn't touch them for fear of being
shot, and when we were allowed to
touch them, some one got there first
and stole one and broke the locks oil
the other two and took everything but
the pictures. So we practically lost
everything. 1 managed to save one
good suit that is all.
I might write you all day and then
could not tell you half of this terrible
disaster, so will close. I am coming
home for a short stay as soon as I can
arrange transportation. Hoy Katon
can probably give you the best descrip
tion of the quake. Again accept my
hearty thanks for yourself and others
so generous, and would like to hear
from you again.
Sincerely Yours,
Hoy M Ki.w ain,
No. 412, Cth St., Oakland, Calif.
Mail Order Medicine. !
If we bad the cash that goesthroiigh
t I i.t,......nll, ....l..!!. Il.l., .. '
I but 1 iAUllll'UI II )'ilit'ii r t-tvi ) l 11 1 1 L ) ;
tUys in money orders to buy all the,
advertised fake medicines, we would'
have an Income that would l.e I heenvy
of t lie town. It Is almost impi-.sli:-
to make an estimate, hut certainly
thi usaiids "f dollars go yearly. Think
of 11, w ith all the preparatory medi
cines handled in I'laltsmoiit Ii that
thousands of dollars should be sent to
the fellows who manufacture these
fake medicines. These fraud concerns
secure t he names of people and send
them secret ad vert Islng of their worth
less stuff, which the makers would not
dare to advertise In the papers as legi
timate manufact urers do, hut send out
confidential letters and circulars to the
ailing and thus Impose upon them.
The ailing, however, should know they
are worthless, by the tranner In which
they go about to hoodoi them.
( !!. l!iso;N ( if
Ilii'llVl is vrnftlll
ci ii:- :i m; ;it i :.. 'i it !
1,1, , I
i'i'--. hit
1 1 I'i'i-i ; , i i n
M.iki'S tin
hit .iti.l
'I I L
i-v, t!
is tho
' llioni
i:i ; i t ' 1 1 1
1 1 i nuiir
oil lio'i'i' fat.
llio mi I'MH
Im - iihviih nf
; i i nl li it nil
and lio.tltliifst
0NSUMPTI0N prica
OUGHSand 50c & $1.00
OLDS Free Trial.
Surest and Quickest Cure for all
Summer time
You want to save your
money to buy your
Coal Yards.
Full Weight Guaranteed
Dest Threshing Coal
Ml Kinds of Feed
J. V. Egenberger
Proprietor riattsmouth
Coal Yards
Corner Third and Main Streets
Hell Phone 2." Platts Phone 22
A Fascinating Performance.
The beautiful and thrilling produc
tion of Carmen was presented Friday
night to a well filled house, by the
Wolfe Stock Company, who acquitted
themselves In every particular of the
prophesy that this w ould be one of the
best ot the scries of performances that
they have given during their week's
engagement at the Parmelc. trank
0. Long as Don Joso Libengoa, (Irace
HutTas Carman, and Nellie Long as
Dclorcs, deserve more than passing
notice, for they demonstrated their
remarkable abilities In the every de
tall of their acting and for well select
ed costumes. The third act a ravine
In the mountains, was especially sen
satlonal and exciting, with the won
derful electrical effects.
No Smooth Sailing.
It is said there will not be alto
gether smooth sailing for the Avoca
saloons this spring. It Is true they
elected the right sort of village trus
tees to grant a license, but no atten
tion lias ever been paid to the sign
ers heretofore, and this year It Is
given out that there must bp a valid
petition with the regular number of
property holders signed, or the saloons
will be out of business. It takes thirty
freeholders to sign in order to make It
a legally granted saloon. Weeping
Water Herald.
J. 6. Mason Drowned in Missouri River
Near Rulo Thursday Afternoon.
llulo, Neb., May I.--A brother of
the drowned man found float lug dow n
the river yesterday arrived here late
last night . and Identified the dead man
as his brother, .1.0. Mason TV trown
vllle. The body was prepared for
burial last evening, and on account of
Its badly decomposed condition would
have been hurled last niht had not
some of the ell lens here been si rongly
opposed to it. They thought someone
might Identify It, which was done soon
afterward. The coroner from Falls
City came to view the body, and de
cided an imiuest unnecessary.
It seems now that the drowned man
and his associate, Mr. ('oilman of
Itrownville, Neb., have been here a
good many times, and that they, on
the evening of April 21, attempted to
cross the river here in a skllf In the
night, and both were drowned, as
neither one of them had been seen or
heard of until the body of Mason was
secured yesterday.
Mason's head was not broken, as was
lirst reported. Ills coat was pulled
partly on, as If he attempted to re
move his clothing in the water.
Many are of the opinion t hat he was
drowned near here, anil his body lay
under I he water ahout. t welve days he
fore It became loosened from lis fast
enings. His face was still white when
found, hut on exposure lo the air it
soon became jet black.
Republicans Scared.
The recent democratic landslide in
hnalia seems to frighten the republi
cans of the state, and they begin to
realize that the rottenness and corpor
ation domination of the party Is caus
ing a reaction which will overwhelm
them In defeat. The Lincoln Star,
like all the other republican papers
and tho republican president, pleads
for decency only when it becomes fear
ful of the result to the party. These
time-serving politicians care nothing
for the people nor for good govern
ment, but arc only apprehensive for
the republican machine. They call
upon their party to "clean house"
only when they think the people will
not stand for any more graft and cor
ruption. Here Is what the Star said
In yesterday's Issue:
Possibly the republicans of Nebraska
may be awakened by this Omaha elec
tion to a full comprehension or the
weakness that exists In their ranks by
reason of factions, with the accom
panying bitterness and strife. If the
Kepubllcan party Is to continue In
power In Nebraska it must clean
house. The many scheming one-horse
politicians that, like camp-followers
with a victorious army, follow the
party for graft must be run olf. The
few disreputable and crafty people
who seek to control nominations by
means of press bureaus or other such
agencies must be soundly rebuked and
only the best attainable men put lie
fore the people. The result In imaha
Is a fair warning to the republicans.
Will It be heeded?
is tin- 1'nsit'st. iiinl nmst liToctivt'
fiii iii nf coil liver oil. IIito'm i
n.iliinil order of tilings that
.sliowx why Scott's Mniulsioii is
i if so ninth ji hie in nil r;ises of
sri nfiilii nnd ('oiisiiiiiit ion. Moiv
bit, inure weight, inoit' nourish
ment , t liiit 's why.
Nezi fur (' s;imh'.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemist?
4(l 415 lVirl Street, New York
p0i-.hiiJJI.0J i: :i :t r Ail Jrim,tit
Eight Members are Introduced Into Mys
teries of Lodge 739 B. P. 0. E.
An Elaborate Banquet Is Spread and One of
the Best Social Times of the Season
Enjoyed by All.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bar th
8lgnatur of
Pirating Foley's Honoy and Tar.
Foley Sl Co., Chicago, originated
Honey Si Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
Honey and Tar many imitations are
offered for the genuine. These worth
less Imitations have similar sounding
names. Hcwarc of them. The genu
ine Foley's Honey and Tar Is In a yel
low package. Ask for It and refuse
any substitute. It Is the best remedy
for coughs and colds. Sold by F. (J.
Frlcko Co..:and A. T. Fried.
It Ain't a Fair Deal.
It seems hardly a fair deal fur trav
eling grocery agents to lie allowed to
sell goods In town and pay n. occupa
tion tax when local grocery stores
must put up their cash for the same
privilege. They evade this tax hy tak
ing orders in advance and then deliv
ering the goods afterwards. The
Courier dors not know what the law Is
on this matter but a law thrt will dis
criminate against the home merchant
and favor the traveling faker Is not
Just.- Louisville Courier.
-Why take a dozen things to cure
that cough? Kennedy's Laxative
Honey and Tar allays the congestion,
stops that tickling, drives the cold out
through the bowels. Sold by F. 0
Frlcke & Co., and Gering X Co.
At the Initiatory exercises andbati
iiiet which followed Friday nlht the
local lodge of F.lks surpassed all pre
vious records nf social events and of
good brotherly spirit that, has been
accredited to I hem, and It Is seldom,
If ever In the past, that such a jollilica
tion was held as that of lasl ninlit,
when they admitted elk'ht new mem
bers tu their foil1.
I'.ya special dispensation the local
lodge of the 11. 1. . II., held a
meeting last night at eight o clock
and voted upon the names of eight
applicants for membership seven of
these were members of the Wolfe
Stock Company, and tho eighth a
traveling man, Mr. I. Slirlcver. All of
these gentlemen have made many
friends In riattsmouth during their
visit here. After the regular business
meeting the entire lodge was Invited
by Mr. Wolfe In behalf of his company
to attend the performance, "Carmen,"
which was played at tho I'armele.
This kind invitation was accepted by
all those present and they bad tho
pleasure of witnessing an excellent
rendition. After the play tho newly
acquired members of the lodge assenw
bled at the rooms and prepared for the
ordeal of Initiation, and the greatest,
merriment was derived by the specta
tors when attempts were made by the
eight new members to solve the mys
teries of Klkdom. lly the aid of the
silvery thread they were guided safely
from the labyrinth and then received
the hearty congratulations of their
life long brothers, who hastily con
ducted them to the banquet hall,
there to restore the energies exhausted
by their excited elTorts during the in
itiatory exercises. Here through the
thoughtful foresight of Messrs. Soper,
Hawksworth and Schneider, a most
elaborate and sumptuous repast was
revealed, to which they were Invited to
do Justice, Mr. Rurton presided as
toastmaster, and amusing and appro
priate toasts were rendered extempor
aneously by Messrs. II. II. Cerlng, W.
W. Coates, T. L. Murphy, K. J. Rlchey,
Henry Schneider, and the ncwacquired
members also responded with Interest
ing toasts. F.vcryonc enjoyed ono of
the best social times of their lives,
and It was with many regrets that
they departed for their homes.
A Successful Operation.
Several years ago a horse, the pro
perty of Jake Iluechler, had the sight
of an eye destroyed by being kicked
near the orb. A tumor joined since
then, and had threatened to cause the
death of the animal, when It was taken
to Ir. A. P. P.arnes about a week ago.
The doctor treated the animal until
yesterday when an operation was per
formed and the tumor successfully re
moved from the aitlicted mcmlier.
Now the horse Is recovering and bids
fair to live to see many more useful
days, thanks to the veterinary skill of
Ir. Karnes.
Have you weakness of any kind
stomach, back or any organs of the
body? Don't dope yourself with or
dinary medicine. Hollester's Pwocky
Mountain Tea Is the supreme curative
power. 3."i cents. Tea or Tablets. Ger
ing & Co.