The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 19, 1906, Image 5

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    If a Cow gavei
mankind would have to i
invent milk. Milk is Na
ture's emulsion butter
put in shape for diges
tion. Cod liver oil is ex
tremely nourishing, but
it has to be emulsified
before we can digest it.
Scott's Emulsion
combines the best oil
with the valuable hypo
phosphites so that it is
easy to digest and does
far more good than the
oil alone could. That
makes Scott's Emulsion
the most strengthening,
nourishing food - medi
cine in the world.
Sand for free sample.
SCOTT SOWN:, Chemists
r09-415 Poarl Street New York
50c. and $1.00. All druggists
Culminates In a Conflict.
As the culmination of a week's com
bat over the floating of class pennants,
a hand-to-hand conflict took place
Wednesday at midnight between the
juniors and seniors of the Louisville
high school. The senior Hag was llred
upon by the juniors; a scuffle ensued
in which neither side seem to have
pained any prestige. Superintendent
Gaines found it necessary to interfere
and a compromise has been reached.
Devil's Island Torture
is no worse than the terrible case of
Piles that aftlicted me 10 years. Then
I was advised to apply llucklen's
Arnica Salve, and less than a box per
manently cured me, writes L. S. Na
pier, of Rubles, Ky. Heals all wounds,
I5urns and Sores like magic. LVjcat
F. G. Fricke .ScCo.'s, druugist.
Send to Dead Letter Office.
A traveling man received the follow
ing telegram from his wife: "Twins
arrived tonight. More by mail." He
went at once to the nearest ollice. and
sent the following reply: "1 leave for
home tonight. If more come by mail,
send to dead letter ollice."
Believe Law Regulating Vcferirarj Surgerj
His So.T;S Serious F i 2 s .
A Lincoln correspondent ays: ' Vet
erinary surtreons are stirred up out
the new law. pas-d by the last legis
lature, to regulate the profession.
"The law was gixen little attention
until a few days ao win n it was an
nounced that warrants would be issued
for those who ate not complying with
Its conditions.
"This announcement tpened the
eyes of the horse doctors, and they be
gan to examine the provisions of the
new law more closely.
"Some of the provisions are rather
drastic. One clause makes it neces
sary for all graduates of another state
to pass the examination in this state,
regardless of the years they base Wen
devoted to the profession. If the horse
doctor does not pass the examination
lie Is barred from practice in this state.
"Veterinarians believe that the law
should be modified so that the diploma
of a recognized college should be ac
cepted. They say that a state exam
ination of this kind is a poor test of a
man's ability. The iue.slions are
technical and will stagger an old prae
tioneer while a graduate from college,
not so familiar with the practical end
of the business, has them at his ton
gue's end. When he gets down to the
political side of the question he gets
The veterinarians believe the law is
too drastic and they will try and see If
there is not some way around the more
rigid provisions of the act w hich w ill
not inconvenience old veterinarians
who are not graduates of Nebraska.
"They assert that the law. as at
present framed, gives the state univer
sity an unlawful monopoly of the busi
ness. Other states, they claim, recog
nize a diploma issued by an old and
well established institution."
The Original.
Foley & Co.. Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered
for the genuine. These worthless imi
tations have similar sounding names,
liewareof them. The genuine Foley's
Honey and Tar is in a yellow package.
Ask for it and refuse any substitute.
It is the best remedy for coughs and
colds. Sold by F. (1. Fricke & Co.
Ml J
TShe Reliable Store
Pianos Sold
on Easy
Plan if
Merely Repeat the
rJ n ! J
SSSfJHfe lAt) Who Know, when we say
we can save you more money
on the purchase of a standard piano than any other house in
this part of the country.
We carry the most complete line of all Kinds of Musical
Instruments in Omaha.
We are offering New Upright Pianos in Double Veenered
Cases in Fancy Mahogany, Burl, Walnut, Golden Oak,
Guaranteed for Ten years at:
Us ! ! M.
I f 4 "t A
J t ' j,
I ip ' c -I
Our stock consists of such Well Known makes as Chick
ering Bros., Estey, Fischer, Sohmer, Wegman, Franklin,
Melville Clark, Schaeffer, Jocob Doll, Price & Tceple, Stod
dard and twenty-one other makes
to select from.
A complete line of
Everything in
Sheet Music.
Write for Prices
and Catalogues.
Dodge HaydenBros;0'
Three Score Years.
The are out of joint: we d not know
Today, where we are at, nor whence, nor why,
Things which were once as clear a-, noon-day sun
Have gone a-glimmering In a liay sky."
We've lost our bearings, where can truth be found'.''
All men are liars or words tn that effect
And e'en the women, on occasion, can
l'revaricate a little, we suspect.
This surely mav be called "The (Jilded Age."
For gold Is god, and crowned king of kings,
And he who has the most, tlio' lie he least
Is made a ruler over many things.
Men on whose honesty we would have staked
Our life, have fallen from their places high,
And we to this conclusion have been forced,
There's but one honest man, and that Is I.
This Is a day of greed, of grafts and schemes.
We scarcely dare pick up a magazine,
For every page contains an expose
Of some infernal swindling machine.
The word "fidelity'1 Is meaningless.
Justice and honor on the shelf are laid,
And the respected modern model man
Would put young Dim Juan unite in the shade.
We go to church on Sunday, as of yore,
Hecause we would the Ten t'o.nmaiulments keep.
Where are the good old rousing gnspel sounds?
The preacher's gentle tones lull us to sleep.
Once Hell was dreaded as a real place
( )f seething brimstone, and a lake of tire,
Now it exists but In the "mortal mind."
And Heaven's "the granting or thesoul'sdesire."
We ill not care for the new-fangled things,
Modern religions, and the latent fads;
l'.ut ifive us back our old-time trusting faith
In Lydia Finkham's paie-plnk-liver-pads.
We've lived too long: there Is no place for us
In modern life: let Osier take us now
And do his worst, whatever that may be
To get us out of this, we care not how.
You know the medicine ili:it
makes pure, rich blood
Aytr's Sarsnparilla. Your
mother, grandmother, all your
folks, used it. They trusted
It. Their doctors trusted it.
Your doctor trusts it. Then
trust It yourself. There Is
health and strength in it.
" I tn(tril Irrllil7 f mm Imtli-MIInn iM
tllln blou.1. I fouiul I,,, iHlot mull I l,uk
Ayer'a sr.piiiu. f.inr lottl fonu.
Deully r url i,t "
num. r. it. nam-, nit. mam, . T.
ft Ma bnlll.
r a v it it riv.
Rich Blood
; r. .
i ' 1 , I II 1
Ayor s Hills urn gently Inxntlvn.
jhey greatly nld tfo Snrsaparlll
A Young Lady of Lincoln Gets Badly In
jured While Acting the Damphool.
The Lincoln News tells of a story of
a hunt for a ghost that inhabits a Lin
coln house which resulted In a dis
tressing Injury 10 one of tlie partici
pants, is related by a prominent Lin
coln doctor who refused to give names.
The adventure happened early Sunday
Two citizens who had heard that a
certain uninhabited dwelling in the
neighborhood was inhabited by spooks
had their curiosity aroused to such a
pitch that they determ'ned to investi
gate. The Investigation, however,
proved disastrous to the wife of one.
The latter learned that her husband
and his friend were going to Invade
the mysterious dwelling and she deter
mined to have a little fun at their ex
pense. Watching for their departure
she waited till they were within the
alleged haunted place then she quickly
threw a sheet over herself and follow-ed.
When the Improvised spirit reached.
the house her husband was upstairs
waiting for ghosts and his friend dow n
stairs, cautiously performing the same
stunt. When the white robed ligure
without warning was seen standing in
the door this man was for a moment
paralyzed with fear. Then he got
quick action on himself.
Picking up a heavy bucket near he
threw it with considerable force right
at the head of the "ghost," and ran
from the house. The bucket struck
the woman 011 the temple and the
alleged apparition fell heavily to the
When the husband came down stairs
lie was amazed to find a woman lying
unconscious on the lloor, her head In a
pool of blood. He was still more sur
prised to find it was his wife.
After she had been revived It was
necessary to send for a physician to
take four stitches In order to sew up
the ugly gash in her head.
Hunting for alleged ghosts and at
tempting to Impersonate them has
been tabooed In two households In the
A Lucky Postmistress
Is Mrs. Alexander, of Cary, Mo., who
has found Dr. King's New Life Pills
to be the best remedy she ever tried
for keeping the Stomach, Liver and
Rowels In perfect order. You'll agree
with her if you try these painless pur
ifiers that Infuse new life. Guaranteed
by F. (i. Fricke .S; Co., druggist. I'rlce
J.) cents.
Cattle Too High.
John l'etrle, live stock agent for the
i'.urlington, tells the Lincoln Journal
that he does not look for a heavy
movement from the Texas ranges to
the northwest ranges of cattle this
spring. He says the Texas owners arc
asking too high a price for t heir cut
tle more than the range men of the
northwest will pay. There may be a
small movement, but ho does not look
for It to equal past movements. Later
on the Texas owners may drop their
prices, and a late movement of some
magnitude may follow. The ranges
were not sold short this year, and
their output will be considerable even
with small receipts from the south.
"Old Muddy" Washes Out Large Logs
Nearly One Hundred Feet In Length.
Nine of These Monstrous Logs Observed
Yesterday Afternoon. Theory Advanced
.That River Is Resuming Old Channel.
ttime tue riprapplng force were
weaving mats yesterday afternoon to
place In the river where It is cutting
the Iowa banks, they were suddenly
startled from their work by seeing a
long black object which appeared to
be several feet in diameter, leap up
from the black depths below and pro
ject several feet above the water.
They were very much relieved, how
ever, to discover that the source of
their scare was only a slimy log about
one hundred feet In length. During
the afternoon they observed nine such
logs, ranging In length from eighty to
one hundred feet, shoot out of the
water and lloataway. The logs seemed
to come from the bottom of the river,
ami the theory is advanced that the
river Is resuming an old channel in
course of which It Is washing out
former deposits.
The "Old Muddy" still continues to
wasli away portions of the Iowa banks
above the riprap work put in by the
Burlington last year, but the force of
men, under the supervision of I). U.
Woodring, superintendent of bridges
on the Burlington, arc now In a posi
tion to carry on the riprap work with
less difficulty, as the river Is rapidly
resuming its normal height; having
receded over a foot since yesterday.
All smart up-to-date women of todav.
Know know to bake, wash, sing and to
Without these talents a wife Is N. O.
Unless she takes Rocky MountalnTea
Sold by Ocrlng & Co.
A Rich Editor.
A special from Nebraska City yester
day says: Col. E. A. Brown of the
Press of this city, leaves tomorrow to
divide up with his brother, Lot Brown,
live thousand acres of land situated In
the most fertile part of Arkansas
which was left the two brothers by
their uncle at his death about sixty
days ago. He also left thorn some
three thousand acres of land near
I'.igelow, Mo , which they w ill divide
upafter their return from the southern
Cured Hemorrhages 0f the Lungs.
"Several years since my lungs were
so badly affected that I had many
hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ake, of
Wood. Ind. "I took treatment with
several physicians without any bene
fit. I then started to take Foley's
Honey and Tar, and my lungs are now
as sound as a bullet. 1 recommend it
In advanced stages of lung trouble.'
Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough
and deals the lungs, and prevents ser
lous results from a cold. Refuse sub
stitutes. Sold by F. Cf. Fricke & Co.
The Kind that Emanates Only from Noble
and Kindly Hearted Men.
A man wliocan reach down from the
pinnacle of fame, or lofty position,
mil touch hand and heart with com
mon people Is a great man. He Is a
greater man who knows when to set
aside tlie law In the name of suffering
humanity than the wise statesman
who makes the law. A man who from
his lofty station hears tlie cry and
listens to the pleadings of a dying wo
man In lowly station among the com
mon people Is greater than a victori
ous warrior. It requires a great man
to (ind time to sympathize with the
sick and dying among the lowly and
common people.
Last week I'nited Stales Marshal
Warner of imalia received word that
the young wife of Harry Welch, one of
the men who was convicted with Rev.
Ware In Hie land fraud cases, was
dying in a hospital at St.. Joseph, Mo.,
and was pitennsly pleading to see her
husband. After consulting with
.Judge Munu'er, Marshal Warner tele
graphed to Attorney (leneral Moody
asking for permission to take the
prisoner under guard to mm: his dying
wife. Moody cold-bloodedly replied
that there was no law warranting him
granting such a request. The big
hearted marshal's sympathies were
now aroused and he wired to Congress
man Hlnshaw to see President Roose
velt. He reached the white house at
an early hour and, as though the plead
Ingsofthe dying woman had already
penetrated the white house walls, he
was aumiuen. 1 lie telegram was
read by the president who Immedl
atcly wrote tills order to Moody across
the face of Marshal Warner's message
"Under authority of the president
you are directed to send prisoner
Welch Immediately under proper guard
to St. Joseph, Mo., to see his wife who
is fatally III. J will take the cmsc
quences for my act."
It Would't Work.
Some of the large department st ores
in the large cities send out offers to
form clubs and promise to sell goods
cheaper than they can be purchased of
tlie home merchant. A club of this
nature was formed in this city and
after they had purchased several bills
of goods the members found they were
not getting the goods as cheap as they
could purchase them at home, so the
club lias gone to pieces and the mem
bers are once more doing their trade
ing with home merchants. If these
people would form a club at home,
bunch their cash and purchase as large
bills from the home merchant as they
send away for they would soon find
they could purchase much cheaper
here than elsewhere and they would
be leaving their money with home
merchants, aiding them In paying
their share of the tax burden and
building up the town. However peo
ple cannot expect to purchase goods
as cheap from the home merchant on
credit and have him wait for a year or
perhaps longer for his money, cheap
as they can buy for cash. Pay cash
and you can always buy here as cheap,
If not cheaper than you can by send
ing away from home. Try It and be
convinced. --Nebraska City News,
lH)n't allow money to lie around. Ik
Is easier to spend It and easier
to lose it
by keeping It In a safe place such aa
The BanH of Cass County
Capital Stock i;.0,000, Surplus 115,000
CIiiih. C. I'lirmH.., Vrt'H., Ju.-oti Trltti-h, V-P.
T. M, I'littrrwiii. Citli.
You can give a check for any part ot
It at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
W hen you have a bank account you
will be anxious to add to it rather than
spend from It. Don't you want to
know more about It.
The Richest Man In the World.
The richest man In the world can
not have his kidneys relaeed or live
without them, so It is Important not
to neglect these organs. If Foley's
Kidney Cure Is taken at the llrst sign
of dangor, the symptoms will disap
pear and your health will be restored,
as It strengthens and builds up these
organs as nothing else will. Oscar
Bowman, Lebanon, Ky., writes: "I
have used Foley's Kidney Cure and
take great pleasure in staling it cured
me permanently of kidney disease.
which certainly would have cost me
my life." Sold by F. ;. Fricke . Co.
Use Unseed Oil.
The boilers in the shops of I he Bur
lington have been titled up with a de
vice for the consumption of oil instead
of coal. Seveial of the smaller fur
naces of the shops have been given oil
for testing purposes, and the results
have been so sal isfaetory and so econ
omical that it lias been divided to
adopt, tlie Idea more extensively. In
case of a bituminous coal famine the
crude oil w III enable I he company to
maintain tlie opera) ions of lis shops.
It is believed that even if tlie strike is
settled that oil w ill be retained as the
permanent- fuel for tlie boilers. Kan
sas City Journal.
tli) appctlta. Ion ot Mtei j;ir .. 1 ervou
r.iji., constipation. bi Lreath,
g-ii'iral liability, sour rising, and rauirh
of th ',loma:h ara all due to Indig'-.sllori.
KsJol curaj indlg.jtion. This nw discov
ery represents the natural juices of dlgea
t!;:i aj they exist in a healthy stomach,
t-jrnbimi with lh greatest known Ionic
in J rsj3ii3lru;tive properties. Kodjl Dy-;,-pva
Curs does not only cure Indigestion
d;'7?"p-la, but b.i (aious rerredy
...lis a. I s! troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetening and strengthenln
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Bill, of Ravsnswood. W, V . :
" I wjsIdud1 with tour ttnmach for twenty .
K '! .1 cureJ me mJ wa are nuw uslnc It In mlM
jr bay."
Kodol Digests What You Eat.
Bottles only. J I 00 Site hol.ilnj 7H times the trial
lie. which "lli tor 50 centa.
Prepared by E. 0. DeWITT A 00.. OHIOAOa
(icrin"; it Co.
Osteooathic Physician
Chronic Diseases a Specialty
Cimti'N HIiH'k. rixiriisliS HndJJfl. OrhYe hours
9 to I- ii. in., I to & p. in. anil 7 to ! p. m. by ap
pointment. Tfirplioni', utllctf 3 i resluoncs
at l'crkluii Hotel.
Summer time
What the Law Means.
The present revenue law contem
plates the ilvlnjr in of all property at
its actual value; not at what It mlnht
brim; at she r ill's sale, or If the owner
were forced to sell at a sacrifice, but
what he would ask, If he were trying
to sell at w hat lie considered his prop
erty worth. The farmet who irets his
land assessed at $:!" an acre when he
knows he wouldn't take ?.".i for It. the
owner of town property who piveslt
in at iJ'.'.OHi when lie would ask :t,.V)o
for it and feel cheated If he didn't rct
It, the merchant who places a value of upon his stock of goods when he
knows It will Invoice at nearer lo.oon,
has no right to complain if the rail
roads or other corporations arc assessed
at figures far below what they ought
to be. They are simply playing the
same game he Is. and have beaten him
to It.
You want to save your
money to buy your
Coal Yards.
Full Weight Guaranteed
Best Threshing Coal
Ml Kinds of Feed
l'roprietor Plattsmouth
Coal Yards
Corner Third and Main streets
Hell Tlione 25 Platts Phono 22