The Plattsmouth Journal ri-W.IMlKl W KKM.Y AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. 11. A. r.ATl.S, l'l m.i-iin;. Tai.i; about vour snaps, we are simply the expression of one demo in receipt f a booklet tells crat . rrA it should be taken for '. how t save your money. What j merely what it is worth no more ! we want is a booklet that u'.! how ( or no U-ss. We agree with the ' to git the mo!ie . W '.utie::l.i;ly ;.ni'i t" ' we want i- the stn! a: e .ive not ' World-Herald in the fact that it is mure in accord :t!i iletnocrat'.c ! sentiment and the principle h. it, nit ntrri .1 at l In' (hiNi. :Tt. p :it ruttmi.iiUli. N 'inli'l:4HH inutttT. I.i:t's all join Mayor C.iiing in pulling for riattsmouth. I'nity of action can accomplish a great deal for the oll town. Tiu-kk are many measures that might Ix.' adopted that would prove kneficial to riattsmouth. Then why not adopt some of them and "pull for riattsmouth." Tin: democrats of Nebraska, so far as heard from, seem to le decid edly in favor of nominating a can didate for United States senator at the regular state convention. 'i:srvirs, Dowie, Maxim doily and Mark Twain are spouting cheer fully, but Carrie Nation and Tom I.awson seem to have exhaused themselves, A nrsTi.isr, mayor assisted by a hustling people can do much for the busiiiessinterestsof riattsmouth this season. The time has arrived when our people should begin to think of "What can we do to bene fit the city?" l'ut your thinking caps on, gentlemen. 11 1. K!'- friend-, tliroi the dNtviii i'.o not seem to be very i inuch a'..UtaeI. 1 hey believe i most ut the opposition originate right in Lincoln, and that is the only section where a desperate effort will be made to sidetrack him. It k v looks as though the old lady and the new master, Voliva had conspired to wreck Dowie, the prophet. He says that the story started by his wife that he was favorable to polygamy, is false in every particular, in fact that one woman is more than he cares to live with in the person of the present Mrs. Dowie. IIavi; you noticed how low the republicans are singing since the most recent exposures of the man ner and the source from which the g. o. p. obtained its enormous cor ruption funds? The white house, the cabinet and all the availables are silent as the tomb over the nau seating scandal. The sight of a newspaper almost gives them heart failure and the legs of their late campaign managers go through running motions every time they see a sheriff. been advocated and favored by ! democratic conventions in every state in the union almost unanl- imou-ily. And for Nebraska demo crats to go back now on a principle they have advocated for years, sim ply because the republicans have at the last hour adopted the same plan, would indeed display coward ice of deepest hue. Mr. Metcalfe is an able writer, but when it comes to adoptingways and means to carry on a successful campaign, we don't believe Met' calfe knows any more about it than a great many others. This was partially demonstrated a year ago in the special congression election, of which he had full management of the democratic end. Mir.i.AKp is still a candidate for re-election. Senator Millard has not done bad for his party, and there is no reason w hy he should be dumped overboard for Kube Schneider's dupe, "Muster llrowu," the name applied to Attorney (iciiiial lii owu because of the many trusts he started out to "bust" but didn't. Millard is honest but un pretentious. Tin: Lincoln Journal: From a source more or less unieliabe it is given out that the democracy of Ne braska will reverse its usual course thisyear ami euterthe political arena a few weeksin advanceof the enemy. This is important, if true, as proof that the party of Jefferson in this state at least has attained a degree of boldness and independence that entitles it to the plaudits of bold and independent democrats where soever dispersed. "AiTimu of the Declaration of Independence, and of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom Father of the University of Virgin ia." This epitaph, which Thomas Jefferson wrote for his own tomb, is too narrow and restricted a recital of the great achievements for which the American people must ever hold him in tender remembrance, lie might have added that by estab lishing his principle of equal rights to all-Sl'F.CIAL l'RIVILKC.F.S TO NON1- he drew deep the line which differentiates Amer ican system from that of Old- wot M nionarcliies. it tile repub lican party by the tariff and other legislation has subverted this prin ciple, it only remains for the demo cratic party as soon as possible to re-establish it. As the Journal stated previous to the election that Mayor (leriiig should be elected because he be lieved in improving the city as it should be improved, and at the same time carefully guard the in terests of the tax payers. Mayor tiering had not fully completed his plans when the election occurred, and now that the people have en dorsed his past acts in office they can depend upon his going ahead with the improvements of the streets and walks. His interests j in riattsmouth are the interests of every citien. Tin: democrats are no longer the only "calamity howlers." This epithet applies with equal force to most of the republicans now. In fact when one hears people denoun cing trusts, grafters, political cor ruption, courts and government officials, it is a difficult matter to distinguish lctween republicans and democrats. The only time you can tell the difference is on election day, when the republicans march up to the polls and vote for the party which has 1ccu instrumental in bringing on these evils and which refuses or neglects to furnish any relief. Titii Omaha Kxaminersays: "At tornev General lirown has bom barded the supreme court to tel whether Keub Schneider and other grain trust magnates can be prose cuted criminally. Mr. Schneider and some of his colleagues have asked the court to do the same thing. Can this seeming accon have sprung from that Fremont meeting? Did vou ever hear o the supreme court deciding a crim inal case before it has been pre seiited in the regular way through the regular channels of the inferior courts? Does it not occur to you that bv the time the court hands lown an opinion declining to en tertain such a query Mr. lhown may have won or lost the prize he seeks and Keub Schneider's allegec offense may have lcen forgotten and forgiven." High Finance -A Capitulation. Concentration. Accumulation. ( hganiatiou. Combination. Inflation. Syndication. Speculation. rcculatiou. rcrturbulation. Investigation. Abdication. Restoration. Incarceration. And last, hut not least Ucpub lican Ruination in Nebraska. Mr. Metcalfe's Letter. We give space today for Mr. Met calfe to say that he not only opposes the World-Herald's plan of allow ing the voters to choose the demo ocratic candidate for United States senator from names suggested by the convention, but that he also op poses a convention nomination. This is the same as saying that he favors leaving it to the legislature the worst thing in our opinion that could lie done. The legislative election which Mr. Metcalfe favors is the very evil the people seek to escajte. We have already discussed the ol ijectious to the World-1 Ierald plan which Mr. Metcalfe reiterates at such ereat length, and need not here consider them. One thing we believe it safe to predict, ami that is that the demo crats of Nebraska will not after full discussion abandon the effort to get the matter before the people either according to the World-1 Ierald plan or bv convention nomination. While we believe the World-I Ierald plan the lest. we are satisfied that the convention nomination is much lietter than no effort at all. World Herald. The Journal looks at Mr. Met calfe's views upon the matter as "Old Joe" in His Dotage. With Old Joe Cannon saying that the pay of senators and representa tives should be increased to 515,000 a year, and a house committee re porting in favor of a constitutional amendment making the terms of congressmen four years instead of two, there seems to be a disposition on the part of Old Joe and his proddersto wrench the government rather violently from its ancient moorings. Neither proposition is likely to carry with the voters. There is no foundation in fact for the assertion in the report that "the people are tired of this continuous drama and are inclined to the primaries and the conventions." On the contra ry, the people repeatedly give the strongest proof that they take an interest in their biennial, congress ioiial elections only less in degree than that which they feel in the four-year presidential election. Democrats are keen this year to .1 1 1 1 - C A reverse tlie sail Dimmers oi two years ago. This year on account of dotage and "flighty spells" the people of Old Joe's district are lia ble to lav him ' on the shelf for a younger man, and one that is not continually !eiug fed "trust gruel" in order to keep him alive to trust interests. Nebraska is misrepre sented by six republicans, who pay all attention to the behests of Old Joe, and not much to anything else I5y favors and promises Old Joe Cannon, who has proved himself the worst enemy of the common people that ever presided over that body, has reduced the present house to complete subjection to his arbi trary policies. If there were tobe no new election in the fall it would lie more subservient during the last half of its term than during the first. And from such a calamity may the American people deliver us by re jecting all proposed changes of this kind in our fundamental lsw. The house committee's report in favor of an amendment for the elec tion of senators by direct vote has much to commend it, but it is not likely to le accepted by the senate, rractically the same end has already lieen reached in a number of states through the nomination of senitorial candidates in primaries or state con ventions of the respective parties. There is so little probability that senators whose political systems are based on election and re-election by legislature will vote for the change that the senate clause in the report seems mainly intended as a make weight for the proposal to revolt! tionize the house. Old Joe's committee, selected at the suggestion of his trust man agers, is simply jollying the mem hers of the house. Its repen t looks more than anything else like tempting bait of fat pork to come out of the bar'l furnished Old Joe bv the meat combine. Blue and Gray Memorial Day. In his recommendation that mem bers of the Grand Army of the Re public on the coming Memorial Day decorate the graves of any Confed erate dead that may be near, Com mander in Chief Tanner voices the spirit of reconciliation which is al most universal among veterans of poth armies of the civil war. In the forty-one years that have passed since the war ended, the re spect in which brave men on both sides learned on the battlefield to hold their apponents has been strengthened by intermingling in the amenities of social and business life. The tens of thousands of Union pensioners who have bettered their conditions by moving to the south quickly learned that the "rebel yell" did not come from the throats of Apache Indians, while the south erners have not been slow to find out that they were good fellows thev shot at on Manassas field, at Shiloh and at Chickamauga. l'assion and prejudice cool with age, and soldiers who went into the war as boys are now men of 60 years. Death is fast thinning the ranks of those great armies those of the Grand Armv of the Re public, Commander Tanner says, at the rate of 60,000 a year. For the survivors and for the children of those who have gone before there is no richer heritage than the mem ories of American valor and forti tude displayed in that war and of American principle that was ready to face death for what it believed in. The Spanish war did its part in effacing the Mason and Dixon's line of civil war sectionalism, but social, political and commercial intercourse during forty years have done more. The north has learned that the south is not ami never w as a region mainly of lazy, thriftlessness and fire-eating, while the south has learned that the north is not chiefly characterized by coldness and greed In truth our latter-day abundance of facilities for moving about, and the "travel habit" they have produced, have made all climates and altitudes within the United States the common heritage of the American people. As many north erners spend their winters in the south as southerners their summers in the north. The constant movement lx.tween north and south of merchants, com mercial travelers, manufacturers, railroad men, lawyers and men of callings has gone far to smoothe away local peculiarities and section al prejudices. Under the changed conditions civil war sectionalism is an anach ronism. corporal lanner is to oc congratulated for so gracefully ask ing his comrades of the Grand Armv to lav it aside forever. Tho Kind. You llavo Always Bought, ami which has been in uso for over 30 jenrs, has boruo tho clgnaturo of - and has boon made under his pcr sonal supervision since Its infancy. y-CucA(Ai Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-good" are but Experiments that trille with and endanger tho health of Infants and Chlldreu-Esncrieiico against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotlo fiubstancc. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshuess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, eurcs Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. MK Cf NTAUH OOMMNV, TT MURRAY TRCIT, MCW VORK OITV. PERKINS HOTEL GUTHMAN BROS., PR0PS. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA RATES $1.00 PER DAY First House West B. 6c M. Depot We Solicit the Farmers Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call T5he Perkins Hotel mm It was feared that there would lie a drouth in the capital, but thirty two saloon licenses have been grant ed, ami there will be others. No danger of a drouth in Lincoln. An early state convention will meet the approval of every demo crat who has the interests of the party at heart. Let's take the lead in nominating a ticket this year "just for luck." Thkre never was a letter time to plant trees than this spring. The ground is in excellent condition and the season being a little late makes it all the better for tree plant ing, riant trees. t'.rY .-..1 .-m H.1'7 7 Y W Bottled in Bond. lflps"lsPI!()v VlP11111'5111 and 2!jgm:.I) l wwnLL III if Flrxillip PLATTSMOUTH. - . Is tbc Cheapest In tbc jn&! Poor Whis y is not only dia agreeable to taste, but undoubted ly injurious to the stomach. A lit tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and helps instead of harming. Such Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as much good as a doctor's prescription. If you don't know how good it ia come in and try it. PRICES: (iuckenhelmer.Rye, pergallou...$4 00 Yellowstone, ' "... 4 00 Honey Dew, " " .. . 3 00 Big Horn, " "... 2 00 - - - NEBRASKA. ft Tin: exchange of personal com pliments that has been passing he twecn President Roosevelt and Kai ser Wilhelin for some years may lead some over-scrupulous persons to inquire whether America U-longs to the Puropean system or whether it has a system of its own, apart from the l-'uropean Kings and potentates. Pixwrsi: Tom Taggart, of Indi ana, was chairman of the democratic national committee in r.)(H, s no reason why he is not right in his prediction of democratic victory in this year's congressional elections. The prediction may le made good liy the all-pull-together campaign which he recommends. DISTRIBUTING DEPOT FOR PITTSBURGH PERFECT" FENCES, ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. FOR FIKLl), FARM AND HOG FENCING. THE ONLY ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCE. KVKRY ROD GUARANTEED PERFECT. The DURABLE Fence, 0 None so STRONG. ,35a- , jpLAp All larrc wires. 47.JI I I ML Highest EFFICIENCY. , t Ou Jim: Cannon's job of (piiet- ing an unparliamentary uproar on the floor of the house, in which everylnxly was 'out of order for forty minutes." was nothing to that which awaits him in trying to quiet the uproar rising in the west against his arbitrary delay of state hood for Oklahoma and the Indian Territory. N!r Wrinc 1 4 ... W to hold 5 Moisture 4V; and cause Rust. ' 1 I U. .1 I ;nn n n r . . - - i-fcfc 'TiTTani'RuH l'iKrut" Fkncino. (Spi-cial Stylo.) Absoluttly STOCK PROOF. Wi can SAVE YOU MONEY on Fnc1nj, CALL AND SEC IT. JOHN BAUER. n