LOOKING BACKWARD SOME FORTY YEARS State Organization In 1866 Historic De bate Bete;n the Late Lcil 6. Todd and the Late Gen. Jonn M. Thayer. AT OLD MT. PLEASANT SCHOOL HOUSE I By HasllS. Kamsey. The historic and somewhat dramatic scene the writer is alxiut to sketch, oc curred in the old Mount Pleasant school house nearly forty years ago. This old school house occupied a posi tion on the southeast corner of the old Mount Tlcasant town site, not far from the present flourishing city of Nehaw ka. This then (town site) adjoined the farm just north of the old William I). Gage farm. William D. Gage was one of the early pioneers of Cass coun ty. He was one of the leading teach ers and preachers of the early days and became familiarly known as "Farson Gage." At one time lie was an efficl- ent l'robate Judge of Cass county, but he is more generally remembered as one of the most earnest, leading and successful preachers of the Methodist Episcopal church. Hut it is to a his toric meeting-non-political in charac ter, in that old Mount Pleasant school house, in the latter part of May lw, that we call attention. It was during the closing of the great campaign for statehood for Nebraska Territory. The election was to follow on June 2, lsiiti, on the adoption of the constitution, submitted to the voters of the then territory of Nebraska. A large ma jority of the voters of Cass county were opposed to state organization at that time, believing that the time had not yet arrived for the change. The great civil war had only recently terminated in victory for the Union cause. Gen eral Robert E. Lee bad surrendered Richmond and capitulated with Gen. Ulysess S. Grant at Appomattox. The late General John M. Thayer had but a short time before, returned from the war. He had bravely, gal lantly served under General Grant at Corinth. Vicksburjj, Pittsburgh Land- ing aim j- ai r uans. mi me auuns sion of Nebraska as a state, General Thayer was a prospective candidate for United States Senator. Well this meeting to which the writer refers was one appointed in the interest of state organization. Gen eral Thayer was the leading character ter advertised as the principal speaker on behalf of state organization. Sup posedly the speaking would all be for state organization and adoption of the proposed constitution. All that community, far and near Old Mount Pleasant, was stirred up. We had heard of noble-hearted, brave and gallant General Thayer, and we all wanted to see him and hear him give reasons for state organization. That night the old Mount Pleasant school house was jammed with pioneers from far and near. The writer recalls the names of a number who were pre sent: Hon. Samuel M. Kirkpatrick Charles II. Winslow, William H. Hob- ' son, John Ramsey, Joshua Stroud, Stephen 15. Hobson, Joseph H. Upton, JobnC Rear, Isaac Pollard, John Mur dock. John F. Buck, George F. Schrl der, Frank '.. Linville, Levi G. Todd, Daniel M. Raimey, William W. Wolf, E. A. Kirkpatrick, William J. Llnch, Stephen A Davisand there were many others whose names the writer cannot now recall. General Thayer was promptly on time, and while the senti mentconcerningstatehood was against, him, yet no public speaker anywhere ever received more respectrui attcn tion than did the General. Ills argu ment was plausible so far as giving a particular prominence to statehood over simply a territorial organization was concerned. General Thayer was an Interesting speaker. Ills promin ence as a soldier under General Grant; his most genial personality and affa bility commanded our respect even admiration, regardless of party predi lections. At that time there were on ly about thirteen democrats In old Mount rieasant precinct, while there were about 14.' republican majority. Rut we were with one or two excep tions all against organization. There was one man In that audience whom everybody knew could answer General Thayer. That man was the late Hon. LevlG. Todd. General Thayer had frmn hi home in Omaha and dressed up in the style that became an aspirant for United States Senator. That dress and style were far above and beyond such as any of us old pio neers thought we could afford. Rut after General Thayer finished his speech a kind of "rebel yell" was heard for LevlG. Tod 1 to answer the Gen eral's speech. Todd had just come from his now famous farm, near Ruck's Grove-where for a number of years lie had tolled to make it one of the best improved and most productive In Cass county. He bad not taken tlmo to ar ray himself In wearing apparel pre sumably Indispensable to the public speaker, but had come from his corn field, dressed in cowhide boots, over alls, coatless, vestless and with one suspender to keep his overalls from Scrawling into his boot legs. Rut we knOW Hid I LX I V-t. liwu na I'll yan vi I to argue the question ol state organi-j ! zatlon. Like a gladiator in the arena. ! he promptly took the rostrum in the 01(1 SCIIOOI I1UUM. I.eu lli.ill-i luiiiv-j platform was cheered to the echo. Rut j on the platform the contrast became striking. General Thayer, scholarly! and somewhat dudish in dress! Levi j G.Todd in the garb of a pioneer: Roth ardent, radical republicans of that day! Rut Todd's speech tore to pieces pverv argument made by Thayer. He traced the history of the formation of Nebraska territory from the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska bill In congress- through all the vicisitudes and changes since then. He told of the many pri vations of frontier life In the effort to reclaim this portion of the Great American Desert. How the general government at Washington paid from the national treasury, the expenses of territorial organization and govern menteven the merulxjrs of the terri torial legislature, which amounted to about JU),ooo.()0 per annum. That In the event of state organization at that time, the then pioneer settlers would have to be taxed to support state gov ernment, and that the principal result would be to elect David Rutler or J. Sterling Morton governor and General John M. Thayer and Thomas W. Tip ton United States senators. Todd's speech was not only argumentat I ve; It was masterful ami powerful. At times it was tinged with biting, stinging sarcasm; then again it went into the regions of ideality, with pictures of Thayer and Tipton seated in the Sen ate chamber at Washington and the pioneer settlers of Nebraska paying the bill. Throughout and during that speech, Todd was most heartily cheered by the audience and at its close, received an ovation. And no one, more heartily shook the hand of Levi G. Todd than did General Thaver-the soldier of the Union army shaking the hand of the pioneer-soldier of Cass county, as it were, across the bloodless chasm of state organization, forty years ago. The soldier of the I nion army now sleeps beneath vine and rose near Lin coln, Nebraska. The soldier-pioneer, now sleeps beneath the oak and ever green near Union, Cass county, Ne braska, and near the monument to his memory he commenced to build a half century ago the loud farm, near Ruck's Grove. A GRAFTER SURE ENOUGH The Young Woman Who Was Here Yester day Soliciting Mor.ej. NO HOSPITAL TO BE LOCATED AT AURORA Word Comes From the Authorities at Aurora, Nebraska, to That Effect. Every move the lady who was here yesterday soliciting money to aid in the erection of a hospital at Aurora. Neb., demonstrates more fully that she Is a fraud. At Murray yesterday afternoon she succeeded In raising 110 orJl'.'aud returned to this city, re mained over night and took the morn ing train for Union. This movement, within Itself, Is enough to throw out suspicion that her mission Is not alto gether right. Why did she want to return to Plattsmouth and then go south again? Some of those who gave her various sums of money became suspicious, and Mr. Underwood, a prominent business man of Murray, being acquainted with one of tne uanKcrs ai Aurora, leu.- phoned there In regard to her move ments, and word came back that no one knew of any hospital in the course of erection, or even in contemplation. Now this looks like there was "some thing rotten in Denmark." We understand from Union she ex pects to go to Weeping Water, and we would advise our friends over that way to question her very closely be fore they aid her in the least. If she Is honest in her elTorts, she should bear some credentials from responsi ble parties who are known. There Is too much of this sort of swindling be ing done these days, and frauds take advantage of the -'charity dodge" to make monev for themselves. CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZES aid Confirm Appointments Made by Mayor tiering. THE OFFICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE John D. McBride Asked to Accept Posi tion, and the People Hope He Will. COULD NOT DO WITHOUT IT A Letter From an Old Cass County Boy, Living in the State of Oregon. FLOKA, OltKflON, Makcii 128. '(Hi. ElJlTOU Pl.ATTS.MOl Tlt JoCUNAL. Deau Sin: Please find enclosed a postoftice order for $.1.00 to square me up and for one year ahead. I am an old Cass county boy, coming to Ne braska in lived there until WOO, and have taken the Journal all through its life. During that time it has changed about some, until now it has got to be one of the first-class county papers of Nebraska, ana we cannot do without It even In Oregon. It is like talking with my old friends and neighbors when we get it to read. I do not know Its editor only by the paper. I am getting very well ac quainted with him enough so. how ever, to scratch a few lines and tell him that we have a fine country out here. We are located In the north east corner of Oregon, forty-five miles from Lewiston, Idaho, which is our trading point. We are on the moun tain top, 2,790 feet above sea level. We have no storms nor high winds, and raise fine crops of wheat, averag ing 25 bushels per acre; oats :"; barley 20, and potatoes, all you want to dig, from an acre. Land is cheap. It runs from five to firteen dollars per acre. There are some homesteaas lett yei. i min this is one of the finest countries to live In there Is In the world. We have (40 acres of our own and have leased about that much more. Have plenty of stock to eat all the grass from this land. Cattle are chcap-two-year-old steers, 818 per head; one-year-olds, $10 per head; cows from $1." to $20 per head, and hogs $1.25. Hogs never die out here. This Is a tine stock and farming country. We now have our horses and cattle out on the green grass and they look fine. I commenced feeding my stock December 3, and now have them on grass. Some of my neighbors turned out their stock six weeks ago, and we w ill have plenty of fat cattle by the first of June. That is something that ( ld Cass cannot do. We have a good market for everything we raise here. Well, I w ill close by asking you lo excuse me for writing w ith a pencil, as I am down In the canyon, setting on a big rock. 1 1 Is called Cortncy Canyon. Vou Just ask Dr. G. II. Gllmore, of Murray, and he will tell you all about It. I remain Yours Truly, J. (. CoSXAU.Y. All smart up-to-date women of today, Know know to bake, wash, sing and to play; Without these talents a wife Is N. G. Unless she takes Rocky Mountain Tea. Sold by Gerlng & Co. Scarcity of Hogs. The high prices or hogs which have recently prevailed, and the ravages of the cholera during the winter have re sulted in reducing the supply of good hogs in Cass county very materially. A fanner friend yesterday said the farmers most generally have show n a disposition to market everything that was marketable on the high prices, and these have disposed of many hogs that would not oridinarily have been sold yet had prices ruled lower. Many of them are lean and could be made to put on considerable more weight if they werekent at home longer. For this reason Drobablv fewer hogs will be carried over by farmers In the sur rounding territory than has been customary during recent years. At the same time every farmer, who raised hogs last year, Is planning to raise just as many more this year as he did last if not more. All the brood sows and gilts are being kept and next year the farmers will have hogs aplenty. Letter From Ben Elson. IIoTK.l. AlAM. t San Fkm imh, April P'oil j M Dim: Rum ! As you w anted to hear from me on Tfc , , Eec,ei Take 0atj, , 0(,jC8 ii y trip to California. It is now lop.; m. We have Just returned to the lintel i from the busy mart of market street, j The streets are crowded with elegant kMvxneil ladies and gentlemen. It Is light as day by the many electric signs and window displays. San Fran cisco Is a beautiful city of ::h.oti inhabitants and we have been here now two days. Yesterday we went to Uift House and seen the seals (.porting on the rocks. It was also a grand sight to see the largo breakers from the Pacific ocean send their spray several feet In the air on the beach. We also visited the Sutro Gardens and bath house, the dowers and roses were In full bloom, it was truly a magnificent sight. (California Indeed Is the garden spot of the earth.) The bath house Is enclosed on all sides with glass; the roof is of glass In various colors. We also visited the Palace hotel, out of the most magnificent hotels 1 ever saw in all my travels. In the rotunda in which you can see up eight stories Every story had Its Palm tiers and tlnwers. It Is Indeed rightly named the Palace. Today we took a trip on the ocean and went on the deck of the hull dog of the American navy, as the sailors call her and of which every American can be proud (the Oregon.) She leaves again to morrow for Washington state. We also visited the Presido, a most beaut if ul spot, w here ii.noo soldiers are it present encamped. We also visited several theatres and seen "Miss 1'rlnity," a new opera, which was finely rendered to a crowed house. We also stopped at Denver, went all over the city In a special car w ith a large sign on top "Seeing Denver," At Salt Lake City we visited the Mormon tabernacle, but the Holy of Holies, the Temple, a most grand and Imposing building we wereonly allowed to see the outside. The Royal gorge and the grand canon on the scenic route to the west, must be seen, as pen cannot do Its grandeur justice. We leave San Francisco Monday for our destination, RosAngcles. With kindest regards. Very I i nly yours, RllN.I. Kl.suN. THE RIVER ON A RAMPAGE The council held a special session Tuesday night and Installed the newly elected members: Lutz, Schlunt., Dodge, Stelmker and Tlppens, who to gether with the other city officials: Mister, Archer anil Clement, elected at the recent city election, were ad ministered the oath of office by Mayor Gerlng. John Rajcck also took the oath of otllee and was duly Installed as councilman from the Third ward. The bond given by the mayor was read by Clerk Ulster and approved by the council. The appointments by the mayor of John Jauda as street commissioner, II. D. Travis as city attorney, .1. II. Hall as city physician, Adam Kurt, as sexton and John D. Mel'.rlde as chief of police were unanimously ap proved by the council. The appoint ment of Joe Fitzgerald as night police was confirmed by the council, Stelmker dissenting. Councilman Sal tier was elected pres ident of the new council over Stelmker by a vote of six to four. The follow ing counclhnen were assigned to the various committees: Finance Lutz, Rallance, Stelmker. Judiciary Stelmker. Saltier and Tlppens. Fire and Water--Yondiaii, Dodge and White. License' Saltier, Stelmkerand Lutz. Streets, Alleys and I'.ridges - Tip- pens, Satt !er anil White. Police-1 lodge, Tip pens and Hal lance. Lighting P.allniice, Vondran and Rajcck. llospilal -Rnj"ck, Schlunt ., Dodg Cemetery- Schluntz, Lutz, Rajec Death of Mrs. Swallenberg. The sad Intelligence was received by lodge Archer yesterday aftcriUKMin from bis wife, containing the news of the death of her daughter. Mrs. Mary Swallenberg, which occurred at South ( iinaba yesterday afternoon. She was a daughter i. f Mr. and Mrs. Rroughniau, t he lat ter now being M rs. Archer i f tblscity, and was born near Council Rlu lis about I hirtj. -three years ago. After her marriage to Mr. Swallenberg, they moved to South Omaha where they have since resided. She leaves a daughter, son and hus band to mourn her loss. The deceased had been atllcted with the fatal disease consumption, for nearly a year until death has finally claimed her as IU own and relieved her of her suffering. The funeral will occur tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock and Interment will bo In Albright as that was the request of the deceased. Agitate! Agitate! As soon as the new city officials and councllmeu get acquainted with each other, then w ill be tlie time to strike hard for Plattsmouth, and do it in a way that the echo will resound for miles and miles around. Thereshoull lie several big crowd-gatherings here, this summer. Don't get back on your oars and act Independent anil wise and sav we don t waul anything of the vind for we do and you know It. Screw up your courage and do your best to help us move out of the rut, hat we may "keep up wlththe proces sion" in Its onward march ' to get up and do somet hing that w ill bring more people here to trade. We need It In our business. Make a move then In the proper direction. First, lei's have a whooping Fourth of July celebration to begin with and start the hall to rolling for several oilier drawing en tertainments during the summer and fall season. Agitate! Agitate! In County Court. In the matter of the estale of Win, McD. Iloiiseworth, deceased, a hear ing was had before the court and linal settlement entered. In the hearing on petition for re vocation of letlersof guardianship of Nellie I It'll Drum, a minor, the court appointed Thomas Murtle guardian. The hearing on the petll Ion to pro bate the w ill of Henry Wolfe.deceased, was cont limed until Saturday, April nth. Weak and Slssyfied. Henry U. Gerlng was re-elected may or of Plattsmouth over his republican opponent, Judge Newell. Tlie result was not a repudiation of Judge Newell but an endorsement of Mr. Gerlng s splendid record of the past two years. Judge Newell was handicapped in this race by not having a newspaper to sup port him while Mr. tiering had the vigorous support of a strong, active paper the Journal. The News the paper which supported Judge Newell Is so weak and sissy lied that its Inllu ence docs not reach beyond the circle of the oillce boy and the devil. Lin coln Herald. They Flip Coin for Office. A special frcm Nebraska City, under date of yesterday, says: "At the re cent city election John Stelnhart, democrat, and F. L. Koeppel, repub lican, candidates for councilman, each received 170 votes. Last evening they went before the council, sitting as a canvassing board, and Hipped a coin for the oillce. Mr. Koeppel winning. The new city officers and council took their offices this morning and Mayor John W. Stelnhart announced that next Monday evening he would make his appointments and deliver his ad dress, telling what the policy of the administration for the next two years would be. He has given out sufficient to be understood that he will put the lid on here Sundays and stop not only the saloons but the drug stores and and restaurants from selling Intoxl cants. Delias Informed the sporting fraternity that he will allow no gam bllngand all gambling houses arc to lie closed," The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many Imitations arc olTcrcd for the genuine. These worthless Imi tatlons have similar sounding names. Rcwareof them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Is In a yellow package Ask for It and refuso any substitute It Is the best remedy for coughs and colds. Sold by F. G. Frlcke Co. Gangs of Men Rush to the Scene, and Work All Night in an Endeavor to Check the Hungry Waters. The river has been steadily rising and it seems almost Impossible as yet to turn it from its course of destruc tion. Several gangs of men are cm ployed by the Rurllngton in an en deavor to protect the large bridge at this point. Where there was a 40-acre farm before the river began cutting, there Is only twenty or twenty-five acres left this afternoon. For several miles back from the scene of the pre sent cutting, the soil is sandy and since the river started on its rampage, the banks are melting away Into the river and It is with difficult that the riprap work is carried on. The pre sent force of fifty men worked all night, and about one o'clock this morning were compelled to use alfalfa hay, as a sufficient supply of willows could not be secured. Kd. Fitzgerald has a contract to furnish thirty car loads of willows, and has two gangs of men busy cutting and loading them. Geo. Poisall has transferred a force of men to Atwood & Ncwell's stone quar ries In order to rush car loads of stone to the ripraping force. It is feared by railroad authorities that the river may cut through this sandy strip of land and leave their ex pensive bridge at this place over a dry river bed. A Wise Guy. There was a man In our town and he was wondrous wise, he marked a silver dollar and gave It all to Llze; she went to see the butcher and she blew the dollar In it wasn't long be fore the coin came back again to him. He took It to the merchant and bought a dress for Jane lcfore the week had finished back came the plunk again; he spent the coin In town full fifty times or more but always got It back again and spent it o'er and o'er, but when he sent the dollar to some big mall order house, 'twas gone for good, forever, and he never saw It more. A Man of Business. Henry Gerlng or Plattsmouth. was rc-clectcd mayor. It is another Instance of the choice of the people being a man of business, an active worker at all times for the city of Plattsmouth, and a rattling good fellow anywhere and time you meet him. Weeping Water Herald. Notning will relieve Indigestion that Is not a thorough digestant. Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, and allows the stomach to rest recuperate grow strong again. A few doses of Kodol after meals w ill soon restore the stomach and digestive or gans to a full performance of their functions naturally. Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co.. Gering Si Co. For Sale! A i:i."i acre farm two and one-half cast of LaPlatte, In Sarpy county, on the Missouri bottom. IL'0 acres in cultivation, 1.') acres in timber and tame grass pasture. The Improve ments are a three-room house, a splen did cement cave, corn-crib and gran ary, line well of water, fenced and cross fenced. Land lays perfectly level and there is no better corn land In the state. Cash price 1,000. For further particulars write or call on Falter & Tate, Plattsmouth, Neb. Is the Moon Inhabited. Science has proven that the moon has an atmosphere, which makes life in some form possible on that satellite; but not for human beings, who have a hard enough time on this earth of ours; especially those who don't know that F.lcctric Hitters cure Headache, IHllonsness, Malara, Chills and Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Tor pid Liver, Kldneycomplalnts, General Debility ami Female weaknesses. I'n- eqiialled as a general Tonic ami Appe tizer for weak persons and especially for the aged, It induces sound sleep Fully guaranteed by F. G. Frlcke & Co., druggist. Price only .Vic. A Familiar Face. M. Archer took possession of tlie oillce of police judge this morning Un to two years ago Judge Archer had held the otllce for many years, and his countenance had become quite familiar to evil doers. Last night he was Inducted Into his old oillce again by taking the oath and will hereafter be found at the council chamber to transact all business coming before him. It was not the proper thing to do when he was defeated two years ago, but circumstances would have It Just that way. Those circumstances have passed and gone glimmering among the things that were, and we hope that nothing of the kind will ever appear again. The Judge will do his duty under all circumstances, and bis friends arc proud to sec him hack in the oillce to which he properly be longs. Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs. "Several years since my lungs were so badly alTected that 1 had many hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ake, of Wood. Ind.' "I took treatment with several physicians without any bene fit. I then started to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my lungs arc now as sound as a bullet. I recommend it In advanced stages of lung trouble.' Foley's 1 loncy and Tar stops the cough and heals the lungs, and prevents ser. lous results from a cold. Refuse sub stitutes. Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co. For Sale. Good timothy and clover hay, (balled) at IS per ton at my farm. R. R. Nickels. HERE AT HOME. Plattsmouth Citizens Gladly Testify and Confidently Recommend Doan's Kid ney Pills. It is testimony like the following that has placed "the old (Quaker Rem- dy" so far above competitors. When people right here at home raise their voice In praise there Is no room left for doubt. Read the public state ment of a Plattsmouth citizen. Fred Ramge, of the firm of Kunsman Si Ramgc, butchers, of Main street, re siding on Lincoln avenue, says: "Mrs. Ramgc was annoyed for some time with a dull aching In the small of her back. When In the acute stage it hurt to stoop or lift anything and If she even walked a lil tic farther than usual or over exerted herself by bringing ttie least strain on the muscles of t he hack greater suffering was sure to follow. Obtaining Doan's Kidney pills from Gerlng & Co.'s drug store, she used them and the backache ceased." For sale by all dealers. Price !c Fostcr-Milbiirn Co., RulTalo, N. Y., sole agents for the I'nlted States. Remember the name Doan's-and take no other. "The Girl From Sweden." Fred W. Falkner will present his new play, "The Girl From Sweden" at the Parmele, Tucsday,"April 17, l'.HW. Mr. Falkner has engaged a strong com pany for his new play headed by Miss Madle DeLang, who without a doubt, Is the cleverest Swedish dialect come dienne on the American stage today. So different from all the rest every word she utters Is perfectly understood by the audience. This is the kind of comedy drama that shows the honest, noble-hearted people of the Swedish race. The play itself Is purely Ameri can from the pen of Charles Neuman. Many excellent specialties are Intro duced during the action of the play by members of the company. Devil's Island Torture Isnowoive than the terrible case of Piles that atlllcted me 10 years. Then I was advised to apply Rucklen's Arnica Salve, and less than a box per manently cured me, writes L. S. Na pier, of Rugles, Ky. Heals all wounds. Rurns and Sores like magic. LVicat F. G. Frlcke & Co.'s, druggist. Rheumatism MaHes Life Miserable. A happy home Is the most valuable possession that is within the reach of mankind, but you cannot enjoy It comforts If you arc suffering from rheumatism. You throw aside busi ness cares when you enter your home and you can Iks relieved from those rheumatic pains also by applying some Chamberlain's Pain Ralm. One ap plication wilt give you relief and Its continued use for a short tlmo will bring about a permanent cure. For sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co., and A. T. Fried.