The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 08, 1906, Image 2

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Will Kcll ami wife, of Cullom, were
Tlsitlnjr lth John McNurlln, today.
A transcript from Justice Archer's
court In the case of James Cochran vs.
Isabella (Ireen, was tiled with Clerk
Robertson this morning.
M. II. Harvey, the car inspector east
of the Missouri river, was In the city
on railroad business today, In company
with E. S. Ilarstow, of Lincoln.
Chicken thieves have aaln betjun a
raid on the hen roosts about town. A
few doses of buckshot Is the best med
icine to administer to such fellows.
(iood Friday comes on April i;ith
and Easter Sunday April 1.1th. (iood
Friday Is late enough fur you to plant
your potatoes without daniter of their
If some of those who are so eaer to
reform the community would sweep
their own door yard ilrst, they mlnlit
have some rlht to net. Hut until
they do they have not.
A bill Is now before the lower house
of congress which provides that In ad
dition to present salary 11. V. 1. car
rlers shall be allowed and paid the
sura of J200 per annum fur subsistence.
1). J. Amick and wife were Plaits
mouth visitors today. They came up
' from Murray to buy some new furni
ture for their home In that village,
where they will make their home In
the future.
William llrccde, an old time l'latts
mouth man, was In the city yesterday
and today visiting old friends and
making new acquaintances, departing
for his home at Hastings, Neb., this
Mrs. Mary A. Latkyof Lexington,
grand chief of the legrec of Honor;
Mrs. Ella E. Chapman of Lincoln, and
Mrs. Lou II Spencer of Lexington,
members of tho grand lodge 11 nance
committee, arc in the city on business.
From this on to April 1st the ques
tion of whether or not there will be
peaches next summer will be of Inter
est to our people. The peach crop so
far has not been Injured. Everybody
Is anxious that we have a good peach
crop, for It mcan9 much to our people.
In tho county court a suit was Hied
this morning by (icorge W. llarshman
vs. James Fleishman and Lauren II.
Mlckle, who have unlawfully and fore
ibly detained possession of his prem
ises, and plalntllT prays for restitution
of said property.
l'ruin Suturiliiy'n liitlly.
Olc Roman and wife are rejoicing
over the arrival of a tine big boy at
their home, born ono night this week.
Mrs. Frank linger returned to Lin
coin tliis afternoon after a pleasant
visit with her mother and other rela
Word was received in the city of the
death this morning of the six months
old son of Mr. and Mrs Sam (irltlln
near Weeping Water.
A marriage license was Issued yester
day In Omaha to James C. Thomson
of Weeping Water and Amelia Thorn
son of Omaha.
II. M. Smith, who Is attending the
riattsmouth public schools went down
to near Nehawka last evening to spend
Sunday with his parents.
Eugene Sawyer, the ln;;red brake
man and his wife, accompanied by Ir
Shipley of Creston, returned to their
home at Creston this morning.
E. L. House returned this morning
from Louisville, Kentucky, where he
has been attending the meeting of the
National Association of Superlnten
Keep the little ones healthy and
happy. Their tender, sensitive bodies
require gentle, healing remedies, llol
lister's Pocky Mountain Tea will keep
them strong and well. ,V cents, Tea
or Tablets. Gerlng&Co.
In the district clerk's oWce a tran
script was tiled this morning In the
case of Charles S. Johnson vs Tho
Hankers' Union of the World, wherein
plaintiff secured a Judgment In
the sum of f .I.OO on February .1, hm
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Halley are re
jolcing this week over the arrival of a
81 pound baby girl at their home last
Thursday evening. Hoth mother and
little one are doing nicely, and Mr,
llailey Is contemplating a raise In the
price of lightning rods.
Ed Harriott, state deputy for the A
O. U. W. of Fcru, was In l'lattsmouth
a few hoors yesterday evening, return
ing to Murray, where he has a number
of new candidates to take Into the or
dcrat that place tonight. He met
with the l'lattsmouth lodge last even
It makes an editor have an awful
tired feeling to hear a merchant, who
never advertises, kicking about the
business going away to the depart
ment stores. The way to tight the
devil is with fire, and the way to fight
the department store devil Is with the
fire of advertising.
From Tuc.iluy' Dully
P. A. 1 1 ltd of Mt. Pleasant precinct
was a county seat visitor today.
George Rhoden from near Murray
was a l'lattsmouth visitor today.
Nick Halmes was transacting busi
ness in South Omaha this morning.
George Sheldon of Lincoln was trans
acting business In the city yesterday.
Sheriff (Julnton went out In the
vicinity of A voca to serve some papers
this afternoon.
Nelson and Kdith Jean came In from
York last evening to visit with their
folks near Mynard.
A. L. Farmer of Greenwood was
down today on business with the coun
ty court, and gave the Journal a pleas-
ant call.
Henry Guthman went to Cullom this
afternoon to help Will Kiel take care
of the ducks, w hich have got too thick
In that vicinity for Hill.
A marriage license was Issued this
afternoon to Herman F. Gansemer,
age si, of Hallam, Neb., aud Eva
Meslna, nge 17, of Mynard.
Hon. William Dellcs Dernier, the
Elmwood attorney, was here today on
legal business, and went from here to
Lincoln to peep In upon the demo
cratic dollar banquet.
Mrs. R. II. Chrlswiscr departed this
morning for her future home at Heaver
City, Neb. She waj accompanied by
HennetChrlswIser, who will visit a
short time with his son.
Mrs. L. C. Llnvlllo and Mrs. .. W.
Shrader departed this morning for
their future home at Hcndlcy, Neb.
Mrs. J. M. Rhoden came up from Mur
ray to see her mother, Mrs. Shrader,
before she left for the above place.
A marriage license was 'issued this
afternoon to Will Jean, aged 21!, of My
nard, and Marie Iu-an, age 20, of South
Haven, Mich. The ceremony will be
performed by Rev. McVcy at 7 o'clock
this evening, at the home of the bride
groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
L. Jean.
James Iloggctt, who Is living on the
Calkins farm, twelve miles south of
this city, Charley and Frank Good,
who lived on the Schwab farm In the
same neighborhood, loaded their house
hold effects and farming Implements
here last evening billed for Plalnvlcw,
Neb., near where they will make their
future home.
Our old friend, J. S. Seybcrt, while
In the city today gave the Journal a
call. Mr. Seybert Is 70 years of age,
came to Cass county In 18C.8 from Vir
ginia, and Is one of ouroldest and most
highly respected citizens. While get
ting along to a good ripe old age, he
seems to be enjoying very fair health
for one of his years.
C. C. Spanglcr, who has been living
near Mynard, loaded his goods last
night and took his departure today for
leweese, Nuckolls county, near which
place he expects to make his future
home. Mr. Spanglcr Is a most worthy
gentleman, an excellent citizen, and
the Journal regrets the departure of
himself and family from Cass county
The Journal will visit them each week
to comfort them In their lonely hours
We wish them success.
From Wt'iliii'sdiiy's dully.
L.I). Swltzer was a passenger for
Omaha this morning.
Fred Hockclman, of Murdock, was a
county seat visitor today,
Peter Evcland, of Murdock, was a
county seat visitor today.
J. P. Thacker, of Union, was a vis
Itor In Plattsmouth today.
Mat Spader, of Liberty precinct,
was a county seat visitor today.
T. II. Nix was a county seat visitor
today, and while here gave the Jour
nal a pleasant call.
W. Hall and son returned to South
Omaha this afternoon after a pleasant
visit with Oscar Gapen and family.
Wade Porter and Miss Dual Vallery
passed through l'lattsmouth yesterday
evening en route to their home near
Murray, returning from Omaha.
Among the marriage licenses issued
In Council P. luffs, Iowa, yesterday, we
note that one was granted to Joe R
Applegate, aged 22, of 1'nlon, Neb.,
and Miss Grace E. Kappell, aged 21,
of Rluc Haplds, Kansas.
John Jones and John Miller were ar
ralgned before Judge Weber this af
ternoon on a charge of stealing pigeons
from Henry 1 Kmat. The former plead
guilty to the charge and was assessed a
tine of five dollars and costs. The lat
ter has secured an attorney and will
have a hearing tomorrow afternoon.
It Is proper that tho uamo warden
now make an Inventory of the mackerel
kits In the grocery stores, and the Ice
boxes at the markets to see w hether
any of our people arc using more fish
than they should. If ho finds that
merchant has too many sardines, pinch
him, If tic will not give up MO to have
the matter hushed up.
Personal Points
"Gut Hell," the favorite cigar
Ir. Marshall, Dentist, O ats' i;;,k.
Machine oil at Asemlssen.l Louck's.
Matt Gering returned from Lincoln
this morning.
Sam Shumaker made a business trip
to Omaha this morning.
Gus Olson "was a passenger for the
metropolis this morning.
Rev. W. F. Bradley was a passenger
for Lincoln this morning.
J. I). McHrlde was a business visitor
at the metropolis this morning.
T. H. Pollock was a business visitor
at the metropolis this morning.
George Campbell and wife returned
to South Rend yesterday afternoon.
Berge Miles departed this morning
for Grafton, Neb., where be has se
cured a position.
Wm. Neville came In last night for
short visit, returning to Topeka,
as., this morning.
Mrs. Fred Lcnhoff, sr., and (laugh
r, Miss Tlllie, returned last evening
from a visit at Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ebinger are re
icing over the arrival of a new boy at
their home this morning.
Mrs. Walter Shopp departed this
omlng for a visit with relatives and
friends at Lincoln and Wymore.
Will Jean and wife came In yester
ay evening from Omaha, where they
have been enjoying a short honeymoon.
Harry E. Phillips and wife were
passengers this morning for Hamburg,
la., where they will give a dance this
Miss Mabel Harch of St. Louis ar
rived this morning from Omaha to
enter M. Fanger's millinery depart
ment as tilmmcr.
Wm. Ossenkop and wife returned
home to Louisville yesterday after
noon, after a pleasant visit with Mr.
rank Schlater and family.
Accidents will happen, but the best
regulated families keep lr. Thomas'
.electric Oil for such emergencies. It
subdues the pain and heals the hurts.
Henry Guthman returned from
Cullom yesterday afternoon, having
secured a few ducks from some one to
make a good exhibition of his marks
Park Chrlswelser. of near Nehawka.
was In l'lattsmouth yesterday even
ing, and from here took the train for
Omaha where he had some business to
look after.
II. C. McMackcn was a passenger to
Omaha this morning, taking with
him eight pair or gloves turned out by
the Plattsmouth Glove Co., to have
them finished.
Harsh physics react, weaken the
bowels, cause chronic constipation.
Doan s Regulets operate easily, tone
the stomach, cure constipation. 2.1c.
Ask your druggist for them.
Have you backache? Get a box of
Kldney-Ettes the most wonderful
remedy for all kidney troubles, and
they will make you right. 2.1c. Ger
ing & Co.
The Journal is pleased to state to
Its readers that Miss Marlsta Cagney,
who lias been ill for several months, is
now rapidly improving. Her many
friends will also be pleased to learn
this fact.
In the spring time you renovate
your house. Why not your body? Hol
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea drives
out Impurities, cleanses and enriches
blood and purities the entire system.
:.1 cents. Geriug & Co.
George llarshman, the untcrrllied
democrat of Avoca precinct, came in
last evening to transact sonic import
ant business. The Journal is glad to
see Its old friend looking well.
W. N. Gaumer, representative, is
here this week, conducting a window
display for the International Corres
pondence schools, In the window of
krochler& etcsnlk's hardware store.
Danger Is near at hand when the
kidneys are sick. Kldney-Ettes will
purify and strengthen the kidneys and
restore them to their normal and
healthy condition. 25 cents. Gering
J. A. Hougatt loaded his household
goods, Implements and live stock here
yesterday and himself and family took
their departure for Hartlngton, Neb.,
where they will make their future
Julluslitz was In town Mondaygreet
Ing his friends with the good news
that he was getting along remarkably
well. Our friend had a great slece of
It, and the Journal trusts that he will
meet no more misfortunes.
Mrs. C. L. Buckley, who has been
very low the past few days, is now get
ting along very nice. Dr. Stewart
Macdalmond, who has been with her
Since Monday, departed for Omaha
last evening and he thinks Mrs. Buck
ley will now soon recover.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Klngsley and
Miss Sylvia Thomas, sister of Mrs.
Klngsley, passed through the city
Sunday morning rnroute for Union,
to visit Grandma Todd, and returned
Monday evening on their way back to
their home In Chicago. While here
they spent a few hours with the fam
ily of the brother of the two ladles,
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Thomas.
llfK are Retting in our Spring Goods and getting them in shape for your
inspection. We have done our best in going through the best lines of
merchandise in the U. S. to get together some of the things you need for
spring. Come and see them. We enumerate a few of these good things here-
Walstings, Linens, etc.
Mercerized Cham- ICp
brays 32 in. wide, '3w
Madras Waitings and
Shirtings a fine jCp
line of these at. . 3u
64-in silver bleach-An
ed Table Linen. tUU
72-in silver bleach-cn0
ed Table Linen.. 3 UU
Nice assortment of
patterns which are
bargains at the
prices named.
Mercerized Skirts
Ladies black mercer
ized Skirts, 2 ruf
Bargains in City Property.
A nice 4 room house and 2 lots lo
cated near the H. & M. shops. Price
HOC. Will sell on monthly payments
if purchaser can pay as much as$,'i0
Five room house and 3 lots, well and
cistern; located on Lincoln avenue
near H. & M. shops. Trice $400.
Two 5 room houses and 2 lots, lo
cated on Granite street with citv
water. Will sell cither or both. Price
$400 each.
A 4-room cottage with barn, corn
crib and granary. Price $000.00.
8-room brick house, a story and one
half high', with two lots 8Sxl")0, nice
barn on rear of lots. This property Is
practically new and all In good shape.
Price mo.QO.
"acre tract or land west of tow n and
a new 0-room cottage on samejust at
the out skirts of Plattsmouth. Price
7-acre tract with a nice 4-room
house, cellar and storm cellar with a
tine orchard, grape vineyard, small
barn and outbuildings, line well of
water with a small tame grass pasture.
Price $1,000.00 cash. This tract of
land Is leased and the party buying
would have to buy subject to the lease.
Twenty acres three-quarters of a
mile from the city limits with a 6
room house and other out buildings.
Land lays perfectly level, all under
cultivation. Price $2,300. Can five
possession tirst of March.
For further particulars see
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Jesse and Joe Perry departed this
morning for Nelson, Neb., where they
will remain for the present If the
country suits them. They went over
land, and the Journal wishes tbem
success In their new location.
I nd Igestlon Is much of a habit. Don't
get the habit. Take a little Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure after eating and you
will quit belching, pulling, palpitating
and frowning. Kodol Digests what
you eat and makes the stomach sweet.
Sold by P.O. Frlckc & Co., and Ger
ing Si Co.
tlesaleaderat... ouying. j
OC3C3(i )C )OCDCZ3 C300
Lost Opportunities Never Return n
OComfi ir NOW a?dscc how I have reduced prices on Fur
VU1I1C II INUW niture of all kinds-Elegant Bedroom Suits
Intension Tables, Chairs, Parlor Suits, Stoves, Ranges, and evcrthinc in tho
nin; ui iiuusu'iioiu iurrmure, or. rcnauie makes.
All Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices to Close
Them Out. Save Money Now, while you can.
I can save
Carpets and
in it
Nowthat spring house
cleaning is about here
we wish to announce to
to our customers and
dthers that our line of
two-ply all wool Ingrain
Carpets is full and com
plete, in which we show
some of the latest pat
terns without advance
over last year's prices
notwithstanding a heavy
advance in the price of
Carpet wools.
We have some pretty
things in large rugs
which you ought to see
before buying.
k '
South Dakota
The Land of Plenty
Rich soil, a mild climate, and abundance of
water have made South Dakota one of the best
agricultural states in the Union.
The soil of Lyman County is unusually rich.
It is a black loam with a yellow clay subsoil.
The extension through Lyman County recent
ly built by the
Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul Railway
has opened up a part of that state hitherto
sparsely settled. Land is now selling at the
rate of from SS to $15 an acre, and it is alto
gether probable that valuations will increase
100 to 200 per cent within a year. South Da
kota offers great opportunities for the small in
vestor. A book on South Dakota for two
cents postage.
For Free Books and Folders about South Dakota, kindly fill out this Coupon
and mall today to
F. A. NASH, G. VV. A., 1524 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Street Address.
City state
Probable Destination
Wl... .... .!.!- .! a
w uy i ui aiup mis lamng or your
be without any hair' Just remember that Hall's
STOPS railincr hair, nnd rmko
" '
This should be borne in mind by
who needs the kind of goods I have
Dress Ginghams
Finest ' line of Dress
Ginghams we've ever
shown. Everets HI
a big bargain, at..02
A. F. C. Ginghams
plain and fancy, inn
worth 12c, at. JUL
Toille Du Nord Ginjr-
hams, fine line to
choose from
These wash beau
tifully because they
are fast colors.
Latest Turnovers and
Stocks. RuchingsOOp
per box of six www
. . - . .. " w
nairf At this rate vou wilt snnn
Just remember that Hull's HmV
hair amit u
iimii Rivn i
in stock.
3 err