The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 22, 1906, Image 8

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    The County Jxcrianocs
Itomt Csnonl lntrt pUptprt frnm thi P.nlnmtK n( finnlpmnnnrhs
lib lit VI WVMwiWi llliwitl vvivvivi 11 w viwimhv vi iiim)viii
Weeping Water
from tli Herald.
J. A. Hay loaded Ills car of goods at
Louisville last Wednesday, and ship
ped to Imperial, wheic lie lias a 100
acre farm. Mrs. Hay and sun depart
ed last Friday.
Wallace riillpot called for Dr. Jen
sen to come out and treat tils cattle.
One had died and ttio disease was pro
nounced as black leg. The other cat
lie twenty-two head In all, were vac
cinated. About tlfty friends and neighbors of
Mr. mid Mrs. Jim Murphy, who were
recently married, gathered at the
home of Chas. Murphy last Thursday,
and were entertained right royally to
dinner. In the evening the time was
spent In dancing, and again the guests
enjoyed a delightful time. Mr. Mur
phy expects to move onto his farm this
season, where they will he at home to
their friends.
L. C. Todd and John Colbert return
ed home from Chase, county last Sat
urday. Mr. Todd purchased 320 acres
ot land Just east of Imperial, thcro be
ing a race track and fair grounds lo
cated on 100 acres between Ills land
and the town site. Mr, Tood speaks
very highly of the country, and be
lieves he has made an Investment that
will make him money.
W. A Harlan was In town last week
and had us change his address of the
Herald to Silver City, Iowa, where the
family moved Monday and will locate
on a farm owned by Geo. T. Rcw, a
big farmer and stockman, who owns
10,000 acres of land. Mr. Harlan will
work for Mr. Kcw, ani the boys will
care for NO acres of land. The Harlan
family are splendid citizens, and their
many friends will regret their depar
ture. Mr. Allen Walker received from the
Woodman accident association of Lin
coln, the. sum of $1 10. This was for
seven weeks disability resulting In
falling down tho cellar stairs, and was
paid promptly by that company eighty
days beforo the time limit. The Pacific-
Mutual Insurance Co., of Califor
nia, in which he carried a policy rep
resenting $.j per week, sent lilm a
check for $35; all of which goes to show
that It pays to be insured against acci
dents. Mr. Walker says that both
companies paid wltlioutqulbbllng, and
sent their checks Immediately.
Rev. W. 1. Cave, who conducted
three weeks of revival meetings here,
departed last Friday for his home in
Winnie McNamee and wife left last
night via Kansas City for the l'acllic
coast, their destination being Los
Angeles, Cal. They Intend spending
at least a year there, and If satisfied
with the country they will make It
their permanent home.
Hum January l, is:u, In Forfarshire,
Scotland died at 5:38 p. ni.on Monday,
February 12, l'.Hiti, at his home, near
I'lilon, Nebraska. The death of James
ltysart, sr., Is another call from the
rapidly decreasing ranks of the Cass
county pioneers. Mr. Dysart, who was
not naturally a robust man, had with
stood the hardships of pioneer days
and until about a year ago he was In
reasonably good health, but the past
six months his decline was quite rapid.
About ten days ago ho suffered a stroke
of apoplexy which rendered him help
less and unconscious, and he remained
In that condition to the close of this
Fred Ost has sold his farm of about
200 acres three miles north of this vll
lago to Chris Ross, consideration be
log $12.00. Mr. Ost Is now In Callfor
nla, and soon after the public sale on
February 28th, the family will move
out to the l'acllic coast and make Cal
ifornla their permanent home.
Last Saturday morning the remains
of Mrs. Susanna llrock were brought
here from Nebraska City, accompanied
by her husband Frank llrock, Mrs,
Josephine Felthouser, Mrs. Yal Felt
houser and Harvey Clarence. They
were met at tho train by a number of
relatives and friends, and the remains
were then conveyed to the Union cem
ctery, northeast of here for Interment
James E. Manning, who Is one of the
best boys, as well as best operators
that ever monkeyed with the llghtnln
at Union, and who was assistant to
the train dispatcher at Omaha, has
been transferred to Nehawka as agent
He Is now ablo to put his feet under
his mother's mahogany, and listen to
corn growing on his farm just south of
town on the balmy summer nights
that will soon be here. He misses the
strenuous life, but It's home.
Don't Deceive Yourself.
Don't deceive yourself. If you have
Indigestion take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It will rellcveyou. Rev. W. E. Hocutt,
South Mills, N.C.says: "I was troub
led with chronic Indigestion for sev
eral years; whatever 1 ate seemed to
cause heartburn, sourstomach, Mutter
ing of my heart, and general depres
sion of mind and body. My druggist
recommend Kodol, and it. lias relieved
me. I can now eat anything and
sleep soundly at night. "Kodol digests
what you eat, makes the stomach
sweet. Palatable, strengthening and
affords Ulck relief. Sold by F. (I.
Frlcke Co., (Jerlng & Co.
Men Past Sixty In Danger.
More than half mankind over sixty
years of ago suffer from kidney and
bladder disorders, usually enlargement
of prostate gland. This Is both pal
ful and dangerous, and Foley's Kidney
Cure should be taken at the first sig
of danger, as it corrects irregularities
and has cured many old men of this
disease. Mr. Rodney llumett, Hoc
Port, Mo , writes: "I suffered with
enlarged prostate, gland and kidney
trouble for years and after taking tw
bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure I feel
better than I have for twenty years
although 1 am now HI years old."
!. Frlcke .S; Co.
Made from Tare Grape Cream of Tartar
In baking powder Royal is the standard, the
powder of highest reputation; found by the
United States Government tests of greatest
strength and purity.
It renders the food more healthful and palat
able and is most economical in practical use.
Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to
buy alum powders because they are "cheap."
Yet some of the cheapest made powders arc sold
to consumers at the highest price.
Housekeepers should stop and think. Is it
not better to buy the Royal and take no chances
the powder whose goodness and honesty are never
questioned ?
Is it economy to spoil your digestion by an
alum-phosphate or other adultercd powder to
save a few pennies ?
i'rura the LalT-Eclio.
Porn, to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stack,
February 11. l'JUti, an eleven pound
L. A. Tyson has repapered and re
painted the Interior of his drug store.
It looks very neat and Inviting, and
greatly Improves the appearance of
the store.
M. IS. Williams has sold his im
proved eighty, three miles southeast
of Klin wood, to John Miller, possession
to be given about March first. Con
sideration 10,000.
Louis H. Kunz and Miss Catherine
M. Schick were married yesterday
afternoon, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Kunz. A more extended
account of this enjoyable affair will be
given next week.
Charlie Rngcnrief went to Lincoln
Saturday evening, and on Sunday Dr.
Finney removed a wen from the side
of his neck. He returned home Mon
day with his neck In a sling and feel
ing tip top.
Charles 11. Ferguson came back from
Neligh, Neb., Tuesday evening. He
has disposed of his stock and Imple
ments In Antelope county, and after a
few weeks visit with relatives and
friends here, expects to locate In
Washington and Oregon.
Klmwood and vicinity Is just now
being visited by the smallpox In a
mild form. There are eight cases In
all, Wm. Current, James Hendricks,
plmer Smith and Mabel Swacker In
Klmwood, Mrs. Fred Drum, Mr. Kep
ler and Rhoda Thornton In the coun
try. All the homes where the disease
Is located have been quarantined, and
it Is now thought no further cases
will develop. The disease Is In a very
mild form, and the schools, churches
or public meetings of any kind have
not been ordered discontinued.
The Yellow Fever Germ
has recently been discovered. I bears
a close resemblance to the malaria
germ. To free the system from dis
ease germs, the most effective remedy
s Dr. King's New Life Tills. Guar
anteed to cure all diseases doe to ma
larla poison and constipation. 2.'c at
F. G. Frlcke & Co.'s drug store.
from tlifl Courier.
Porn to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kreck
low, of Mauley, Wednesday, February
14, a daughter.
Frank and Andy Schoeman, who
have been here from North Prairie,
Wis., for several weeks visiting with
relatives, returned home Thursday.
Born, February it, l'.HXl, to Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence V. Maylield, of Brock-
cnrldge, O. T., a ten pound boy. "One
more vote for statehood with prohlbl
tion," says Grandfather C. G. Mayfleld
John Gauer has closed a contract
with George Delezene, the Louisville
carpenter, for the erection of a nine
rcom dwelling on his farm cast of
Louisville. The building will be 32x34
two stories and will cost $3,500. C. A
Piehey will furnish the lumber.
Dr. J. L. Polk, of Raymond, Ntb.
was here Monday and visited his farm
east of town. Tho doctor tells the
Courier that he will retire from the
practice of medicine and may decide
to purchase property In Louisville
w here ho will be close to his farm and
be ablo to send his children to a good
school. While here he looked at sev
eral pieces of property and also paid
the school a visit, which would Indl
catc that he has about decided to
locate among us.
number of friends and schoolmates
of Richard Brown gathered at his
home on Gospel Hill, Tuesday evening
and gave him a farewell party. Al
though on account of his recent 111
ness Richard could not join In the fun
with his schoolmates yet be enjoyed
the company and did his best to make
it pleasant for bis friends. The eve
nlng was spent In childish games of
all kinds and alt had a jolly time. At
nine o'clock a lunch of Ice cream, cake
and fruit was served. It was at a late
hour when the happy gathering broke
up and all expressed themselves as
highly pleased with their evening'!
enjoyment but regret that thelrfrlend
and schoolmate Is so soon to lcav
One Minute Cough Cure contains
not an atom of any harmful drug, and
It has been curing coughs, colds, crou
and whooping cough so long that it
has proven Itself to be a tried and true
friend to the many who use It. N
need to fear of your child choking
from croup with One Minute Cough
Cure hondy. Sold by P. G. Frlcke &
From the Register.
Frank Vantlno camo In from Ara
pahoc last week for a visit with rela
tlves and friends for a few days.
We are sorry that Mr. and Mrs
Kennedy are going to leave us. M
Kennedy was an Ideal agent at ou
depot and his pleasant manners will
be appreciated wherever they go.
A deal was consummated yesterday
whereby a Mr. Buckley of Verdcn, be
came the owner of the stock ot goods
Rear-Admiral hichborn
Praises Pe-ru-na.
- c .
If ' v f .
r . . . 1 1 i
la one of tho best
X known sdmirulu of our nuvy.
Ills staU-niont concerning lVruna will have much
welelit as it goes out into the world.
What lie cay Is echoed by many other naval cfliccra of
high ctunding.
rhlllp Hlchborn, Rear-Admiral United States
writes from Washington, P. C, as follows:
"After the use of Peruna for a short period, I
can now cheerfully recommend your valuable
remedy to any one who s In need ot an Invigor
ating tonic." Philip Hlchborn.
The soldier and the sailor are especially subject
catarrh in some form or phase.
Exposed as they are to constant changes, subject as they
are to various vicissitudes, and ull kinds of climate, wet
nnd dry, night and day, they llnd catarrh to be their most
Insidious and everpn.wnt foe.
lu the barrackn and on tho held, Peruna is equally
Taken at once after exposure, it should prevent catching
"I was troubled with catarrh of tho throat particularly,
and suffered considerably as a result thereof lor a period o
about five years, and my general health was affected.
"Three years ago I was forced t glvo up business, anrl
tjiok up my residence la tho Western country, looking for
relief in change of climate as well as a change in the method
of treatment for my ailment.
"After much expense, both here and In tho West, I w as In
duced by a friend to try Peruna. I continued tho use of it
for about flvo weeks, at tho end of which time I returned to
New York, both well and happy." Wm. H. Switzcr, !K5 E.
iSlrd street, New York City.
After a cold has becouie established, Peruna will break
It up as quickly as any other remedy known.
Even after a cold has becomo settled in some organ of
tho body, Peruna can be relied upon to promptly dispel it.
Peruna will relieve catarrh, w hether acute or chronic,
but a few doses taken in tho first stages of the diseaso will
be more effective than when the disease has become
If you suffer from catarrh in any form, do not neglect It.
Take Peruna at once. Delays In such matters are dan-pprous.
"I have used Peruna in my family with very satisfactory
results for the last two years. Besides I havo recommended
it to all w horn I think are in need of it.
"I urge all who are afllictcd to buy a bottle and begin its
use at once. I havo never heard of any who have used it to
be dissatisfied with tho results." Frank W. Harris, box 23,
llasic City, Va., member A. F. A A. M.
Mr. J. II. tlalbraith, 3tO West Second Ave., Oolumbiis,
Ohio, writes:
"I havo been a sufferer of catarrh of the stomach and kid
neys for seven years. Doctors did me no good, end after tak
ing Peruna for six months, at intervals, I believe I am cured.
My appetite returned, I sleep well and work every day. 1
always have it In the house."
No remedy ever yet devised has received such unstintod
eulogy from so man renowned statesmen and military men
as I'cruua.
We have on file thousands of testimonials like those given
above. We can give our readers only a glimpse of the vast
arruy of endorsement Dr. llartmau is reeuivins.
of Thomas Cromwell. We are very
sorry to have Mr. Cromwell leave us so
suddenly for he has done many things
for Nehawka, and its betterment.
Yesterday at high noon, at the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munn,
at high noon occurred the wedding of
their daughter, Miss lola to George
Davis, Kcv. Keiser otliclating. The
groom and bride have the best wishes
of the entire community for their
future happiness.
Jim banning, who has been in the
dispatcher's oillce at Omaha, for the
Missouri Pacific railroad has been
made agent at this station and as
sumed his duties Tuesday. No intro
duction is necessary for him in this
community. If you see an adult smile
on its way up ton, just unllmber a
plethoric niche In your bank account
and Jim will do the rest. Hello,
Jim, we welcome you home.
Pirating Foley's Honey and Tar.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered
for the genuine. These worthless Im
itations have similar sounding names.
De ware of them. The genuine Foley's
Honey and Tar Is In a yellow package.
Ask for it and refuse any substitute.
It Is the best remedy for coughs and
colds. F. G. Frlcke & Co
had sold his practice in Elmwood and
will look up a new location somewhere
in the west with the hope of finding a
climate which will be beneficial to
Mrs. Townsend's health, which has
been failing of late.
The Pe-ru-na Almanac.
The Peruna Lucky Day Almanac
has become a fixture In over eight
million homes. It can be obtained
from all druggists free. He sure to
inquire early. The PiOtJ Almanac Is
already published, and the supply will
soon be exhausted. Do not put It olT.
Get one today.
In the District Court.
In the case of the state of Nebraska
vs Geo. and Cal Lcls, complaint was
dismissed as against Cal Leis, and de
fendant Geo. Lcls plead guilty to the
charge of assault and battery on one
Dr. Jones at Murdouk, and was fined
r.00 and costs, amounting in all to
D. 0. DWYER, Attorney-at-Law
Offce in building east of court
house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
A Card.
This Is to certify that all druggists
are authorized to refund your money
if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure
your cough or cold. It stops the cough,
heals the lungs and prevents scaious
results from a cold. Cures la grippe
cough and prevents pneumonia and
crnsumption. Contains no opiates.
The genuine Is In a yellow package.
Refuse substitutes. P- G. Fricke &
The police are on the lookout for a
couple of would-1 ike-to-be mashers, who
make a practice of standing on the Ri
ley house corner every evening to "guy"
every young girl that passes along. A
few dollars line will perhaps learn
them that such acts will be no longer
From theiieacon.
George Obcrle was cutting Ice again
yesterday. It was about seven Inches
William Prank Is carrying his arm
In a sling on account of a sprained el
The deal In which Mr. Trimble was
to take charge of the livery barn yes
terday has been declared off.
Word has been received here that
Harry Fender, a former Eagle boy, but
now at Rock Island, III., was married
Mck Peterson has been confined to
his home this week with a well devel
oped case of chlckenpox. He Is get
ting along nlccly.and will be able to be
out again In a few days.
Yesterday Jake Frollch moved on to
the eighty known as the old Rums
place, which he recently purchased of
J. 1). Sumner. Charley Rcnner moved
out to Jake's home place.
Dr. Townsend came up from Elm
wood Monday evening and spent a
couple of hours playing with the band
boys. The doctor Informed us that he
Baking Bswdcr
the food
you eat
Adds to the healthfulness
of all risen flour -foods,
while it makes the food
lighter, sweeter, finer
flavored, more delicious.
Exercise care in pur
chasing baking powder
to see that you get Dr.
Price's, which makes the
food more wholesome
and at the same time
moi-c palatable.
Note TVrs arc r.inuv mixture;-, in.-di i.i imitation
of grind Iwking r-iwd-vs wl.Hi tlic prudent wiil
avoid. Th y n.-iv t; ki-mvn lv thi- pri being
sold for ten n tw 'i'y fr c rem ; a pound, r n cent
an ounce. Thry pn- fji.-u: viih .n, ii.terfcre with
the hcalthf-j'n'.fs ot the i;,od.