p 'b rw r h n on r keep off all mi taIIMO rc on a? a i ii yrsoi rfthiiciio catarrhal ills BY lkmh rt-KU-HA. ) i5?5$ j re-ru-iia, the Most KeliaMe Keini'dy For y;rs Sh ' Vfe I x te All Climatic Ailments. X ,JX :-' .,. i : Vs 'I tit 'SrnV siftt k- 1 j.'--Mei'"-'r .r. f7 vwTTTT yj v v 5 il MK. CLO. II. 1IIUMPS0V At Work On the Furm and rrcllnt Well All the Time. Cloo. ll.T!i(inimon, lUU'lgli, MIhh., wrlli's: "I have lifon cured of ra tarrh 1'V your medli'lnm, JVruna mid Mnnalln. I hud liei'ii affectod with ratnrrh of the vtomarh about all my life, and wa taken bad every HrltiR and Hummer. "I lined iieveral kind of pilcnt medlclnea, but they did me no (ood. I then tinik treatment under an M. !., whlrh did me but little good. Dy thl tlmo I had come, to whero I could eat nothing but B little roup. I had sever' palm, had loxt In weight ai.S could not do anythliiK. I began Uklng your medicines, Peruna and Manalln. I then weighed 11 ound, but after tak ing several lxttle of Peruna and one bottle of Manalln, I weighed It VI jHiunda. 'I am now at work on the farm and feel well ill of the tlmo. I eat all I want to and my friend say that I look ietter than ever before. I will ever pralHo Peruna for It healing power." Pe ru na Is a Systemic Remedy. If Peruna prove elllelent for catarrh In one plnce, it will be equally potent tn any other place, beeaiiso It 1 a y. temlc remedy. The people generally are very much HiIhIii formed a to tho nature of catarrh. Catarrh U uxually believed to bo con fined to the head, nose and throat. Lat terly wo sometime hear of catarrh of thostomneh and catarrh of the bowel. fceUlom, If ever, do wo hear of catarrh f any other organs. It I not beeauHo theso organ are not ubject to catarrh, nor that catarrh of ttaeno organ I not a very common dlx- Me, but simply because it 1 not giner- b.iv Known wiai aiTeeuom of tuvie organ muy bo due to catarrh. I e X The County Exchanges J IfflflP flf r.nAral IntA'.tl CAlnnlArl frAm thA PaIiiwaa fit PAnlAmnnrirtnA ) g iic, no vi kciciai iihg.cm dcicbicu Louisville Kroin the Courier. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kclscr left Tuesday evening for Colorado. C. J. (Jaebel went to Valley and Waterloo tn attend a liu: sale, the forepart of the week. Mrs. S. W. IavU and daughter, Gladys, of Seotts HlulTs, were here vis iting friends over Sunday. The (Jerman class recently organ ized by Professor Calnes now has eleven members. They met with Miss Leda Koss on Tuesday evening. Mrs. T. 0. Slander gave a quilting party last Wednesday afternoon which was rather a family affair very few outside the family being Invited. The Stander family Is well represented in thlH community and needless to say the house was tilled to overflowing. Those present were: Mesdamcs E. A. Stander, Henry Stander, Peter Spang ler, William Stander, Louis Stander, Lester Stander, William CleKhorn, W. Dr. Price's Baking Powder supplies a pure, wholesome leavening agent, which makes the biscuit and cake of highest healthfulness at medium cost, and protects the food from alum, which is the greatest dietary danger of the day. raici GAKINO POWDER CO. CHICAGO, '" (MJMi Thirty Years. IrfW-M ' V . s CJkn A Letter Pralslntf Pft-ni-na. I I ; I Mr. tiuniav Hchmlcit, Spring Valley, 111., wrltog: m . X !' "I had catarrh of the head and throat for over thirty yean. It became W: - C J' :: 'i wori16 eery year. About three month ago 1 commenced to take Peruna ' V SmR. W. J. !' nd Manalln, and now I am entirely cured of that troubleiiome aickneaa. ' L45 TEMPLE. ) Your medicine liiurcly a blosHlnt? to mankind. You can truly nay that you ) Jgp ( have not lived In vain, Doctor, and I thank you for the pood you have done f mmm- i f ma r . rnll Dn nv itmr lira tii iiMin .iirrfirinir Mimnn iv " i Climatic Ailments Overcome By Pe-ru-na. Mr. W. J. Temple, R. Y. I). 8, Dela ware, Ohio, writes: "I am a farmer and so necessarily must bo exposed to all kindsof weather. AImhU three year ago last winter, 1 wa taken sick with bowel and stomach trouble. "One doctor called It ulceration of the bowel, another called It colitis Another doctor helped me tempo rarily. "Then druggist recommended Poruna and I followed hi advice. I took altogether five bottle aud I con- alder myself a well man. "llefore using Peruna, It wa utterly Impossible for me to do a day' work, but now I can do farm work without the least trouble or fatigue. I consider Peruna the best mcdlcino and tonic, on tho market. "I had not eaten a meal for fivo year without distress until I took Poruna. I have recommended it to several frivmU with good result." iium wig luiu.iiiij ii ouuiCiiiJuiaiici q leal, J no. Croup, Chas. Noyes and Misses Kdith Shryock, and Olive and Alice Stander. The festivities began with a sumptuous dinner served at noon. The fifteen healthy, happy youngsters present would surely glad den the heart of President Koosevrlt and convince him that race suicide was not to be feared In Louisville. George Schoeman and Will Wendt purchased a new Sandwich com sheller this week, it is tho largest sheller ever brought to this part of the county and the boys expect to he doing busi ness in a short time. Union From the Lcrtiier. Mrs. A. M. Hay arrived Wednesday evening from Kansas, belngcalled here by the serious illness of her father, James Dysart. John P. Todd and wife returned Sunday from Burlington, Kan., where they spent several weeks visiting rela tives and friends. Of course they had a delightful visit, but are glad to be Creak Baking Powder Nora. Alum baking; powUr art told at ten to twtnty fiv ctnl a pound or a cmt (it ounr. but Ihrv rrndrr Hit loud partially tmtiKnlililc aixi jiiihenHhlul, A TALK TO THE farmer is tho salt of the earth J Without the farmer, the industrial world with all it flurry and Immense wealth could not exist for a day. It I upon the soil that we all depend for our living. No matter how far ono may be re moved from tilling tho soil, or how lit tle ho may know about tho farmer's vo cation, ho ia vitally dependent upon the thing which grow in tho soil. Farming 1 the basis of all wealth and 1 tho bulwark of all civilization. Tho farming class is rapidly becom ing intelligent and shrewd In business management. Tho reuben and the country bumpkin have disappeared and in their stead a practical well-trained bualnei-s man, capable of the highest form of com mercial activity, ho arisen. Peruna is a very popular medicine among tho farming clus. btck among the many friends they have here. A couple of revenue oftleers were here Wednesday trying to "smell out" some Illegal liquor traftlc, but we are not Informed as to the result of their investigations, they having no inforni otlon to give us. Mrs. X. D. Foster's health has not been good this winter, and Monday nltflit an attack of heart trouble seem ed to endanger her life for a few hours, hut she rallied from the attack and is reported to he getting along as well as can he expected. James Lewis arrived here cdnes day morning from Mlourl to make his home here again. When he left here a few weeks ago we made a good guess that lie would he with us again, and his many friends are glud to have him return. (i. E. Mills, who lias resided near here several years, departed Wednes day from Imogcne, la., where he has leased a farm. His children went some time ago, and that will bo their permanent home. Mr. Mills had the confidence and good will of all during his residence here, and many friends wish him well In his new location. A report sent to the Ledger states that Mrs. Aramlnta (Wiley) Baldwin, well known here, but now of Ottawa, Kan., submitted to an operation in University hospital, In Kansas City, for removal of a tumor, the operation being successfully performed by Pr. Perkins, and the patient is recovering nicely. A cystic tumor weighing fifty pounds was removed. Weeping Water From tliu llcrnul. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mar shall, on Monday, February ."1, 1HHI, a ten pound girl. Mrs. Melvlna Williams left tho tirst of the week for Cpac, Mich., where she goes for an extended visit with rela tives. James Murphy and bride came home last week. Ijuitc a number of his friends welcomed them at the home of his sister Saturday night. Miss Pearl Wilkinson, student at Lincoln, was a visitor with I'rof. House's family at rlattsmnuth acouple of days, and came home to spend Sun day. The meetings at the M. E. church have resulted In many additions to the church and a goodly number will yet unite. At present twenty-nine have been taken In. While the series of nightly meetings have closed, yet the work continues and two nights in the FARMERS. Many a family depend largely upon Peruna as a family medicine and the family physician. Borne farmer are far removed from physicians, and in any caso they are far more self-reliant and more liable to depend upon a household remedy than people who live in tho citlo. Dr. Hartman, who for many year wa a farmer himself, and who still own and manages ono of the best farm in tho Stato of Ohio, 1 a friend of tho fhrmer, and it I with tho farmer that tho lmmcnco bulk of LI correspondence 1 conducted. The million of liooklct published and distributed by Dr. Hartman every year circulate chiefly among the farm ing class. A largo number of unsolicited testi monial concerning Peruna como from Cie farmers every year. week are devoted in a special awaken ing of interest. County Clerk Ilosencrans and wife came over from I'lattsmotith Saturday evening, changing here for Klmwood. Mr. Ilosencrans wanted to assist the Masons In showing Candidate J. W. Gamble how to stick on the goat. Frank Anderson, foreman at the quarries, has been on the grip list for several days. l;rank says Mr. Yates of Omaha, while here last week, spoke encouragingly of their business for l!H), and is looking ahead to a repeti tion for Hioti. The quarry shipped to the Ames beet sugar factory last year TOO cars of stone, besides filling all their other orders. Mr. Yates leaves this month for an extended trip to Europe. Elmwood From the Leader-Keho. Wm. I). Skeen arrived the latter part of last week, and has taken charge of the south side harness shop. Illrani Miller Is building an addition to the residence on the farm occupied by his son, George. Mrs. KlrchofT, of Plalnvlew, Neb., who was visiting relatives In this vicinity returned home Monday eve ning. Louis Jensen Is building a new barn, 24x30, on his farm a mile west of town. Charley Peck Is doing the work. Peter Nickel was able to come to town yesterday. He was quite sick for several days with "grip" and ton sllitis. The family of Ed Mapes, four and a half miles northwest of Elmwood, was placed under quarantine Saturday. Hhoda Thornton, who is visiting there hasthesmallpoj. i:k;er J. II. Illckncll left Wednesday for St. Paul, Minn., to enter upon li's new duties. Mrs. P.lcknell will visit here two or three months before Join ing her husband. Mrs. John Gygcr, one of the pioneers of Nebraska, died last Friday evening, February 4th. of cancer of the stom ach, and was burled beside her hus band In tho Elmwood cemetery on Saturday, February f'.th, aged T2 years, 5 months and 22 days. Invitations have been Issued for the marriage or Miss Jessie McCrory to Ralph E. Door. The happy event will occur on Wednesday evening, February 14th, at 8 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, near Murdock. rOLEYSHOIJEMCAR tope tH coutf b and !! Itanff . mr. j. b. Alexander. A Necessity m the Home. J. 11. Alexander, publisher of the "Fruit and Floral Guide, a Magazine ot Horticulture," published in Hartford City, Ind., aayt of Peruna: "1 wa afflicted with catarrh of the throat and head for over ten year. I wa treated by many physicians, but grew worte until I was seldom able to go out In (old weather. "About ono year ago I was advised to try Perun.1, which 1 did, and 1 am now entirely i ell of the catarrh. "Perunul a necessity in our home. With the first symptoms of a cold we use it, and aro never aftlicted with ca tarrh. "I advlso all who are afflicted with catarrh to try Peruna. There i certainly nothing equal to it as a catarrh medi cine." Dr. Hartman Interested In Farming. Notwithstanding Dr. Hartman' busy professional career, ho still continue to be Interested in farming. He is the owner ani manager of ono ot the larg est farms in lie Stato of Ohio, with several thousand acres of tho best tilled land in the Middle West, and with hundreds of the best blooded perchoron horse ever imported or raised in this country. Hr. Hartman relies upen Peruna en tirely in cases of sickness in his own family. Eatgle i'nitii the lleucon. Jake and George Reitter and John Rybothan left Tuesday morning for Colorado. W. J. McAllister who has been In Wyoming for the past live orsix years, returned to Eagle last Saturday even ing. Fred Copperman of Iteshicr, Xeb., and Miss Lizzie Graue were married at the bride's home at 2 o'clock Wed nesday. They have the best wishes of their many friends. Geo. Smith bought the four lots adjoining his property on the west, of R. Wilkinson last Saturday. W. F. Matson also lwught two lots just north of Mrs. Wright's, and will build. Last Sunday was C. Wetenkamp's (mUi birthday, and to remind him of the event a number of his relatives and friends assembled at his home Saturday and made a two day's cele bration of the event. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. I). Schwegeman, Mr. and Mrs. T' R. Crabtree and son Absolutely DISTINCTIVELY A CREAM OF TARTAR BAKING POWDER It does not contain an atom of phos. phatic acid (which is the product of bones digested in sulphuric acid) or of alum (which is one-third sulphuric acid) sub stances adopted for other baking powders because of their cheapness. Pe-ru-na, a Household Friend. Mr. Henry Schroeder, Route Napoleon, Ohio, write: "I Buffered for almost ten years with catarrh of the stomach and all doctor mg was of no avail. I took nine bottles of PVruna and two of Manalln and am now entirely cured. "I rveommend the medicine to all who are ai'lleted with this disease. It 1 my houws.iold friend." One of Dr. Kirtman's Grateful Cor respondents. Mr. W. R. Callliun, proprietor of Big Hill Farm, and prominent fruit grower and stock raiser, Glenvar, Va., writes: "I write to expre my kindness, toward you and your good medicine, Peruna. "I had a very bad ppei! of sickness and could not eat anything at, all. My head, stomach, in fact, my wfcMc body ached, and it looked as thougn nothing would do mo any good. 1 hud u.nioht given up. "I decided to try a ttottlo of yor Peruna and before I had taken half tr. bottle my appetite came to me and my head became all right. In fact, 1 wu all right all over. Peruna cured me." While Peruna is not confined to any one class of people, yet it is probably true that the farming class more than any other, rely upon Peruna for th prevention and cure of all climatia diseases. Conrad, Henry Snoke and family, C. Wetcnkamp, jr., and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Schwegeman and little daugh ter, A. L. McDonald, Henry Kleer, all of Eagle; Ross Crabtree and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beach and daughter of Lincoln. The band met Monday night to com plete their organization and for a short practice. Two members of the Alvo band were present who joined in the playing. The band is now fully or ganized with nineteen members. Their meetings will be held once a week. The Pe-ru-na Almanac. The Peruna Lucky Day Almanac has become a lixture in over eight million homes. It can be obtained from all druggists free. Be sure to inquire early. The lnou Almanac is already published, and the supply will soon be exhausted. Do not put it off. Get one today. Several good housesifor sale and for rent also some desirable farms. for sale. Inquire of J. II. Thrasher.