ico.ii H&vcrticmcnw. Legal Notioc. IX THE ( 'ill X TV ( Dl'lir .' u Ni:ilK.k . Id the iimttiT of tin- K-utc nf i Ninui lllrkmiui. ilwiiivtl. i "ll v. All ptTsons lnt.iw.tl In siiM tMai,. r. lieivl.y M..tliir.l that II. . I. I'liiimn. K.lmini, iriiloror haul I'M iitf. has lll,., I,k ix tiilnn in tills imui-U liruylnu for a M-itl.-im ni ,.f Msm--iduiiIim uiliiiliilMruUir anil fur a ttual dis .hariff ami f,.r ..iI.it ivll.f. tml u during will Iw hii.1 on nuIiI petition oi, Hie litli ,av ( 'February. Hurt, al 11) oVIm-k a. in., at llm county court r.Mtn In I'laUsmouUi. county. NehrasUa. You lire miuirr.t u uo pear anil show ruar on or la fun- lu o'clock a in. of kikld ilnd Uy of Krliruary. mu, why the prayer of said petition should not I granted Hjr the court. IIakvky II. Travis. lstM County Judge. Legal Notice. IN COUNTY COCKT Or CAsKI COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In t.ltf mnltiivnf t .a . . ... ...... v, . , esmir- oi r Andrew C. Krye. dweasi-d. f Xotlou. ...um vi ioi, mill at MIH OOIIIHV court roou) at l'liittsmouth. Cass county. Nc. lira.ska,oiithelliili day of February" A 1 MW. at 1U o'clock a in., the petition of i larii r rye for an Hdinlnlsirator for the estate of Andrew C. I ry. deceased, will t heard, and letters of adiiilnlstriitloii uranted to Charles h. Alurtin, or some other sultalile person. Dated at I'laltsin.-uih. Nebraska. January 30th. 11100. lUllVKV I). Thavis. LSEAt.1 I'lmnty Jmin: X,.tlA lu I. .....)... ..1 1... ... Legal Notice. In tli mutter of the Ksl ate of l v , John Frederick Mull. Sr -Vlll('' f 'niiil deceased. ) .'U lenient. T.i AKntlisi Stull. .I.ilin l'rccl.rirk Stnll. IIu.se Slull. C. Lawrence stnll. Anna Amelia Mun roe. (. H. Aloiir.a. Henry Mull, MattieSliill. Maria Acutliii Stnll. Klla Stnll lllcks.ui. ( Hlie I lasher and Klla Verena stnll. John stull. Mary AkuiIiii Stull. and t.ladys .Mar:in-t Stull, nilnur heirs of John Jacob Stull de ceased, and all other persons Interested In said estate are hereby untitled that on the i.thdayof January. I WW. C. Lawrence Stull. administrator of the estate of John Frederick Stull, Sr.. deceased. Hied his petition In this court, the object and prayer of which are that his accounts as such administrator may lie examined and approved, and that he be given lien against the property belonging to said estate for the balance due him as adminis trator, and that the real estate of the said deceased may bo assigned and distributed as provided by law and for his discharge as ad ministrator, and a II mil and full settlement of his accounts and doings In the premises. That a hearing on said petition will lie had on the 1st day of March. HUM. at nine o'clock a. m., in the court room at l'liittsmouth. Cass County. Nebraska. Yon are required to show cause. If any. on or before nine o'clock a. in. of said clay, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted. llAitvrv 1). Thavis. County Judge. Hated this 7tli day of January. UKW. Notice to Creditors. State or Nkiwaska. i ,, , -Cass County. l"' ' 11 County Court. Id the, matter of the estate of George. 1". Shryder. deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator with will annexed of said estate, before inc. County Judge of Cass Coiintv. Nebraska, at the County Court room In l'lattsmouth. In Mild county, on the 14th day of February; l'.wil. and on the I lib day of August, MM. at in o'clock u. in. each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, ad justment and allowance. Six months from the Dth day of February. 1!HHI. are allowed for the creditors of said de ceased to present their claims, and one year and six months for the administrator with will annexed to settle said estate, from the liith day of January. l!Ki. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at l'liittsmouth. Nebraska, this Pith day of January, mots. IIakvky I). Thavis. seal County Judge. Mynacrd (Special Correspondent.) Harve Barker left Sunday for Har lan county, Neb., where he expects to make his future home. George Bengen shelled and delivered corn Monday and Tuesday. Hoy Howard is reported on the sick list this week. Thayer Propst, who has been very low with pneumonia fever, is gaining rapidly. Fred Will left this vicinity for Nuckols county, where lie lias pur chased a tine farm. A certain young man near Mynard was forced to have his engagement Sunday night postponed on account of being exposed to the whooping cough'. During the shelling at George Ben gen's, two young men became engaged in lighting, one of which made this re mark after the tight, "Please don't hit me on the eye." Sunday evening J. M. Meisinger was m very pleasantly surprised by a crowd of young folks w ho dropped In to spend the evening. A very jolly time was reported. W. T. Itichardson, who formerly re sided on the old Matelr farm, expects to take the old stand of A. L. Cox, and also as postmaster. It Is hoped by him that all the old customers will still trade at this old stand. Louis Meisinger held the lucky num ber that drew the horse which was raflled off Sunday evening. This wonderful horse whose name is "Bill," lie never worked nor he never will; He Is very old and just a little lame, But he gets there'just the same. Louis Meisinger and Roy Howard were seen In Mynard today with a young colt which they had hitched up for the first time. K. Shepardson shelled and delivered corn Friday, Frank Vallery doing the shelling, but Coon Vallery acted as special engineer. A. A. Wetenkamp and V. F. Gil lespie made a business trip to FJatts mouth today. A Healing Cospel. The Rev. J. C. Warren, pastor of Sharon Baptist Church, Ilelalr, Ga., says of Electric Bitters: "It's a God send to mankind. It cured me of lame back, stiff Joints, and complete physi cal collapse. I was so weak It took me half an hour to walk a mile. Two bottles of Electric Bitters have made me so strong I have Just walked three miles In 50 minutes and feel like walk ing three more. It's made a new man of me." Greatest remedy for weak ness and all Stomach, Liver and Kid ney complaints. Sold under guarantee at G. Frlcke & Co.'s drug stnre. IVc .Vic. BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE He Real Estate Firm oi Sires L Martin Offer Some Geo j Bargains. I Below will be found a 'ew bargains ! taken from the long list now under our management and control, and in case of sale of any or all of them, other and equally good bargains will be fur nished: C. L. Maktix, Local Agent. No. 1. 100 acre improved farm, 6 miles of Plalnview, good land lies tine,; good bouse, barn, sheds for cat tle, granerles, good well of water with mill attached, 40 acres fenced to pas ture balance all under cultivation. Price U2 per acre; mortgage $1,000, balance cash. No. 2. A splendid half section lay ing 3 miles out from Plalnview, all under cultivation except about 20 acres, tills lias 10 acres of nice grove, all fenced; no buildings, lies close to school. This is cheap at :;. per acre, terms $ti,000 cash balance to remain on the land at purchaser's own time at ti per cent. A splendid opportunity for some one to complete a good home cheap. No. X A small farm of SO acres, located 8 miles from Plainview in Pierce county, improved, with small house and bam, No. 1 good soil. Price $."i7.50 per acre, mortgage 00 at ' per cent balance cash. No. 4. 100 acres 0 miles from Plain view, (i miles from Brunswick, all under cultivation except pasture, good grove, good house, fair stabling, this can be had at a bargain for $22.50 per acre. All fenced: in eastern Antelope county. No. 5. A good 320 acre farm lying C miles from Brunswick, (Antelope county) Nebraska. All good new buildings, Is as good soil as can be found in the country. Price, $35 per acre, mortgage $.Voo, optional time; will trade balance of equity ($5,700) for a good stock general merchandise or hardware. - No. , 4S0-acre stock farm, slose to Foster (Pierce county) Neb. 200 acres under cultivation balance fenced to pasjure. Good house and outbuildings. Price $27.50 per acre. Half cash, bal ance to suit purchaser. Tills Is a snap for some one. No. 7 A splendid 240 acre farm 31 miles from Plalnview (Pierce county ) Good soil, lies well, 120 acrescultlvated 40 pasture, 80 good liay land; all fenced fine lerge house and barn, granaries, cribs, cattle sheds, etc. In fact, every thing needed on a good farm. School half mile of house. Price $00 per acre. This is well worth the money. We also have a number of line city properties for sale at a bargain. For further particulars call on or address C. L. Martin Plattsmouth Bruce Sires. Plainview. Victory After Defeat. History teaches us that a defeat is the best school for a general, showing him errors which could have been avoided, and in many instances several defeats preceded a decisive victory. It is the same in ordinary life. By rely ing too much on our strength and luck we are defeated by a sickness, but should not allow it to crush us entirely. Using Trincr's American Elixir of Bitter Wine at the approach ; of the lirst signs of a sickness, we have the best weapon of defense, because It quickly restores the strength and en durance of the digestive system. In any malady of the stomach, the intes tines and the blood, it always helps. The first symptoms of such maladies are usuallyjoss of appetite, irregular stool, change in the complexion. By using Trlner's American Elixir of Bit ter Wine as soon as possible you will always gain a victory over the en croaching disease. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 709 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. Prairie View. (Special Correspondence.) Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gapen are the parents of a new girl baby, born Feb urary 5th. John Horning of Kansas Is visiting relatives In these parts. Miss Margaret Fctzcr, of Lincoln, visited a few days this week with Miss Edith Pltz and brother. Byron Reed's children are sick with scarlet fever. The members of the U. 11. church are 1-oldlng their day prayer meetings at the homes of the different members. Mrs. Wilber Hall of Omaha Is visit ing with her sister, Mrs. Oscar Gapen. Ben Horning and his brother, John, are visiting a few days with their sister. Mrs. Tom Wiles. A fewof the farmers are putting up Ice since the cold snap. George Berger was a PIjtsmouth visitor Monday. Lafe Nelson and Fred Spanglcr made a trip to Murray yesterday. "Gut Hell," the favorite cigar Mt-nIkiU. Dentist. C.:iN' Block, CONDENSED SMOKE (Liyrih smoke) Saves time ami trou ble, (iives better satis faction than oKl meth od of smokintr meats. SOI BY ' F. G, FRICKE & GO Prescription I'ruitirlstit mid I'alnl Healers. Murdock Special Correspondent Mrs. August Kuehna was on the sick list the first of the week, but at pres ent is improving. J. Guehlsdorf is on the sick list. Mr. A. Newman is on the sick list. J. P. Mockenhauptwas in town Mon day shaking hands with old friends. Paul S. Crink entertained his father the fore part of the week. Mrs. J. Rohrdanz returned from Lin coln Tuesday. A. J. McNamara returned from his business trip to Lincoln, safe and sound, Monday noon. August Rieck shipped a car of stock to South Omaha Monday. Fred Menchan and family, Frank Rosens and wife, Harry Williams and family, spent Tuesday with August Kuehna and family. ' A. S. Depner and Jim Place were Ashland passengers Saturday, going from there to Omaha, and returning to Murdock Sunday evening. Richard, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tool, has had quite a siege of indigestion, but at present Is on the mend. Miss Maud Gorsage left for her home at South Auburn Saturday. Miss Anna Goeliry visited with friends at Wabash Saturday. A.S. Dcpnerhas been awarded the contract for the erection of a live thou sand dollar house on Mr. Peter Gake meier's farm, the contract price for the carpenter work being live hundred and tifty dollars. J. T. Evans of Lincoln was a busi ness visitor in town Saturday. Mrs. James Crawford returned Sat urday evening. C. J. Lclsand family spent Sunday with Mr. Martin Hamcl's family of Alvo. W. G. Gentry spent several days vis iting relatives 'n Murdock, returning to his home near Louisville Tuesday. Miss Minerva Tool Sundayed with friends at Alvo. J. Goeliry, jr., and Miss Bertha Goeliry spent Friday In Louisville. Another change has taken place In the L. F. Langhorst store at this place. This time W. P. Parker goes down and out, and H. C. Kohlbrush took charge Monday and will act as mana ger in the future. Henry, we hope you won't contractthe habit of throw ing coal and brickbats at innocent par ties, for it's rather a costly practice. Louie helming wcnttoOmaha Tues day to work for the Omaha Cement Rock company while things are dull on the farm: Mrs. Paul Schavy is on the sick list. Farm hands are a very scarce article in this community and some arc com manding as high as thirty-tive dollars per month and having their ponies kept. Miss Emma Bornemeier took her younger brother to Omaha Tuesday to consult a specialist In regard to the little fellow's health. Murdock will not want for millinery goods the coming season as Mrs. Geo. Colbert will Install a large stock of these goods In the building formerly occupied by M. Sorlck, about March first, and In the meantime she will occupy the F. Wolf building north of Martin & Tool's store. A deal was made Tuesday In which George Colbert purchased the Simon Obernalte property on cast Main street. Mr. Colbert will engage in the real estate business, and any one wishing to buy land will do well to see this gentleman. W. I). Parker departed for Lincoln Tuesday evening. Mr. C. Patterson, nj Narka, Kansas, visited with O. E. Mchonald this week. O. H. Eggleston received a telegram from Farnam Monday, which briefly stated that his brother had been In jured with a pitchfork and was uncon scious. He departed for that place at once but we have not teen able to learn what the results were. At the village board meeting In Murdock, Tuesday, Wm. Gehrts was elected village marshal and George Lelswas elected clerk of the village hoard to till' vacancies. Several ordin ances were adopted s'-ich as tax-sidewalks, lire limit, etc. - Through the efforts of C.A,5Lels and II. II. Nelt.el, Mrs. Melissa J. Crawford has been granted a pension of eight dollars per month with back pay, aggregating nearly live hundred dollars. Much credit Is due these L'C'titlemen fur Mirlr effort. Plat t ,ii'oi!lh w t i h ue a Rummage Sale at: Snyder's Old Stand, February 14th. 1.1th, loth and 17th. WATCH FOR IT! Plattsmouth has fallen into line, and Is to have one of those popular Rummuge Sales that are being given with such success all over the country. Every one may be benefited thereby. and the co-operation of the entire town Is solicited. Gather together the things for which you have no further use, (although still usable) and send I hem down to the Rummage Sale, at Snyder's Old Stand, and perhaps you will find Just what you are waul ing among the things your neighbor has sent in. Housekeepers: You will lie brnellled. For years, perhaps yo'i have been taking care of things too good to throw away, but for which you have no use: here's you're chance send them down to the Rummage Sale, atSnyder's ld Stand. rm,.. i i . ii x iic- i eopie iicnerany: You will be benefited: for here you will llnd, for a mere song, everything you can think of, from a linen collar to a cook stove at the Rummage Sale, at Snyder's Old Stand. The Presbyterian Ladies: Will lie benefitted, for besides hav ing anopportunlty to empty thelrown attics and packing boxes, they are of fering the same opportunity to their friends: giving every one a chance to buy good second-hand articles at un heard of prices, and are going to make money, besides, at the Rummage Sale atSnyder'sOld Stand, Feb. llth, 1.1th, Kith and 17th. The room will be open all week to receive contributions, and the sale be gins Wednesday, Feb. Uth, at :i o'clock and continues the balance of the week afternoons and evenings. Below Is a list of articles solicited for the sale: Men's: Hats, Suits, Ties, Shirts, Culls and Collars, Sweaters, Etc. Overcoats, shoes, Women's Has, Collars, Neckwear, I 'ndergarinents. Handbags, Etc. Coats, Dresses, Shoes, Furniture of all Kinds: Tables, Chairs, Beds, Mattresses, Springs, Couches, Dressers, Easels. Screens, Frames. Kte. (Furniture slightly out of repair, may lie 'nought by some one can repair it.) Pictures, Lamps, Mirrors. Jars. Carpets, Crocks, Rugs, Cans, Curtains, Garden Tools, Dishes ( perfect and marred) Knivesand forks, Stoves, Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves, Gas Stoves, iiooks, Magazines, (incomplete years) Magazlness, (assorted) Bric a-Brac, and a 1,000 other things. Rummage Sale at Snyder's Old Stand, Feb. 14, 15, 16, and 17. To Our Cnuntry Friends. The ladlesof the Presbyterian church take this method of asking their coun try friends for donations toward their SALE, February 14, IS, 10 and 17. We will be most grateful for any thing In the way of country produce, eggs, butter, fowls, etc., for the mar ket which we have In connection with the BUM MAGE SALE, at Snyder's old stand. Magpie Grove (SMvlul Corrcsixindi'iicc.) Adolf Stcnkamp of near Manley passed through here last week enroute to Mr9. Young's to buy some line chickens. George Schafer and wife returned from the western part of the state last Friday. Quite a numbcrof relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam IIHd Friday evening, tb celebrate the latter's birthday. Mrs. Schafer butchered hogs Friday for summer use. . Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Cathey were n!"1". I1"-' Plattsmouth visitors Satur d.ll. dim P.oedeker returned home Friday froiti the Cottier university where he finished up a business course. Pursuant to the change in our linn which is now C. IC. Weseott's Sons, we desire to make the following bona fide offer: During the month of February we will tfive to every cash customer a liberal discount from our regular marked prices, on every thing in the house except overalls, linen col lars, cotton flannel gloves, and mitts and certain lines of hosiery. Understand, we are not closing our doors to change the marks on a nnle tiling, or to set aside the heist things, but e ery article in the store is marked in plain American figures, and whatever you et off from these, is real dis count. We cannot make a stated per cent of discount toapply to everything alike, assume things, such as odds and ends, will stand more than others, but everybody will receive exactly the same reduction on any stated article. Now permit us to state here, that this is not a "slaughter sale," a "closing out sale" or a fake sale of any kind. We have never resorted to such and never intend to This is simply in the nature of a re membrance we are willing to ive you on this, the oceassion of our lirst month's business as a new firm. If you need anything,' in our line, opeeially anything in winter wear, claim this special February dis count, and you'll buy jootl joods cheaper than you ever did before. Yours for a square deal and no monkey business. Wescott's "Where Quality Counts"""j M . I o i . r 1 1 : i ! . l i b. 'ml Wallace Phil pot passed through here Saturday enroute for Murray to see Dr. Gilinore about his toe which begot cut oil in a coin shredder last Friday. He is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Puis visited at the home of William Puis Sunday. Adam Schafer was a caller in this neighborhood Monday. Otto and Mata Puis made a trip to Plattsmouth Monday. Mata will stay in Plattsmouth for a few months to learn the dress making business. P. A. Hild passed through this locality Monday tacking up bills for Mike 1 1 lid's public sale, the 21st of this month. Herman Beck shelled corn Tuesday, delivering It to the Murray market. 1902 Clipper $11.00 with two knives $13.25 John E oris A Card. This Is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money If Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs and prevents se.iious results from a cold. Cures la grippe cough and prevents pneumonia and consumption. Contains no opiates. The genuine Is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. G. Frlcke & Co. John Hall, wife and daughter, Miss May, who have been visiting with the family of ). G. Hall, departed this morning for a short visit at Omaha before returning to Hamburg, la. Stewart Clippers $6.75 With two Knives, $Q.25 Full Assortment of Hand Clippers, Horse Brushes, -Garry Combs, Etc I Bauer I-