The Plattsmouth Journal ; ITBU.'UEU EEKLV AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. U. A. KATES, l'l HLIMIKK. KaU-ri-J at tl. l'- ' ' P.tUni"Uth. An exchange is rir.titv a senvv tory of a '"Trip Through Hell." While it nay lie a hot nutn Ur, few iH.-oji!e care for a forecast. ArroKNKY-C.ENKR.uBuowN will have to "set up and be moving" if he wants the republican nomination for Kovcrnor. Treasurer Mortesen is close on his trail with plenty of "solid backing." Whkn Russell Sage said that a man cannot have too much money, he probably meant that a man in the newspaper business could net have too much money, or that a man never thin'-, that lie h.i too much ir.onev. Tin: n u:ie of F.-Co:i;.re-M'.i 1:1 Ilitchcoi k h.i- lit n mentioned by a number ol luwsp.ijrsot the state ; ns a candidate for governor on the; ,'.-!.w-ra!i.- i.-L-.- T!v loi-rnali democratic could Hot suggest a better man. !l"r j one better fitted for the p'.acv. STATK TkKAst'KI.K M ikTKNSKN says that he will accept a nomina tion for governor, but will not make a campaign to secure it. It is not necessary to make a canvass. If the powers who direct things polit ical for this state want Mortensen, he will lie notified. Tin: democratic papers in the state should keep pounding away on the question of organization. The state committee should get a move on themselves and take iuiti tory steps in this direction, and rural democrats will bring up -the rank and file. The Journal would like to see the committee meet not later than March 1. (let a hustle on you, Tom. Ik the map of the United .States would le improved by doubling up the four Southwestern Territories into two States, mightn't it be still more unproved by doubling up Vermont with New Hampshire, Connecticut with Rhode Island and Delaware with Maryland? After a few more doses of Addicksism Dela ware, at least, might gladly give consent to le joined for all eternity with the State which Charles Car roll of Carrollton has made immor tal. It is amusing to watch the news pajH.r chain gang trying their hand at political slate-making. While there a few of the "Me, Too" class emitting the cuckoo cry when they arc told the proer time has arrived for them to le heard, and the notes art given out from certain Lincoln newspapers, the fact is that the great majority of the thinking, no-ax-to-grind newspapers of the state are not swept off their feet by a lit tle spring fever of hero worship. 1 Lincoln Star. Did John I'.rown die in vain? lias his soul lieen marching on to no purpose? It would appear so, lie-cause- the supreme court of Kansas has held that the law of that state providing separate public schools for white and black pupils is a good law. A few years ago, when some of the democratic states of the south provided separate schools for the whites and blacks, a great cry went up from our republican friends in the northern states a cry of protest. r.viiu:NTi.v there is going to lie "great doings" in Omaha during the municipal campaign at the com ing spring election. The success ful candidate for mayor will have to have the saloon element with him. And he cannot have this ele ment with him without the opposi tion of the civic federation. Now, how is he going to manage it? The fact is it is the hardest job any man ever undertook to control three or four hundred saloons, and at the same time attend promptly to his other duties as the chief executive of a great city like Omaha. The liquor men arc up in arms and they to k-ow w ho tI:f frir,ls are before supixirnn them this -prin for citv offices. Win:.!: they are tlincuvin,; the I: c.iua! across Panama, it would be a o.xl scheme to put a lock on i the appropriation. ; Tin: only case 0:1 record where the licet and cane suar nun have gotten together is in their opposi tion to a reduction of the Philip pine tariff. A 1'knn.svi.vania man aj;ed 27, married a woman aged 47, she bc ing the mother of his first w ife. This should explode the mother-in-law bugaljoo. Onk headline announces "IVwie Relinquishes the Cares of Zion," another that "The Sheriff takes Charge." It may le remarked that lioth were over the same dis patch in different papers. I'l.NMoM.N CmMMISMmNT.R Wak- k sas J').i'i i iK-:;sio::ers have die.! within the j. 1st six iy.o::th-. Time is marching on the old vetc-r- ails i- U r than thev marcr.ei .'l:ed 0:1 the enemy in the sixties, r 1 Hi. IhoneV ilcposite'l III tile ious bank of Omaha during the year I''"5, by saloon men of that cite, amounted to :?o,07v" '. In addition to this the liquor dealers' association have a large amount of money in its treasury, which isalso in the banks. A mighty power to "buck" against. This is a funny story which Mr. Swift tells on the witness stand to the effect that Commissioner of Cor porations Garfield told him that the president desired to protect the packers charged with violations of the anti -trust laws. Hut this is not the first time we have heard that the commissioner was not zealous to enforce those laws. Tim; Honorable Joseph fl. Can lion, boss of the house of represent-1 atives, has indicated, officially, that he is a candidate for the republican nomination for congress in the Kighteenth Illinois district again this year. After he gets it, there will likely k a stalwart democrat camping on his trail from lx?gin ning to end of campaign; and Mr. Cannon will know that somelody besides Yates is after him. Kekpixg eternally at it" is what makes success in any under taking. This is why the Journal desires to keep prominently lefore its democratic readers the necessity of a thorough organization, and an early one at that. We are not go ing to lose sight of this fact until the state committee meets and starts the ball to rolling in that di rection and adopts a system. We know the effects of a thorough or ganization, and would like to see the Journal's plan of doing so adopt ed in every county in Nebraska. A i i;w years ago there was an ac cepted adage which ran something like this: "The democratic party is unlucky. You can always trust the democratic leaders to do the wrong thing at the right time." And it seemed like the adage was always coming true. But it is dif ferent now. The situation has changed, and today it is almost safe to say that the two great par ties have reversed positions. To day everything in state and nation al affairs seems working to the wel fare of the democratic cause. To day it is the republican party which is making the mistakes. Tim: democrats of the state are- going to make an effort to organize, to eliminate sectional difference and get together. There is certainly need of it. The affairs of state have lecn at high pressure long enough. J Kxtravagance and graft have lieen the main features of republicanism for a nuinlier of years. Increasing the nunlcr of officers, lengthening the term, increasing the salary or strengthening the apimintivc power is characteristic of nil legislation. Kvcry move in this direction cur tails the rights and privileges of the people. If the democrats will organize on Jeffersonian principles they will find plenty of encourage ment and a host of new recruits. Minden Courier. fool is This savir.z ggest f.xl was aain of a exer xcmplif.ed Monday when Stephen ' ..affy of West Point. 111., gave Miss I Ula Lemmon of (Juincy a thou sand dollars to marry him. She took the money and skipped out. Packkk Mokris is right ir "i sav-. that there is no Utter business for a young man to go into now than raising cattle. As population in creises and the wild lands are brought under the plow the farm breeding, grazing and feeding of live stock on a scientifically econ omic system is becoming one of the safest and most profitable industries of the country. The adoption by the lower house of the Ohio legislature of a resolu tion asking congress to admit an amendment to the constitution of the United States providing for the election of senators by direct vote is another indication that that meth od of election is coming. Itsarriv- i a! may lie hastened by exposure of I boss rule and machine- methods in tlie election of senators. WasiiiMiTi n society is in a state bordering on hysteria. The great question is, "Am 1 on the list of those to be invited to Miss Roose velt's wedding?" There are to be issued l,5ou cards. There are 15,01 to women on the anxious seat, The situation is too painful for dis- cushion: The readers of the daily papers will undoubtedly feel some- jvhat relieved when the event has Wh at kind of an uprising would there have been in the north if (Irover Cleveland had appointed Joseph Wheeler, the great cavalry leader of the confederacy to the po sition of brigadier general in the regular arm v? What sort of an up roar would there have lieen if the remains of a deceased reliel general had leen wrapped in the flag of the confederacy, and taken through the streets of New York and to Washington , to le laid to rest in the cemetery held sacred to the loyal men of the nation? The fact that the men of all parties attended the funeral, and paid their respects to the late Joseph Wheeler; that mem bers of the G. A. R. were among the guard of honor, and marched side by side with the men who fought with Wheeler in the confed erate army, shows that this great American republic is big enough and broad enough to recognize the greatness of her soldiers, no matter where they fought, nor how. Using Public Office for Private Gain. The whip .of public scorn has heen wielded in late months against men in public office who use their official position to secure money for themselves. The public calls these men loodlers .md lashes them with the state prison or with political oblivion, or both. The public acts wisely and righteously in so doing. What of the men w ho use public offices for private gain inother ways? The office-holder who builds up a personal machine to get himself another term in the same office or to get another office is using his official position for personal ends. If he appoints unfit men to office merely for their support at the primaries he prostitutes a public trust. The lHH)dler lias swift con demnation. The office-holder w ho buys future support by the sacrifice of public interests is equally guilty. He should receive equally swift and severe condemnation. Public office is a public trust. The saying, which drover Cleve land dug up for use in one of his ponderous messages, is eternally fine. It is true as opposed to steal ing from the public treasury. It is true as opposed to accepting gifts for the office-holder's vote or favors. It is true as against the use of public office for political advance ment. Some men in public are briU-d with money, and for them there is e.)osurc and punishment. Ambi tion briUs other men. For those w hom ambition bribes there should also be exposure and punishment. Desire for private gain in each case leads to lietrayal of the public good. An A Vaice of Protest. Srvrral of tbc ri-nri! reputmcan state j,i;)t.:s are violently objecting .gramme of the Lincoln Jo to the Journal, which paper is seeking to make Norris Irown the heir to all the ; anti-railroad sentiment in the re publican ranks. I'.ditor Hreede de- , i . , ... i. iiia.tu m-ii iac ije.s are iu.i 01 i good republicans who have anti- monopoly records equal to that of N'orris P.rown, and he finds one of them in Fremont. Discussing the Lincoln Journal's pro-Brown atti tude, the Hastings editor says: "Our highly esteemed contem porary, the Nebraska State Journal, is gTooming and booming Norris Brown, the present attorney-general, for United States senator to succeed Senator Millard. Just why the Journil should single out Mr. Brown, at this stage of the game, for that high office when it is not j known what candidates will be in I the field, remains for that paper to J explain. Mr. Brown has been an I ef:;cie:;t off.cer as attorney -general. : but even that dues not ;'.:a'.ify him for .se!i.-.t:,r:a! honors. So far he' has his dut ".hat is what the ; op!e elected him into office for : other state offcers are doing like wise, r.ud they are entitled to just; as much credit as is Mr. Brown.1; Those who have conducted the af lairs of their public office in a satis-! j factory manner are entitled to the I j second term, and Mr. Brown is one j of l-1-'1'-1- The Tribune is free to confess that it has no pet candidate, whom it desires to boost into state, national, or any other office, andj therefore we are particularly desir- j us of seeing the best man win. j We do not know, but we have heard j it said, that Ross Hammond may! become a candidate for senatorial ! honors. Mr. Hammond is one of j the ablest and strongest editorial writers in the west, he is a pleasing! and forceful orator, and in fact he! has all the qualtities that go to ! make a United States senator. The I Tribune would In: pleased to i j have Mr. Hammond declare him-1 self a candidate, for the more men I we have of the Hammond makeup in the senatorial race the better it will Ix; for the republican party." It is only natural that the coun try press of the state should view with suspicion the political acro batic feats of the Lincoln Journal, which until recently was the ac knowledged organ of the railroad interests. To permit the Journal to pose as the only Simon pure anti monopoly sheet in Nebraska is evi dently not the purpose of many country editors who have live memory regarding the days w hen that paper was popularly known as the "Burlington Bulletin." In fact so suspicious are the country brethren that Brown's goose may be cooked by the simple fact that he is the first senatorial favorite of the Lincoln paper. Columbus Tel egram. Certainly Not Pollard. A special from Washington says: ''Members of the lower house of Congress are chuckling over the predicament one of their colleagues finds himself in. It seems the un sophisticated private secretary of this especial Representative for warded to Washington by mail three parts of a sectional bookcase, using his employer's postal frank. The bookcase contained private books, and one of them is said to have concealed a miscellaneous col lection a kitchen utensils, intended j for the owners's own home there. ! Tlie entire collection was "un-j frankable," and the local postmas-j ter has called on the Representative ! to pay postage on this property to ' the amount of $72. The name of the Representative is U-ing kept! secret, but that doesn't soothe his' feelings to any great extent." Proved Up Illegally. YV. A. Iavls received word laitwcek from the departnient of the Interior that lie bad proved up on his .South Dakota claim llliyally and would have lo make other proofs In sixty days It seems Mr. Davis prove'1 up In a dis trict outside where- bis claim is lo cated, although much closer than the one where -be hhould, ant? by advice of tliose'at the land ofilce. Mrs. Hoyd lm also rccel ved notice to the same effect, and In making the change con siderable expense will be lncurrrd. Weeping Water Herald. inr.inr, i wmsM j ' - . - ' AYctf elabk Preparation lor As similating ihcFoodaridBeGula LjigtheStDiaacitsandBowvlscf ilRhiifcffrV "1 Promotes Digesu'onrheerfur ness and Rest.Contains neither Opuim.Morphine norMincxaL otXarcotic. Smut i rlurar. A perfect Rcnvdv forConstiw- i: Tun, So'ar 5ioauch,LHarrnoca ! Wcrms .Convulsions .Kewnsh- ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile SiCr.olure cf i NEW YORK. 1 1 Ij' A..J 1 V'lllV. II I if 'Ty7! rIPflCTflPlfl pact or ppd, j! lyjj IJ UiJ InlUrxk PERKINS HOTEL GUTHMAN BROS., PRQPS. PLATTSMOUTH, RATES $1.00 PER DAY First House West B. 6c M. Depot We Solicit the Farmers Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call T5he Perkins Hotel m&m Bottled in Bond. Fhillip PLATTSMOUTH. ralfWnWfl,1(!'111,l I m B0TTLL ASEMISSEN & L PUCKS (Succesiora to Eblnger Hardware Co.) Having purchased the Kbinger Hardware Co's. stock we Invite all their customers and ecryl-ody in need of hardware to come and see us. fUTT""' - : tew We will always keep good Roods at competing prices. R,W ASEMISSEN &L0UCIKS P For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought T) i."L Iv Ml Signature .At) In Use For Over Thirty Years NEBRASKA . is we uneapest In tbc EnM Poor Wins y is not only dia agreeable to taste, but undoubted lv injurious to the stomach. A lit tie good Whisky is a fine tonic and helps instead of harming. Such Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as much good as a doctor's prescription. If you don't know how good it is come iu and try it. PRICES: GuckeulieimenRye, per Kallou . . .$4 00 Yellowstone, ' "... 4 00 Honey Dew, " ... 3 00 Hig Horn, o aa Thierolf. NEBRASKA Our stock is the most complete in t Ills part or the slate, and It al ways will be our aim toconduct the business In the same manner as It has been conducted heretofore. mm mm m