The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 01, 1906, Image 8

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    The County
Items ot General Interest Selected from
Weeping Water
From tlie lli rnkl.
Mrs. Ceo. Olive went to l'latts
mouth, Monday, to spend the week
with her sister, Mrs. J. M. lyda.
Win. Edgar writes from Los Angeles
tint they have had a cold winter so
far but It Is warming up and the rains
have set In.
Mesdamcs Chas. Chandler and S. W.
Davis went to Omaha, Monday, to see
their mother who they report as Im
proving rapidly.
Mrs. II. J. rhllllps was down to
Avocii, Saturday and Sunday, visiting
relatives, and that Is why Mr. rhllllps
took his list birthday dinner Sunday
at the home or Mr. (ilrardet.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ilecbner iinourn
the death of the nine months old son,
who died last Wednesday, and the
funeral services were held Thursday.
The bereaved parents have the sympa
thy of all lu the loss of their loved
Frank CI I .bp, who has been having
a siege of dlptherla, Is getting along
nicely. Last week It was found neces
sary to give the anti-toxin treatment;,
and It lias proved to be the proper
thing, although It Is not used by some
doctors unless the case seems to be
very despprate.
(I. . Woodruff has sold his cream,
poultry and produce business here,
Including building, to Henry Gcrbc
ling of Klmwood, and the latter will
take possession about February 1st,
and will move his family here and
rent Mr. Woodruff's house on the
South side.
Tim Hull returned homo from Ore
gon, Monday evening. Some of Tim's
friends wagered that ho would bo here
before New Year's, but ho fooled
them. What he has to say about
Oregon wo don't care to publish. Mr.
Hull Is looking well unci says his son,
Will, has plenty of work and resides
at Medford.
On Jan. lit, at Nebraska City, the
marriage of Win. II. Miller (Win.
Steele) and Miss Myrtle Roberts took
place In tho olllce of the county Judge
The young couple aro both residents
of Weeping Water. They are not mil'
llonalres nor do they wear grey hairs
but hero Is w ishing they win some
l'tvm tliu Ki'itlstcr.
Miss Dunlavy, of lilo'imington, Ill
inois, is visiting witli Miss Ruth Mur
doch tills week.
A son was born to bless the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilis la it Sunday.
Mother and child well.
W. F. Crahlll, the jeweler, and fam
ily spent Sunday at Plattsinoutli, vh
itlng parents and other relatives.
E. A. Kirkpatrick refused to accept
a position on the soldier's relief com
mittee, and J. II. Havs was appointed.
Fred Schoemaker has been MilToiinc
with a species of the. grippe for the
past two weeks, but was able to be in
town Wednesday, lie was feeling as
pale as he looked.
John Goodman, of Seven Mile Fold,
Virginia, who I staying with the Dale
Dros., Is cutting quite a swath among
the young ladies of the village, so we
are Informed.
J. 1. Looker Is doing tho finishing
work on the Interior of the Cunning
ham Rros new residence this week.
"When Jim gets through with the var
nishing and painting It will be one of
the neatest In town.
Our old friend, John Hums, years
ago city marshal of Weeping Water,
Is now at the soldier's home at Leaven
worth, Kansas. He left Weeping
waipr snoriiy anpr tils wire was
killed by a Missouri Facltlc train at
that place.
Does your baking powder
contain alum ? Look upon
the label Use only a powder
whose label shows it to be
made with cream of tartar.
NOTE. Safety lies in buying
only the Royal Baking Powder,
which is the best cream of tartar
baking powder that can be had.
the Columns of Contemporaries
Knurl the Courier.
The Missouri l'aclllc bridge gang are
making permanent repairs In the
Platte river prldge. After the Ice
carried away a portion of the bridge
last spring It was repaired only tem
porarily and now the company is hav
ing It put In good condition.
Will Ossenkop has rented the Van
scoyoc house near tho M. E. church
and w ill move to tow n about the first
of March, lie will work In l'ankomn's
Implement house the coming season.
The Vanseoyoo family will move Into
their new residence in the south part
of town.
John Lolmes and son held their pub
lic sale Wednesday. It was a beauti
ful day and a big crowd turned out
and the prices ranged high. The
Lohneses will move to town about the
lirst of March, the young Mr. Lohnes
having purchased one-half Interest In
the hardware and furniture business
with W. C. Dorsey.
Ex-County Clerk Tyson got Into
business quick. He resumed charge
of his drug business at Elm wood lirst
of the month and In less than two
weeks was brought to the county scat
and plead guilty to the charge of sell
Ing booze without a druggist permit
and Judge Travis assessed him J100
and cost.
Gottlieb Sprleck, formerly one of
Cass county's prosperous farmers but
now living at his ease In the beautiful
little city of Stanton, returned home
Thursday after a two week's vlsithere.
Ills son, Edward, has purchased
farm of 220 acres near Stanton and
loaded a car with horses, cattle and
farm Implements and shipped them
there Thursday.
Willlo Robertson, deputy clerk of
the district court, was a Louisville
visitor Tuesday evening, returning
Wednesday morning. Ills many Louis
vllle friends will be pleased to know
mat no lias taken up the study or law
in company with Earl Travis, son of
J udgc Travis, and so faithful arc they
to t heir studies that the time Is not
far distant when they will he qualified
to be admitted to the bar. The Cour
Icr wishes them both success In their
chosen profession.
Don't Deceive Yourself.
Don't deceive yourself. If you have
Indigestion take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
It will relieve you. Rev. W. E. Hocutt
South Mills, N.C.savs: "Jwastroub
led with chronic Indigestion for sev
eral years: whatever I ate seemed to
cause heartburn, sourstomach, llutter
Ing of my heart, and general deprcs'
slon of mind and body. My druggist
recommend Kodol, and It has relieved
me. 1 can now eat anything and
sleep soundly at night. "Kodol digests
what you eat, makes the stomach
sweet. Palatable, strengthening and
affords iiulek relief. Sold by F. t
Frieke Co., Gerlng & Co.
I'roni tlu I.t-diiiT.
Miss Leona Sans came down from
Hock HlulTson Wednesday to visit her
I'nion relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Exline, northeast
of town, are the proud parents of a
tine new son, burn Wednesday, Jan
uary 24.
Miss Joslo I'ittnian departed last
Friday evening for Lincoln, where she
has accepted a position In one of the
large millinery stores.
Mrs. Duke Frans went to Hock
Bluffs Monday evening for a few days
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Sans, and other relatives and
Harry McCarroll has a very lame
foot, the result of trying to kick the
edge olT a sharp axe. This shows the
folly of young men chopping the wood,
For Thin!MALE teachers scarce
Fat is of jjreat
is why
If you i
to a baby ; that
babies arc fat.
baby is scrawny,
Emulsion is
what he
wants. The healthy baby
stores as fat what it does
not need immediately for
bone and muscle. Fat
babies are happy ; they do
not cry ; thev are rich ;
their fat is laid up for
time of need. They are
happy because they are
comfortable. The fat sur
rounds their little nerves
and cushions them. When
they are scrawny those
nerves are hurt at every
ungentle touch. They
delight in Scott's Emul
sion. It is as sweet as
wholesome to them.
Send for free tample.
Be sure that th la picture Ir
the form of t label li on the
wrapper of every bottle ol
Emulsion you buy.
Scott Sr Bowne
409-413 Pearl Street
Meiv York
50c. and $1.00
All DrucclstI
when their mothers can just as well
do that work.
Harrv Graves was able to venture
out on the street Tuesday, after
battle with pneumonia which confined
him to the bed and house for a three
weeks term.
John McCarroll and Heuben Foster,
jr., arc the ownersof two tine Hed Foil
bulls which they received Tuesday
rrom the Chambers stock from near
Eartlctt, Iowa. They are excellent
stock, but John says he'll "bo con
demned" if he docs a bit of hay chew
Ing-like Dick Conrad did for his
T. 0. Hamuin went to Lincoln last
Saturday evening, having received
word that his daughter, Miss Vcrnie
Rarnum, who Is attending the State
I'niversity, was injured while excrcis
Ing in the gymnasium department. It
was found that her injuries were not
of a serious nature, but she came home
Tuesday to remain until she fully re
covers. Rough Hands Made Smooth).
A man who once had rough horny
bauds made them soft and smooth
with Witch Ha.el Salve, but he used
the genuine that bearing the name
"E. C. DeWitt - Co., Chicago." For
sores, bolls, cuts, burns, bruises, etc.,
it has no equal, and affords almost im
mediate relief from blind, bleeding,
Itching and protruding piles. Sold by
F. U. Frieke & Co., Gerlng & Co.
Horned Rabbits.
As there has been quite a number of
"horned" rabbits killed in this county
this winter, and people think them
quite a curiosity, the following from
Frof. Lawrence Bruner of the state
university will give them some Insight
as to the cause of these "boms:"
"These horn-like growths about the
head and front legs of rabbits are cer
tainly Interesting. They are caused
by a small mite or spider-like creature
working beneath the skin in a similar
manner to the mange or Itch mites
which attack different animals and
birds. The continued Irritation by
these little creatures produces an un
natural thickening of the cuticle as
well as a deposition of horn-like ma
terial, which eventually assumes the
form." It would be Just as well for
those who kill rabbits in the future to
let them remain where they are killed,
and not dress and eat them, and then
be sure that they have not masticated
a diseased one, which Is liable to bring
the disease Into the family circles.
Never Gripe or Sicken.
They never gripe or sicken, but
cleanse and strengthen the stomach,
liver and trowels. This Is the unlvcr
sal verdict of the many thousands who
uso DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
These famous little pills relieve head
ache, constipation, biliousness, Jaun
dice, torpid liver, sallow complexion,
etc. Try Little Early Hlsers. Sold
by P. C. Frieke & Co., Gerlng St Co,
Foit Sale Average tracts of 1 to 20
acres, some bargains, easy terms
Windham Investment Co. j
Nebraska Men Tire cl School Teaching
on Account of low Wages.
Deputy state Superintendent Rishop
in reply to ijuestions In regard tj the
reasons for the remarkable decrease
In the number of male school teachers
in Nebraska, says: "Low wages is the
only cause of the decrease of male
teachers. The school teacher is very
poorly paid, and clerks and men In
other lines of employment receive
wages far in excess of what the teach
er works for. Teaching is a profession
requiring years of preparation and a
considerable outlay of money In the
preparation. The men who would
devote their lives to education If 11 v
Ing wages were paid cannot be expect
ed to continue the work when other
lines offer so much more Inducement.
"In 1871 men composed 52 per cent
of the teaching force In Nebraska, ac
cording to statistics compiled by the
state department of public Instruc
tion. In lio the male teaching force
was only Ki.5 per cent, and the indica
tions are that the percentage of men
teachers will be still smaller for the
last two years."
Not Much.
A supplement to the Weeping
Water Republican, containing a page
of Weeping Water advertisements and
a half page of Omaha ads, issued In
the Interest of "home patronage" was
received this week. In glaring head
lines It says: "l'rotect and build up
your home town!" Good logic Indeed,
but are these merchants building up
home Institutions when they patronize
a shppt like the one before us, printed
In Omaha, paying Omaha printers to
set the type and an Omaha Institution
for the space occupied by their ads
and then have the home printer clrcu
late the sheet as a supplement to his
paper In order to get the farce before
the public? Some people have queer
Ideas of standing up for home. Louis
ville Courier.
Kodol Digests What You Eat.
Just a little Kodol after meals will
relieve that fullness, belching, gas on
stomach, and all other symptoms of
indigestion. Kodol digests what you
eat, and enables the stomach and di
gestive organs to perform their func
tions naturally. Kodol is a thorough
digestant and will alTord relief from
any disorder due to imperfect diges
Honor mal-assimilatlon. Sold by F.
G. Frieke & Co., Gering & Co.
Those CrooHs,
Those suspicious looking strangers
who landed In Flattsmouth Saturday
night and who were shadowed by the
officers until they left town about
midnight, have been seen at Auburn,
Neb. Their entrance and exit at
Auburn was very similiar to their
actions here. They are evidently
crooks and it has since been ascertain
ed that parties of their description
are wanted at (iniaiia for street car
Let Others Talk.
Mr. ,lus. Strba, ":tt Huber St., Johns-
town, I'a., wants to say the following
"My best thanks toTriner's American
wixir oi miter v me. i nau a grave
stomach trouble for many months and
no doctor could cure me, although I
consulted one after the other. 1 then
tried Triner's American Elixir of Hit
ter Wine and confess with pleasure
that it cured me perfectly. It should
be used by all sufferers from disorders
of the stomach." We gladly let others
talk about our preparation, to show to
our people that our advertisements
are based on facts and not on words.
We assert firmly that there Is no bet
ter remedy In the world for the stom
ach, no other remedy which would
benefit everybody and never do harm,
that It is an excellent blood purifier
and general tonic, that It Is a perfect
reviver of the nervous system and that
It Is a reliable shield against epidemic
diseases. Testimonials, never solicited
by us, sustain these statements. At
drug stores. Jos. Trlner, "99 So. Ash
land Ave., Chicago, III.
Dies In Nevada.
A telegram was received this morn
Ing by F. X. Raucn stating that his
brother-in-law, Joseph Doyle, had
died athis home in Gold Field, Nevada
Mr. Doyle lived In Flattsmouth about
twenty years ago, where at that time
he was well and favorably known. He
has of late years been located In the
gold Melds of Nevada, and It Is reported
that lie has several very promising
gold claims In that section. Mr.
Raucn received no word as to his
funeral, so It Is supposed that he was
laid to rest In that locality.
Frank Raucn departed for Omaha
today to see about bringing the re
mains of his brother-in-law Joseph
Doylo, here for Interment here.
Files Appeal Bond.
The Omaha lice says "The Iiur
llngton has tiled Its appeal bond In the
tax Injunction matter for $250,000 with
the Chicago, Rurllngton & yulncy
railroad, Henry W. Yates and 0. W.
floldregc as sureties. Appeal Is taken
against Judge Mungcr's decision to
the supremo court of the United
Ministers of All Denominations
Join In Recommending
Peru na to the
Public speaking especially exposes
the throat and bronchial tubes to
catarrhal affections.
Iireathlng the air of crowded Msom
bliet, and the necessary exposure to
Dlgbt air which many preachers must
face, makea catarrh especially prevalent
among their cltww.
Pcruna ha become Jutly popular
among mem.
1 ; I pwra
- t K )t The Friends of Pe-ru-iia.
The Bishop's Stroni Tribute to Pe-ru-na.
I,. II. Halsey, Ilishop C. M. E. Church, Atlanta, Ga., writes:
"I liavo found Peruna to be a great remedy for catarrh. have suffered
with this terrible disease for more than twenty years, until since 1 have
heen using Peruna, w hich has relieved me of the trouble.
"I have tried muny remedies and spent a great deal of hard-earned money
for them, but I found nothing so effectual In the cure of catarrh as the
great medicine, Pcruna. .... . .
" feel sure that Peruna Is not only a triumph ot medical science, but
It Is also a blessing to suffering humanity.
'Every individual w ho suffers with respiratory diseases will find 1 eruna
a magnificent and sovereign remedy
Many a preacher has been able to
meet his engagements only on account
of the timely use of Peruna,
Basket Ball.
There will be a basket ball game at
the Turner Hall, on Friday evening,
February 2, Nebraska City vs. the
riattsmouth Turners. This will be a
very exciting game, and you should
not fail to at tend. The pi ice of ad
mission will be 2.1c for adults and 15c
for children.
Our Solution.
A gentleman of much prominence
calls upon the Journal to demand a
public discussion and solution of the
problem confronting the old maids
that are rapidly accumulating in
Flattsmouth. Wc know we have our
full share of old maids but there is not
one of them but what could get mar
ried if they wanted to. They believe
In enjoying themselves a few years be
fore joining the fortunes or rather
the misfortunes of some trilling whelp
for whom nine times out of ten, she
will have to support the balance of
her days or suffer the disgrace of a
divorce suit. The old girls are all
right, and they simply show better
judgment than the sixteen-year-old
kidlet who struts tht streets because
of being man-struck. This is the
Journal's solution of the old maid
Made from pure, grape cream oi tartar
Makes home baking easy Nothing
can be substituted for it in making,
quickly and perfectly, delicate hot
biscuit, hot-breads, muffins, cake and
pastry. Insures the food against alum.
Price 3akin3 Powder Co.. Chicaoo.
ill jli
.rmwai "oi t w y i
Despite the prejudices of tho medicat
profession against proprietary medi
cines, many clergymen havo always
maintained a strong conlluenco ana
friendship for Peruna. They have dis
covered by personal experience that
Peruna does all that is claimed for it.
." - L. II. Jlaisey, r.p. t,. m. i i.nurcn.
Wo can give our readers only a slight
nf tliA linmlu'f (if tPSt?-
wn.xU r,r iTartman is constantly
receiving for Peruna.
inany style
Short Orders)
Regular Meals j
Our Spe
cialties. If you arc hungry we can supply
you with the pick of the market
Sth door East of Cass Co. Bank
Lee Kirkpatrick, of Nehawka, gave
the Journal a pleasant call last eve
nine. He came down from South
Omaha on business, returning this
nnrning to attend a blu stock sale to
d ty. While here Mr.Kirkpatrick renew
ed his faith in the Old Reliable.andsaid
he would not undertake to keep house
without. He Is a good friend of the
Journal and we are always happy to
meet him.