The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 14, 1905, Image 7

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    111 I ''Hit V ' ' :
f A ' -"! I I.I."'
Hcoal tlfcvcrtisciiicnts.
Notice to Creditors.
" I I ol Nl l.l: si, i
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'n lli tun 1 1 r ( t In-1 t
trin. If ''.i1' l.
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-ml ili-.i :is-.l will iik it 1 1, :i.ii,I nUI i .1 1 . .r if
.111 I I Im f itl Nil-, i ' iu nt y .1 iiilu'i' "f Ci-,-,
'iiitilV. N'lir.i.k:i at I In- i ' mi lit y i 'mi rl. rnn
hi I'lut i siiMiut li, in snhl ('iintv. '!! tlii l-tli
.i v 't .l.iii iii r v. r.. aii'l .hi tin- I 1 1 ii.iv "f
. 1 1 y. I .. .it In . . h k. A. M. il.iv. f -r
'tii" i i r 1 1 i.f f i-.ii in .r t Iii i r - .i i in-, f- ir -
ltiln;if lli. ;il (U-,1 im-iit ;iiil ;i . I vt a lit'e.
-i mi mi h- :ir- nl ! w l f. r t ti en d il .r- "f
. nl ili'i.;i i'il t ii ni -nf t lit i r 'i '! - in. 'I ! !'
. ;i r f . .r Mi.- ;i. I ii, i n I-.I r.i I r ! 1 1 1 - said -.-".il".
fr.nii t In- I -I h il.i v ..f .l.iii' i. n v.
III" III V ll I H'l .III' I .O f Nil ill " m 1 1 V
irt. :i I'l.ii I nil. ml li. N. l.r.i-.ka llils lltli
i v f ! ' 1 1 ! . ii i I i i.
II ia I ) Ii I it A i -
' ii nt y .1 ii'l-'-.
Notice of Final Report
f i I.. . A I
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.- -."i.i ! i .r ri - i .mil nt. i
I'. Mci"i jurgeii loft for various,
(.liTsof tin state Thursday with a!
view to looking after his insurance ii;- '
' t l'l st S.
V. I". aii'l daughter, Miss Ada, !
were viMting relatives in Omaha Sat- j
j unlay. j
Ibrman Schmidt was an Mnaha j
! passenger Thursday. !
; .hilin Fvans was a business visitor at
M urdock Wednesday of last week, j
I Chas. Cole visited hi.t sister at
i iinalia Friday, j
Mrs. A. M. (!: returned fnui 1
hnaha Tuesday. ;
Mrs. . II. Fggle.ston was a capital j
city visitor Tm-vlay and Wednesday, j
.John i I i ! de brand t. w as in town Mo.i- '
-My- ;
.'a-.. Wood. ii I "I llluiwoful was a'
M hi J. ;!. isii or M -nday.
M i s. 'ha-. St ! 'V is 'i it i. ally ill. I . . .
Mi l i i-. i;i t "iid.i nee.
i.ii'.'ir i;ik:i and .ioliu M-''"aithvi
Greatest Christmas Bargain
i: 'v i
I i: -
i . . I ; :
Legal Notice
! u i'.ii ir.T la-,: s.
.Ini aii'l l. l. Tlii!i!;,rah:i
c 'tint '
i 1 1.
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. .1 ' I lilt- IT. II I II' Is of
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In- lifoiii 1 1 v i 'I ii!.ii:ili'l uii'll
Mill I ' I I II i I ;i '.l I II I V' il.
V . mi :i 1 1- r. ii i M-.i I :i ii-vi. f i i .i t i t i- ii . hi
r l.f..n. tin- -Mi il-iv ! . I i nil rv. ri. or
in I 1 1 ! nt ol it i . ii . :i ii' I j 'i nt i n ' t li-- till'- "!
.ml ri-:il i -.i-iO- will In- i nt. is il in f:ior . f
- :i nl ii:i I nl 111 :i- .t :i y- I for in lur .i t II i"!i.
Iliiti il tin-. .M!i '1 iv f N"i' in lur. I'M...
i ni I. W ll i i i:.
'. . Wi 'i: I'M V :i ii' I l'l.' it:! i il .
I . I I t It. . M .1 ;i -
Legal Notice.
l. :i' ,.'u:ii- to M'-inpliis t
a . : t 1... ".. , 1
Mat Thin
W rl''' I.Usi II"-' s Visitor - ;M
sea' T.ii s day.
Meile M.'I)'ii.i!d I. 'id the lucky
iminhcr which drew the twenty-two
cali he r s. vri.-e i i!!e t hai Dave Thitn
rahn rattled Tuesday.
Mrs. i'eo. L-is spent a couple of
days visit iiir itli Mrs. ll. C. Moore
last Week.
Don't tail to s--e II. V. McDonald's
line of (.'hristinas uoods, as lie has a
complete line of toys, fancy articles. in
fact most anything you want.
W. i. Schevy, Miss May me Schevy,
Jhii Crawford and son, Clyde, were
:naha passengers Friday,
We are ulad to learn thatC. F.Lau's
at EUi. Fanger's
Big Department Store
Wr haw just nrcivcil a lare Inn.- of the lamous
Woolti'X Cloaks ami Skirts that wrv tlrlawd
several week's in shipment, and as the season is
draw in to a close we make a wonderful etit in the
prirrs in this department. Any ol these garments
will m.-'.kf handsome Christmas presents. They
ran.e from S3. 08 to S35. All ; liarains.
Dry Goods Department
Here we offer Similar Jpportunitte
10 vds ( )utinv; Flannel.
10ds anv Calico, ( 7 c kind)
To M i 'rii I . iu-;i-. .1. U:i..'. ini'l N. ilifi ml. i n I s. von :i ml i-:ili of you Ml. I
r .. k .- i.ol i.-i- 1 1 1 nt on I In jl-t ilii V of .N.. i -in I ii r.
:u;tl:. i grandson who has withstood two oper-
iiL-iniisi . you mill u iiiiiim u mil-i t nl. tin- ..I.-! ;itj0!is ivcently is on the road to
ii-t ;iinl .r:i v r of w liirh p.t it i. mi a re to f. h i- ; ... . ...
. lose a . i rtaiii nioit i-'a iiei ii of iinti- May r.M. ; health and is improving rapidly.
'nr.. tru ill I ' si-i-u re a in He "I sum nan- 11 n 1
iiitin-st at tin-rate of 7 . r nt. iiimui lot 7.
:i l.liH-k s ii, t h- ll la of I .a-li- ill smil ' as-
miiity aii'l for llie sale of sai'l ri)iiTly to
-.itisfy salil Ha it t ira -' -.
V on ami eai-li of yon are r. iiiiti il to an-wi r
-mil h iiiinii mi nr li-fi'ii- ili- l-t ilayof .titu
lary. I '.mi'i. or inilirnn iit of foii-.-lo-u r- will In-
iiti-n-il in fniT of plaint ilt a- jirayi-il for in
-an! pi t it ion.
Mao tlii-u'Ist iluv ..f Novi-iiiti. r. r.
c i.. iu:i w . i : i 1 1 nr.
li e. iho ll. AitiTiu y II '
Mrs. Wait is visitintr her daughter
Mrs. Kleston for an indelinate
Miss Clara Xeit..el taught the classes
in the primary department Friday,
while Misses )lra ami Meta were tak
ing in t he sights at Lincoln.
Mrs. C. Moomey, (leo. Moomey and
! Miss Helen Moomey were in Omaha
J. Plant and family have moved out
of the II. Schmidt property and have
aL'.iiu moved into Mr. II. ('. Neilsen's
home. Mr. Xeilscn has Chas. Kisenhut
crvaeed in putting: up a dwelling for j
the rLCcommodation of Mr. riant and j
family in th' fut inc. j
Mr. and Mrs. . I. I". Urishin of Mur-'
ray were in I unlock Monday, depart-!
inn for Klin wood in the afternoon.
TIu hist reports Tuesday eveninir,
Miss Jladys (..'oie was reported to he
dyiniT so when this 'oe.s to press the
end w ill likely he over.
V. i . (ullispie left for the western
part of the state Monday with the in
tention of buying a few carloads of i
VVlka.wa.y in MILLINERY
( )tir trimmer has left us and we have a larje
line of Pattern hats that we wish to close out at
once. They're join almost at Your Own Price.
First Door West, in charge of Mr. Johu Beeson.
Pear in mind, we handle the famous Kohn Pros.'
Clothing for men, and the popular Lion Brand
Shirts. We are offering many hig-harg-ain. Also,
remember, our Boys' Clothing will he closed out.
Great Bargain in All Lines. No room 10 Itemize.
Come in. see the good and Get Price. If vou wish
to buy we are sure we can please you.
J 1 A u! 'In
( " ' i I ' t
New Real Esiats Firm cf Sires & Martin
Offer Some Good Bargains
Having concluded t iro into the
real estate work. 1 .have now associat-
1 myself willi Mr. I ".nice Sires of
i'iainview. Neh.. -a nia;! who lias had
itteen years of honest experience in
: iii- hijsiness and who has sold thous
ands of d iiiars worth "t real estate to
f.'ass couiit y c- iple.
I takeliiis opportunity of introduc
ing myself to :uy friends and neil'.
..ors win) wish to huy a home or make
a uooil i-ivestment in a irood reneral
community. I ask you to call and see
me at mv home in
We have a lar'e list f lands in Fierce.
Antelope and Knox counties. Neh.,
which we w ill he lad to sliowtoany
Famiges epairtrn
A True Statement.
"I was .suffering from weakness of
the stomach and of the whole body,"
writes Mr. Tom t'hyrek, of Uryan,
Tex., "and yladly testify that Triner's
American Klix:r of Hitter Wine had
almost a miraculousctfect on me. For
j two years 1 was very weak, had no ap-
. . . - ,i i ... . 1 . : ,1 XT ,,,i ;
Flattsmouth. Neh. hay and shipping them to Murdock, PCL,LL iUlu ai"aV
cines seemt'u m no nic no jjuuu.
for his use in the livery business.
F. :. Dayton from Harrington, Kan..
arent for the Kansas Land and Town-
: fosptvtive buyers. Fair treatment to ; site Company was a business visitor in
all and and any information as to the Murdock Monday.
country or quality of the lands may he Miss IIattie F.runkow, a cousin of
had by calling on me at Flattsmouth. Ml.s Lute L;u!- was laken tQ 0maha
r writing F.ruce tires. oenl Ai:t..
Fiainview. Neb.
Felow will he found a 'ew tiaruains
, Sunday to be operated on for appendicitis.
taken from the lorn.' list now under our i
mana'emcnt and control, and in case ;
of sale of any or ail of them, other;
Miss Vivian Westlake while playing
soon as I started usinir Triner's Amer
ican Elixir of Bitter Wine my health
began to Improve, my strength re
turned as also my appetite and love for
work. Kven now, while 1 enjoy the
best health, 1 occasionally take a dose
of this agreeable remedy because it
always braces me up. I heartily recom
mend it to all who have a stomach
trouble." There is no better, no more
Tuesday was unfortunate enough to ' reliable remedy for the stomach and
and equally good bargains will be fur- j
nished: C L. Maktin,
Local Agent.
receive a deep gash across the fore
head which necessitated the aid of a
physician, and Dr. A. K. Merkel was
for the blood than this great natural
preparation. In cases of weakness,
sleeplessness, nervousness and loss of
a elear complexion, Triner's American
Elixir of Hitter Wine gives perfect
satisfaction. It contains no deleter
ious ingredient. At drug stores. Jos.
Triner, T9! So. Ashland Ave., Chicago.
called in and dressed the wound.
II. A. Davis and Albert Dettman
No. 1. I-,.) acre improved farm, unpacked their grips and started for
miles of Fiainview, good land lies ! Washington last Thursday, but if
rine.: good house, barn, sheds for cat-j they got farther than Omaha or not
tie, graneries, good well of water with I We do not know, as we havn't heard
null attached. 40 acres fenced to pas-; frnm them since their departure,
turf lin l.-i nee nil under fiilti vatinn.
Frice42: per acre: mortgage l.;oo, ' Fine Art Ware. Fine China. Fine i bate Qnd general practice.
oalancecash. i1-""1" UUU5' r,"K ril,s f rnno, Hfu
Neckwear and many other fine ' ,uo U"'"J w
ristmas gifts at Her!
Old'S. i rhricfmnc Prpcnfc.
C. A. rawls, Lawyer.
A splendid half section lay- j Neckweai
les out from Fiainview, aii thingsfor
No. -2.
. - . ; ,
ii.g . nines
under cultivation except about -0
County Clerk-elect Kosencrans came
in from Elm wood last evening, and
expects to remain until Monday. n
account of sickness in his family and
business matters which need his at
tention, he will be unable to remove
his family to Flattsmouth until about
the tirst of January.
Dr. Marshal, Dentist, Coats' Flock.
L. F. Kohreli and son 'arl went to
Lincoln this afternoon, taking with
him a sample of his potatoes, and t.h
hoy a sample of corn to ent er t he Ne
braska Hoy's Corn Contest. Mr. Koh
reli certainly had some tine potatoes,
the IT he took to Lincoln weighed Si
pounds and on 1 acres of land this
year he raised l'l 7 bushels.
Don't drug the stomach to cure a
cough. One Minute Cough Cu i" cut s
the mueiis. draws th' in(l nun at ion
out iii ihe throat, lungs and hionchia
lubes, heals, sootier aii'l cures. A
quick cure for ("roup arid Whoopjf..i
Cough. Soid by Cering :v ( 'o.
Sam Fitman anrl Mrs. Ora Davis, t,
Murray, were in Flattsmouth Monday.
Fod ftBn IHloilDdla Trade
House Furnishings Till You Gan'f Rest
TTOHN FASSBENDER. ho Old R. hnhl Furniture Denlur
a mm w -s...., .aswuKx. iy.uiv.( , J I J " L I itl 1 1 1 - cX
Uixjj Keduction bale, hut is prepared, as always, to duplicate prices for joods
s:nl rl liv nnv fnrniturfi hmite In Plnttt-mnnf l-i ,-1 f. :
sold by any furniture house in Plattsmouth.
tv and varietv of stock we are ahead of them all.
nd as for quality, quanti-
acres, this has 10 acres of nice grove, ; Tbe Season of Indigestion.
all fenced: no buildings, lies close to i The season of indigestion is upon us.
chool. This is cheap at :$" per acre, i Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for Indigestion
terms jd.ooii casn oaiance to remain ; anf Dvspepsia w ill do everything for i high grade smoke. Call at
vn.the land at purchaser's own time i the stomach that an over-loaded or 1 Fkitkrukkg's Ckjak Stoui:
at ; per cent. A splendid opportunity : over-worked stomach can do for itself
i Fancy Christmas boxes. 12 Buds, ."0c.
Fancy Christmas boxes, 25 Buds, 1.00.
Will suit gentlemen appreciating a
one to comp'.eU
for sum
No. :". A small farm of acres,
located s miles from Fiainview in
Fierce county, improved, with small
house and barn. No. I go 'dsoil. Friee
'.7."i' per acre, mortgage at " :r
cent balance cash.
No. h h'"l acres : miles i loin Fiain
view, ; miles fro::; Brunswick, ail
a good home ! Kofio! Dii'pst-s von nil" irivoci Catarrh Cannot Be Cured.
the stomach a rest relievessour stom-j wi tli Local Applications, as they can
ach. belching, heart-burn, indigestion, not reach the seat of the disease.
Bed Room and Parlor Suits, Pianos, Sewing Machines
Pictures and Frames, Carpets and Rugs, Etc,
Sold by 1
A' Co.
:. Fricke Co.. (Icr-
Legal Notice.
i n'.M V.
mJer cultivation except
gojil grove, gi o .1 fair
tliis can be had at a I.
per acre. All :n.
Antelope county.
No. -. A go ! M
i :: . .1 MVCiilllTiiFO
V I I'.i: ASIvA.
1.-: : . "T lli iiiy 11 .
K' r :r.:i :: 'l. ii-- -v;l-iI.
'!' Aijiia l.:rr.pir. lire 1 :i rK ia; :i nn : lirntst
i'. i: :ni inn l.'iit. in-e K.-irktiiaim : mv, i K;,.,,:.r;l:,. n-irki
stabling. 1 'r":i.o!ii :
i I l.i : k:!i:i!in : l'i.r.'
am tor tjj..,ii , , r j,.. .;,
id: i:i eastern
u :i re LiTi-'ey n. t ilii-il t li.i 1 1 heaihiiinUt r;i-
: tri; of tin-1 stat. of Henry li. liarkinann lias
r. 1. .1 h, r final a.-i-ouiit ami pt-titioli for final
fain' Ivio r -..-i' '..-ii.t-.'iT. asking t hat tin' said iiiYuuiit lie
. ..l l" ' .i .iii.i iii i i"-i ii i. "ii nr ii nai si-iin'niei)i
' miles trom lrunswscl, ' Ant elope I an. I ili-.tri!!Hioii ..f the latt- In- irranti il. ami
county; Nebraska. All good new Km. n"r u",,u""" r,knl
buildings, is .1S guOU soil as can be' Vcni art furUiern-.tifieil that there will be
ti . ...... ,r.'ii ..nn tiu.ti a. 'AfUlll .1 (. VI (leillltMl
T POT ! for tinal seit li-rnent uimn the 3 it Ii da v of 1
nii.IT. ii. i:v.i. in iiKicuvk A. .M.. at in v
tounu in the country. Frice
acre mortgage r."0o optic nal time, will
trade balance of equity i",TiJj fur a
good stock general merchadise and
minted .
Catarrh is a blood or constitutional
disease, and in order to cure it you
must take internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken intcrnaly, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not
a "piack medicine. It was prescribed
by one of the best physicians in this
aim: Herman liarkmami: country for vcats and is a regular pre-
i lata liarkmami: (ienrsre ... . ,
in'i -Uarkmani!: ami all nth- SCipilOIl. I I IS COmpOSeU Ol IUC OCSt
i.-e.i in ti..- aiiove e.uitkd j tonics kn0wn, conbined with the best
blood purifiers, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect com
bination of the two ingredients is
what produces fuch wonderful results
in curing catarrh. Send for testimon
ials free.
F. .1. Ciiknkv & Co.. Frops..
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
Takellalli Family Fills for consti
i:-n-i County Jud-.'o. 1 pation.
lh.-- in the City of I'lat tsin. nil h. County f
Cass. Nebraska, at or lit-fore hi. li houreause.
if a 11 v. must l"t shown whv said avount Ih
not approved and the prayer of said petition
Xo shop-worn jjoods will be found hut everything new and up-to-date, a n-at
deal of which has been bought especially for the Holidav Trade. Don'T
wait till the holdays are here, but come now. Xo trouble to
show oods. Remember the place and come on now.
So. Sixth Street
House Furnisher
and Undertaker.
Plattsmouth, Neb.