The Plattsmoutft Journal! I'mti.k S 'i :.s Sj-.n 'i ( I'i.vit tvsu Ik. l Ikjioi'i- t Ik- i c :nv.-s- roiwniilU v l! M:il ft l.l U Kl.K I.V AT I'l.iVi'r.MOUT.M F ; I i . C A i t . In- lIk- J i u 1 1 : 1 K -. th and tin M 1:1 v.: .- ; w :im - I:. A. P.ATKS, I 1 , i - i ; 1 1 . 1 t: t-r-l u t lti; c st ollii :i t l"!:it tsmn it Ii. N--lir:is!:i. :is sri'oinli-i.i-.s m:ilti r. '.K liath sl.iin its tens of thous ands, and the returns lrmu football are not all in yet. rend in fable of the oose that laid the golden c-js, hut every old eK is golden now, at present prices. Tin Journal is pleased to note that everyone is hustling to make the institute next Saturday a jrand success. WllKN the people .vo lnnuin for insurance and official grafters and party hosses. it's an ''open season" ihc whole vear round. i institute next rat:miav i.- liouud to he a hi;.; success. The fanners are already in s;nniles of corn of the exhibit. Kvi'.kv merchant in riattsinouth should offer a prize of some kind a an inducement for fanners to Iirini in sample corn next Saturdav. ti-.itm Three." o: I. I ,i ; Mtii!!;. sln.'i.M, e.ich lo t!i.- i j til d i -c:i:i raiapai.j.:i conmntlee of New York. Take thee annual contri billions to a corruption fund and the enormous salaries paid to the officials of the "Ih. Three." and the policy holders have something to think ahout. All the old line companies estahlishel life expect ancy rates which they insisted rep resented insurance as low as it could possibly he written to insure abso lute safety to policy holders. The premiums always seemed liih and many policy holders strujled year in and year out to keep their dues paid up so that in the event of death their survivors mie,ht reap the bene fit of their labors and forethought in providing something for them. Xow conies the sworn statement that this blood money was exacted to corrupt politics and provide pnucely salaries tor a lot ol tiuev- couudrels. Does not this al- in Thanks' .i im; was pretty well observed in ! 'laitmouth , in accord -auce with tlie icomnieulations ot i the pre1-ides:! :iud ;.o crnor. It is' a ;;ood th:;;;; f'r every man to be L.ratel'i;!, at least o:k e a ear. for the blcs-iiu-.s of Providence, wheth er or not he ordinarilv almils that What are the merchants loin in the wav of making the institute a strand success next Saturday? Are they doiu. their duty? If not. whv not? Sv, have vou forgotten that one he has .inyihin;.1, to be grateful for. A man who is not a pi.L; is thankful, and for the man who is a com pulsory Thanksgiving isa;ood dis cipline in which everybody else, con fers. The country as a whole has much reason for ratitute. Our positive blessings have be-en mani fold. It has been a year of pros perity and the sum total of happi ness has been threat. Take us and by lar;e, we Americans are a happy lot in any kind of weather; and dur ing the past year the sun has shone vastly prosperity has smiled upon many of our concerns. Thanks giving which merely confirms our self-conceits is unprofitable, but surely it is not Pharisaical to meas ure our progress and to conclude that we are a better people than we were a ear a.i;o. Moral issues have mission prove conclusively that the considerably intensified and threat premiums paid to the old line life headway has been made in the solu tion of ;;ravc and menacing prob lems. The record of actual achieve ment isgreat. Improvement in the standards of political and commer cial conduct ispcreeptible. "draft" has been made more unfashionable. The principle of "live and let live" is stronger. There is more mean in :r in the golden rule. Small Amount in Old Line. the I'nion Pacific are still perplexed, if not aur.oyed. at the strange :'.:' ;'rin; 1". II. Ifarrima.n in New York callinv; for a statement ! the a!:;",:nt of old ill! elll .i e in t He ! insurance com tallies have- been out- ra.eoiislv hijjh? Xi.w York Press (rep.): Ob viously the men who said they jjave money to Bliss and Cortelyou in or der to save the national honor, lied. Mr. Cortelyou never will dare to say. under oath or at any time, that this was the reason for the collec tions. What, then was the motive? What did Mr. Cortely ou understand as the reason for the .yifts? What week from today is the date of the j return in kind were the grafters led Cass County Farmers' Institute? It is one week from today Saturday, I )ecembcr l). to believe they would receive? Mr. Cortelyou owes this information to the state of Xew York, of which he ! is a citizen, as an aid to legislation ... ..... ... : i l, i I i;,in.i imi iiiv. iiiMii tiiiee it in i euccK- ! ini corrupt political practices. Mr. Cortelyou owes a full explanation to his chief, in behalf of whom this tainted mouev was used and ner- Mn I i:i sui; tresis a ; llilI,s witliont liis kiiowlecl'-i't: or con- Mr. Cortelyou must tell the republican partv, for whom he acted in receiving the stolen So I'AK as reported oiiiv three- deaths from football yesterday. I low nianv from pric fiehts? None. Alwlish the football, and legalize i the prize fight . and save the youth. I SKN'ATOl cabinet officer to take care of the j scnt rate question and says he thinks j lint w-milil solve 1 lu-nrohk-m . Xow. ! ..... . , , , J liinnev. how he can justifv tlie act wouldn t Senator Millard like to be - J the new cabinet officer? nd Mr. Cortclvou must show the j)eople of the United States that he Takii-k revision is the big issue for which everything" else is substi tuted. "Anything to beat tariff re vision" is the republican policy. Xo sacrifices are too great. The machine protecting the privileged interests will ruthlessly slay any other pet policy in order to retain the benefits of the Dingley sched ules. To preserve the tariff in statu quo even concessions to the presi dent's rate regulation issue will be made. The story of Mr. Roose velt's compromise with Mr. Cannon comes too directly and too repeated ly to be doubted. The agreement is that Mr. Cannon will not use his power in the house to defeat the rate regulation measure provided Mr. Roosevelt will not disturb the Tin: new law mav prevent the . was not a conscious receiver of j tariff. ol cigarette papers bv th -to.en goods or i'.e mm b driven tellers. Put some enterprising" out-, oi.i. oi n.e on.e u, posmnstei gen law is sending in papers enough by; end. every mail to keep fLnds m coiau v. ails for a long time ahead. i t: Is ag. I'.eVe SlNei: the clo.-e of the last legis lative session the supreme court has pa-.-ed upon the constitutionality of .nd money is literally pouring into; many of the laws passed by that body- he coiintv treasurer's office. : those who are paying taxes at !:e present time are .dost ; ol wiseacres, remaps we do not possess the right figures, but as we those whose! have them they show that in every property interests are not large. j instance save one, the court has de- ; chi red null and void every law pass- A I, ji-isvii. i. H farmer named Die-j at whiter and submitted to the iricJi was Kick-ed in tne lace oy a court lor their approval. The ex- mule, and his jaw was broken. II d ceptiou was approval the anti-cigarette law, it been the Hastings Dietrich . j Clearly one of two conditions must Maud's foot would have been in the, j prevail in Xebrraska: Hither the hospital for repairs, instead of the j average legislator is below the aver iawbone. Beatrice Sun. j aoV (f men ju point of common i sense, or tne supreme court nas ar rogated to itself all wisdow. And j Thkki: would never be a coutri- bution to a conscience fund if every -! body were as strictly conscientious j as William II. Klliott. the Indiana veteran, who stubbornly rem seel to accept the accumulated pension of SI 5, ' that has been awarded him. Mr. Klliott declares that as he was never in a skirmish and never heard a shot fired, the money does not be long to him. If he remains obdu rate to the end of his life congress might at his death appropriate the ! accumulated pension to erect in In diana an enduring- monument to Mr. Klliott. line insurance company carries. Pol's to satisfv tlie demand are still being taken in Omaua and elsewhere along the road. At Cheyenne it is asserted that recently many employes of the I'nion Pacific forwarded their prox ies to Thomas W. Kawson and it is feared knowledge of this fact has reached and aroused Mr. Ilarrimau, who is desirous of getting at the exact' facts,' so he may be guided in a wholesale decapitation. The poll of the employ es in the car department of the I'nion Pacific shops at Omaha shows a pitiful mi nority of insurance in old line com panies. The inquiry developed these facts and figures: 5S4,ooo in the Ancient rder of I'nited Workmen; s!oomu in the Modern Woodmen of America; Woodmen of the World: in miscellaneous small companies, ami . SS.diKt in old liners.' j Asked for an explanation of the j insurance inquiry, (ieucral Mana-j ger Mohler disclaimed any knowl-1 edge ol it, saying it was a matter entirely with Mr. llarriman. The inquiry extends not only all along the I'nion Pacific, but Southern Pacific, Oregon Short Line and Or egon Railway and X'avigation com pany as well. Tin-: meeting of Congress vester- day was in accordance with the mandate of the Constitution, which says that it must meet once a year, and on the first Monday in Decem ber, unless a different day is ap pointed by law. Perhaps the ver dict rendered by the voters in the election of each Congress might be more certainly, as well as more promptly, made effective if the day were changed to the 4th of March next following the election. Per haps, also, the objections made to the 4th of March for the public in auguration of the President might be satisfactorily met without a con stitutional amendment by having the President take the oath of of fice in the presence of the Senate on that day, reserving the public inauguration, with the festivities and the ceremony attending" it, for the 3')th of April, the anniversary of Washington's first inauguration. In this way the foul weather which too often attends the inauguration might be avoided. iP-V -Xf vYK V I IJ Mx!x 7 l TIio Iviml You llnvo Always Ilought, :ml which lias boon in use for over HO yrars, has hormt llio higiialur of anl has Imm'ii iiialo mulcr Ills per sonal supervision sinco its infancy. Allow no ono tilM''i vo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations ami .Tut-as-j;ool" are but Kxperiincnts that trillo Avilli ami endanger tho health of Infants and Children ISxpcriciico against 1p:riiuent What is CASTORIA Castoria is :v harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops ami Soothing" Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, 31orpliino nor other Narcotie Mibstaiiee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys WorniH Jind allays 1 Vvcrisliness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ami Flatulency. It assimilates (lie I'oixl, regulates tho Stomach and llowels, giving liealthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of V1 zz The Kind You Have Always Bought En Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTAUR COMPftNV. TT MUM STMCCT, Nt W TOKK CITY. PERKINS HOTEL GUTHMAN BROS., PROFS. PLATTSMOUTH, -:- -:- NEBRASKA RATES $1.00 PER DAY First House West B. 6c M. Depot We Solicit the Farmers Trade -and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Cull !5he Perkins Hotel .43 Tin: farmers will all he here next Saturday, if the weather is favor able. You can het on that. We want to manifest our' appreciation of their visit here in such a manner that they will not only come ayain hut that thev will come often. A Nl'MBKK of insurance policy holders of Plattsmouth have sent in their proxies to Thomas L. Lawson, of Boston, to 1e used in the com ing election of directors and other officers of the Xew York Life, and the Kquitable Insurance companies. I'rox leaving the white house yesterday. Congressman Ilenshaw of the Fourth Nebraska district ex pressed his positive conviction that a rate bill in accordance with the president's policy, and acceptable to the president to the fullest extent, will get through both houses of con gress this session. Xow that people have to begin paying their personal taxes, which become delinquent today then the howls go up. Some of those re publicans who were so enthusiastic for the new revenue law are doing the most howling. It is hard for them to take their own medicine without making a wry face atid do ing some loud talking. neither proposition would call for much trouble in establishing the truth of it in Xebraska. Xow that the cold stormy weather is here and will probably continue for several months, the Journal would suggest that all its patrons put up boxes so the carrier boys will have no trouble hereafter in leaving papers, and that all will hereafter get their papers regularly without having to dig their papers out of the snow or hunt all over the yard for it after dark. Pkxkv Uklxoxt believes that the best thing in the way of secur ing reform in the public service, or in politics, is to insist upon pub licity. Terry is right. The press of tlie country has taken the lead in the exposure of frauds of every kind. O.maiia Bkk: Congressman Pol lard is leginning to learn the differ ence between being congressman in the First district of Xebraska and being congressman from the First district of Xebraska. D. 0. DWYER, Attorney-Qt-La w Offce in building east of court house, Plattsmouth, NebrasKa. Ax exchange, in a hurst of sym pathy, asks why Burton should be singled out. and if he and Mitchell are the only men in the I'nited States senate who ought to be in the penitentiary. Ofcoursenot. How ever, the present accommodations would be inadequate at the peniten tiaries if all the statesmen in the land who deserve to be doing time were sent thcre. It is best to han dle this rascal business on the in stallment plan. ' Midget Mickey has denied the charge that he is a candidate for a third term. Just as well. He couldn't be elected if he was. The people of Xebraska have had their sufficiency of Mickeyism, and no one knows it any better than the governor. Ix the new congress the republi can majority is so great that it may prove unwieldy. The president and the speaker of the house seem confident of holding down the lid and carrying through their cut-and-dried program of legislation. Per haps they may, but asthe democrats have barely more than a third of the membership in the house, and that thirdalmost from thesouth, and there seems ample scope for differences of opinion and of inter est to assert themselves among the majority. fA5Sj- Jacks HE above picture of the man awl hsh is the trade mark of Scott's Emulsion, awl is the svnonvm for strength and purity. It is .sold in almost all the civilized coun tries of tho rIol Jf the cod fish lwcame extinct it would he a. world-wide calam ity, ii'vanse th oil that comes from ils liver Mis'pnsses nil other j lats in nourisiiuiLr ami liif-im inu" properties. thirty years aio the proprietors f Scott's Emul sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil sot hut evorvdiio can take it and set tlie full value of i the oil without the objectionable taste. Scott's Emulsion is the best thin.ur in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate people, and nil conditions of wasriiu and lost stremrth. Seri't for fret sitmple. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 409-41 PtilL 4TBEKT, KKW TOII 50?. aal $1.C0. All dmsgit3. and Stallions 0 COME AND SEE MY Perctyeron, Belgiarj & German Coacf) Stallions Both Imported and Homo-Bred, t v i 1 ! si-i i y ju :r f:i i ! hU .nc i A n,i r-; -:i ti-! .n it .-1:1-1 1 in ;is 'Z ii iii :i s s cm- ix i r u u i n Kurnpf. ;. ril r .u:l tii'r- jri..ii.i- fin-i-iii-iw :( prii-rs froni -.;iJi tiiiKni. I li.i i- In .im ,t :i ; ! :i -i . ;'. , yi a r i.lii. frnin !..,(' in :::) i ii wtiirli t. all m hi ml ami ir .!. a mi will. I m -ii 1 1 pa v i ii--r r U.i .;- I i-s i n .in - s - a si m put s.-)!)") in t I't-nwmr's piii-ki-l . laiiy a N'luasKa t;in,:i r lias riail ! th.- jH.ini wlici'f Ik; lias si- it:M lini' lin 'i id ma res a ml is a t' t Uci ;a n ; si a ( ,r h i s i a ii anil his iiiiL'liliors' list-. Itnii't lit llic linys lia w ? 1 1 - l.uii: r:i;- ii.on- l..ri, ; , t , , j miili-s. n pays lict ti-r t ha 11 a iiy t h inu' yim fan l'. .i.v is tin- iii-i- i., ra:s,- -'-.! Iii irs. (nil. i- tn t hf Cedar Rapids Jack Farm Imy a iwm-r - , t ... r . vni lia L' i r -i ii !' t I a isi i h:n i' a la ;'( ass . r I i ; i . i , i . . f HOME-CROWN JACKS ami i ii-im.' f. mr i n, - .11 ai ii '(is pi-r y-a r fr nn spa in. M ti i cs 1 i , 1 1 1 i . , , , an iiji.' 1 1 (;a 1 iy c it y lnTi' I Ii is si a si 'ii .1 1 lijii i a. a 1. W. L. DeCLOW, Cedar Rapids, la. TTTT YY TT OT VEGETABLE SICILIAN miXiUi). Hair Renewer Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soft and glossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores color to gray hair. Sold for fifty years. MTLTT?RILKHI",' : Bottled in Bond. ft V:.- m ;.;l:tX CM intent. XLhc Best XLGlbfeh is the Cheapest in tbc jenD! Poor Whisky is not only dis Hretable to taste, but undoubted ly injurious to thf stomach. A lit tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and ht-lps instead of harming. Such Whiskies a.s Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as much trood a.s a doctor's prescription. If you don't know how yood it is come in and try it. PRICES: CJuckenheincenRye, per yaln. Yellowstone. Honey Dew, ' ' . Kir Horn. " ' . .It 00 . 4 00 . 3 00 . 2 00 rtiiiiip PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA a