The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 26, 1905, Image 2

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Harry ; roves was In the city today.
Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Block.
C. S. I'olk went to South Keru this
Mrs. Anton Libersha'.l went to Oma
ha this afternoon.
II. N. Doveyand I'. W. Kicliey went
to Omaha this afternoon.
Mrs. A. W. White and daughter,
Miss Minna, spent the day in Omaha.
Miss Mabel Trussler has Konc to San
Bernardino, Cal., for a month's out
ing. John l'ortcr was up from his farm
Tuesday afternoon looking for corn
huskers. Mrs. Henry i:aker and Mrs. Henry
Inhelder. f Cedar Creek, spent the
day in the city.
Mrs. D. llawksworth, Mrs. K. W.
Cook and Miss Shafer were passengers
to Lincoln this morning.
Mart Williams came down from Ce
dar Creek Wednesday with a load
of boys, en route for South Omaha.
Miss Minnie Guthman returned
home this morning from Murdock,
accompanied by her sister, Mrs. II.
K. JN'eitzel.
Mrs. Leonard Horn and daughter
departed this morning for a visit in
Oakland, and Pierce and Knox
Will Ossenkop, the big saloon man
of Louisville was here Wednesday. Wi 11
is a very large man, and just as clever
as he is bit;.
The Cass county bar docket for the
November term of district court shows
tn equity, D criminal and 12 law cases.
Judge Paul Jessen is expected to be
here to convene court the 13th.
A big baby boy arrived at the home
of W. E. Crabill, in Nehawka Tues
day. Orandma Crabill went down
on the :4 train to look after the
wants of the little stranger. Mother
and baby were doing well at last re
ports. A special train will leave over the
Burlington next Saturday morning at
9:37. It wil! leave Nebraska City,
after the unveiling of the J. Sterling
Morton monument, at 7 o'clock in the
evening. The fare for the round trip
w ill only be 1.0"j.
1're.i Patterson, who is alwaysgiving
the .Journal something good, brought
in Saturday a supply of excellent
sorghum molasses, a quantity of fine
sweet potatoes and nice squash. Such
a recognition of friendship is highly
appreciated and always remembered.
And now a derinan scientist sajs
the bite of a pretty girl will often
bring a quicker and more horrible
death than the bite of a serpet. Don't
you believe it. Why, a pretty girl
nearly bit a fellow's head on right
here :n this town the other day, and
it didn't hurt him a bit.
J. S. Black, who arrived Saturday
for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. P. E.
Ruffner, gave the Journal a call Tues
day in company with Mr. KufTner.
Mr. Black is a cousin of Mrs. Ruffner
and was born in northern California,
where his father, a brother of Dr.
Black, deceased, went in theeariy 'Jo's.
II. M. Northrup writes to the Jour
nal that he wants to lease a farm of
from 80 to l.o acres. He desires to
rent on the share plan. He wants the
owner of the farm to furniih horses
and farm implements. He is a man
of experience, 37 years of age, and does
not use intoxicants in any form. Mr.
North rup's postoflice address is Ply
mouth, Neb. He is also a member in
good standing of the Masonic and K.
of F. orders, and has a wife and two
'Gut Heil," the favorite cigar
r 1
R libber
Direct from
the Factory
We have had so much expe
rience with rubber g0'ds
Fountain Syringes, P.tilb
Syringes. Atomizers. Hot
Water Putties. Bed Pans,
Cushions, Sheeting, etc..
that we know the kinds gj
that give the best satisfac- 3
tion and where and how to ft
get them at right prices. 2
We buy them direct from the fac-i
Dr. Marshall,
W. D. Robison, trainmaster for the
Purlington, was in the city today.
Robert Maybier. of Omaha, the
Standard Oil man, was in the city
Mrs. L. A. Newcomer and children
and Mr.. Ella Pussier spent the day in
Lester Stander, a young farmer
living south of Louisville was here
D. 0. DWYER, Attorney-at-Law
Offce in building east of court
house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Mrs. J. J. Knghart of Stanberry,
Mo., and Mrs. J. W. Porter of Rocky
Ford, Co!., are visiting the family of
Capt. Isaac Wile?.
The P. E. O. will be entertained to
morrow evening by Mrs. (Jeorge E.
Dovey. Their hubbies are also ex
pected to be present.
The regular monthly business meet
ing of the Christian Endeavor society
of the Presbyterian church will be
held this evening at the home of the
president, Miss Caroline Baird. All
members are expected to be present.
What do the taxpayers of Cass
county think of an official who is guilty
of using stationery and postage stamps
for political purposes that has been
paid for by the county? We have the
proof of this assertion. A county of
ficial has no right to use stationery
and postage stamps which the tax
payers of the county have paid for.
John Schutrum and Joe Waldron
each had a bad case of blood poisining
of the arm this week. It was an in
fection from a boil on his hand with
Mr. Schutrum, while Mr. Waldron's
case resulted from a slight scratch on
his thumb. Dr. Dihel reports both
improving nicely at present. Eagle
Ralph Johnson of Lincoln, supreme
organizer for the Modern Woodmen of
America, J. O. Rurgess, of Hastings,
a special deputy, E. I. Littlefield, of
Cuuncil KlulTs, district deputy for the
state of Iowa, E. Pearman, of Kansas
City, special deputy, and E. E. Kester,
of Lincoln, state deputy, all for the
same order, departed this morning
for their homes.
A number of the farmers in the
vicinity of Nebraska City will meet
next Saturday for the purpose of form
ing a protective association. There
seems to have been considerable petty
stealing going on of late and they pro
pose to prevent it in the future if pos
sible. It might be a good idea to or
ganize such an association in the
vicinity of Plattsmouth, also.
Albert Pappe of Union City, Okla
arrived at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. George Hild of Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct, Saturday evening, to visit a few
days. Mr. Pappe was in town and
gave the Journal a call. He says he is
well pleased with the country, and his
surroundings especially. He w ill spend
several days in Cass county visiting
old neighbors and friends.
Never lose faith in Plattsmouth.
This is a good place to be right here
in this old town. Lots of nice folks
here, but the trouble is with many of
us that we get a notion that we are
the only good people here. But we are
not. When we get to thinking that
way, it is a sure sign that we need to
take a trip out into the world and see
what is going on elsewhere, and learn
that there are just as good people as
we are in almost every other town.
A special from Ashland says: "J. B.
LaChapelle has leased the plant of the
Saunders County Journal, which he
has conducted as a populist paper for
nearly nine years, to PhilR. Wilmarth,
formerly of Colorado Springs, who will
change the name of the paper to the
Ashland News, taking possession next
week. Mr. LaCapelle will remain here
and engage in the real estate business."
George Piatt came over from Silver
City. Ia.. yesterday, to pay his father,
: N. S. Piatt, a visit, returning home
this morning. George says the old
! town is all right and the people pros-
C. A. Bricker of Lincoln, the Bur
lington inspector of piece work, was in
j the city today.
j Judge Travis is gradually improv-
; ing, but not yet able to get out in the
county to sec the voters,
i Work of laying walks on Main street
has again been resumed. Let the good I
work proceed now until finished. j
Mrs. Laura Meredith's mother, Mrs.
i Hill, aged i2 years, arrived this after
Dentist, guaranteed J noon from La Fayette, Ind., for a visit.
j Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Fleming arrived
this morning from Council BlulTs, la.,
for a short visit with Prof. E. L.
Rouse and family.
Miss Edith Buzell went to Pacific
Junction this afternoon to meet an
aunt who is on her way to California.
She accompanied her as far as Omaha.
Quite a number of Plattsmouth peo
ple expect to attend the unveiling cer
emonies of the monument of the late
J. Sterling Morton at Nebraska City
John P. Thacker, democratic candi
date for county commissioner, was
among the throng of Woodmen last
evening, and seemed to be right at
home among the boys.
Mrs. A. F. Fitt and son and her
sister, Miss Freda Herold, departed
this afternoon for McCook, where the
former's husband has been transferred
to work for the Burlington.
Work on the Masonic home is pro
gressing nicely. Workmen are put
ting in all possible time, and the en
tire addition will be completed and
ready for use within the allotted time.
Attorney A. J. Graves expects to
leave for California next week for the
benefit of his health. Mr. Graves has
been in poor health for several months,
and we hope he will be greatly bene
fitted by the trip.
Miss May Larson, who is teaching
two miles east of Union, will give a
school entertainment tomorrow ( Fri
day) evening, October 27. Friends
and patrons of the school, and all oth
ers who desire to enjoy an interesting
time are cordially invited.
A special train will be run next Sat
urday morning over the Burlington
from Omaha to Nebraska City, pass
ing here at l:33. The fare from Platts
mouth will be H.Oo for the round trip,
returning will leave Nebraska City at
7 p. in.
Mrs. George Stadler has rented the
Burlington house and will open a
boarding house. Her husband left
his family in almost destitute circum
stances, but she has relatives and
friends who will assist her in getting
a start.
E. B. Craig is in the city today in
terviewing the people,
w ho can aid in his election for coroner
Mr. Craig is the democratic candidate
for that oHice, and he is making
friends in every section of the county.
A vote for Mr. Craig means a vote for
the best man for the place.
Mrs. Carl T. Seely of Missoula.Mont.,
arrived in the city last evening for a
week's visit with her daughter, Mrs.
W. E. Wells. Mrs. Seely has been
spending the past month with rela
tives and friends in Madison and Col
umbus, and after her visit here she
will return to her Montana home.
C. E. Wescott and hisson, Cliff, have
returned from Watson, Mo., near
where they looked over a good farm
with a view of trading city property
for it. If successful, it is said, that
they will make a few thousand dollars
out of the deal to start w ith, and that
Mr. John McNeal will remove his fam
ily to Plattsmouth to reside.
Mrs. George Meisinger, living eight
miles west of Plattsmouth, returned
home Saturday evening from Omaha,
where she went through an operation
at Immanuel hospital for tut erculosis,
feeling as well as could be expected,
and with a fair prospect of entire re
covery. The operation was most sue
cessfully performed.
Fur SaEe
Wednesday Glov0 H
the largest
with us on
rain or shine.
tory and at bed-rock prices, so that
quality for quality we are sure that
no other concern in this section
equals the values that we give.
Come and learn more of this mat
ter; it is to your decided interest.
poring, and of old Silver City is one
j of the best little towns on the face of
the earth, every time wc see any
1 1 one from over there it reminds us cf
the many happy hours we have spent
among those good people.
At no time can matured ears of corn
be selected for seed to any batter ad
vantage than in the fall w hen they are
hangingon the stalk. One can see the
condition of stalk, note advantages,
sec how the ear grew and by a wise se
lection can in a very few years heap
unto himself a breed of corn that will
be hard to improve on for that partic
ular individual. In the selection of
seed we need to use more common
sense and good judgment than is now
Fur Houses in this country
Wednestlav, Xov.l, one dav
with a large line of Furs, Fur Cloaks for Wo
men, Fur Coats for Men also Fur-lined Cloaks,
which embraces all the season's new and nobby stvles
in Fur Cloaks and Scarfs. This is your opportunity
to get a fur cloak, muff or collar, exclusiye stvles, at
Very Reasonable Prices. -:- -:-
TUR own Fur stock is complete. The values were
enticing we purchased heavier in this line than we
anticipated, and in order to move them quickly we have
marked them at prices within the reach of all. -:-
Don't Fail to Attend This Sale
Why Will Citizens cf Nebraska Oppose Ex
tending Its System.
The Better
The tissues of the throat are
inflamed and irritated; you
ougji, and there is more irrita
tion more coughing. 1 ou take
a cough mixture and it eases the
irritation for a while. You take
and it cures the cold. That's
what is necessary. It soothes the
throat because it reduces the
irritation ; cures the cold because
driyes out the inflammation ;
builds up the weakened tissues
because it nourishes them back
to their natural strength. That's
how Scott's Emulsion deals with
a sore throat, a cough, a cold,
or bronchitis.
409 Pearl Mtret
Mew lrk
It Should B2 Encouraged By Evory Farmer
and Business Man in the State
of Nebraska.
"if at lirst you don't succeed, try,
try again:" That, evidently, seems to
be the motto of the Independent Tel
ephone people. They were downed at
a recent meeting of the city council of
Omaha, when that august body refused
point blank to grant them admittance
to the metropolis of Nebraska. But,
like Banquo's ghost, they won't down.
The men at the head of the Independ
ent are made of that kind of mettle
that won't "break" as easily as some
people imagine. In their younger days
they were fed upon perseverance and
sweet oil, and they have learned its
medicinal effects. They know that
right should prevail, and that is just
what they are after, and propose to
keep up the bombardment on the in
trenched city council until they domain
Why all this opposition to the en
trance of the IndeDendent line into
Omaha? Is not this the rural system,
which spreads out over a vast territory
adjacent to Omaba? Does the Bell
company reach one-fourth the people
the Independent does in this territory?
Is there one Bell phone where there
are ten or twenty Independents? Is
not the entrance of the latter into the
city of Omaha o:' vast interest to the
jobbers and wholesale people of that
city, and even to many other business
men of Omaha? Certainly the busi
ness men should have some say in re
gard to matters of this kind, especially
when their own interests are at stake.
The wholesale dealers and jobbers of
Omaha are the people who should take
this matter in hand, and endeavor to
get this proposition before the voters
cf that city, and show to the '-city
dads'' they are not doinjr the fair thing
by the Independent people, n.r the
people at large in Omaha. Tha en
trance of the Independent company
into Omaha means cheaper "phones,
less toll rate and a great accomodation
to thousands of people who buy goo Is
in that city. The city council should
be compelled to submit this matter to
a vote of the common people of Oma
ha, and when this is done "the right
will prevail," and not a moment soon
er. The Independent company should
have admission to Omaha, and for the
benefit of the country merchants and
the Omaha wholesalers, the sooner this
is accomplished the better it will be
fgr all concerned.
lT.i .iriit-vr-nir-1-! '
th -J.CvSA'l- tmt n irT ... irir. I -if." ""'i ifT -17H Vl "trti "-fo .,
t'':;"lN ; fcf 1:
C. A. Hawls, Lawyer,
bate and general practice,
f ice of County Attorney.
K I I -: V-:-:. nmco . - I IT TT
tn tKXm ;iy but
i "HAU iwoa tnninai
Hair Renewer
Ab-vivs restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color it used
ve. l ne nair stops railing, crows ions anu ncavy, anu an
f? f!!cQfrpirc An cipnonf Hrpccmit
sncrun" oisappears.
It J-W dmrrirt mr-m "H'.' 7- tl.p'to
U. r. M ALL L . ..r.u. . II
$350 Piano Absolutely Free.
For the purpose of encouraeinR and stiraulatintf a ereater interest in music w ith all the
"c " .' I.,... ..rrr iinnn an cW f-T whirh will not OIllv SCC O III 1)1 1 s ll
test We want fhe two words "HOSPE PIANOS" to become forever impressed upon the
minds of all who read this announcement, hence we make the following
Remarkable Offer: See liow many words ou c:ui inak out of Hk
.i !.... ; tiia iu "Hosdo Plano9." The person making
ric til iciicis in i" 1 " .
Hospij" i ru 1 1 1 I'p- f
ilm .rrpatPd nnmlipr of words will rr-reivea .! nt-sv
lisrht Piano absolutely fri-o. J his will bo Die nrM
The fifteen next hiehef t ansivers will entitle each one to. a c.ed:t r'-ruf-Kte cf froo on
anothcr anofosflVke fhe one ohered as pri.e. The f.fty u.xt h.hest an;wers v ul
entitle thesucesslul contestants each to a -----'!;'ft,i;;-
J answers wil entitle the successful cr.nte-tams each to a n . - nc- e o f f r . -r.y J t
3 Piano in onr warerooms. In the event of a tie happe.m: betv.c.tI, , r., e t. II
3 I.r:es. identical in character and value will be g,:-n to , Ka s I rms . .1 lt - -.- H
certilicate holders not wtshins to pay tlt atnount in o ' ,. .. ' . f ,t U
3 epn to all except cur employes and their f ,-i ...e, I hose -..' - .y 1. .;;; . ' .;L:.t(
.1 mav arrant to transfer their cred:t certii:cat to some one I e : . r- . . , . .. , t, . ....
I manager of o::r f tore. Al 1 an-w. , , .MiM be in o;: r r.;;;ce nrA ...n '.L- . ..;- . U
ie.1 as :.rvt prie in tins co:.:t.-i i - ' rjj
Tiic Leai:t:f:;l "Hospe" piano ell
Kvsr Mnreour busine" wa c ta:iii'hi"i -ni
iindie on'.v the most reliable and arti-t.c pi.:io
and t.-rms so reasonable, as to make the xw..a
hiirl a.-; for the most e.xici
ir, nrvr.t volumes en.iblerf liS
not " the advartaee of our
-7i o-.r
e of an i"
i-r. i:uyi
to ti :!) rs ! 1 :i ! 1 .!
: r
tlv f'r -;ish :n.l
r ' ir. .el i t oi wl.o l:.'ivi;
e. ;iii-l we arf :ilso iit.Ie
in ti.' I nifril Mat' s inr ru-im u
be it tt:, $00 or will reprent that
one or tiie supf ro himiuimcihs h y u i
v.t.ina' m.-inufai tuiers we are enable to save
which the ordinary dealer is for' e.l to add to
can make out of the eleven letters
lilK-rnl tt
. .... i . !...,... .1 I.t.-.-. fe.v l 'li .r.v-
f.iTr vf sell u u i "
ran he jmrchaped anywhere
fir-it.-- which vou may earn.
much value in casli on any
mav select, rurnieini"
to the customer the profit
the cost of his rooas.
see now WZ, v, t- w i v (t s
. . . 4V,a letters II-K-I-A-N more than onco in any one
one word. . .
a vord cannot le u?ed
ent meanlnps. . Enifh Ianjruace (Webster Is our
autrVT -dll be" counted, but not plurals or name.
State if you now
more than once even though it has di.Ter-
or persons anu
I.,, o rviano or orsan. and maker's name.
vour Vt whin completed and Mate number of words.
?-YJ r, 1 1 name and Rive postofTire address.
15 DI- Strte?. A. HOfPK OMl-ANV. OMAHA, XBII