The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 12, 1905, Image 2

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    ' t.
Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Mock.
Jcorpe Peters, of Avoca, was In the
city Friday.
J. A. Cauer of Cedar Creek was a
caller on the Journal Monday.
IS. I Lauu'hlin of (Jreenwood was
here Monday, and jrave the Journal
a pleasant call.
Mr. and Mrs. I K. Cuthrnan went
to Murdock.Tuesday afternoon to visit
their daughter, Mrs. Neitzel and fam
ily. Herman I'ankonin was down from
Louisville Monday, and of course called
on the Journal, where he is always wel
come. Fred S. Will departed Tuesday mom
inn for Nuckolls county to look after
his ranch out there, which he bought
a few months ao.
J. P. Falter, the hustling real estate
man, retured from Pierce county Fri
day, where he sold two 100 acres of
land near Plainview to Philip and
Jacob Fornoll of Cedar Creek.
C. W. Warren returned to Cedar
Creek Tuesday afternoon, taking with
him a barber's chair, which he will
use when not workinir for Newell &
At wood in the stone quarry.
J. C. .Smith, one of the old residents
of near Murray, was in the city
and called and renewed for the Journal.
Mr. Smith has been a patron of the
Old Reliable for many years.
Those people who have been missing
chickens are preparing toprotect them
selves against these midnight maraud
ers. A dose of buckshot will have a
tendency to stop some of this work.
John Wagner and family, who have
been visiting his brother, George Wag
ner and family, who reside about ten
miles south of Plattsmoutb, departed
Friday for their home in Buf
falo, N. Y.
A marriage license was granted to
Charles C. Owen, age 31 years, and
Miss Victoria Balen, aged twenty
years, both of Greenwood. They were
united in marriage in Greenwood this
afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Fred Dreeson, of near Unadilla,
Otoe county, was in the city Saturday,
shaking hands with old friends. Mr.
and Mrs. Dreeson formerly resided
northwest of this city and came up
Thursday for a few days visit.
Glad word has been received in this
city that Mrs. David Miller who has
been very ill and who underwent an
operation in Lincoln recently, is con
valescing nicely and will soon be per
mitted to leave the hospital.
There isn't a day in the week that
Sears, Hoe buck & Co. do not invite the
people of Plattsmouthand Casscounty
to give them their trade. Some local
merchants do not think enough of
trade to extend an invitation even.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Roth, of Grand
Island, came in Fiiday night for a few
days' visit with Mrs. Roth's old home
relatives. She is a former Plattsmouth
girl and we were pleased to receive a
visit from Mr. and Mrs. Roth.
Fred Ramge has returned from a
visit to his 40 acre farm near LeRoy,
Kan., which is located in the oil
region. lie brought home a sample of
the corn grown on his land, which is
equal in every way to that raised in
New Cure for Cancer.
AH surface cancers are now known
to be curable by Ilucklen's Arnica Salve
Jas. Walters of Dunield, Va , writes:
"1 had a cancer on my lip for years,
that seemed incurable, till Bucklen's
Arnica Salve healed it, and now it is
perfectly well." Guaranteed cure for
cuts and burns. '2c at F. G. Fricke &
Co.'s drug store.
"Gut Hell," the favorite cigar
m mm r w mm m mmm
Building. , n; year for tin; alnilnisir:tirh
If you are a judge of a eood s noke,
try the "Acorns" 5 cent cigar and you
will smoke no other.
D. 0. DWYER, Attorney-ot-Law
Offce in building east of court
house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
legal Htwcrtieemcnte.
Notice to Creditors.
HTACAs'co"Tr!KA' 1 ln C"uHy Court.
In the matter of the estate of Willis II. Ladd,
! 'eased.
i Not Ire Is hereby given that the creditors of
i said deceased will meet the administratrix of
said estate, tn-rre me. county Judge of Cuss
county. Nebraska, at the county court ruom
in i'lattsrnouth. In said county, on the 24th of
April. r.ii- at lu o'clock a. m.. of said day. for
the tiuroose of urescntlnir their claims for e.x-
utiiiiiatioii. adjustment and allowance.
! Mx months are allowed for the creditors of
their claims, and
x to settle said
estate, from the uV.tti (lav of October. VJUb.
W itness my hand and seal of said county
court at I'lattsrnoutli. Nebraska, this "Jlst day
f Septemlx r. VMo
County Judge.
Legal Notice.
Joseph Arnick. jr.. James Hates. John W.
Hates. Kmery Amick. Annis Amick, James
It makes no dilference how long you A"'j ;k- ir,ilLAV V-i J.V !
Iirl name 1 unknown, et ill., defendants, will
take notice, that on the l'.'th day of s'cptemler
!!.'. Minerva A. Slocum. plaliitiir herein, riled
her petition in the district court of Cass
county. Nebraska, against said defendants,
t he object and prayer of which are to quiet
t he title to plaintitl of the following descrilted
real estate, to-wit: Ixit twenty-six. ln the
northwest quarter of the sont beast quarter of
section twenty-one. township eleven, range
fourteen east of the Sixth 1. .M. plat of Irreg
ular tracts, record of Cass county. Nebraska.
That the defendants, and each of them la?
forever debarred from' asserting any claim
whatsoever in or to said land and premises
adverse to the plaint ill : and that plaintiffs
title and possession in and to said land be
quieted ill her.
Von are required to answer said petition on
or before the Mot li day of ctober, MUV.
Dated September 3Hli. i!"o.
have been sick, if you are troubled
with indigestion, constipation, liver
and kidney troubles, Ilollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea w ill make you well. :."
cents. Gering & Co.
L. F. Langhorst of Klmwood was in
he city Monday and paid his respects
to the Journal. Mr. Langhorst is a
very social gentleman, and one of the
right up-to-date business men of Cass
Henry Horn, one of Cass county's
successful farmers, called Wednesday,
ordered the Journal sent to his sister,
Mrs. George Nickel, at Pekin, Illinois.
Mrs. Nickel formerly resided in Cass
county and wants the news from her
old home.
Monday was a most disagreeable
day for the corner stone services, but
the ceremony could not be postponed
on account of those in attendance,
many of whom came from the interior
of the state, and then again it would
have delayed work on the building.
A. Streitwieser and family who have
been visiting here, departed for their
home in Brady Island, Neb., Monday
morning. He worked in the Burling
ton shops here for nineteen years.
Mr. Streitwieser is well pleased with
his new home, and says he has an ex
cellent crop of corn.
Mrs. Sue A. Pace, grand matron of
the Eastern Star, and Mrs. Anna C.
Simpson, the grand secretary of the
same order,arrived Monday morning to
attend the laying of the corner stone.
Frank II. Young, grand patron of the
grand lodge, of Broken Bow, assisted
in the laying of the cornerstone this
Lester E. Stone left Monday night
for his new home at Cherokee, Okla
homa, where he is engaged in the bank
ing business. His many friends wish
him unbounded happiness and pros
perity in his new home in the south.
His lamily will join him in the near
future. Nehawka Register.
Jacob Meisinger went to Omaha
Saturday to visit .his daughter-in-law,
Mrs. George Meisinger, who submitted
to a surgical operation in one of the
hospitals in that city yesterday. Her
husband is at her bed side, and no
discouraging reports have been re
ceived as to her present condition.
Fifteen hundred half-sheet posters,
advertising for one hundred skilled
mechanics for the Burlington local
shops, are being sent out by th Com
mercial club of this city. This uum-
ber of workmen and perhaps more, are
badly needed, and the Commercial
club is doing all in its power to have
the demand supplied.
Dr. Elster, Dentist,
Waterman Block.
From our exchanges we learn that
black diphtheria is raging in many
parts of the state and has been the
means of closing public schools in var
ious tow ns. It is a disease that proves
fatal in most instances. Great precau
tion should be taken by the citizens of
Plattsmouth to see that this dreaded
disease does not get a foothold in this
city and throughout the count'.
George M. Hild returned Saturday
afternoon from a visit of about three
weeks with his father-in-law, Albert
Pappe, near Union City, Okla. Mr.
Hild met a number of former Cass
;L,OClM. Plaintiff.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
state of Nebraska.
Cass County.
In the matter of the estate of Henry Snyder,
Notice is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of
said estate, before me. County Judge of Cass
County. Nebraska, at the county court room
in Plattsmouth. in said county, on the2lstday
of January A. 1. T.iOti. and on the 24th day of
April A. I). ISOti. at II o'clock a. m.. each day.
for the purpose of examining- and adjusting
their claims.
81.x months are allowed for the creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, and one
?ear for the administrator to settle said estate
rum the 21st day of October 1U03.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 33rd
day of September litoj Hakvev 1). Travis,
seal County Judge.
C. A. Hawls, Lawyer. Pro
bate and general practice. Of
fice of Caunty Attorney.
Wrjere to Dine?
A hard question to answer for those
who are unable to find a cook to suit
them, for those whose stomach is, so to
say, destroyed by various rich articles
of diet and by strong liquors. They
are then constantly looking for strong
er stimulants, which increase their
misery and their suffering. On the
other hand many lost their appetite
through a sickness, either unknown to
them or not acknowledged by them.
In either case Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine will bring ttiem
an energetic appetite, because it will
iro to the root of the sickness. It will
cure the stomach and the intestines
and give them proper strength to ac
cept and digest any food. As soon as
the digestive organs will start their
regular work, the blood will get pure
and rich, the nerves strong, the
muscles elastic. For diseases of the
digestion it is the only remedy you
can rely en. At drug stores. Jos.
Triner. TJW So. Ashland Ave., Chicago.
Chickens in the Wei!.
William Sayles, living three miles
south of tow n, cleaned out his well to
day, and his reason for so doing w as on
account of his horses refusing to drink
the water. Among the articles he
found at the bottom were several dead
chickens with bricks tied to their
necks. He had been using the water
until the horses refused it. Now, the
question is, who did the unpardonable
crime? Evidently some one that "had
it in" for Mr. Sayles.
Makes Homely Women Pretty.
No woman no matter how regular
her features may be can be called
pretty if her complexion is bad. Orino
Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion
and clears sallow blotched complexion j
by stimulating the liver and bowels, j
Guar an teed
To Wear for
Five Years.
county people, among whom was John nnu . uV uu uui
Misol, who went to that country about I nauseate or gripe and is mild and
two years ago from Eight Mile Grove Pleasant to take. Remember the name j
precinct. They have excellent crops "r,noa reiuse lu"a1 a,J
in the section in which he was, and all j tut0- F- G. Fricke & Co.
the Cass county people seem reasons.-1
blv well satisfied. 1
. Uii ill
Sterling Reel Barn
and Roof Paint
will cover 2o) Mjuare feet
two coats, on ordinary
new wood work. It is a
triLrlit rich red. We guar
antee it to wear at least
Five Ytars when proper
ly applied on a good sur
face. If it does not prove
to be exactly as represen
ed we will furnish paint
To repaint free of charge.
SV in single gallons: in
gallon lots, Toe per gallon.
! Beware of Imitations.
The original and only genuine liglu-
I nin;' rnn i mnniifncrnrpi! hv W f '
Shinn of Lincoln, Neb. This rod is en
dorsed by the State Association of Mu-
! tual Insurance companies. The W. C
a j Shinn rod is only handled by author
Si ized dealers who can show a dealers
certiticate. Kach stool of cable lias our
trade mark b irred on the end of the
spool, " vV. C. S." Our dealer is au
thorized t ) issue a guarantee. August
Gorder is our authorized dealer for the
Plattsmouth territory. See him before
buying a rod.
A Card.
This is to certify that all druggists
are authorized to refund your money
if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure
your cold or cough. It stops the cough,
heals the lungs and prevents serious
results from a cold. Cures la grippe
cough and prevents pneumonia and
consumption. Contains no opiates.
The genuine is in a yellow package.
Refuse substitutes. F.G. Fricke & Co.
Good advice to women. If you want
. . - - i i - l i
a t'Cau Li I ui complexion, c;ear skiii,
bright eyes, red lips, good health, take
I Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea.
; There is nothing like it. ?,' cents.
Tea or Tablets. Gering & Co.
in any style
Short Orders
Regular Meals j
Our Specialties.
If you are hungry we can supply
you with the pick of the market
5th door East of Cass Co. Bank
Boys' Tan Shoes
one lot to close
SI.25 a Pair
Broncho Buster
Hosiery, at only
25c for 2 Pair
The looms of the world hnvo contributed of their beau
ty to our Dress (tood Stock, a prodigal assemblage
of all the exquisite colorings and weave effects, and
if you contemplate buying a new dress, not a wish
need ro unrrntitied.
Arnold Waistings
in all the desirable pat
terns, a serviceable mate
rial, washes well without
losing a bit of its beauty,
10c, 12 4c, 15c per yard.
New Fail Underwear
for ladies, misses and
children; an extensive as
sortment of well-made
garments, and no where
else are the prices so low.
Season's Hosiery
We are ready with the
most substantial and at
tractive line of hosiery for
children, misses and la
dies ever shown here.
Kvery mother's son and daughter, too, between the ages of 3 and ought to
begin to think of Fall Shoes. It's going to be too chilly soon for those this sum
mer shoes and oxfords. You need shoes or a doctor. Shoes are cheaper than a
doctor. Our fall showing of seasonable shoes is complete. One lot of women's
shoes, black and brown, special, $1.48 per pair.
Large Line of
Carpets, Rugs and Mattings
Oil Cloths and Linoleums.
Farmers. Attention. !
ighining Feed Grinder Exhibition n
THURS., FRI. and SAT., Oct. 19, 20, 21
At our place of business.
We will serve a
to all who call. We will
make Hot Cakes, using
Hour ground by this
Famous Grinder
and serve them with but
ter, syrup and hot coffee
Ladies and all invited.
This is a Grinder, Not a Crusher
and while you are here we want to show you the merits of the best feed grinders ever invented.
Roller bearings, chilled steel burrs, friction plates to take up the wear, and nine lujs to force
the grain into the burrs, which make three revolutions to one of the sweep. Bearings run in oil.
The Famous "Lightning Feed Grinder"
grinds faster, runs easier and lasts longer than any otlie made, and you never have to grind the
grain twice to get it tine enough. We want the Ladies to Come in and test our Flour.
Vou Can 0rindWheat, Rye, Oats, Kaffir Corn and Corn
shelled or in the oar. at the rate of tventy-fiv- to tifty bu.shel-. an hour with one hors.
r v If! Sat? f"?.
Do not fail to witness this exhibition and s.-curv a Lightning Grinder. Ik-wan- of imitations.
The original and genuine Lightning Grinder is made by the Ft. S -ott 3Ianu:V-turi,!'
Co., LiiK-oln Implement and Transfer Company, distributers. Lincoln. X-brasI:a.
Come In. We'll Show Yovi.
Vovirs for Business and Hot Cakes
North Side Main Street
U P. S. While here, we would be pleased to have you examine our big line of
Buggies, Wagons and Implements n