THINK OF IT! This Pretty Matron Had Headache and Packache, and Her Condition 1 1 'as Serious. PE-RU-NA CURED. i A I Jim, wi t MRS. M. BRICKNER. 99 Eleventh Street, r Milwaukee, W is. $ "A short time ago I found my con' dition very serious. I had headaches, pains in the back, and frequent dizzy tpells which grew worse every month. J tried two remedies before Peruna, end was discouraged when I took the first dose, but my courage soon returned. In less than two months my health was restored." Mrs. At. Brick ner. The n-ason of to many failures to cure cast's similar to the alxive is the fact that diseases K'ouliar to the female fex are not commonly FEMALE TROUBLE NOT RECOGNIZED AS CATARRH. recopnizcd as l?inp caused ly catarrh. Catarrh of one orpan is exactly the Fame as catarrh of any other orpan. "What will cure catarrh of the head will also cure catarrh of the pelvic organs. 1 Vruna cures these cases simply because It cures the catarrh. If you have catarrh write at once to Dr. Ilartman, piving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice pratis. Address Pr. Ilartman, President of The Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbu?, O. Weeping Water from the Herald. To Mr. and Mrs. Shankland, Friday, September l-".tli. a pirl. J. C. Morgan lias finally completed J the sale of his photograph gallery to J. C. Thompson, and the latter takes pisseskn next Monday. W. II. I.?1I and family, and his father Tim, departed Monday for Salem. Ore. Thev will decide later just what place in Orepon they will I cate. Their many friends wish them abundant miccvss. Mr", and Mrs. Albert Johnson and K. I.. Taylor departed Monday for Montrose. C''.o. The latter expects to make that his home for two or three years, bopin-' the change will Le of benetlt to Mrs. Taylor. A son was burn to Mr. and Mrs. A. JJranson, of Manley, Friday, but the babe lived but a few hours. Dr. Kickard was called to assist Ir. (Jreene. and Mrs. llranson. who was very low, will probably recover. Calvin Ilowland and family stopped here Thursday niht on their way home from Iloldredje, where Mrs. Iiowland has been visiting a month or more. Mr. Holland thinks some of moving there in the near future, and enayintf in the real estate business. Elmwood Troro the Leader-Echo. John Sollers' little tflil was quite sick with tonsilitis the past week. Ceo. Ihckert's little boy was re ported on t lie sick list the tirst of the week. Karl Elliott returned last week from a sojourn of nine months in the east. Miss Inez Ilarnsberper is paininp in health rapidly, which we are pleased to learn. Kmiel Schwede, of New Ilremen, () an old schoolmate of Ed Langhorst, is visitinp at the Lanhorst home. Miss Jessie .tilers went to Peru- Tuesday of last week to take the teachers' training course in the State Normal. W. F. Hoffman, of Ileverly, Illinois, is visiting at the home of his cousin, J. h. Noyes. Mr. Hoffman expects to make Nebraska his future home. Mrs. Stuart Okley and daughter, Ida, of Iecatur, Iowa, are visiting relatives iand friends here. Mrs Okley is a sister of Mrs. James Turk, Mrs. L. P, (Jrcenslate and M. 15 Williams. Ir. Nee!y was called out to see Lee Snavely, Sunday, in consultation with Ir. Muir, of Alvo. Sunday evening he was taken to the Everett sanitar ium at Lincoln, where lie was operated on Monday evening for obstruction of the bowels. At last report he was doing nicely. Numerous and Worthless. Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. DeWitt & Co. of Chicago discovered some years ago how to make a. salve from Witcli Hazel that is a specific for Piles. For blind, bleedidg, itching and protruding Piles, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin diseases De Witt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt's the genuine. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. andfiering&Co. cent of attendance ought to be 100, but the blame for non-attendance must rest upon the parents who do riot see to it that their children are kept in school. With this excellent corps of teachers and the faithful co-operation of all the patrons, we have reason to expect splendid results from this year's school work. Got Off Cheap. He may well think-, he lias got olT cheap, who. after having contracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore his health. Noth ing will do this but Dr. King's New Life Tills. A quick, pheasant and cer tain cure for headache, constipation, etc. l-a at F. J. Fricke & Co.'s drug store: guaranteed. Union. From the Ledcer. George Edmisten, jr., dropped his left hand upon a whizzing wood saw Tuesday, and was so fortunate as" to get lot se with only two lingers dam aged. Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Wayant of Dead wood, S. D., arrived Wednesday to make several days visit with relatives and friends in this village and vicinity. John Klaurens, jr., and wife of ausa, Neb., have been making a visit witli their Cass county relatives and friends, coming to this village from Murray yesterday. The Liberty precinct delegation to the democratic convention Tuesday came home feeling jubilant because they succeeded in landing the nomina tion of John I'. Thacker for county commis.Moner. Georue Graves of Murray, who has been playing this season with the Guthrie. kla., baseball team in the Western association, passed through here Wednesday morning returning home to spend the winter, the base ball season having been finished. Special coaches carrying the demo cratic delegations to the county con vention were brought down by the 10:22 train Tuesday, and here they were transferred to the switch train which took them to Elmwood. The Ledger editor was invited to join the excursion, but none of the politicians would guarantee us a seat in the con vention, hence we declined the invita tion. The Union schools opened last week with Miss Mary Foster principal, Mrs. Nettie Turner intermediate and Miss Nina Lynde primary. The enrollment is 97, there being 28 in the principal's room, 32 in the intermediate and 37 in the primary. The enrollment is below what it should be in fact the. per Always Successful. When indigestion becomes chronic it is dangerous. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will cure indigestion and all troubles resulting therefrom, thus preventing Catarrh of the stomach. Dr. New- brough, of League, W. Va., says: '"To those suffering from indigestion or sour stomach I would say there is no better remedy than Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have prescribed it for a num ber of my patients with good success."' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. andGering & Co. Louisville From the Courier. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shoe man, September hi. a boy. Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Sprieck re turnded to their home at Staton Thursday, after a two weeks' visit here with their son Otto. Miss Lena Lehlat'i has accepted a position in the millinery department of the Boston store in Omaha. Kev. Duholme, formerly pastor of the Paptist church here, was visiting in tow n Wednesday. He is now locat ed at Herman, Neb. C. A. Kichey is building a new addi tion to his residence in the west part of town. George Delezene is doing the carpenter work. If the contract for repairing the Platte river bridge is let on the first of next month it will be two months before work on the structure will be gin, as it willttake that long to get the lumber here. During the storm of Friday of last week hail stripped the blades from the corn east of town while the wind blew the stalks down and tangled them up so it win maKe it very ainicuit to gather. The Plattsmouth Independent Tel ephone company does not only give good service ibut after figuring up profits and losses they have reduced toll charges in Cass county to 15 cents. When they get into Omaha we may be able to say at least hello and not have to pay a nickle for talking over time. The Independent will get into Omaha in time and when onco there NehaLwka Krurfi the ItetrlbUr. We omitted to mention last week that a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Iiunyan the 12th inst. Mrs. E. A. Kirkpatrick left Tuesday evening for a two weeks' outing in the hills of Colorado. She will visit Den ver, Cripple Creek and many other points before her return. Mrs. Seyfer and daughters of Mis souri, who have been visiting her son, left for Cook to spend a few days be fore returning home. Last Tuesday, George Mark, Jesse Lowthtr, F. J. Sheldon and L.C.Todd composed a party that started from here for Chase county. They may purchase a ranch out there if the country suits them. .Mr. norace uowaru, eighty years old, who has been helping his son on a jou oi gruuoing ior j;. oipu, was driving the horses Wednesday when a ooii uroppeu out and a wire swung around breaking both bones of his right leg. J. J. Looker, seemingly, had visited Fulton's blacksmith shop and had one of his elbows "pointed'', and was so pleased with the result that he con cluded to "drill'' a hole into one of the plate glass windows of F. P. Sheldon's store. He succeeded in doing the right thing to the window by "drill ing" a comfortable hole in said glass. Some said a stone had been thrown through it, while others contended that a bullet had been fired through it. Anyho.v a little hole and a paral yzed glass was the result, and Jim ordered a new "pane"' to tit the aperture. DO YOU ADMIRE A WELL DRESSED MAN? g why No be One Yourself? INNOCENT OF THE CRIME Planning to Secure the Release of Mrs. Lillie From the Penitentiary. will give the the business. Bell monopoly a run for A Clear Complexion and Bright Eyes. In most cases a sallow, blotched com plexion and dull heavy eyes are due to poor digestion and an inactive liver. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids di gestion and stimulates the liver and bowels and makes the complexion smooth and clear. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Jie fuse substitutes. F. G. Fricke & Co. Horn Madle Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. ' " Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. S9YAL BAION4 PWfc CO NEW YORK. From the Keacon. II. R. Lessel had his household goods loaded into a car Tuesday and shipped to Nehawka. Mrs. Lessel and the children left Wednesday morning. Iiev. Jackson who has occupied the pulpit in the M. E. church for the past two years, preached his farewell sermon last Sunday evening. While out posting up sale bills Thursday morning Otto Lau's team got away from him and demolished the buggy almcst beyond repair. Lee Snavely, living near Alvo, who was operated on for appendicitis about a year ago, underwent another opera tion in Lincoln Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Latrom came down from Lincoln Wednesday even ing and willmake their home in Ea?le. Willie will assist his father in the store a part of the time. Rural Mail Carrier Burdick reports that he found rive of the bridges on his route in very bad shape Monday morning from the heavy rains. One was impassable. A change has been made in the firm at the west elevator in which Richard Wcnzel becomes successor to Wenzel & Son. Richard is a hustler and will no doubt increase the business in a short time. Considerable damage to bridges has been done by the heavy rains from the 13th to the 18th. The streams were reported bank full several times and a number of the large bridges and many small ones have been washed out. Dr. Finn's Testimony Interesting Dr. Thomas Finn, of Boonsboro. Mo., who has practiced medicine for 32 years, says he has used every pre scription known to the profession for treatment of kidney and bladder dis eases, and says he has never found anything so effective in both chronic and acute kidney and bladder trouble as Foley's Kidney Cure. It stops ir regularities and builds up the whole system. F. G. Fricke & Co. Recent developments, it is claimed, show that a concerted efTort w ill short ly be made to secure the release from the state penitentiary of Mrs. Lena Margaret Lillie, the Butler county woman who is serving a life term for the murder of her husband. It is un derstood among the friends of Judge Ilamer, her attorney, says the Lincoln News, that he contemplates a further appeal to the supreme court for a re hearing hoping to secure a reversal on the ground of newly discovered evi dence and prejudice in the minds of the jurors. Still another phase of the campaign for the woman's rehabilita tion is the sympathy which has been aroused for her condition. This senti ment is being disslminated at a rapid rate by the visitors to the penitentiary, particularly those from out of town. When they leave the woman's ward, in nine cases out of ten, it is with a feeling that the matronly looking wo man is not guilty of the crime of w hich she was convicted. The growing feeling that the woman is not guilty is expected to serve as the basis for a free pardon, as soon as there is a change of administration. It has been intimated pretty strongly that an appeal to Governor Mickey would be fruitless as long as the case bears such recent impress of the su preme court's refusal to act. How ever, it is regarded as a certainty that he will not aspire to a third term and irom tnat iact it is assumed mat a new executive will be in office. To him the appeal for clemency will be made, it is said, and by that time, eighteen months hence, the federation of women's clubs is expected to be ar rayed in support of the petition. As the time of the commission of the crime fades into the past the horror which was felt subsides, and the feel ing of compassion for an alleged victim of circumstantial evidence grows much stronger. Mrs. Lillie, the prisoner, spends much of her time sewing for various patrons outside of the prison walls. In nearly every instance, it is stated, these persons are firm believers in her innocence. Some of them are influ ential club women and help the move ment along. No action in the shape of an appeal to the governor is antici pated, however, until the case is again laid before the court. Judge Ilamer has kept his plans to himself, but the state's legal representatives are firmly convinced that he intends to make another effort to secure the attention of the supreme judges. Recent reports from David City in dicate a considerable variance in pub lic opinion, it is said that the senti ment in favor of Mrs. Lillie is develop ing and the feeling against her is los ing some of its bitterness as time passes. An argument that is doing service in ner benair is to tne enect that the relatives of the murdered man do not believe her guilty, and that their attitude is strong evidence of her innocence, since they are those most severely aggrieved by the crime, and the ones least likely to forgive the criminal. Pending further developments in her case, Mrs. Lillie continues to en joy considerable liberties at the prison and is frequently seen outside the walls walking for recreation and exercise. 8 1 X If X . N ings of every variety Q and we promise to Q search for what you v 8 Our Stylish, Hand-Tailored Suits cost you only about one-half what you pay for the same at thetailor shop. New Styles Just Arrived! and we will be glad to show them to you. We have also a very finelineof and see us help you in your may want. fM A X 1 O.WV J U 1 XI, NEBRASKA. PERKINS HOTEL GUTHMAN BROS., PRQPS. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA RATES $1.00fPER DAY First House West B. 6c M. Depot We Solicit the Farmers Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call 15he Perkins Hotel aimers, Attention! O o J) u o o . Jr i : i T i i . . : 11.' If you have some Live Stock to sell, such as Veal, Calves, Butcher Stock, Cattle, Hogs, Poultry or Butter and Egs, call on us and see what we pay. It will pay you to come and see us. Remember we will nop 1 1 1 Lorenz IT Plattsmouth, Plattsmo! Nebraska. I FRI f rem "fcc Homeseekerefcxcursions ON FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAYS ...,of- - - May, June, July, August, September, October and j? S November ' 8 -T O Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory i " b ONE: FARE PLUS $2.00-ROCJND TRIP J. C. LOVKIEN, Ass't Gen?l Passenger Agent, Kansas City, Mo. . A. Hilton, Gen't Passenger Agent, St. Louis, Mo. 8 5 1 8 I II