The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 28, 1905, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
Knlcrt'il at the potoflli-e at I'lattsmouth. Ne
braska, as M't'Dndi'luu matter.
l"or Treasurer
wn.i.iAM i. vin:i:u:u.
I'.r ; Ii-rk
I'nr .lmlr'i'
lor SberltT
.1) ill N I. Mi lti:lIK.
l-'or MiTiiitMil-nt
CI. I m N S. WO HTM A X.
l-'or 11 -jtisti-rof lh-ed-
lor Coroner
K. II. ckah;.
Fur Surveyor
l-'or Commissioner
.lolIX I. TIIACKKi:.
Japan probably regrets now that
she did not have all those Russian
warships "interred" instead of
As she was unaMe to ,et an in
demnity from Russia', Japan will
probably proceed to take its equiva
lent out of China.
Tin-: conclusion is forced that a
governor of Iowa has nothing to do
at home ami can give all his time
directing the affairs of the nation.
That California preacher who
insists that Cain was the first strik
er, might add that Noah was the
head of the first shipbuilding trust.
Ii-' Tin-: the president decides not
to call an extra session, he should
explain to Lal-'ollette that he
doesn't mean anything personal by
it. .
Tin-: issues of next year's con
gressional elections, possibly of the
presidential election two years later,
will lx; made up in the long session
of congress this winter.
Tin-: Journal admires President
Roosevelt in a great many instances
.! 1 . t t . r- .
aim uas tfiven mm cretin mr inc
goon ueeus ne nxs periormeu. as
president of the United States he
has done a great deal in the wav of
ridding the departments of grafters.
mo carerni Jias lie lceu in tins re-
. . . . -1 . . t i
peei ui.u we are positive mat ne
will never permit the appointment
of an vone, who has been convicted
of libel in the courts of his county
and state to even a position as post
master under his administration.
Nicvkk lefore since the "good
oldjsummer days" of ring suprem
acy has a state convention nomina
ted a candidate for office of the
magnitude and dignity of supreme
judge and then at the demand of
the boss ringster repudiated its
choice and taken another candidate,
as was the case with Judge Duffie,
who received a majority on the third
ballot, and then was defeated by or
der of Senator liurkett and Judge
Letton substituted.
Tin-: majority of the people of
Cass county are acquainted with
the men that compose the demo
cratic ticket. hvervone ot them
has resided in the count v long
enough to become acquainted with
the people. They have been here
long enough for the people to know
that they are in every way qualified
for the position to which thev
each aspire.
Tin-: Journal suggests to its con
temporary across the street that it
"warm up" to the Rock Island at
torney, the republican candidate for
supreme judge. Farley has not
said much for him yet, and ca.t a
vote against him in the state con
vention. IJrace up, I-arley; tell the
people Judge Letton is a non-parti
san judge outside of railroad mat
ters. Tell them you know this from
personal experience. Tell them
that two years ago you vilely libeled
Sheriff Mcliride, and when sued by
our worthy. sheriff, you relied upon
the republicanism of our courts to
save you from punishment. Tell
them how you were disappointed
and that Judge Letton wrote the
opinion in which he justly affirmed
the case against you granting Mc
I.ricle damages with costs against
you to the tune of several hundred
dollars. Tell the people this, Far-
ev! cstana up tor your candidate!
There is an impression that you
are supporting our most worthy'
Judge Hastings who is the candi
date of the people who desire fair
play with the railroads the same as
with libelous editors. Speak out,
Farley! The ring element of the
republicans will stand by you, or
if they don't you will gain the re
spect of the honest rank and file of
your own party, anyhow.
Govkrn'ok Mickkv is being urged
to call a special session of the legis
lature for the purpose of enacting
direct primary and anti-pass legis
lation. The governor has not indi
cated what action he will take in
the matter, but if the wheels in his
head are working right, lie will call
no special session. The present leg
islature had a whole winter to con
sider these questions, and simply
did the bidding of the railroads. It
voted down the bill which proposed
a reduction in freight rates upon
the commodities of the farm, and
the people have no confidence in
anv act that it might pass. Do not
put the state into needless expense
of holding a special session of the
legislature. Let that bodv be for
gotten as soon as possible.
Dkmocrats advocate sentiments
Uookkr Washington now apol
ogizes for dining with Miss W'ana
ker, by saying that "When inRome
he must do as Rome does, and that
until the people become educated m omer to nave tne co-operation or
no to their true meaning, then the tIie northern people he must accept
Li. 1 TT1 ",
republicans steal them and place uieir nhPai"-v- i nis is tne nrst
them in their platform, like they time on record where a negro has
have the anti-pass and railroad rate apologized tor eating at the same
. . 1 4.i.i.-. .. ,i.: . k... t i
imtio'w T ii .tnnpr.nKnrH inn- lai.ic wiui u miiiic man, iniuwuKci
Sympathy for Addicks in the
est in this matter, but the republi
cans are not.
realizes that he has disgraced him
self for all time to come.
defeat of his political aims, is lost recently been trying to practice
in the pleasure of thinking of those some of the precepts of honesty
Delware jioliticians who will have and fair dealing that were laid
to uo to work for a living. down by poor Richard.
Fvkryp.ody must acknowledge
that the ticket nominated at Klm
wood is one of the best nut nn in
irv of the birth of Benjamin L- t .. tm
J Cass countv bv either partv. Those
who have been renominated have
shown by their efficiency that no
change is necessary in the positions
held by them. They have per
formed their duties in a most un-
Phii.adklphia proposes to cele
brate the two-hundredth anniver-
Franklin. Philadelphia has but
Tin: Journal takes up consider
able snace in sriviner an account
.f . .1 : ......- iu w euiini er uii u v ui
ui nie uemwei i.uiuii luiiich-
tin,, hf.h KWvnnd 'v.nlnv 55.000 a year, does not hold good
...... . . - . ..... . . - - - - i .
m cases where he has sons and
daughters old enough to draw
salaries as clerks, secretaries or
I-ditok Wattkrson's assertion prejudiced manner, and by their
that a first-class man cannot afford every act I,ave demonstrated that
thev are the right men in the right
It was a good convention and de-1
serves considerable space.
From Lesuer. Minn., comes the messengers
telegraphic story of an automobile
that was struck by lightning, and
Whkn the corn is in the shock I
Thk voters of Cass county are
well aware of the fact that PI. D.
Travis has filled the office of county
judge to the entire satisfaction of
those who had business with the
office. His ability as a lawver will
In the election of Judge Travis
two years ago, the voters of Cass
county were positive of securing I
a man who would run the office in
a most capable manner, and they
have not been disappointed. They
knew he was a good lawyer, that j
he had practiced in the courts of
the county and district and iu the
supreme and federal courts, tor
more than twentv-five vears. The
people know that he has made a
good judge, and the only reason
some people can give for a change
is, that another person wants the
office, which the Journal considers
a very poor one, indeed. The peo
ple know a good official when they
have seen him tried, and in this in
stance are so well pleased with
Judge Travis that they will retain
Hon. R. B. Windham saws that
all the talk, of Governor Mick
ey calling an extra session of the
legislature tins winter is simpiv a
grand-stand plav." He savs that
the members will be' no better pre
pared to vote on the matters in
! question than they were last winter,
but that thev will be in another
year, after the supreme court w
have passed upon some of those
questions. Then, we presume, if
the supreme court says "holdin
passes is all right, and that the leg
islature has no business meddling
with railroads at all," that will set
tle these questions so far as the re
publican party is concerned.
' 1
lOS'As Sept. 27 Oct. 7 tateto
ntirl the frr-kct k T-wo-?ti rtin cr tn frmif
recharged after it had run down. , , . , , , j conmare with anv in Cass countv
. UDon the oumokin. hundreds and romidre w 1111 county
We wonder how that Cheroo Mi f w fnrc , He was elected two years ago as
correspondent got into Minnesota. 1e rdv advantage of the judge, and he has conducted the
low rates the railroads will be offer-
icg on the homeseekers' excursions
to the Southwest.
Ik the voters of Cass county are
not pleased with the ticket made at
Flniwood, they are certainly hard
to please. livery man upon that
It is now asserted that the plain
ticket, from top to bottom, com- people of Russia will have nothing
mands the confidence of the people, to sav about the work of the pupu
affairs as in his judgment thev
should be conducted, without fear
or favor. In brief fie has been the
fudge. Aro one else has.
Mickev was the first to turn in his
pass. A photograph of Mick
ey, who wants to be IT. S. senator
returning his railroad pass would
le a great campaign card for him
next year.
An old republican remarked yes-
terdav: The time is past for
lar assemblv authorized bv the drawing tne party lines on county
lni:paiers say that Governor Czar The popular assembly is ap- affairs. I have lived here for nearly
parently to be modeled after the forty years, and I have always voted
Atuprinii Stntp tor tne man whom 1 think is best
fitted for the position, and I will
Senator Berry of Arkansas, ti nueto do so.- That is sim-
says he cannot raise a large sum of ply the setiment of hundreds of
money to make the tight against farmers of Cass countv, who know
- t rr t-v c a 1 o a. I
oov. jen. .uavis ror tne oenaior- what to do thjm those who
The Lincoln Star says that the shiP fron Arkansas. If he follows are trying to tell them.
republican party's record is one fie uans tactics ne iineea a ciud
that all republicans are proud of. more than he does money.
Such being the case it is singular As as the veliow fever eoi-
thatsomany republicans want to demic is over the bookmakers and itself on .the Pass question is be-
change the record and make the tc .:n n nH cause tneir position on mat matter,
future different from the pxst. Li :ftKf 'Ma,Bi,,n- xw Or J as on railroad rate legislation, is
well known and has been for vears
RErrm.iCAN graft everywhere! . The republicans are trying to steal
The governor of Indiana has fired" John Hyde is probably waiting that portion of democratic senti-
the state auditor for embezzelment, until he has some assurance that ment, as is their custom, as soon
Kvery teacher, every school I
director and everyone interested in
public schools, know as well as we
do that C. S. Wortman has dis
charged the duties of the office of
county superintendent of schools in
a most efficient manner, and the I
Journal makes the statement, and
without fear of successful contra
diction, that the schools of Cass
countv are in a far better condition
than they ever were in the history
of the county. Study well the
present condition of the schools to
day and their condition when Prof.
Wortman assumed the duties of
the office, before vou vote for a
One reason why the democratic
countv convention did not declare
which is all verv good. But now the grand jury has torgotten
comes the state auditor and affirms what it wanted to ask him.
lint rir-.-rtinr TTin1rv- 1 inrrrvfd n
I H l-tnlrr1 hn M Ah
" . . - . and beaten, in a labor riot, until cov
ing ins campaign, khoii, ered with sores, a Chicago street car
doubt, it was funds ot the state he conductor applied Uucklen's Arnica
I i a t ii
wnsuiiiL'. aive, anu was swn sounu aim wen
I use it in my family, ' writes (. J
Welch, of Tekonslia, Mich., "and find
it perfect." Simply preat for cuts and
burns. Only 2."c at F. G. Fricke &
Co.'s drup store.
Jri;i: Hastings, the fusion can
didate for supreme judge, is a man
of brains and legal learning. This
was recognized by the republican
board of regents, who placed him
at the head of the of the law de
partment of the state university.
He would make a most excellent
judge, but the men who do the
voting, are looking for a partisan,
rather than a lawyer, hence a pig
my may win out over a giant.
Tor Infants and CMldrei-.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
as such becomes popular with the
Cast your optics at the head of
this paper and note the names of
the democratic candidates. You
know very nearly all of them.
They are men of most excellent
qualities, and their services to the
people of Cass county you know
will give the best of satisfaction.
Four of them have been tried and
their faithfulness to the best inter
ests of the people is will known.
Their records speak for themselves.
Witti' decided not to go to
Chicago. All right. But he
need't think Chicago will, go to
All taxpayers who desire a good
competent official one that has
been tried and not found wanting
will vote for the retention of Will
iam D. Wheeler for another term in
the treasurer's office. That office
has never been occupied by a better
man, nor one that has treated every
one having business with that de
partment of county affairs on the
same equality. It is hardly neces
sary for the Journal to make this
statement, localise nearly every
man, woman and child in Cass
county know they are simply
straight facts.
At a democratic state convention
held in Omaha on August 15, 1S99,
Kdgar Howard, now of the Colum
bus Telegram, offered a resolution
to that convention pledging its nom
inees to forswear the republican
practice of accepting railroad pass
es and every other form of corpora
tion bribe, which was carried by
unanimous vote, it there was a
republican paper or speaker in Ne
braska who failed to call Howard a
crank and the convention an assem
blage of crazy pops, they escaped
the notice of democratic newspapers
in general.
Korea fears it will require some
practice lefore it will be able to
tell peace, from war.
Great Day
Hompomed of a
Combination of
Huto Kapers,
Sum Cense and
Sum Hnoncunae.
Grand Eltctrlc
Night October
Brilliant Blazt'of
Bewildering, Biaufy.
IT7T7. T7 TT OT"! vegetable Sicilian
EH AiDUS Hair Renewer
A high-class preparation for the hair. Keeps the hair soft and
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always restores color to gray hair. " r"" t 1iTcT,rf!Sn:,,t1""'
J. m. Greene, M. D. v Abslf! Jit,e
Physician and Surgeon THflMAS T WAI I INR
Can be reached by 'phone nljjht or day I IIUIIIHU IIHLLII1U
Manley, Nebraska. oKFicK-Anheur-Hu m.x.-w.
Fiattsmoutli : : Nebraska. Preparing abstracts t title. voyanolnn
Probate, Commercial Law, Real :iIltt xaiiininx titles to real tat? a ;)e-iri-
ty. ork properly done anl rharifes rean
Estate Litigation able. ottlce: Kooijw t; arnl 7. .fohn Uutid
. ... , ... Building, near Court Uoue. riattsrnoutU,
And I-oreclosure of Mortacs a Specialty Nebraska.
The Reliable Store
-Ms M
Why wear clothes that
are not just up-to-date
when you can buy
strictly stylish gar
ments at the same
price or less.
preferably here if you
are here. In your own
home if you are not
contemplating a visit
to Omaha.
During the Carnival. ;
Sent. 27th to Oct. 7th
We will show in every
department of our
irreat store
Rousing Specials
in all lines of merchan
dise. This will be
one of the grandest
bargain getting oppor
tunities ever offered,
and you should not
miss it.
However all orders received by mail will be filled sub
ject to your approval, excepting incase of hour sales
and specials otherwise stated.
Don't neglect this opportunity to make your dol
lars do double duty.
If not send at once for our special catalogues. They
are money savers to you, and are free for the asking.
OUR CLOTHING CATALOGUE contains descriptions and sam
ples of many money saving values in men's and
bovs' clothing. Send for it todav.
Men's Suits 5.00, 6.50
7.50, lO.OO, 12. 50, and
up to 35. oo.
Men's Overcoats 7.5o,
lo.oo, 12. 5o, 15. oo, IS.oo
and up to 35. oo
In Writing Always Address Department D
16th and S!s.