The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 21, 1905, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
Ii. A. ISATKS, J'l'iimsiiki:.
Knlcrvd at t jxctulllo-;it ll:ilLriiiuL)i. Ni
bniskst. iih s'(-ini'l;is mutter.
Iowa politicians are divided into
stand-patters and "gnind -si.'ind-
tatters '
Ali. that remains to make the
fame of Mayor Woodward of At
lanta secure, is to have a brand of
whiskcv named after him.
Tin: standpatters have notice that
Secretory of War Taft is coming
back with a bill in his pocket for
the admission to the United
States of Philippine products free
ot uttv. lie will Have in tins en
ui'R great corn crop, wlncli is
expected to equal or exceed the
2,500,000-bushel crop of 190J,
make this a .threat year in America
for the fattening of beef cattle as
well as of hos unless, which is not the good will of the Tobac- likely, feeders are discouraged 1
co i rtisi, men wains an me iree
tobacco, and ff the Trust
which wants all the irec raw sugar
it can get. and maybe of the Cor
dage Trust, which likes to make
too high 1 trices for grass cattle
We shall have a great deal of meat
to sell abroad. Put we cannot scl
it to dermanv and other countries
of Continental Kurope in competi
The President will probably be
interested to know, that the "cor
respondents" have his message to
Congress alio 11 1 completed.
An Omaha fashion writer states
that the latest styles in ladies' hats
arc very exjensive. That's the
"reason" thev are stvlish.
New Orleans has learneil the
lesson, although it had learned it
several times before, that the "time
to fight" yellow fever is "before"
it arrives.
Tin-: Russian soldiers who cut
.... - ...
on their trigger lingers to keep
from facing the Japanese, extern
an invitation tooneand all to come
and kick 'em.
(iov. Folk declares that the dol
lar is not so potent in politics as it
used to lie. In other words, the
"price of votes" has increase
along with everthing else.
protected twine and rope out of mi- tion with .South American meats
protected fibres. Maybe nobody unless they can pay for it with
will sav a word about free liiami- their own products. By shutting
factured sugar or free binder twine, them out of our markets we deny
them the means of paying for that
which we wish to sell.
or reuueeu duties on cigars winie
Mr. Taft is running in his free raw
material; and maybe somebody will
Mr. Secretary Shaw, also, reputed
to have a few recommenda
tions to offer to Congress concern
ing countervailing duties on boun-tv-aided
sutrar; and the reciorocitv
.,, .' , f 1 r as it does everv vear at this season,
men will rise to make a few brief - - . '
.i...i..,.f(i,llttn,wi rJto move the crops. It is going
s-tw tl. K5fK..t,,t1, Poncrr.- into the pockets of the harvesters,
in not going to talk tariff. Xew Yorkers are writing
about the loss of monev bv the
banks of that burg as if they didn't
know what is the matter. The
money it coming west and south,
Tin: Beatrice Sun hits
on the head thuslv: The Omaha prouuee.
Tin-: American lien has a right
to "cluck and cackle." The past
year with her eggs and her chick
ens, she produced $2S0, 000,000 of
the wealth of the countrv.
RrssKi.i. Sack hasn't bought a
wig, although lie greatly admires
Mr. Rockefeller ami has been soine-
wnat envious ot the old man s
scheme to lieat the barliers.
Cai:ini:t officers are now return
ing to Washington to take up those
questions "of vast public import"
which have obligingly lxren quies
cent during the heated term.
Simply as a matter of interstate
courtesy Louisiana would be glad
to relieve Nebraska and Iowa of any
unwelcome Septemlier frosts, if only
thev can lie shunted southward.
Charles B. Lettox is the name
of the gentleman nominated for
judge of the supreme court. He
hails from Fairbury, and is at pre
sent one of the supreme court commissioners.
Jas. Caldwell, member of Par
liament, has killed more bills in the
British House of Commons, than
any other member. It is a proud
distinction, and it is a pity that
every legislature in the United
States is not the proud possessor of
a "Caldwell."
the farmers and the countrv mer
chants, and into the bank ac
the nail counts or tne rauroacis mat nam me
It will return to the
I'.-.- ; ,f tii.-- .mitiim, tint n,. ni,H- financial centers as last as it serves
1 . f . .
i kiss cam naiim must be backed bv lts purpose or providing tne agn-
1 a 9
. . i I rn1f 11 -i 1 m Alio wi 1 1 Ii rty ti 1 rt 1 1
a law preventing tile giving ot m-"'" " -" ...wi
passes to delegates to state conven- ties which the crops buy.
tions, as well as to public officers.
The tendency would be to reduce
the number of delegates to state
conventions, and instead of having!
a convention of ten or fifteen
hundred, the state convention
would lie composed of three or four
hundred. It would then be a de-
Jon x I). RocKi:ri:i.i.KK predicts
that the next hard-times crisis"
will strike this country in 1907-OS,
and that where there were 3,000,
0')0 men out of work in 1893, there
will be from 7,000,000 to 10,000,000
in idleness when the next hard
times is upon us. Mr. Rockefeller
liberate IkxIv. and not a howling bases his statement on the fact that
Uk.l WlUllUVklVil lit (.Kit 111
Senator Sheldon got it in the l)riS the crisis. We were talking
neck prettv badlv vesterdav for Soa roacls at t!ie time ancl 11
permanent chairman of the repub- was his idca that proper legislation
lican state convention. The fact
is, there are republicans right here
in Cass county who do not care to
see Mr. Sheldon gain anv more
prominence than he already has,
and thev don't all reside outside
of Plattsmouth either. Thev trv
I Tttt ( iiiif orrltr for 100 (10
A. 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 I ------ - '
tracK inm. mu ne is me comincr , , p
. oarreis or nmencaii
should be enacted so that idle men
could be put to work building
roads when the time comes. John
D, is "in the ring" that brings on
the hard times whenever it sees fit,
and ought to know about the time
set for such an occurrence.
Shortage of Servant Girls.
The shortage of servant girls is
explained by the choruses in our
musical comedy, says a well-known
eastern writer, brings the reflection
that it would be well to get back to
legitimate entertainment and let
the girls come home to the kitchen,
where we need them more.
But the fact that it depopulates
our kitchens, pantries and laundries
is not the worst indictment against
musical comedy as an institution.
The truth is that, taken as a class,
musical comedy is not the most
elevating diversion for intelligent,
or even semi-intelligent, people.
It is mere animated and noisy scen
ery constructed about a center of
1 1 1.-1.1 1 .
arivei, ouut largeiv or girls wno
are strong enough to carry the cos-
tumings about, but whose natural
charms are not worth special atten
All the rest, the genuine and par
ticular ibeauties who can be hired
for $8 a week could easily be com
pressed into one musical cemedy,
which might be tolerable. But to
think that there are extant and mov
ing about the countrv no less than
19,756 musical comedies is appall
ing from the artistic standpoint, to
sav nothing of the economic and do
Is this to be another season of
musical comedv? asks the lover of
the drama. Considering the statis
tics, we tear that it is. We could
wish that the girls would quit the
tage and organize employment bu
reaus. 1 nere are thousands or op
portunities in homes awaiting capa
ne gins w lie re tney could earn
more money, where the work is eas
ier and where thev could make far
more of a hit than in the back line
of a trifling show
1 1
k -
.-1 1 niifiimiii if m" " 11 1
Mrs Sept. 27-00?. 7 laslasiu
Great Day
Hompomed of a
Homblnatlon of
Kuia Mapers,
Sum Conao and
Sum Knonctmmo.
Grand Electric
Might October
Erllllant Blaz"of
yryr v rr 17 P(T vegetable Sicilian
liiiRXlLflL) Hair Renewer
A high-class preparation for the hair. Keeps the hair soft and
glossy and prevents splitting at the ends. Cures dandruff and
always restores color to gray hair.
If our dnMtX
warm ppty w. m4 yi.uo
l.L Co., Nufaut, N. Ii
J. M. Greene, M. D.
far more honorable.
Physician and Surgeon
And the work Can be reached by 'phone niht or day
Manley, Nebraska.
The Right Man.
It is stated, and upon pretty good
authority, too, that P. K. McKillip,
1 - i: e "
uoasaanumaie xor congress probate. Commercial Law. Real
m the Third district last vear, de
republican of Cass county when the
party want to shove to the front a
favorite son.
Ciiikk JrsTio: Ki llkk recently
suffered shabby treatment at a Lon
don hotel, by leing taken for an
itinerant musician. The most loyal
of the friends of our chief justice
have long been of the opinion that
Mr. Fuller needed a hint to cut his
Jiair, and now he has it.
Tiikkk is a stinging comeutary
on the character of the departmen
tal administration at Washington
in the fact that there has been
launched in the capital city, a
weekly paper devoted exclusively
to the discussion and exposure of
"graft" among government em
ployes. "Journal of Graft."
flour is one
more proof that China must have
our bread, boycott or no boycott
With the building of railroade and
u-if r, i,. 4 ,ifMa tne srrowtn imaiiaoi centers oi liii-
A lil . W V n 1 A.4A 11 JIUH VIV.. 1
lighted" Farlev and his friends ropean anci American rraoe sue win
will be to support Lettou for su. "eea a great oeai more or it man
nrMA m.,rt ;rirr Ti- i,Q she does now. For years our state
vou must remember, that wrote the department will have no more im
opinion in the Farlev-McBride Portant function than to watch the
ibel suit, which was appealed to open door 111 Lhma and see tlmt !t
the supreme court by Farley and 1S CP open.
lie ft-iiiiifti;
Fkkd Abbott, of Columbus, and perfectly clear. I want to say that
W. G. Lyford, of Falls City, were "Ot only am I not announcing
nominated yesterday for regents of a candidacy, but lam not permitting
the state universitv. William P. a candidacy.' In these words
Warner, of Dakota City was made William Jennings Bryan adminis-
chairman of the republican state tereel a check to the enthusiasm
committee and Byron Clark was at the Jefferson club banquet in
selected as the member from Cass Chicago last night given in honor
county. of Nebraska's favorite sou. There
were various speeches advocating
his nomination for the third time
for president.
A woman, the thirteenth child
and born on the thirteenth day of
the month, recently died in Arkan
sas at the age of 105. Might have
known something would happen to
TilK republicans who object to
depriving the negro of his vote in
Virginia and North Carolina may
point proudly to the shining
example of Philadelpha where the
republican machine has not only
deprived "no living" of his ballot
but for years, have allowed 50,000
dead people to keep on voting.
Ix the excitement incident to the
war, the peace conference, the base
ball race and Mr. Rockefeller's
purchase of a wig, the peach crop Thk commissioner of the genera
seems to have succeeded in fail- land office has issued instructions
ing" without anvone noticing- it. to registers and receivers and offices
throughout the countrv directing
Thk depressing news comes from that in the future no person shall
Oyster Bay that the President is be permitted to acquire more than
taking on flesh again. Still, he 320 acres of nonmineral public land
may once more get back to normal under existing laws. Heretofore
trim, after he has his regular win- applicants have been permitted to
ter's wrestle with the Senate. inrmnv that nunntitv under the
timber and stone and soldiers' ad-
Thk republican state convention dit:onal homestead laws.
meets 111 Lincoln tomorrow. The
Rosewaters say that Duffie must be Bad on Farley.
nominated for judge of the supreme I The Plattsmouth Journal dubs the
court, and of course he will. What l,CKeL 1
, ... - , republicans last week, "Farley's tick-
the chief guy of the Bee savs must k t.,t.. ks.-i,- r i
R- Plattsmouth News. If Mr. Farlev is
the republican party of Cass county at
Drri iK was defeated in the con- this day and a'e, or its ruling spirit,
vention vesterdav for iudire. "The his ticket should tro to defeat. -Mr
wav of the transgressor is hard." Farley is a very nood man, but deeid
can now be changed to that of "the narrow between the eyes and
r , LI1U." laUKC Ul i-)iu 3 muni iuli
"l " rT t 1 1 r - t"i Ml rrn rl f to horMnr !
...... v.. ""ivi. contracted. Uesides. one man power
Judge Duffie used to be a democrat
is a relic of the past in Nebraska, and
is being relegated to oblivion where-
Tin-: sportsman statesman in ever and whenever it shows its head.
Washington with a hammerless Lincoln Herald.
old Virginia's bumper crop of part- 5TF I
ridges. Trt- Tnfonfti onil
Sixck he has adopted a wig and The Kind You Have Always Bought
bicycling, John D. Rockafeller may Bears the
drift next into the cigarette habit. Signature of
He would look fifty years younger.
sires the democratic nomination for
a r t-MI
governor next vear. .ucivinip is
one of the best campaigners in the
state, and would make it very warm
for the republican nominee, no mat
ter who he may be.
Mr. McKillip is a graduate of the
Harvard law school. His prelimin
ary training was had at Creighton
college. As an orator his friends
claim that he is unequalled by any
democrat in the state with the ex
ception of Mr. Bryan. The phe
nomenal inscrease in land values of
the past few years have made him
one of the wealthiest men in Ne
braska, but despite his environ
inent he is said to be one of the
best mixers in the party. Should
he receive the nomination next
year, his advocates propose to have
him make something of the wrhirl
wind campaign which proved so
successful in the election of Mr.
Bryan to congress at the outset of
his career. His friends sav that he
will place $25,000 in the campaign
As evidence of the Humprey
man's ability, it is pointed out that
he lost only three votes in his home
precinct and that he carried Platte
county by '700 against McCarthy,
despite the fact that Roosevelt
electors received 400 majority, and
in the district Roosevelt had over
14000 majority, while that of Mc
Carthv was cut to less than 3000. 1
Estate Litigation
And Foreclosure of .Murtiiies ;t :
V Abstracts of Title
OFFICE Anheuser-Busli Mock.
Irfj)iirlns abstracts of title, coiiveyunrlntf
and examining titles to real estate a special
ty. Work properly iJnne nml rlniws reason
able, ottlcu: Kooms ii ;uij 7. Jolm Ouriil
liulidlnu. near Court House. I'iattstiM mill.
''wjoBi'-Toargrfr ir1:.11" -Lg . : .rv:y x-i. : imx. 7. 1 7. i ...jl. to
Great Western General Supply House. Save Money by sending
us your Orders.
Let (Us Save You Clothes
For sometime it war thought
Senator Sheldon of this county
would be selected chairman of the
republican convention which meets
in Lincoln Thursday. The Italian
hand of the Rosewaters is very
plain in the side-tracking of Sena
tor Sheldon. He is too true to the
people for the Rosewater gang.
Mayor Woodward of Atlanta.
has sworn off. He will never get
drunk again, that is, real drunk.
IM l
We know what we can do but
we want you to know it also. Many
thousand buyers throughout the
west can atttst to the superiority of
Hayden's Clothing.
They Know from
Our Special Clothing
Catalogue containing samples
and description of special values in
Men's and Boy's Fall and Winter
Clothing is now ready.
It's Absolutely Free.
Send for it today.
When you order here you
are absolutely certain of getting
Thoroughly Reliable Merchandise
The goods must be right, the price
right, or we'll make it right by re"
funding you your money. We take
all the risk and you absolutely none.
I.v order to fight the beef trust
Xew York and Nebraska butchers
have secured "little octopi" of
their own.
Secretary Shaw might be right
111 thinking tnat now is the
time for him to have a presidential
book, if he is to have one at all.
The Rosewaters failed to get
their favorite nomination for judge
yesterday at Lincoln.
Men's Suits in newest styles and very best fabrics and colors at
5.00, 6.75, 7.50, 8.00, 9.50 up io $25
Ken'S OverCCatS unsurpassed in quality f? ton a g f
and variety of style at from UiUU UJJ IU OUiUU
Ken'S PcntS unequalled values in all sizes, fl Ef ft C ftft
colors and patterns at from .... ZsOU 1(1 OaUU
Boj'S SliilS in Double Breasted, Three Piece, Norfolk, Russian
Blouse and other styles greatest line ever j gg gQ
Guaranteed Fur Coafs at $10.00 to $75.00.
InuAcliA'ofa 11 w'!1 surely pay you to do so. Examination and com
inVSSTIgaiC parison will prove our prices money savers.
In wrltingalways mention Department D.
18th and
Dodgs Sts.