The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 21, 1905, Image 2

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Dr. Marshall, Ientist, Coats' lilock.
Dr. Marshall, Ientist, guaranteed
Hon. M. L. Krederich was in the
city Saturday.
A. S. Will and his son-in-law, (J. C.
sparkler, departed this Friday for
Akron, Cal.
Mrs. F. -I. Khoden and daughter,
Iiulah, departed last Friday for
(Jreenwood to visit friends.
II. ;. Inhelder, who works in the
stone quarry at Louisville for Newell
& At wood, spent Sunday here.
IJ. F. Lauirhlin and John Folk, of
(Jreenwood, came down Friday on busi
ness, and w ill remain over till tomorow.
Fen Ii!l of near Murray was in the
city yesterday. lien wasoneof Undele
gates to the Elm wood convention
Col. J. II. Seyboit, of Murray, took
the morning passenger on the Uurling
ton to South Omaha to look after
some cattle Friday.
AJmarriace license w as issued Friday
to Fred Myers, aged '57 years, of Oswe
go, N. Y., and Mrs. Mildred Fraker,
aged 34 years, of F.elone.
Mrs. Minnie Ossenkop, of Louisville,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank;
Schlater, and will remain a week dur
ing the absence of her husband in Col
orado. Lee J. May field or the Courier was
down fromLouisville yesterday on busi
ness, and showed up at thisollice. This
is Mf. MayfielFs tirst visit for several
(Jeo. Sayles was unable to make his
usual trip with the mail Saturday, on
account of the washing outof t lie Four
Mile Creek bridge, west of I'latts
moutli County Judge Travis issued a mar
riage license Monday to Harry W.
Thomas, aged 2; son of Dr. M. L.
Thomas.and MissOsa L. Uarr, aged
all of Fnioti.
George and F. '. Hild, who have
been vii tiiir their uncle, Adam Hild.
in this county for two weeks, returned
to their home yesterday in Tazewell
county, Illinois.
M. Archer tiled in the district court
yesterday a suit entitled Minerva A.
Slocum against Joseph Amick, jr.,
and others tmjtiiet the title tosom3
land in this county.
Ir. J. S. Livinto:t departed Satur
day for Slivridan. Wy.. on a trip of
pleasure. The doctor is taking his
vacation, and had just returned from
a week's trip to New Mexico.
Peter Weyrick and wife. Henry Zie
mer and wife. John Horn and John
Yolk, who l.avt; been visiting' at the
home of M. L. Frederick, departed
Saturday for their home in Pekir,
Ir. Cook, who accompanied Perry
Kaufir.ann to Omaha Friday to be
operated upon for appendicitis, says
he went through the operation very
bravely and at last reports today he
was getting along as well as could be
C.J.Gabel drove in yesterday from his
farm near Louisville, and posted many
of the bills advertising his big stock
sale for Tuesday, October 11. Charley
is a reader of the Journal, and of
course put in an appearance at these
Col. J. P. Seyboit and wife and Mrs.
Roden, who came in from Omaha dur
ing the storm Friday, they expect
ed to drive home last night, but learn
that one or two bridges were out they
wisely concluded to remain in town
over night.
We have irlven much attention to
thing for tlie laly from the im
portant subject of infant foods to
of little knickknacks to keep the
Ih)v in a jrwwl humor -:- -:- -:-
Infant Fonds
All of the t-.t kinds. ea"li one
Mtlutely f rcsh thats t lnixrt;tiit
Nursing Bottles
The shapes and the that you
Those that liahy likes .xmI sir.nn:
fresli rti r.
! Colgate's Violet Talc Powder
This is a dainty. fmi'ln.. wtithiiiir
p.r.-dt r that will keep haliy's skin
lry and -rm t li. pre ent inir r:ili-
ehafinr. pri'-kly heat and irri- OCj
1 led. -ate!
;y M't ni-'ti. - -
(SI Eafov
New fall and winter millinery at
Mrs. Street's.
John M. Meisinger and wife went to
Omaha this morning.
Mrs. K. L. Wrenn was a passenger
to Omaha this morning.
You will tind everything in up-to-date
millinery at Mrs.Street's.
Sheriff Mcliride went to Greenwood
this morning to serve some papers.
Miss Catherine Lee and MissC. M.
Hannan went to Omahathis morning.
Herman Smith came up from Mur
ray this morning for a short visit with
relatives and friends.
Mrs. I. J. Lair and children depart
ed this morning for Wayne, Neb., to
visit the former's sister.
C. A. fawls, Lowyer. Pro
bate and general practice. Of
fice of Caunty Attorney.
A carload of poultry passed through
the city today from Wahoo to New
York City. There were about 4,o00
fowls and the freight was 200.
R. W. Hyers is on the iolice force
today, in the absence of Chief Fitz
gerald, who was summoned as a wit
ness in a law suit at St. Joseph, Mo.
John M. Leis, "" years of aue, and
wife, who have been visiting relatives
at the Perkins House, departed today
for their home in Murdock. They are
pioneer citizens of Cass county.
Mrs. Cyrus White of Nehawka, who
has been confined to her bed for more
than one year, is reported to be
gradually failing. She is 71 years of
aye and is well known throughout the
Ralph, the son of I. J. Laii, fell
from an apple tree last evening and
fractured the bones in his left arm
about half way between the elbow and
wrist. Ir. J. S. Livingston reduced
the fracture.
Victor Zucker is loading his house
hold goods today to be shipped to New
York City. He and his wife and their
daughter expect to depart Friday
morning for that city, which is to be
their future home.
Mrs. P. E. Huffnerof this city and
Mrs. E. A. Kirkpatrick of Nehawka,
departed this morning for Denver,
Colorado Springs and other points in
Colorado, where they will visit for
some time.
Six more boxes of Soars. Roebuck &
Co.'s catalogues arrived this week, and
are being delivered here in Piatt s
mouth. There should be a law passed
assessing a big fine upon the person
receiving ar.d distributing them.
Mrs. II. J. Ellis, who was called here
Tuesday on account of the serious ill
ness of her niec?. Miss Mabel Ellis, re
turned to her home in Omaha this af
ternoon. The Journal is pleased to
note that Miss Mabel is able to be up.
During the electrical storm Wednes
day, Nelson Smith, who resides near
the south line of Cass county, w as look
ing for one of his horses, when light
ning struck and killed the animal and
rendered him unconscious for a time.
At the home of the bride's grand
father, A. Dill, in this city Friday eve
ning. Justice Archer united in mar
riage Charles C. Tucker, aged 22, and
Miss Bessie L. Dill, aged 19, daughter
of Benjamin Dill of Murray.
James Moon and brother, Mike, of
Cody, Neb., came in Firday for a few
day's visit with friends. Their father
Henry Moon, .resided on the east side
of the river, twenty years ago and
this is the first visit the boys have
made to the old home since that time.
Capt.L.D. Bennett arrived yesterday
afternoon from his new home in Long
Beach, near Los Angeles, Cal., for a
visit with old friends. Mike Murphy
and Arthur Helps reside in the same
town, and he repopts all well and
happy and well satisfied with their
new home.
G. W: Rhoden, of near Murray, was in
the city Tuesday to make final arrange
ments as to the finishing touches on
his new residence now under construc
tion, or rather almost completed. A.
Baxter Smith has the contract and
Mr. Rhoden speaks very highly of the
work in every particular. J. W. Ki ri
ser is looking after the brick work
and plastering. The new structure
is 2ixZS and will make Mr. Rhoden a
very comfortable home.
Philip Meisinger, residing seven
miles west of Plattsmouth, was in the
; city Tuesday and in conversation w ith
j him he relates a portion of his experi
I ence in the recent storms. He says
that in his li acre corn field tlie
stalks were completely riddled of
every blade upon them by tlie heavy
hail that feik he was compelled to ho:d
blankets to the windows to prevent
them all being broken out, and he lost
several as it was. He also says that
at one time there was six fect of water
in his pasture.
Keep Them at Home.
We hear considerable complaint
from citizens in the north part of the
city, some of them being aroused from
their peaceful slumbers to answer the
ringing of the door bell or the loud
knocking at the door, to find no one
there when the same was opened. This
was done at a number of houses last
night by young boys who should have
been at home in bed if their parents
have any control over them. Such
action is an outrage, and their parents
should be compelled to pay a fine lor
their disturbing the peace and quiet of
those who had gone to rest. Such ac
tions are more the fault of the parents
than it is the 'kids.,; They should
keep them at home at night.
Mrs. Mary Richards went to Omaha
this morning.
A. (I. Bach was buying groceries in
Omaha today.
J. P. Falter returned this morning
from the west.
Earl Wescott is taking in the sights
in Denver today.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hoffman went to
Omaha this morning.
Superintendent Wortman made a
business tiip to the country today.
Mr. Levings went to Omaha this
afternoon to reside with her daughter.
Mrs. Yictor Zucker and daughter
were passengers to Omaha this after
noon. Mis. C. S. Polk returned from Lin
coln this morning, much improved in
Mrs, L. L. Atwood came from Ilave
lock this afternoon for a short visit
with friends.
Mrs. William Morrow has returned
from Denver and went to her home in
Nehawka today. j
Miss Pearl McClain of Union is vis
iting her mother, Mrs. Julius Ramge,
and other relatives.
Walter Scott, who injured one of
his feet several days since, is able to
get about on crutches.
B. G. Wurl and John P.ajek went to
Glenwood this morning to see who
could sell the most cigars.
Miss Jennie Donnelly arrived yester-1
day from Lincoln to visit her nephew.
James Donnelly, and family.
Owing to the decrease in the price
of flour, Herger will now sell six
loaves of bread for 2" cents.
Mrs. B. F. Brendel and Mrs. Chas.
Carroll of Murray were Plattsmouth
visitors yesterday afternoon.
John Albert, a prominent farmer of
Eight Mile Grove precinct, was trans
acting business in the city today.
Mrs. George Dovey and two daugh
ters, Elizabeth and Ella Margaret,
were Omaha visitors this afternoon.
Among the passengers to Omaha
this afternoon were V. V. Leonard, T.
E. Parmele, Byron Clark and A. W.
Mrs. A. N. Sullivan and her daugh
ters. Mrs. Dr. Elster and Miss Alice,
and her grandson spent the day in
Fred Kunsmann is confined to his
home with a severe attack of rheuma
tism, and scarcely atle to get about
the room.
Mrs. W. A. White accompanied her
son, Ed W White to Lincoln this
morning. The latter will attend the
State University.
Don't fail to see the new styles we
are showing before you buy your win
ter millinery. We can save you money.
Mrs. M. A. Street.
Mrs. F. E. White, accompanied by
her daughter, Mrs. Haller and her
daughter, returned to her home in
Omaha this afternoon.
Miss Ethel Robinson went to Omaha
this morning to visit her mother who
is reported to be recovering nicely
from the surgical operation.
R. D. Jones, of Custer county, is vis
iting his son, W. D. Mr. Jones is 80
years of age and is on his way to
Tennessee to visit his brother.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Steinker de
parted last evening for a few weeks
visit with friends in Burlington, la.,
and other cities in that state.
Miss Ida Oxley of Dacorah, la., and
Aulden Turk of Elmwood, who are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Swearingen,
were passengers to Omaha this after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. A.N. Sullivan have
issued cards announcing the marriage
or their daughter, Blanche Alberta,
to Mr. Asa Leroy Snider, which will
occur on Wednesday evening, October
4,190."), at tneir nome in this city at
8 o'clock.
Mrs. George Dodge departed this af
ternoon to attend the thirty-first an
nual convention of the Nebraska Wo
man's Christian Temperance Union.
Mrs. Dodge will be joined by Mrs.
Runner in Cmaha, both of whom are
delegates from here, and also by Mrs.
Kirkpatrick of Nehawka, wl o is a del
gate. from that place to the comen
tion at Grand Island.
Chief of Police Joe Fitzgerald and
Deputy Chief Charles Weldy departed
last evening for St. Joe, Mo., where
they were summoned as witnesses in
the case of Lillie Coil, ft rmerly of
this city, again.-t the Great Western
Railroad Co. The suit was brought
to recover for the loss of two limbs.
Dress Goods evnd Silks
It is with confidence we call attention
to our beautiful line of Dress Fabrics.
Bright and fresh, they are arriv
ing daily. Weaves and colorings the
most charming f the season.
36-inch Pen de Sole, 36-in Iron Wear
Taffeta, new changeable and j)lain
colors, gray, green, red, blue, brown.
All fashionable shades for the season's
Gowns and Waists.
New Domestics - New Carpets - New Rugs
School Shoes for Children, 48c. 69c and 98c pair
A Coropliment to Dr. Hungatc
Dr. J. B. Ilungate has been selected
by Governor Mickey as delegate to at
tend the fourteenth annual meeting
of the military surgeons at Detroit,
Mich , September 2.", to 2!. Ttte sur
geon general of the Japanese navy will
be present. The doctor anticipates a
very profitable time, and is looking
forward to the trip. Weeping Water
Herald .
Are You Engaged?
Engaged people should remember,
that, alter marriage, many quarrels
can be avoided, by keeping theirdiges
tioi,s in good condition with Electric
Bitters. S. A. Brown, of Bennetts
vhle. S. (.'.. says: "For years, my wife
sufVered intensely from dyspepsia, com
plicated with a torpid liver, until she
lot. her .strength and vigor, and be
came a were wreck of her former self.
Then she tried Electric Bitters, which
helped Iter at once, and finally made
her entirely well. She is now strong
and healthy. F. G. Fricke & Co., drug
gest. sells and guarantees them, at COc
a bottle.
Attacked by a Mob
and beaten, in a labor riot, until cov
ered with sores, a Chicago street car
conductor applied Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, and was soon sound and well.
"I use it in my family," writes G. J.
Welch, of Tekonsha, Mich., "and find j
it perfect." Simply great for cuts and
burns. Only 25c at F. G. Fricke & !
Co.'s drug store.
Prairie View.
(Special Correspondence.)
Mrs. Bent Livingston and daughter,
Maggie, were Omaha passengers Fri
day. Oscar Gapen left last week for a visit
to Wyoming and other points.
Mrs. H. II. Rist and son, Cloid, re
turned Saturday from a weeks' visit
with friepds and relatives at Tabor,
Miss Clara Bat ton of Plattsmouth
visited over Sunday with Miss Edna
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spangler visited
with the latter's sister in riattsmouth
Lafe Nelson and George Berger are
quite busy this week breaking young
horses, which they have recently pur
chased. The boys say in a week or
two they will show you something tine.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goodman enter
tained friends from Plattsmouth and
Ashland Sunday.
Rev. MeYey delivered a sermon to a
large audience Sunday, and Liberty is
much pleased with their new pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wile.s were
county Siat isitors Tuesday.
Henry Trent, who had the misfor
tue to run a rusty nail in his foot,
which gave pro nise for a short time
of being a very serious thing, is much
Dal Jones was visiting in Omaha to
day. Plmmons Richey was an Omaha vis
itor this afternoon.
The Famous Shoe for Women
Your Patronage Appreciated
No Unpleasant Effects.
If you ever took DeWitt's Little
Risers for billiousness or constipation
you know what pill pleasure is. These
famous little fills cleanse the liver and
rid the system of all bile without pro
ducing unpleasant effects. Sold by F.
G. Fricke S; Co. and Geri ng & Co.
"Gut Heil," the favorite cigar
ednesday5 Sept- 27
Mighty Million-Dollar Menagerie of Rare Wild Beasts
Three Big Rings, Elevated Stage,
Quarter-Mile Hippodrome Track
Biggest and Best Show on Earth
500 People, 300 Horses, 200 Performers, 100 Dazzling
Acts, 50 thoroughbred racing, menage and ring
Horses and Ponies, 30 Clowns, 10 different
kinds of music, 7 Open Dens of Ferocious
Wild Beasts in the Free Street Parade
$5,000.00 New Steam Piano
The only Genuine Living
Black Hippopotamus in the World
Big Herd of Ponderous Educated Elephants.
The only Sacred or White Camel from Siberia.
The World
SSI Maxwell
The Petit Family of Acrobats, The Flying Mazzettas
and a host of other artists, exhibiting all that
is new and novel in the amusement world.
Every Day in the forenoon, twice the largest and most
mificent Street Pageant
Ever Witnessed.
SrJwo Exhibitions Daily K
doors open for inspection of menagerie one hour earlier.
Plattsmouth, Wed., Sept. 27
Fine Panamas, bright luster Mohairs,
Broad Cloths, popular Serges, French
Eoliennes. Crepes, Cravanettes and
and many other fashionable Cloths for
the Season's (jowns.
Broncho Buster Hosiery
One case Broncho Buster Brand of
Hosiery. Best yet for children, boys
and misses. Good weight and very
elastic. Fast colors. 15c a pair, or
two pair for 25c.
Best for Children.
Mothers be careful of the health of
your children. Look out for Coughs,
Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough.
Stop them in time One Minute
Cough Cure is the best remedy. Harm
lessand pleasant. Contains no opiates.
Sold by F. G. Fricke Co. and Gering
.Sc Co.
- Troupe
of Statue
- Nelson
Troupe of
Free for All.