THOUSANDS' HERALD PRAISES Catarrh and Catarrhal Diseases Make In valids of Mure Women Than All Other Ailments Com i bined. (i 11 lARy Suffered Long "With Catarrh. Miss :iata Case, 115 uh street, X. W.t WaNliini'iou, I. C, writes: "I can tliink of no event in my life that fills mo with more praiiluJo and at the hatnc tune a cons.- of future security, as a cuie aft;r ion;; snflerinp: from catarrti, brought about by uslnjr IVruna as directed. It has completely cured me." Clara Case. Entire System Toned by Pe-rn-na. Mary Ilcnnett. 1019 Addison Ave., Chicago, 111., writes: "A few months ago J contracted a cold by getting my feet wet, and although 1 used the usual remedies 1 could not hake it off. 'I finally took Peruna. In a week 1 ras better. After several weeks 1 suc ceeded In ridding myself of any trace of a cold, and besides the medicins had toned up my system so thai I felt splendid." Mary Bennett. Unions From the Ledger. D. AV. Tostcr arrived home Monday Irom Minneapolis, where he spent sev eral days visiting- and attending- to business a Hairs. James Dysart, who was thrown down and dragged by a horse last week, is reported to ho getting along very well. The dislocation of his shoulder caused him much pain for awhile, but h? will probably soon be as well as ever. Jetr I), and Will U. (Jrs left Tues day iinniing I'. r Akron. (J !., to visit their moi !i'.?r and other relatives unci to lo: at'.i-r sot i it! business matters. They will also visit Pueh!". Denver and other pu ts of the state. Creel- Ii.mi. northeast of town, re ports :i r i i."ii:.-.,i:tliy ;at'i.'e yield of i;us on his fat in this year, and tire Cass county tanner who can beat it will have no reason . to complain of s'.icrt Crops. Mr. Harris had one Iieldof.ll acres on which the yield averaged '.I bushels per acre: also acres that averaged 4:) bushels rer acre: machine measures in botli cases. Mrs. W. F. MeCarroll, Henry Ciiil cott and wife and Moss MeCarroll, who have been visiting and sight seeing" on the Pacific coast, anived home last Friday evening. They say the Port land exposition is not sucli a magnifi cent alfair as they expected to see, but the trip was a pleasant one and well worth the time and expense. A party of several suldiers, their wives, and others, started from here yesteiday for Denver, to attend'the National !. A. II. encampment and to; visit i:. other parts of Colorado. The j party toileted of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-i liatn Coiiilant. Mr. and Mrs. Jeo. N. ; LiKi;.. Mr. and Mr Frank i. Ken . I. Foster, Mr. Mis W. A. !. .,::::. i Wiil M. II- Sh ' i i. i:.:: ;o, ! !';vu dei:. and Ta: N:l. m.iX the: M i . .d Mrs. N . W. Ta; da'...: id', r I v. i 1 n -Jil J. V K..t V ' V r!,; It.- t . - I Vit. . .' :i .:--i ',. .s i- .-ri t:i!.ii:, care P cf a b- t ; . ..I- ;i.u--.!j. l.-.i ;r i -; ; ! .--;: w i i ' !!-:. t 1 I :t . ! W' t , i '.'"at 'I . isr : at ll:- . . - ! ' ! . i : i' .'. ;.. sp-i Gi-o Mi-. ':::. V. 1'. : !-.!:: ) .....t: .y cvcLi:':g f:v:n In. : i I '.-.::. :.I:.S5 IVail Walker. w!j- l.a. fie guest !' bcr c. .-i;:. Mi Grace ! !, for several wcelcs. left for- i -f X 4 A I X OIF FAIR WOMEN BENNETT Physicians Had Given TJp the Case Now Entirely Well. Miss Certrude IJn ford. Vice President I'arkside "Vhit Club and teacher of Whist, 221 Niagara street, Buffalo, N.Y., writes: 'Peruna has effectually cured me after physicians had practically given j up my case. "! or a long time 1 suficred with ca tarrh of the kidneys, had a weakness and pain In the back, lost flesh rapidly, my feet were swollen, my face was puffed under the eyes and I had a waxy sallowness of the skin. ' 1 took Peruna for some time and am entirely well. I cannot endorse Peruna too strongly." Gertrudo Ltuford. you suffer from catarrh in any form, do not delay. Take Peruna at once. Delays are dangerous. her home at Earlville, Illinois, Satur day evening. G. P. Nickel, one of the old settlers of Cass county, died at hi? home near Elmwood Tuesday, and was buried Wednesday. Mrs. J. C. Hayes and E. E. Hayes and family left Wednesday for Pasa dena, California, where they will make their future home. A force of men are at work this week putting in nearly a block of cement sidewalk, eight feet wide, commencing at dreen's drug store and running south to the hotel. A bunch of cattle, fattened on the farm of Ollie Kimmell, a few miles south of Elmwood. were driven into market Monday evening. Three of fie steers became overheated, two of which died. From the Kegister. Chas. Panning has been on the sick list for some time. He was dow n tow n Wednesday for the first time in sev eral days. David Wiseman and daughter, Mrs. P. F. Moore, and her children left Sunday for an extended visit with relatives in Indiana- J. L. Smith went to Greenwood, Wednesday, from which place he will go to the state fair. He will begone about a week. During the electric storm of last Thursday night A. L. Griflith lost four head of cattle by being struck by lightning. They were insured and he will be reimbursed. Ed Kirkpatrick and wife went over to Avoca Tuesday to assist Uncle Amos TelTt in ceiebrating his i'Oth birthday. The old gentleman was in excellent health and a very enjoyable day was spent with the large crowd of old friend who went there to greet hi in. L:it Mondav a da! was ;iiiine .i.un, f c.r v, tii !' .-by t rL-e):i. G. Davidson . of L 1 '.il. r ; -a ne t ' L the tiai r t ; 1 i I r i . -.ri. are known and will be printed in this p:tper when the prcper time These things must stop, boys. Of PE-RU-NA. Miss Halley's Story Short, But Inter esting to Every Woman. Miss Addie N alloy, 1..7 D street, S. K., Washington, I). C, writes: "A connh, tho grip, catarrh of tho meanest kind all sorts of remedies, home, patent and pr:s:riled by doctors, and no reli;f, that U:lls my story, storv of sufferinir and distress that lasted four years. "Then three bottles of Peruna catarrh cone, appetite and strength re turned a happy woman, and none more "fateful for tho blessing of health that is what Peruna has doa9 for me." Addie Xalley. A reward of $10,000 has been deposited in the Market Exchange Bank, Colum bus, Ohio, as a guarantee that the above testimonials are genuine; that we hold in our possession, authentic letters cer tifying to the same. During many years ad vertising we have never ued a slnglo spurious testimonial. From the Heucon. C. P. Branson, dentist, will remove his practice to Lincoln about October 1st. II. ll. Lessei excecis 10 move ins family to Xehawka the first of next week. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Fd Ossenkop was quite sick, but is re ported to 1 c better. Frank Ax of Sterling, and Mrs. Mollie King of Ilavelcck, were here the forepart of tin; week to see their mother, Mrs. Ax, who is very sick. Mrs. Lncinda Ax has been very sick at the home of her son, John Ax, for the past two weeks. Thursday morn ing she was reported to be a little worse than she haa been and her re covery is almost despaired of. Mrs. Ax is past T: years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peach and little daughter came down from Lincoln Saturday. Mrs. Peach is just recover ing from a surffical operation and her many friends here are glad to learn of her recovery. She will remain here w ith her parents for a couple of weeks. The opening of the Eagle schools has been postponed for one week as the new addition to the building could not o li around, it. and easier It .vy; Mount' . i w a e' ' i ' t i a . ! 1 1 r any part. f :i- reeo; : ! ii.g .'..; o'h-." accr.unt vc.i at ; : paj :: -:l "ii ir.n v("; v :i vou have a 1 1. i. i , i will lo anxious to n.d:l to it rather U.v.n spend from it. Don't you want to know more about it. m ml ' 1 l 1 1111 -r- U I'll 1 ' -:.' Ay rf V.50 -t-rl " be finished in time to begin the first week in September. Monday, Septem ber 1 1 tli school will open. By that date the new part of ithe building will be completed and ready for use. Loviisville From the Courier. Porn, toMr. and Mrs. Chas. Gerlach August 2.1, a girl. Margret Holyoke, of Plattsmouth, is visiting with Miss Dorothea Keiser. Iherearea few knockers in town who can see no good in anything that is done that they are not allowed to engineer. C. C. McPherson of Greeley Center arrived Friday morning and will visit a few days at College Hill at the Lehn lioll home. The truant school law was redicu- lously ignored in Louisville last year, but the school board want it under stood that they propose to enforce the law during the coming school year. Mrs. II. Gerblingand two children, of Elmwood, are visiting with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1) Ferguson. Mr. Gerbling is expecting to move his family to Weeping Water where he will engage in the creamery business. Prof. Gaines is able to release his arm from the sling in which he has been carrying it for the past three weeks. The professor got in a disDute with a mule out at Kennard and did not know her name was Maud until she drove him up against the side of the barn and lie discovered his wing was broken. Miss Lenora Tangeman chaperoned acarriage load of little boys and girls last Tuesday afternoon out to the Lehnholf farm where they had been invited to help celetrate the ninth birthday of Elinor Frampton. The occasion was a very merry one and Miss Elenor and her guests will long remem ber their good time. No Unpleasant Effects. If you ever took De Witt's Little Risers for billiousness or constipation you know what pill pleasure is. These famous little pills cleanse the liver and rid the system of all bile without pro ducing unpleasant effects. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. and Gering & Co. Weeping Water From the Kepublican. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wart- ham on Saturday, August 2d, a boy. Reported by Dr. Greene. About sixty tickets were sold here on last Thursday for the excursion to the Woodmen picnic at Plattsmouth. Besides these some went on the regu lar trains and others drove. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spangler and Mrs. Elizabeth Wiles and Miss Isabel Wiles started Tuesday morning for an extended trip through Oregon, Wash ington and California. They expect to be gone several weeks. Mrs. C. C. Iladsall and Mis. Ed wards, who have been Ui' guests of Dr. and Mrs. Shannon for a week, went to Lincoln Friday evening. From there they will go to their home at Leipsic, Ohio. Dr. Greene took the e'evcn-year-old son of Robert O'Brien to Omaha Sat urday where he will be operated cn at St. Joseph's hospital for appendicitis. Mr. O'Brien and daughter Eliza ac companied the little boy and will re main until the operation is over. II. E. Paine, of Scranton, Pa., has been here for the past few days visit ing his sisters, Miss C. M. Paine and Mesdames Butler and Beach. This is Mr. Paine's first visit to Nebraska for thirteen years and .he finds conditions somewhat changed from what they were at that time. From here he will go to Denver for a visit before return ing home. Mr. Eaton, one of the oldest settlers of Cass county, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. S. P. Parrish, near Elmwood, the latter part of the week and the body was brought here for burial last Saturday. Mr. Eaton was a man of advanced age and was quite prominently identified with the early settlement and development of this county. On Tuesday morning as George Woods, who lives south of town, was starting for town with several cans of milk, the team he was driving started to inn, with the result that the wagon i to which they were hitched was badly i torn up and Mr. Wood-, was quite 1 seriously injured. His daughter. Mii Xetti--. who was ul-o coming to tow n j i.i a hi --:v. drove in and immediat:,lv i h Dr. Ilun-aie wh-. n tii M r. Woods w as oat :'. bro';4e;i ii!i atid w ii. !. d to llr- l.olir, jy i.riii-i'f! o;;:i for i I ;- -me i k. .:. t. u NTH p i nl Stirc-ry a Special! v Omaha, Neb. 15th and Louirla? r w $j DO YOU ADMIRE A O 7 nihil Mn hn 8 1 . gems Turnisn- is Q ings of every variety. Come and see us O and we promise to help you in your ? (t search for what you WM. HOLLY, PLATTSMOUTH, PERKINS HOTEL GUTHMAN BROS., PROPS.: PLATTSMOUTH, -:- RATES $1.00 PER DAY First House West B. 6c M. Depot We Solicit the Farmers Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call !5he Perkins Hotel V. O O o o 3 If you have some Live Stock to sell, sucli as Veal, Calves, Butcher Stock', Cattle, IIos, Poultry or Butter and Eg"s, call on us and see what we pay. It will pay you to come and see us. Remember we will now butcher our own stock. Lorenz Plattsmouth, I'l.-itWiinutli Nchr:i!k:i I 1 FRISCO "! I f5 SYSTEM :rc:n l?cxc tiomsseekers5 Excursions i ON FU1ST AND TiiiRD TUESDAYS - OF- T V 111 Jiily, August, X '.'. t M.-';'tr:. Arlcansas, ( )k'!ahnia. Indian Territory v o O -- . Q ; il.iu 1 L.'.iis I O t 1 i .... t' ll OhE PARE: FLUS o i - J. C. Lovkikn. i'z A.s"t CJ-.i'I P. ,-. LT'-r .t:iI. " Kansas City. Io. w. . WELL DRESSED MAN? g Ann VnnrnnlfO O Our Stylish, Hand-Tailored Suits cost you only about one-half what you u rmv v for trif sump jit thetuilorshop. Q New Styles x Just Arrived! and we will be glad to show them to you. We have also a ft very finelineof O nontc'iri-n'cb- AX may want. 1 NKHKASKA. NEBRASKA Anpnnnn ' 2 O Bros, 'I'lifjrje No. lit. " 11. Nebraska. ,1 to l:crc 8 8 S;.-j)tcmber, October and m 1 ) !" 8 $2. GO- ROGWD TRIP 8 A. Hilt ox, ( '(-:. "t Pr.f.-n-'L-r Aijont. O St. Loui.-, 31 o. J !