CQZl advertisements. Legal Notice. I 1 th-County Court. C;ss Co'iiity. N'lr:isk:i. I n tin- tuattt rof tin- . ;tt- of l:vlti V. S(ir llliH'HI. ilt-i-rut.-! . Atl jjr'iis lnt-r-:t'l In s;ilI tstatr :ir-ti-rt'ly noiltit-il tiiiit M lU s Mitinllsli. ulmliili irittor of sll f.t;it lias til-t Ills i-tlllui in this I'uurt. the olj)i-l iiml prayer i whlli art-t- have it ttiiitl M ttlemeiit of sh!I i stutr Hid tiiiit lil-i iti'a'oiints msiy In-itllow-l anil p:iss l Mnl Hint lie may Im- IU. Ii;irt'-l us sii. li ad ministrator kihI for sii. li ot ln r ami furtln ror dert at may I Just ami eultat e. The Jiitli ijay of S-tenil'r. A. I .". at ten oVIiwk a. in. at tlie County Court roiiii at I'lattstnoutli. Cass (.'ouiily. NelirasUa. lias teen Hxetl Bs the lllne uiul plai'e. hy order of thU court, where -ill m-IIUoii will Im- heard. The heirs and rredttors and all other in rsons Interest-! In said entitle are reiiirel to up. pear and Hie their objections. If any they have, on or In-fore nine o'clock a. in. of said 30th day of Septetiilier. Vmij. Witness my hand and seal of ot1i-e this C.'tl (Say of August. A. I . '.'. II itvi:v l. Til a vis. SEAl1 County JiKlue. Notice of Final Settlement. In the matter of the -state of Anton Henry Week bach, deceased . All parties Interested In tin- said estate are hereby notified that on the -'stli day of .luly. V.fi. r'red i. hKeiilierifcr. administrator of the state of Anton Henry We-kbach. l-ceasel. tiled Ids petition In this court, the object and prayer of which are that his accounts may tn examined, that the balance of the personal property In his hands may lie assigned to Mrs. Mary Week bach, widow of Anton Henry Week bach, deceased, and that the real estate of said deceased, may Im- assigned as provided by law. and for his dtschars-'e as adminis trator. A hearing will Ik had on said petition on the t, ih day of Septeniiier. A. I. lU at lit o'clock a. m.. at the County Court room in I'lattsmoiith. Cass County. Nebraska. You are required to show cause on or In-fore In o'clock a. m. of said day. why the prayer of said iietitioii should not le granted. Hated this lh day of July. A. I . l'.Hlj. sEAI.l II AKVKY l. THAVIS. 3w Count y .1 tnljre. Legal Notice. In the County Court of Cass County. Ne braska. ... In re Kstatcof Patrick Campbell, deceased. To Margaret o'Kourk. Margaret M.O'Kourk. Susan Campliell. Mary Ann Campix-H. Saint Joseph's Cnioii. and all other ihtsoiis inter estedln said alnive entitle! estat-: Notice is hereby given that a hearing upon the filial account of the administrator and petition fur distribution of the real and .t vmal proM-rty. in the aiiove entitled estate, will Ih; had at mv office in t he City of I'latts mouth. Nebraska. iimiii tin: 21st day of Au gust. A. Ih r.'-'. at li o'clo-k a. m.. In-fore which hour all objections thereto, if any. must le tiled. Hated this 2nd day of August. A. I. I'.HU IsfAl.l llAKVV I h TKAVIS. w County Judge. In the District Court of Cass County, State of Nebraska. OTHA i. V(i:tman. i'laintitl VS. NOTICK !' siit. The unknown heirs and devisees of Al.KIHXUKK l KMPK. deceased, et al. 1 1 H-feiidants. To the unknown heirs and devisees of Alex ander Ketne. deceased. .1. J. Worley. John J. Worley. Sallie II. Ilendsley. James H. Hinds ley. Klinor llindsley. Art K. Alexander. .1. IV Marthis first name unknown . I-A. Marthis ttirst name unknown). Kuby IMehl. Marie M. Shlrkey. and Kmma C. Middleswart. You and each of you are hereby notified that upon the Hth day of August. A. !.. l'.a'. FlaintllT tiled his petition in the district court of Cass county, state of Nebraska, to ijuiet his title in and to the following descrllx-d real estate, to-wit: tJovt. lot l ill sec. 4. govt, lot 5 Insec.i. K'i of theN K'i and K'4 of the SKU of sec f. W'4 of the SW' of sec. !. the NW U of the N W'i of sec. t. lot No. l. a suixlivision of govt, lot No. 2 in sec. . the SW- of the N W "4 of sec. V. all in township IS. north of range 1'. east of tlieiitli I". M. in said Cass county: alleging that he has leeii in the o-n adverse possession of all said lands for more than 1" years prior to the commencement of said suit and that by reason of said adverse possession he has become fully vested with the legal title thereto: and praying that J. J. Worley and John J. Worley Ik? udiudged one and the same person and that Sarah Worley. wife of John J. Worley. has long since departed this life: tint Sallie C. Harbison and Sallie II. Ilendsley Ik; adjudged one and the same person; that Alex ander Kempc and his unknown heirs and devisees Ik- adjudged to have no right, title or interest In or to the SW1 of the i of said sec. !: that Kuby Iliehl. Marie M. Sliirkey and Kmma C. Middleswart are l.u u.!. lift.ir.; :ii,l ilevisees of KlltllC. Mer- ri:in l,H-ea-eL who was the sole heir and ! devisee f Willard I Merriam. deceased: that James H. llindsley and wife, klinor llindsley. intended to convey hihI did aid convey 'to convey to Charles S. Wort nr. n by their deed of date lec. hi. lsi-s. and record ed in txiok -K"at paite 477 of deed record of of said county, all that part of the Nk1 of the NW'U of said s-c. ; Iving west of the Platte river: that the plainlitT lie decreed equitable relief and that his title In- quieted as against each ami all of these defendants. Von are re quired to answer said petition on or liefore SeptemU-r 17th. It' .'. or said petition will taken as, rue. oTHA J. W HITMAN. Plaintiff. 1. O. Hwvt.it. Attorney. 7-ht-t4 For a clear complexion take Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take ORINO cleanses the system, and makes sallow blotched complex ions smooth and clear. Cures chronic constipation by gently stimulating the stomach, liver and bowels. Refuse substitutes. Prisoner Taken to Geneva. (i. H. laker,the horse theif captured at Nebraska City yesterday was brought to Flattsmouth last evening, accompanied by Sheriff McBride and Sheriff Page of Filrnore county. He was immediately placed in jail, where he remained until the lOil train last 31:ght, when Sheriff 1'age departed with his prisoner for Geneva, Neb., from which cunty he no doubt will be s?nt up for a term of years. The Only Way. There is n way to maintain health and strength T mind and body except by nourishment. There is n way to nourish except through the stomach. The stomach must he kept healthy, pure and sweet or the strength will let down and disease will set up. No appetite, loss of strength, nervousness headache, constipation, bad "breath, sour risings, rifting, indigestion, dys pepsia, and all stomach troubles that are curable are quickly cured by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Kodol digests what you eat and strengthens the whole digestive apparatus. F. Cr. Fricke & Co.. Gericg & Co. ORIKD HORSE THIEF CAPTURED A Much Wanted Man Found After a Long Search. A younr man some - years of a:e, who is credited by theoflicers with be intr one of the most expert horse thieves fn this portion of the country, is now enjoying the cool air in the county jail, where he will remain until Sheriff Pane, of Filrnore county, starts for the west with him. The man at present is traveling under the name of C.eorne Ilaker. From Sheriff Mc Ilride, of Cass county, who has been on his trail since .Saturday morning, we learn that Maker was first accused of stealing an outfit in Kansas some eighteen months ago, which he dis posed of in fJatre county. Then he lias a horse and buggy attributed to him in fJage county, and then he next is registered from Filrnore county, where lie has three horses to his credit, two of which he disposed of at Lincoln and had third one and a buggy in his possession when captured. Sheriff McBride started out Satur day morning and followed the trail without stopping to hardly feed or water. He traced him as far as (Ira ham's mill, where he was lost, but this morning his track was again found. Sheriff Schrader was notified, and he soon found the man on the farm of Thomas Hanks, southeast of the city, where he was trying to secure work and have the horse run loose in the pasture. The man was brought here and placed in jail and will be taken there this evening. John McIJride says he is one of the most adroit and skillful horse thieves that he has ever gone in search of, and is of the opinion that IJaker will get a long term in the penitentiary. Ne braska Citv News. Greenwood Special Correspondence. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hurlburt went to Orleans. Wednesday of last week to be present at her brother's wedding. Misses Belle, Alice and Maggie Dyer attended the log rolling at I'latts mouth Thursday. Elmer Buck went to Beaver Crossing Thursday for a week's visit with rela tives. Mrs. M. Leese left Thursday for her home in Alliance, after a three weeks visit here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs E. C. Coleman. Bev. White was a passenger to Ilavelock Thursday. Mr. Foster went to Avoca Thursday evening, where he expects to do some work at his brother's house. Mrs. Poster following Saturday. Miss Cliff Cheuvront went to Lin coln for the day Friday. A. D. Welton was transacting busi ness in Cresco Friday. Mr. Ryan, who has been visiting his brother's, Sam and J., for some time left last week for his home in Newton, Iowa. Bailey Stewart attended the log rol ling Thursday at Plattsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown went to Gretna Saturday evening to spend Sunday with his brother, Will Brown and family. " Earl Hoenshell, section foreman here was transferred to the Lincoln yards, W. J. Kelly taking his place and Sam Jones taking Kelly's place on the Waerly section. Esther Kelley was tendered a party last Thursday afternoon, it being her tenth birthday. Those present were: Howard and Nora Gartner Bedah and Alma Weidman. Lou Maston, Dolly and Gertie Dyer. Light refreshments were served at the proper time. All departed wishing Miss Esther many more such pleasant gatherings. John Weidman was in Lincoln Mon day on business. M. D. Kern and wife left Monday evening for Tortland, Ore. They expect to be gone about a month. Myrtle Kerlin has accepted a posi tion with Herpolsheimer. She left Tuesday. John Buck and O. L. Wilson drove over to Davey Sunday, and spent the day. Isiah Jenkins of Sheridan, Wyo., is here this week visiting his mother, Mrs. Helms. Elsie Kimberley returned home from Lincoln last week, where she has been attending institute, but went back azain Sunday morning to take the examinatsons. John Bellinger of Lincoln spent Sunday here .vith his family. Elma and Georgia Fels returned home from Flattsmouth Wednesday of last week, w here they had been taking teachers examinations. Paul White moved heie from Iowa last week and will occupy the Voorhees property. (). L. Wilson will open up a billiard and pool room in the building now occupied by Frank Mahannah in a short time. James Fisher and E. C- Coleman were passengers to Lincoln Tuesday. D. W. Ream was in the capital be tween trains Tuesday evening. ... DIED FROM HIS INJURIES Henry Snyder Departs This Life Early This Morning at the Home ofJHis Daughter. UNCONSCIOUS TO THE LAST For Many Years a Resident of Cass County and a Highly Respected Citizen. ARRANGEMENTS FOR FUNERAL SERVICES The Journal regrets to chronicle the final ending of this life of Mr. Henry Snyder, the old gentleman injured Sat urday by falling down the stairway in Union block, on the corner of Main and Sixth streets. The unfortunate man died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Alice White, this morning about 7 o'clock, having never regained con sciousness from the moment he was picked up after falling. The circum stances surrounding the dreadful acci dent appeared in yesterday's Journal, therefore we do not deem it necessary to recount the sad affair. Mr. Snyder being an old citizen of Cass county, in fact one of the early pioneers, and a most respected one at that, makes his sudden death, and the manner in which it occurred, much more deplorable, not only by his chil dren, but also by those who knew him. Having lived to a ripe old age, and al ways pursuing an honorable, upright life, he was esteemed by all. The deceased was born in Highland county, Virginia, June 0, 1827, mak ing him 78 years of age last June. Pre vious to coming to Cass county he was engaged in merchandising for a num ber of years. Was united in marriage with Miss Nancy Beverage in 1859, and removed to Casscounty the same year, where he engaged in farming. Since the death of Mrs. Snyder the old gen tleman has been making his home with his son-in-law, Mr. Conrad Vailery, rive miles west of Plattsmouth. His children are as follows: Mrs. C. F. Vailery, Mrs. Alice White, Mrs. Andy Morrow of Rock county, Neb., Andrew J. Snyder and Mrs. James Gilmore of Ulysses, Neb. It is not fully determined yet as to whether the funeral will take place to morrow or not, as the relatives are waiting on word from relatives in other parts of the state. The remains will be interred in the Horning ceme tery, two miles south of Plattsmouth, and will be laid to rest beside his wife, who died on the 4th of March last. REDIGK HOLDS LAW VOID Says Commissioners Must Be Elected This Fall. WHAT WILL BE THE FINAL RESULT? Will All Counties Nominate Candidates on the Strength of this Decision? According to the decision of Judge Redick in Omaha yesterday there will be an election of county commissioner this fall. The decision allowed the writ of mandamus sued lor by W. G. Ure, Emmett G. Solemon and W. J. Hunter to compel the county treasurer and county clerk of Douglas county to accept their riling fee and nomination papers as candidates for commissioner. The provision relating to county commissioners was held invalid be cause it must be considered as a part of the biennial election law, aud as this is abolished the provision must fall also. In the second place if the provision is viewed as an amendment to the general election law it is un constitutional because it does not refer to the section amended as it should do to comply with the constitu tion. The county attorney endeavored to obtain a supersedeas, but this was not allowed by the court for the reason that it would hoid up the writ of man damus until the supreme court would pass on the question, and that would be too late for the primaries. County Attorney Slabaugh says that one of two methods will be employed to brine the matter before the supreme court. One is to advance the present case in that court, and have a decision rendered before the election, and the other way to wait until the commis sioners elected at the fall election, at tempt to take their seats and then have them apply for a writ of ouster against the commissioners who are en deavoring to hold over. He thinks the former method would be the most satisfactory. Mrs. C. W. Grassman, of Alliance, will arrive this evening for a visit with relatives and friends. This Is Indeed Corn Year. A big corn year in Nebraska means much to the world. This is indeed a corn year. One of our good-natured, Jovial farmer friends was in town yesterday afternoon and relates an incident of the yield, showing the size of the ears in the southwest part of Cass county. An enterprising neighbor, wishing to utilize every foot of available space, planted corn on the roadbedof the railroad passing through his farm. A few nights ago a high wind blew a stock across the track. The farsighted engineer on a through train approaching discovered what he thought was a huge rock in the way, and halted his train at a distance of several hundred feet. The obstacle; proved to be an ear of corn, which,. according to our informant, required all the trainmen to remove. Our good friend is perhaps painting the incident in favorable colors, but it is relatively true, and true not only in the southwest portion of Cass county but in its application to all of the phenominal producing sections of the greatest corn producing sections of Cass county. Nebraska's corn beats the world in size, quality and strength. In Cass county especially it beats 'Jack's Beanstalk" in a year like this. It beats all other counties. Profane enthusiasts have remarked that it beats Helena. Montana. It has a stalk like a mules leg and the strength of his heel, the substance which is of the body of a fat steer and a llavor which is as the breath of the wind after passing over the garden of choicest llowers. Let all other counties in "Nebraska not be envious of Cass county's corn and the chroniclers. Former Judgment In Force. The case of Mrs. M. Inhelder vs. E. O. Jarman, a forcible entry and de tainer action was set for trial at Louis ville, before Justice Wood, for possess ion of hotel property in Cedar Creek. This action has been tried on the 17th and judgment rendered in favor of Mrs. Inhelder. Matthew Gering, attorney for Jarman tiled a motion to have the judgment set aside, which was done. On yesterday when the case came on for trial II. D. Travis, attorney for Mrs. Inhelder, objected to the jurisdiction of the court to try the case on the ground that the justice had no power to set the judgment aside. Justice Wood sustained the objection and the case ended sum marily leaving the former judgment in force. Mr. Gering at once ordered a transcript to be tiled in the district court and will tile a petition in error and the case will probably be heard by the district court on the first day of September. The ground upon which Justice Wood sustained th3 objections to the jurisdiction of the court, is that in a forcible entry and detainer case where the defendant does not appear in court on the day of trial, the judgment cannot be set aside as iu an ordinary case, and upon the further ground that the defendant had appeared by filing a letter in said court requesting a continuance of said case, which operated as an appearance. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation by stimulating If Ueclle SaLinni should be deeply interested in what he has said about soda crackers, because they are the one food with which all of them are familiar. Uncle Sam has given out figures showing that soda crackers are richer in nutriment and body-building elements, properly proportioned, than any food made from flour. This is saying much for common soda crackers, and much more for UnOed!) BlSCllIt, because they are soda crackers of the best quality. They are baked hettci more scientifically. They are packed better more cleanly. The damp, dust and odor proof package retains all the good ness and nutriment of the wheat, all the freshness of the best baking, all the purity of the cleanest bakeries. Your Uncle Sam has shown what food he thinks best for his people. His people hav; shown that they think Unoeda Biscuit the best of that food, nearly 400,000,000 packages having already been consumed- (tOmieedlsi o o NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY the liver and bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nau seate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. F. (J. Fricke & Co. SovitK Bend (Special Correspondeni-e.) Thad Streight left for Red Oak, la., Wednesday morning for a short visit. The ball game between Ashland and South Bend proved quite exciting Sunday afternoon, the score resulting in 5 to 8 in Ashland's favor. Mrs. Nancy Willis spent a few days in Omaha last week visiting at Frank Hill's home. Jesse Hill spent Sunday in Avoca. His friend. Mr. Rowland, accompanied him home, returning next day to Avoca. Mr. Will EggToiT and family are the guests of his sister, Mrs. Jason Foun tain. Miss Dollie Davis, of Ashland, was in town Saturday. Mrs. II. P. Long, Mrs. A. I). Zaar and Miss Eunice Hill have gone to Denver for a two weeks outing. School begins next Monday so the children are preparing to start in on the first day. Miss Davis, of Ashland, is the primary teacher. Mr. DeVolt is the principal. Jake Kline was in town over Sunday. Mrs. Ed McGinnis and Jim trans acted business in Murdock, Monday. South Bend was well represented at Louisville during the street fair, as nearly everybody spent a few hours at least "seeing the sights." Bids are Rejected. The bids for the construction of an addition to the Nebraska Masonic Home in this city were all rejected at a meeting of the directors in Omaha yesterday. The plans have been changed and the contractors have been given until next Wednesday to tile new bids. The directors paid the sum of $."00 for the plans and specifica tions. I DR. R. L.' DENTIST. Fifteen Years Experience OF UNION I In r2S? TEETH Murray Every Tuesday. OFFICE REAR MURRAY STATE BANK. SATISFACTION 393 Prairie View. Mrs. Mary Moore spent list, work with Bent Livingston's family. Mrs. Dora Spangler visited Die fam ily of Chas. Spangler at Man Icy a few days last week. Steve Wiles has recently bought, a fine carriage of the latest make. Rev. T. K. Surface and wife visited Friday of last week with the family of Lafe Nelson. Henry Spangler is slowly gaining his former health. Charles Perry and wife are contem plating a visit to Portland, Oregon, expecting to start Saturday. Fred Spangler lost a horse Monday night, cause unknown. This is lour horses and one colt that he lias lost within six months. Henry Rist and wife were Platts mouth visitors yesterday. Miss Olive Horning who has been visiting friends and relatives here dur ing the summer has left for her home in the west. We have been informed that Henry Kaufman who has been visiting in Germany the last two months has been quite sick but is now better. To be sure we a'.l attended the street fair last week. Mr. Smoker, do you smoke Buds? If j'ou (hm't you aro not jettiriLf your moneys' worth. Buds are Always Good. Always Clean. Always to be had! On the Market for 19 Years Smoke Buds NEWELL 5 e a WITHOUT SPECIAU (tUAIJAXTEED. 9 0 1 3e jrtl t