- - - - i ANcCctaLle Preparation Tor As- similatinij tlc Food and Hcgi Lng the 5 toinachs and 13owc i ; uia- isof Promotes Digcdtion.Chrerful nessandRest.Contains neiilter Opium. Morpliine nor Mineral. otNaiicotic. JWtrmvt - iti (ariwnatr-Sccta AfxTTrcl Heinedy forConslipn liun.Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms ,( Convulsions .Feverish ncss and Loss OF SUEEI. Facsimile Sitfnnture of XEW' YOHK. rx act r.nov rip wsippfr. I . I Bottled in Bond. iULiaSBKPW-OVAL (fi CB CO DOTTLE,. I13 In ill i. p "Plni PLATTSMOUTH. R. J. O. BRUCE Osteooathic Physician Chronic Diseases a Specialty C:it-t l!lix-k. niotiis T ami 2S5. OftVe hours to 1- :. m.. 1 to 5 t. ni. ami 7 to ! p. m. Iy ap pointment. TeU'plioiu's, otliee 'H, ; residence at IVrklns Hotel. D li. MARSHALL. HKNT1ST.. All klniln of Ixnfil work. I'Uites m;ule that fit. Jr, years experience. I'rlees reasonable. Work guaranteed. o f f i c k k 1 tzg k. k a i . d b loc k. Telephone No. 3 ok47 FOLEYSKIDHEYCDRE Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right To the Pipe Smoker! We have a perfect dream in a Little Meerchaum n Price S2.00 w Every Kind of a Pipes 4 J a f V"i MM & A U n Geriig DRUGG1STS 2QC lo) ft For Infants and Children. The Kind Yoa Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years 13) Al th ocmtawh earaNV. urn vena err. TLbc Best TlClMshs is the Cheapest in the jnM Poor Whisky i.s nut only dio art'eable to taste, but undoubted ly injurious to the .stomach. A lit tle good Whisky is a Hue tonic and helps instead of harming. Such Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as much good as a doctor's prescription. If you don't know how good it if come in and try it. PRICES: ;uckenheimer;P.ye. per gallon. . .$4 00 Yellowstone, ' "... 4 00 Honey Dew. li "... 3 00 Uitf Horn. " "... 2 00 NEBRASKA Independent Cigar FACTORY! 5c CIGAR, Challenges Comparison In Quality and Workmanship. JULIUS PEPPERBKRG, Manufacturer. DOC "orh $3.00 p You Want as well as l P r 9 JL 4 Km Is J & Co IF GAS -J Enforcement of Fire Escape Law. Si niie time since liowninr Mickey statcl tliat lie would in-i-t on a tii.'il nfureenient of the amended lire es cape law, requiring that all huildiii-'s of three stories or more shall he cjuipjicd with apparatus lie said that, he wants the same enforcement of this st at nt e as I hat w Inch has hem uiven the jame laws. This is taken to mean that owners of huildins which come within the provisions of the law will he held to a strict compli ance, and the policy of temporizing will he eschewed In the future. Pnder t lie ternisof ilie amended sec tion, which carries the emergency clause, owners of buildings will be Kiven six months in which to comply by erecting tire escapes. It is believed this w ill not supersede the remaining sections of the old law, which require that the labor commissioner shall nive notice to owners to comply with the law. This latter provision calls for the Imposition of a tine ranging from $i to 2ou where the apparatus has not been installed within sixty days after service or notice. While Deputy Labor Commissioner Hush lias not settled upon a definite interpretation of the details of tne statute, it is inti mated that the department will give building owners the benefit of the doubt within six months. Those who have not acted after the expiration of t hat period will he held to a strict ac countability. The law as amended removes t he un certainty as to application of the stat ute to three-story buildings used in part for business purposes. It excepts only buildings used exclusively for private residence purposes and resi dence Hats ith front and rear en trances, with balconies at each Moor. It would lie a good idea for owners of such buildings in l'lattsmout h to get ready to comply with the law. As yet, no one has pretended to pay any attention to law in this city, but we hope the3' will, "before compelled to pa j- a line" for their negligence in this matter No Death. Prof. Matthews, of the University of Chicago, promises to he able to pro long the human life indefinitely. Within a short time he will publish a receipt showing what food should be taken in order to maintain the strength and health of anybody who chooses to live long. In the first place the stomach must be put in perfect working order, as otherwise no food would he accepted or digested. This can be accomplished by using Triner's American Elixir of Pitter Wine, the only stomach remedy on which a family can rely in all cases. It heals the sore and inflamed stomach, regu lates the flow of the gastric juice and makes the digestion complete. Pe careful to get genuine Triner's if you wish to use it as medicine. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 79! So. Ashland avenue, Chicago, 111. No Use to Worry. People don't worry about the corn as they once did in Nebraska, partly because the wheat crop is big enough to pay the expenses of the state Tor an other year, and partly because they be lieve there will be a fair crop no mat ter what happens. Farmers who went through the big drouth of ll01 and found that they had some corn in spite of three weeks of hot wind and tem perature above 100 only laugh when they hear croakings about the weather of the past week. They say it is just what the corn wants. Lincoln Jour nal. Threshing! Threshing!! Have your grain threshed with the J. I. Case machine and save it. A mick & PnorsT, Mynard, Neb. IN THE GOOD OLD Summer time You want to save jour money to buy your C OML FOR THE WINTER at the Plattsmoutb Coal Yards. Full Weight Guaranteed Best Threshing Goal All Kinds of Feed J.V.Egenberger Proprietor Plattsmouth Coal Yards Corner Third and Main Streets Bell Phone 23 Platts Tbone 22 Weed Burner Completed. ' The new type of weed destroyer des Icrihed in t lifv columns some liiiieaio I wa - co:np!ete(i yest'-niay and sent Jo ! Lincoln this morning. The machine i is all const met ed on a H it car a laige .M(i;ue tank heinu p'aced al nii' end jand t hi t e horiont al l auks of c. lindri Icalformat the other. These are to h 'idtheoi. Extending several feet Jin front of the car, cio.se to the track ! and for two feet on I jot h sides of it is a heavy sheet iron platform. The oil flows from the tanks in one large pipe to the top of the platform, then through a number of smaller pipes which lead underneath the platform. These pipes are provided with valves to regulate the supply of oil. Thus a great tieat is maintained which with ers all the weeds. The machine travels at the rate of about four miles an hour. It will be used first on the branch lines out of Lincoln. Toy Pistols and Tetanus. Tetanus bacilli are thick in dust and surface soil, says the Chicago Tribune. When powder or bits of metal are blown by an explosion into one's skin they usually carry dust from the air with them, and this dust often con tains some of the bacilli. They are among the most mortal bacteria known to medical science. Of persons in fected with them through wounds more than !n per cent, die in the most horrible agony. They often enter through wounds so small as to be un discoverable, and then treatment is al most hopeless. It is impossible to im agine a death attended by more fear ful su tiering than that caused by tetanus. It would Vie almost incon ceivable that any sane person should risk coming to such an end after being repeatedly warned did we not see so many doing so every year, the public authorities graciously suspending the laws in order to give them an oppor tunity. Parents whose care of their children is of the best at other times send them out on the Fourth to play with death. Why? Pecause it has always been the custom. This is a conservative country where bad cus toms are concerned. More Fatalities than Ever. We remember or have we forgotten that before the Four ih of July the press of the country teemed with ex hortations for a saner Fourth, and that there were efforts in many cities toward prohibiting the use of the more dangerous sorts of explosives Put taking the count ry over, the slow ly maturing statist ics show that the recent anniversary was more destruc tive of human life than any other on record. The Chicago health depart ment in its bulletin for July 1.1, says that up to July (i of last year the casu alties or the Fourth, tabulated for the w hole country, w ere 2.4151 : to the same date this year tliey were o.lG'.i, an in crease of :'0 per cent. Up to July M last year the deaths from these acci dents were 100: to the same date this year they were ninety-two. The de crease, the bulletin says, was due to the greater preparation that was made by medical science and the better treatment. Every day since the fif teenth, new deaths have been reported from Fourth of July accidents, so that the total will soon, it is expected, pass that of all other years. Is not it near ly time that we should stop this slaughter? Losses by Lightning. During the storm Wednesday after noon the lightning was very sharp, and several losses are reported from the country. Jesse Ilardnock's barn was struck by lightning and burned. His loss was two hogs, about 200 bushels of grain and some harness. He had insurance on the grain, but the barn belonged to his father and was not insured. The fire was plainly seen by a number in town. The barn on Matt Donavan's place, about five miles south of here, was also struck and soon burned. Four head of horses were killed and several of Mr. Donovan's boys, who were in the barn at the time, were stunned, the oldest one being quite badly hurt. His loss was partly covered by insur ance. Ed Wachter, who was threshing about eleven miles southeast of here, reports that some wheat stacks be longing to a Mr. Luff were set on fire by the lightning and one of them burned. Eagle Beacon. Women's Relief Corps. An informal reception will be ten dered the members of the Women's Relief Corps at the home of Comrade II. C. McMaken this afternoon from 2:00 to 0:00. Mrs. McMaken was a great worker in the relief corps during her existence and last year was the first time they have missed these an nual assembles since her death. The meeting no doubt will prove most in teresting to all in attendance. Another Picnic. The Plattsmouth Turnverein are figuring on giving a picnic at Hol shuh's park, northwest of the city, on Sunday, August 13. Further notice of the event will be given in the fol lowing issues of the Evening Journal. It is the intention of the society to make this a most enjoyable affair. Can't Forget the Old Town. William Peed Dunroy. at one tune reporter on the Journal and well known to many renders of this paper, is given to writing poet ry at Ids leisure moments, and pays the following tri biii e t o I Mat t sin' ni! h. It appears in the Chicago Chronirie, with which pa, per Mr. Dunroy has been connect cd for sometime and under the heading of ''Some column he Modem Instances, edits in t hat. paper: w hich A gal list I lie lii m- Neltraskll skies I mi' t lie hi I Is i if l at IsiiikiiI 1 1 rise : Iteiow I glimpse the shifting thle. The yellow l iver reaehing whle. Ileyoni! the hills the prairies lie. I.reen riot heil w ith wheal ami oats ami rye, A mi fertile e.irnlamls sl retch let ween Sijuare seas of over-changing greee. y eal fid I. And cries of w Inls now hikI then. While zephyrs greet me as they pass Along the llowered lloors of grass. I watched the shadows as they chase Athwart the hroad. unending space. The shadows of t he clouds that run. (iruy children of the golden sun. I si-e the dome of sapphire hue. That changeful tent of tender blue That hems me 'round without a door Upon that level western lloor, I hush to hear the meadow lark When dawn awakens from the dark. And see a million blossoms bleed. The blossoms of the tireweed. It is a vision, that is all. And then the smoky curtains fall. In murky silence sinking down. And I am dent within the town. Will Test the Law. The police have placed the ban on cigarettes, says the Lincoln News. Thisafternoon Chief Cooperannounced tliat hereafter every officer on the force would be instructed to bring in any man caught in the act of rolling a cigarette. Many arrests are expected within the next few days, as the cigar ette habit has by no means been killed by the anti-pill law passed last winter. Until recently the officers have taken little notice of this phase of the law, but, recently, on securing a legal opin ion from high authority, the officers have decided to go ahead and test the new statute. Therefore the first man who is seen with one of the tabooed paper cigars will be placed on the sus pect list and the cops will lie lying in wait to ascertain how lie manages to encase the tobacco within the paper without fracturing the law. The law, known as House roll No. 72, reads as follows : "Section!. It shall he unlawful on and after the date this act shall go into ellect to manufacture, sell, or give away, or willingly allow to be taken, any cigarette, or material for their composition known as cigarette paper, within the state or Nebraska $2.15 To Lincoln And Return. On account of the Nebraska Epworth League Assembly the Purlintrton will sell tickets to Lincoln and return at $2.15, August 1st to 11, inclusive. An educational, interesting and amusing program to which the follow ing will contribute: Mr. Cuy Pearse of London: (lovernor K. W. Hocli, of Kansas: Pishop David II. Moore, of Portland: Dr. Robert S. Mac Arthur, of New York: Fred Emerson Brooks. Poet of .Sierras; Dr. Geo. K Stuart of Tennesee Cololnel H. W. J Ham, the Georgia Humorist: Dr. Ana Shaw: of Philadelphia: Dr. D. F. Fox, of Chicago; Dr. Stephen J. Herben, Editor of the Epworth Harald: Frank K. Itoberson, World Traveler; Mr. Clinton N. Howard, of Rochester, N Y.; Dr. Wm. F. Anderson, of New York city; Ralph Pingham, promoter of mirth; Spence and McDonald Scot tish entertainers: Kaffir boy choir from South Africa: the Locke male quartette; Rosani, famous manipu lator; Oxenham, with his wonderful moving pictures, and many others. Write for pamphlet, "Souvenir Tal ent," which will tell you all about it. L. W. Wakelky, General Passenger Agent, Omaha. The Land of Plenty. inis is inaeea a oountuui land, so bountiful that the failure of even one important rop in no way endangers the prosperity of the people. A land of grass and fruit, a land of cattle and horses, sheep and hogs. Almost every vegetable of the temperate .ones grow here. The rains of heaven water the fields. Cultivation is easy. There are few animal or insect pests. When grass or oats or potatoes yield a small crop, instead of grumbling, we should be glad we live in a land where the failure of one or two or even throe things does not mean ruin not even hardship. A Pleasant Surprise. A party of friends of T. P. Sammons descended upon him at his home last evening and brought good cheer and an evening of merriment. The secret had been well guarded and Mr. and Mrs. Sammons were taken completely by surprise. Ice cream and cake were served and the evening was spent play ing games and having a good time. The following were present: Ed. Ackerman and family: Mr. and Mrs. John Long and Mr. Long, sr.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sivey; Mrs. Gobelman and son George. A Surprise Party. A pleasant surprise party may be given to your stomach and liver, by taking a medicine which will relieve their pain and discomfort viz: Dr. King's New LifeJPills. They are a most wonderful remedy, affording sure relief and cure, for headache, dizziness and constipation. 21c at F. G. Fricke vV Co. drug store. Edison and Victor PHONOGRAPHS $10to$00 50,000 RECORDS TO SELECT FROM. Send for catalogue of Machines and Records or send us your name and we will have our Mr. George M iller call on you. We Prepay All Charges. Nebraska Cycle Co. GEO. E. MICKEL, 1.1th and Harney. OMAHA. .VHNNfc.AHOL.ISi UtViMMP MAIN OFFICE Fifth and Rohcr SM. ST. PAUL. V,iNN o DC ALL ' Stocks, 0") r Hi.uirht. nr.tl t-. iIi' I '. a - iiar !!. . i .j . J i i - S - Ship Your Grtin c t. lil.ST l'.CI 1.17 I l-S. I'K'.'MI'I I.I I . J.Jl.l-1'..l. I M l i. D'JLUTH " WINNIPEG Branch Office 223 Coates Block Plattsmouth Phone 211 ' THE FAMOUS LITTLE PILLS. "or quick relief from Biliousness, Z:-zk Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, Dizziness, and all troubles aris ing from an inactive or sluggish liver. DiVitt's Little Early Risers are un equalled. They act promptly and never gripe. They are so dainty that it is a pleasure to take them. One to two act as mild laxative; two or four act as a pleasant and effective cathartic. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonic the liver. PREPARED ONI.V BY . C. DaWitt & Co., Chlcfttfo Strength to Weak Men PEFFERS NERVIGOR Rtntwi Ncrva Force and Energy. Th wrirM ajiiitr-'i m;n wNn are ptronj Jn f.hyi?lrl. mental and nerve for-; mfn of amMtlon, em-rify ana personal iiiajn.-tlKm ; tfie true tvp? ',f -rfft maiibol. To attain thlH the llrt r'julK, Ih io1. healt&J Hervee. which irl ve rapaflty f r fu 11 development. PEFFER S HERVICOR n.akf-H Strong. Calm Narva. Cures Nervous Debilitr. Failing Memory. Vital Weak ncii. Prostration. Slcepleasncea and other trouUleadun to over work, worry, p niokinif . or vlefouB hahltn. Makes rleh. healthy hloodand rej.aire waeted uervre. )iially ffood for women. Jt',oklet free. Price r l.ou a Iwx. HI x for t' (K. pot-tp-aid, with, a guax antee to ref und. i f not en red or benefited. PEFFER MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, CHICAGO. U. S. A. For Sale by Gerin & Co. Perry's Restaurant Ij Short Order House nvcososcgcoscccosoccoosoqcS 8 15 i Meals Served at Regular Meal Hours. Fresh Oysters (IN SEA I Fish or anj-thinj SGGX3303GXDG GIVE US A P. UTTERBACK. MARTIN BUILDING, X North Side A Bad Scare. Some day you will pet a had scare, when you feel a pain in your bowels, and fear appendicitis. Safety lies in Dr. King's New Life Pills, a sure cure for all bowel and stomach diseases, such as headache, biliousness, costive- ness, etc. Guaranteed atF. (I. Fricke & Co.'s drugstore, only 2."c. Try them. 2 fit, f7ii J Si f larly Risers .SON) S I in Market. S . CALL. X 0 , Proprietor, 8 Main Street 4