The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 13, 1905, Image 3

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    F5 Fa
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Friday, July 14th,
The greatest clearing sale ever conducted by a store in this city begins Frida', July 14,
at Dovey's. It is the turning point of the season for us. It is the Bargain event of the year for
you. Our large stock of Fall Merchandise will shortly begin to arrive, therefore we will need the
room. Hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise must be sacrificed. OXJTI AIM is to
carry nothing over until next season. Attend this sale as you can save money on seasonable
mer chandise just when you need it.
Shoe Bargains!
The Best Bargains Ever Cffered.
Don'l Overlook Thi
Thirty-five pairs, chil
dren 'sand misses' ( )x lords,
in brown and black sold
up to SI. 50 per pair A On
This sale, per pair. . T"0ui
One lot of women's canvas
shoes and Oxfords, good
value. To close, per (jgg
Thirty pairs only ladies' Ox
fords in black and brow n,
good style, sold up to S2.50
per pair. To clean Q fin
them up. per pair. . OliUU
One lot of w omen's shoes and
Oxfords the Queen Ouali
tv in tans and blacks
$3.00 kind: the saleQI Q0
price, per pair OliuO
Shoe laces (3 pairs) for.
Muslin Underwear!
It will do you good to see
thislineandat prices less than
you can buy the material.
Don't fail to inspect this line.
Wash Goods!
Two thousand yards Law ns,
Dimities, Organdies, Ba
tistes, etc. Sold at 10 and
15c vard: sale price, C
per yard
One lot Wash Goods: the
kind that sold at 30. 35 and
up to 50c per yard: OCp
clearing sale, per yd. ui
Four thousand yards, nice
summer wash Fabrics, all
colors, some beautiful pat
terns. These are all the
15, 20 and 25c per yard
kind. Come quick: pp
cleari n g sale, per yd. Ivv
Silk Ribbons!
All colors, 4 inches wide, I (lp
this sale, per yd IUl
Clearing Sale of Silks!
One lot of Fancy Silks. These run in length from two to ten OHf
yard lengths in each piece. Sold up to $1.50. Clearing J HfJ
sale price, per yard fcwUl
White Embroidered
Wash Belts!
The latest, at 25c each.
Linen Huck Towels!
Twenty-five dozen, bleached,
size 1Sx32 inches. Sale
price 10c each.
Ladies' Fine
Cotton Vests
Ten dozen Ladies'
Cotton Vests.
Special twoQcp
for - - - -
mm mm
w i pi
One pound cake fine Castile
Soap. Sale price, per cake 10c
Summer Curtains
Ten pairs cross stripe cur
tains the latest. Your
choice -
Black Pins, two boxes for 5c,
Carpets, Rugs and
Lace Curtains.
at money saving prices.
Two hundred yards of GOOD
thread. Sale price, per On
Ir- V- . f
Farvcy Suiting Silks.
Comes in checks, stripes and neat designs, in all the newest PA
colors. Make pretty shirt waist
per yard. Clearing sale price,
will sell you just what we
money win oe rerunaea. Your patronage
lUyjy V ILL
516-518 Main
Pearl Buttons
One lot pearl buttons, one
dozen on card. Sale
price, per card,
Good smooth pearl buttons
sale price, three doz- inn
en for lUbi
Lot fine quality pure white
pearl buttons, 10 cent Cp
kind, per dozen, 3ui
Parasols! Parasols!
Children's parsols the 50c
and 75c kind; this
sale price
Women's fancy silk parasols,
colored borders, each
New Percales.
One case, thirty-two inches
wide, pretty patterns,
10c kind. This sale, yip
per yard I 2""
Laces! Embroideries!
One large assortment of laces
and embroideries, worth
10c. This sale, per yd. gn
of all kinds. One large table
of remnants at less than cost.
suits. Usually 75 to 85c "J "
per yard
advert;se. Your purchases satisfactory or your
St., Plattsmcmth, Nebraska.
Clearing Sale of Silks!
One lot of fancy silk. These
run from 2 to 10 yds; sold up
to $1.50 yd; clearing OQp
sale price, per yd Zdbi
One lot short lengths in
plain, striped and checks;
while they last, per -v,Jq
A beautiful line of White
Goods for waists and
d resses m ercerized wa i st -injs,
silk' mulls, organdies,
french lawns, persian mulls,
Swisses and India linens,
One case of Gordon Dye Hos
iery, misses' and children's
fast black and the best on
earth for the money. Don't
miss 'em. Sale price, Hp
per pair lUui
One lot misses' and children's
tan hose, while they last.
Sale price, per pair. JQq
We are showing some very
pretty things in women's
lace hosiery in black and
Women's fine quality lace
hose, in black and brown.
Sale price per pair. .
Bleached Table
v Damask!
Five pieces, sixty inches wide
well worth 50c perQQp
yd. This sale, peryd. OOUi