The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 08, 1905, Image 6

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If an' f the reader of thz Journal know of a xocial event or an itetn of intercut in this vicinity and will mad fame to this office it will atfitar under this headimf.
Wt traiit all item of intercut. Editor Journal.
Murray Oeparimemt.
Earl Jenkins marketed his cattle
Will Smith has been on the sick list
this week.
Quite a hail storm Monday evening,
thank you.
Howard Craves was a Plattsmouth
visitor today.
Mrs. Untrue 15rer is sick with re
mittent fever.
Iave Amick was a county seat visit
or Wednesday.
Art, Fiercely from near Union, was
in Murray Tuesday.
John Cook and family were Nebras
ka City visitors Sunday.
One uf Cus Split's valuable farm
horses died last Sunday.
John Cnofc made a living trip to
Omaha Timsduy evening.
I)r. Cilmore and Howard Craves
wer.? in I'liion last Friday. J
Win. Phil pot shipped a car of hoj:S
to South Omaha Saturday. I
W. E. Dull was transactii-ig business
in the county seat Tuesday.
Mrs. I). C. West of Nehawka, was a
Murray visitor last Saturday.
Harve Manners was transacting bus
iness in Plattsmouth Monday.
Miles Standish and daughter were
Piattsmouth visitors last Friday.
J.T. Porter was transacting busi
ness in Plattsmouth Wednesday.
J. A. Walker and wife were visitors
at the county seat last Saturday.
L. Iiusterholtz and family weie
Plattsmouth visitors Monday of this
Mrs. J. A. Walker went to Omaha
this morning for a short visit with
Dr. Abbott and Dr. Newell made a
professional trip to Murray Monday
II. L. Oldham attended the demo
cratic convention in Plattsmouth last
Mrs. Fred Shoemaker and Miss
Edith of near Nehawka, were in Mur
ray Monday.
l'.oth churches were dark last Sun
day evening, no services b-jing heid in
cither of them.
F. M. Massie and (.'has. iUnning
p.j.-'d t oiiit.h here Saturday enroute
to P. at tuiow! I:.
Yo;i!i'. hvinir four miles west
of ; .flipped a car i f tine cattle to
South OiTiha Monday.
Mi's. Tho Siilii van and daughter,
Mayuie. spent last. Sunday with Mr.
and M r.s Spani.ier.
Chas. Stone went to Plattsmouth
Wednesday evenirur to attend the
J o h n so n -1 d w a r d s w ed d i n g.
W. E. Dull and Chas. Herron are
new subscribers to the rapidly increas
ing Murray list since our last issue.
Mrs. John Campbell, who has been
visiting at the home of her mother,
near Union, returned home Monday.
L. H. Underwood and wife and J.
W. Holmes and w ife spent Sunday at
the home of Mrs. Joseph Shera near
Hock 151 u ITs.
J. M. Stone of Nehawka. passed
through here Saturday enroute to
Plattsmouth to attend the democrat
ic mass convention.
Will Smith was an Omaha visitor
Saturday, spending a few hours with
his niece who is an inmate of tl e
school for the deaf.
The straw berry crop this year is a
dandy. Many of our people are mak
ing daily shipments to their friends
in other localities.
L. Bailey of Omaha, who has been
here for the past few days in the in
terests of the Royal Achates has been
meeting with good success.
Howard Gra ves has resigned his pb
sition with W. II. McDaniel. For the
present Howard has not decided what
he will do in the near future.
DwyerTodd, who was injured last
week by having a wagon pass over nis
nmh. U crptt nir along niceiy, Deing
Able to be up and around the house.
U T. J. Rhoden went up to Platus
mouth Monday evening to see his sis
ter, Mrs. Lloyd. wh. has been quite
sick, but at this writing is improving
Joy Morton passed through Murray
a few days ago enroute to Nebraska
City for a few days visit with friends
at the old friends at Arbor Lodge. He
is now located in Chicago.
Pearl Shrader, who has been in
Omaha for several weeks past, and ex
perienced a serious sick spell, spend
ing some days in the hospital in that
city, has returned home.
McGinnis Churchill has joined the
regular carpenter force and is now
putting in full time at this work. Terl
Shrader is looking after the wants of
the people at the tonsorial parlor.
II. L. Oldham Is erecting a building
on his place just west of town, to
handle the business of the Beatrice
Creamery Co. Those delivering cream
to him in the future will be governed
Harry Todd shipped 100 head of fine
steers to South Omaha Sunday. They
were indeed beauties, some of the fin
est that have left thisstation in many
a day. Harry went with them, return
ing Monday.
Sam Pittman sold his fine, large
team of farm mules to a traveling
buyer this week for the beautiful sum
of WT.yoo, and at that price was rather
sorry of his bargain. "Mules seem to
be mules these days."
James Loughridge got mixed up in
a dog tight Tuesday morning and ere
the bout was cilled otr Jim had re
ceived quite a severe bite on the foot,
and was compelled to remain at home
the balance of the day.
Fate Davis had a pair of his gloves
stolen last Sunday evening, but claims
he was not long in locating them and
if the purloined property is not return
ed in the near future someone will be
compelled to suffer the consequences.
James Manners, the popular rural
route agent, is pretty busy these days
repainting his mail wagon. When
Jim turns the newly decorated ve
hicle upon the road the patrons of the
line will think he is the advance rep
resentative of the Barnum & Bailey
Well, well, what do you think of
this? Dave Amick has resigned his
position as the champion Cass county
fisherman, and claims that when he
does snag a good one in the future he
will keep it to himself without he can
produce the fish. That's right, Dave,
now you're "shout in'."
Will Hamilton has completed the
new addition to the Miles Standish
residence, south of town, and in con
versation with Miles we find that he
is mighty well pleased, too. Mr. Ham
ilton has done all the work but paint
ing and .plastering, from the founda
tion up, but he draws the line on the
paint and plaster. Will has com
menced the erection of a new 24x20
barn for J. J. McNurlin in Mt. Pleas
ant precinct.
Mr. Frank Slagle met with quite a
serious accident last Sunday evening.
Mr. Slagle accompanied by his wife
and little daughter were coming to
Murray in a spring wagon and in pass
ing down Rock Creek hill, southeast
of town, the center piece of the neck
yoke broke, causing the team to be
come frightened and run away. Mr
and Mrs. Slagle and daughter were
thrown from the wagon, and Mrs. S
received a severe shock and quite bad
ly bruised. The team completely
wrecked the spring wagon.
Fate Davis and Chas. Boedeker shij
ped a car each of hogs to South Oma
ha Tuesday evening. Mr. Boedeker
intended to go to Omaha with them,
after the stock was loaded he told the
trainmen he would go to the depot and
get his contract properly tilled out
and would be ready in a moment. But
as usual the "busy" freight men were
in too much of a hurry and could not
wait. Charley made a great race but
could not catch them. He was almost
too angry to ride the passenger train
into Omaha, but he finally concluded
is was better than to walk.
of Murray, Nebraska.
Charter No. 578
Incorporated In the State of Nebraska, at the
close of business May 29. 190a.
Loans and Discounts. ? S4.Wi.nri
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.. 'A.T7
Banking house, furniture, fixtures. . It.soO
Current expenses and taxes paid r.W.57
Due from national, state and pri
vate lianks and hankers 13.4t7."8
Total cash on hand ilHi
Total 5
lock paid 111 S
Surplus fund
('niiividcd profits deposits
iect to check
Time certificates of
Due lo national lianks.
4i:i. !. 4.o00.41
State of Nehkaska. '
Count y of Cas. I ss'
I. Chas. S. Stone, ca.shierof the alove nam
ed hank, do solemnly swear that the above
staten.ent Is correct and a true copy of the re
port made to the Stale Banking Board.
Chas. S. Stoxe. Cashier.
Attest J. M. Stone. Director.
.1. A. Pollard. Sr.. Director.
Sulscri!ed and sworn to before me this 6th
day of June, l'.Vo.
D. CI West. Notary Public
My commission expires March 13, 1107.
fmr chlldrni afo, fur. Jo mplatma
CHAS. S. STONE, Casiiiki:.
Murray State Bank
Murray. Nebraska.
Transacts a General Hanking Business. Buys and sells Exchange.
always on li.iml. Money loaned on chattel mortgages.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. B. F. Brendel Celebrate
Their Wedding Anniversary.
Last Saturday occurred the happiest
event in the career of Dr. and Mrs. 15.
F. Brendel, w ith the single exception,
perhaps, the 4th of June thirty-one
years ago, w hen they were made hus
b md and wife in the little hamlet of Big
Springs, Boone county, Ind. The affair
took place on Saturday, June :, in Mur
ray, on account of the 4th coming on
Sunday. It was so quietly planned as
to make it a complete surprise to the
Dr. and Mrs. Brendel, the invaders
coming with well filled baskets of pro
visions. They were the recipients also
of a sett each of silver knives, forks,
and spoons, as a token of the esteem in
which they are held by their large cir
cle of friends, and in honor of the
event they were celebrating.
Dr. and Mrs Brendel have resided
in Nebraska for twenty years, where
they have prospered and lived a life of
usefulness, reared a nice little family,
and are now surrounded by a large cir
cle of friends in theircomfortable home
in Murray, where the Dr. has also been
very successful in the practice of his
profession, and is still in the enjoyment
of a most lucrative practice, and his
friends are numbered by the score.
B. F. Brendell and Miss Amanda
Josephine Parr were married at Big
Springs, Boone county, Ind., on the
4th day of June, 1874, and removed to
Nebraska, September ISM, locating
at Murray, where they have since re
sided. Dr. Brendel had practiced his
profession in his native state three
years previous to hiscoming westward,
and is a graduate of the Indianapolis
Medical college.
The day was all that could be desired
for the celebrating of such an event,
and the many guests preient were not
slow in doing everything in their power
to make it one long to be remembered,
especially by the doctor and his excel
lent lady. At the proper hour an ex
cellent luncheon was spread, consist
ing of all the delicacies of the season,
and if anyone went away without a
sufficiency for the inner man, it was
because he or she was too bashful to
partake, for there was an abundance
to feed the large attendance, and to
spare. The young ladies who served
were Misses Gussie Robb, Ella Yirgin,
Etta Nichols, Daisy Buck, Carrie Alli
son, and Yiola Young.
It seems that the affair had been in
contemplation for several days, and
that the originators of the happy event
were Mrs. Ida Baker, Mrs. Charles Car
roll, and Miss Yiola Young, who car
ried out their intentions to a success
ful completion. The collection of Mow
ers that adorned the surroundings con
sisted of the finest display ever seen in
this vicinity, and the fragrance eman-
ating therefrom made one almost think!
that, hp'u-ns in tiir iinwprinnri. rpHin- i
ing upon a bed of the choicest of them
What added much to the interest of
the occasion, was that, on this same
date? also occurred the twenty-ninth
anniversary of Dr. J. F. Brendel, son
of the Dr. and Mrs. Brendel, and it
was an occasion to make the young
man also feel glad that he was alive
and in the enjoyment of excellent
As the large crowd of friends took
their departure for their various homes,
one by one, they each grasped the !
hands of those in whose honor the oc- j
casion was gotten up, wishing them j
long life, continued happiness and the
return of many more such happy events, '
in all of which the Journal joins them.
Following is a list of those who were
present to take part in the happy af
fair: W. E. Dull and wife, Joseph Sands
and wife, J. II. Xorris and wife, Wil
liam Smith and wife, John Thomilson
and wife, James Allison and wife,
James Holmes and wife, William
Kloepping and wife, William McDan
iels and wife, Thil Brisbin and wife, J.
T. Torter and wife, W. W. Hamilton
and wife, W. J. Kaynard and wife,
Glen Perry and wife, Oswell Yirgin
and wife, Philip Kyle and wife, W 11-
liara Marks and wife, Nicholas Klaur
ens and wife, (I. M. Minford and wife,
Richard Chrisweiser and wife, Walter
Sands and wife, Charles Perry and
wife, C. D. Spangler and wife, A. L.
Baker and wife, J. W. Bergerand wife,
James Brown and wife, David Lloyd
and wife, F. M. Young and wife, John
Spangler and wife, W. B. Virgin and
wife, J. XV. Edmunds and wife, Mont
Robb and wife, T. D. Buck and wife,
Will Sporer and wife, Albert Harnand
wife, Lloyd Gapen and wife, Levi Rus
terholtz and wife, N. Slocum and wife,
Ben Dill and wife, D. J. Pitman and
wife, F. M. Young, sr., and wife: Mes
dames J. B. Becker, William Lough
ridge, A. II. Graves, McDonald, Josie
Linville, Gracie Rhoden, D. C. Rho
den, George Rhoden, Nettie Davis,
Minnie Wood, James Loughridge, Mrs.
Bruce Stone, Mrs. J. L. Young, Isabel
Young, Villa Gapen, Grace M. Becker,
Miss. Carrie Allison, Miss. Gussie Robb
Misses Etta Nichols, Ida Boedeker,
Ella Yirgin, Yiola Young, Daisy Buck,
Gracie Linville; Roy and Johnnie Chris
weiser, Arthur Young, Roy Burton,
Gerald Dean Young, Gladys West,
Opha Baker, L. Nichols, Yelma Wood,
Olga Minford, Esther Ray, Virgil Mc
Daniels, Frotie Hamilton, Walter
Hamilton, Chester Stone, James Stone,
Martin Sporer, Oliver Gapen, Yirgil
Perry, Russell Perry, Louisa Virgin,
Harry Todd, (J rand ma Buck, Mrs.
Klepser, Mrs. Cross. C. S. Stone, Le
land Wood, Ralph Holmes, Roy Klaur
ens, Lena Klaurens, Chester Kyle,
Ralph Ham, Howard Porter, Mabel
Amick, Clarence Kyle, Violet Kyle,
Mrs. G. W. Shrader, Bertha Seybolt,
Everett Spangler, Margaret Spangler,
Leona Lloyd; Ilarmond Beck and wife,
John Llojd and wife, D. C. Amick ad
wife, C. E. Carroll and wife, W. F.
Moore and w ife, Charley Creamer and
wife, James Root and wife, James
Martin and wife. Thomas Lindsey and
wife, ZacK Shrader and wife, Yal Gob
e'.man and wife, C. X. Beverage and
wife, J. B. Seybolt and wife, George
Ray and wife. Dr. W. II. Schild
knecht and wife, Plattsmouth; Mrs.
Eflie Banning and Mrs. Banning, Ne
hawka; Dr. McCloud, Union; Dr. J.
W. Brendel, Avoca; Mrs. D. C. West,
Nehawka; Miss Yerna Tracy, South
Omaha; Everett Becker, Oklahoma;
Elizabeth Mason, Plattsmouth: Miss
Minnie Marquardt, Avoca.
Cured of Bright's Disease.
Geo. A. Sherman, Lisbon Red Mills,
Lawrence Co., N. Y.. writes: "I had
kidney disease for many years, and
had been treated by physicians for
twelve years; had taken a well known
kidney medicine and other remedies
that were recommended but got no re-
' lief until 1 began using Foley's Kid
ney Cure. The first half bottle re
lieved me and four bottles have cured
me of this terrible disease. Before 1
began taking Foley's Kidney Cure I
had to make water about every fifteen
minutes, day and night, and passed a
brick-dust substance, and sometimes
a slimy substance. I believe I would
have died if 1 had not taken Foley's
Kidney Cure." F. G. Fricke & Co.
If your blood is thin and im
pure, you are miserable all the
time. It is pure, rich blood
that invigorates, strengthens,
refreshes. You certainly knovv-
the medicine that brings good
health to the home, the only
medicine tested and tried for
60 years. A doctor's medicine.
"I owe hit Iffp. withont d-Milit. to Ayer's
Sursaparilla.' It Is the most womlerf ul nit-ili-cine
in the world for nervousness. My cure is
permanent, ami I cannot thank von enough."
Mas. DELIA JIcWelL, Newark, '. J.
fl 00 a bottle.
AM dnt(rri.t..
J. C. AVER I'O..
Poor Health
Laxative doses of Ayer's Pills each
night greatly aid the Sarsaparllla.
Binding Twine
This is the season of the
year when every fanner
places his order for twine.
All we have to say is call
and get our prices before
you buy. We guarantee
our terms and prices right.
A Full and Complete Line of
Harvesting Machinery, Bind
ers and Mowers, liepairs. Etc.
a rniers,
1 iwmmy'&T-
If you have some Live Stock to sell, such as Veal,
Calves, Butcher Stock, Cattle, Hogs, Poultry or
Butter and Eggs, call on us and see what we pay.
It will pay you to come and see us.
Remember we will now butcher our own stock'.
ll:n turnout
I DR. R. L.
Fifteen Years Experience
; In Murray Every Tuesday.
O ii
I. .1 8
Jfrcm 1berc to Cberc
Homeseekers' Excursions I
S O F--- '
q May, June, July, August, September, October and
h November
jjj Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory
S and Texas 8
8 8
:Q F
C. Lovrien,
Ass't Gen'l Passenger Agent,
Kansas City, Mo.
SO go
C -;
Hardware, Stoves and Implements,
. I 1
h 'I'lim.f No. :.'4i.
" 11.
j $
'without pur
i ft
A. Hilton,
Gen't Passenger Agent,
St. Louis, Mo.