.1 MM ( I'm ill 1 . ) Icflal Hfrvcrtiscmcnts. Legal Notice. tit IM-.I rl-t f :tmrt if ' County. . tlr:isksi. KulW- Johii-wni. I'litlnt Iff. lltiry y. IU-l-l-r. Tl'l'rf. .1 K. IU-lt k.-r. .Mtniil.- ' Itln. k wi ll. I h.irl. s V. I IbM-kckt-r. t hI. ' T(w nlittvf ii.irii l iiii-r-sll-iiiH. l'f-iil:tiit will liikf not !-. I hat on t ! M ilny .l.iniiiiry. 1'K. Kat I' .l lmxn. plaint Iff. It Iff I tier ix-tltlon In tli' ilKt rl l riHirl of CatH ron my. Si-hra-.-kik. Htrulnit miI'I l r il;t nt tli- olli-t mimI prayi r of wlili-li ari. that Hit- itlalntlff In- il i larl aii'l li-'ri''l lulu- lh- lawfully mlipi-l i-hllil of 'I 'licotlori llo-il-kiT. ami as m li to Inln-rlt. hi a lilll ami ln lr of nalil l i'r'l. In hoi i tti half of the u tilth wist iiuartcr of iM-i'tlon H-nty-Hl Oil ; lh- northwest iiiar ter hikI the northwest iiuarter of Ms-tlon thirty-live; CO the northeast iiiart-r of the northeast iiuarter of nal'l ss-tloii thlrty-Hve; ami the MMilhi-ast iiiarter of the north west iiarterof sahl s--tloii llilrt y-ll ve. CCtlall In township twelvi-. I Til ranife elc veil. 1 1 1 1 east of the Hlh I. M.. In fun eoiinty. Nehraska; ami also Inherit us sul.l ehlhl ami heir any other pro-rty if sall il-i-ea--l. Von are reiiilrel lit answer sall H-tltl-ii on or l fire the .'tl.li ilay of .In ne. :m. Katie Johnson. ISy T. .1. Nul.x. Attorney. Legal Notice. Tlie fiate of Nehraska. In Ilslrl t Court for Cass County : .1. lilt Nli'holas I'lalntltr. Not Ire to the un known heirs ami devises of William W. Conner Jiml Nanry Conner.hiis haii'l ami wife aii'l oorife lluMi.iril, non n-slili-nt. vs Ja- ol. I. K.l'tir. the unknown heirs ami ilevlses of llliani V. Ciitimr ami Nany Conner.lius liaiiil ami wife, aii'l (ieorKe II ulihanl. lion-r-sii-iit, I fcmlunts. To the ilefenilants. the unknown lieirn and lerls-sof William W. Conner ami Nanry Con ner. Iiushaml ami wife, ami to lieorne 1 1 ule liaril. non-reslilent. ilefemlant. Vou anil eiwli of you are hereby notified that iiion the th lay of April. A. I.. IWia. John Nlrhola lU-rk. an plaintiff, filed his pe tition In the illstrl'-t court for the crounty of Cass anil statu of Nehraska. air:ilnst you ami asralnst Jaroh I. Falter. a defendants, the ohieetand prayer of which are: Tocanrcl of riord a certain mortiraire. exe cuted and delivered t said (Jeorire lluhhard by said William W. (onnersnd Nancy Con ner, husband and wife, upon lot six (fl) In northwest iiurterof southeast iU.trter of sec tion sit. ( township twelve. (12) ranjre thir teen (13) of the county of Cass and state of Nebraska, and recorded In the Register of Heed's office for said county In Hook "K" of mortitaires at paired!; also, tocancel of ns-ord a certain alleired warranty deed to said prem ises, executed and delivered to defendant. Jacob I. Kalter. bv one John Kriedrlch and ris-orded In said office of Register ff IH'edsfor said county In IH ed Record 4:1 at paite l; al so, to foreclose a certain mortKajfe upon said premises, executed and delivered to said tilalntlff. John Nicholas Heck, by said John "rled rich, on January .. 17. which rnort aife w:is recorded In said Register of Ih-ed's office in ItooW 1 of mortmain's at paire 3!H. which said tnortiraire was (riven to secure pay ment of three hundred and twenty-five (?3S dollars and riifht per cent Interest thereon from said January IV.C. and upon which there Is now due and unpaid the sum of two hundred and lift y dollars and Interest thereon at elitht iM-r cent per annum, payable siml-annuall y ; also, toipilet title In plaintiff to said premises ami to lr all claim, title ami unity therein as to the unknown heirs and devises of said William W. Conner and Nancy Conner, husband and wife, as to said iieorie Hubbard and as to said J.icob I. Fal ter, his heirs, executors, administrators, as signs, grantees and all persons claiming title to said premise in. by ami through him: also, a ihs-ree for the possession of said premises In plaintiff. Vou and each of you are rciilr-d to answer said iietlt Ion on or lie fore Monday. June VMt. !.: John Nii imiu Uh'k. Hash. S. RtM-ry. H.ilntitT. Attorney f..r I'lalntltT. t First publication May 4th. !!.". Legal Notice. In the IHstrlct Court. Cass ( oiinty. Nebraska. ..t ! I'-ivi'i of at ion. 14 ly fer Theodore It. Hrush. riainttff. vs Mrs. An-'ti't'i X. Cut ter, formerly Mr-. .ii'.'uta A. Itru-h. Margaret V.. Ie:i:i. :i'i:is l.i'.bie HTin. Orvil l :in. A !!' F.. Miller. Fills Mil ler. Wil!i:im II. I'.rush. Charles C. I trii-li Fthel li. Mc Cladin. a minor un der the :ti- of t years, ami r.cssie A McClatliit. a ' n 1 1 nor u'idt r the 1 lure of It years. I H I fi-mlan's. J The defendants. Margaret F. I lean, alias l.lbt.le iH in. i rvll Ih-an. Charles C. Brush, fthel II. MrClatlin. a minor under the age of rears and Mrs Augusta A. t uner. lormcr- At ....... A IOiiKli fion-residenf lle- i-mlaiits. will take notice that on the 2nd day t . i -'i-fc I. It Itviihh tllil Ids rwt i- tlon in the district court of Cass county. Ne braska, against Mrs. Augusta A. Cutter, for merly Mrs. Augusta A. Itrush. Margaret h. Iean alias l.lbl.te iean rvil lean. Alii-e r Miller Fills Miller. W illiam II. Hrush. Char les C. Hrush. Fthel It. McCiatlin. a minor tin der the age of 1 4 years and llessie A. McCia tlin. a minor under the age of 14 years, the ob ject and prayer of which petition are to parti tion et ween the parties to said suit the fol lowing lescrlted real estate, to-wlt: The west one-half iw. H of the southwest one quarter (s. w. bisection eleven. (HI township ten. (10) range eleven. ill ea-t of the tth l. M. and the north one-half in. 'i of the southeast one iiuarter (s. e. V of section ten. (! township ten. (I.) range eleven. (1 1) east of the Kth 1. M. all In Cass county. Nebraska, and lots one (1) ami two (2 In block "A" Adams atldltion to the city of Weeping Water. Nebraska, or if said premises cannot be equitable divided be tween the parlies that the same may be sold, and that after deducting the costs and ex penses of partition that the proceeds may be divided between the parties entitled thereto, according to their respective rights and Inter ests In said real estate. Von are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the 1-th day of June. 1W5. Thk.oimike H. Hkcsh. Hy his Attorney. II. I. Tkavis. Hot Weather Piles. Persons afflicted with piles should be careful at this season of the year. Hot weather and bad drinking water con tribute to the conditions which make piles more painful and dangerous. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve stops the pain, draws out the soreness and cures. Get the genuine, bearinsr the name of E. C. DeWitt 8c Co. Sold hy F. fi. Fricke & Co. and derin & Co. A. H. S. -vs P. H. S. On last Saturday the Flattsmouth hipli school team met defeat at the hands of the Ashland hih sch'ol team in that city by a score of 4 to 1. Although they were defeated they are proud of the score and the way the Ashland team treated them while they were there. They stopped for dinner at a swell restaurant and were other wise royally entertained and "Quack" Loyd succeeded in petting rid of two pieces of pie besides the big dinner which he ate. Richer 'fanned" the first five men up to bat; Morgan made the only score; Man did exceedingly well at bat; Fitz gerald hurt his hand which caused him to over throw first twice, letting Ash land make two scores. Besides this the game was erroless. Ea.gle From the lieacon. Thre are a few in this community that have corn planted. The little child of Mr. and Mis. II. K. Smith is very sick with fever. (Sroiind has been broken on the lot just east of the lank for VA Williams' new residence. Mrs. Jam es Snoke went to Lincoln last Saturday to remain for several weeks and take treatment at the Sanitarium. Mrs Finke ana son who have been visiting among relatives here for the past four or five months left last Sat urday for their home in Winconsin. Mrs. Finke Is a niece of Mrs. C. Wet tenkamp. Sr. L. Canlield of Itennet, arrived In town yesterday morning from Albu qiiertie, N M., were he had been help ing take care of Charlie Michael who has been very sick with typhoid fever. He said that when lie left there Tues day niirht, Charlie was much better and on a fair road to recovery. James Burdiek of DeSmet. So. Da kota, who has been at Hot Springs, Arkansas, taking treatment for rheumatism during the past four or five months, arrived here Tuesday on his way home. He says he is much better than when he went there which his friends here will be glad to learn. Last Friday Mrs. Ed Carr met with a very painful accident. While run ning a washing machine she got her right hand caught in the cogs and was notable to get it out. As there was no one else about the house at the ti me she had to wait in that condition un til she could see someone passing and call for help. About a half hour later Jas. Snoke happened to be passing and she called him in, but he could not get her hand out and went to the field for Mr. Carr. Dr. Jester wascalled todress the hand and found the flesh on the first finger badly lacerated and torn from the bone. The bone was not broken and the finger can be saved, but will likely be left stiff in the first joint. Saved by Dynamite. Sometimes a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a space that the fire can't cross. Sometimes a cough hangs on so long you feel as if nothing but dyna mite would cure it. Z. T. Gray of Cal houn, Ga., writes: "My wife had a very aggravated couph which kept her awake nights. Two physicians could not help her, so she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which eased her cough, gave her sleep and finally cured her." Strictly scientific cure for bron chitis and la grippe. At F. G. Fricke S: Co.'s driii: store; price ."0c and 1 00: w'uaranteeri. Trial bottle free. Mynard Special Correspondence. Ernest Carroll and Nellie Creamer of Murray, spent Sunday with Miss Elsie Stokes. Miss Harriette Murray attended the play, "A Trip to Egypt," Saturday evening. Miss Lizzie Wheeler of Plattsmouth, visited with Miss Manota Friday niirht. Misses Ethel and Tcreca Marler vis ited w ith their grandparents Sunday. John Sneed of Lincoln, and Miss Lulu Leek of Tlattsmouth, visited a short time Tuesday evening ac the home of J. II. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Porter were county seat visitors Monday morning. Peter Perry was a Plattsmouth vis itor Tuesday. Mrs. A. L. Cox and daughter, Ha zel, and Mrs. Harriette Kiser, visited with the latter's son, Dan Kiser, Sun day afternoon. It seems "Central" has a new beau to her string as our Mynard operator was down to see her not long ago. The members of the T. C. L. society are preparing for another program to be given Friday evening. May 12. This will be the last program given until fall. One young man in our vicinity had quite an accident last Sunday evening. His horse became unmanageable and overturned the buggy. Horse and buggy were lying flat on their sides, but nothing serious was the result. Warning. You cannot have good health unless your kidneys are sound, for the kidneys filter the blood of impurities which otherwise act as irritating poisons and break down the delicate organs of the body and cause serious trouble. If you have kidney or bladder trouble and do not use Foley's Kidney Cure, you will have only yourself to blame for results, as it positively cures all forms of kid ney and bladder diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co. MaLple Grove Special Correspondence. Mr. Will and Louie Puis made a business trip to Plattsmouth last Fri day. Carpenters have finished the new barn for George Ilild, which is a dandy and a good sised one, 0x38 feet. There will be quite a number of new telephones put In here la the near fa- Acer's If your blood is thin and im pure, you are miserable all the time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know Sarsaparilla the medicine that brings good health to the home, the only medicine tested and tried for 60 years. A doctor's medicine. " I nmn utj Mm. without ifimt.t. to Airr' 8rprilU. It I tint mint wilder fill iik-iII-rlna in tli wot hi for iiHrviiinuies. Mv cure la feriimneiit. tool I rnnot tlmiik vou enoiiL'li." Ml:. OKI. I a .McWki.1., NewHrk.N. J. f I 00 a tmttlft. All drui--.-lI. - for J. f. A V KH 'o.. Poor Health IM7K KrC3l3fBIC 337, J Laxative doses of Ayer's Hilis encn night greatly aid the Sar3par:tlc. ture; as soon as the posts arrive, then the work will commence Mr. and Mrs. George Ilild gave a dance in their new barn Saturday night which was largely attended and a good time was had by all. Mr. Herman Gansemer purchased a fine top buggy last week which is a dandy. Now he can make the dust y. Quite a number of relatives were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ilild Sun day to attend thechristianing of their baby boy. Jake Ilild delivered hogs to Murray market last Friday for which he re ceived 5c per pound. Corn planting is now in full force in this locality from early in the morn ing till late at night. An Interesting Event. The Plattsmouth Turnverein is ar ranging for a big exhibition at the Parmele theatre, Wednesday night, May 17. Many new features will be introduced in the way of drills. It is to be the finest exhibition of gymnas tics ever produced in this city. Dumb bell and wand drill, reed exercises, in connection with fancy steps by the ladies' class, will beat anything ever put on in this opera house. Then the turning on the horizontal bar, side and vaulting horse, gymnastic games and pyramids. Several special num bers will include baton-juggling by E. A. Brodie; and in the musical line, a solo by II. W. White and a flute solo by Chas. Winn, of the Iowa Stat band. The exhibition will prove worthy of the attendance of a large audience, and not only this, but it is a home affair and should receive the support of the amusement loving peo ple of Plattsmouth and vicinity. Pro gram will follow later. After Fourteen Years. About fourteen years ago, while en gaged in doing the family washing, Mrs. I. S. Wooster's hand came in con tact with a pin, which caused a slight rlesh wound near the second joint of the thumb It was not known until a few days ago that a piece of the pin still remained in the thumb, and fear ing the consequences of blood poison ing, the patient was advised to go to a hospital in Omaha and have the pin remvoed which was successfully ac complished. Although the many years that have elapsed, it looks very strange that Mrs. Wooster has never experienced any pain in the thumb until this spring. FOR SALS: Acrage Tracts for Sale! 25 acres, well improved, 18 acres un der cultivation, fine orchard, 6 room house, good barn, wind mill and other improvements, less than one mile from the postoffice. 14 acres on South Chicago Ave., fenced but no other improve ments. One 20 acre and one 10 acre im proved tracts, and less than one mile from the postoffice. Six tracts of land with from three to six acres in each. An 80 acre farm in Liberty precinct at StiO.OO per acre. For particu lars address the undersigned.' Bargains if Taken Soon! One lot with -a 6 room house, $ 350 An 8 room house with 1 lot, 600 A good 6 room house with 8 lots 850 One 5 room house with lot. . . 400 A cottage and two lots, nice location 600 A good 8 room house with 1 acre of ground, with fruit, price "50 R. B. WINDHAM A 6 E N T PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA NEW BURLINGTON BULLITIII. Attractive Summer Tours From Which You Can Take Your Choice. Join the Increasing throng of Ameri cans w ho are commencing to reali.t the common-sense in getting some pleasure out of life. To Denver, Colorado Springs, Kcky Mouutains and Salt Lake. Very low excursion rates daily from June 1; still lower rates for the great Kpworth League convention, I driver's the first week in July; long return limits To California, Portland exposition and Puget Sound cities. Frequent low excursion rates from May 1, less than half rates, all summer limits. Make that lonir deferred tour of California. Portland ana Puget Sound this sum mer. To Eastern Hesorts. Commencing June 1, daily summer touri.tt rates to Chicago, Wisconsin, Minnesota, tin lake region, Canada and New Eng land Coast: you will find some kind of alow summer rate available for your visit back east. Watch for tlie addi tional special rates for the big eastern conventions. The Hlack Hills and llig Horn l'.asin country. Commencing June 1, daily excursion rates to Hot Springs, Dead wood, Hlack Hills and Cody, Wyo., in the Hig Horn Uasin country; magni ficent shooting and trout fishing, com fortable inns and camping places along the new scenic route through the park timter reserve west of Cody. Consult witli the nearest Burlington ticket agent. W. L. Pickktt, Agent. L. W. Wakklev, G. P. A., Omaha. Mother Saved By Children. Mrs. Theresa Kromar of Manitowoc, Wis., explained to us what her chil dren have done for her. "I am an old lady," she said. "The years have ta ken all strength from me and I was prepared for the end of my days. Then my children brought me Triner's Am erican Elixir of Bitter Wine which in deed worked like a miracle. Although I took it in small doses only, I noticed howquickly I was gaining in strength; my appetite returned and my whole body was refreshed and strengthened. I would not be now without this ex cellent tonic my only hope and 1 wish to recommend it to all sick, old and feeble persons." Triner's Ameri can Elixir of Bitter Wine makes new blood, gives full strength to the stom ach, and it is the only remedy making the digestion of all food complete. In all maladies of the stomach it is the remedy to be relied upon. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 719 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. Cheer Up Don't Get Blue. Cheer up. The world is taking your photograph. Look pleasant. Of course yon liave your troubles, troubles you cannot tell the policeman. A whole lot of things bother you. Of course. Business worries or domestic sorrows, it mav be, or what not. You find life a rugged road. Whose stones hurt your feet. Nevertheless Cheer up. It mav be your real disease is 'sel fishness" ingrown selfishness. You imagine your tribulations are worse than otheis bear. You feel sorry for yourself the meanest s . - ox pity. It is a pathetic illusion. Kid yourself of that, and Cheer up. What right have you to carry a pict ure of your woebegone face and fun- eral way about among your fellows, who have troubles of their own? If vou must whine or sulk or scowl, take a car to the unfrequented lanes Cheer up. Your ills are largely imaginary. If you were really on the brink of bank ruptcy, or if there were no thorough fare, through your sorrows, you would clear your brows set your teeth and make the best of it Cheer up. You are making a hyothetical case out of your troubles and suffering from a self-inflicted verdict. You are borrow ing trouble and paying a high rate of interest Cheer up. Why, man! In ten minutes' walk you can see a score of people worse off than you are. And here you are dig ging your own grave and playing pall bearer into the bargain. Man alive, you must do your work. Smile, even though it be through your tears which speedily dry and Cheer up. Recommend PARACAMPH as a Most Reliable First Aid to the Injured. Many people in this city are injured daily, and oftentimes serious results fol low simply because the injury was not properly cared for in the beginning. It is not always possible to secure a physician at a moment's notice. Many deaths are caused by negligence and delay. Blood poisoning often results from bad cuts, gun shot wounds, etc., because the wound is not properly treated promptly. Paracamph is a simple, inexpensive remedy which every family should keep in their homes every day ; every factory, manufacturing plant and large institu tion should keep Paracamph near at hand. It is conceded, by medical author ities to be a most reliable, relieving, soothing and healing agent. It not only stops pain quickly, but it heals wounds without leaving ngly scars and absolutely prevents blood-poisoning. Paracamph is truly a home remedy and every bottle is guaranteed to be pure, safe, clean, and to do exactly what is claimed for it. If you do not ketp Par acamph in your home, get a bottle to day. It is Just as necessary in your home as good soap and water. - You will find it excellent for quickly relieving Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sore, Tired Feet, Skin Troubles, Catarrh, or any form of Swelling or Inflammation. Sold only in 26c, 60c and $1.00 bottles by all good druggists. The Paracamph Sampany, Louisville, Ky., U. S. A. THE GREAT EST WESTERN MAIL CRDZR HOUSE The Reliable Store GUARANTEES SATISFACTION OR REFUND YOUR MONEY . . . WONDERFUL BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY . . . At this time of the year it has always been our cus tom to dispose of all our Ladies' Spring Garments at sweeping price reductions. lvery Spring Garment must go. All Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Satisfac tion Guaranteed. Manufacturers Stock of Waists Manufacturers Stock of Underskirts Also on Sale. Send Your Order at Once. .45c 300 dozen Waists from Max Kolh, 4H Walker Stroot. NVw York, at about one-third value. Bargain 1 75 dozon Waists, in lawns, madras and pinyharn, all col ors, worth regularly $1.23 sale price Dargain 2 83 dozen Waists, proat variety of materials, all colors, lace and embroidery trimmed, well worth tl.50 nr sale price DO Bargain 3 92 dozen Waists in all the newest styles and materials, trimmed with tucks, fine laces and embroideries, regular 12.50 values, tale price... Bargain 4 Beautiful Waists in em broidered swiss, linens, lawns, and pongees, regular $3.00 I AC values, sale price I tJ Bargain 5 Handsome Jap taffeta and peau de soie waists in all col ors, garments worth up Q A C to jsC.OO, sale L fj 95 MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF UNDERSKIRTS On sale at one-third to one-half price, the entire stock of Levi it Cohn, N. Y. $1.50 Black Mercerized Underskirts at 59o Underskirts in Moreens, Italian cloth Farmer's satin, mercerized foul ards and sateens, worth up to $3.50 sale price I.OO $6.00 Silk Underskirts, made from best taffeta, big bargain at.. 2.95 329 Tailor Suits at Half W? have just 32 women's tailor suits left all new spring stylos and will offer thorn at just hulf "marked price. Now is your oportuiiity. . Women's $15.00 tailor suits. ..7.SO Women's $20.00 tailor suits.. IO.OO Women's $25.00 tailor suits. . 12.50 Women's $30.00 tailor suits. .15. OO Women's $-10.00 tailor suits. .20.00 SPRING COVERT JACKETS AT HALF Women's $20. covert jacket. . lO.oo Women's $15 covert jackets. . . 7.5o Women's $10 covert jackets. Women's $5 covert jacket.. .3 oo .2.95 Samples of goods, catalogues, price lists otc, 6cnt froo on application. In Writing Address Dept. D HaydenBros The Richest Han in the World. The richest man in the world cannot have his kidney's replaced nor live without them, so it is important not to neglect these ortrans. If Foley's Kidney Cure is taken at the first siin of dantrer, the sym ptoms will disappear and your health will be restored, as it strengthens and builds us these or gans as nothing else will. Oscar How man, Lebanon, Ky., writes: "I have used Foley's Kidney Cure and take great pleasure in stating it cured me permanently of kidney disease, which certainly would have cost me my life." F. G. Fricke & Co. Bee Hive Restaurant, Main Street IMMEDIATELY OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. Meals at all hours. Special at tention to the farmer patrons. The tables are supplied with the best the markets afford. JOHN COREY, Proprietor. MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA fcdtf&irds Uo o d MAIN OFFICE Fifth and Robert Sts., ST. PAUL. MINN. (iNCORPORATfcl.) DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Boug-ht and sold for cash or carried on r?aK"nati!e man? ins, ufmn which there be a cbartrc of on (;rain. on stocks Write for our market letter. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 112 Ct.l I' 7 3 Ship Your Grain To Us UnsT Facilities. I'komht Kr.ruwNS. Liberal AnvNtiii OULUTH VViNrilP Branch Office 223 Coates Block Plattsmouth Phone 211 FOLEYSnONEYHCAR Cures Colds: Prevents Pneumonia Oreotost i Iffk WA If II JUwJLjmn.1 i.ssscs Clothing: a! (n the History of the Ves lei lents ome Entire Spring f urplus Slock from S.ROTHSCHILD & CO., Rochester, H. Y. On tale at OMAHA J NOW ON SALE Special care will be given daring this great sale to ORDERS BY MAIL, Send in yotiir measurement and we will serve you to your complete satisfaction. $5.75 $8.75 ALL THE MEN'S SPRING SUITS. fro the fl 7B Rothschild Stock worth 18.00 to ta.so. SAMPLES WILL NOT BE SUBMITTED 1 BOSTON STORE, OMAHA ALL THE MEN'S SPRING SUITS, from the Rothschild Stock worth tio and Sis-so, at .... ALL THE MEN'S SPRING SUITS, from the Rothschild Stock worth I15 and Si&so. at..... x a ; ( '1 ; 1 1 Lr . . : , - i i limn i nil,, iijiM ri . I- -I II I n ! i.altflitt.'M' " ' 1 .11 , r I . I , ""-v: - - ' ' ,v t v.. r -7 )