MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Vttrva 1-roHtbUc- nrnl Chilblain MEXICAN Mustang Liniment ltcut llilutf lr a luuio hoii. MKXICAN Mustang Liniment lrlvt- ut nil hiflutnuintloii. MliXIC.VI-i Mustang Llnlritent curt'M Cut a, l'.uriiH, Llrule. MHXICAN lufilona Liniment en ecu nniiiji nml Strain. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment liuibt-m up StltTJolnU. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment IcuetrtttcN to the very bone MEXICAN Mustang Liniment nlwnya glvt-M ttatlsfactiou. MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment fur Mau, ltctit or Poultry. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment bt-ula Obi Sort quickly. MKXICAN Mustang Liniment curcM Caked I'ddcr In cow. Mustang Liniment livttt for Horse ailment. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment licut for Cuttle txllnicnta. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Bent for Sheep ailment. Mustang Liniment Iu uao for over fclity yearn. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cures Spavin and Ringbone. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cures nil forma of Rheumatism. MTiX'AN i'i Weeping Water I'roiii llio Ui'imlilloiin Mr-i. S. Matthew nYimrted Tuesday n.nri.liiL' fur nn extended visit with fr It-mis In Pennsylvania. Mr. 1 .00 llolilon wont to M unlock Frldav where lio will he principal of the schools I ho coining years. Miss KalclIlT has none to llancioft, Nebraska, where sho will toaoh In the city solnmis the omilnti year. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Spanker return ed homo Monday evening from their f.nti.rn liln. Thov Visited St. Louis on their way home. MIssMahlo lavls l eean to teach her ilrsi. si-h(il. near Alvo. Monday. We hope her tirst term may he ll very sue cos-sful one. U.'A. Yoiiiu?. the neach man. of Murray, was In town Monday, lie says ho will have over 1,000 bushels of line peaches. Commissioner HannliiK was In town Friday and paid this olllce a pleasant visit. Jlo was on his way to Inspect some brldwes in the western part of the county. Miss Mamie Craltf, of UepuMU: county, Kansas, arrived here Saturday morning and w ill take charno of lllud lev Hall as matron. Miss Oralir Is a younif lady of sterling worth, and will see that her duties are conscientiously performed. Art Marshall will now ho relocated to the rear as champion snake-killer of Cuss county as we have him hadly iKMiten. Last Thursday, Master Kd Dow lor, who lives with his parents southeast of town, was env,'ai;od In plowing and plowed out a den of hull snakes, lie succeeded In killing them all, and when he counted them found he had slain thirty-one. He also killed another later In the day, making thir ty-two for the day, and It wasn't much of a day for snakes, cither. Now If any man or hoy In the county can heat this record we would like to hear from him. I'miii tlie Ki'L-ltttcr. The bank moved Into Its iiew build- Intf this week. II. W. I Hack of riattsmoutli Is visit ing his sister, Mrs. Klrkpatrlck, this week. The mill Is enclosed and roofed, and the workmen are wait ink' for machin ery to arrive. Peter (! ruber, while here this week, rented Ids two farms near I'nlon to Win. Tucker, jr. Mr. Tucker's father-in-law of Indiana, will reside on one of the farms. lr. Lynch, assisted by Dr. l'ollard, pel formed an operation Tuesday on Mrs. Holla Johnson. The operation was performed successfully and the lady Is convalescing rapidly. A trained nurse Is In at tendance. Itoy Klrkpatrlck has been trans ferred from St. Louis, where lie was traveling .freight anent, to Omaha, where lie Is made city rate cler!: for the l!urlli)Kton. This Is a very Im portant department and Is a nice pro motion. We understand that Miss Minerva Tool has accepted a position In the Louisville schools. If so, that city Is very fortunate In securing the services of one of the very best teachers In the state. Ir. T. V. Davis, who has been an honored resident of our village, and a practicing physician for nearly three years, we are sorry to say will remove with his family to Lincoln next Mon day. He goes to educate his sons and will practice his profession there in the future. Another Illustration of how hadly Nehawka Is In need of good dwelling houses for renters, Is shown by the fact that I. P. Andrews, of Johnson, who recently purchased t lie drug stock of Mr. K inn, cannot Inula house for his family. This makes throe families that cannot lie housed. I'nim llio llerulit. John Kate begins teaching next week In the school a mile and a half southwest of liattsiuouth. W. C. Smith of Table Hock, Neb., was a visitor here last Thursday and took time to call on a number of his many friends. John Vanderkar loaded up his car Trlday and departed for Heron Lake, Minn., where he has purchased a farm and whore we hope he will soon Ik'codio rich. (ieo. Towie and wife left Tuesday morning for Furnas county whore he will tuy another 100 acres of land. They expect to remain about two weeks. Miss l'earl Wilkinson loft Thursday for Schuyler, to be ready for school work this week. Without doubt they will tiud Miss Wilkinson among their liost teachers. About ten days apt the threshing machine owned by (icorge lwlnnel, that he bad shipped to Kansas for work, caught tiro and was burned up. It was Insured for about one-half its worth. The Misses McNurlin, daughters of Frank McNurlin of Mt. Pleasant pre cinct, came down from Lincoln Satur day and were quests of Mrs. J. N. Car tor over Sunday, The total enrollment or pupils in the pubile school Monday was XII. Of those til were In the hlk'h school and '-.H) In the grades. As compared with last year there are a few loss In at u'lHUiiee, but likely more will come later. Monday noon as Henry Smith, living live miles west of town, was hauling In the last load of his hay crop, he stopped olT the back end of his load and fell on the wheel of a hay rake that he had hitched on behind. He struck on his left side and fractured two ribs. Miss Serepta Crabtrco, who has I eon spend ink' the summer at Home, Colo. writes that she has obtained a year leave of absence from her school In Lincoln, and has taken the principal ship of the schools at Timnath, Colo Miss Crabtrec hopes to be boiuilte in the Colorado climate by a year' work and then resume her course in Lincoln. Miss Almlra Pwlnne), whose maiden name was Simmons, was lorn hi Now Jersey, Oct. 8, 1SIJ, and died In Weor Ing Water, Sept. 1, l'-Ol, aged "1 years 10 month and l'3 days. Her husband died rt years ago, and since the mar riage of her children she has lived alone most of the time In Weeping Water. Mrs. Dwlnnel and her family moved Into the nclghborhoo I of Wcep inr Water thirty-two years ago, and she lias made her home Here ever since. Want's In a Name? Kverythlng Is In the name when it comes to Witch lia.ei nuvo. o. HeWItt - Co. of Chicago discovered some years iik'o how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles. For blind, bleeding, itching or prot ruling piles, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin diseases, DeWltt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counter feits. Ask for DeWltt's the genu ine. Sold by F. ti. Frlcke & Co. Eixgle From tint Ili-iii'nn. Ross Mick lost a valuable marc last Sunday morning. Monday morning F.ddle liurns had to kill one of his horses which was badly cut up In barb w ire a few weeks ago. Miss Maud Jack arrived here Tues day morning from Washington, D. C. Miss Jack Is a clerk in the Congres sional library. Ceo. Keltter, Jr., who lately pur chased a half Interest In the Hank of F.agle, took his place behind the coun ter the tirst of the month and will leirn the banking business. F.d Hamilton, section foreman here, received word from the roadmaster Wednesday that another niau would ho sent here In a few days to relieve him and that he would bo sent to Pan ama. J. II. Weaver has bought the livery bam and residence near It of J. M. lieardsley. Ho expects to buy the stock of Tuot Pros, and blsson, Heigh, will move to 'own and have charge of It. Our public school opened Monday with a very good attendance. The corps of teachers this year Is: Prof. Mcllrew of Auburn, principal; Miss Itigncll, of Lincoln, intermediate and Miss lloish, of Fugle, primary depart ment. The total enrollment is "!, and divided: 'S2 In the advanced depart ment., in the intermediate and 2:i In the primary. Fred lialir has bought an elevator In Miliigan, Fillmore county, and ex pects to move there soon. This Is an other estimable family F.agle loses by changes that have been made recently and while we all regret to see them leave, we wish them well in their new home. The best joke w e know on (luy Adams occurred Monday afternoon when lie went Into the telephone booth at Fad's restaurant, to talk to his girl, we sup pose. He closed the door tight and after finishing his conversation found LI to latch was broken and he was lock ed in to stay. No one else was around but Mrs. Fads and she tried to help get the door open but could not. She the then called (leorge Trunkcnboltz. In and, and even Ids strength failed to open the door. They had to get a screw driver and take olT the whole front side of the booth before Guy was released. As the booth Is almost air tight you can Imagine that he had a good sweat and was glad enough to get out. Fearful Odds Against m. Iledridden, aloncand destitute. Such In brief was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Havens, Ver sallies, O. For years he was troubled with kidney disease and neither doc tors nor medicines gave him relief. At length he tried Klectrifc Hitters. It put lil in on his feet in short order and now he testilies, "I'm on the road to complete recovery." Hest on earth for liver and kidney troubles and all formsof stomach and bowel complaints Only "iOc. Guaranteed by F. G. Frlcke & Co., druggists. Elm wood From the I,mi(Ii-i-Im-1ic. Uncle David McCaig was under the weather a few days last week. L. II. Vaklner lias so far recovered from Ills severe attack of typhoid fe ver to enable lilin to be about the of fice again. Fred Yoorhees and wife left Satur- unlay In a covered wagon for the mountains In the hopes of benefiting Mrs. Yoorhees' health. Mrs. Geo. A. Hay, accompanied by her father, S. J. Cowell, will leave this week for the former's home at Central City, S. D. August Hast left Wednesday for Johnstown, this state, where he has been elected principal of the High school. The Leader-Kcho will visit him each week and keep him posted on Klin wood affairs. A party consisting of John Gerry Stark. Wm. DelesDernler, Lou Lang burst, Joseph Mullen, H. I. Clements and the editor expect to leave tomor row for Osakis, Minn., tospendawcek or ten days camping, tishingand hunt ing. Parson llultish has turned down the contract for the janitorshlp of the schools, the board of education refus ing to furnish hlni with an automobile In which to make the trips between the school house in the first and sec ond wards. Principal Gamble spent a hard days work Monday, organizing the different grades and getting everything into running order. lie Is very niucn pleased w ith the enrollment on open- lug day and with the outlook for a g iod year's work. One hundred and niiiety-thrie pupils were enrolled the tirst day, thirty-seven of these being in the Hlk'h School. The scholars have Ikm-ii apportioned as follows: De vout h made, :i; tenth, IS; ninth, 1"; eignth.'JI; seventh, 10; sixth, 11; fifth, 11; fourth,;; third, 10: second, U: tirst 21; beginners. 12. ROYAL Baking Health A Boy's Wild ide for Life. With family around expecting him to dia, and a son riding for life, eigh teen miles, to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. II. Iirown of Leesville, Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave in stant relief and scon cured him. He writes: '-1 now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of con sumption, pneumonia, bronchitis, coughs, colds and grip prove its match less merit for all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles SOc and $1.00. Trial bottles free at F. G. Frlcke & Co.'s drug store. aves The use of Royal Baking Powder Is essential to the healthfulness of the family food. Yeast ferments trie food. Alum baking powders injurious. Royal Baking Powder saves health. R0YAI BAKING roWDER CO., NEW YORK. Union From tho 1.1-ilner. M. (J. Kime, one of the prosperous farmers west of town, was here Mon day, taking a shipment of his fat hogs to South Omaha. V couple or revenue omcers were here Wednesday supposed to be look Ing Into the illegal sale of lioo.e, but they failed to make public the result of their investigation. Mrs. J. W. Pittmau went to riatts moutli Monday evening for a visit with a young grand-daughter that ar rived last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pittman. Miss Pearl Harming departed for Lincoln Monday evening, where she entered the State University, to take a thorough course in the conservatory of music. Dr. M. L. Thomasdeparted last Sun day morning for Chicago where he will take a few weeks of special post-grad uate work in one of the medical col leges. From there he will go to St. Louis to spend a few days at the expo sition. If anyone finds an old dirty shot sack containing about lifteen hard earned dollars, Roy Upton would be pleased to hear of it. The sack and contents mysteriously disappeared from Ills coat pocket last Saturday, and without his knwwiedge or con sent. He don't care a dern about the money, for he can soon rustic some more of It. Hut he can never tind a greasy shot sack like the lost one. It is certain that it was stolen and there may be some developments resulting in serious trouble. The Union schools opened Monday morning with an excellent corps of teachers, a good per cent of attendance and every prospect for a most success ful school year. Prcf. O. J. Standley, principal, is well known as an Instruc tor of the highest ability, and Mrs. Turner, intermediate, and Mrs. Du- gay, primary, have been teaching in this county a number of years, and arc among the best in their respective de partment, therefore, with the co-operation of the patrons, these compe tent teachers will no doubt show splendid results at the close of the school year. The enrollment this week is 120, of which Prof. Standley has 111, Mrs. Turner 47, Mrs. Dugay -12, The enumeration shows 1 4:t children of school age in this district, and the enrollment this week is a very good showing, hut ought to be 100 per cent Cured of Bright's Disease. Geo. A. Sherman. Lisbon lied Mills, Lawrence Co., N. Y., writes: "I had kidney disease for many years and had been treated by physicians for twelve years: had taken a well known kidney medicine and other remedies that were recommended, but got no relief until 1 began using Foley's Kidney Cure. The tirst half bottle relieved me and four bottles have cured me of this terrible disease. Hefore I began taking Foley's Kidney Cure I had to make water about every lifteen minutes, day and night, and passed a brick-dust sub stance, and sometimes a slimy sub stance. 1 believe 1 would have died If 1 had not taken Foley's Kidney Cure F. G. Frlcke & Co. Low Rates East September 20 ami 27. October 11, 1904. One fare plus $2 for the round trip to many points in Indiana and Ohio, and to some points in Kentucky. Good to return for thirty days. Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Through train service to Chicago from all points on the main line of the Union Pacific Railway. Route of The Overland Limited. Three trains daily, Omaha to Chicago. For Free Books and Folders kindly Fill Out This Coupon and mail today to F. A. NASH, G. W. A 1524 Fornam Street, OMAHA. Name Street Address City State Probable lcsti nation FOLFnONEYTAR top Hm coutf h and halluntf Tt TV IT w ar on China and Queensware THIS means just what we say. Every piece of Queensware in our large stock will be reduced to the original cost, and on many articles below cost. This line of goods must be moved, as we need the room. The prices we offer will certainly do it. In Our Grocery This Old Reliable store, as it always has done, stands ready to offer you the best values for the money. Our line is certainly one of the most complete to be found in Cass County. H. M. Soennichsen. Successor to Weckbach & CO. Plattsmouth, Neb. Under New Manage- merit e. s. TUTT purchased the Grocer nett, and that he will ness at the old stand Choicest On The is prepared to meet all competition. He de sire all who want good, fresh things in the line of staple and fancy groceries, to see him at wants all his friends to know that he has Store of L. D. Ben continue to do busi and by keeping the V Goods Market Bennett's Old Stand E.S.TUTT, Prop. The Journal riSr'