--V. UR LIXF is almost entirely on our counters, and certainly is a beautiful assortment, both in single and double breasted styles. The double breasted willl be worn more this winter than for some time. OUR HATS are also here, and we are showing many shapes for Fall and Winter. DROP IX and see what we have. 5 MORGAN THE V LEADING v CLOTHIER. Cheap Rates to St. Louis VIA TIIK RriU,l(iT(i. Tho Burlington will run coach ex cursions to St. Louis every Tuesday and Thursday during August and .Sep tember. $8."o round trip, limited to re turn in 7 days. Leave riattsmouth at 4:32 p. m., arrive St. Louis 7:1! the fol lowing morning. W. L. l'u kktt, Agent. -i 1 1' p- SSonniKmi: .. (k-.I Imjcw " 'tjrT CuvCR.,,. The OLIVER Typewriter THE STANDARD VISIBLE WRITER THE OLIVER RECORD HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALLED THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER. CO., MAUZY A MURPHY, AGENTS. 'h HA J. P. Falter, President J. .1. Ki nzmaxn, Vice President C. G. Siikklv, Sec. and Treas. The Corona Live Stock and Investment Company INCORPORATED 1904 CAPITAL STOCK $50,000 J. P. FALTER, General Manager Live Stuck, Real 400 Acres of land for tsalo 1 mile- south of Cedar Creek, contesting of two dwellings, Imrn, largo entile shed, well mid windmill; good orchard, running water in pasture, n good nil around farm, l'rico 57.ot) per ncre on ensy terms. Cnn sell part of it if desired. Ilonl Estate advanced fully 10) per cent in Eastern Nebraska the last three years, and it is still booming. Don t think for a minute that lands have readied their limit. We still have ome minim wueiu e can uuuuio interest on your money invested. Come and See Us The -One Important Fact- conaTninjj the Fall ami .Winter Cloth ing is the re m ark" able variety of pat terns which it includes and the enor mous ratine of styles into which our fabrics are made. fff Well $r "" imitation liCr'jp'S lS 1 S STITGMINO jfth W't?! 1 School Children Save Doctors' Bills ! BOYS' SEAMLESS. KANT CP -ft j "IP," KANGAROO CALF YOUTHS' AS ABOVE $1.85! BOYS' AND YOUTHS' fl I CA MARINE CALF .pl.JU SPECIALS $1.35 to $1.60 iherwood & Son Visit trje Old Folks. One fare plus 2 for the round trip to a great many points in Ohio, Indi ana, and Kentucky. Tickets on sale September fi, 13, 20, 27 and October 11. Good via St. Louis and stopover at the great exposition. Final limit thirty days. See me for particulars or write to L. W. Wakeley, General 1'assenger Agent, Omaha. W. L. Pick ktt, Agent. -DEALERS IN- Estate and Commercial Papers 00 Acres miles west of riattsmouth. 7. nt res under cultivation, fnir improvements, land lays well and is cheap for the money. Price, $r7.i)0 per acre. you your money in less than live yenrs. nnd besides iM in mm atch our "ad" each week nnd we'll tell vou what we've cot Office Up Stairs in Anheuser-Busch Building. 31'll-MUlMI.MHl.l FaJl i s 8 8 e 8 B 1 e 8 Given Up to Die. 15. Spiegel, LMI N. Virginia SI., Kv ansville, lnd., writes: "Fur overlive years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections whieh caused me much pain and worry. 1 lost llesh and was all run down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely. 1 had three of the best physicians who did me no good and 1 was practically given up to die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recom mended and the Hist, bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the sec ond buttle I was entirely cured." F. Ct. Fricke - Co. Stray Calves. Strayed from my farm, seven miles southeast of Cedar Creek and ten miles southwest of l'lattsmouth, :i head (4 red and 1 black) of steer calves and 2 heifers, ranging four and live months in age. Any person giving information that will lead to their recovery will lie liberally rewarded. 1'. A. IIollN, Cedar Creek. Nub. $8.50 to St. Louis and Return The r.urliugtou offers the above low. rate for tickets good in coaches ami chair cars (seats free). ( n sale Tues days and Thur.sdajs during August and September. See nie fur full particulars. W. L. I'm k kit, Agent. Missouri Pacific Rates. Reduced rates to St. Louis every day on account of world's fair. Coach excursions, very low rates every Tues day and Thursday of August aiid Sep tember 8.r,0 for round trip. Fall meetings K. C. transportation bureau, Aug. 2D to 27. Sept. It to 10, Sept. 17 to 21; fare and one-third for round trip. II. R. Lksski., Agent. FOIEYSIIDNEYCOKS Blako Kldnoys and Bladder Right got. 11 mi n. 11 A KKWS 0FXKI!1!ASCA. Attorney Burr Demet Charge. Ulieuln, S'it. C. r.iirr. utter- nry for l!us It. Tom.-im in ft t-'M attalr.st the Vef!err. TraveVts" Acci dent usuociatton. w l.o was u ci:-.'. i.f inut Hating ttio r, ,or'.s t-y A'tctn. y Glll.ert of On;a!;a, tl!c,l ).: mi, ,ii.,t evcral ethi r ntli.!aits in the s" ; . : : ; ; i court (u ay :iu the d.ariv Burned to De.ith In B.irn. Indianehi. Nh. t t.t. Thrr, ot of Jacob Kt! , a fa-n.cr near here, jr. t!;c t.ayu;,:w of U.c !.;ua. Two of tin ia aw.iki. with thttnc, all around them, itml, tarnish limlly Iiunicil, tnaiiav.eit to Jump from a wii i!ov. The .hai'icl remiili.s of t h third brother were found In the ruins. Klever, hots"-! were ilm hurtled to death The boys hud been M-.i.iUing. Groom Not as Described. Now llnm.swh k, N. J S( i'. 12, Hack to her homo la Unculu. Neb., went Miss Minnie Ilutnplu ies 0f Lin coln without a hti.-diand. Slie had conie here exjieetlnt? to Ret married, but when clu Mlw tho man she balked Ills advertisement for n wife, she wild, did not a i-ee with tho conditions as fhe found them, especially in regard to ni;o, amf all tliu persuasion tl.f man could r.ot overcome her objec tions. Alleged Assailant in Custody, ' Lincoln, .opt. y. Sheriff l!a',;n.aii of Fnni(,i;t, Neb., brought Howard Hailey, a circus hiinwr-un, to the statu penitentiary that hu may bo safe from mob violence. Halley U churned with maliini; a criminal as fault on Pearl Olesoii, a ti ti-yi ar idd Kill, at rremont Monday nlnht. The child Is In a critical condition and tho sheriff, when ho ruptured Halley, altera loti chase, tuoh him to u near by town and on to Lincoln to avert poPFlhle lynchlrK. Alleged Bank Robbers Arrested, Lincoln, Sept. 13. Policemen ef fected an entrance to a room occupied by two men rIvIiik the names of George Dowd and Frank Todd, and ar rested them on the r hart;e of robbing the postollice at SwedohurK Friday nlulu nnd niolilni; tit? Kaff of tho j Hank of Palmyra early yesterday I ir.ornir.R. Hoth men, the olthers say I are (x-ronvlcta, and the evidence! Ralnst them, they nssort, Is nearly j conclusive. In the room they occu- I pled was found a quantity of dynamite, i cap?, fuse nnd burglar's tools Jewelry Stolen in Sleeper. j Lincoln, Sept. 13. Mrs. .Mark Woods ! Of this city was robhe I of $7U(i worth ! of jewelry while en route with her ' husband from a trip rust. Mis. Wood had placed tho Jewels in a chamois j has, which sho pinned to her town ' before re'irln;; to her berth for the i idnht. In tho moiT.ins the Jewels were nils?lnt;. Mr. Woods thinks tin? robbers were after a roll of bills 1 which he had displayed durlr.ii the I early evening while paying the eon- ! dui tor and porter for accommodations 1 on the sleeper. He Intends to brim: i suit airainst the company. j Cold Air as Tetanus Cure, ' Omaha, Sept. 10. In. W. J. Mc- ' Crann, a South Omaha suiiteoti. has i demonstrated the. value of cold air as , a cure for tetanus. Last week ho was 1 called to Francis McKeon, ten years old, who was then In tho first stages or lockjaw, caused by a splinter that, i had entered the bottom of his left ! foot. The case continued to crow , worse, nnd on Monday a cot was fixed up In the cooling room of a brewery, with a temperature at Z' degrees. On ... i Tuesday morning tho convulsions were so severe that death anpr-amd to be a question only of hours Today th boy was nble to open his mon'h sufficiently to ako nourishment, ar.d his reeovery Is assured. NEARLY ALL CORN CROP IS SAFE. Entire Acreage Wili Be Free Frem Possible Harm In Ten Days. j LImolu, Sept. 14 Ten days rr.cn? will put the ntlre Nebraska corn i crop cat ofdar.Ktr cf frosts, acconllns; I to the Burlington weekly crop report, I which says mur.h of the rom already J Is safr from the danger and the most j valuable crop over raised In the state is now maturing. On the Wymore division some damage Is reported to corn, owing to tho dry weather. Sim ilar damage is reported on the Concor dia branch. Between Table Hock and Lefter the yield to the acre will b" from twenty-five to twenty-eight bush !. On the Llr.roln division less thnn ten days will put the crop bryor.d the danger of frosts. i CONFESS TO KILLING WATCHMAN Each of Accused Tries to Shift Blame on the Others. Sidney. N.b.. Sept. IP The prelim inary hearing of Ton, Mi Intyre, James J. Mile- at. I Hany N ville charged with tl.r murder ot Watchman Frank Wiser, was held before Jurlgi Tinker. All the defendants pliaded I.' t guilty. They cob in p:rr. however, took the wltni ss t tat. '1 ar.d ar:sed one anoth er of the- (rime. ti!!"g:r.g 'litit i.ey did rot Intend to k:'.t W:-er. Ti.' lr sta'e n.ents were conflicting M It. tyre claims thai the w.Vch and chair, ar.d revolver wire hidden ur.dtr the coal chu'e? tt P;r.? r.'.affs. Their c'Mrlptlor. 'A the denth of Wlfrr wn3 karrowir.g In Its dntalts They gnt alongside of his holy, frnok. Ir.g jlgftrcMcs, wat ihir.it him i:t. They were bound tvrr to the dls trlrt rourt without bail It Is current ly reported that this trio will ask for a sptedy trial, phad guilty, and ae cept a llf sentence, There Is a strong undercurrcal tsTorlr.g lytchlni th prlaoncra. ) Accepts Cail to Lincoln Church. I.::. oln. Se; t. lO.-Uev. J. W. J.r.M of Fveivit. Ma,,, has t,ei n tendered nd an ep'ed a ca'.l to St. Paul's Meth odist FpUcopal thuich. tm- largest In I.im , VVsman C anyo Cusly Diirnid. I.ite-oin. S- ' s l;v t!i.' rin'imi of u Jam, Mrs p.cuh '.d u- C, f'r i f was ii.it.:.,-. ,....! ,., ,., ,! is r.ow in .- ..) ii.. ..-I... was ut home alone and wh n 'he lut'ip f uo,:eu ti tnn w tun inn.; i,; v, t 'o r clothing, wbi, b i auitht i!n. II r screams iittr.uti j the mulili.n-i, who enveloped h-.r In blankets :n,d ei-.n,. en d oat tin. thitnes. Mh Fair, hild is a member of the Clip tlau Sen m o rhui'eh and she Is being ti.. a'ed by sclrnti.Ms. Lose No Time In Rebuilding. Nebraska City, Net,, Sep' 1" -Th Jones Cialii compuny ,,f this city let the contract this aftei i.imhi u,r M,e p.. building or their i levator that was burned In Maynard tin, mcinini: Work will begin as soon us tho debris Clin be cleared away. A It Wilson of tho company places their Ins by the lire at $r,,imo, which i, pat t (ally covt red by insurance Th" .,,-,. Ui, l elevator fixtures and supplies and about 2.0HO bushels (.r wheat and oati were consumed. The Hie N supposed to have lin n (darted i,y s;miiKs fnen a passing nglne.. Statue to Be Ready In March. Kebrisha City, Nib., Si pt. i:--T1ip Arbor Pay Memorial m-soelatinn lias boon notified by Sculptor Itinhilph Fvans, who Is In Paris, that the bronzo statue of the late J Sterling Morton, which Is to bo erected in Mor ton park, will be ready by March I. The stone work for the statue Is com plotod and will be pot In phi, ,. ,,ttry In the spring and an effort will bi made to have the monument ready to be linvellod on Arbor day, April 22. P0:. The monument will be placed In the center of Morion park, which was given to the city by the late J Stirling Morton. E. D. Andrews Discredits Son. Lincoln, Bcpt. 10. i;. lieujamln An drews, chancellor of the Pnlverslty of isenrasiiii, lusued n notice announcing his willingness to pay all Just debts contracted before Aug. 2e last by bis son, (my A. Amlr-ws, nnd warning tho public not t,, extend loans or credits to the eon or rash (hecks for him. Young Andrews, who was an attorney In Lincoln, was la:,t spring, on tho representations hwoiii to by Ids fath er as to tils mental condition, com mitted to the state hospital for I ho Insane. Tho treatment, it was do elared, wus for dipsomania, and re cently ho was discharged as cured. Manager Hiybee Has DeparteJ. Oretna, Neb., Sept. 12. The Farm ers' Co-operative Shipping associa tion elevator hero has temporarily suspended business, dim to the nnd den disappearance of Its trusted agent or buyer, (). C. Hlgbee, who departed Monday morning for parts unknown. Tho auditing committee and board of directors bnvo been busy tdmo look ing tip his accounts and found a short age of JU,2m. This does not Include a $1,0110 claim against the association for money advanced for construction and operation. The elevator has been in operation about one year and has done a large business. Hlgbee, tho decamped manager, was not under bonds and tho members of the associa tion hold the sack. A large number of Sarpy's most prominent farmers are Interested in the elevator. FREMONT OFFICER STABBED. Policeman Connof in Critical Condi tion as Result of an Attack. Fremont, Neb., Sept, ft Policeman J. V. Connof was (stubbed by a couplo of tramps ho had arrested as sus picious characters and his rondltlon Is critical. Connof gathered In his men near the railroad yards and was Inking them to Jail. At the corner of Fourth and O streets the men objected to go ing further and he started to hnnd cuff them together, when one struck him in the lott side with a knife. The officer fell to the sidewalk and the men ran away. The flv bell was rung to cU out the perV. and In a short time gangs of armed men wer? "courlng the rlty. Connof has five spvt" wounds In the left side and Ju?t below the heart and Is very weak from loss -if blood. He Is rrs'lng quietly ar.d the physicians say he has a good chance of recover ing tinle?s omo r.ew compllratifn de velops. COUPLE FATALLY BURNED. Woman Pours Coa Oil on Her Cloth log and Sets it on Fire. Butte, Neb.. Sept. 8. Henry Toler. a mirehaiit at Anoka, and wife, were fatally burned by what was said to bo the explosion of a can of coal oil that Mrs T.!er was start, ng a fire with Toler died and his wile is given up by the physicians In attendance,. Il( fore dying Toler refused to say how t!:e a' client occurred, but since bl.i death his wife has said that they were quarreling and she threw a tomato at him It enraged Toler nnd k said he would kill her. She then went Into ar.rhrr r.m, saturated h' r clothing w ith coal oil. and then struck a match ar.d srt fire to her garments, running Ir.to the room where he was in & mas cf flame He Immediately tor all her clothing from her. nnd in so doing wr.f badly burned himself, especially about the reck, he having on a cellu loid collar. In order to put out tho fir on himself he Jumped Into a twenty-foot cistern, from which ha was rescued by neighbors. Toler was insanely Jealous of lis wife. 3 FOR SALE li'Ni Acres near town at ifiM per acre; o acres iiinler tulthatiuii, I'd acres more clcaied, balance pas- tinage with running' water, two bouses, well, w imliii III, ami other l:iiiioeinciits. Fas. terms. 1 1 aeics. on main road south of I, in- coin avenue al Il' - per ncie per acre, easy terms. A very line 21 acres well impniveil. close in. Pi h e l.'.ii p(.f m i ,-. II acres adjoining- town, partly Im proved. Price 7.i.oo per acre. A I acre tract close In at f'.'i.tio per acre. ti col lages w il li from I to li rooms will lie sold at a saerlliee of from t -third to riie-lialf of the orig inal cost. A line .Vacre I racl wil n good Im provements, formerly wmili ,. eoo, can now be Imiiglil for $2, loo. Jo good farms and a number of line ranch pmperl ies In ol her count les of the state, at prices that, will assure big profits within the next I wo years. R. B. WINDHAM A li C N T I! PLATTSMOUTII. - NLHIIASKA EI). FITZGERALD, PKOPIilliTOIl OF Livery, Hack j and t Baggage Line MOVING VAN. Homovino? of NoiiHoliolil (Joh1h h Specialty. Alwt, Heavy Dray iii),', World's Fair Rates to St. Louis Via I !u i ling-ion lioute. Tickets In St.. Louis awl return (oiod lift ecu days, iH.'I.hii. fiood sixty days, 1 .". tiood all summer, Sls.-lo. I 'or full informal inn ahoiil. train ser vice and ot her details see the ticket, ;ient. The St. Louis Imposition - t he great est show the world has ever seen - is now complete and In harnionioiisnner- ation and it, will he a lifetime's regret If you fail to see it . Coach, Excursions To the world's lair at St. Louis. L'very Tuesday and Thursday during August and September. Seven days' limit, ifM.oo for tlie round trip, via the Missouri Pacific Hallway. For Sale I A ruhher-tlred go-cart and lady's bicycle, both In splendid repair, ln uire at the .Journal olllce. ALMOST FREE THE TW1CE-A-WEEK REPUBLIC AM) THE MODERN FARMER lint 20 CENTS. 'I'm if I vp i'vrrv rnnli-r In tdU ti,irii.,H -it Hip mmimlini mid pIppMum iipwn uihI him-xi-pI-Ipiit farm lonrniil. ui will !! nlu... i. of twenty rents THE TWICE-A-WEEK REPUBLIC Iih'IihIIiik tin, I'lirtn Visiter friiin now ntitll lei-iinl,i-r I. mill THE MODERN FARMER, a Parmer' Family Neivsnsncr. frnin Dee. 1. Imii, 1,1 lice, j, Tills Is an unpreolilenteil (,ir,-r yen ciimmt iifrunl to tnlvy s-nil u'u ci iiIh hi omit mill tret reiilurly the News nf the Hay, ,,r the I'mn linlirii. (if the Turin mid Ihuni-. ! .in, ,- ii, itiiuress mi tiiuil tu THE REPUBLIC. ST. LOUIS, MO. HAMI'I.K Cdl'IPS I KI-.K. Win n. I,H, i...., . .., , ,,, , " " ' iih it rm iiim,.(, si ut c, will I, iieei pti il ii p. ui rciTlpl ,,f TK.N iiii.l.ir i. i i,., ..u, ..... . .... r . a. i". ()..!.. a. m . i.r.. On: iiii. rm.r. A. J. l.o,,;;,-, lr::s.'. , Kmliirscl liy Klrst X.it'l r lliiulc nnj liu.sines iul-u. $10,000 in Hull Till) I PKks. Hank Vlxtum nml f) Tyivwrltcrm Stmlcnu cnn work lor lxwi-,1. fi'iiu ii,r tn-o cntiiuiiriip, lioiiml In ulllt;ntor, tlnest fviT piiliiished liy a lluslnoss CoIIotol iwuu II, unu you win uticau ilo u. u. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Bigaature of aw