The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 11, 1904, Image 8

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Mustang Liniment
limber op Stiff Joint.
Mustang Liniment
pcuctrutva to the very bone.
Mustang Liniment
always gives satisfaction.
Mustang Liniment
la one fur over nixljr years.
Mustang Liniment
euro Spavin ami Ulngbonr.
Mustang Liniment
t ui'i'H all form a of KiicumntiMiii.
Mustang Liniment
fur Mtu, Dcuat or Poultry.
Mustang Liniment
livula Old iSorcH (julckly.
Mustang Liniment
cure diked I'ddcr hi t-m.
Mustang Liniment
IWut fur Ilurae ailment.
Mustang Liniment
cures Cuts, Uurns, Braises.
Mustang Liniment
cures Sprains and Strains.
Mustang Liniment
Is a positive cure for Piles.
Mustang Liniment
Kent for Cnttle itlluienta.
Mustang Liniment
lSi-Mt for Sheep nllnientx.
Mustang Liniment
curt rrontblte and Chilblain.
Mustang Liniment
l!et thing fur u lttuie borne.
Mustang Liniment
driven out all Inflammation.
Weeping Water
I r-'In lln K-u I il l. u n
M is. I r. Tin mias had the misfor
tune to crush one of her linnets quite
badly In the wringer while washing
last Monday.
Tin' Misses luvis, wliu spout last
week In-iv with their aunt, Mrs. ('lias.
Chandler, returned In tlirlr 1 1 n 1 1 1 In
Louisville Sat unlay.
It is reported I hat. Win. Iii:in has
bought an autoinoiilo fur us.- in his
livery kirn, ami will bring IL il"wn
from Oiiiaha today.
John I'.oiii lit.' li ft this week fur Ft.
Collins, t'nli i., tn superintend the erec
tion of a house ami the out buildings
on his farm, pioparatory to moving
his family out this fall.
Clyde Lacy was down town Satin
day for the Hist time since his Illness.
Miss May me dors not make as rapid
Improvement although she is gaining
Andrew NLohlman and his mother
left last week for Rapid City, South
Dakota, where he will remain .several
months hoping the change will henctlt
Ills health.
One of the screen doors at the en
trance to Girardet's store, sw um; open
yesterday morning and struck a T"
plate glass In the east window, break-:
ing It from top to bottom. Tom Jam
eson put hraces on the glass and tlxed
It so that it stands.
Harry Hubbard, Guy Johnson and
Bert Jameson drove to Cedar Creek
one day last week to lish. A train
frightened the horses and In crossing
a small brook one of Harry's horses
broke one of his front lens between
the ankle and foot. Tlio foot was
Bet and the animal was brought home
Saturday In a stock wagon.
Mrs. R. D. McNurlln had an expe
rience last Saturday evening whlchshe
will not care to repeat. Their cow
had been lariated out in the yard and
had pulled up the lariat pin and got
ten loose. Mrs. McNurlln went to
catch her anil In stooping for the rope
frightened tlio cow and It started to
Tun, winding the rope around her
wrist and dragging her quite a dis
tance. The cow fortunately stopped
and Mrs. McNurlin escaped with sev
eral bad scratches and badly torn
from tho lleriilil.
Alleen Olive, accompanied by Ethel
Lcyda, came In from J'lattsmouth
Monday and the latter will visit for
seme time.
Howard Saxton came in from Wash
ington, 1. C., Thursday and Is spend
ing his month's vacation with friends
In old Cass.
Miss Esther Mansfield, niece of J. M.
Katinoy, left for Woodford county, 111.,
Thursday, where she will engage in
Mrs. Torrence Fleming has been
quite 111 of late, hut a trained nurse
and good medical attendance Is doing
much toward her rocovory.
Louis Kear, aged about nine years,
while riding a fractious mule Thurs
day was thrown olT and sustained a
dislocated shoulder, which was also
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Glasgow, re
siding near the quarries, Thursday,
July 2S, iikm, a girl. Also, to Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Coon, living two miles west
of Mauley, an Thursday, July 2 a
Rural Dehvcryman W. S. l'.lrd
placed his oontidonee In wheat this
year. With thirty acres cut and
threshed at an expense of J II, he says
he can sell his crop for ."0. A farmer
paying a high rent for ground sown to
wheat Is like the business man who
sold goods at less than cost just to he
doing something.
While plowing In the Held one day
last week, Ivan, son of A. F. Marshall
turned out a rattlesnake nest contain
ing thirty-two eggs. Art Vllled the
old one, which had six rattles, and In
the eggs were little snakesabottt three
Inches long. The next day he killed a
skunk and the day following a big
End of Bitter Night.
"Two physicians had a long and stun
born light with anabcessou my right
lung" writes J. F. Hughs of Dul'mit,
Ga. "and gave mo up. Everybody thot
my time had come. As a last resort 1
tried Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption. The benefit I received
was striking and I was on my feet in a
few days. Now I've entirely regained
my health." It conquers all Coughs,
Colds, Throat and Lung troubles.
Guaranteed by E.G. Fricke & Co. Trice
Mc and J1.00. Trial.bottlcs free.
I'riiin I In- lii'k'Kti-r.
C. 1. St John has rented his farm
ami w ill he one of t he deiilcns of No
haw ka next spring.
Mrs. White, who has been ipiUc ill,
we are glad to report is finding better
I'.anner lladley is now busy supply
ing his many oustoiners with choice
George dishing haspurchaseda farm
near Turlington and will move there
in the spring.
.1. M. I'aliner is home after a three
weeks' visit in Michigan with the"! Mil
Folks at Home."
Ilarve Manners placed a telephone
in the depot this week. Kverythlng
comes to him who waits--long enough.
J. L. (Iriilln called one day t his week
to say that he. has the biggest and best
yield of rye In the county. Theshieves
which he ties with straw hands stands
seven and one-half feet high. They are
big around In proportion and the
shocks look like Indian wigwams. Ik
says the Held would make a good pic
ture for the St. Louis fair.
Fred Schomakcr and wife, Miss Ror-
thaand F.dlth, and Mr. Thcelie of
I'nadllla made up a party that left for
the St. Louis Fair Tuesday evening.
They expect to be gone a week. As
the low rates w ill continue Tuesday
and Thursday or each week, It is ex
pected that a number of Nehawka
citizens will sec the great show In St
Louis In the near future.
A surprise was planned by Mesdames
West and Stone which turned out ha p'
plly and successfully. Father Stone
was the one that received the call last
Friday evening, ItbeinghlsdOthbirth-
day. Fifteen Invitations were given
out tor a seven-o clock dinner, and a
very enjoyable occasion it was for all
who participated and not least pleased
was the venerable gentleman in whose
honor the dinner was given. The
menu was all that could be desired,
and when they left It was with irood
wishes for Father Stone.
Puts an End to it All.
A grevious wait oft lines comes as a
result a unbearable pain from over
taxed organs. Dizziness, backache, liv
er complaint and constipation. Hut
thanks to Dr. King's New Life Fills
they put an end to all. They are gentle
but thorough. Try them. (Inly 2,"c.
Guaranteed by F. G. Fricke & Co.,
From the Courier.
Dr. H. J. Lehnhollof Lincoln Sun
dayed In Louisville.
Mrs. Joe Fitzgerald and children re
turned to their home in riattsmouth
I. L. Hums and Otto Hooker went to
(.'larks. South Dakota, Monday on
Fred Ossenkop, the cilkient clerk at
Piers ltros.' store, Is taking a two
weeks' vacation.
T. H. Pollock and T. E. Parmele
of riattsmouth were In town Thnrs
Mrs. W.C. Frainpton an 1 children
returned to their homo in Lincoln
Thursday evening.
Miss Minnie LehnholT entertained a
few friends very pleasantly Tuesday in
honor of Mrs. Frampton and lr. Lehn
holT of Lincoln.
Andrew Stohlman and wire and Mrs.
Fred Stohlman, sr.. are visiting at
Hapld City, S. D. They expect to lie
absent a month.
Misses Emma and Carrie Schwerin
left for their homo In Helden, Neb.,
Thursday, after a pleasant visit at the
home of John Sehocman.
Little Clara Gobhleman nu t with a
very painful accident last Sunday, by
getting the second linger of her right
hand caught in a windmill which was
almost completely severed at the first
Cass county is getting to be a paia
disc for horse thieves. Thev know
that the sheriff is handicapped ai d If
ho gives chase at a 1 he must do so at
his own expense. When they tind a
market lor a tea.n tl.ev ion.,, im,,
Cass county and pick "i:t what thev
want. It's a gn at gra'.i.
The linemen for n... I'latNmouth
Telephone company ai. hero tl.Kwvek
setting poles and stringing wires f-r
the farmers' lines to W put In to con
nect with tlio local exchange. Mana
ger l'ollock stated to the Courier that
two and perhaps three farmers' line,
would bo put In with Louisville eon-
nei tions while the linemen art here.
If you want to keep up with the times
get a 'phono.
Token With Crarnps.
Win. Kirmse,a meiiiherof the bridge
ing working near Lillleport was
taken suddenly ill Thursday night w ith
cramps ami a Mini or cholera. IHscasc
was .mi scM ie that lie had to have tin1
members of the crow wait upon him
ami M r. in mil was calleii ami cuiisuU-
. lie told 1 1 if in ho had a medicine
hi the form of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera anil Iiiarrhoea Remedy that
ho thought would help him and accord
ingly several doses wore administered
with the result that the fellow was
able to bo around next day. i he Inci
dent speaks quite, highly of Mr. Gif-
ford's medicines. Elkader, Iowa. Ar
gus. I his remedy never rails. Keep
It hi your home, it may save life. For
sale by all druggists.
I'roin tin' hi'iliier.
The carpenters, Feck, Saxon and
Foster, are rushing the work on (.). C.
Dougo's residence, and will soon have
It completed.
Mrs. Dan Lynn and her mother,
Mrs. Hastings, of Spearllsh, South
Dakota, visited this week with Albert
Johnson and family, a few miles south
of Weeping Water.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Roddy of Wy
oming precinct, and daughter Mrs. C.
E. Witherow, of Hrownvllle, passed
here on the Wednesday (Iyer, going to
Will Tillman and wife returned
home Tuesday evening from a visit of
several clays with relatives and friends
at Winnebago Agency and various
places in Iowa.
Carpenters have been erecting an
addition to the Grubcr building, occu
pied by Townsley's restaurant, and
Mr. Townsley and family will move
Into the additional rooms.
Mrs. J.- N. Hastings, of Spearlish,
South Dakota, arrived here last week
for a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Han Lynn, and some other relatives
ami friends in this county.
Mrs. L. G. Cameron, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. A.
Nicholson, departed Wednesday morn
ing for her home In Hlair. Mrs. Nich
olson and little daughter accompanied
her home to make a visit of several
The deal was closed Tuesday by
which Frank Albin and wife retire
from the hotel business and move back
to their farm, having rented the hotel
to G. H. Vyse, of Hamburg, Iowa,
change of proprietors to take place
next Tuesday. The Albins have made
a success of the business, but to man
age the hotel and farm made too much
work for them, and they concluded to
make the change for this reason.
Jomes W. Taylor, who has been
farming just south of town several
years, intends to abandon that occu
pation soon and move to tow n, where
he and his family can get all the en
joyment there is in city life. Mr. Tay
lor has purchased four very desirable
lots at the east side of the village, and
in the near future will have a nice
residence built thereon and become a
permanent citizen.
Suicide Prevented.
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been discov
ered will Interest many. A run down
system, or despondency Invariably
precede suicide and something has
been found that will cent that con
dit ion which makes s .o v '..-vCiy. At
the tirst thought of soil destruction
take Electric Hitters. It being a great
tonic and nervine will strengthen the
nerves and build up the system. It's
also a great Stomach, Liver and Kid
ney regulator. Only Tide Satisfaction
guaranteed by F. G. G. Fricke & Co
From tin' l.i'KiliT-Kolio.
L. R. Vaklner has boon sick the
past week with maleria.
A daughter was lorn to Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Davis, Saturday.
J. D. Lynn Is getting along nicely
and it is predicted that he will be up
In a week or ten days.
Mrs. I'. M. Trapp Is quite sick with
typhoid fever. Her two sisters, from
Nebraska City and Concordia. Kas
are at her U dslde.
Attorney Howard axton came
fnnn Washington. D. C, last week for
a visit with relatives and friends
taking in t lie big St. Louis show cn
route. l
Prof. E. E. Sams, superintendent of
the schools at Stuart, Iowa, has re
signed his position and accepted one
in the U.S. Treasury department, at
Will Sargent and wile left for west
ern Nebraska Monday in the hope of
beiiiiiting Mrs. Sargent's health, and
they may go on to the mountains, as
she Is siill'eiing from consumption.
Joseph Mullen left Tuesday for
Marysville, Ohio, where he w ill spend
three or four weeks visiting lelatives
and friends, returning by way of St.
Louis w here he will bo mot by his
daughter, Miss Edith Mullen and his
granddaughter, Miss Marjorio Stark,
and together they will visit the expo
sition. lien Huffman's little girl met with
a very painful accident one day last
week. While going along the road
barefooted, she stepped on a rusty hat
pin, running it clear through her heel
for a length of about live Inches. She
was brought to town for medical at
tention and the wound dressed. For
tunately the wound was not infected
from the pin and is healing nicely.
G. B. Burhans Testifies after Four
G. 15. Burhans, of Carlisle Center,
N. Y., writes: "About four years ago
I wrote you stating that I had been
entirely cured of a severe kidney trou
ble by taking less tean two bottles of
Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stop
ped the brick dust sediment, and pain
and symptoms of kidney disease disap
peared. I am glad to say that I have
never had a return of any of those
symptoms during the four years that
have elapsed and 1 am evidently cured
to stay cured, and heartily recommend
Foley's Kidney Cure to any one suffer
ing from kidney or bladder trouble."
F. C. Fricke & Co.
I'roin tlio Enterprise.
Mrs. 13. McNurlln has been quite
sick but is improving.
Earl Stephenson, who has been at
Washington, D. C, studying medicine
returned to Greenwood Monday to
visit his parents.
C. C. rarmelecame up from riatts
mouth Thursday, and he and D. K.
Rarr visited the Cutler farm which
Mr. I'armele recently purchased.
A jolly half dozen of the Royal
Neighbors drove out to Mrs. K. Reese's
home and spent the day visiting. They
had a delightful time.
One of the most notable facts In
Greenwood recently Is that the bus!
ness men and citizens arc all pulling
together to make Greenwood a first
class town.
Henry Thimgan fell oil the steps at
the rear of Clegg & Mctcalf's store
Wednesday evening, and aside from
breaking one of his ribs badly Injured
his thumb.
Jlmmlc Fisher, who has been visit
log his grandparents for the past few
Greafcsi Aid to Cookery
With least labor and trouble it makes
hot-breads, biscuit and cake of finest
flavor, light, sweet, appetizing and
assuredly digestible and wholesome.
Prick Bakinq powder Co.. Chicago.
weeks returned to his home In Mur
dock Monday. While here the little
fellow got poisoned and his right low
er limb was so badly swolen astocause
uneasiness, but was improving when
he left.
Thursday being the sixty-fourth
birthday anniversary of J. S. Foster,
the Ladies' Circle planned and carried
out a very successful surprist' for him.
About right o'clock thirty-rive of his
frieiidsmotand went tohishome where
they simply surrounded and captured
him. The evening was very pleasant
ly passed, the old soldiers telling their
war stories over again and the ladies
visiting. A dainty luncheon was
scsved. All present had an enjoyable
lime and wish Mr. Foster many happy
returns of the day.
Cheap Rates to St. Louis
The Hurlington will run coach ex
cursions to St. Louis every Tuesday
md Thursday during August and Sep
tember. s.,r)0 round trip, limited to re
turn in 7 days. Leave Riattsmouth at
12 p. m., arrive St. Louis 7:1!) the fol
lowing morning. W. L. Ph'KKTT,
l'rom the Neuron.
Conrad Crabtree has accepted a po
sition as clerk in Reitter's store.
Fred Rahr was very sick for a few
days the tirst of the week but he Is
able to be around again.
Mrs. A. L. McDonald returned last
Friday from Indiana where she has
been for the past six weeks visiting
her father.
Morrison Stall moved his family to
Lincoln the first of the week. They
are now located at 210 South 11th
Ed Hetts seems to be slowly regain
ing his health. He was able to be In
town Monday and called on his old
schoolmate, the editor. Tuesday Mr.
and Mrs. Hetts went to Lincoln.
Dr. Townsend reports the arrival of
a daughter at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. Hums, on Thursday morningj
August 4tn. i ne mother and daugh
ter are doing nicely.
E. E. Marr has been granted a thirty
day rest from his duties at the rail
road station and on Tuesday he and
Mrs. Marr left for St. Louis to see the
fair. A Mr. John Doan has charge of
the station during Mr. Marr's absence
Friday evening of last week Clar
ence Ray met with an accident which
will lay him up for some weeks. He
and Carl Trice were wrestling and he
fell In such a way as to break the lib
ulaof the right leg just above the
ankle. At the timo he thought it
was a sprain and did not call the
doctor until it began swelling and glv
Ing him considerable pain. Dr. Dihel
was then called who found the bone
had been broken and reduced the
fracture. Clarence has the sympathy
of his many friends In his misfortune.
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometimes results In
death. Thus a mere scratch, insigni
ficant cuts or puny boils have paid the
death penalty. It is w ise to have Huck
lin's Arnica Salve ever handy. It'sthc
best salve on earth and will prevent
fatality, when burns, sores, ulcers and
piles threaten. ( )nly 2."e,at F. G. Fricke
& Co., druggists.
Magpie Grove
Spceliil Ciirri'sHiniii'iii'i
Mrs. Wm. I'ulsand daughters visit
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. A.
Hi Id Wednesday.
Misses Minnie and Laura Puis made
a trip to riattsmouth Thursday.
Mrs. Agnes Catliey and Miss Minnie
Hener are visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. G. Rlioden.
Misses Emma Ilild and Annie Fills
called at the home of Miss Minnie
1 loner Friday evening.
Among the Nehawka visitors from
this locality Saturday were Messrs.
W. II. Puis, Alfred Ganscmer and Abe
Miss Minnie Hener spent Sunday at
the home of Miss Gertie Rustcrholtz.
Mr. Ed Elliott spent Saturday at
Omaha and returned Sunday.
Quite a number of friends and rela
tives gathered at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William Puis and family Sunday.
Piev. Fred Spriegel delivered hogs at
Murray Monday.
Dr. Rrown,of Omaha, was visiting at
the home of Mr. apd Mrs. ruisterholtz
Quite a number of our feeders have
their fat cattle yet. They feel pretty
sure over the strike, for their feed Is
getting very scarce.
Chas. Hener hauled lumber Monday
to build a new granery to make room
for his big crop of small grain which
of course was so large!
To Everywhere and Back-
The Burlington olfers excursion
rates in every direction, so low that
there is no excuse for staying at home.
Helow are some of them:
St. Louis and back three kinds of
daily rates besides the special low rate
coach excursions on each Tuesday and
Thursday during August and Septem
ber. Chicago and back daily low rates
either direct or via St. Louis, with
stopovers at St. Louis, Kansas City
and Omaha.
Louisville, Ky., and back $21.75,
August 12th to l.jth.
Boston and back the only chance
of the season for a low rate visit to
New England, $:W.50, August 11th to
13th, long limit.
World's fair stopovers at St. Louis
on through tickets.
Colorado, Utah and Black Hills re
sortsthere and back at practically
half rates all summer.
To California San Francisco and
Los Angeles and back August 1.1th to
September 10th, only $45. The only
chance In 11)04 to get this low rate.
Portland, Puget Sound and back
August l.lh to 18th, one fare for the
round trip.
To Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin
and the Great Lake region, the Ideal
summer country, daily low rates to
take you away from home.
On the first and third Tuesdays of
each month very low round trip rates
to hundreds of points in the north
west, west and southwest.
Wrie or call, describe your trip, let
me advise you on the least cost.
W. L. Pick kit, Ticket Agent.
A Perfect Painless Pill
is the one that will cleanse the system,
set the llyer to action, remove the
bile, clear the complexion, cure head
acre and leave a good taste in the
mouth. The famous little pills fordo
ing such work pleasantly and effectu
ally are DeWltt's Little Early Risers.
Rob Moore, of La Fayette, Ind., says:
"All other pills I have used gripe and
sicken, while DeWitt's Little Early
Risers are simply perfect." Sold by
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Cholera Infantum.
Thlsdl.H'ase has lost its terrors since
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera a:nl fiiar
rhoc Remedy came into general use.
The uniform success which at tends the
use of this remedy in ail civsr f bowel
complaints in Children has made it a
favorite wherever Its value has become
known. For sale by ail druggists.
top tb coufth tad hlf lun