Please, 1 want mine more ' 7- hewose M That's whit tliev all fay. This food contains Ai.., 7 the valuable plvxphitcs of lime and iron, Ftff so necessary in food for children. .'J 'I Wheutose is a tlaked wheat food J-" --i- F and when properly cooked, jr becomes a jelly-like substance, I t healthful, light, and delicate, i A Sold in '"''VA ; 2 lb. package, (tMv$ by all high class W Sf" Z CITY DUDS SIT IN COUNSEL! Telephone and Telegraph Fo!es Are to be I Remoted ton Main Street. I Tin i'itv i' mii, cil ! tl.i' il' K'lvt N ;ls I In- I ilinaint' re inn irk' t I" ':.'l,t s r p ii .;: ip sr iv ii,:,.i;ii't' s!( ul.ll.-s !!,;! 1 1: j U !ls IliU-M 'if ll'. I Oit il w sslim !' t lie uvnoval of Crop Conditions. The past week lias Wen i'"il with heavy showers. TIk daily mean tem perature has averaged four degrees he- low normal The rainfall has exceeded an Inch ex cept In a part if the northwestern por tion of the State, and In a few small areas It has ranged from two tosllht ly more than three Inches. The continued cool, el.nidy, wet weather has caused a rank growth of small grain and grass. Winter wheat is tilling well but Is lodging some on tlie richer ground and rust Is appear ing In many fields. While oats arc growing well the crop Is uneven. Spring wheat Is beginning to head and is in a very promising condition Clover, timothy and other grass is making a rank growth and promises a are crop of hay While corn has gmwu fairly well the week has been rather unfavorable for the crop. The continued wet condi tion of the soil has retarded cultiva tion and many fields are weedy. At the same time low temperature pre vented rapid growth of corn. Nearly all emps need warm, dry weather. Count Them Double. Van Orbeeck, the l'utch painter, noted for his extravagant life, fell sick, and phvsiciaiis assembled at his bedside, were founding some hopes on ! Ills age. I'.ut the aitlstsald: "i.entle inen, have no regard for my 4 yeais: you must count them double, fur 1 liave lived day and night." A man o: Ik . st age, but exhausted, because he did not know the value of life. Many of us do the same: relying on their' physical strength, they give no lest t: their iMiily and mind, they do pot re- j new the vigor and energy spent, and; they usually die prematurely. Tri-; ner's American F.llxir of Hitter Wine, would restore their strength, would i renew their blo' d, would make them healthy and igorous. It cures every I stomach, every Indigestion, every' mood disease. I.eing made of pine grape-wine, it has a delicious taste, and a decidedly stimulating effect, on all parts of the body. The advantages over other blood-puritlers are that it contains no potash or mercury, that it does not spoil the stomach, that every member of the family can li t? it, and that Its effect is in all casesadmiiaUe. p At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 'W So. Ashland avenue, Chicago, 111., I'llsen Station. Another Happy Wedding. About the hour of six o'clock last evening Mime ."') occurred a very i s if. Iim il .I.II...-S Aiil'U IV. t'4ilis I" i a!:r. .1 v I.., a.... n, .1 s l I -.v ntiiii'l v ( yr. s Ty-"ii. ! k fur r.irn. r .ii. k. a.:.ry :ml 11 i' . "I K M r :!! n. i. r. i. c,i , . i net III I vV uia I' sr- . r. M ir 1' a. : : Toe Til s! t lill.g oil : 1 0:;i. i .i , .i, I.. i 1 .1. .1 , . ..l.i. I ' , 1 1 i ' I . . 'i K 1 1 1 1 V p i. 1 1 ; I r o.k ln. hs. m ,v (' . ,iii. i i.i l" " ""-" " .in ; . ,. ...... vl . . ,., , tt-iegiai Ii. te eplion- ami electric j i i:.,ti!....r. i.urw. .fpiip. r I'l.e ' ' hst rue- A -: M l '--" -' 51. 1 u .il Hi. : - 1. 1 i r I U'ui iiiiiv n. i on, i w, '11111 s;.M I .. , N, .. , . . ... la. Sff oi.linaiK-e eiM'wheie m this! k :!.; .v it.,rt:.n i...-. issue if the Journal. j In. i l;r.i.. ii.uc --.-r Mr. N-'.vinan of the tire and water v' "rlv"" r"--- I . I. t ;i iiImi'. . ri i hi ' u r.i W. 1 1. Wli- . li r. I'ni.lir -. ri. ii.iM pioperr owneis .veie not complying ,i. .. M.-isri'i.- ! i.i:ut;it.- w L, .Iri. .tit' , 111. fl r., ......I ... ..... 1.. !.. nil., ii. 1 1 1 1 I I if I I ' II I I llj M1L III I I If pri'p.-i lire escapes tis was ordered I soiiio weeks akin. Mr. Newman said! tlicsf escapes were ordered put In un der the state law requiring such safe guards. Alter some little discussion on the subject the council extended the time for putting them in to three months. The judiciary committee recom m"n!ed that the ordinancecompe lling the removal of signs be revised so as t'i Include the raising of awnings to a height of seven feet above the walks, also the cutting of weeds on the 1 ."si committee Ntated that some of the were not complying ,i. ,. .t,..r!i,. f. .. i.i:ut;it.- i .i i .' ;i ii 5 oi in m Kit :n j IMI II l .'I an in .)T ij Hoard adjourned to July n, l'."i4. I.. A. To. Co. Clerk. Tin ri- U ;i ii ! inainl fur yumii rii-ii :. m I vuni; wmiu n ul.n ;ir- tlmmuulily iniliit-d fur i i iis Hi' iir iari. ymiii ( .pit- ,t n,,., i Uif iii - COURSES Business, Shorthand and Typewriting, Preparatory and Telegraphy Special Fraturrs I. T afln rMif mii'i'i 'N-ful lui-lm ss, n r!f in c. i Km'i ih nt. ciiutpiiii iits. .i. Tli'iMiuli. ir;u'li'Ml iiKiM-. 4. I't-rviiml lutcrt--t 111 fii.'li oil, nt. j. am-laiii-i- in si'i-iiiiiii: iiiiiiluyiiifiit. Catalogue Free Write l"s. Lincoln Business College, Lincoln. Neb. IClDAtt I AWN SIOCK FARH ICE pretty wedding at the home of the stret,ts 'mm l" valks. and to . J n ! r. .......... n M ..1... .... 1. 1. 11. bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William remove all obstruction from the walks Taylor, four and a half miles south of"'" l''"c ibices uunw certain this city, when Mr. Edward Furlong st';'ls "f 'r. The ordinance and Miss Nellie Tavlor were happily Wi,s filsS('d ln r('ul!ir form' xt' a united in the holy bonds of wedlock. of n,,t k'ss ttian "' I,t,r more Hev.Jenksof Omaha said the words fan for each violation of the pro in a most impressive manner, that visions of this ordinance. Joined as one to happy hearts. A t'liief Speck of the tire department large number of guests were present to sported that a majority of the fire witness the ceremony, and to partake 'grants were In good condition, but afterwards of a most excellent repast prepared for the occasion. The bride is one of Cass county's most cultured and handsome young la dles, and lias for the past two years been teaching In Omaha. The yroom Is a sop of S. L. Furlong, an old resl that some of them were not. The re port was referred to the proper com mittee. The board of health reported one serious case of small pox at the pest house and that proper quarantine had had been established and a nurse for dent of Cass county, and he lsa youiin j ll,e Patient employed at a moderate man of excellent character, and ts i expanse. 'n. ,..iii. ... i.. i .i.i u..ll woitl.f of rh.. nrio ho linseaii- "c i" ' 'l io repair uie sine tured. walk on Chicago avenue from Ilock The ( M Reliable Dealers H.C. McMaken and Son HANDLE .THE BEST ICE ON EARTH And are Ready to Deliver it in Any Quantity. Orders Promptly Filled The happv couple departed on 10:2 . 5,11111 101 "aenue was rcierreu r.urlingion train last night for their j tu !e committee on streets, which future home In Colorado, where tu. was instructed to notify the property ! groom has bini in business fur some1'" inorougniare 10 re time. The Journal joins the many j ',,ur Il,c Sil,ne w ul,m twtllty days, o, friends of Mr. and Mrs. FuiIoiil' in ; the city will repair these walks ar.d wishing them all the pleasures and :lssi'ss the "Pfiise to the property. jo s of this life, attended with pros-1 Councilmen lhittery, Ebinger and lerity. i l"1(lian Wt're appointed to act in con- - - - junction with Mayor (ieringtoconsult Vati:i In this vicinity at once. ' with the state treasurer with a view reliable n.. in t" act as our re present a- of securing the city's ouStauding tive. We can famish bank references. . bonds refunded at four percent. If A pVasant. well-paying situation and this is done, the bonds (which are sure in .my. Address at once, Hldg- now in the hands of eastern parties way Il-inedy Co., -o Frener I'.lock, , and drawing five percent interest ) will Omaha. Neb. . he called in. . - , .p10 j,etjtj(ll) nf prnperty owners on That Throbbing Headoche. (iranite street, asking that the natur- Would quickly leave you if you used al water course on that street lie re I'r King's New Life Tills. Thousands 'opened by means of a culvert by which of su'.Tereis have proved their match-; iluod waters might escape along both less merit for sick and nervous head- sides of the street, was, on motion of iH-hes. They make pure blood anil 'Councilman Fitzgerald, ordered laid build up your health. Only '2' cents, , on the table. The council should take money harU if not. cured. Nild by F. some action in this matter as the pro !. Fricke Co.. druggists. I perty owners along the north side of I this street are liable todamaging over How's This? i tlows when hard rains set in. Action We. iTi rmi.- lliinilr. il linliitri ll. war.l fur i should be taken in timp. ; itnv .11 ii v iM:irrii in.n i iutiM'l v l urvu vy I ii.n. v aiarrn i. ur TELEPHONES I'lattsmouth Nis. 72, U and Nebraska No. ll'J lrmMfKH of The Home i Umt Choice Poled Durham Bulls FOR SALE High Grade Pedigreed Stock. Tele. Cedar Lawn Stock Farm. LOUISVILLE. J. D. FERGUSON NEBRASKA. OS VEGETABLE SICILIAN Y .1 CIIKNFY ft Co.. Toifdo. O. W v. Hi,- umli rsltriii'il. Iiuvc k lew n V. ,1. ( Iii ik v fur tin' - l.i iir. mill ln-llfvc liliu In rfn t ! y iMHiuriililf In nil lniliu s I r iiiim' lli'iis mill tiiiuii' iiinv null' to rurry out miy ol Uioiii.'iis ii. ,nli' lii tirm. VI.IHMi 1INSAS MAHVIN. Wiii..i a;i. lirtu'k'Uts. Tulisln. (I. M il. ( ii;irrli i iiri-I tiiKc uiti rnuily. m't liik' illrft.y mi thf OIihmI una'iiiiMirfa.'c of tin- stciii. l i st In. onliilk si nt fn c. I'rli'f ;.s . ruts in r i.'tili'. iiil iiy nil ilr.ik'k'ists. l :ikv ll.i.l's 1 .in 1 y l. ; 'fur . nisi iput l,,ii . ts v 1 S CM Oi 0 Oi V (i A -.1 -.1--A-.V-A A ' The Yellow Front Saloon W. M. BARCLAY -ri.orniETon- Wholtsale and Retail WINES, BEEF) AND mu... .i a.. )! jij . ja...... i si lltfiwv Oil i : X Agent for the Popular Willow Springs Beer Every Case and Keg F.ears the Cnlon La' el Oi Nott thi Prlc Wt ore MuHlng on Fine Old Wines ond WhlsKles ."? Cionulliin Clnli. milloii hi Wisiiiinit li. u.iiii livr. s" i ; o-ii . hi Silver Wi'ililllik'. k'llilini ,'i ki M:iyvlllv I'liiK k'lllim i" Hill KhsIiIhIHmI sll. kM'.i'll 4 oi M S. IV, .li.l Smr Miisli. ilitUnli .. 4 il iiintriist livr. ilkiii II I in r ,. i- ' I I. AIMS ALLOWED. Ld Fitzgerald, street work i22 "o S. Archer, sanv .'I. matt, hauling m J. II. Cotner, street work iiii C. llinnichsen, same oo K. Ilice, same 2" (Hi .1. I 'at ridge, same :,2 40 .1. Mcl'aniels, same ;i ih) Win. Itowles. same :! T"i C. L. Hates, same 10 ."io tleo. (iradoville, same 10 o O. Edmunds, same y 22 C. ltoetel. same ' 1 ,.o L. M. 1'attou, hauling patient to pest house 2 00 A. A. Hertler, killing dogs 1 "() I. 1!. Ebersole, work t 7" l'latts. l'on. Ilridge co.. lumber.. "; 19 I. M. Jones, repair work 24 00 Light Co., light .M I'.H.Madsen.sal f'mn hose team ti 2" I. 11. llusche, same ti l'.r) II. .Stendyke, same (125 W'm. Iaugherty, same 6 2"i H. ;. Wurl, sal sec. tire dept.... ti 2." C. Speck, sal chief tire dept r 2.1 John Murray, watching tire 2 00 Kunsmann & Ramge Still lead all other Meat Markets in furnishing the people of I'latts mouth and vicinity with First Class Meats! Of Every Description. Fresh and Smoked Meats, Fresh Fish, Lard, Etc. Etc REMEMBER They have removed to the first room west of their old stand. F,y courteous treatment to all they hope to retain their present patrons and gain many new ones. ( ? V ' 5 '. -I t'H c' Jj W lilt,' Hy. tfllllnll .1 ,'si toi.'lu'iilii'ltin r I ; - iiliin .1 :i Aiiili rsnii 1 . W liiki y. Kmlon ... ;i Alis'hul. !' prk'f. kM'ini il M'ltliHllllllK'Ilt livr. (I'll"'" il i oltl t.inry. ifiiilnii Im liivvul Tlk'i r tiln w.oI.hi .. . . :i i cis..ii . -ii nt y W l,(k, y. K'lllnM. ' ,i I't m il (ir -luiril. k-:N'ii . hi - Mus.'im l win,-, k-.illi'ii . mi ,; v H.iyiil Tun Willi-. K.i'.li'ii ; m Ki'Vsl Sli, rry. k'iilinii ii Aiik'vlli ii W Im , k':il',in J ,m M:illk-ll W III". k'l.l"ll '.'HI , llnn'kis rry llrmnly. k'iiilun I :i A Im tt lint i Iklit mt'ilun J ', li i Hmt imiili . l'' H.'i r .iiiirt v to il";i ii . , I'iisi- lln r- liit. llin v ilnrii ; - Call ami Sco U: NO. 415 MAIN PLATTSMOUTH. 7;T or Scml Your (.Vdcrs liv STREET Mail 7 ; T T V NEBRASKA Coanty Commissioners' Proceedings. I'lattsmouth, Neb., June 21, '04. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment l'resent, Turner Zink and W. U. Han ning, commissioners, and L. A. Tyson, county clerk. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved, when the follow ing business was transacted in regular form: Depository Imnd of the Hank of Ea gle was approved. In the matter if the petition of Clay Connor for lleeiiso to sell malt, spirituous and vinous lliiuorsln the village of Murdock.Cass county. Nebraska, the hearing of peti tion and remonstrance came up. The petitioners asked for a continuance, and the same lielng balloted on re sulted as follows Mr. .Ink against, Mr. Manning for. The chairman of the board announced the petition lost. The petition was then withdrawn, and the chairman declared the case dismissed, Mr. Manning registering hi vote against the dismissal. t'1-MI ALU" Hli. W. I. I'l.'ki ll. tlt'ki-t to piiupi'r t J 37 l.nti'ii llnw. luilsi' to I'oiinty tariu 1.1 70 IIiiiuiIiiiI Urns., " " " '33 M' .1. 1 Vomm. tux n fuiiiloil 13 i'.' I'liitl-nii'iitli Wutrr Co.. rt'mlr 1 li IVrty I'ltvti'urlv. luii 'N lo s. aM iin r Independent Cigar FACTORY! thc::. 5c CIGAR, Cliallenitfii Citnriiiflsin In Quality aud WorkuniDslilp. JULIUS PEPPERBURG, Mnnufitcturer. ED. FITZGERALD, I'nOI'RlETOR OF Livery, Hack and Baggage Line. MOVING VAN. Removing of Ilousehold Goods a Spocinltv. Aluo, Heavy brayiny. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Dears the Sigu-Uuru of Is It true you want to look old? Then keep your gray hair. If not, then use Hall's Hair Renewer, and have all the dark, rich color of early life restored to your hair. uZ?ZIZ??tlJZTlM n C. FRANZEN Merchant Tailor. The only one in Plattsmouth that car ries a lare assortment of suit ings, fancy pantins and vest ing for you to select from. All work first-class and of the latest styles. Cleaning and repairing given prompt attention. Room 227 Coates Block Plattsmouth Nebraska. i rvLT Bottled in Bckd. Ebe JScst Mbisltv is tbc Cheapest U tbc EnM Toor Whisky is not only dis Ru'reeable to taste, but undoubted ly injurious to the Btomach. A lit tle good Whisky is a fine tonic and helps instead of harming. Such Whiskies as Yellowstone, for in stance, will do you just as much good as a doctor's prescription. If you don't know how good it is come in and try it. PRICES: Fillip PLATTSMOUTH, - . GuckcnhelmeriRye, per gallon. , Yellowstone, " " ., Hoivey Iew, " " ,, Dig Horn, " " ., Tlnie:rolf. - - . NEBRASKA . 4 00 . 3 00 . 2 00 1904! We take this opportunity of returninu' our most sincere thanks for pnst favors, and solicit a continuance of your patronage in the future. During l'.-Ol, we slmll endeavor to supply the market, as usual, with that Which Suits the People! both in quality and prices. Wishing all a happy and prosiKTous year, we invite all to come and lie comforted by making your purchases from the largest furniture house in Plattsmouth. Sattler & Fassbender. In i-o