The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 30, 1904, Image 5

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C!i r'.i I'Mrlrt l
v.'cu;.I v .h.'i.i'
Cnuiily Clrrk
Tri'iiMin r
Suin rii.u ni ,t
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. . .11 1. Tim:- I
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.In-. I'li.'i-n'il
Kir-t Ward . ...
Sivulill Wurd
ThiM Wiir.1...
l'nurth Ward
Fifth Ward...
..Kil t'itL-Tald. I". W. Klihu-i r
Trunk Itutirry. W. C. Tippii,
.1. II. IIi'M'.d. I". II. Sti. ii.kor
Wm. H;i:i:in,-i-. I'. A. Nittiiiiin
. .. .1. M. Vi'iidran. Wm. Skitrr
Time Table
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Lincoln. Omaha,
('hieatfo, St. J it,
Kansas City. St.
Louis and all
points East and
I ontjr. Helena,
UuUe, Portland
Salt Lake City.
San Francisco,
and all joints
Trains Leave as Follows:
No. 1- - I'acllli" .luiiflloii :t:ln pit
No. 2 Loeiil expn-as. to Iowa points.
Chloaito and the rust 4:3J pm
No. 1 ' Fust express, dally, frmii Lin
coln to St. .lo-fpli. Kansas City. St.
Ijinis. Chli'iiK'o. and all point-ea-t
and south -:J7 pm
No. W For Purine .lunrtlon li:J7pni
No. 'M' Local to I'uoltle .lum'timi ;r hid
No. Jil From Umalia. 1:1" pin
No. 3D Freight, dally exeepl Sunday.
to I'ai'lllO .luni'tliin H r.M) pm
No. B Throuuh vestllmlt'il express for
nil ixiliils eust . .. 7:2 am
No. iOFnim Oniuliii 'iluum
No. l'.i Local rxpn.'ks. dally. Umalia.
Lincoln. Denver mid interiiieilliiU
stations. 7 :."! inn
No. 27 Local express to Omaha, via
Ft. Crixik and South Omaha, dully
except Sunday !::! am
No. 7 - Fast mull, dally, to (imalm and
Lincoln 2:13 pm
No. 33- Local ex press. Louisville. A-li-lund.
Wahoo. Schuyler, daily ex
cept Sunday 3:Si pm
No. 13-Llncoln. (irand Island. Hlack
Hills. .Montana and i'acllli' north
west Ill :2s pm
No. 2H-Local freight. 'to Cedar Creek.
Louisville and Smith lleud. dally
except Sunday lii.'ili am
No 11- From St. Loui- and St. Joe and
Nehraska City ln:2."am
4 lially except Sunday
Sleeping. illnlnL' and rcollnini: chair cars
(seals freel on through trains. Tickets sold
nnd haif'.':ue checked to any point In the.
Fnlted States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps anil
tickets call on or write to V. L. l'lckett. local
aireni. Flattsmouth. Neb., or .1. Francis, gen
eral passenger agent. Omaha. N.-li.
Missouri Pacific Time Table
No. .il 5.37 am
No. .."7 3.4.") pm
No. '.' 11:115 pm
No. -.'CI local freight 3:47 pm
No. 3s II 30 am
No. .in World's Fair Flyer tt:W pm
Nj. 32 12:2!i am
No. 232. local freight 7.4- am
All kinds of Dental work. 1'lates mailethiit
fit. 2ii years experience. Prices reiisoniililu,
Work guaranteed.
Tm.kvhone No. S oh47
rreparlm abstracts of title, conveyancing
nnd examining titles to real estate a special
ty. Work properly done and charges reason
able, oftlce: Rooms tt and 7. John (iund
nuiUltng. ueur Court House. I'laltsmoulli,
OPFICE: Plattsmouth,
Waterman Block Nebraska
l'latts. Phones
I Otllce 111
Osteopathic Physician
Chronic tdsrascs a Specialty
Ooalcs llloek. rm 'in-".':.") and oMIcehoiir-
'i to I'J a. in,. 1 to : p. in. and . t" p. ni. nv ap-
i 'llli meni. eieplione-, t'nn-e ,n.; ri--i'ii-ii' i
at Perkins 1 1 t I.
Dr. Elster, Dentist,
Waterman Block,
V Abstracts c Title v
OFFICK-Aolieuser-llush Hlock.
Small Tornado Nr.v York.
York, Ne., Juno :".'.--.! tor
rai!o struck tt.o taiciing ilit-' i li t i. nr
to; n'e i.urrhcx-t of l.oro I'mis
wore .. stnttl t:i ii ..".:: .ci I
Funic Mna'.l I ! - v. i : .' tnt
no i't.o wi.s Ir.'ure,
Firet Rush to Lands Ov-r.
Orr.atiii, ,lu:.e 2j. 1'i.luti I :u.t'. u',
fietah; U'Ui .i' the r.rt rent null n
landsit Ki rs for horr.est.Tu'.s t:ti1-r '!..
Kinkiiii! ml iti ovor Tl.iy l.:iv ro
Itrts! iron iih.oy und North l'hitto to
tlio orTrt that the land oltii es at those
rniints arc nvi rt niwiltvl with'.iiesis.
It was not found riert'ssnry to mlit nr.y
evprl-ti trarr.s to carry the ii'v!t tut
at times the lapaeity of the reruliir
trains Iirj Un siri'rt !y taxed
Chairman Lehr Is Out.
LlTKtln, June 27 Csevrvtary Allen
of the Reptiblii-an tatt eommlttee nn
nounceil that he huil nielvil the res
ignation of Chairman Lt lr of tl.o state
commlttiv. He then Issued a rail for
a mooting of the rominitUi' and the
state candidates for next Thursday
eventns at the LlndeU hotel to ehooso
a successor. In his letter of resigna
tion. Mr. Ihr FtHted that Lis physi
cian told him that he should not I nave
Mra. Lehr. owin to her ll he:'lth. for
at least six weeks. For that renson
Mr. I.ehr stated he thought It advt.
aMe that he resign.
Money for Terminal Elevator.
Omaha, June 29. About $2n,()oii has
be'n 8tit)tiTlt(il to-ward the building
of a faruRTS' ttrniiual eJivaior in tUd
city. C. Vlnioiit, who Is pushing the
project. Is absent In the state looking
after more subscription and a Ltim
tMr have come in since he left. It Is
believed that enough money hus boon
raised to assure the early building of
the elevator here. Since it has been
found so easy to pet the farmers' or
ganizations of the state interested In
the plan It has been decided to t i!d
another terminal elevator at Kansas
City to handle the grain bought by the
farmers' elevator companies tributary
to that city.
McCook Struck by Gale of Wind.
McCook. Nib., June iu. McCook
last night experienced the most severe
ft-lndb-torm in Ha history. The Bap
tist church was wrecked, the roof in
falling striking the parsonage, damag
ing it badlv. J. K. Kelley's livery barn
was partly de.biroyed and roof a ot a
ntrnibei ot sniailer buildings blown
alt. At and nitir Arapahoe the ftortn
was quite as severe, hail and rain ac
companying the wind. Small build
ings were blown down anil crops flar-U-ned.
Wind mills by the wore have
been levelled. Nearly two Inches of
rain fell and creeks a.-o out of their
banks. William lirrck, son of a farm
er, was struck by lightning and In
stantly kil'.id.
Nebraska Man Heads National Grain
Dealers' Association.
Milwaukee, June 24. The National
aYain Dealers' association elected H.
Q. Snyder of Fremont, Neb., p. jsidenl;
The other officers are: First vice
president. L. V. Cortelyon, Miu;eotah.
Kan.; second vice president, Daniel
P. Lyme, St. Louis; secretary-treasurer.
George A. STlbbens, Chicago;
iirei toratdarge, Henry L. Oot'Uiann,
Toletlo. ().; board ul dlrecttirs, Ohio,
'resident H. S. Grimes. Ports
mouth; Indiana, A. Reynolds. Craw
fordsville; IlUnois. S. S. Tnnne.r,
Mlnler; Iowa, Jay A. King. Nevada;
soulh western lown and northwestern
Missouri, D. Hunter, Hamburg. Ia.;
Kansas. W. Q. Washer, Atchison;
southern Minnesota and South Dako
ta, A. P. llrenner, Minneapolis; Okla
homa anil Indian territory, J. C. Robb,
Kingfisher, Okla.; Michigan. W. S.
Sheldon. Jackson; Wisconsin, Thomas
E. Torrlso-n, Manltowi; North Dakf
ta. M. E. Swnnscm, Michigan City;
I'.uffalo Grain DealerB' association, T.
J. StulTer; New England Grain Deal
ers' association, George V. Reed, Res-
ton. The nest place of meeting will
be der ided by the hoard of directors
later, r.uffalo and New Orleans being
Holmesvllle and Vicinity Worst Suf
fererTwo Person Killed.
Holinesville, Nob., June 2fl. Two
persons wvru killed, onu fatally and
one sevtTely Injured In a tornado
which visited this part of Gage county
and swept the earth In its path dean
of dwellings, barns and other out
buildings, growing crops, cattle, hogs
and fowl. Iarge trees wore broken off
near the ground and the face of tho
earth transformed. The wind blew
with great violence and It was accom
panied try a hail storm, tho stones of
which were larger than ever seen hero
before. The dead: !owls Harris
and daughter of li. J. Harris.
Fatally injured: Mrs. IL J. Harris.
Severely injured: Mother of IL J.
Harris. Slightly Injured; R. J. Har
ris and three children.
Tho funnel of the rlouj started in
mi eagerly direction and .wrecked the
dwelling of U D. Hnrdenbrool;. the
family, which tnl: refuge in the cel
lar, escaping uninjured. Movlnft di
rectly east the turuudo next struck
the resddeiMV of IL J. Harris, Mr.
Harris, with two of his children, fuc-
eeeded In reaching the cellar brfnro
iho tornado hit the liouso, Imt his wife
and son, Iowls, ww not s fortunate,
and the my was IrLSt.intlj' killed. His
mother nx-ehiil Injurtoi which will
prnve fatal. A slx-ye-ir-oVl rtmightor
was so badly Injured that sho died
aftet n'achliur the dwelling of John
Miller, where she was taken after the
bouse had been wm.ked.
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shot hi' II
he;,,! in the lovxcl hot 1 Hi ,'1ed
within it i, w s ot t'te f 1 ooiUi-.
Tlie woman rami out uninjured.
Salvationists Arrested at Linroln.
Lincoln, June 23. fix mcml'iis of
the falvutlon Army u-ere Hrrcstnl
and two, a capt:un and a Hi '.itetuii.t,
FMTt the night In Jail. Four female
members arristiV. were r leased ou
their own moguizame. The arrests
were made on complaint of a Knights
Of Pythias lodge, incusing the Salva
tionists of disturbing the peace.
Nebraska Has a Candidate.
Lincoln, June 2K The Nebraska
delegation to the Prohibition na
tional convention lift for 1 ml laiiiiLnl'.H.
The delegation Intends to present the
name of A. G. Wolicn burger of Lin
coln to; Us candidate foi president,
with Oliver W. Stewart ot Chicago as
sirond choice. The Nebraska dele
gates do not regard General Milet ius
a candidate for the nomination.
Electric Line,
Lincolu, June
2.V Articles of
coriHration for the Omaha and Ne
braska Central railway were Bird
with the secretary of state. The road
is to extend from Omaha ti a point
three miles west of Hastings, through
the richest agricultural section of the
state. The incorporatfrni are rll Chi
cago men, headed, by Anthony Tcxter.
It is said the line will be operated by
Water Causes Heavy Logs.
Omaiia, June 2H. A liiss. estimated
at f20,0l'0, was caused In the whole
sale houso of tlie Richardson Irug
company In- tho falling of a hi1ly
laden, swinging shell', which in turn
broke a two and ono-fiall'-lnch water
pipe, releasing the autirmatlc sprink
ling apparatus and completely flood
ing tho bulUUng below the fourth
Roor. No insurance appllealile to the
kind of rtiunage was carried.
Bryan Accepts Invitation.
Lrncolii. June 28. William J. Bry
an will appear as one ot the orators
of the day at a celebration of the na
tion's independence, July 4. on the ex
position grounds at St. Umis. An in
vitation to Mr. Dryan to that effect
reached him from President Francis
if the Ijoulslana Purr has' Apo&ilion
and the Nebraska Nrard ot fair com
missioners. He repUiil, accept in p.
Mr. Hr"Bn will not aonnnimny the Ne
braska delegation to the ltemocratlc
nitlonal convention, ns he Is to do.
liver nn address at Malvern, la., July
2, and will go from there to Rt. Louis.
Withdraws Nebraska Lands.
Washington, June 24 The secre
tary ot' tlie inarinr has withdrawn
from all forms of disiosal l.i'rj.TOO
acres of public land in Nebraska for
IncoriKirat.ion in wluit is kno-wn as tho
North Platie irrigation project. It is
one of the largest of the Irrigation
reservations made by the govern
ment. The tract embraces m;4,uo0
acres rn the North Platte land dis
trict. lOlfiSO ncn In the Sidney land
district and 4'i.nM arres In the Alli
ance land dlstrlrt. In nreArriuneo
with tho recimt der.lsinns of the prvsl
dent, f.h secretar)' of the intertor also
hos wlthdniwn from nil firrms of dls
Ial 23.0tm acres of public lands ad
joining Fort Niobrara. Nebraska, for
the use of tho army.
Many Filings on the Same Tracts
and Excitement is Great.
Sidney, Neo., June 2. The Kinkaid
G4o-acre homestead law went into
effect tKlay. The city is crowded.
People are lined up in front of the
luad olHeo and Itoso street to the Dur
lingtou depot La one mass of humani
ty. Them arc from threo to seven
filings on many of the choice plecii
of land and great excitement prevails.
Stores are turned Into land offices
and clerks are busy making out papers.
Alliance, Neb, June 28. Every
available nook ot the city Is utilized
to Its fullest capacity try the hundreds
who have ronw here to take advantage
of the Increased land allowanc given
homesteaders by thi Kinkaid law.
A great number of women are notice
able In tlie llno-up. The filings began
at 9 o'clock and will continue until
the Bret mall in th afternoon, when
attention will be given to filings made
through outside county official.-.
Kentucky Whips Another Negro.
Lex!ngti,n, Ky, Juno 2H. In acionl
anco with Police Jinlge Riley's whip
ping post decision, recontly delivered,
John West, a fourtcfn-year-old col
ored boy, wns given tifty lashes In the
public spans His t fiat was removed
nml the lad was w1iIjjhk1 with u buggy
whip in tho presence of over l.n"e
cltizerm for Injuring private property.
The colored jKoplo seeuiwl restive
while the pimUhment was being given
and there are thrents of a legal teit
the decision.
Magoon (or the Isthmus.
Washington, Junn .s.Charli K.
Magoon I.m lieen Bpimlr.ted giiiTtiI
counsel for tho ls.thmlnn canal coin'
rnlsflon. Judg Mag"oti hna Nen tho
law ol!li'r of the Imreau of Insulur af
fairs since the otlu woe creatid In
lf99 and his work has boon of the
rljrhest chnrfirter and great vaht.
Could Net
I ': .''!:. .In:-..- 2"
w.i ,!....., 1 v. i'!i
the':tu t,.;i tr.o
Fcrmcr Morccr of St. Leuis Hcus.e of
DtleijatcM Oivca Feik New Lead.
11. l.oii:s. Ju;.i- Cl.arKb A.
tia'l.f, loll, , r r., !..! el ti;,. hull .,
't c.i UviN s, n-;.i,i,.l in .i i l.iiiye i
it l!l'.sl ,u. .1 t, I i 111,,. ,11 ,U.-
('till , h.i I i,i . I . ' : . . ! . a ( ili.plel, .
I i :i 1. I,, I'. i, ml ., ,i,i,i I. is pli
'.'. Folk, lh , 1 u !i I , ,1, , l.ij- tii.i:
Ii.i.:,,i Filii.U 0!..u.. t I' Kelly had
toli kiln Li I...,; l,ii :, -. ; '."niii ,.
K'',tH I, i Luroje w l.i li I.: . puMitie Ml
tSU lc.i.j ji ii 'li'ii. i i r,'i;i'.iii :.i in,:..
Wl.i i
torn, i
I,. , all,, i:i .
I.. i i
"ll l.-
t: !,,i
;i u t at
on! l,T
:,ii. In
iw:i.g I.-
i. i tlii e, C.utl.i I
a' Ion wr'.Uu: i Nt
v 'i n, ot w ( it h l.
pir, 1 1
li l,1i us 1, Kew t. .
"1 I n an.e a (in !;.l e; ei
di !i guti s 111 1m7 n:ii! m
a it. tuner of the combine
li e I.- '1:1 of j
olii e t ei nine i
ot thai N dy. I
t.l,'!. was un oritai u.c.ta i. ci-mj-oMtl
id hilietcen ileit wHtes lor the pur'OT
of sellli.t e;.eiAtlji. The ii rr t bill
that mine up utter I hud bvratut a
tiwiiil'ir of the u.iiililiie was tin hi
btirtiui loop I'll!. The ciunhli.e go!
J2o,lniti tluL- ( nn thi.-i bill, oti
the Tnien nvi line' tstll we got Jls.coo;
on the Central Tttietloii I ill we got
7t".."oo; on tlie Tliird Mret line bills
w e got i t.'..l'1'i', or. t!;e lighting bill
We got JlT.t'oo, on the Suburban lull
wu were to get f 7;"'. en1', which is now
ill the sale deposit l ux in iho Utic, In
Tmst coiitpatij, being plated there
with the agri eiui-i.t tl.iit it should bo
tun.eU over to us wluu the lilll hud
been passed. WT.Ue these are some
Of the target t brlUs secured during
tny term ot oll'.ce, tU re were innuiner
able oil.ers. running from JlO.oi'ii lor
switching bills In h few hundred dol
laib for some minor privilege. The
bribe prices were lived m nut-lings of
the it'ttihllie. acted as the iigetit of
the coiutiinatlou in a rui ir, 1 k r of these
deals In I ho Suburban deal I was
p res-1 nt wttt.ii tlio agreement was
nuuh n'gardin-g the bnbi' ol $i,n,ooo
Missisrippl Valley Trust ootiiimny."
for KraU. which is In a lockbox In the
Other details were gtven by (lutke,
who nientiiiied lh niuuo of a prom
lnext local politician, who, he said,
had beer, at the head cf nearly all the
conibines in the house of delegates
daring 'lie past twenty-five years. He
said the boodle gang In St. Iniis has
nln-ady ilanr.ed to capture the circuit
nitortu y s I'tlire nt. the next election.
Clrftilt Atti ni'-y Foil; attaches great
IminrTanco to tho revelations which
have bier, inro'.o by (Vrke. Ho said
that it oj-ned up many new nver.ins
(if Invesriga'lnn and that it brought
thrngs to light which hav- not Io n
heard of tit'ore, Involving t:.n nien
hJgi: r up.
Death List Over One Thousand.
New York, June 27. 'rowls. with
heads bowed ami ctrcov'n-d, lined
both sides of East River ili tin black
er.ed hulk ot the tienii Sloeum was
tirwed to a dock in Erie basin, where
it is to he Inspccti! by the fnderal
aotiiriritlcs. The (lags on the tug-j
having the wreck In Icav were at half-
mast, and when passing Unn-et's
Point, where the kTlicum siuifi, Bnd so
many lost their llvus, tho flags were
diptieil. All the craft in the harbor
dlpid their flags as the flntllla
passed. Nine hundred and eighty-four
bodies huvc 1'cnn recovered. Nine-two
persons absidutcly ktiuwn to have
lieen alxianl tho vessel are still unac-
counted for.
Features of the Day'B Trading and
CUIciigo. Jnim is.-S'"Wi of ii lin-iik 1 1
of tlin ilnmglit In AriJi'iiflrw nn u umifc
nf n-i'uKuiiw In wheat Uk-re tiHl.iy. Ki-plnn
l.rr cl.iKtil ;''7:.i' ilnun. Cin-ti n:iK nn
lUjirigi J. nuts uttv h nli;u1i- higher. l'n
Vlsijiiilis ihoivnl u kiss of fid '-".!. t'lonllig
Vhl-:it-.!llly. Klr; Sllt.. M"-r.
Corn-July. Pi-t., si4c.
Oai-July. :'-' Vs ; rV,t., :ti.-.
I'orl.-July. W'Ak S".t .. Sl.'.!l
Uinl-Juh. StiMU,; S.,f, JV.OTt,.
Hlhs Jutv. J-T.lTV,. Pi-i't.. JT.'.'H.
CUIcngo Cusli ITIci' So. ; niirl"st wbint,
(t'.Ci Nn. Kprtiitf Whiril. !'; N". ' huiil
olinit, Kt'ut'-ii: N". '-' T '"i. V-Vi
; N. Jt iisB ciirn, tvilSc; ,. 2
yellow corri. I'.mflnrtUi-; fr, :i vcll"W i-irn,
4'.Hi"Ui'ici : Nn. J cuth nutH. KUi. So. 2 whlti'
dsU, -OiJ-lo; Nn. 3 nats. "! I .
Omaha Grain MarVet.
iintilm. J unu 3. t'lr.jlio; i.ruis m
(uiiuliu Grain ixrljini;"
V"tipi-Ju!r. T'.'x'; Si-it., ;V; Ini'.,
'iirti -.Iniiu 4',v,r: July. 4l',r; ?tT..
Oatii-.lutiii, 41i': July. '(-. -'r-. '(,c.
fiiiiAtiii t'iih l'rl.-n Ni. i hnrtl vtn-at,
KHii.Vc: No- it linrrl wtirnt. 7'ji.S'(o. No. 4
biirM ahi-nt, '4i:,'m;; tin. 'i cn-li eern, UT"i
4l4Te; No. :i ina i-arn, :i4tle: No. 4
nmh corti. 4.'Hi'VK-; Nn. 2 ytllnw mro. 4T
4TV Kn. a jn'l'""'' cun. CVl'tilVe; Ro. 2
tttnto it'rn. 4T'VI4c: Nn. ahlti rnrn.
CsIfi-'A.'c; N"- f natA iMQ'Mf- N'- 8
msti i'iit. .TTVii.'-siii Nit 4 i-asti ent. K'Vj,
Il7c: Nn. 2 white uita, 411c. No. II ivtiiu-SSffT-Jiy:;
FtnmlaPl intn IS.T-i: No. 4
!iiti imti ;r.jv'o.
Chicago Live Stock.
rtjnir". Jun" .-t:!ittii-i;.-.i.j,i. a..
(i, rti'inty. t"'l to prlini' eti-rs. I'TiM
'..!"; in.r t nM'illnm. f4..'Ho"i.,"o-, nuck
in hi,. I fi i"lcr. Ri"4.,Tiii (-.un Jl .'.(.
4 :f. li' if'T. !j2.r-ift.'j:.: i.nnrn.m. l..j"rt
'.' Hn I'lillv. nfiM.-": oil's -. J.'.ViijaTr,.
Tt.j,.ui till s-i'iir-. ?.:,;."- II.iTV-Tte-lit-, IKiri', t,iii;iirr,'tt. .l.l"Oi,
m il. to r,c Inu-fj". mlNi-il uicl filtcli'T"., V-'; g I U ' I, "It .- tmiOT. f,V,V'(
f. V. rr.e Ki.ot. l'.'' '.'... lu-lit, $-V.i.
r..40. tmlK of wli-S (-'i Lioj I',. 8hv --ile-ti
li'tn. In,'"-). iHiiiily. to c!uih:a tvth
crv. $iV','t.'0; ftlr t" di JT ir.lxi.-l, JI ,V
f,i4..'.; Ui ri r ulil'i f. KltWTilTd. Iillf.l".
lunil )s ?."nTi ; i1u:i Luntus, SI"''?
K. .18.M City Live Stock.
Knnsii- t it), -ten'' r'.ittU- llce-el jit.
K.O, ftiui'0 to U'c hlk'l.eri iinrt mil
ilriT-.M ! f mi-i-v i.', c,;i! 4o. fjlr O, p.iml.
I L -',(.".'': "i'ri tinl ir. k4.i'ri."i.:iP,
htmJom unit f,lcr iJ,V.v4 7T. muMo-m
t,js I.T.V'.'i.iO; itf'iilheni srmi, L7Ti
IH: nntl--' onA !i"Xi.4 .; nittlvn eown,
!2J'il4 ,'io; t.otl'T lielrW. $.1 l"T,-'--'l;
liii-i'lfti U.i"': W.oe liKur;
M.TH". lnU f Mim. ..'Vif,..Ti: tu-avy
-V1.V r. .."TV-,. 'T-ttr. fMP .11 r't!- n t
Ui!ti. f4 I - t,tur-','',-,lliK S.U";
tinfir ti l"c I w i-ti'm iiui.e.
(Ti'i.;-). f.Ki i4..'i. toclcr and
ffHirs. S:.,--r;3..-ia
AM''ctiitik' 1 'rv p nral KMi lor A s
simii.iimi IlicFiXKlaiulltoijtiki
linij the ShuiKitiis ami lVmvIs tf
liomotcs l)ii;o.sliiit.Uuvrrii! -lu'ssamllVstConlitiiisiuillhT
l)ntmi.MorlutU" nor Mineral.
.Vr ftTOU liM ZZ riTCHKH
'tlx Smn
lvQmif -
Aixifci l lieiiieily 'orronsli"
lion , Sour Sloiiuuti, I li.inlnHvi
tuul Loss of SlJiKl.
Facsimile Sivlnnlurr of
I n the ordinary course of liusitn-ss, hut
there's interest to hecotisideled ii part
of your earnings Is left with us for
safe investment. Then theie'sanot her
story, which will make two plus two
equal live in time. Ask us and we will
gladly tell you how it is done.
Servings Benk
At the Old Stand
Von will alwas linil the
Choicest Fruits
Fine Confections
And the most delicious
Which he Is lucpared to furnish in
any niiantity for family use
or social tfatlierinns.
511 Main Street
Don't allow money to lie around.
is easier to spend it and easier
to lose It.
liy keeping it In a safe place such as
The BanK of Cass County
You can tflve a check f"r any part of
It at any time and mi have a receipt
for payment w itlnmt asklikr fur one.
hen you have a hank account you
w ill he anxious to add to It rather than
spend from It. l'on't you want to
know more ahout It.
2a J
2 24
1 11 l$
. 11171 JJ rxH WuPl H it
For Infanta nnd ChiMrcn.
The Kind Ysu Havs
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirly Years
And inim liiiin
nlniilit t
where you will he ro
jcti'l for your troulile
liy Lr,,l'i tl"' '" st
on the markets
Canned Goods.
fresh daily from the innrketH.
'Htlieri'd fresh every morning.
'Phone 54.
Wm. rri.itn lllock
Bee Hive Restaurant,
Main Street
Mi-ulrt at all lioiirs. Special at- i
tetition to tlie farmer iiitrons. The
tahlert are Kiijiplied with tlio U-tst
the markets fill'ord.
.lOHX COKEY, Proprietor.
Cures Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia
KILLthi couch
and cure thi lungs
",,H Dr. King's
Now Discovery
OUGHSand 60c 411.00
OLDS Frcs Trial.
Bluest and Uuickest Cure for all
Mtkes Kidneys and Bladder High!
ftif. Alwnt ri-liithl- Ijiillr. Mtk Prupffliil fht
I Hit M N I.I.ISII Hi Md Mid
.ll in.'tMilif U'ii. m-1iI with Mut rMxui.
lHhf nn nlhrr. lirHia dngroi ImiI
tullainaikntl lmltllitn. Hii) nf your lntinriv
nr nrml Ir, in ittiuii fur lrtlcnlMr. TvaII
mnnlKla n, " Hrllrf for IjMllra." I'l I'llrr.
liv rrlurn nnll. lU.OWt IVMiiuuiimU. roltl b)
ll I'lTHifl-l.
100 Ul.oo IHiunn, flllLAra,
Sullii Ul