The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 30, 1904, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
I I HI ll-lll O W I I K I.N
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at. in. s. Hi.- 'l.i'lii'st.ii'k llri't s.'.'iiis to
In' t u a ii. .at all. 'i' having sunk seven
.l,ii ii i s.. M-vv'ls lasi wi'ck, carrvlii
lll'N II I.IKIll llll'll
I i it a In I . ih.'i.tisistciit In semi
a' ,! , 'I t" Mi ii ii.t . I i ' rescue a kill
napi' ii iiiii'iii'iniii' .-1 1 1 1 allow a stati'
I . i ! . ' I r , s. ni r nl n .nl' in.'ll I l ulu I heir
lion:e ami i. "'i I I linn'.' I .n's I lie
l.ii't II al I'.'iilu ai us Is wcalthv n.aki'
anv iliili'iiVM'f'.-
T ii v. l'i 'a i' I i i.i t M i . Il'ifsi'vi'll is iti.NV
I'll I II I Ilk' I'l I '.His Is ,c MKISl llisllllll-
ihk tli. hk' in Hi.' mil, ils of iflit ii'ians
ami I' is imh'Ii in .li i Willi I licit ilis
cu.tii.t. Man lirlii'M' that In' will
lil'lil ' I' In I 1,1' nl. IV of 'll stil.'li! ;sl
as . iiik' as In' i ,in
l,'i'' i in n s air appai.t'il at
. nl i- alisence of enthusiasm at
( hli'.lLO CliVi tit loll It hehniiM'S the
'li'iimi i, its to make a imiicial iioinina
t ton. Iscoiisiii is li t ually cnnceili'il
lo Hi. in, while Illinois and Indiana
.'He spoken of as Vel V dnllhl fill.
I I'.. Salmon, ehlel ft the luileau
i if animal Induslty in the I'. S. auri
cuitinal department, v.ays that II. e
reason why heef is higher Is that the
sellers cltaik'e i note for il . 1 1 's fort li
mit.' that I ' Heir .Vim hasal hiselhow
a k'uat liend like this to elucidate ec
. Il'Mtiie ipiest ions.
plank winch Senator llanshor
proposed fnt the republican
,.,i toi in
A ii early readjust iitenl of
the rales in cslstlne, tail tl schedules
to the chanted and chaitKiuu
condil ions, and in the interest, of our
commercial relat ions with eacliother."
The ileinociatic platfi'ini will imdoulit
contain somet 1 1 1 1 1 u like ll.
'I'iik l.ussian-.lap horror noes on ex
pandiin; every hour, l-'lve .lapanese
t ransi'orts were sunk last week hy a
l.'ussian k'uiihoat,, and I.immi men were
drowned. A single shell killed L'PH ineii
on the Hitachi and it is estimated
that loii tnoiecomniittcdsiiicide. And
we i,'.i calmly mi. Are human renins
much moil' civilied than t iueis.
A (.Loia.u ci'iiimunit y saw a plc-
t lire ol (I rover in (lie clouds one n.oui;
likht infill last week, and enthusias
I ii a v hail it as a sine sikii ol Ins
cli'Ctl. ll to the iiiesideltCV All of
which noes to plove that the "od ol.
nays oi moonshine whisky arc :011c
forever. 'T.ouk'hti'li lickcl" is 1
that could produce such a result as
Immii.i: vtii'N has reached llood
licinht. luiinpeans aie pniinhL' into
New York at the rate oi l,",oo a day,
Some of t hem arc mlserahly, pathctl
cally poor. For lhis crime tlie admin
1st rat ion is iirivmn litem tack, some
thousands hciitK dcpi'i ted every week.
All parties should seriously consider
whet her lids policy is a wise one. How
many millions of our ciluens were
immigrants wtuioui live iloliats 111
their pockets when t hey landed'.'
r.iNo vi srni I'di; 1 i : '1 hecan
didate w ill now descend from theele
pliant and perform his world-famous
stunt, known as the Kiisijiu: act. II
will liisl appear as the Man of Action,
ti.'Vt as the Strenuous l'uhlic Olliclal,
next ,ist he A mhidex tfotis Orator, next
as the I arlnn Soldier and finally as the
1 11st 1 1 1 ifci Nominee. The last Imper
s iiiati hi will he k'nen on the elastic
llit:h larilT Wall, from which lie will
n i. 1, ml to the elephant a ferocious
wi'.d animal that has heen tamed into
ca ,ete suh'tiissi.,u )V Me an. I Mv
1'ii'i Is. I. . p jour cm s tt the mi.v
ii, el ts of 1 , an. lid, ite.
' :i'i v w Tu r makes auiicat,;
y to tlie r.ulippioe I tiiieiii iid. uc
Co I
r.tlee f I .s! , .': , . U' , saIHk' that
I r"siilel,t is 111. . ;i in .1 lixed 'll-
r. i t i 11. ami is "my waiting "I" I"- a'
s'.lv, ii. I.y the 1 ',i.i' ion (if his pii s, nt
t. r:i . fr.'in Ins obi k'at ions w ith lizard
t" the poiic) ft the i ili pics1. lent. :t,
nr., r to bring about at tlie ;ir
Hal 11. lepeiiili i'i'e ot the Fhihi pin. n "
This srems tin, i ll like . I dellbeiat.' at
teiii t to take the wind out o 1 1 .
sails oi the deaioi tat ic convention nf
li.'y '., which will undoubtedly de
riuiid I r the I'hilipines that which las
been accorded by us to Cuba. Thanks,
Tafi: Hut whore does this leave Mc-iv'inley'r
' Tin. 1 1 1 1 :: : il it I'.iit.v
1 I' i ' il k' I lii' . ii'.i i .';i!i !.i :i
! 1 1 nil nn:i vil.
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'!::N-iilt in f . t -
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tiii: tu vr
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'VITU 'ii '!. liii.'
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lur Hi.
ami it
ni t ,.
i. 'i
si'! N :i
'.I t!i;it I'.lllliillil.s
iiiiii,in;il i"ii. II.
Is li'M!
ilk.' t In'
I hi r t.i i'iai'1 ii'.- v: huh. ts! ii'.s to ill 'il'i
viilrs in N'.m iiilii r. Mi tlir l''airlaiik
nf llii', It will U nk more like
Sail l.'iv. -
I'nssiiti.v Ha ii'iisiiii for so few nor
I rails nl' K' l'st vclt apin'ai ink' In Chk'a
'(. rnlisi'iiiu was that t lie committees
were not, aiivisi'il whether he should tie
lui'tiiii'il in military uniform or in the
suit of a rai'italltallst or in the turhof
a politician. i;i"seelt is "a ood
iniuiy" in his various at tit uiles to try
lo "I'nol all tile people."
Tuni s its of articles are helntf
w l it ten t Lis week callim for punish
ment of t he criminal iielinence w liii'h
maile the lieiieial Hocinii disaster pos
si tile It .s.1 ii iti id not he (liiticiilt to lu
rate I he Maine, inasmuch as no steam
ship ran h ave any wharf in the coun
try w ii hout a c'l'itilicatinii or safety
ami seaworthiness signed hy the in
spectors (.f the department of com
merce and lahoi. Is the prevalent in
ihk'nat inn in he allowed to blow over
w ii hiiut, culling auv'iiie to account for
t III' I, Oi l ol
(ins i iiNMLN i reports of last week
anuoiiiii'e thai I he cost of living is re-
need, lierause tlie prii fa inainrlty
I I lie iiecessil ies of life are cheaper.
While heef, million, laid, luittef,
wheal, corn, oats and suar have iue
up, other necessities, like pin-iron,
leather, copper, fin spelter, and hair
cloth have none down. All that the
wnrkitik'niaii lias In do Is to accustom
himself lo making a dinner of these
tst named materials. Kent, costs him
more than II did, hut he never could
Imy a steam yachl or an aiiloinohile,
cut Mowers or silk underwear as cheap
as today.
Tiik administration is distincily re-
spoiisllile lur tin.' (lenera1 Slocuin dis
aster, and must, lie held responsible.
The I'. S. Inspection service when It
issues a certilicate to a steamboat
practically Insures the lives of the
people who use the boats. It is noto
rious that novernineut Inspectors tire
bribed and that they Munetiincsblack
niall rich corporations. Assistant
Secretary of the Treasurer Armstrong
test I ties that a I'nited States senator
iiik'ed him to remit the lines imposed
on a steamboat last year, and it Is
known that lonnrcssineii have fre
quently interfered to prevent the ex
action of tines. Who was the senator?
Wlicic the blame rests is obvious
cnoupji. For once it cannot belaid at
the door of Tammanv.
I'iimm the Ik'tiltming of otn govern
ment, f i'i 'in the time of Hamilton and
Jefferson, there has been a constant
struggle beiwecn the two schools of
politics, one holding that this country
was a nation and theother thai it was
a confedi ration of states. Sometimes
one of these schools has been in the
ascendency and sometimes the other,
but there is no doubt of the steady,
and In recent years rapid, development
toward centralization of power in the
national overninent. Wall Street
The editor of the Journal has f re
MUently pointed out this fact in recent
years. Inn there has been a few dam
pin nils who pimhed at the Idea and pass
ed it upasa political sea roc row to win
voles. Such persons cannot make the
same reply to the above admission of
the great Wall street advocate of
the present administration, for it is of
the same political faith they are. We
are pleased to be able to give this proof
that the centralization of power in the
national government as contemplated
by Hamilton is now going on and that
unless many republicans cut party
lines the time is approaching when the
Km pi re will he a fact, then it will be
too late
Tiik ropuldican prosperity shunters
must now come down oil their high
perch and admit that their party
cannot maintain prosperity even with
the ;ussl.stauce of good seasons, bounti
ful harvests, an Indulgent Fruvidencc
and foreign wars. The condition in
the east is nothing but a repetition
of the Imkhii gambling period just pro-
ceding I j. They laid the 'K panic to
thf elect ion of a democratic president.
They have another opportunity to do
the same act; but is there anyone fool
ish 1 no igh tube fooled twice by the
san e lake story? The eastern trust
gait. blcis have had their run and made
millions out of the easy Maiksatidnow
they will turn 01T steam and let the
gi.ttidol l hulk diift with the tide,
winch has t in and will shoal all the
small fry. It surpasses anything that
can lie found In the history of the last
- -x years: the way the tarltl grafters
and trust combines are able to fool a
majority of their victims year after
year, and the latter appear to want to
be foulul seme more.
The Chicago Convention.
'l'l..' t'l.t..' t,;t-li;tj'i. i.. .!. Tr. ic v:i
i'iil.ic;t I'ttlit' i'!;m ;itil i' 1 e::t !hiv:i.mi:.
'I';, i' ; i';. ii, t:i-1 1 . , . ill, ,! ttivU l.y
.1 .I...'.-!. :i.iT. .' i rvi.'ii .j. u'l ft
i ,i in
ind '',
II..' i n 'ii'.i
I art v has ue U lor.- it s n pie
..t. s :im',i,!i!.'.!. sii.ot ! hi e.i ,:i,l
. i,
1.1 ...'I n'll col est s into 1 1 .1 p'ai. . ol lh.
:i ,u :.ii,i', 1 :b nileil si cral slat.-s. imt.i-
: Wih'i his'!!, li.lii'l' ami M! 1
i!. shori s.1 1 ,1' 1 1 1, 11.. . ii. way , iv
g;i, . I . e s s ' .1 w hat the 'n .pic of the party
,ii,i 1 i.i e t bought or lh He. even 1.1 1 he
exlleme ot pi'l' in i ! ting a southern i.c
gi" o s. coiid K'.'isevi'il's iioiniiiat ioti.
There were cat ami dried things at, SI .
Louis eight ycaisago. and more of the
same, barring the vice presidency, four
years later al l'liladelphia, hut this
Chicago convention sets a new stand
ard in k'igantic machine management.
Cortelyou, lie who at one time claimed
to lie a democrat mid sold himself like
l'.uil Morton for a mess of pottage. In
comes chairman of the national com
mittee, and will direct the campaign
as dictated to by the inmate or the
While House.
Mr. Koosc volt's humiliation brought
forth a burst of cheers, attended by 110
special enthusiasm. Mr. Fairbanks,
the Indiana icicle, was named as
planned, the states of Wisconsin and
Missouri andColorado, Illinois and Ne
braska having not even an opportunity
of presenting theiiamesof their favor
ite sons.
There were numerous life-long re
publican present who shook their
heads over what happened. When
they arrived in the Lake City they
were infesting the hotels w ith an air
of cock-sureiicss that told as plainly as
words that tin: republican party was
sure tosuecced next November. Some
of t hese men had planks to place in tlie
platform, others were interested in
contests that were at, least entitled to
a hearing, and others had favorite sons
tube presented for the second plaeeon
the ticket.
Wlscf nsin Is nn extreme example of
the manner in which the contests were
decided. C.ovcrnor La Follette's man
agers insist that not only did they not
have a respectful hearing, but that
they were actually insulted; and the
governor's following make no secret of
tin: feeling they boar lo the leaders of
the party, and there is much talk that
it amounts to open rebellion, that will
possibly put the Wisconsin electoral
vote in the democratic column at the
November election.
The Indiana men went to Chicago
without any dotinite plans for tlie nom
ination of Fairbanks, not seeming to
care whether ho was brought to the
front or otherwise, but a command
from the White House made It appar
ent that Toddy must have his choice,
and that settled the business in favor
of the Indiana icicle. It is a remark
able fact that when it began to appear
that the "drift" had set toward the
Indiana icicle, as some I'osey county
humorist lias named him, there was
frost" in the air, and it was not until a
bund was hired and a half dozen Hoos
ler delegates inarched along the hotel
district of Michigan avenue, the band
playing"! in the I'.anksofthe Wabash,"
that the least bit of enthusiasm was
aroused for tlie tail of the HooseveU
kite. This was about the time that
some evil hand lost no time in circula
ting the report that Mr. llitt, a prom
inent aspirant for the nomination, was
so ill that hisdeath might he expected
at any moment, whereat there were
fresh additions to the ranks of the
Fairbanks "boom." Col. K. C. Hen
ton of Massachusetts undertook to in
augurate a boom for Secretary Tart,
but the speed with which he was sup
pressed tilled him with astonishment.
Waldhridge ot Missouri, Springer of
Colorado, and our own John L. Vel
ster tried to remain in the race to the
last, ami their states wore loyal to
them so loyal that these three repub
lican camps are not at all happy over
the organized inside movement that
magnified Hitt's Illness, built an arti
ticial boom for Fairbanks and stuck
pins Into their own buomlets.
Then the apathy of the New Yorkers
since they returned to their homos Is
very apparent. A state that is always
high in the councils, noisest with its
band and marching clubs, most effect
Ive in the conference, was almost oil'
the map at this convention. Odell
and his friends and other New Yorkers
were not heard except through l.lack's
set speech. They tried to tie human,
and enliven the session by an adjourn
ment at a time when it was thought
proper, but the machine choked them
011 111 a miiiuie ny the watch. Their
enthusiasm for the ticket may be liken
. 1 , ,.. . , . . . .
ei 10 amumig mat, caniun ne seen,
heard or tell,
Those participants of this conven
tion who went there possessed of the
notion that some sane tariiT revision
might be good for the drain! Old
Pachyderm are not much enthused
either. Some of them aresulkiiigovet
the smiting received by the Iowa idea
and others arc tilled with a sort ol dis
tress that means a tlshing trip next
Novemlier aUnit election time. Fpto
the last minute several of these revls
lonist leaders were deluded with the
hope that some sort of a sop would be
held out to them, but the Inside set of
Users were only playing with tlie men
wlt'i wei I. fi'ii:t.' t':';t i i i ".( l:t r-
Tl.ell toi la !' .1 oil. 1 1.1 . One might
have gliess, ii that aft, I ' :ui t f t he Hook
er Wiisliii.gtoii gossip of t he 1 list year
the m gii is W"i
w it i, :i, col, ;
1 iiei, but 1. 11 o:.,
v.. old! I hi
i w .1 :i stale-alien
I 1.1 s with the I.i
i hgi.te !itawi. an. I
t l.' e lii ! I , is c lli i,
imagined that tiny
U a, hug lin'.i'ls. drink
brush in lob
t that the convent ion
; had 1 1 I
r in l.ii t ii ami ii.d i idual 1111
A i.ivii. (Cumin. 1 sol Mary
land I si c mini the in in: ina! loo oi
Ki H ISO veil .
The outlook right now is not very
bright for the elect i"ii ot the Chicago
ticket, and witli the proper wisdom
displayed at the St. Louis convent inn
next week, candidates w ill he placed
before the people that will snow under
Teddy and his tail-end icicle s" deep
that he won't know whether he is in
the White House or situated upon the
loftiest peak of the Kocky Mountains.
Tiik lolitical carpenters at Chicago
last week displayed their mechanical
genius in the construction of the re
publican platform. It is a boastiiiL'af
fair, well enough written, but do the
republicans hope to further deceive
the people? Look at this:
Our administration of the great de
partiiientsof government has been hon
est andetlicioiit, and wherever wrong
doing has been discovered the republi
can administration has not hesitated
to probe the evil and bring offenders to
justice without regard to party or po
litical ties.
Shades of Perry S. Heath and the
postoilice department!
Somk things these daysofi remind us
Honest men don't stand a chance,
The more we work there grow behind
liigger patches on our pants.
( n our pants once new and glossy,
Now are stripes of dillerent hue,
All because t to trusts rob us
And will not give us what, Is due.
Wattkkson' announces his inten
tion of going to Europe immediately
after the election. There are people
who would contribute money enough
to enable him to go at once.
Union Block Plattsmouth. Neb.
Fine Watch and Clock Repairing a
Specialty. A complete line Watches,
.lewelry and Silverware.
Lxtra Fine Light-Day Clock CO TC
Guaranteed yLi I J
Parker Alarm Clocks, Cuar-
b Dorrw'c Pocfnnrnnf O
Short Order IJouse SI
UTTERBACX, Proprietor, jj
S North Sid Main Street S
FOLEYS honeytar
for children; tuft, ivrti Mo op la ft
f$ Easv lo U'e ar.J easv lo arl 13 Ci
that famous lit! rill CcWitt's
Little Karly R:.;ors. This Is due to
the fact tht lh-y tcn.c ths liver in-sti'-id
of ruriT::'.' Tliey tie vrr :nje
iv r sii-kt'.n, not f vn te r',c.-.l .irli.-ats
U iy, aud yd they nr? so n rta.n in
results Ihitt no cr.e whj csns them is Mr.trd. Thev curs t, r;ld iiw r,
crti'irahor., bilieutusss. jaur.dlee,
hea.iajhe. maUna and ward o!f pnsu-
mo:, a and fevers.
rKSfAKej CNLV uv
Don't Fcrgct ths Nane.
For Sale by F. G. FRICKE CO.
Menls Served nt Regular
Meal Hours.
h Fresh Oysters h
S Fish or anything in Market. S
o o
T79 m 71 rz
fiTkB MR i
t.V ' - .-v,'V ,'VN v
ft :
' K ( .-. 'Vv
f to
lumrishiti corn. It has the flavor that is so highly tetuler,
ciiiti'il hy those who know wliiit ood meet is. It is lastin"',
juicy and delicious. Choice cuts for broiling or roasting
( )ur iifict s invito purchases. Also benr in miud that our
is up-to-date and that, the quality of our goods cannot be
surpassed nor our prices cannot be beat. We divide our
profits with our customers, because we give them the best
goods for the same money that you have to pay for poorer
quality. Don't be backward, but give us a trial.
Lorenz Brothers
North of Post Office Plattsmouth. Nch.
How is Your Roof?
If You Need a New One.
Remember, that we are fully prepared to
place a new tin roof on your house, new
spouting, or repair the old ones.
We Make a Specialty
And are Prepared to Give You Close Figures
on This Kind of Work.
John Bauer
No. 506 Main Street
h For a Spring Tonic o
Try a case of the
One of the Purest Beers on the Market
Call on Ed Donat at the Peerless Sa- '
loon, or telephone 112 and Ed will do
the rest. All we ask is a trial for this
popular brand and you will buy no
Try a Case To-Day.
ED. DONAT, Proprietor.
That Has
That is the kind we have,
Not only now but all tinu's.
Beef that has heen pro
ilueeil from rich. vi?it
country irrass nml rino
1 1
Now is the Best Time
of Roofing and Spouting
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Favorite .John C.und
"The Early Bird
Catches the Worm,,
This is nu old saying, but a very wise
otio in many respects, and serves to remind
those wlio are on the lookout for
Spring Suits
For Men and lioys
That William Holly is pr- pared to "till the
liilP in this line to a dot. and invites all to
come and inspect his new arrivals and p-t
prices. Pit and quality miarantoed, and
prices to suit the times. Also, n fine lino
'f Mon's and lioys' Shoes of all grades.
Hats and Caps, Gents Furnishing Goods, Etc.
Ki'memh. r the place,
William Holly
East Room Waterman Block
Corner Fourth and Main Streets