The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 30, 1904, Image 2

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;. Il-r," I! f oi,Mr
I., .. ! t'l .'s ! in tin- I'l', r
I 'i M i's' l-tst. rilv.'rta!,
1' M .nit i .s. i V 1 1 .1 :n'"'int
m . I i-,iir .:' i.l.l.n
I ', ;, I !' i n'l !' ;lt vi,' :;! !i
Hilll, : :.,, ,,;;, 1 ' ;i . ,;
.!u !. I'll'li .1. v.-i, ,, tel,e, t In f i
lii'i .1 1 i I .1 .uiiii' Y i!iili,;nu uii'l,iv
.1 i. I . ' ''l.t"l,.lll U .Is Ill ! .1 in'nlll Tiles
l.l I'll i ilsiliess I I tin' M le'lle
I'll.. i "ill. I 'mm i.i'il,, T": in ,ir Mui i;i
l' 1 I'lattsllli'lll.'i UsiI'T Mtlllll IV.
II ii Wiiimiii I 'i lies ! 'rii if r w.imimm
fitiiu K.inwi'iul S;il u:il;u 'ii 1'iisi I'css.
Take a d;iv nil' livm yinir tarm wnrk
ainl i" to I'l :it t vi.'Mit h i if x t M"ii-
I 'liwi KiliniimN ainl vii Usitcil
w It Ii It In ( 'oiuiiiUis, Ni'h , tliK
l eii
Mi.v I'.. S. r.arstnw was down Irmn
Lli.colii visitum a ti -w ilas llit- cast
Tin lauiily !' I 'i anli I lewet t , w Im
liaw Im cii rcsiilin' a! ( KitoIu, Iowa.
Iiai' i it u i r 1 1 1 1 I" I'lallMin'iitli.
Ilrv .lack Mi i. piislni uf thi' M. F.
i liiiu'li al Mm i' i.v. passed tlimuuli
t ills cil v Monday, i t ; 1 1 n 1 1 ' fur I i -1 liany,
Mi iit'i'1 riiilc F.isslieiiiler was the
guest of M iss 1,'i'iia Stuwrll in Nrlii uska
City last wi'i'li I 1 1 im: tlie si reel car
nival Mr anil Mis U . I I'l. Kelt returned
Smnlav finiu their Mt tn F.van.svllle,
1 in. i. ami tlie M l.niiis exposition
M i ii ii la .
Clias A llnivk ainl family ot Ued
laml, California, came In Saturday
evening to pay a visit, t.n his Fuele,
lleii' y Ituecli ami jfe.
Mi .. McYleker was called to Mal
vern, lnwa, Thursday evening to at
tend the funeral of her cousin, Walter
Holes, whose death iicctired Wedius-
II. Spunkier, one of (ass enmity's
most Indust riiuis farmers, was In Sat
urday to renew for another year. Mr.
Spunkier report s corn prospects exceed
Imily liriglit.
'l'heti Starksuliit, one of our enter
prising fanners, called ."Saturday and
had aunt her credit mark placed oppo
site his name on the .lournal's sub
script imi list.
.lohn lump, one of the Journal read
ers at Louisville, was in t he city Satur
day, and of course bring a good demo
crat and a uivat friend of this paper,
called for a short time.
When ordering youi Fourth of July
beverages, he sure to Include a good
supply of (itind's celebrated l'eerless
lieer. Order from your liK'al dealer,
or John (!und Itrewing Co., LaCrassc,
J. I. Sanders depaited for t'Notl.
Nch , yesterday, where lie expects to
enter hiiiacres in the district mention
ed In the Kinkadc bill. There seems
to he quite a rush In that section, and
the liest lands will he grabbed up In a
J I tTy
('has. Murphy, ot near Mauley, was
in I he city Sat unlay, ami while heie
called at the Journal headquarters to
renew for another year. Mr. Murphy
also had his name transferred from the
M.mley list to that of Weeping Water.
, from which point he gets the advan
tages of li. F. I). No. .i.
Mis. Ceoigc May departed yester
day for Klmood, Neb., in response to a
tclegiam informing her of the serious
Illness of her mother. She was ac
companied by her neice, Fva May. who
will remain with her parents in Ne
braska -Central City (S. I.) liegis
ter Win. Stadlcman of liirmiughaiii,
Ala., arrived in l'lattsmouth Tuesday
evening', and has since been greeting
old friends. Mr. Stadleman was for
many ; ears a resident of thiscity, and
is well known as "hilly" Stadleman.
lie was a resident here from lu;i to
ls:s. He Is now enu'dl in the hotel
business at ltirniinham.
IM C. Cuthman and wife of Ciiand
Island, Neb., arrived in l'lattsmouth
Monday evening for a short visit with
11. 11. Cioosand family. The bride was
formerly Miss Stella K. MclMnald of
(irand Island, at which point the
yroom is In the employ of the I'nloti
Tacilic railroail. The marriage occur
red on Wednesday. June 'J:', IihM. in the
cltv mentioned.
"1 have been troubled for sometime
with indigestion and sour stomach,"
says Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis of I,ee,
M.iss , "and have been taking Cham
lH'rlain's .stomach and l.lvcr Tablets,
which have helped me very much, so
that now I can cat many things that
before I omld not." If you have any
trouble with your stomach why not
take these tablets
Fred tiorder came over from Weep
in' Water Tuesday, accompanied hy
Misses Mlnnb' llairr and l.tna Iom
hiK'o, who desired to attend the Insti
tute a few days. Mr. ('.order -ave the
Journal n pleasant call Friday, renew
ink his own .subscription for another
year, and also that of J. 1. Corley.
Mr. Corder Is one of those excellent
gentleman that it isalwaisa pleasure
to meet.
Ti e ! et s i,,.i water i:' the wi.rM at
:is. ('. II I'an.e.e Iris
i 1,' i v i;t I h,
I':. F'r:i:ik l
I ' tl.! I, r'l
O'! ce w,::, 1 1. !;. 1. C..;ii!Kii.v
M Ai.n.i In is'-i went t"out!i a.-
a) i Ii. 's,! n f i - a i, t with Itiends.
'1 hat leal, vi, mi II,. t.isli'lui ieecii'iri!
si.'a s 1 1 : "e at t h i iii; Co.'.,.
Will i.nlhihaii ai.d wife of Walnut.
! la., a:e mi :iif i, rit tws in dat t-
I lllolith
I ('es turther. I,s In !ti i
longer. Falt'ii's Sun i'.-
and last
of !'a;if.
I tierin Co. agents.
Alter a luief vKit with relatives in
I'iattsmout!;, Mrs. K. K. l'ok-ertv re
I ui ued to !,er home in Havel, ,ck Mon
(lav Sunday s I mist rated Itee will con
tain illustrations ot the F.iks Indue
rooms in l'lattsmouth, with a brief
write-up ot thesociety.
Mrs. A. K. Oliver, who has been vis
It In- the family of Fred lUme for
some tune, returned to her home in
lbck Springs, Wyo., Mon'lay.
Mr. William T. Fox and Miss Amies
M. Iloyal, lioth (,f Omaha, were milled
In the holy bonds or wedlock in this
city Saturday cvenii;r, June Jude
Travis otllelatinif.
Adam MeUiner, one of u,e .Ijui
ntil's stanch friends who receives the
paper at the Cedar Creek postollice,
called Sat unlay anil renewed his alle
giance for another year,
into each life some ruins must fall.
Wise people don't sit down and bawl:
1 1 1 y fools suicide or take to llix'ht.
Smart people take l'ocky Mountain
Tea at niK'ht.-r.ei hitf ,: Co.
Our wood (ierinan friend, I'clcr Spa
der, dropped in Saturday, and while
the time hir which he had paid lor the
Journal ha I not yet expired, he re
newed lor another year, jusi the same.
John Seheel llvlm: miles north of
M unlock, was here Saturday attend
ing a meet in of the directors of the
Cass County Insurance company, and
paid his respects to the Journal otllce.
Shelby (Neb ) Sun: Miss FdithCray
of l'lattsmouth Is visit in- the family
(d K I'etteysthis week.... Miss Herlha
Carmack of l'lattsmouth Is visiting
James I.oekard and family for a few
Now Is the time to takq a spring
tonic to purify the blood, cleanse the
liver and kidneys of all Impurities
llolllster's Kocky Mountain Tea will
do the business. X cents. Tea or
tablets. Cerium ."t Co.
Stops more pain, relieves more sutTer
liii;, prevents more heart aches and
diseases than any other remedy. That
Is what llolllster's llocky Mountain
Tea w ill do. ;i." cents In tea or tablet
form, tierinc iV Co.
J C. MeisliiK'er, of Cedar Creek, was
n caller Saturday for the purpose of re
newing his subscription to the Jour
nal, lie is one of those patrons who
always pays In advance, and knows to
a dot when his time expires.
Ceoiye Slander dropped in Monday
morning to renew his mother's suit
script Ion at Louisville. Ho spent Sun
day with her and says she is In a very
fair way to recovejy unless somethin
of a more serious nature should attack
her. She had been t bleated with
pneumonia, but that has passed away.
The Nebraska City News says that
since the departure of the carnival
company, which was there all last
week, some people have In-naii to kick.
That's always the way. We had 'em
here, and some few kicked out or the
traces so rar that they wouldn't even
pay what they subscribed to the com
pany. l!ed lemonade will How, bushels of
peanuts will be eaten, Ice-cream will
be sold at lOcentsadisli, w ith "spoons"
for two, patriotic airs will be sent
forth from the town band, the Star
Spannled banner in triumph w ill wave,
and a -ood time generally Is guaran
teed to all who come to l'lattsmouth
next Monday, the glorious 4th.
W. Paul FitGerald of Lincoln and
Arthur J. Stratton of Wahoo, mem
bers of the SiK Chi fraternity, were in
the city Sunday to attend the funeral
of their fraternity brother, James 1'.
Windham, guile a number of his fra
ternity brothers intended to come, but
could not et here on account of the
noon train over the rurllnton not
running on Sunday.
The Journal is pleased to learn that
Mrs. Slander, who fell from astep-lad-dern
short time since at her home In
Louisville, and fractured one of her
lower limbs, and who had the same
amputated, is netlliik' alonj: remarka
bly well, and her ultimate recovery is
now expected. The amputation of the
limb at her ae, was quite an ordeal
for Mrs. Slander to pass through.
15. M. lunan and wife arrived in
thiscity Tuesday momim; fofa short
visit with friends. Mr. Imuran
came In from Hamilton, Montana,
where he has Ihtii located since leav
ing this city, lie was pastor of the
Christian church here for three years,
and iscnroute for his old home In Can
ton, Mo., for which point Mr. and Mrs.
Iniiik'an will leave tomorrow. The
Kev. gentleman nave the Journal a
pleasant call Tuesday, and wetind him
to be a most pleasant ucntleman.
Ma;!. all.
! li V L-ilJuc. ..; Ciii.
' io.iv
! '.m' the Wi;rl It:
tii.t II :!" ciais
l. l.ii Ti!.e of Ma,,,,
m w.i l.eie on
was a e Cl.t
i at I .!!"i Tii"i..;y
C. ! Ma!ielij.'s pi.-.! ii. as
t"f. was !.e:e Tuesda).
II. Tavior of Chi,..; was a I'latts-
tl, vi,,!or Mi ii. lay.
A. Ihehey. was (ii wn In-m
( '
iile o;i huiiiess l-'i i'ia .
I. C. I'eteis,iii was InCoi.i.cil I'.lutls.
I'.wa, Friday on business
Miss Lthel Clark, of Lincoln is the
'u. st of Miss Helen Travis.
Crushed fruit of all kinds with ice
cream soda, only .V at Cerln- Co.'s.
Ir. W. A. Alton, of KI in wood, was
the viicst of County Clerk Tyson Fri
day. l'reachinv at Kenosha church Sun
day, July lo, at :i o'clock. Vou are
welcome. S. W. Jac.kscn.
Not how cheap but how vood. l'at
toon's Sun Proof I'alnt. Sold only by
Cierinv Co.
W II. Pool, the live real estate man
of Weepinv Water, wa over on busi
ness Monday.
If you are a judve of a vood smoke,
try the "Acorns" ." cent clvar and you
will smoke no other.
I. .1. Pittinan. one of Cass county's
noblemen, of Murray, was a l'latts
mouth visitor Tuesday.
It costs a little more but Is by far
thebesi. Patton'sSun Proof Paint,
lierlntf Co., sole avoids.
Coorve Pearson and family are now
occuplnv the Lovlnvs property in the
northwest part of the city.
liev. W. F. l; rad ley departed yester
day for York, Neb., to attend the dedi
cation of a Catholic church.
(barley Patterson came in from
Arapahoe, Neb., to attend the funeral
of his nephew, Jamie Windham.
, W. C. Hamilton returned from Wy
more Saturday, where he had I wen
visit Inv relatives for several days.
The Misses Alice and IJuth Iavis,
daughters of Mrs. S. A. Davis of Lin
coln are in the city visitinv friends.
Miss Ida Weidman was the jruest of
friends in Nebraska City durinv the
street carnival in that city last week.
Mrs. F. W. Lehnhotf went to New
ton, Iowa, Saturday morninv to visit
for some time al least unt il alter the
Misses lllanche, Alice and Gladys
Sullivan relumed from their visit to
their aunt in Wichita, Kansas, yester
day. John Thompson and family departed
Tuesday for Vnshinvton, with the in
tention of makinv that state their fu
ture home.
Everybody is conilnv to l'lattsmouth
on the Fourth and this is the reason
wo anticipate the largest crowd ever
In the city.
Mr. Harry J. Guthrie and Miss
Teresa II. Montgomery, both of Green
wood, were united in Marriage in Lin
coln Tuesday, June 1'.m4.
Miss Pearl Wilkinson of Weepinv
Water, who was here attending the
institute, remained over Sunday as
the guest of Miss Helen Travis.
W. II. I loll and wife of Eight Mile
Grove were In the city Saturday, and
while here Mr. Ileil dropped In to see
how the'Journal was getting along.
Farmers, go to Dawson county, Neb.
Cheap lauds. Make more money. Free
alfa'fa pamphlet. Write .1. M. McColl,
Lexington, Neb., or the Putnan Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
Our old friend Conrad Schlater, was
dow n to the court house a few moments
Saturday, and those who saw him say
that he is looking better than ho has
been for some time.
Guy Applegato, a young man living
near I'nion, was brought here yester
day and lodged in jail on a charge of
daylight burglary. Ho w 111 have a pre
limary examination this afternoon.
Mrs. Louis Ernest, Evansvllle, I ml.
"llolllster's Ilocky Mountain Tea Is
splendid. Makes sick people well.
Cured me after others failed." Tea or
tablet form. r cents. Goring & Co.
J.G.Mel lugh, foimersuperintendent
of the l'lattsmouth schools, will arrive
in the city today from Wlnnipeg.Mani
toba, and will be the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. E. Povoy during his visit in
Constipation causes two-thirds of all
sickness in the world. Why surfer
when llollister's Kocky Mountain Tea
will make you well and keep you well?
:"i cents. Tea or tablet form. Goring
lki you need more blood, and more
tlesh, do you need more strength this
springy llollister's Kocky Mountain
Tea will bring them all. If it fails
your money kick. it.", cents. Tea or
tablet form. Goring Co.
J. P. Falter Is local agent for the Old
Koliable Equitable Insurance company
of New York. If you desire Insurance
and will simply examine Into the good
qualities and merits of the Equitable,
you will vrasp at the opportunity to
place your Insurance with this com
pany. Prompt In paying losses is one
of their principal features.
Big Summer Sale of
jp. These goods are placed on our trout ta-
S- Lies at greatly reduced prices from ".' a yd.
Shoes and Slippers
4 Ever.ythinv in Shoes from Pabies' No 'J
Slipper to Men's No. 12 Shoo. We sell
the best made.
Forest Mills Hosiery and Underwear
"Defender" Muslin Underwear
Gae Down Corsets
The "Elite" Under Skirts
Hissell's Gold Medal Carpet Sweeper
srE. G.
"Sam" Hoffman Dead.
The sad news of the death of her son,
Charles S. was received by Mrs.
Amelia Hoffman on Saturday last.
His death, It soemsoccurredon the uth
day of May, at Relief hospital in San
Francisco, California. All the partic
ulars surrounding the case were con
tained in a newspaper clipping, which
was enclosed In a letter to Mrs. Hoff
man, in reply to a letter of inquiry
about her son. The item stated that
every effort had been made to locate
his relatives at the time of his heath.
"Sam", by which appellation he was
generally known here, was a printer by
trade, and well known In this city.
He was a member of the Typographi
cal I'nion and of late years had travel
ed considerably over the country. lie
was a member of the order of the A.
O. V. W., and held a policy Tor 2,0m)
made payable to his mother. Every
one deeply sympathises with the be
reaved mother.
Sends Greeting to His Friends.
James Stander wasdown from Louis
ville yesterday and called to shake
hands with the Journal force. We are
pleased to see M r. Stander looking well,
also to learn that lie was delighted
with his tfip through the old countries.
While absent he visited the Monastery
at Birmingham, England, where he
had the pleasure of visiting Father
Neugent, who is well known in Cass
county, where he spent several years.
Mr. Stander received a most cordial
greeting from Father Neugent, who
made diligent inquiry aUiutallhis old
friends in Cass county And partic
ularly was his inquiry regarding his
steadfast friend, Conrad Schlater. lie
conveyed, through Mr. Stander, his
kindest regards to all his friends In
the vicinity of Collegellill, In particu
lar. Startling Evidence.
Fresh testimony in great quantity
Is constantly coming in, declaring Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
sumptlon Coughs and Colds to be une
qualled. A recent expression from T.
J. McFarland, Hentonville, Va., serves
as example. He writes: "Iliad bron
chitis for three years and doctored all
the time without lielng benefitted.
Then I began taking Dr. King's New
Discovery, and a few bottles wholly
cured me." Equally effective In cur
ing all lung and throat troubles, con
sumption, pneumonia and grip. Guar
anteed by F. G. Frlcke & Co., drug
gists. Trial bottles free, regular sizes
."oc. and Jl.oo.
Thrown Frorn a Wagon.
Mr. George K. lialK'ock was thrown
from his wagon and severely bruised.
Ho applied Chamberlain's Pain Halm
freely and says It is the !ost liniment
he over used. Mr. lialx'ook Is a well
known citizen of North Plain, Conn.
There Is nothing equal to Pain Halm
for sprains and bruises. It will c fleet
a cure in one-third the time required
by any other treatment. For sale bv
all druggists.
Stroking in a Pounder Magazine.
Is courting death more suddenly but
not more surely than neglecting kid
ney disorders. Foley's Kidney Cure
w ill cure a slight disorder In a few days
and Its continued use will cure the
most obstinate cases. It has cured
many people of Plight's disease and
diabetes who were thought to 1k Incur
able. If you have kidney or bladder
trouble, commence taking Foley's Kid
ney Cure today, before It Is too late.
For sale by F. G. Frlcke A Co.
AH mads Ivad to Platlsmouth
means !i:r crowds at Dovc v's
Death of An Old Citizen.
The remains of G. W. Adams, for
many years a resident of Cass county,
arrived in the city this morning, from
Traer, Kansas. From here they were
conveyed to the ottoben church, from
which the funeral occurred, the servic
es being conducted by P.ev. Serface.
The deceasad had resided in Cass coun
ty, near Murray, a great number ot
years before going to Kansas, four
years ago, and many of his former
neighbors and friendsattended the last
sad rites. Interment was made in the
old Mt. Pleasant cemetery.
The remains were accompanied by
Mrs. Adams, her daughter and other
relatives. The widow and threochild
ren survive him.
Asthrrja Sufferers Should Know This.
Foley's Honey and Tar has cured
many cases of asthma that were con
sidered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Hues
ing, TOl West Third street, Davenport,
la., writes: "A severe cold contracted
twelve years ago was neglected until
it finally grew into asthma. The best
medical skill available could not give
me more than temporary relief. Foley's
Honey and Tar was recommended and
one fifty cent bottle entirely cured me
of asthma, w hich had been growing on
me for twelve years, and if I had taken
it at the start I would have been saved
years of suffering.'' For sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Worst of All Experiences.
Can anything lie worse than to feel
that every minute may be your last?
Such was the experience of Mrs. S. H.
Newson, Decatur, Ala. ''For three
years," she writes, "I endured Insuf
ferable pain from indigestion, stomach
and bowel trouble. Death seemed in
evitable when doctorsand all remedies
failed. At length I was induced to try
Electric Hitters and the result was
miraculous. I improved at once and
now I'm completely recovered," For
liver, kidney, stomach and bowel
troubles Electric Hitters is the only
medicine. Only :.0c. It's guaranteed
by F. G. Frlcke iS: Co.. druggists.
Worthily Bestowed!
The class of 'ui of the l'lattsmouth
High school have presented to Miss
Ethel Dovey as a highly appreciated
token of the esteem In which she Is
held by the memlicrs thereof, a "loving
cup," beautifully designed and with
her name handsomely engraved there
on, This was a manifestation of their
appreciation of her masterly efforts In
preparing and presenting "The Silver
Shield," which was so magnificently
rendered at the close of the school, ft
Isa valuable token, andoncwhieh Miss
Dovey can look upon withconsiderablo
pride in future years.
Dr Marshall. Dentist, Coats' Klock.
Feel Impending Doom.
The feeling of impending doom in
the minds of many victims of llrinht's
disease and diabetes has been chanced
to thankfulness hv the benefit derived
from taking Foley's Kidnev Cure. It
will cure incipient Hrkht and
diabetes, and even in the worst cases
gives comfort and relief. Sliht dis
orders are cured in a few (lavs, "l ,a,
diabetes In Its woist form." writes
Marlon Leo of Dunrealh, lud. "I tried
eight physicians without relief. I nlv
three Initios of Foley's Kidney Cure
mum- me a wen man. i or sale bv F
G. Frlcke ,V Co.
top th coutfh and hatUluatf
1 ,
. -mi
& SON3
We like best to call
a food because it stands so em
phatically for perfect nutrition. A
d And yet in the matter of restor- A
$ ing appetite, of giving new ?
if strength to the tissues, especially 4
r to the nerves, its action is that t
t nf n rrwr!ir,n
S'finrl fnr fr amnl
sroTT mm-vi i k'.;.,.
4o4ij furl Street, New York.
Joe. and i oo; all druggist!.
This Space Will Be
Occupied by
Commission House
Branch Office
223 Coates Block
PUtts 'Phone 241
I'liitlsiiKiuth : Ni'lT.'iskn.
Probate, Commercial Law, Real
Estate Litigation
and foreclosure of mortgages a specialty
iSiieorssor to lr. .1. M. (ireeiie.)
COATS BLOCK. Plattsmouth 'Phone 18.
S2.2S and $2.50
If You Want Tons We Have
Them ot $2.00 Up.
in smooth, fine Don
krla. Military lied,
Hltiehir Cut." a well
gYcssit's choiiv, for
. JK!S