COUNTY OFFICIALS Cl.-rlt l t ( ..'.sr. . ..l.v M llarx. lit r - ii !'. Tr iv !, . I. Tw-n County .l"'I-f ("oii'ity Ol. r Trcasur. r . . - M. n:t Attorney Sup" rliit.iid. nt of I Survrvnt . !i. h .1. In . ii..- I Mol.r .1. i.. i;. - .1. (' . ttorll' II I). I 1 U.l . i Tun r.i- I. .. . It. 11.11:1111'. 1 11 l U-V.ol' I I 'Hots CITY OFFICIALS. aver . Il. ll! H ..T:f II. M. -. nrl -li- l: .. K. W. C , in. nl .. .11. I Tines .. William W.-I.r . . .los. I it.-.. l;. 1. 1 Ch-rU Tn usure r Attorney. . . Police .lull.'.- Marshal MKMHKIIS K l'lrst WiikI .. ..K.I l it.' H M il.. :iul. I'. . Second Wur.l Tliirtl Wur.l. fourth Wur.l I'lftli Wur.l . I'r.iiiU Ituti. ry. W. C. TIi-ii .1. II. Il.-r.ii.l. I'. II. sti.'iiikcr Win. liHlliiii.v. I' A N.-niiiiin . . .1. M. Yonuraii. m. Slat.-r Time Table PUttsmouth, Srb. Lincoln Omaha, Chicago, St. Joe, Kunsus City, St. Louis ami all points Mast and South. leiiver, Helena, liutte, Portland Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and all points West. Trains Leave as Pollows: No. is I'u.-iii.' .Iiiii.-i inn .1" ;n.. S'o. i l.n.-ui eprr!s. In I.iwii p. .11 1 1 . f'hlnii;. . ami tin- e:ist '. I T pin N'u. 14 - l"u-.t pi.-.-.-. .I:ii!y. Ir.iin Lin coln t.' St. .li'M-pli. UipiMisl'i'y.Si. l.uiiN. Chlriiu'". mill ;.l! ;i. inlM-:il ami S'.ir. Ii -. .'7 pin No. I'- - 1'i.r I'm-: lie .Inn. 'lion . .. l .'.'JTpn. No. Ill Lncal In l,acli;.'.liin.-t!..ii '.e.V: inn No. '.V.'- I'r .1. i On, aha I K. in. No. :W l-'-.'l-'!il. daily .wci-pi Siinday. In I'a.'ili.' .Inn. 'I I. 'ii ' '' I'!'. No. - TliM-.n-di vest1. 1 mil-. I express for all poinls east No. Al - l-'roin l iinalia No. I!' - Local I '.pr.s,. daily. ii;i:.ia. Lincoln. 1.-II. r anil inlei iiicdi lic Ktullons. No. i7- Local express to ( iiuiiha. via l-'t. Crook and Soul h ( itniilia. dally except Sunday No. 7- I 'ast mull, daily, to i iii al, a and Lincoln i :: am 1 :H am :l am .'.i.;m am pin No. :W Local expr.-ss. I .ouisvllle. Ash land. Walioo. S.-lmyii r. dally ex cept Sunday pin No. IH Llncoiii. i.ranil Island, lilack Mills. Montana ami Pacific i.ortli- . .! I":: No. :"i Local fr.-.'ht. to (Ydar Creek. Louisville and -outli Hen. I. daily except Sunday No II' I r. on St. I ..'ii . and SI. Joe and .Nebraska City 1 ': Oally excepi s -unlay Sleenlic. dlnilr.' and recllnlni: .'Pair pm am rs (seals on ihroiiuli trains, and lniL'i;ai;.' cln-ckeil to any Tickets sold point In Hie I'lllted Stales nr I for Informiitlon. tlrne til.les. maps :ind tickets call on or rlte to V. I.. I'lckett. local airent. I'laits-noiit Ii. N !.. or ,1. I'rancls. gen eral piissi-ncer ic.'ent. oinnlia. N -Ii. Missouri Pacific Time Tabic I'U.MNS (i.ilN.. Nul!T!l. No, No, No, Ni. ala pill I ptll p'll :: I, I'leu'lll I HAP .0 1M. iH'I'll. No N... N.i. No. I I 111 I, 111 II, 1 am .! Wei id s I air I I Vi -I- fr.-l-'bi . . : i- II A 1.1. . . .I'LN'l 1 All klmUof I'.'iital work. I'!al. s Hi. L'ii years e pi r,eiu e. I'riet s r Vorki.'iiaranteed. ci-'i- it i: i-iT.o i-.h l.i. in..' Tl l.i:i-li"NK No. Hon IT .adethat asoiianic. JOHN M. LEY DA, ATTORNE YATLAW. ABSTRACTER OF LAND TITLES. I'r.'iiarliui ahstracts of title, t'oliveyiinclnu' mid exaiiiliilu.' Ilt'es to real estute ll suecl'il ty. Work pmuerly .lone and c lutrires r.asnn ulil.'. I Ullct':-K.H.IHS ii iiinl ". .lolui ti un.J ItnllilliiL'. Dfttr Court, House, riiittsimiutli. Ni'iiiaskii. W. B. ELSTER. DENTIST. 01 f ICE: Waterman Hlock Plattsmoutb, Nebraska lulls. Phone l I Ull.' i lies . . hi. ... ! Ill DR. J. 0. B..UC12 Osteopathic Physician Chronic bis. m 5 a specialty s p ,. i i ,, 1 1 l p ii,n , pi, ,t '. IIOliS II 'MS- Dr. Ehtcr, Dentist, Waterman Block. V Abstracts c Title V "p?oma5 Uallif. til ITrK-AtiliPUM'r-K'.'sl. Illi" k. SQUAIUJOX IX ACTION NAVAL BATTLE BELIEVED TO IN PROGRESS. Japs Attempt to Dislodrje Russians From Their Positions at VatanjOw, but Fail Battle Believed Been Heavy Affair. to Have 1 Toklo. June 15 -The Vladivostok rq'in.ii ii is retried in (t o Korean stra.ts. firing t;as hoard on Tsune-Shlma. a. small Island lying olt the southwest of Monshiu t.dan.l. It Is possihL' an engagement is progress ing. London, .limn L' The Centra! News has received a dispatch from lis Llao Yang correspondent saying that heavy firing botwen the Kalian and Japanese viinpviards comuieiu ed at 1:4'i p. in. The lighting extended along the entire front, assuming the (linicnsltr.s of a general engagement. The correspondent says tliat no di tails are available. Armies Try to Gain St. Peter.slnirj;, June eral staff reiimined In alino;t ; o'elock this Advantage. U". The t;. n sessh a mull nuiiuiiii; and Kiivc nut l.ieutinant ('ciii'ial Paron tal-.f!ierj:'s im-s.sagc aiiiiouni in the tiht at VafaiiKow. This unusually late hour iiulici.t. s tha, the anihnr ltii s altar!; i-onsnK-iahlo ir.i" : tar.i-e to the nie.ssai.,e. U is l'lMi-vi.l that the Y:il'ani''.w affair neiv tr. e t.i have hi en nuiie a hcay 11. t. Th.'' fact that the Russians hold l. nil' po sition in the fact' of heavy lo.,ses also fupptrts this theery, nt:.l it is lie lieveil it may turn out to he a scvie check tu the n..nhi-ni a-.l-vance. The uioveineiit of H.oou Ja)ia r.ese north of Kuan l'i.'in sJnii only adds to the blindness of IV s:!u:;!ion in the iioi-tliwestet n Ih-ld of enerat a. lis H Is iiriiuestionahle tiro the Cossncl's havp hcen woi i vim' t!1.' Japnn. so north of 1" iir Wain; On ii;r and the movement may he merely im e'.'fort to clear the country. t the same time this mnveiin nt holiis the posihilit y of n di'motr-'ratl.-i-.i inuinsi Mukden. l-'ollowinp is toleiriain from 0. :n ral Stal.ellieri;: "A hafl" hei;an nt noon around the Kussi-u. p. -situ. a four ma! a halt miles south cf tl: sta tion of Vafanyow, the ineiny niahin.: repealed atuiiip's to ilishn'i;e our le't flank. The attack was n I" and : ve retained our positioa. The first r'-pimei.t. oi- upying the l-f ;. think of nur position, ustainoil severe losses. Its commander, Colonel Khavasloun off, and Adjutant. i?',ib-U''Utenai-.i ty.-z-r.staff N'odochlnsky ware killed. C.'i. eral ('.. rnpross was wounded, a shrap nel bullet shattering the ritrht side of his lowo; Jaw, fait hr remained ou thr fipld." War Correspondent Missing. Washington, Juno 14. Tt-loprams have been received at the state de partment from Senators. Fairbanks and lU'veridge asking the department to txert Itself to find some trace of a missing war oxirresiMindent, Hector Fuller of the Indianapolis News, sup post d to have been raptured either by the Russians or Japanese. Fuller left Clio Foo last week in an attempt to reach Tort Arthur. He was last sen on Friday, June 1'k at the Miaanta islands and his friends tear for his safety. The statu department is asked to request the Russian embassy and the Japanese li gation hen to cause their governments tn niakn search lor the man. Russians Fall Into Ambush. New Chwang. June 14 Information was received hole through heretofore reliable chaiiiiels that part of the Jap anese fonts left ut I'u l,an Tien t.i checkmate tho Russians' southward movement to relieve Port Arthur was attacked southeast of ShunK'imao After slight fighting the Japanese made a false retreat, th" Russians hotly following them, when th" Japa nese made u liank move and caught the I! lssiuns in a trap. The Russians lossen are plai ed at San men. They th. n fell back on Kai Chou and br.izan tj retreat nlotisr the Kalmaicu road. RLSsian Losses in the War. t. lvtershurtr. June 11. The fol lowing otlicial stateinint of Russian losses in the war has been made: Navy, 44 ol'.icers and I'lhJ nu.-n killed; 13 tifllrers nnd -2n men wounded. Army, UU ofVicers and 'aso men killed: 103 ofllcers and 2,'Mi nu n wounded. Taken prisoners. L'o otlleers and t;!)(l cion. Rumor Sinks Six Ships. St. Petersburg, June 13. Rumors are circulating here that n gn at naval battle has taken place off Port Arthur, in which two Russian nnd four Japa nero la't'.cshlps worn sunk. No con firmr.tion of tho rumor tan bp ob tain. ,1. Mine Explosion Kills Nineteen Japs. Toki-i. Jure 1'.. While th." Taihoku was .IM.K. ! in hiyiinr minis a', the r i.M-.iaoe to Port Arthur a raitt" ex plode 1. KS'l'iu one o'.'.b . r a". 1 ek'l.N fen tivi nt- I wvnn '.nn w . o,!h --rs r.r.d - v, , v; ' Pcli .(T'.-n t3 Step Uftting. ,. .t ;,,. 1", A. '-ls-aii' Chief s ,,.i i ! ',. r 1 ii i aniii.utK ed will Lax e ! '' p"!. i m. a at ,u park i'atar'iay to make uv a' !, ( i i ai ry i ut Mayor or b rs to I n ve!.' I nek- ! t!ie ra n t; ci t. i c i of V that he Wash!::-' rare of b liarriS'ii. I.:i:!;it.i; i WrccW on lllincis Central. Caihoi.dale. 111.. Jat.e la -The Chi rnpo hn.l'el passei.g, r tram on the I'lllioU was Wlei ke 1 in the yards In this il'y ai.d John Hamilton. r (i.-ii lin ker of M. tf.d.'.s. was In Unlit ly kir.'ed nnd sovcvii! aut.gcrs brill-' d Rtul Injured. NEWS OF XE IJHASKA. Cads Prohibition As!.'...;.. i N.-h . .1 ,:. Clark. !.;..: !...:!.. !.:. rroki! r liukI i . Lincoln An.: 1 '. 11. delcg.i.. Hi the i. : .m er.tio 1.:. - A". ::. .; r. . . i i.. T,'h minute state Child Killed l Erotn? Creightou. , j,..t., C T! . year-old ten of iloigc 0 . '.w .n uetlilet. tally shot 1 his; .'. Li-other far. Vss handli' g el :. resulted in a wound in the t. ; from which the little t 11. w i!i '. t tours later Tarpenning Jury Disagrees. Fulli-rtuii. June lb--The iur in ll. case of the Mate against Perl Tar; a UliiK, ehared with nuir.Vr, laile .', to unree utter forty-dent lunirs' iudil.t-r.i-tleu and was ihseharwe.l t ,la.l;e Recder. The e:u-e will pivbahly tried in Nov. mln r next. re- Three Held for Fe.isel Mu'de Nelson, June H The preliml heartily ot Mrs. Naee 1 hit. hinsi.n. mm, Charles, and Chin l.-s t'. I'.-i u ry her : m I. a .1 . 1. was . Tie . v- l!.s nephew nl the li.i.-siun l.i lii, with ti e murder ot Kit W l-'.-ii heard in the county hi prison, r.- w. ie hound ui-r to trie I e. uit. Robbers at Work at H.ic'ir. Norfolk. N. b . .1 .n- I V- 'I !,. o.- f;ce at lladai was nd In! during the cU-ht. Kith! dollars in money was ei eiii. il, I ut no s-iiinps or nionov r tiers were tah.n. Th.-'c n- m- . Un to the roh;. i s. l'adar is a smal'. tow n l;vi nu'.i s nei'th ol N rb !k Follow inp the 1'i.ldl-t) Iladar live tiol':. V.eie .-toll li lit Board Agrees on Valuation, ncel'i. June l.Y- The state Loan! I. C-f ciiuallatioll. compi.sed of the K.'V oinor and four other state mlb-eis, voted to incri ;ise th. jts.-t ; -in. -nt on railroads of the s'ate To p. r cent, or In round numbers; from t.imit to $ oii. Whether or not It w ill tie a uniform assessnu nt per mile of th? diff erent roads was not announced. &cy Drowns While Swimming. Aliisworth, Neh., Jane Frank 'Clapper the litteeayi'ar-old son of n piotlilneat v.-est of thi i-aiichnian living south place, vliiS Glo. wiled while endi-axorinis' to ewini across C h nr (lake. lie v,is seized wi',.h cramps ! when in t.he middle of the lake, which i Is forty rods wide, and called for hoi;., i hut was dead before any one rem lied him. Postmasters Are at Lincoln. Lincoln June 1.'. Lincoln Is full of postmasters to attend the first an imal convention of the state associa tion. Governor Mickey and Mayor Adams delivered addresses of wel come, which were r spondod to by T. W. Cole of Nelson find K. J. Burke j (lf Ilancroff. Talks were made by J W. M Donald, Pr. .1. L. Greene, J. C. Srnrrlst am! Samuel Avery. Bonacum Granted a Rehearing. IJneoln, Jnnf in. On application of Plshop lionactim. tho supremo court granted a rehearing in th" Imm pend ing niit of the bishop against Rev. William Murphy, ft priest at Seward. Tho supreme court rerently affirmed tho decision of the district court, giv ing Father Murphy possession of tho parish property after his dismissal and ex-rominunl.-Tttion by the bishop. The rehearing is granted on Ihe al legation of F.ishep lionacum that the ruling of the civil court is in opinsition to the ecclesiastical court at Rome. Figuring on the Assessment. Lincoln. June 9. The state board cf equalization Is trying hard to agree upon a valuation of railroad property so that the figurcH may he the basis cf the di bate to occur today. None of tho hoard members are very far apart on their estimate of th value and the figu-es all hover around $,'ti,oi"i,(,,n. It is the plan to fin,1, ae fofgrepato Yfihio r-f each system on the Mocks and bonds basis ard then dlvldo tho valuation among the various linos ac cording to their worth.. The figures that the board 'will submit for ari'ii ment, if it finally concludes to do so, will hv no means be final. Bonesteel is on the Bocm. Norfoll:, June 14 From a villago of hardly 4W peoplo eight weeks ago JJouostecl has rieveloi'd into a city of Ctioo. Women of Ilonosteel have made preparations for the reception oftho Incoming throng rf women who will want to tako chances at the frep homu business. Northwestern ofl'clais have ordered all general iiger.ts of tho company to make no arrangements this year whatever for Fourth of July special trains, as every car will he reipilred for use on the national day for the transportation of the RoKhud rush. Registration begins at Fairfax, Ponesteel, Yankton and Chamber'.a-.n fin July .", and continues t bl.l.ily ':l. Nebraska Crop Conditions. Lincoln. June l.Y The continuant e j of the cool. ::;o!.-t vvaili. r I ti ! ! favorable f- r the et-,,', , r small j i main and grass. Winter wheat and ryo mostly h nd. d, while mi's are I Just b.ajitirili.g to t-h.,w heads. Gra-1; ! i:t lasMir. ; and lae.-idow s 1.; in exi ' 1 j 1, nt. ' i. lothm, with -ery pixispeit of i a large hay rop. Tho hist cutting of I alfalta is just beginning In southern ! counties and some tliiinage was dotci j by th. of the u.ek. Tho al falta -pp is gi-m ri.ily oMelh i.t. Corn las grown slowly ;u.d many enrn lields atri still weedy. Fair progress has hi ( n made with cultivation of torn ia most parts of the stat 1 ut In tor. e hnalitiis and on low laud tho nil! is still too wet to work Coy CrcAtied While D.itMni-;. Flk City. J in,' l: --William Hd.-y UTt l'.'. W 11. .1 while I l . 1 Tl s i Rain In Northwestern Nebrafka. 1 No,-!.. Ik. Jitn.. Ma. 1. h.-., rain ! thri luh. ut las! we.U his broilKht the j rivers, el r.ortl'.eni N.-hr.isha to the! t anks th. y are , ( rl'.owtng in fev t-ralsp-'s, 1 he l;!hh. in al!e mums peiia'U tsi'i .1. The i . ui.t i In north ('-ri; N.htasl.ii w !,, r - vii i formerly n prayi!. I. r rntti. ha-' tin n .1 nl.' a c. piavlc. ..r a; lei up .. wat. r i.ow Coon Wins Rhodes Scholarship. Line . In, Jul..' II oi ll.- lour W brnsloi elicihl.--; lor the lihod.-s scliol arbhlps, UimuoihI II Cmu wu.s at a tuoctll.K f the state's i ,'h e pic.! dents .lesMinmte.l ns ihe one t. st -;ed i for the lirst year man. and in in oi ,l 1 anee with Ihelr decision he will t. llxford in Sepleinhei i ext.. Mr j Coon Is twenty-nue cais ,.li!. n ; ; tive of Minnesota im.l was i-.l'ieatei! i In Nebraska. Nebraska Fifty Years cf Age. ! Omaha. June 11 The liltl. Hi an j niversiiry of Nohtasku'H i xht.-nce iii a ttrnioiy mid Mute was celehrateil in this city by a iri-and civie an I mil , Pary parade mid mi informal old set tiers' was ' Mick' clalf tion. res!.!, I '-union 11, . I..- ..inter of tin v i.ii.l nearly a I'.-v'ieip.-ile,! In 'I he out pouril't tits win, c.lllle aily days i s 11 l day 11 the th. : of to N, I": till rook ( ',ov. vin ,r Slate . .Ill . nun" ti a- . 1 1 . I nice bra si, a in I the : p. . I.. marl. .".I '. Nehr.r. Omal.;; pram I h install.-,! illo. Th. ka Masrns Elect Jane 11- Tin i l Nebraska . .ii ' i s and ih'.Jo olhr. rs w. re eh Of'.c-.i Ma, le, led llll.e.l . led. Oil' ill id 1 ! 1 1 e win I'.uriiham. Tlhleti, linmd mietei-: M. H Hop. well. Teh.ttiiah. rraii.! ly urit'.i master; M Hand, Unit lngton. giiui.l senior warden, (. .1 King. Lincoln, grand Ji.iih.i- vaideii, J. I!. 1 iliisniore. Sutlon, ciaml tv.-is-urer: F. 10 'ho. Oiualiii crate! .- e rotary; li H French, Kearney, grand custodian; L. H. Illachleg. Rod Cloud. Brand orator; M. J bowling. North liend, grand marshal; G. A l'.isihir. Koariiey, grand clmplain, W. A, e Rord, grand suitor deacon, i. A Cheney. Crelghtiiti, irtuiul Jui.h.r ! :i ctiV.; ..;nil, King, fbnaha, grand lyl r MISSOURI PACIFIC LOSES CASC. Fails to Keep Elevator Litkj.Vuon Out of State Court ao It Attempted. Oliiiiha, June h. 'oati ny to the motion ui the deleiidant, Ju b'e Mini ger has handed down Id.; decision in the of the Farmers' Gram and Fdevntoi company of Virginia, N.-b., against (he Kansas City and North western (Mhsiouri I'aellie) Railway company, remainlinp the . aso back to the supreme court of Ncluaska, from which the case w:us taken to the I'tilt ed Stat, s circuit court. The Fuit is one wherein the plaint Iffs brought, to tion In tho -upreuie court ol the state to compel Ihe rail road company to permit them to build an elevator on Its right-of-way in the town of Virginia or to build a siding to the railroad's own elevator a few feet from its right of way, providing that the plaintiff be accorded Ihe same privileges and facilities I hat were fur nished another elevator at that point, the plaint id's elevator doit.g a mai h greater business than its competing elevator. The suit was brought under the provisions ol IhH Rams, v elevator law. WATTERSON AT UNIVSRf.lTV. Kentucky Editor Delivers Annual Ad dress to Ciaduates at Lincoln. Lincoln, June in. - Henry Walter son faced u crowded auditorium when hit delivered the e, mm, no. nil nt ora tion bolor. the State illoxcl-iiy giad Hating . lass. The address bdioued the con.nieni emeiil procession, whiih wan iu.prcbsivo beyond precedent. It was l.,d by Chancellor Andrews In his re sple ndent robe of nillceaiid was partly composed of the. nearly ih'b giuduates. "Conduct of Lile" was the theme of Mr Wniterson's ori.tioii. lils re marks related largely to the dai '.'c rt thill Ilien.'Ke the republic. Credit unil character, the hh-ssed heritage of its; rauihiMMl ami womanhood, an the only gold mines that conserve its life's success. Ik'precntlhg the growth of the spirit of accumulation, the mania fi r rnoiK y gef'ing. he declared that the real suec ss tn Focuring happiness Is obedience to the golden rule, where in lies the whole (secret of human hllv plness. Incidentally tho speaker soundly excoriated the "-Inn" ,,r the growing ostentation of wealth. The money standard Is held so high and the moral standard so low that many pisiple think there is no hope, but, as an optimist, he doomed the nation on the ascendency rather than on the do dine. He deprecated in strong terms the fact that it takes a million dollar' to put up a presidential ticket am! that a seat in the I'mt.'d Stat; s s. n- a to costs Pegroe gra luat. : 1"1 " 'O. w ere ( l, III,' -I 1 1 t! largest - In Two , IT:'.' ':.r, e: W. ! t!e 1 ;-t t - t.i i: of ry I I ,f t iasUtati a !,.. ;-hy w-i -e van.: Cio;:.ot.': I... and I':-' uiiihia iit.;,-r- i.Vj ' r C Fitfuscl Lkcnr.c p. l.-i. Kan . Ju:." . r I oard r. I us -e I i do bin iio s in Kar.s-.s. if, - The I' til d to ciai.l To (hart 11,. a s in to tho Kaioii.i Natural lias e nipany, a di rpoiatloii ..rg-inUo'l uioh r ti n law rf ladawaie. Members of the K..n-a. das I'r',1, c". I v,i ass... ialioii. who wit" present at tho In aril, a ! I'l" Ihe' boar I. ci nt. aided agali.-t the . oinpr.ny, beca 1st It lutein!, d to pipe gas to other s'aio.s. The mt fiber. of tin' charter- board rt.-uc no reason for tic !r action. IJIAil Ai it iluT I ? t m S CoHeae '- li.l 1.1 1 I'.ilah U i t. LB HA X hy not stop this fallinc of your hair? At this rate you will soon be w ithout any hair' Just remember that Hall's I lair Rencwcr stops falling hair, ami makes hair crow. - u'V,?",o,r;tLZl1,''' mm -i- o .q I III Hi. oidinaiv o, 1 1 111 I 's ill' o !,,f voiii earning". ! s.l le ' est Ii i.iil ,11' se III III, sloes'. I . .'III. ,i lei' ,1 l! is loll Willi ll I I nil III, le s a 'r make I wo plus Ask us ami w I ,il pail , lol I I'd I wo W 1 1 i nIciI'V. winch mil eoiial live in I line gladly ti ll loll Inr.v it is ih lie Plaltsmouth Savings Bcciik At the Old Stand ' i John Schiappacassc V a I u a i s 1 1 1 ii J I he Choicest Emits Fine Confections Ami I l,e most delicious ICE CREAM Winch be is prepared t furnish in any ipiaiit il.y for family use or social gat beiings. JOHN SHCIAPPACASSE 511 Main Strut 8 BY KEEPINGS llN LINE:!! Ami iiiun-l stini'lit d III!,' fk . where you will he ro miel I'm' your troulil" I'V Vfi'ttillK' tlie lie.-1 (iii tlio murkets. Groceries, Canned Goods, Fruits, fresh daily from the itiiukot.s. VEGETABLES, gathered frehh every morning. "Phone 54. Illoek P WaliTiiiiwi aUsliioiilli. K 'S M K,-y fiat t b.'.t fa-n ius'y K t t ..t t I tt! c . , I t ' y t ti- a I !! ... ,,i n t. C. DcV Ir.'ri I'M .'Ah. V!TT A CO., CHICAGO Dcn't FcrgRt tha Hans. e.irv t j a t ri.l t.7,'itt s h ... T'..:i I:, I.:- !s H t ' : t!.p l.v-r ii- I ; 1 o c ..n . Jl .', B,,,M,,g .', ,o i , : i ,M ..:.'.,... ,.,.-; .- . t ai. ! j jr.. . ! ; ;.ou- i I i vi. v i-v n sariy Risers por Sole'.by F. C. FRICKE & CO. o .- -r - ' COURSES -Lhiiris. ShorHund ?.'rj T) fcivrltlng. h re)jrntery aid Itli'vraphy I .-Atlll IS I I Isiliess r.airh 1. 1. i,l :. I . . ii- ...I .. s I I I, Intoln I'.usiiifss College, l.on.dii. Nili. l-M I I i lair Kenewer Thr ( !.!!.' IK'.iI.ts H.C.McMaken aid Son 1 1 A N I'l.i! I'll I. BEST ICE ON EARTH A 1 1' I ,ii. U'.nll le ih llMT ll litv. I!) Anv n;i Orders Promptly Filled TLLLI'IH NF. I 'la 1 1 .nioiilli No-,. TJ, 7 Ncliia- ka .i. ' and :!l'i Kuusmann Sl Ramge Still lead all oilier Meal Markets in llirnisliilig I lie people of Plat Is iii'iiifli and icinil y w illi First Class Meats l Lveiy I i ipt ion. Frcsli and SmoHetl Meats, Fresh Fish, Lard, Etc. Etc REMEMBER They La ve in" removed to I he lirst, room t of i heir old stand. I'.y cui lcoiis t I'-al ho lit to all they pope to retain their present patrons and gain many m-w ones. El). HTZGEHALD, riio.rniiiToi! w Livery, Hack and Line MOVING VAN. Ketnovinp; of llotiheliolil (ioodna Spociultv. AIsii, lli'avy l)rayinu'. Ihin't allow money to lie around. It is easier to spend it and easier to lose it. 1 - ' s -!' ii.. 1-. ti. 5' A . tl J ."-"!' bAUE MONEY l,y kceplm; it in a safe place such as The Banl cf Cass County You can .-he a check P-r any part of H iit any lime and mi have a receipt for paynu'td w ith"iit asking bu- cine. When ou have a kink account you will be aiiNious l" add to it rather than .spend li'oin it. lvn't yoti want to know mere uhoiit it.