LOCAL BREVITIES 'Mi;. I r i'! t ho favorite cigar i;. .1.1 ii.ivi!tn Dr M.irsl.VI 11 ad in I lni paper, i. -i . t i-t . Fit:;, raid t'llH l . '. U'.l'g.i i .; iii ii' w i !l,i c. i, ive- I . k So '-pet il Si.! !.i. II Vcsli l'l . fn;i' M : 11... ,1.1V '1 . i ! : n I. Vi I .Mr , i it i 1 ;t : I .' .ii in ! ! urn I .lni wood I a "II l-u-lliri . .nod tii.it i'i .til kinds witlt iff mi.1;i, i 1 1 1 .f ill I If I Ih;; , ( '(. 's. inn! M:v .1. S. Il.ulilioiii, of K. l.it ill 10 ! his City Tin's- I KN II, g Old w Iti of I. il.ro n ii Fl ll Ii". 'lit I: ! I (nil's tin- past i ii: i ;irU and family ot mIIi i. u 1 1 1 ' ; i nl v it Ii friends : r, tin .1 c . I ll U i 1 1 1 ! it' i , ol Vol k. r;i'..r hi H.;! I! !!.! fol' ,i .iliult Msit Willi I. lu ll M i ( i.unty Sllf I Hit rmlrlil W'ol I li.llll visitfil Itifiuli III 1 1 n vicimty orr Sunday. Tli" name that meaii-.'iiai;ty Is i'.it t 1 1 i Sun 1'ioi.f I '. t I ) I . Solil only hy (In ing iS: Co. M iss Oil vc ( hiss went I o Lincoln Sat urday, whore she will altfliil tlif sum inrr session at tlir university. (ins. I'liailfrii, now ol Wa wrly, Neb., spent Sunday with lilcnils in Flails mouth. Hi' is a I'rinifi ri'siilriit of I his iuI y. .1 act ill Tiitscli aii I wife of (Vilar Creel; were viewing tlir s.i i r i i 1 1 1 ( 1 i i )4.s of Ihf ir new lioinc rrcrntlv uirrliasr(l in this city Tuesday. After a luii'l visit In this city Mis. Dave Miller returned to the capital city Saturday, acrniiiiiaiilfd hy Mrs. W. K. U'i'lls ;uil fhililreii. Mrs. I'. L. IIiilTn-r ami d.iughto r, F.lla, went tn Omaha yesterday, the former Inhaye atioirnitliin pe rformed at our of the hospitals. Giant iiiiinrts, county assessor of (Hoc county, was in the city Tuesday t confer with Cass county's assessor regaiding the assessment of farms al'iiu' t he line. A. I'.. Todd, who had liern lo Dan villr, 1:1., on a business trip, returned Friday. Wonder if A. It. 'strip to the h"in. nf Sneaker Cannon had any po ut if ai i 1 1 1 lii-a i .1. A. Iliiuer, of Wabash, was in the city i .iiii.iday last and paid the Jour nal a brief visit. While here, Mr. Fauci enrolled Ids name for the groat i in i i:s k Hid religious weekly. M is. Geo. lVarson returned Friday night 1 1 did Klrksvillo, Mo., where she was called on account of the serious Illness of hei sister. She left her much hi tter, and her recovery is assured. Const ipation causes two-thirds of all sickness in the world. Why sutler when llolllster's Kooky Mountain Tea will make you well anil keep you well? "m cents. Tea or tablet form. Goring Co If there is an ordinance prohibit ing fast driving or riding on the principal thoroughfares of the city, it should lie enforced. Some people even no so far as to train their hones on Main and Sixth streets, l'o you need nioi r blood, aiid more llesh, ih you need more st mint h this spring? I loi lister's Kooky Mountain Tea will In ing them all. If it fails your money hack. '.'' cents. Tea or tah"t form, ('emit; (V. For the lint time in several months I!. A. Hates visited his Silver City, (la.) tilends ovrr Saturday night, re tuiniir: home Sunday, ltisalwavsa plraii ie to visit the old town once Ina While. K. W. Windham is attending the convi nt ion of the Knights and Ladies Security lust. Loins this week, as one of the delegates. Of course he will take in the sights at the exposition while there. Frof. K. L. Koine returned from York, Neb., Saturday where he went to assist in institute work. The Frof. Is well pleased with his visit, and speaks highly of his entertainment while in that city. John Lohmes. sr , of Cedar ('reek, was a caller at this office Tuesday. Mr. Lolur.es has purchased property in Louisville, and expects to make Ids home there In the near future. How ever, he will not icmtve there until early r.cxt spring. "1 Lave been troubled for some time w ith in.licost ion and sour stomach." says Mrs. Sarah V. Curtis tf Leo, Mass., "and have been taking Chain tu'ilain's Stomach and Liver Tabids, which have helped me very much, so that n "W 1 can cat n. any things that iH'foiv I could not." If you have any trouble with oi.r stomach why not tike these Tablets an 1 git well' For sale by all druggists. J. T. Porter and sister, Mil J. C. Suavely, returned from Seven Mile Ford, Ya . Saturday, where they were called by the serl'-us illness of their mother, mid who was yet in a very ser l.iusC'itiditlon when they left for home. Mr. Porter says while there one of his brothers died of typhoid fever. He will not he surprised to hear of his mother's death at any hour, but lie and bister were hurried home en account of the busy season on the farm. I The lfit soda water hi the world at i Coring Co.'s. I T. Sliryock ot L"tiisi!ie was a co;iiitv seal iiioi Tuesday. j In-. Frank L. Ciiii ii.iiis. dortist. i ( utice with I r. II. 1'. t minimis. I That real. siiio.it !i tasteful icecream j so l i fi'iti"i.!v ir, at i ienug A Co.'s. ' C. 11. Tet't. the WrrpniiK' Water at-1 I oi ne . was :i ci not se it visitor Tiles-1 .lav. Mi. and M n ( h..v Mi hit in . of 1 l;i-, die. wri" Flat tMnoiit h iiitols T.irida v. if liia' Cnaihe lli.'lu'V, the I.oiiis viiie lumberman, was a oniil seat visitor Tucvlav. Miss's An'oiii'l Kessler and Mdua Mai sli til weie guests of Mis. i. S. Guild at I'oil't'rook over Sunday. Ceo. M. II. In Irtililiril fiom a visit to (ilfiiwood, Iowa, Saturday, going from here to his home near Mynard. Mrs. Natli'iiiShal.,or Chicago, Is the guest of Mi. and Mrs. F. J. Morgan and faaiily, arriving In the city Tues day. lieni'iie lloi ii, of Ccdai C'rrek, was In the city Tuesday. A tine is registered analnsl him at thisonice for not show- lllL' up About luily itu in I io i s of tin' liH'al nine of Fairies were rinbt royally en- lertaliied by the Omaha Manles Mon- ay nlk'ht. Mrs. Andy Oliver, who has been vis iting In this city for some time return- I to her home in Foci; Springs, Wyo., Monday. Steven I lultisb, of Wabash, .vhile In the city yesterday made this nlllce a pleasant visit. Weniealwaysdellnht- with such visits. V. II. Pool, Weeping Water's live real estate iiLrent, was In the city yes terday, and while line nave the Jour nal a pleasant call. Audrey Morrow , one of the Journal's prompt paylnn patrons, dropped In Monday and renewed for the Old 1 te llable for another year. Will Streinht and A.S.Jackson are attendiun the state undertakers' eon- Acntioii at Fremont this week. Mrs. Jaoksmi accompanied them. Mr. Leu I!. Tompkins of Sweden burn, Neb., and Miss Ll.zle Keiser of Ceresi'o. Neb., were united in inarriane In this city Friday eveulnn, June 10, llMil, by .In, Ice Travis. W. L. Pickett and wife departed Tuesday for Fvansvllle for a visit with relatives. From that point they will no to the St. Louis fair for several days' visit hefme returning home. Into each life some ruins must fall, Wise people dmi'l sit down and bawl; ( )nly fools suicide or take to Miirht. Smart people take Pocky Mountain lea at nlnht.-liei inn & Co. Henry lioeck ami wife returned from their visit toSt. Louis Tuesday. They report the exposition to lie a great thing, and enjoyed their trip and visit with ills bmt her Adam and family hugely for old people. The county hoard or eiiiali.ation convened as per notice, Tuesday. The county clerk and county assessor, un dcr the rullnns of the late law, have been added as members of the hoard They will continue hi session to July 1 Now Is the time to take a spring tonic to purify the blood, cleanse tin liver and kidneys of all impurities Hollister's Pocky Mountain Tea will no me ousiness. .s.i cents. lea or tablets, tiering Co. Thomas South, an employe of the I! t M. blacksmith shop, was unfortun ate in having his right hand so se verely crushed Friday morning us to necessitate a lay-oil for. some time. The injury was the result of getting his hand caught under the steam hammer Pavld llawksworth, who was strick en down with paralysis last week. I: still ina precarioiis'cohdition, although at last accounts he was resting easy II: . . ins age seems to ie against him, as but very few survive such attacks at iuciige oi ,i years, i ne Journal hopes he will recover, and live many years to coa.e. The city will be graced by many of Cass county's good Km king sehoi 1 marais next week, or course there will be a fev homely oncsamoiigtlie'i' but not many. We raise none bi.i handsome school manr.s in Cass conn ty, i ut occasii tni'ly a homely one will slipover the line from one of the ail Joining counties. This we can't help See advertisement i f J. I. Ferguson i.. hi. i . m mis isiue oi i ne Journal. Cc.lar l.awn Sfvk Farm is noted for Itsuu: it y of cattle. Inch, ding "M ntrose", of the Polled Durham breed, and many other younger bulls. If you are look ing for tine breeders ll will pay vou to v istt Cedar l.awn. and the Journal will guarantee that vou will be elega-.tlv treated whether jou lr.akea purchase or i o'.. P. it. Paii'isal, reorder of Cern.auia lodge No. M, A.o. I. . receive ! last Saturday two drafts of one thousand do'd.m cich. for the beneticlarles of Ar.tJiie Suleck. who died on the 'J.M day of last April, while at work In the It. M. shops. One thousand dollars is payable t i the widow, and one thou sand dollats to her as the guardian of four mini r children. The deceased had Wen a member i f the order abo.it i ne year and six mouths. ii.lt Cptoa was here f.wn !"r.;: ti Friday rsuiohc the Win I Pros ce!e b rated " i i i.t Ilrh" cigars. 1'i'of. A. L Lessen, an was ip t'l'ill! .Nfi.rasua i ny Saturday. Mis. O. A. lirown and daughter. Mai'gaiel are iiitiiiga week in ( unal a. Mn. Aiiiia Miller f IVrt ('in 1. n visit nig willi I irr sister, Mn. Kate l Hivcr. Ceolge llall.ince ot l;,e 1 1 .1 Vi-L n'in, shows was a bi.si'H'ss visitor to I Illicit Fri.lav. Jai.ies Fogeity of the I la v elml; sho s, who bus been oil the sick list for some time, came down home to recu perate. If you are a judge of a good smoke. try the "Acorns" .1 cent cigar and you W'i ill smoke no other. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mciiuire are the pr. vuil paientsof a new boy baby which arrived early Monday morning. Mrs. Partlrtt, one of the teachers In the city schools, went to Peaver City, Neb., Sunday to spend her vaca tion. Charlie Patterson, who Is now con nected with his brother, Sam, in the inking business In Arapahoe, Neb., spent, the past week here. riie Kagles, who have charge of the until of July celebration, anticipate large number of their brethren dow n from Omaha on the great natal day. The ball game between an Omaha picked nine and a home pick-up team Saturday afternoon, resulted In a vic tory for t he latt er by a scon: of 11 to 2J The Kila boy, arrested last week on the charge of purloining money from Mrs. I'tak, was released. The evi- lence failed to substantiate the charge. A marriage permit was Issued Tues day by Judge' Travis to lieorge V. oodman, aged twenty-three, of I lave .nek, and Miss Itoann Harvey, aged Ighteen, ofthis city. In response to a telegiam announc ing the serious Illness of her daughter-in-law Mrs. John Hurley, Mrs. I). A. Wellman departed for Denver. Col.. last Thursday, afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Win. IF. Ishc.ll. of Ken- dallvllle. I ml. T who visited N. IF. lsbell and family in this city last week, de parted for Fort Morgan, Colorado, Monday, w here t hey expect to spend the summer. Mrs. Carrie (irayhill, widow of M.J. (irayhill, tin; engineer who was killed in a wreck on the Hurliiigton at Ash land last fall, has compromised her suit against the company for iJ.'i.OOo damages for :t,00ii. ('. W. and A. P. Clnisweisser and their families, came in Saturday and visited their parents here till Sunday afternoon. They are both indust;icjus young farmers of Cass county, and vote the democratic ticket. MIssTeressa Hempel departed Fri day for Chattanooga, Tenn., to attend as a delegate the supreme lodge of the Degree of Honor. Miss Ilempel will be absent several weeks during which time she will view the principal points of interest at the St. Louis fair. John Albert of Cedar Creek lias re ceived a letter from his son (Jeorge, whom he thought was dead, a mention of which was previously made in this paper, apprising his father of the fact that he Is alive and well and Is living on a ranch about twenty-tive miles from New Ion, Mont. Marriage permits were issued to the following parties by Judge Travis last Friday: Albert D. Welton, aged twenty-seven, and Miss Hlanche Meek er, aged twenty-one, both of (ireen wood; Henry II. Karstens, aged twenty-six, or Carroll county, Iowa, and Miss Kate Tains of this city. Frank Pinfer and a party have rigged out a conveyance and expect to start overland for the Itosebud country this week. They will carry with them a tent, cooking utensils and everything necessary to camp life. The team con sists of a horse and mule, and Frank's friends are preparing to bid him fare well for a year or two that is if he ex pects to return with the same outlit. Our old friend.. W. Schrader. one of Cass county's wealthy farmers and stockmen, gave the Journal a pleasant call yesterday morning and while here renewe I for the Journal another year. Mr. Schrader was enroute for home from South Omaha, where he has been with stock. He says that while c-m does not look very healthy, he thinks a few days of real warm weather would help it air.alr.gly. J. C. (iili-.ore, of llalg!cr. Neb.. Isspetir.i'.g a few days here this week visiting frlen Is and old neighbors. Mr. Oilmore Isa former prominent citieu ort'ass county, and hasa host of friends here who are always g.al to meet lu::i Mr. Cilmore pail his resputsto the Journal ottice and informed us that his flit .ire address would be a:a ha. to which point he ordered the Old Iteliable. Kigliniy.V Clark's rncleTom'sCahin frei-ii i, . 1,1,1 1 ...I .. n ... vl,,i'""j I'l.iieo in a u'ry respectable house here fucsday night, altln ugh It should have lnvn better. The com rany carries an excellent band, and the play was well rendered. The Journal family had the pleasure of meeting several of the members rn ni Orant City, Mn where we lived twelve years ngo. Among them was Dell Klg'hmy the manager, and oilie Itomlne, the "'. n 'le Tom". it-- o- STfr OP .... SUMMER SJ1LE .... SYIilO t the iatci:c- ui tin- season we have a lur re stock of summer dtv jf. hhIs unham! in Lawns and Tissues, Embroidered Swisses, etc., ami in order to reiluoe the stock we have placed these ooils on sale at from Sg to 19g per yard. Plenty of Cheap SHOES LEFT b rom 4iV per pair up. DEFENDER SHIRT W JUSTS. We have a beautiful line of these jroiuls in the ACORN brand, from $1.00 to $3.75. All Departments Complete. (3 NOW'STHETIMETO VISIT. The Burlington's Low Rates to Sum mer Tourists. (to somewhere this summer: if not to St. Louis then to the mountains, lakes and seashore. Examine this great scheme of vacation tours: Sr. Louis and return all kinds of re duced i ates daily, besides special coach excursions each Monday in June. Chicago and return -either direct or via St. Uniis, daily low rates: also very cheap June HI to 20. Indianpolls and return, June Jd and I',. 1!,Im. Atlantic City and return, J uly li and ht, :u,uo. Cincinnati and return, July 15 tolT, ill,o. Denver, Coloiadu Springs, l'euhlo, (ilenwood Springs. Salt Lake, lilack Hills practically half rates all sum mer. Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin, the lake resorts and lake steamer tours very favorable rates stop-overs at St. Louis on through tickets. See the grandest creation by the hand of man. Ask the agent for full details, or write L. W. WAKELKY, General Fassenger Agent, Omaha. World's Fair Rates to St. Louis Via Hurlington Route. Tickets to St. Louis and return Good fifteen clays, tl.'l.so. Good sixty days, 15.35. Good all summer, ls.40. For full information about train ser vice and other details see the ticket agent. The St. Louis Exposition the great est show the world has ever seen Is now complete and in harmonious oper ation and it will be a lifetime's regret If you fail to see it. Herbert Sherwood leftTuesday for a brief visit at Minden, Nub. Not how cheap but how good. Fat toon's Sun Proof Faint. Sold only by Goring & Co. Misses Hlanche, Alice and Gladys Sullivan departed for Wltchita, Kans., yesterday morning, where they will visit an aunt for two weeks. Our old friend John D. Ferguson, of near Louisville, was in the city last Thursday, and gave the Journal a busi ness caii. Fusiliers or otherwise we are always glad to meet bin.. Stops a. ore pain, relieves more suffer ing, prevents more heart aches and diseases than any other remedy. That is what Mc'ltislcr's Kooky Mountain Tea will c.o. ;5 cents In tea c r tablet form. Goring & Co. The many friendsof Conrad Sehlater w ill he pleased to learn that he is Im proving and is able to get about the premises. The Journal hopes he whi soon l.e able to pay his ;icCusto:nedos"'11 SAt visits to these headquarters. Mrs. J. V.'. Johnson will piease ae . K'rtiies of breath, liitati..n of the cept the Journal's thanks for a hand- j llea,t ailli general weakness. Kodol some hounuet of choice lowers, which -'.'Svpsia Cure cures Indigestion, re were clipped from her well-kept and liou's 1110 stomach, takes the strainoff handsome tlower garden. It Is always 1 tlie ill';u 1 :intl restores It to a full per a pleasure to be thus remembered a'c.' ."i'manceor Its function naturally. Ko caslonally. !(1 increases the strength by enabling C. S. Wurtmau. sr., of South Lend, jtlic stcuv.aeli and digestive organs to father of cur County Superlatcndeut, (I1''L'st' assimilate and appropriate to was here this week vlsltlnghlssoti and llie 1,10011 a!l11 tissues all of the food family. While here he paid the Jour- Butrlmeilt- Tbll,-S '"? stomach and nal a brief visit, and when wo looked dbvestlve organs. Sold by F. G. Fricke at him right good, we soon saw where ' t-'0, Junior Wormian gut his elegant mati- Mrs. Louis Ernest, Evansvlllc. Ind.: tiers and goodness of heart. Mr. Wort- "Hollister's Hocky Mountain Tea Is man is one of Cass county's best cltl-j splendid. Makes sick people well. zens. aim we were piease'i to take hhu oy me hand. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR New Line Just Received. No Closing Exercises of St. John's School. The closing exercises of St. John's Catholic School will occur at the Far mele theatre next Tuesday evening, June '21, I'.mu, the proceeds or which will be for the benefit or the school. Admission 2.1 cents: children 15 cents. Following is the program of the exer cises: Pliuio Trii) "Klvul Motlirrs" "Twii-Fiii'id I'linusy" I'luii.iS ltd. "ViiIm- Arln'viH'". "Wnatli Kant list lis" l'liino Trio. ' The MuMml itoV sYln'lt'il I'. .1. Wnrnvr H. M. WIIm n T. Lin k K. Mlcl.lli ti n ..M. l.lrUi'h Song. "Iluy My IMU" PaiiUiiiilnii'. "Holy City" T. I). Weiitln-rly I'AKT II. "Itnw itinl Arrow lirill" M. II. Wt rner Ciintiilii. "A Mei'tlngof Hie Nations" I. c. Mary l'lllltuliilnic. "Star Hpannli'd Iliinner" CIosIiil' llt'inarks Rev. W. Itrailliy Happy Hooligan Coming! Next Saturday night Happy Hooli gan will be presented at the l'armele theatre by the Little Shores Acres Comedy company for the benefit of the 1. & M. band. The pop ularity of the play, coupled with the popularity of the band boys, insures a crowd limited only by the capacity of the theatre. The prices, too, will be a potent factor in attracting many, as the highest price is only 35 cents for seats in the lower part of the house and 25 cents for balcony, reserved. Child ren 15 cents in any part of the house. Ticket are now on sale. The band w ill give a concert in front of the theatre on Saturday evening, and a movement Is now on foot to have both of our local bands appear at this concert: and Hap py Hooligan will personally lead both bands. The famous Flattsonian Cjuar tette will render several choice nunv hers at this entertainment. V. H Hrody gives a gun and baton exercise and if you fail to see Demmy Hiatt and Will Hutler in their specialties, you w ill simply miss half your life. Asthrrja Sufferers Should Know This. Foley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases of asthma that were con sidered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Hues ing,70l West Third street, Davenport, la., w rites: "A severe cold contracted twelve years ago was neglected until it finally grew Into asthma. The best medical skill available could not give me more.than temporary relief. Foley's Honey and Tar was recommended and one titty cent bottle entirely cured me i f asthma, which had been growing on me for twelve years, and if 1 had taken it at the start 1 would have been saved years of suffering." For sale lv F. G. Fricke & Co. A Strong Heart is assured by perfect digestion, lndi- Is the stomach and puffs It up against the heart. This causes Cured mo after others filled." Tea or j tablet fol ru. r cents. Goring & Co. SONS ? Don't forget we are agents for QUEEN ZAeL'Tr None better. Broken Lots. Excursion Rates Over the M. P. The Missouri Facitic railroad will sell "coach excursion" tickets to the St. Louis Exposition from June 2D to the 27, at s:5o for the round trip. C. F. StO! TKNHOltonill, Agent. Mrs. J. Benson, 210 S. 16, Omaha, Neb. Muslin underwear gowns good ma terial, length and width, embroidered and hemstitched trimmed, fs cents. Tucked, hemstitched and milled draw ers, 25 cents. All best goods from this price up. i;eautirul white skirts at reasonable prices. Twentv-flvR nnrl x cent corset covers for 15 cents; 50 cent ones tor :'" cents. Ice Crearo Social at Mynard. An Ice crcAtii social will be given by the M. W. A. at their hall In Mynard on Saturday evening, June is, i04. The Woodmen of the Mynard camp al waysdo things in the proper style, and those who attend this social will re ceive their money's worth. Don't fail to attend. Less than Half Rates to St. Louis and Return. On Mondays, June ii, Ft, 20 and 27, the Hurlington offers tickets to St. Louis and return at K5i, good for seven days considerably loss than one fare for the round trip. Tickets are good l.i coaches and chair cars (seats free). The magnificent exposition Is now complete and in harmonious opera tion. You will regret It all your life if you fail to see this wonderful exposi tion. Illustrated Tolder free, and full in formation on application to Hurling ton Houte agent or to L. V. Wakeley, General Fassenger Agent. Omaha, Ne braska. That Throbbing Headache. Would nuickly leave you if you used Dr King's New Life Fills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their match less merit for sick and nervous head aches. They make pure blood and build up your health, duly 25 cents, money back if not cured. Sold by f! G. Fricke & Co., druggists. It costs a little more but is by far the best. Patton's Sun Proof Paint. Goring & Co., sole agents. No Hair? "My hair was falling out very fist ard I was greatly nlarmed. I then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair stopped falling at once." Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, 0. The trouble is your hair docs not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs arc beginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore color every time. It 00 I fetllt. All dr-alm. If jour ilruei!t rontmt niit ton. mii in one U"llr ami i!l tiiren Jiiualvottle. i auro and ffirttlio nam uf jour MM-Mt iiiwi oiti- w. AcMrM, J. C. A V Ml U., Lowail, IUm.