mvmmmmmfmmmmmmmmmmmmmmRi E fib's Y&ur Las Chan si rarr We Will Positively Close our Doors and Quit Ilth the Stock ami Fixtures arc for Sale. It will pay you to come for One Dollar's worth, as it saves you Fifty Cents. It will pay Ten Times Greater if you want Ten Dollars Worth. By all means come, as yu will get the Goods at almost Your Own Price." All the Balance of Our Magnificent Stock of Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, Boots, Shoes, Etc MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST OR VALUE. Men's Everyday Suits Men's Pant's Boy's Suit's $3.98 69 cents $1.18 Children's Suits Men's Shirts Men 's Shoes 98 cents 23 cents 98 cents Linen Collars (15 cent Lion Brand) Silk; Shirts and Drawers Mei)'s Hots .... 9 ctnts 39 cents 19 cents REMEMBER THIS WHIRLWIND Of BARGAINS MEANS 50 CENTS IS WORTH $1.00. It Means Ten Cents is worth One Dollar in Many Instances. DON'T DELAY. WE MUST CLOSE OUT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, so come and take this New and Elegant Stock almost at Your Own Price, as all MUST BE SOLD. PLATTSMOUTH NEB. The "HUB" Clothier it 2X B Hcl K du c IHIl :3e3 EAST ROOM HEROLD B'LDING Independent Cigar FACTORY! thc: 5c CIGAR, Cliiillrniri'' rvmimrlson In VJuiilliy mill Wurktiiiiuslilp, JULIUS PEl'l'ERUURG, M unufiK'Uircr. Worst of All Experiences. Cud anything lc worse than to feel that every minute may be your hist? Such was the experience of Mrs. S. II. Ncwson, IU'catur, Ala. "For three years," she writes, "I endured Insuf ferable pain from Indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Ieath seemed In evitable when doctorsand all remedies failed. At length 1 was Induced to try Electric Hitters and the result was miraculous. I Improved at once and now I'm completely recovered." For liver, kidney, stomach and bowel troubles Klectrlc Hitters is the only medicine. Only .10c. It's guaranteed by F. (J. Frickc & Co.. (Insists. (hies further, looks better and lasts longer. Pat ton's Sun Proof Paint. Gerinii & Co. agents. J une Sal Will Mean a Temendous Big Saving Kvery hat in the- hoimo will ho inarkod down nt hik-Ii n lo v tiujuiv, no mutter how economical you are, these low prices will spenk fi r themselves. Hemeinher, no matter what kind of a lmt you buy, our prices arc nhvays the lowest. Every hat in our establishment is made-, trimmed and designed in New York City. Every hut hna n touch of stylo which you will not find iu hats made elsewhere. Every hat thnt you pay $2.00, $3AK), $1.00 and S.VIX) for, is made of hotter grades of mnterials and iu better styles than you can buy elsewhere. Keniein Ut the hats that we have on hand at present, we cannot nlTord to carry over, even to next month. Every hat will bo marked down so low in price that you cannot afford to be without a new hat. Fifty tine pattern hats in black, champagne and white, usual price 15.00 and $100, reduced to Thirty-eight hats, champagne and white, and celeste tur bans, made all out of imported material, usual price SlVOO ami $00, sale price Twenty-rive black, white and champagne hats, usual price $10.00 and $15.00, June sale price. Fifteen hats, imported models, usual prices, $-0.00 and ?25.W, now reduced to Children's hats, suitable for Juno wear, trimmed very stylish, reduced from $2.00 to Italian Leghorn hats, trimmed up very beautiful, from $3.00 to Fifty very beautiful untrimmed turbans, black, brown and champagne, usual price from $2.00 to $3.00, June red lie- QET, tion sale, your choice for OOv 101) high class shirt waist hats, in all the newest shades, that were $3.00, $1.00 ami $5.00, your choke for l.OU) bunches Rust roses, in all the leading colors, usual price 25c and $1.00, your choice for 1UC $2.00 $4.00 $5.00 $10.00 $1.00 $1.50 $1.90 Fifteen, twenty and twenty-five cent veilings, per yard. 10c 2,000 bunches of Imported Foliage, usual price 50 cents a iCx bunch, sale price, per bunch IvU 03 of Imported Roses, all the newest rage, per bunch. . 25c We don't expect to sell all of our hats in one day, but the choice of hats will always sell first. It will be to your, interest to come at once and get your first choice. Every item advertised in this adver tisement is backed up by a guarantee, that you will be satisfied with your purchase, or your money will be refunded as free as we received it. Do not miss the June Sale. Seeing is believing. St. Louis Millinery Co. UNION BLOCK-MAIN STREET DENEEN IS NOMINATED. Long Deadlock in Illinois Republican Convention ia Ended. Springfield, 111., June 4 Uy niaklug a combination with Cliurlos S. be ueen, L. Y. Sherman, 1 lowland J. Hamlin and John H. Pierce, Governor Yates broke the deadlock In the Re publican state convention and brought about the nomination of Deneen for governor. The nomination was niado on the seventy-ninth ballot, which stood: Yates, 1; I)wdeu, 522Vi; De neon, 057!y; Warner, 21. The combination was tho result of a series of conferences, which were participated In by Yates, Deneen, Hamlin, Sherman and Pierce. The partiea to the combination finally agreed upon Deneen as the candidate. When tho convention reconvened, Yates, Hamlin and Sherman withdrew their names from the consideration of the delegates and urged their friends to vote for Deneen. When the seventy-ninth roll rail was ordered and Adams county led off with "one voto for Yates and nineteen for Deneen" the wildest excitement prevailed. As the call proceeded It became evident that the new combina tion la Illinois politics would win, but the original Lowden men for the most part remained firm and went to defeut with him. When the call was completed Lowden moved to make tho nomination unanimous and Chairman Cannon declared the motion carried. All of the pent up enthu siasm of tho delegates manifested itself as Deneen came to the platform and briefly thanked the convention for the honor. In response to the de mands of the assemblage, Colonel Ix)wden made an address, pledging his support to th ticket. In the meantime the parties to the combina tion who had nominated peheen met at the executive mansion and pre pared a slate for the remainder of the ticket. L. Y. Sherman of McDon ough was nominated for lieutenant governor, James A. Koso of Oolconda for secretary of state, Ien Small of Kankakee for state treasurer, J. C. MrCullough of Champaign for state auditor and W. H. Stead of Ottawa for attorney general. The following nom inations were made for university trustees: Mrs. Mary E. Busey of Champaign, Charles Davidson of Chi cago and W. L. Abbott of Chicago. THIBETANS OPPOSE BRITISH. Concentrate Forces In Two Places to Meet Younghueband Expedition. New York, June 7. A dispatch from the correspondent of the London Times at Oyangtso, Thibet, says a letter from Colonel Younghusband of the Dritlth mission to the Thibetans, demanding that the Aniban come to Qyangtse with qualified authority to settle the outstanding differences be fore June 25, has been returned un opened and without comment. The Thibetans have, therefore, ays the correspondent, deliberately chosen war. The Thibetans are now concentrating in the monastery and the town of Gyangtse. Another con centration Is rumored between Railing and Khang Ma. The present Inten tion of the Thibetans is to prevent Brigadier General MacDonald from arriving at Gyangtse, and It Is possi ble that rocent experiences have taught the enemy to make his ad vance a matter of greater difficulty than It was the first time. British Advance on Lhaita. London, June 8. The correspond ent of the Dally Mall at Simla says that the British advance on Lhassa has been ordered for June 26. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featurea of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. C'hlcuK". June 7.-A lingo dei'rvone In lie world vlnlble supply wan iiprhupa the I'rluciiml bull Influt'Ui'tt in tue wlwat mur ki t tuiluy. The crop datuuife report from tue aouthwost, however, wrrt of aloioct (iul Importune. Final qiintutluos oa July whi'ut Hliowed a gulu of Vieve. t'urn was up MV oats advanced Wii'ic aud proviHloim lV(i(JTUc. Cloning price: Wbeut-July, BSc; Sept., HIk. Corn-July, 49Ho; Sept., 4vc. OaU-July, aO-V; Kept., ttlVhC Vork-July, fliUB; Htpt., Jl'J.I'V Lurd-July, ItLlttVii; Sept., Jtl-W). Chicago Cu Kb 1'rlcea No. 'i red wheut, f I.UVftl.OK; No. 3 red wheut, $1.(K1.M1; No. 2 aprlng wheat, USe(i41.UO; No. 3 spring whent, tftuuSc; No. 'i litird. wheut, frjc'a $l.UO; No. 3 hurd wheat, (jOVJUV; No. i eiibb corn, No. 3 easb corn, i:KiWv; No. - nihil outs, au'ieWc; No. J wbite oats, 4-f!j43o. Chicago Live Stock. Cbleupi, June 7.-Cuttle-Ueee!pts, 4, iO; sternly; good to prime tueers, f.'.504t 0. 40; poor to medium, $4.7Vifo.oO; Ktockcrs aud feeders, lf:t.iVn4.tHl; cows, $1.77'M.7V, heifers. .;:.. lOuio.Utl; eilliners. $1.7.VirJ.7.". hulls, ..Vi'ii4.:iO; calves, 4 J . ." vj7 Ti .."Hi. lings Iteeelpts toduy, lli,0X): tomorrow, 3. OOO; oc li glier; mixed und butchers. $1.6.V.t 1. K't: g I t cbolee heavy, SM.MKi4.tH); rough heavy, 4.ll.V,i4.sii; light, 4.iHK(i4.75; tiulk of sales, $4.7'4.S0. Sheep-Iteeelpts. I'J.tKiO; steady to UU- higher: good to choien wethers, ,. 2.V!(.1.."iO; fair to ehoUe mixed, $3.7.".!!i.V-'.V, western sheep, M-oO'ii-VO: na tive laiiihs, $ l.uO'aO.jj; western IuilIis, ij.Wit li.S."). Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, June 7. Cattle Receipts, M..VNI; aetlvt; and strong; rxpnrt and dresstsl beef stex-rs, $H.;t3, tho highest since Peeonihur, 1TJ; fair to good. JJ.73 .A IUI- H'lnrn ftwt ftti'nra. Ct Ko ."i.l Ml! nil. tlve oows, S2..Vty4.flO; nutlvo tielfers. 14.00 RIO. .si; UUIIS, ."'U-io , euivos, .e uiguer, $'-'.7Vij4.7.Y Hogs Rwelpts, lX,tM; openinl ,c hlghttr, closed strong to 10c higher; top, J4.HI; hulk, $4.S5!4.70; heavy. 4.i 4. Ml; paekera, !MoMM.7'JMi: pls ! light. $4.00fa4.!M. Shoep-lleeelpts, 4..VIO; lOe lower; lambs. S.1.rKai'i; fnd ewes, $4.ooy O.o; sioeaers anil leeuers, ...s'"f..w. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha, June 7.-Cattle Keerlpts, S.rsH); steady to 10c higher; native steers, KiO'iKUO; cows und helfern. SM.rsKM.oO; (:i.0(K)t-l.'A; eulves, $'i7.V.i!V,V; bulls, stags, ruuuers, I.IK.'I.OO; stoekers mid feeders, etc., 2.7.VTM.,iV Hogs-neeelpts. 13.0HI; shade to ftc higher; heavy, $4..Vii4.70; mixed,"l4; Utrut. $4.44.(10: pigs, 4.m(4.40; bulk of sates. R.YJVu 4.UO. Bhwp Keeelpts. 1.700; steady; west ern yearlings. $A.OtVjiii.W; wethers, fo.OUra 0..V); ewes, f 4..'SKao.2S; conitnou and Hook ers, $;i.,Jfsjta.l,3; lambs, K.MplAiO. FOLEYSnomHTAR Cares CeJelei PretreU PasraniMla roimiflDIJEYCURE Make Kldoeye m4 Blaeleler RlgM Unols EICHMY & CLARK'S Tudxm's iHAMMOTH PAVILION WILL EXHIBIT AT Plattsmouth TUESDAY JUNE 14 Feel Impending Doom. The feeling of impending doom in the minds of many victims of Hrltiht's disease and diaU'tcs has been changed to thankfulness by the benefit derived from takinir Foley's Kidney Cure. It will cure Incipient Brlcht'sdisease and diabetes, and even In the worst, cases tflves comfort and relief. Slight dis orders are cured In a few days. "1 had diabetes In Its worst form," writes Marlon Lee of Dunreath, Ind. ''I tried eltfht physicians without relief. Only three bottles of Foley'9 Kidney Cure made rae a well man." For sale by P. (i. Frlcke Co. Thrown Frort) o Wagon. Mr. George K. Rabcock was thrown from his waKon and severely bruised. He applied Chamlierlaln's Tain Balm freelv and savs It Is the liest liniment he ever used. Mr. Babcock is a well known citizen of North l'laln, Conn. There Is nothing equal to 1'aln Balm for sprains and bruises. It will ellect a cure In one-third the time required by any othar treatment. For sale by all druggists. Disease takes no summer vacation. If you need flesh and strength use Scott's Emulsion summer as in winter. Fend tor trtt tunpU. BCOTT ft POWNE, Oiwxlm, enfMlif !''! Stmt, Ntw Verk. oc aa4 $ i oo all dnig1' UNDER A MONSTER WATERPROOF TENT OneNlght Performance. Rain or Shine. Seating Capacity 2000 People PROF. LANDIS' CORNET BAND AND OPERATIC ORCHESTRA. Pack of Siberian Blood Hounds Eleciant Sccncrv A Q1-:i n Immense Staae J1U1U niptiny NEWEST CREATIVE FAD 0PTI6RAPH MOVING PICTURES GRANDEST ALLEGORICAL TRANSFORMATION SCENE EVER PRESENTED WITH ANY COMPANY. ADMISSION 15 AND 25 CENTS D00KS OPEN 7:30 CURTAIN RISES AT 7:15 Grand Frftft Ranrl Tnnrirt A - - ' r V W S 1 V VI i. PROMPTLY AT NOOIN. O. FRANZ EN Merchant Tailor. The only one in Plattsmouth that car ries a larjre assortment of suit ings, fancy pantings anil vest in ?s for you to select from. All work first-class and of the latest styles. Cleaning and repairing given prompt attention. Room 227 Coates Block Nebraska. PLATTSMOUTH - NEBRASKA Plattsmouth