Weeping Water I r.Ti t''. l;. ii ii''..- ii M:s Wiite Kussfd Im'I'.u'! last stlmliv .'nun Mf.e.ii. I'tnli. wleK !: 1..!n Im'i u t' a i -: : ! r tl..- p:lst ).':ii'. .1. II. leln'i tlre'.d.d In c.iti :it . . . i St a-it n. Ili' slupprd In- finis Hi.' tlrst of tlf vwvU .Mi l tin1 t;i'.i:l y loft for tlii'ir iii'w limue Wi ilm sil.iv. A w ;.!. ss rr in I': --f. A. 11. Watei Iioi:.m is to tin' erTivt I'.iat a tine buy arrive I at tin- hoim- of liimv. ll anl s id', In ;nalia, on I he I'M !i day of the '.Hi month of 1 1 u year l'."l. Miss Sidle I.alta i-1'i.M'il a very suc cessful term at the llrundt sclum! house, three miles south of Avoea last Tliu:sd;;y. and the scholars en I '.Vi'il a picnic on rriday in tine of the ti:ie proves In that vicinity. l.:it!:i was appointed teacher lor the e mo Ik' term leit has declined the -sit I. in. l'ruf. Patterson closed a very suc-ce.-si'ul year a-. ia iin ;pal tu the Man- lev schools Fiidav. The prulVsvir was in town Sal uidav and was an .it ret ahle caller at. Ihisolliee. lie Informed lis that he had heen elected principal of the NehawUa schools also to a posi tion us teacher in one of the I iiuaha schools, and as the pay was the samel nl I olh nlaees he had not decided which to accept. Levi l Sherfey and M iss Mae Cap- pin were united In marrhuo on Sun day, May 21, at noon, at the home of the iiriile's parents Mr. and Mis. Frank Capplu, in this rltv. Kov. U.S. loii- evian was the nl'lclatlnu lninlsler. The ceremony was performed in the pre sence of relatives anil a few most In timate friends. A hoiint iful wedding dinner was served alter t lie couple had received the coiik'ratulat hms of those present. The newly wedded couple left on the evening train for St. Louis where I hey w ill spend a w eek in at tendance at. a 1 tankard camp iiiccUiik' now In progress at the World's Fair idly. I'rniii the llrruM. Ilev. Mr. Ilanfoi'd exchanged pul pits wit Ii Kev. Mr. l'.ciniett of the A voca('in! relational church last Sun day. Mr. Kellheiv, the Neliawka stnne mason, has heen working on the I'tun dal ion of the .1. T. Harrison rc.sideiiet he:e. The new soda fountain for the Meier dnik' store arrived last Thursday. It is the largest fountain i:i the county and will sumi he In runnlnc order. Mrs. CiiCkm' l'avis returneil to her home in Oakland, Neli., Saturday She was accompanied as tarasOmaha hy Mrs. Jesse 1 :i vis aiul Mrs. John Uadiey. The many friends of Mr. l'hiillps, a former merchant of this place, now residing at Friend, will he sorry ti learn that he has become broken in health and is ahle to he ahout but very little. Word was received here last week of the marriage of Miss Eva Hunker and Mr. James Stafford, of Red Oak. Iowa on May 12. Miss Hunker Is a former Woopinu Water tiirl, and her friends here join In wishing the happy couple a Ions' and prosperous life. .lr-11IMI. i " i i ii it., i mm -- 'iWVril vr ' '' '-'------f "7 1 i -' -ri'-.iii'rArtl i i in i ! I 1 Has stood the test for over 6 years MEXICAN FOR MAN OR BE 8 II I AST. Cures sprains, bruises, burns, cuts, sores, lameness, piles, rheumatism, stiff joints lame back,. etc. UlBtjMI Mi is r lie ol ri-la.ivi's am! aimlav. Tnev I'.d Osseiikop underwent an opera tion last. Sunday lor I he removal of a nicer from his check. 1i Idhel per formed the operat ion. Miss Flair Dovev an I'kitlsmoutli Visited friends In Facie lasl lire studenisat the.statc university and enjoy an oiitliij,' oecasi-Mliy. Mr. Frank Ilorsh w a-, married to Miss Minnie Harris, it. the home o; the iride's parents in Asiiland, mi Wed nesday, May Tl'.ey came in from Ashland yesterday niorniiiw. and wi 1 make their home on Mr. Hors'i's farm southeast of town. In in halt ! Lie friends of the vountfc mple the exieinis eciuraiuiaiioiis am; thein joy and .success unhoundi Last ! ritlay alternoi.n the ni'iai on i Joe llarrett's place, six miies north west of town, burned to the ground. The origin of the lire is not known, as none of the family were at home when it started. Two horses were lost in the tire, one of Mr. llarrett's and one lieloiitflnn to a lady who is teaching school near there, besides about 1" bushels of oats, some com and a couple Thursday. At Sunt h llciid tin: entire, river boitoai wascoveied as far. south as tn I:. . M. (h'pot. Thus the hot t 'in laiel laiineis l:;;ve received an other hlaekeye. Time was when Platte river I'ottom land was more valuable than the adjacent upland farms, but the iloods of the pa:-1 few yeaishas caused such farms to be next to worth-! I less as farms. ! of sets of harness. I here was only i.ii Mrs. John eMiam, accompanied by insurance on the bulhlim: her daughter, Mrs. Hall, of Illinois, and uraniMaiitfhter, Mr... L. F. Hailey. of Klmwood, was in town the first time In many months last Wednesday. We are tflad to announce that Mrs. Newham has recovered from her re cent severe illness. Isaac Hunter chapeioned K. F, Sayles and Ktl Hunter on a trip to Kansas last week. They left here Tuesday and arrived home last Mon (lay. Isaac savs lie landed the bovs in Hooks county. Mr. Sayles Invested in a half section ami Mr. Hunter In a F. G. FHcKb & Co. ask the readersof this pa per to test the value of Kodol livspepsia (aire. Those persons who have used itand whohave been cured by it. do not hesitate to re commend it to their friends. Kodol digests what you eat, cures indiges tion, dyspepsiaand all stomach troubles Increases strength by enabling the stomach and digestive organs to con tribute to the blood all of tire nutri ment contained in the food. Kodol The teachers for the next term. I- i fc'inniiii.' Sept. .", wul )) of the hiyh-st rank. Tie-principal will be Prof. . J. Staii'lley. an educator of well known ability w 1 1 i f ' a the past three years has been piineipai of schools al lu F.ois. Neb. Mrs. Nettie Tiir: tor. for intermediate department and Mrs. a 1 ".way tor primary, are known as amoin; the best teachers in the county, botii hav.iiii t.iuei.t in I'liion and vicinity h r seveial year-. The -ad news reached heie Mouaay that Mis. Subr n.i Uoe, wi;'eof A. M. H'i.e. died Sunday niornin, May '11. at their home near McLean. Neb. At present we have no particulars as to her iast illness except that her health had been fai'.irik.' for soaie time. sores, I (.randma Hose, as she was familiarly l cuts, burns, bruises ana pi.es. 1 he ; called, was o::e of the pioneers of Cass liiu'.i standin-f of this salve has civeu naiute, she and her husband having rise to counlerteits. and the public is ; S"t t U-tl here in the early This, uoinjf to ohu in'.Vi and returning to this pre ! cinct in l-ii". residiiu' in this village and vicinity until about two years ; :um. when they moved to Pierce ic mnty. Deceased, whose maiden naa.e was Sobrina Weiister. was born March S jsi, n Ch.iutaiiiiuacomty, N. Y . and was married Oct. . W.". to Ainaziah M. Hose, who is still living and past eLdity years of ae. Cl rand ma Hos- was a k'ood Christian woman, and during the many years she lived here she was loved and respected by all. Elrnwoocl For c Hundred Years. For a hundred years or mure Witch llael has been recognized asa superior remedy, 'out it remained for K. C. le (,f j u, j ill ( o.ol i lucai:o, to discover how l'.eae hi 1 " combine the virtues of Witch llael u jr1K ; with other antiseptics in the form of salve. I'eWitt's Witch Ila.el Salve is ine nest saive in ii,ewnri; lor advised to look for the name "he Witt' on the package, and accept ii" other, Sold by F. ",. Fiieke A- Co. Paint Bargains Special. Linseed oil, raw, 4-lc per ):a!!"i:. Linseed oil, boiled. 4V por unllon. Cartel 's white lead. yi.!!". per I'.l'l lbs. Southern white lead. sii.tCi per bin lbs. Patton's Sun Proof paint. -tI.T.I per nallon: .") gallons or more. l.bo pervral. Turpentine. 7oc per uallon. CiKiiino v: Co.. Inn.i,'ists. Tiut Hell," t!ie favorite clu'ar Dog Tax:.Due. Notice is hereby nivcn that the dur tax is due from May 1. All dot's not wearinv tae;s are liable to destruction at the hands of tlie police. Tacscan bo obtained at the ollice of the city clerk. J II. M. S( k n n 1 1 iisr.N. City Clerk. r j The best soda water in the world at Oerinu' & Co.'s. ilfj Equal Fcr Liais n m v 8 it -Ip3 m Tha RsllaDle Stcre Sent! For Sui?!3S Uiior Mrs t'r.mi tin- I.i'iniiT-Kelui A smi was horn to Mr. an Fred Urum. Wednesday, Vi?v -. Fred Meyerjurtfeii. who has been Iyspepsia Cure is pleasant and imlata-1 ....... , . ... ... . . ouarterof .i s,.etlon nn.l th..vl.,,th:.v .., . iniiii ick oi a mlmuk noise. 1 1 is they are located on mik'hty line land. Frank Fitzpatrlck, so they say, is do in; tlnely, has over UK) acres of com In, ar.d is well pleased with the change. Louisville from ilif Courier. Horn To M r. and M rs.( ieore Noyes, May ll, a -irl. Horn-To Mr. and Mrs, Fred New man. May M, a jrlrl. Much corn was waslied out by the Sued By His Doctor. "A doctor here has sued me forl2.,"i0 which I claimed was excessive for a case of cholera morbus'saysK. White heavy rains of Wednesday afternoon or laociu'iia.iai. "At the trial he Mrs. Hwirv LehnhotT returned from M". U.. 1 1. I ..,.,., I I .... I . I- ill n ,.,) It .1... . . . .. iii.sim.itta, Miiiduu mcuicme. Lincoln Moinlav after a week s visit 1 asked him if it was not Chamberlain's Vvith relatives. Colic, C liolera ami Piarrlioea he used. as I had nood reason to believe It wa and lie would not say under oath that it was not." No doctor could use a better remedy than this in a case of cholera morbus; it never fails. Sold by all dru.vists. I'rein tlie llciie.Mi, Pr. Pihel reports the birth of a boy baby to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Harrett on Friday, May l). Mr. and Mrs. Wall returneil from California Monday, where tley had spent the winter. C A. H'.chey Kft Tuesday evening over the Missouri Pacific for St. Louis to visit the exposition. Cashier 0. H. Wood of tlie Haul; of Commerce has rented the new resi dence erected by Martin Sit kren, where he aiul his new bride will be at lu-me to their triends in a few days. The village board met in adjourned session Thursday even inland discussed plans for luhtini: the streets. Nodef nite plan was decided on. but It is thought that air pressure ; ivli:.e lamps w i',1 be purchased. Now that the district court ha set tled Hit's, iltion cont rovciv. the flicker I'mi i llif I.t'tUer. Samuel 1 Hikes lias secuad a cood pay ini; position in the packing house at Nenraska City, and moved there Wednesday. Nathaniel Harles arrived iMine yesterday mon.in! from Leavenworth, Kansas, where he has been lor several months taking treatment for dropsy, lie Is feeliiik' greatly improved and informs us that he Is now at home to stay. Floss H. McCarthy was wearing a pair of crutches Monday and Tueslay, not because lie wanted to but ln-ciiwe he humped his left lew a-ainst tie , M""- sick ior seve.a. weews. s au,e lu sm),vc.;ueouiai:am. ments were not very graceful and he! John Hart left last evening lor u found it difficult to look pleasant. I Angeles. Cal., to see his daughter, An Hoy Fpton, Dean C.reenslate. Ed j na- wluj is Stanton and Kd Leach have hun up Miss Ethel Comer severely sprained their pipes and hidden their tobacco, (one of her ankles Saturday evening and made a solemn agreement that i in allnhtln from a buney. they will never use the weed a:ain. Me! Jones contemplates oinn to This may cause a boom in the tfiim Oregon soon to make a visit to his market for a few days but just watch father and brother who he has not them. ( seen fur 3.") years. wniard Dickinson has purchased the ! Jim Lockie threshlm: outfit and will be prepared to answer all calls In his neighborhood when the thresh ini! sea- HAVE YOU SENT Tint order 1 1 ;s yet? If not, do so at ones and let U3 demonstrate to you our ability to save you money. Your dollars will go further here than elsewhere. Special Dress Goods GREAT westROom 59c 49c 39c 29c .25c 15c Flfiy Years iha Sbr.dsrd Jirs. W llliani Lee. living southeast , both factious tpiit talking ahout the of town, wuo nas ivui vciy low l-r huatter the letter for all concerned time pa-it, is iy parted some bet some ter this week. Prof. Pronson moved his household Hoods and family to (irconwood last Saturday, where lie will teach next year. Continuous hai'in;; on any subject has no Co 1 elect and only tends t make hard feelings between citi.ens who should work together for the upbuild Iiik' of the town. Forget it. The Platte river was out of Itsbanks IjtiprcYcs tha flavor and adds !o thj hss!lhfu!njst of tha food. TRICC BAKlNtl -OWCIM oo. CKICAQ3 son opens. The baccalaureate sermon for the class of l'.M4, Elmwood hiudi school, was preached at the Christian church Sunday cvenini; by Lev. J. C. Street, pastor of the Methodist church. i ., . ii..' . .in i ..t m ..i M.... ia,. i ne : u i ie ci hi i "I t i . . 1 1 1 1 . i is. erl ('.amble died Wednesday after noon, from spinal liieninu'itls. The funeral services were held at the home about live miles southwest of Elmwood at ten o'clock this morning. Prof Simons has been elected princi pal of the Table Hock schools at a nice salary. Twelve irrades are taught In this school and Mr. Simons will have seven teachers under him. He Is a iiO 'd school man and we are sorry to lose him. but wish him all kinds of success In his new work. rOLEYSilOKEYTM atop tb coutfH and hllunffs "2-ir,che9 wide all-wool suitings, prays and browns, all wool English Whipcords, worth up to d.t0 per yard All wool Scotch mixtures, assorted colors: all-wool Challiea. newest styles and colors, per yard All-wool Voiles, a-or.cil colors and black per yard Wool Novelty Dress Good-, assorted colors and black, per yard English Henrietta?, aborted oolors and bla-eli per yard Wool Crepe Do Chenc, a-serted colors and black per yard , Special snle of Hammock9, Talmer's latest patent, "Ara wana Hammock, great assortment from rp. $6.00 down to OUC Stylish Wash Fabrics Where to Buy and What to Boy TiiL acknowledged supremacy of our main Wash goods Department is the best possible reason why ladies find this their satisfactory shopping center. VERY HANDSOME BARGAINS PRINTED GRENADINE Exact im itation of printed French tnllo, beau tiful fabric, to bo worn over colored or while drop linings, a 50e fabric at. yard -5c W'niTE WASI1 SILK MULL, in fancy stripes suitable alike for dress es or sliirt waists, a tiOc fa bric at yard 3Cc I'ONCJEE Fill: and liucn, 3'Vlnchos wide tnn or champnjnc shades, a smooth even thread uid very lust ious, a1.23 fubric ut. ; urd. . . .6Uc EIIIRT WAIST SUITINt'.S, in ad tho shailes that are faMr.oir.blo and all tho vury latent i.j.elty wcuves 5C . . . . K 1 H r.i. 1 6th and Dodge Street: .WHOLESALE SUPPLY HOUSE yard. mm WIIITE EMBROIDERED SWISS The newest imported white dress novelty, mercerized nure or REAL SWISS, a "jc fabric at yard 5c WniTE LACE WAISTINGS-Iml-tation tie line val laces, a "oo fabric yard 49c White woven figure, merceriiod waist iufs, over 300 styles, u 50c fabric at yard J5c Japanese fijurod fabric for kltuonas, 100 pieces just received, Unlit and lustrous us silk, all laro0 designs, very handsiimo eo',uricr's on sale at yui-J I5c Opposite fir.n Post Office OMAHA